Dielectric Magnetic Properties

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Dielectric Properties:
 Dielectric material
Dielectric constant
Polarization of dielectric materials,
 Types of Polarization (Polarizability).
Equation of internal fields in liquid and solid (One Dimensional)
 Claussius Mussoti-Equation,
Frequency dependence of dielectric constant,
Dielectric Losses,
Magnetic Properties:

Dia, para and ferro magnetism,
 Langevin’s theory for diamagnetic material,
 Phenomena of hysteresis and its applications.
Dielectrics are the materials having electric dipole moment

Dipole: A dipole is an entity in which equal positive and negative

charges are separated by a small distance..

DIPOLE moment (µele ):The product of magnitude of either of the

charges and separation distance b/w them is called Dipole
µe = q . x  coul – m
q -q

All dielectrics are electrical insulators and they are mainly used to
store electrical energy.

Ex: Mica, glass, plastic, water & polar molecules…

The charges induced on the surface of the
dielectric (insulator) reduce the electric field.
“Polarization” of a
dielectric in an
electric field E gives
rise to thin layers of
bound charges on the
dielectric’s surfaces,
creating surface
charge densities
+si and –si.
External E-Field
No External E-Field
Random orientation of molecules Partial Alignment of
 Note: E is not the field
produced by the dipole 2a
 The force acting on each
charge is
F = Eq
 The net force on the dipole is
 The forces produce a net
torque on the dipole
 = 2Fa sin  = pE sin 

p=2aq  =pxE
 The electric dipole
moment (p) is a vector
directed along the line
joining the charges from –q
to +q ,

 A dipole has two equal but

opposite sign charges

 Assume the distance

between the charges is 2a
Dielectric Constant

Dielectric Constant is the ratio between

the permittivity of the medium to the
permittivity of free space

r 
The characteristics of a dielectric
material are determined by the dielectric
constant and it has no units.
The process of producing electric dipoles by an electric field is
called polarization in dielectrics.


The induced dipole moment per unit electric field is called

The induced dipole moment is proportional to the intensity of
the electric field.
  E
  polarizability constant

Is a Polarizability constant
Electric susceptibility:
The polarization vector P is proportional to
the total electric flux density and direction of
electric field.
Therefore the polarization vector can be

P   0 e E
e 
 0 ( r  1) E

e   r 1
When the specimen is placed inside a d.c.
electric field, polarization is due to four types of
1.Electronic polarization
2.Ionic polarization
3.Orientation polarization
4.Space charge polarization
When an EF is applied to an atom, +vely charged
nucleus displaces in the direction of field and ẽ could in
opposite direction. This kind of displacement will produce an
electric dipole with in the atom.
i.e, dipole moment is proportional to the magnitude of field
strength and is given by
 e E
e   e E
where ‘αe’ is called electronic Polarizability constant
 The ionic polarization occurs, when atoms form
molecules and it is mainly due to a relative
displacement of the atomic components of the
molecule in the presence of an electric field.

 When a EF is applied to the molecule, the positive

ions displaced by X1 to the negative side electric
field and negative ions displaced by X2 to the
positive side of field.

 The resultant dipole moment µ = q ( X1 + X2)..

Electric field _
+ _
+ anion _
cat ion
+ _

x1 x2
+ _
+ _
+ _
It is also called dipolar or molecular polarization. The
molecules such as H2 , N2,O2,Cl2 ,CH4,CCl4 etc., does not
carry any dipole because centre of positive charge and
centre of negative charge coincides. On the other hand
molecules like CH3Cl, H2O,HCl, ethyl acetate ( polar
molecules) carries dipoles even in the absence of electric

How ever the net dipole moment is negligibly small since all
the molecular dipoles are oriented randomly when there is
no EF. In the presence of the electric field these all dipoles
orient them selves in the direction of field as a result the net
dipole moment becomes enormous.
Ei  E 
a  0
Consider a dielectric material having cubic
structure , and assume ionic Polarizability &
Orientational polarizability are zero..

i  0  0
polarizati on..P  N
P  N e Ei ......where.,    e Ei
where., Ei  E 
3 0
P  N e Ei
P  N e ( E  )
3 0
P  N e E  N e
3 0
or , P  N e  N e E
3 0
N e
or , P (1  )  N e E
3 0
N e E
or , P  ...................(1)
N e
(1  )
3 0
We known that the p olarization vector
P   0 E ( r  1)............( 2)
from eq n s (1) & ( 2)
N e E
  0 E ( r  1)
N e
(1  )
3 0
N e N e E
1 
3 0  0 E ( r  1)
N e N e E
1 
3 0  0 E ( r  1)
N e N e
1 
3 0  0 ( r  1)
N e 3
1 (1  )
3 0  r 1
N e 1

3 0 (1 
 r 1
N e  1
 r ......  Classius M osottirelation
3 0 r  2
 Fora lossy (imperfect) dielectric the
dielectric constant can be represented by a
complex relative dielectric constant:

 The imaginary part of this complex dielectric

constant, ε at a frequency, ω is equivalent
to a frequency-dependent conductivity,
σ(ω), given by:

 ε" is also known as the loss factor.

 The small difference in phase from ideal
behaviour is defined by an angle δ, defined
through the equation

 tan δ is known as the loss tangent or dissipation

 A quality factor, Q, for the dielectric is given by
the reciprocal of tan δ.
Dielectric Loss

Equivalent circuit diagrams: (a) capacitive cell, (b)

charging and loss current, (c) loss tangent for a typical

 From Q =  oAV/d = CV

 If V being sinusoidal, total charge Q may be written as

Q  C Vo eit
 Current flow on discharge of the capacitive cell in time, t:
I  iCV
 For a real dielectric the current I has vector components IC and
I = IC + IR
 From magnitude of these currents, also we can
define a dissipation factor, tan , as

tan  
 Quality factor Q is:

1 average energy stored

Q 
tan  energy dissipated per cycle
 Magnetic permeability - The ratio between inductance
or magnetization and magnetic field. It is a measure of
the ease with which magnetic flux lines can ‘‘flow’’
through a material.
 Magnetization - The total magnetic moment per unit
 Magnetic susceptibility - The ratio between
magnetization and the applied field.
 Ferromagnetism - Alignment of the magnetic
moments of atoms in the same direction so that a net
magnetization remains after the magnetic field is
 Ferrimagnetism - Magnetic behavior obtained when
ions in a material have their magnetic moments
aligned in an antiparallel arrangement such that the
moments do not completely cancel out and a net
magnetization remains.
 Diamagnetism - The effect caused by the magnetic
moment due to the orbiting electrons, which produces
a slight opposition to the imposed magnetic field.
 Antiferromagnetism - Arrangement of magnetic moments such
that the magnetic moments of atoms or ions cancel out causing
zero net magnetization.
 Hard magnet - Ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material that has a
coercivity > 104 A . m-1.
Figure 19.3 The effect
of the core material on
the flux density. The
magnetic moment
opposes the field in
diamagnetic materials.
Progressively stronger
moments are present in
ferrimagnetic, and
ferromagnetic materials
for the same applied
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Figure 19.4 The crystal

structure of Mn0 consists
of alternating layers of
{111} type planes of
oxygen and manganese
ions. The magnetic
moments of the
manganese ions in every
other (111) plane are
oppositely aligned.
Consequently, Mn0 is
 Domains - Small regions within a single or polycrystalline material
in which all of the magnetization directions are aligned.
 Bloch walls - The boundaries between magnetic domains.
 Saturation magnetization - When all of the dipoles have been
aligned by the field, producing the maximum magnetization.
 Remanance - The polarization or magnetization that remains in a
material after it has been removed from the field.
 Hysteresis loop - The loop traced out by magnetization in a
ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material as the magnetic field is
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™
is a trademark used herein under license.

Figure 19.6 When a magnetic field is first applied to a magnetic material,

magnetization initially increases slowly, then more rapidly as the domains
begin to grow. Later, magnetization slows, as domains must eventually rotate
to reach saturation. Notice the permeability values depend upon the
magnitude of H.
Figure 19.7 (a) The ferromagnetic hysteresis M-H loop showing the effect of the
magnetic field on inductance or magnetization. The dipole alignment leads to
saturation magnetization (point 3), a remanance (point 4), and a coercive field
(point 5). (b) The corresponding B-H loop. Notice the end of the B-H loop, the B
value does not saturate since B = μ0H + μ0M. (Source: Adapted from Permanent
Magnetism, by R. Skomski and J.M.D. Coey, p. 3, Fig. 1-1. Edited by J.M.D. Coey
and D.R. Tilley. Copyright © 1999 Institute of Physics Publishing. Adapted by

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