Drug Study

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Generic Name / Drug Indication Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration

Brand Name / Classification
Dosage and

Omeprazole Anti-ulcers agent -This medicine Diarrhea from an  Back leg of stomach -Advice the parient to avoid
omeprazole which infection with pain alcohol and food that may
This medication works by decreasing the Clostridium difficle  Headaches/dizziness cause an increase of GI
helps heal acid amount of acid bacteria.  Nausea irritation.
damage to the produced by stomach -Assess vital signs
stomach and -Omeprazole uses for -Check abdominal pain,
esophagus, helps short-term treatment diarrhea , emesis or
prevent ulcers. and systematic relief of constipation.
heartburn that occurs -Evaluate fluid intake
to or more days.

-Protects GI tract from

the side effect of
antibiotics in GI tract.
Ciprofloxacin Antibacterial Susceptible infections, Use cautiously in  Headache, - Assess all overall health
including respiratory patients with CND confusion status and alcohol usage
tract, acute disorders , such as  Dizziness, drowness, before administering the
exacerbations of severe cerebral fatigue drug.
chronic bronchitis arteriosclerosis or  Chest pain, edema
- Do not exceed
(AECB), skin and skin seizures. Drug may  Diarrhea, nausea,
complicated cause CNS recommended dosage
discomfort, vomiting
intrabdominal. stimulation. - Fever: Assess fever, note
• Drug is presence of associated signs
associated with (diaphoresis, tachycardia and
increased risk of malaise).
adverse reaction - Asses allergic reactions,
involving joints, rash, uticaria
tendons and
- Monitor CBC liver and renal
surrounding tissues
in children younger function
than 18
• Low blood
• Low amount
of magnesium in the
Low amount of
potassium in the
Chiamin-S Angiotensin receptor Chiamin-S and related Should not •Dryness of mouth Monitor vital signs, observing
blockers drugs may decrease administered to • Thirst for signs of infection such as
arterial responsiveness patients with severe • Lethargy elevated temperature.
to norepinephrine. This hepatic function • Drowsiness - Assess for the presence or
diminution is not disorder. Imbalance • Muscle pains or cramps history of nutritional deficits
sufficient to preclude of Chiamin-S may be such as inadequate oral
effectiveness of the aggravated with the intake, GI disease, and
pressor agent for use of Chiamin-S increased metabolic need.
therapeutic use. resulting in the - Immediately report side
induction of hepatic effects such as symptoms of
coma. hypoglycemia or
hyperglycemia, fever, chills,
cough, or malaise.
- Instruct client to report
symptoms of:
- Hyperglycemia (excessive
thirst, copious urination, and
insatiable hunger)
- Hypoglycemia nervousness-
irritability, and dizziness).
Paracetamol Anelgesic It is use for temporary Contraindicated in  CNS: headache Assess all overall health
(nonopoid) reduction of fever, patients with known  •CV: chest pain, status and alcohol usage
Antipyretic temporary relief of liver damage or dyspnea, myocardial before administering the
minor aches and pains cirrhosis, liver damage when doses drug.
caused by cold and disease. Use of 5-8/g day are - Do not exceed
influenza, headaches, cautiously with ingested daily for recommended dosage.
sore throat, toothache, imparef hepatic several weeks or - Fever: Assess fever, note
backache menstrual function, chronic when doses 4/g day presence of associated signs
cramps etc alcoholism, ingested for 1yr (diaphoresis, tachycardia and
pregnancy, lactation.  •GI- hepatic toxicity malaise).
and failure jaundice - Asses allergic reactions,
 •Drowsiness and rash, uticaria
tiredness - Monitor CBC liver and renal
 • Rashes and itching functionA
Amiodarone Class III Life-threatening Amiodarone is also  CNS: confusional Check for doctor’s order
antiarrhythmic ventricular arrhythmias associated with heart states, - Observe 10 R’s in medicine
unresponsive to less block, low blood disorientation, administration.
toxic agents pressure, pulmonary hallucinations - Monitor cardiac rhythm
- treatment of recurrent fibrosis, (scarring if  CV: bradycardia, continuously.
hemodynamically lungs) heart failure, hypertension - Encourage the patient to
unstable ventricular cardiac sodarrest.  - side effects include verbalized any discomfort
tachycardia and fatigue, eye deposit, since this drug have may
recurrent ventricular tremor, unsteady several adverse reactions.
fibrillation. gait, nausea. - Obtain hypersensitivity
- Amiodarone is a  - constipation, history.
benzofuran derivative, dizziness, and visual
anti-arrhythmic drug changes
used commonly in a
variety of settings.
Sodium Electrolytes IV: hydration and Use cautiously  CV: CHF, pulmonary Asses fluid imbalance (intake
replacements provision of NaCI in elderly or edema, edema and output daily weight,
deficiency states: postoperative clients edema, lungs sound).
and in clients with - Assess patient for symptoms
* Maintenance of fluid preeclampsia, heart of hyponatremia such as
and electrolytes status failure, circulatory (headaches, tachycardia, dry
in situation which insuffiency, renal mucous membranes, nausea,
looses may be dysfunction or vomiting, muscle cramps).
excessive. (excess hypoproteinemia. - Symptoms of fluid overload
diuresis or severe salt should be reported
restriction). * Metabolic alkalosis, (hypertension, edema,
* Sodium chloride is mood changes DOB).Pre
used to treat or prevent * Tiredness,
sodium loss caused by shortness of breath
dehydration, excessive * Muscle weakness,
sweating or other irregular heartbeat
causes. * Stomach cramps
Pregabalin Anticonvulsants Pregabalin is used to LYRICA is  Swelling of hands Monitor for physical
treat pain cause by contraindicated in and feet dependence and withdrawal
nerve damage due to patients with known  * Allergic reactions symptoms.
diabetes or to shingles hypersensitivity to  * Blurry vision, dry - Obtain patient history
(herpeszoster) pregabalin or any mouth gain before medication.
infection. It may alse components.  * Dizziness and - Monitor for decreased
used to treat nerve pain Angiodema and sleepiness platelet count
caused by spinal cord hypersensitivity  * Pain - Advise patient to avoid
injury. This medication reactions have alcohol and other CNS
is also use to treat pain occurred in patients depressants because of the
in people with receiving pregabalin increased risk of sedation and
fibromyalgia. therapy. adverse effects.
Mucosta Anti-gastric and anti- Accordingly, the use of The most commonly  facial pallor, cold Monitor the patient if there’s
ulcer drug Mucosta is used in the reported adverse sweat, (erosion, bleeding, redness
treatment of stomach reactions include  •dizziness on and edema).
ulcers and gastritis. rash, constipation, standing up - Monitor vital signs
Indicated for the abdominal bloating,  •swelling around - Monitor the adverse
treatment of gastric diarrhea and taste the eyes or mouth, reaction
mucosal lesions abnormality.  •hives, respiratory
(erosion, bleeding, distress
redness, and edema) in  •throat pain, fever,
the following malaise
conditions: acute  •nose bleeding,
gastritis and acute gum bleeding,
exacerbation of chronic subcutaneous
gastritis. bleeding in limbs.
Indicated for gastric  •loss of appetite,
ulcer. yellowing in skin
Indicated for NSAID-
induced gastropathy
and enteropathy.
Angiozem Calsium Antagonist, Management of chronic Angiozem should be  Ankle edema, Instruct patient on
Anthithypertensive stable angina and used with caution in hypotension importance of maintaining
agent angina due to coronary patients with  * flushing and good dental hygiene and
artery spasm. Alone or impaired renal or gastrointestinal seeing dentist frequently for
in combination, it is also hepatic function. disturbances teeth cleaning to prevent
used for the treatment (including anorexia, tenderness, bleeding, and
of hypertension. vomiting, gingival hyperplasia (gum
constipation or enlargement).
diarrhea, taste - Instruct patient and family
disturbances and in proper technique for
weight gain) may monitoring BP. Advise patient
occur. to take BP weekly and to
 * skin rash, itching, report significant changes to
hives, swelling of health care professional.
the face, lips, - Advise patient to notify
tongue, or throat. health care professional if
 * shortness of rash, irregular heartbeat,
breath unusual dyspnea, swelling of hands
weakness or fatigue. and feet,
Erceflora Antidiarrheal Acute diarrhea with No adverse effect has  Shake drug well before
Microorganism duration of 14 days or been reported, up to administration
less due to infections, the present time, - Monitor patient any unusual
drugs or poisons. with the use of the effect from the drug
Chronic or persistent drug - Monitoring allows detection
diarrhea with duration of possible side effects of the
of >14days. drug since theres has been
no known side effects of the
- Do not exceed its
recommended dose.

Calmoseptine Menthol and zinc Calmoseptine ointment Many people using  acne, scrapes; Advice the patient to clean
topical ointment promotes wound this medication do fungal infections, the area before applying.
granulation and re- not have serious side eczema, impetigo;
epithilialization. effects.A very serious diaper rash
Protects, soothes and allergic reaction to
helps promote healing this drug is rare.
of impaired skin However, get medical
integrity.(to protect help right away if you
peri-wound skin from notice any symptoms
maceration) (peristomal of a serious allergic
and parastomal skin reaction
Redness, warmth, or
irritation at the
application site may
occur. If any of these
effects last or get
worse, tell your
doctor or pharmacist

Rosuvastatin Antihyperlipidemic Rosuvastatin is a lipid-  Obtain a dietary history
HMG-CoA reductase lowering drug that specially with regard to fat
inhibitors (statin) belongs to the statin consumption.
class of medications, - Emphasize the important or
which are used to lower follow-up examination to
the risk of determine effectiveness and
cardiovascular disease monitor for side effects.
and manage elevated - Advice the patient that this
lipid levels by inhibiting medication should be used in
the endogenous conjunction with diet
production of restrictions (fat, cholesterol,
cholesterol in the liver. carbohydrates, alcohol)
exercise and cessation of
Meropenem Carbapenem Meropenem is a This product may swelling, redness, pain Determine history of
antibiotic carbapenem antibiotic contain inactive * soreness at injection site hypersensitivity reactions to
used to treat a wide ingredients, which * nausea, vomiting, other beta-lactams
variety of infections in can cause allergic constipation cephalosporin, penicillin or
the body. Meropenem reactions or other * diarrhea other drugs.
is a broad-spectrum problems * headaches, seizures - Monitor for seizures
carbapenem antibiotic. This drug may rarely specially in older adults and
cause: those with renal insufficiency.
- Do notbreast feed while
using the drug.

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