LESSON 3 - Value, Mood and Depth

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Art 10

Lesson 3: Using Value to Create Mood and Depth

Objectives: The student will …

- develop and refine drawing skills

and styles.

-Pencil Set (HB, 2H, 2B, 4B, 6B)


When you start to draw, hold the pencil two different ways. The first is the way you hold
a pencil to write a letter. The second is how you normally hold a brush for oil painting –
between the thumb and first finger, with the pencil under the palm of the hand. Notice in
the picture on the next page how the little fingers act like a guide for your hand. It is
easier to control the amount of pressure on the pencil when you let the nail of your little
finger glide over the paper. In both methods of holding the pencil, do not grip it too
Art 10
Art 10

Smudging for tones and Choosing Pencils:

Art 10

Creating Values:
It is always a good idea to practice drawing a values chart. Please read the insert below on
Creating Values. Unfortunately I had to scan it in two pieces, but you can line the three rows up
to get a clear picture of what it is saying.
Art 10
Art 10

Fundamental Strokes:
Art 10

Assignment #3:
Assignment 3 Part 1: Creating Value
In the chart below practice creating value with your pencils. I have rotated the chart to
give additional space. (Please reference the example given in the lesson.)

Once you have practiced ‘creating value’ in your values chart, please scan a copy of your
chart onto your computer. You will need to send me a copy of your chart once you have
completed the entire assignment.
Art 10

Assignment 1 Part 2: Flat Lines in a 3D World

The most challenging factor in art is that we are using flat lines in a three-dimensional
world. In order to represent depth in our drawings, we have to learn to use a variety of
line styles.

1. In your sketchbook
practice drawing basic
shapes in 3D. (Cubes,
Cones, Cylinders, and

2. Use shading/value to
make the shapes appear
as three-dimensional as

3. Practice changing the

direction of the light
source. In other words,
the shadow will not
appear on the same wide
in each sketch.

4. Select the best drawing

of each solid (cube, cone,
cylinder & sphere) for

Once you have practiced drawing shapes in 3 dimesnions and have selected your 4 best 3D
drawings, please scan a copy onto your computer. You will need to send me a copy of
your drawings once you have completed the entire assignment.
Art 10

Assignment 1 Part 3: Still Life Drawing

Now we are going to create a display of 3D display of objects and practice drawing what
we see. This drawing will be done in your sketchbook. Please note the drawing will cover

Setting Up Your Still Life:

1. Choose an item that is organic (plant,

fruit, etc).
2. Choose an item that is technological (cell
phone, computer mouse, etc).
3. Choose two or three items of your own
4. Make the arrangement of your solids
5. Put a light over your display. (A desk lamp
would be perfect.) Lighting is very
important as it affects the shadows
casted by your objects. You do not want
to set this project up on the kitchen table
where the lighting is constantly changing! Carefully select a place in your home
where you can control the lighting/shadows with your lamp.
6. LEAVE YOUR STILL LIFE DISPLAY SET UP!!! This project is not meant to be done
all at once!
7. Think about the background of your still life drawing. Do you want
to draw the grain of the wood on your desk? Do you want to draw
a sheet that is draped over the back of a chair? Remember you
are drawing exactly what you see!
8. Use your fingers as a view finder to help visualize the borders of your drawing.
9. Read through the rubric carefully. This will tell you what I will be looking for.
10. Draw me what you see!

Once you have completed your drawing, please scan a copy onto your computer. You
will need to send me a copy of your drawing once you have completed the entire
Art 10
Here are a few video clips to help you with your still life drawing:

View the following list of video clips on creating a still life drawing. Each video clip is
approximately 2 minutes long. Feel free to view extra video clips!

1. How to set up a still life:


2. Training Your Eye for Still life Drawing:


3. Starting a Still Life Drawing With a Light Touch:


4. Creating Dimension in Still Life:


5. Shading Techniques in Still Life:

Art 10

Assignment 3 Part 4: Student – Teacher Assessment

Please copy and paste the chart below into a blank word document. Fill out the column
titled “Rate Yourself”.

Student Name:

Assignment #3: Using Value to Create Mood and Depth Date Completed:
Choose a number that best shows how well you feel Needs Rate Teacher’s
Excellent Good Average
that you completed that criterion for the assignment. Improvement Yourself Rating

Criteria 1 –Value Chart - Student completed the

5 4 3 2 or less
value chart in part 1 of the assignment.
Criteria 2 – Student did an excellent job of the 3D
5 4 3 2 or less
drawings in part 2 of the assignment.
Criteria 3 – Student used a range of values and to
5 4 3 2 or less
create mood and depth in the still life drawing
Criteria 4 – The shadows / shading in the still life
5 4 3 2 or less
drawing gives the picture a 3 dimensional appearance.
Criteria 5 –Still life drawing creativity. The items
5 4 3 2 or less
arrangement is interesting?
Criteria 6 – Still life drawing effort. Took time to
5 4 3 2 or less
develop idea & complete project? (Didn’t rush.)
Criteria 7 –Still life drawing craftsmanship. Neat,
clean & complete? Skillful use of the art tools & 5 4 3 2 or less
Criteria 8 – Student followed directions. (Sent
teacher ALL parts of assignment. Used proper 5 4 3 2 or less
materials, etc.)

Total: 40 Grade: Your Total Teacher Total

x 2 = 80
(possible points)
Art 10

What do I need to submit?

In Canvas on the page “Assignment 3: Value, Mood, and Depth” please submit the

1. Assignment 3 Part 1 - A scanned image of your value chart.

2. Assignment 3 Part 2 - A scanned image of your 4 best 3D shape drawings.
3. Assignment 3 Part 3 – A scanned image of your still life drawing.
4. Assignment 3 Part 4 – A filled out copy of the Teacher – Student Assessment.

If you have any questions, please

let me know!

-Ms. Joseph

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