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Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical

Microbiology 28th Edition Edition

Stefan Riedel
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Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg Microbiología médica 27ª ed.

Edition Karen C. Carroll


Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology [27th

ed.; COMPLETE] 27th Edition Editors Collective


Sherris & Ryan’s Medical Microbiology, Eighth Edition

Kenneth J. Ryan


Medical Microbiology 9th Edition Patrick R. Murray

Medical Microbiology 9th Edition Patrick R. Murray


Basic Medical Microbiology 1st Edition Patrick R.



Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 17th

Edition [Non-genuine PDF] Warren E. Levinson


Sherris Medical Microbiology, Seventh Edition – Ebook

PDF Version 7th


MIMs Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 6th EdN

(2018) 6th Edition Richard Goering

a LANGE medical book

Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s

Medical Microbiology
Twenty-Eighth Edition

Stefan Riedel, MD, PhD, D(ABMM) Thomas G. Mitchell, PhD

Associate Professor of Pathology Associate Professor Emeritus
Harvard Medical School Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Associate Medical Director, Clinical Microbiology Laboratories Duke University Medical Center
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Durham, North Carolina
Boston, Massachusetts
Judy A. Sakanari, PhD
Jeffery A. Hobden, PhD Adjunct Professor
Associate Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology University of California
LSU Health Sciences Center—New Orleans San Francisco, California
New Orleans, Louisiana
Peter Hotez, MD, PhD
Steve Miller, MD, PhD Dean, National School of Tropical Medicine
Department of Laboratory Medicine Professor, Pediatrics and Molecular Virology and Microbiology
University of California Baylor College of Medicine
San Francisco, California Houston, Texas
Stephen A. Morse, MSPH, PhD Rojelio Mejia, MD
International Health Resources and Consulting, Inc. Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics
Atlanta, Georgia National School of Tropical Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Timothy A. Mietzner, PhD Houston, Texas
Associate Professor of Microbiology
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Barbara Detrick, PhD
Professor of Pathology and Medicine, School of Medicine
Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto

Riedel-FM_pi-xii.indd 1 05/04/19 6:25 PM

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As all the prior editions of this textbook before, the twenty- Chapter 48 was specifically updated to reflect clinically impor-
eighth edition of Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s Medical tant and currently emerging infectious disease cases.
Microbiology remains true to the goals of the first edition New to this edition are Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, Rojelio
published in 1954, which is to “to provide a brief, accurate Mejia, MD, and Stefan Riedel, MD, PhD, D(ABMM).
and up-to-date presentation of those aspects of medical Dr. Hotez is the Dean of the National School of Tropical Medi-
microbiology that are of particular significance to the fields cine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, and is a
of clinical infections and chemotherapy.” Professor of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology and Microbiology;
For the twenty-seventh edition, under the authorship of he brings extensive expertise in parasitology. Dr. Mejia is an
Dr. Karen Carroll, all chapters had been extensively revised, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Section
reflecting the tremendous expansion of medical knowledge of Tropical Medicine, at the National School of Tropical Medi-
afforded by molecular mechanisms and diagnostics, advances cine, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Dr. Riedel
in our understanding of microbial pathogenesis, and the dis- is the Associate Medical Director of the Clinical Microbiol-
covery of novel pathogens. While Dr. Carroll decided to step ogy Laboratories at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in
down as an author and contributor for this new edition, the Boston, MA, and holds the academic rank of Associate Pro-
remaining authors would like to express their gratitude for her fessor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School. Following
leadership and contributions to the previous, greatly expanded Dr. Carroll’s departure as an author and contributor to this
edition. For the 28th edition, Chapter 47, “Principles of Diag- textbook, Dr. Riedel assumed the role as Editor-in-Chief for
nostic Medical Microbiology,” and Chapter 48, “Cases and this revised, 28th edition of the textbook.
Clinical Correlations,” were again updated to reflect the con- The authors hope that the changes to this current edition
tinued expansion in laboratory diagnostics as well as new will continue to be helpful to the student of microbiology and
antimicrobial therapies in the treatment of infectious diseases. infectious diseases.


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The Science of Microbiology

INTRODUCTION it biochemical property or genetic mechanism, analysis of

microorganisms takes us to the limits of biologic understand-
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, a large and diverse ing. Thus, the need for originality—one test of the merit of
group of microscopic organisms that exist as single cells or cell a scientific hypothesis—can be fully met in microbiology. A
clusters; it also includes viruses, which are microscopic but not useful hypothesis should provide a basis for generalization,
cellular. Microorganisms have a tremendous impact on all life and and microbial diversity provides an arena in which this chal-
the physical and chemical makeup of our planet. They are respon- lenge is ever present.
sible for cycling the chemical elements essential for life, including Prediction, the practical outgrowth of science, is a prod-
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen; more photosyn- uct created by a blend of technique and theory. Biochemistry,
thesis is carried out by microorganisms than by green plants. molecular biology, and genetics provide the tools required
Furthermore, there are 100 million times as many bacteria in the for analysis of microorganisms. Microbiology, in turn,
oceans (13 × 1028) as there are stars in the known universe. The extends the horizons of these scientific disciplines. A biolo-
rate of viral infections in the oceans is about 1 × 1023 infections per gist might describe such an exchange as mutualism, that
second, and these infections remove 20–40% of all bacterial cells is, one that benefits all contributing parties. Lichens are an
each day. It has been estimated that 5 × 1030 microbial cells exist example of microbial mutualism. Lichens consist of a fungus
on earth; excluding cellulose, these cells constitute about 90% of and phototropic partner, either an alga (a eukaryote) or a
the biomass of the entire biosphere. Humans also have an intimate cyanobacterium (a prokaryote) (Figure 1-1). The phototro-
relationship with microorganisms; 50–60% of the cells in our bod- pic component is the primary producer, and the fungus pro-
ies are microbes (see Chapter 10). The bacteria present in the aver- vides the phototroph with an anchor and protection from the
age human gut weigh about 1 kg, and a human adult will excrete elements. In biology, mutualism is called symbiosis, a con-
his or her own weight in fecal bacteria each year. The number of tinuing association of different organisms. If the exchange
genes contained within this gut flora outnumber that contained operates primarily to the benefit of one party, the association
within our genome by 150-fold; even in our own genome, 8% of is described as parasitism, a relationship in which a host pro-
the DNA is derived from remnants of viral genomes. vides the primary benefit to the parasite. Isolation and char-
acterization of a parasite—such as a pathogenic bacterium or
virus—often require effective mimicry in the laboratory of
BIOLOGIC PRINCIPLES ILLUSTRATED the growth environment provided by host cells. This demand
BY MICROBIOLOGY sometimes represents a major challenge to investigators.
The terms mutualism, symbiosis, and parasitism relate to
Nowhere is biologic diversity demonstrated more dramati- the science of ecology, and the principles of environmental
cally than by microorganisms, cells, or viruses that are not biology are implicit in microbiology. Microorganisms are the
directly visible to the unaided eye. In form and function, be products of evolution, the biologic consequence of natural

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2   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology



Fungal Cortex



FIGURE 1-1 Diagram of a lichen, consisting of cells of a phototroph, either an alga or a cyanobacterium, entwined within the hyphae of
the fungal partner. (Reproduced with permission from Nester EW, Anderson DG, Roberts CE, et al: Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 6th ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2009, p. 293. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

selection operating on a vast array of genetically diverse plant and animal hosts as well as protists, fungi, and bacteria.
organisms. It is useful to keep the complexity of natural his- However, most viruses are restricted to infecting specific
tory in mind before generalizing about microorganisms, the types of cells of only one host species, a property known as
most heterogeneous subset of all living creatures. “tropism”. Recently, viruses called virophages have been
A major biologic division separates the eukaryotes, discovered that infect other viruses. Host–virus interactions
organisms containing a membrane-bound nucleus from pro- tend to be highly specific, and the biologic range of viruses
karyotes, organisms in which DNA is not physically sepa- mirrors the diversity of potential host cells. Further diversity
rated from the cytoplasm. As described in this chapter and in of viruses is exhibited by their broad array of strategies for
Chapter 2, further major distinctions can be made between replication and survival.
eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Eukaryotes, for example, are Viral particles are generally small (eg, adenovirus has a
distinguished by their relatively large size and by the pres- diameter of 90 nm) and consist of a nucleic acid molecule,
ence of specialized membrane-bound organelles such as either DNA or RNA, enclosed in a protein coat, or capsid (some-
mitochondria. times itself surrounded by an envelope of lipids, proteins,
As described more fully later in this chapter, eukary- and carbohydrates). Proteins—frequently glycoproteins—
otic microorganisms—or, phylogenetically speaking, the comprising the capsid and/or making up part of the lipid
Eukarya—are unified by their distinct cell structure and phy- envelope (e.g., HIV gp120) determine the specificity of inter-
logenetic history. Among the groups of eukaryotic microor- action of a virus with its host cell. The capsid protects the
ganisms are the algae, the protozoa, the fungi, and the slime nucleic acid cargo. The surface proteins, whether they are
molds. A class of microorganisms that share characteristics externally exposed on the capsid or associated with the enve-
common to both prokaryotes and eukaryotes are the archae- lope facilitates attachment and penetration of the host cell
bacteria and are described in Chapter 3. by the virus. Once inside the cell, viral nucleic acid redirects
the host’s enzymatic machinery to functions associated with
replication and assembly of the virus. In some cases, genetic
VIRUSES information from the virus can be incorporated as DNA into
a host chromosome (a provirus). In other instances, the viral
The unique properties of viruses set them apart from liv- genetic information can serve as a basis for cellular manufac-
ing creatures. Viruses lack many of the attributes of cells, ture and release of copies of the virus. This process calls for
including the ability to self-replicate. Only when it infects a replication of the viral nucleic acid and production of spe-
cell does a virus acquire the key attribute of a living system— cific viral proteins. Maturation consists of assembling newly
reproduction. Viruses are known to infect a wide variety of synthesized nucleic acid and protein subunits into mature

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CHAPTER 1 The Science of Microbiology   3

viral particles, which are then liberated into the extracellu-

lar environment. Some very small viruses require the assis-
tance of another virus in the host cell for their replication.
The delta agent, also known as hepatitis D virus (HDV), has
a RNA genome that is too small to code for even a single
capsid protein (the only HDV-encoded protein is delta anti-
gen) and needs help from hepatitis B virus for packaging and
Some viruses are large and complex. For example, Mimi-
virus, a DNA virus infecting Acanthamoeba, a free-living soil
ameba, has a diameter of 400–500 nm and a genome that
encodes 979 proteins, including the first four aminoacyl tRNA
synthetases ever found outside of cellular organisms. This
virus also encodes enzymes for polysaccharide biosynthesis,
a process typically performed by the infected cell. An even
larger marine virus has recently been discovered (Megavirus);
its genome (1,259,197-bp) encodes 1120 putative proteins and
is larger than that of some bacteria (see Table 7-1). Because of
their large size, these viruses resemble bacteria when observed
in stained preparations by light microscopy; however, they do
not undergo cell division or contain ribosomes. 50 µm

Several transmissible plant diseases are caused by FIGURE 1-2 Prion. Prions isolated from the brain of a scrapie-
viroids—small, single-stranded, covalently closed circu- infected hamster. This neurodegenerative disease is caused by a
lar RNA molecules existing as highly base-paired rod-like prion. (Reproduced with permission from Stanley B. Prusiner.)
structures. They range in size from 246 to 375 nucleotides in
length. The extracellular form of the viroid is naked RNA—
there is no capsid of any kind. The RNA molecule contains protein that prions are made of (PrP) is found through-
no protein-encoding genes, and the viroid is therefore totally out the body, even in healthy people and in animals, and is
dependent on host functions for its replication. Viroid RNA encoded by the host’s chromosomal DNA. The normal form
is replicated by the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of the of the prion protein is called PrPc. PrPc is a sialoglycoprotein
plant host; preemption of this enzyme may contribute to with a molecular mass of 35,000–36,000 Da and a mainly
viroid pathogenicity. α-helical secondary structure that is sensitive to proteases
The RNAs of viroids have been shown to contain inverted and soluble in detergent. Several topological forms exist:
repeated base sequences (also known as insertion sequences) one cell surface form anchored by a glycolipid, and two
at their 3′ and 5′ ends, a characteristic of transposable ele- transmembrane forms. The disease scrapie manifests itself
ments (see Chapter 7) and retroviruses. Thus, it is likely that when a conformational change occurs in the prion protein,
they have evolved from transposable elements or retroviruses changing it from its normal or cellular form PrPc to the
by the deletion of internal sequences. infectious disease-causing isoform, PrPSc (Figure 1-3); this
The general properties of animal viruses pathogenic in turn alters the way the proteins interconnect. The exact
for humans are described in Chapter 29. Bacterial viruses, three-dimensional structure of PrPSc is unknown; however,
known as bacterial phages, are described in Chapter 7. it has a higher proportion of β-sheet structures in place of
the normal α-helix structures. Aggregations of PrPSc form
highly structured amyloid fibers, which accumulate to form
PRIONS plaques. It is unclear if these aggregates are the cause of the
cell damage or are simply a side effect of the underlying dis-
A number of remarkable discoveries in the past three ease process. One model of prion replication suggests that
decades have led to the molecular and genetic characteriza- PrPc exists only as fibrils, and that the fibril ends bind PrPc
tion of the transmissible agent causing scrapie, a degenera- and convert it to PrPSc.
tive central nervous system disease of sheep. Studies have There are several prion diseases of importance (Table 1-1
identified a specific protein in preparations from scrapie- and see Chapter 42). Kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD),
infected brains of sheep that can reproduce the symptoms Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease, and fatal familial
of scrapie in previously uninfected sheep (Figure 1-2). insomnia affect humans. Bovine spongiform encephalopa-
Attempts to identify additional components, such as nucleic thy (BSE), which is thought to result from the ingestion of
acid, have been unsuccessful. To distinguish this agent feeds and bone meal prepared from rendered sheep offal, has
from viruses and viroids, the term prion was introduced been responsible for the deaths of more than 184,000 cattle
to emphasize its proteinaceous and infectious nature. The in Great Britain since its discovery in 1985. A new variant

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4   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Both normal prion protein (NP) and

abnormal prion protein (PP) are present.
PP The primary distinguishing characteristics of the prokary-
otes are their relatively small size, usually on the order of
1 µm in diameter, and the absence of a nuclear membrane.
The DNA of almost all bacteria is a circle which if extended
NP linearly would be about 1 mM; this is the prokaryotic
Step 1 Abnormal prion protein
chromosome. Bacteria are haploid (if multiple copies of
interacts with the normal prion the chromosome are present they are all the same). Most
prokaryotes have only a single large chromosome that is
organized into a structure known as a nucleoid. The chro-
mosomal DNA must be folded more than 1000-fold just
to fit within the confines of a prokaryotic cell. Substantial
evidence suggests that the folding may be orderly and may
bring specified regions of the DNA into proximity. The
Step 2 The normal prion protein is
converted to the abnormal prion nucleoid can be visualized by electron microscopy as well
protein. as by light microscopy after treatment of the cell to make
the nucleoid visible. Thus, it would be a mistake to con-
NP clude that subcellular differentiation, clearly demarcated
by membranes in eukaryotes, is lacking in prokaryotes.
Indeed, some prokaryotes form membrane-bound subcel-
Converted NPs lular structures with specialized function such as the chro-
Steps 3 and 4 The abnormal prion matophores of photosynthetic bacteria (see Chapter 2).
proteins continue to interact with
normal prion proteins
Original until they convert
PP all the normal
prion proteins to
Prokaryotic Diversity
abnormal prion
The small size and haploid organization of the prokaryotic
chromosome limits the amount of genetic information it
Converted NP can contain. Recent data based on genome sequencing indi-
cate that the number of genes within a prokaryote may vary
from 468 in Mycoplasma genitalium to 7825 in Streptomyces
coelicolor, and many of these genes must be dedicated to
essential functions such as energy generation, macromolec-
ular synthesis, and cellular replication. Any one prokaryote
carries relatively few genes that allow physiologic accom-
Abnormal prion proteins modation of the organism to its environment. The range of
potential prokaryotic environments is unimaginably broad,
FIGURE 1-3 Proposed mechanism by which prions replicate. and it follows that the prokaryotic group encompasses a het-
The normal and abnormal prion proteins differ in their tertiary erogeneous range of specialists, each adapted to a rather nar-
structure. (Reproduced with permission from Nester EW, Anderson rowly circumscribed niche.
DG, Roberts CE, et al: Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 6th ed. The range of prokaryotic niches is illustrated by con-
McGraw-Hill, 2009, p. 342. © McGraw-Hill Education.)
sideration of strategies used for generation of metabolic
energy. Light from the sun is the chief source of energy for
of CJD (vCJD) has been associated with human ingestion of life. Some prokaryotes such as the purple bacteria convert
prion-infected beef in the United Kingdom and in France. light energy to metabolic energy in the absence of oxygen
A common feature of all of these diseases is the conversion production. Other prokaryotes, exemplified by the blue-
of a host-encoded sialoglycoprotein to a protease-resistant green bacteria (Cyanobacteria), produce oxygen that can
form as a consequence of infection. Recently, an α-synuclein provide energy through respiration in the absence of light.
prion was discovered that caused a neurodegenerative disease Aerobic organisms depend on respiration with oxygen for
called multiple system atrophy in humans. their energy. Some anaerobic organisms can use electron
Human prion diseases are unique in that they manifest acceptors other than oxygen in respiration. Many anaerobes
as sporadic, genetic, and infectious diseases. The study of carry out fermentations in which energy is derived by met-
prion biology is an important emerging area of biomedical abolic rearrangement of chemical growth substrates. The
investigation, and much remains to be learned. tremendous chemical range of potential growth substrates
The general features of the nonliving members of the for aerobic or anaerobic growth is mirrored in the diversity
microbial world are given in Table 1-2. of prokaryotes that have adapted to their utilization.

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CHAPTER 1 The Science of Microbiology   5

TABLE 1-1 Common Human and Animal Prion Diseases

Type Name Etiology

Human prion diseases

Acquired Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseasea Associated with ingestion or inoculation of prion-infected material


Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseb

Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Source of infection unknown

Familial Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Associated with specific mutations within the gene encoding PrP

Fatal familial insomnia

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Animal prion diseases

Cattle Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Exposure to prion-contaminated meat and bone meal

Sheep Scrapie Ingestion of scrapie-contaminated material

Deer, elk Chronic wasting disease Ingestion of prion-contaminated material

Mink Transmissible mink encephalopathy Source of infection unknown

Cats Feline spongiform encephalopathy a

Exposure to prion-contaminated meat and bone meal

PrP, prion protein.

Associated with exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy-contaminated materials.
Associated with prion-contaminated biologic materials, such as dura mater grafts, corneal transplants, and cadaver-derived human growth hormone, or by prion-
contaminated surgical instruments.
Reproduced with permission from the American Society for Microbiology. Priola SA: How animal prions cause disease in humans. Microbe 2008;3(12):568.

Prokaryotic Communities physiologic protection to at least some members of the group.

Extracellular polysaccharides, for example, may afford pro-
A useful survival strategy for specialists is to enter into
tection against potentially lethal agents such as antibiotics
consortia, arrangements in which the physiologic charac-
or heavy metal ions. Large amounts of polysaccharides pro-
teristics of different organisms contribute to survival of the
duced by the high number of cells within a clone may allow
group as a whole. If the organisms within a physically inter-
cells within the interior to survive exposure to a lethal agent
connected community are directly derived from a single cell,
at a concentration that might kill single cells.
the community is a clone that may contain up to 108 or greater
Many bacteria exploit a cell–cell communication mech-
cells. The biology of such a community differs substantially
anism called quorum sensing to regulate the transcription
from that of a single cell. For example, the high cell number
of genes involved in diverse physiologic processes, including
virtually ensures the presence within the clone of at least one
bioluminescence, plasmid conjugal transfer, and the produc-
cell carrying a variant of any gene on the chromosome. Thus,
tion of virulence determinants. Quorum sensing depends on
genetic variability—the wellspring of the evolutionary pro-
the production of one or more diffusible signal molecules
cess called natural selection—is ensured within a clone. The
(eg, acetylated homoserine lactone [AHL]) termed autoin-
high number of cells within clones is also likely to provide
ducers or pheromones that enable a bacterium to monitor
its own cell population density (Figure 1-4). The coopera-
TABLE 1-2 Distinguishing Characteristics of Viruses, tive activities leading to biofilm formation are controlled by
Viroids, and Prions quorum sensing. It is an example of multicellular behavior in
Viruses Viroids Prions prokaryotes.
Another distinguishing characteristic of prokaryotes is
Obligate intracellular Obligate Abnormal form of a
agents intracellular cellular protein
their capacity to exchange small packets of genetic information.
agents This information may be carried on plasmids, small and spe-
cialized genetic elements that are capable of replication within
Consist of either DNA Consist only Consist only of
or RNA surrounded of RNA; no protein; no DNA at least one prokaryotic cell line. In some cases, plasmids may
by a protein coat protein coat or RNA be transferred from one cell to another and thus may carry sets
of specialized genetic information through a population. Some
Reproduced with permission from Nester EW, Anderson DG, Roberts CE, et al:
Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009, p. 13. © McGraw-Hill
plasmids exhibit a broad host range that allows them to con-
Education. vey sets of genes to diverse organisms. Of particular concern

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6   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Bacterial cell Signaling


When few cells are present, the When many cells are present, the
concentration of the signaling concentration of the AHL is high.
molecule acylated homoserine High concentrations of AHL induce
lactone (AHL) is low. expression of specific genes.

FIGURE 1-4 Quorum sensing. (Reproduced with permission from Nester EW, Anderson DG, Roberts CE, et al: Microbiology: A Human
Perspective, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009, p. 181. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

are drug resistance plasmids that may render diverse bacteria allows a scientist to choose characteristics that allow swift
resistant to antibiotic treatment (Chapter 7). and accurate categorization of a newly encountered organ-
The survival strategy of a single prokaryotic cell line may ism. This categorical organization allows prediction of
lead to a range of interactions with other organisms. These many additional traits shared by other members of the
may include symbiotic relationships illustrated by complex category. In a hospital setting, successful classification of
nutritional exchanges among organisms within the human a pathogenic organism may provide the most direct route
gut. These exchanges benefit both the microorganisms and to its elimination. Classification may also provide a broad
their human host. Parasitic interactions can be quite delete- understanding of relationships among different organ-
rious to the host. Advanced symbiosis or parasitism can lead isms, and such information may have great practical value.
to loss of functions that may not allow growth of the symbi- For example, elimination of a pathogenic organism will be
ont or parasite independent of its host. relatively long-lasting if its habitat is occupied by a non-
The mycoplasmas, for example, are parasitic prokaryotes pathogenic variant.
that have lost the ability to form a cell wall. Adaptation of these The principles of prokaryotic classification are discussed
organisms to their parasitic environment has resulted in incor- in Chapter 3. At the outset, it should be recognized that any
poration of a substantial quantity of cholesterol into their cell prokaryotic characteristic might serve as a potential criterion
membranes. Cholesterol, not found in other prokaryotes, is for classification. However, not all criteria are equally effec-
assimilated from the metabolic environment provided by the tive in grouping organisms. Possession of DNA, for example,
host. Loss of function is exemplified also by obligate intracel- is a useless criterion for distinguishing organisms because all
lular parasites, the chlamydiae and rickettsiae. These bacteria cells contain DNA. The presence of a broad host range plas-
are extremely small (0.2–0.5 µm in diameter) and depend on mid is not a useful criterion because such plasmids may be
the host cell for many essential metabolites and coenzymes. found in diverse hosts and need not be present all of the time.
This loss of function is reflected by the presence of a smaller Useful criteria may be structural, physiologic, biochemical,
genome with fewer genes (see Table 7-1). or genetic. Spores—specialized cell structures that may allow
The most widely distributed examples of bacterial survival in extreme environments—are useful structural cri-
symbionts appear to be chloroplasts and mitochondria, the teria for classification because well-characterized subsets of
energy-yielding organelles of eukaryotes. Evidence points to bacteria form spores. Some bacterial groups can be effectively
the conclusion that ancestors of these chloroplasts and mito- subdivided based upon their ability to ferment specified car-
chondria were endosymbionts, essentially “domesticated bohydrates. Such criteria may be ineffective when applied to
bacteria” that established symbiosis within the cell mem- other bacterial groups that may lack any fermentative capa-
brane of the ancestral eukaryotic host. The presence of mul- bility. A biochemical test, the Gram-stain, is an effective cri-
tiple copies of these organelles may have contributed to the terion for classification because response to the stain reflects
relatively large size of eukaryotic cells and to their capacity fundamental differences in the bacterial cell envelope that
for specialization, a trait ultimately reflected in the evolution divide most bacteria into two major groups.
of differentiated multicellular organisms. Genetic criteria are increasingly used in bacterial clas-
sification, and many of these advances are made possible
by the development of DNA-based technologies. It is now
Classification of the Prokaryotes possible to design DNA probe or DNA amplification assays
An understanding of any group of organisms requires (eg, polymerase chain reaction [PCR] assays) that swiftly
their classification. An appropriate classification system identify organisms carrying specified genetic regions with

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CHAPTER 1 The Science of Microbiology   7

common ancestry. Comparison of DNA sequences for some through a series of events achieving physiologic integration
genes has led to the elucidation of phylogenetic relation- of the nucleus with the endoplasmic reticulum, a structure
ships among prokaryotes. Ancestral cell lines can be traced, that has no counterpart in prokaryotes. Eukaryotes are set
and organisms can be grouped based on their evolution- apart by the organization of their cellular DNA in chromo-
ary affinities. These investigations have led to some strik- somes separated by a distinctive mitotic apparatus during cell
ing conclusions. For example, comparison of cytochrome c division.
sequences suggests that all eukaryotes, including humans, In general, genetic transfer among eukaryotes depends
arose from one of three different groups of purple photo- on fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid cell con-
synthetic bacteria. This conclusion in part explains the evo- taining a full set of genes derived from each gamete. The
lutionary origin of eukaryotes, but it does not fully take into life cycle of many eukaryotes is almost entirely in the dip-
account the generally accepted view that the eukaryotic cell loid state, a form not encountered in prokaryotes. Fusion
was derived from the evolutionary merger of different pro- of gametes to form reproductive progeny is a highly spe-
karyotic cell lines. cific event and establishes the basis for eukaryotic species.
This term can be applied only metaphorically to the pro-
karyotes, which exchange fragments of DNA through
Bacteria and Archaebacteria: The Major recombination. Currently, the term protist is used infor-
Subdivisions Within the Prokaryotes mally as a catch-all term for unicellular eukaryotic micro-
A major success in molecular phylogeny has been the dem- organisms. Because protists as a whole are paraphyletic,
onstration that prokaryotes fall into two major groups. newer classification systems often split up traditional sub-
Most investigations have been directed to one group, the divisions or groups based on morphological or biochemi-
bacteria. The other group, the archaebacteria, has received cal characteristics.
relatively little attention until recently, partly because many Traditionally, microbial eukaryotes—protists—are
of its representatives are difficult to study in the laboratory. placed in one of the four following major groups: algae,
Some archaebacteria, for example, are killed by contact with protozoa, fungi, and slime molds. These traditional sub-
oxygen, and others grow at temperatures exceeding that of divisions, largely based on superficial commonalities,
boiling water. Before molecular evidence became available, have been largely replaced by classification schemes based
the major subgroupings of archaebacteria had seemed dis- on phylogenetics. Molecular methods used by modern
parate. The methanogens carry out an anaerobic respiration taxonomists have been used to generate data support-
that gives rise to methane, the halophiles demand extremely ing the redistribution of some members of these groups
high salt concentrations for growth, and the thermoacido- into diverse and sometimes distantly related phyla. For
philes require high temperature and acidity for growth. It has example, the water molds are now considered to be closely
now been established that these prokaryotes share biochemi- related to photosynthetic organisms such as brown algae
cal traits such as cell wall or membrane components that and diatoms.
set the group entirely apart from all other living organisms.
An intriguing trait shared by archaebacteria and eukary-
otes is the presence of introns within genes. The function
of introns—segments of DNA that interrupts informational The term algae has long been used to denote all organisms
DNA within genes—is not established. What is known is that produce O2 as a product of photosynthesis. One for-
that introns represent a fundamental characteristic shared mer subgroup of these organisms—the blue-green algae, or
by the DNA of archaebacteria and eukaryotes. This common cyanobacteria—are prokaryotic and no longer are termed
trait has led to the suggestion that—just as mitochondria algae. This classification is reserved exclusively for a large
and chloroplasts appear to be evolutionary derivatives of the diverse group of photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. For-
bacteria—the eukaryotic nucleus may have arisen from an merly, all algae were thought to contain chlorophyll in the
archaebacterial ancestor. photosynthetic membrane of their chloroplast, a subcellu-
lar organelle that is similar in structure to cyanobacteria.
Modern taxonomic approaches have recognized that some
PROTISTS algae lack chlorophyll and have a free-living heterotrophic
or parasitic life style. Many algal species are unicellular
The “true nucleus” of eukaryotes (from Gr karyon, “nucleus”) microorganisms. Other algae may form extremely large
is only one of their distinguishing features. The membrane- multicellular structures. Kelps of brown algae sometimes
bound organelles, the microtubules, and the microfilaments are several hundred meters in length. Several algae produce
of eukaryotes form a complex intracellular structure unlike toxins that are poisonous to humans and other animals.
that found in prokaryotes. The organelles responsible for Dinoflagellates, a unicellular alga, are responsible for algal
the motility of eukaryotic cells are flagella or cilia—complex blooms, or red tides, in the ocean (Figure 1-5). Red tides
multistranded structures that do not resemble the flagella caused by the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax species are serious
of prokaryotes. Gene expression in eukaryotes takes place because this organism produces potent neurotoxins such as

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8   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

are known that have flagella at one stage in their life cycle
and pseudopodia at another stage. A fourth major group of
protozoa, the sporozoa, are strict parasites that are usually
nonmotile; most of these reproduce sexually and asexually
in alternate generations by means of spores. Recent taxo-
nomic studies have shown that only the ciliates are mono-
phyletic, that is, a distinct lineage of organisms sharing
common ancestry. The other classes of protozoa are all
polyphyletic groups made up of organisms that, despite
similarities in appearance (eg, flagellates) or way of life
(eg, endoparasitic), are not necessarily closely related to
one another. Protozoan parasites of humans are discussed
in Chapter 46.

The fungi are nonphotosynthetic protists that may or may not
grow as a mass of branching, interlacing filaments (“hyphae”)
known as a mycelium. If a fungus grows simply as a single
cell it is called a yeast. If mycelial growth occurs, it is called
FIGURE 1-5 The dinoflagellate Gymnodinium scanning electron a mold. Most fungi of medical importance grow dimorphi-
micrograph (4000×). (Reproduced with permission from Dr. David cally, that is, they exist as a mold at room temperature but as
Phillips/Visuals Unlimited.) a yeast at body temperature. Remarkably, the largest known
contiguous fungal mycelium covered an area of 2400 acres
(9.7 km2) at a site in eastern Oregon. Although the hyphae
saxitoxin and gonyautoxins, which accumulate in shellfish exhibit cross walls, the cross walls are perforated and allow
(eg, clams, mussels, scallops, and oysters) that feed on this free passage of nuclei and cytoplasm. The entire organism is
organism. Ingestion of these shellfish by humans results in thus a coenocyte (a multinucleated mass of continuous cyto-
symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning and can lead to plasm) confined within a series of branching tubes. These
death. Some algae (eg, Prototheca and Helicosporidium) are tubes, made of polysaccharides such as chitin, are homolo-
parasites of metazoans or plants. Protothecosis is a disease gous with cell walls.
of dogs, cats, cattle, and rarely humans caused by a type of The fungi probably represent an evolutionary offshoot
algae, Prototheca, that lacks chlorophyll. The two most com- of the protozoa; they are unrelated to the actinomycetes,
mon species are P. wickerhamii and P. zopfii; most human mycelial bacteria that they superficially resemble. The
cases, which are associated with a defective immune system, major subdivisions (phyla) of fungi are Chytridiomycota,
are caused by P. wickerhamii. Zygomycota (the zygomycetes), Ascomycota (the asco-
mycetes), Basidiomycota (the basidiomycetes), and the
“deuteromycetes” (or imperfect fungi). The evolution of the
Protozoa ascomycetes from the phycomycetes is seen in a transitional
Protozoa is an informal term for single-celled nonphoto- group, whose members form a zygote but then transform
synthetic eukaryotes that are either free-living or para- this directly into an ascus. The basidiomycetes are believed
sitic. Protozoa are abundant in aqueous environments to have evolved in turn from the ascomycetes. The classifi-
and soil. They range in size from as little as 1µm to sev- cation of fungi and their medical significance are discussed
eral millimeters, or more. All protozoa are heterotrophic, further in Chapter 45.
deriving nutrients from other organisms, either by ingest-
ing them whole or by consuming their organic tissue or
waste products. Some protozoans take in food by phago- Slime Molds
cytosis, engulfing organic particles with pseudopodia (eg, These organisms are characterized by the presence, as a
amoeba), or taking in food through a mouth-like aperture stage in their life cycle, of an ameboid multinucleate mass
called a cytostome. Other protozoans absorb dissolved of cytoplasm called a plasmodium. The plasmodium of a
nutrients through their cell membranes, a process called slime mold is analogous to the mycelium of a true fungus.
osmotrophy. Both are coenocytic. Whereas in the latter, cytoplasmic flow
Historically, the major groups of protozoa included: is confined to the branching network of chitinous tubes, in
flagellates, motile cells possessing whip-like organelles of the former, the cytoplasm can flow in all directions. This
locomotion; amoebae, cells that move by extending pseu- flow causes the plasmodium to migrate in the direction of
dopodia; and ciliates, cells possessing large numbers of its food source, frequently bacteria. In response to a chemi-
short hair-like organelles of motility. Intermediate forms cal signal, 3′, 5′-cyclic AMP, the plasmodium, which reaches

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CHAPTER 1 The Science of Microbiology   9


Fruiting bodies
release spores


Fruiting body



FIGURE 1-6 Slime molds. A: Life cycle of an acellular slime mold. B: Fruiting body of a cellular slime mold. (Reproduced with permission
from Carolina Biological Supply/DIOMEDIA.)

macroscopic size, differentiates into a stalked body that can REVIEW QUESTIONS
produce individual motile cells. These cells, flagellated or
1. Which one of the following terms characterizes the interaction
ameboid, initiate a new round in the life cycle of the slime
between herpes simplex virus and a human?
mold (Figure 1-6). The cycle frequently is initiated by sexual
(A) Parasitism
fusion of single cells.
(B) Symbiosis
The growth of slime molds depends on nutrients pro-
(C) Endosymbiosis
vided by bacterial or, in some cases, plant cells. Reproduction (D) Endoparasitism
of the slime molds via plasmodia can depend on intercellular (E) Consortia
recognition and fusion of cells from the same species. The 2. Which one of the following agents lacks nucleic acid?
life cycle of the slime molds illustrates a central theme of this
(A) Bacteria
chapter—the interdependency of living forms. Full under- (B) Viruses
standing of any microorganism requires both knowledge of (C) Viroids
the other organisms with which it coevolved and an apprecia- (D) Prions
tion of the range of physiologic responses that may contribute (E) Protozoa
to survival. 3. Which one of the following is a prokaryote?
(A) Bacteria
(B) Algae
(D) Fungi
• Microorganisms are a large and diverse group of organisms (E) Slime molds
existing as single cells or clusters; they also include viruses, 4. Which one of the following agents simultaneously contains
which are microscopic but not cellular. both DNA and RNA?
• A virus consists of a nucleic acid molecule, either DNA (A) Bacteria
or RNA, enclosed in a protein coat, or capsid, sometimes (B) Viruses
enclosed by an envelope composed of lipids, proteins, and (C) Viroids
carbohydrates. (D) Prions
• A prion is an infectious protein, which is capable of causing (E) Plasmids
chronic neurologic diseases. 5. Which of the following cannot be infected by viruses?
• Prokaryotes consist of bacteria and archaebacteria. (A) Bacteria
• Prokaryotes are haploid. (B) Protozoa
• Microbial eukaryotes, or protists, are members of four (C) Human cells
major groups: algae, protozoa, fungi, and slime molds. (D) Viruses
• Eukaryotes have a true nucleus and are diploid. (E) None of the above

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10   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

6. Viruses, bacteria, and protists are uniquely characterized by Answers

their respective size. True or false?
1. A 5. E 9. D
(A) True 2. D 6. B 10. C
(B) False
3. A 7. E
7. Quorum sensing in prokaryotes involves 4. A 8. D
(A) Cell–cell communication
(B) Production of molecules such as AHL
(C) An example of multicellular behavior
(D) Regulation of genes involved in diverse physiologic
processes Abrescia NGA, Bamford DH, Grimes JM, et al: Structure unifies
(E) All of the above the viral universe. Annu Rev Biochem 2012;81:795.
8. A 16-year-old female patient presented to her family physi- Adi SM, Simpson AGB, Lane CE, et al: The revised classification of
cian with a complaint of an abnormal vaginal discharge and eukaryotes. J Eukaryot Microbiol 2012;59:429.
pruritus (itching). The patient denied having sexual activity Arslan D, Legendre M, Seltzer V, et al: Distant Mimivirus relative
and recently completed a course of doxycycline for the treat- with a larger genome highlights the fundamental features of
ment of her acne. An examination of a Gram-stained vaginal Megaviridae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011;108:17486.
smear revealed the presence of Gram-positive oval cells about Belay ED: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in humans.
4–8 µm in diameter. Her vaginitis is caused by which of the Annu Rev Microbiol 1999;53:283.
following agents? Colby DW, Prusiner SB: De novo generation of prion strains.
Nat Rev Microbiol 2011;9:771.
(A) Bacterium
Diener TO: Viroids and the nature of viroid diseases. Arch Virol
(B) Virus
(C) Protozoa
Fournier PE, Raoult D: Prospects for the future using genomics
(D) Fungus
and proteomics in clinical microbiology. Annu Rev Microbiol
(E) Prion
9. A 65-year-old man develops dementia, progressive over several Katz LA: Origin and diversification of eukaryotes. Annu Rev
months, along with ataxia and somnolence. An electroencepha- Microbiol 2012;63:411.
lographic pattern shows paroxysms with high voltages and slow Lederberg J (editor): Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 4 vols.
waves, suggestive of CJD. By which of the following agents is Academic Press, 1992.
this disease caused? Olsen GJ, Woese CR: The winds of (evolutionary) change: Breath-
(A) Bacterium ing new life into microbiology. J Bacteriol 1994;176:1.
(B) Virus Priola SA: How animal prions cause disease in humans. Microbe
(C) Viroid 2008;3:568.
(D) Prion Prusiner SB: Biology and genetics of prion diseases. Annu Rev
(E) Plasmid Microbiol 1994;48:655.
10. Twenty minutes after ingesting a raw clam, a 35-year-old man Prusiner SB, Woerman AL, Mordes DA, et al: Evidence for
experiences paresthesias of the mouth and extremities, head- α-synuclein prions causing multiple system atrophy in
ache, and ataxia. These symptoms are the result of a neurotoxin humans with parkinsonism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
produced by algae called 2015;112:E5308-E5317.
(A) Amoeba Schloss PD, Handlesman J: Status of the microbial census.
(B) Blue-green algae Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2004;68:686.
(C) Dinoflagellates Sleigh MA: Protozoa and Other Protists. Chapman & Hall, 1990.
(D) Kelp Whitman WB, Coleman DC, Wiebe WJ: Prokaryotes: The unseen
(E) None of the above majority. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998;95:6578.

Riedel_CH01_p001-p010.indd 10 05/04/19 8:37 AM


Cell Structure

This chapter discusses the basic structure and function of the B. Phase-Contrast Microscope
components that make up eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. It The phase-contrast microscope was developed to improve
begins with a discussion of the microscope. Historically, the contrast differences between cells and the surrounding
microscope first revealed the presence of bacteria and later medium, making it possible to see living cells without stain-
the secrets of cell structure. Today, it remains a powerful tool ing them; with bright-field microscopes, killed and stained
in cell biology. preparations must be used. The phase-contrast microscope
takes advantage of the fact that light waves passing through
transparent objects, such as cells, emerge in different phases
OPTICAL METHODS depending on the properties of the materials through which
they pass. This effect is amplified by a special ring in the
The Light Microscope objective lens of a phase-contrast microscope, leading to the
The resolving power of the light microscope under ideal con- formation of a dark image on a light background (Figure 2-1).
ditions is about half the wavelength of the light being used.
(Resolving power is the distance that must separate two C. Dark-Field Microscope
point sources of light if they are to be seen as two distinct The dark-field microscope is a light microscope in which
images.) With yellow light of a wavelength of 0.4 µm, the the lighting system has been modified to reach the speci-
smallest separable diameters are thus about 0.2 µm (ie, one- men from the sides only. This is accomplished through the
third the width of a typical prokaryotic cell). The useful mag- use of a special condenser that both blocks direct light rays
nification of a microscope is the magnification that makes and deflects light off a mirror on the side of the condenser
visible the smallest resolvable particles. Several types of light at an oblique angle. This creates a “dark field” that contrasts
microscopes, which are commonly used in microbiology, are against the highlighted edge of the specimens and results
discussed as follows. when the oblique rays are reflected from the edge of the spec-
imen upward into the objective of the microscope. Resolution
A. Bright-Field Microscope by dark-field microscopy is quite high. Thus, this technique
The bright-field microscope is the most commonly used in has been particularly useful for observing organisms such as
microbiology courses and consists of two series of lenses Treponema pallidum, a spirochete that is smaller than 0.2 µm
(objective and ocular lens), which function together to in diameter and therefore cannot be observed with a bright-
resolve the image. These microscopes generally employ a field or phase-contrast microscope (Figure 2-2A).
100-power objective lens with a 10-power ocular lens, thus
magnifying the specimen 1000 times. Particles 0.2 µm in D. Fluorescence Microscope
diameter are therefore magnified to about 0.2 mm and so The fluorescence microscope is used to visualize specimens
become clearly visible. Further magnification would give no that fluoresce, which is the ability to absorb short wave-
greater resolution of detail and would reduce the visible area lengths of light (ultraviolet) and give off light at a longer wave-
(field). length (visible). Some organisms fluoresce naturally because
With this microscope, specimens are rendered visible of the presence within the cells of naturally fluorescent sub-
because of the differences in contrast between them and stances such as chlorophyll. Those that do not naturally fluo-
the surrounding medium. Many bacteria are difficult to resce may be stained with a group of fluorescent dyes called
see well because of their lack of contrast with the surround- fluorochromes. Fluorescence microscopy is widely used in
ing medium. Dyes (stains) can be used to stain cells or their clinical diagnostic microbiology. For example, the fluoro-
organelles and increase their contrast so that they can be chrome auramine O, which glows yellow when exposed to
more easily seen in the bright-field microscope. ultraviolet light, is strongly absorbed by the cell envelope of


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12   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

FIGURE 2-1 Using the phase contrast illumination technique,

this photomicrograph of a wet mount of a vaginal discharge
specimen revealed the presence of the flagellated protozoan,
Trichomonas vaginalis. (Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Public Health Image Library, ID# 5238.)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuber-

culosis. When the dye is applied to a specimen suspected of
containing M. tuberculosis and exposed to ultraviolet light,
the bacterium can be detected by the appearance of bright
yellow organisms against a dark background.
The principal use of fluorescence microscopy is a diagnos-
tic technique called the fluorescent-antibody (FA) technique
or immunofluorescence. In this technique, specific antibod-
ies (eg, antibodies to Legionella pneumophila) are chemically
labeled with a fluorochrome such as fluorescein isothiocya-
nate (FITC). These fluorescent antibodies are then added to a
microscope slide containing a clinical specimen. If the speci-
men contains L. pneumophila, the fluorescent antibodies will B
10 µm
bind to antigens on the surface of the bacterium, causing it to
fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light (Figure 2-2B).

E. Differential Interference Contrast Microscope

Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopes employ
a polarizer to produce polarized light. The polarized light beam
passes through a prism that generates two distinct beams;
these beams pass through the specimen and enter the objective
lens, where they are recombined into a single beam. Because
of slight differences in refractive index of the substances each
beam passed through, the combined beams are not totally in
phase but instead create an interference effect, which inten-
sifies subtle differences in cell structure. Structures, such as C
spores, vacuoles, and granules, appear three dimensional. DIC
microscopy is particularly useful for observing unstained cells FIGURE 2-2 A: Positive dark-field examination. Treponemes
because of its ability to generate images that reveal internal cell are recognizable by their characteristic corkscrew shape and
deliberate forward and backward movement with rotation about the
structures that are less apparent by bright-field techniques.
longitudinal axis. (Reproduced with permission. © Charles Stratton/
Visuals Unlimited.) B: Fluorescence photomicrograph. A rod-shaped
The Electron Microscope bacterium tagged with a fluorescent marker. (© Evans Roberts.)
C: Scanning electron microscope of bacteria—Staphylococcus aureus
The high resolving power of electron microscopes has enabled (32,000×). (Reproduced with permission from David M. Phillips/Photo
scientists to observe the detailed structures of prokaryotic Researchers, Inc.)

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   13

and eukaryotic cells. The superior resolution of the electron

microscope is because electrons have a much shorter wave-
length than the photons of white light.
There are two types of electron microscopes in general
use: The transmission electron microscope (TEM), which
has many features in common with the light microscope;
and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The TEM
was the first to be developed and uses a beam of electrons
projected from an electron gun and directed or focused by
an electromagnetic condenser lens onto a thin specimen.
As the electrons strike the specimen, they are differentially
scattered by the number and mass of atoms in the specimen;
some electrons pass through the specimen and are gathered
and focused by an electromagnetic objective lens, which pres-
ents an image of the specimen to the projector lens system for FIGURE 2-3 Using laser light, CDC laboratory scientists
further enlargement. The image is visualized by allowing it sometimes work with a confocal microscope when studying various
to impinge on a screen that fluoresces when struck with the pathogens. (Courtesy of James Gathany, Centers for Disease Control
electrons. The image can be recorded on photographic film. and Prevention, Public Health Image Library, ID# 1960.)
TEM can resolve particles 0.001 µm apart. Thus, viruses with
diameters of 0.01–0.2 µm are easily resolved by TEM.
The SEM generally has a lower resolving power than the specimen. By precisely illuminating only a single plane of the
TEM; however, it is particularly useful for providing three- specimen, illumination intensity drops off rapidly above and
dimensional images of the surface of microscopic objects. below the plane of focus, and stray light from other planes
Electrons are focused by means of lenses into a very fine of focus are minimized. Thus, in a relatively thick specimen,
point. The interaction of electrons with the specimen results various layers can be observed by adjusting the plane of focus
in the release of different forms of radiation (eg, secondary of the laser beam.
electrons) from the surface of the material, which can be cap- Cells are often stained with fluorescent dyes to make
tured by an appropriate detector, amplified, and then imaged them more visible. Alternatively, false color images can be
on a television screen (Figure 2-2C). generated by adjusting the microscope in such a way as to
An important technique in electron microscopy is the make different layers take on different colors. The CSLM is
use of “shadowing.” This involves depositing a thin layer of equipped with computer software to assemble digital images
heavy metal (eg, platinum) on the specimen by placing it in for subsequent image processing. Thus, images obtained
the path of a beam of metal ions in a vacuum. The beam is from different layers can be stored and then digitally overlaid
directed at a low angle to the specimen so that it acquires a to reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the entire speci-
“shadow” in the form of an uncoated area on the other side. men (Figure 2-3).
When an electron beam is then passed through the coated
preparation in the electron microscope and a positive print is Scanning Probe Microscopes
made from the “negative” image, a three-dimensional effect
is achieved (eg, see Figure 2-24). A new class of microscopes, called scanning probe micro-
Other important techniques in electron microscopy scopes, measures surface features by moving a sharp probe
include the use of ultrathin sections of embedded material, over the object’s surface. The scanning tunneling microscope
a method of freeze-drying specimens that prevents the dis- and the atomic force microscope are the examples of this new
tortion caused by conventional drying procedures, and the class of microscopes, which enable scientists to view atoms or
use of negative staining with an electron-dense material such molecules on the surface of a specimen. For example, interac-
as phosphotungstic acid or uranyl salts (eg, see Figure 42-1). tions between proteins of the bacterium Escherichia coli can be
Without these heavy metal salts, there would not be enough studied with the atomic force microscope (Figure 2-4).
contrast to detect the details of the specimen.


Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
The confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM) couples a The Nucleus
laser light source to a light microscope. In confocal scanning The nucleus contains the cell’s genome. It is bounded by a
laser microscopy, a laser beam is bounced off a mirror that membrane, which is composed of two lipid bilayer mem-
directs the beam through a scanning device. Then the laser branes: the inner and the outer membrane. The inner
beam is directed through a pinhole that precisely adjusts the membrane is usually a simple sac, but the outermost mem-
plane of focus of the beam to a given vertical layer within the brane is, in many places, continuous with the endoplasmic

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14   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

of eukaryotic cells contain linear DNA macromolecules

arranged as a double helix. They are only visible with a light
microscope when the cell is undergoing division and the DNA
is in a highly condensed form; at other times, the chromosomes
are not condensed and appear as in Figure 2-5. Eukaryotic
DNA macromolecules are associated with basic proteins called
histones that bind to the DNA by ionic interactions.
A structure often visible within the nucleus is the
nucleolus, an area rich in RNA that is the site of ribosomal
RNA synthesis (see Figure 2-5). Ribosomal proteins synthe-
sized in the cytoplasm are transported into the nucleolus and
combine with ribosomal RNA to form the small and large
subunits of the eukaryotic ribosome. These are then exported
FIGURE 2-4 Atomic force microscopy. Micrograph of a fragment of to the cytoplasm, where they associate to form an intact ribo-
DNA. The bright peaks are enzymes attached to the DNA. (Reproduced
some that can function in protein synthesis.
with permission from Torunn Berg, Photo Researchers, Inc.)

reticulum (ER). The nuclear membrane exhibits selective

permeability because of pores, which consist of a complex of Cytoplasmic Structures
several proteins whose function is to import substances into The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is characterized by the
and export substances out of the nucleus. The chromosomes presence of an ER, vacuoles, self-reproducing plastids, and an

Smooth Nuclear Nucleus

endoplasmic envelope Nucleolus
reticulum Centriole Cytoplasm


Actin filament Ribosomes

Intermediate Lysosome
Cytoskeleton membrane
Golgi complex

Cytoskeleton Nuclear envelope membrane
Actin endoplasmic
filament reticulum Nucleus Nucleolus
Microtubule Rough
Intermediate reticulum

Plasma Ribosomes
Golgi Central
complex vacuole

Cell wall

Lysosome Mitochondrion C
1 µm
cell wall

Chloroplast (opened to
B show thylakoids)

FIGURE 2-5 Eukaryotic cells. A: Diagrammatic representation of an animal cell. B: Diagrammatic representation of a plant cell.
C: Micrograph of an animal cell shows several membrane-bound structures, including mitochondria and a nucleus. (Fig. 2-3(A) and (B)
Reproduced with permission from Nester EW, Anderson DG, Roberts CE, et al: Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009.
© McGraw-Hill Education. Fig. 2-3(C) Reproduced with permission from Thomas Fritsche, MD, PhD.)

Riedel_CH02_p011-p042.indd 14 05/04/19 1:56 PM

CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   15

elaborate cytoskeleton composed of microtubules, microfila- are intermediate and appear to be evolving from a type II
ments, and intermediate filaments. to type I. Some hydrogenosomes have been identified that
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of contain DNA and ribosomes. The hydrogenosome, although
membrane-bound channels continuous with the nuclear mem- similar in size to mitochondria, lacks cristae and the enzymes
brane. Two types of ER are recognized: rough, to which 80S of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Pyruvate is taken up by the
ribosomes are attached; and smooth, which does not have hydrogenosome, and H2, CO2, acetate, and ATP are pro-
attached ribosomes (see Figure 2-5). Rough ER is a major pro- duced. The mitosome has only recently been discovered and
ducer of glycoproteins as well as new membrane material that is named, and its function has not been well characterized.
transported throughout the cell; smooth ER participates in the Lysosomes are membrane-enclosed vesicles that contain
synthesis of lipids and in some aspects of carbohydrate metabo- various digestive enzymes that the cell uses to digest macromol-
lism. The Golgi complex consists of a stack of membranes that ecules such as proteins, fats, and polysaccharides. The lysosome
function in concert with the ER to chemically modify and sort allows these enzymes to be partitioned away from the cytoplasm
products of the ER into those destined to be secreted and those proper, where they could destroy key cellular macromolecules if
that function in other membranous structures of the cell. not contained. After the hydrolysis of macromolecules in the
The plastids include mitochondria and chloroplasts. lysosome, the resulting monomers pass from the lysosome into
Several lines of evidence suggest that mitochondria and the cytoplasm, where they serve as nutrients.
chloroplasts arose from the engulfment of a prokaryotic cell The peroxisome is a membrane-enclosed structure
by a larger cell (endosymbiosis). Current hypotheses, mak- whose function is to produce H2O2 from the reduction of
ing use of mitochondrial genome and proteome data, sug- O2 by various hydrogen donors. The H2O2 produced in the
gest that the mitochondrial ancestor was most closely related peroxisome is subsequently degraded to H2O and O2 by the
to Alphaproteobacteria and that chloroplasts are related to enzyme catalase. Peroxisomes are believed to be of evolution-
nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Mitochondria are of prokary- ary origin unrelated to mitochondria.
otic size (Figure 2-5), and its membrane, which lacks sterols, The cytoskeleton is a three-dimensional structure that
is much less rigid than the eukaryotic cell’s cytoplasmic mem- fills the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells contain three main
brane, which does contain sterols. Mitochondria contain two kinds of cytoskeletal filaments: microfilaments, intermedi-
sets of membranes. The outermost membrane is rather perme- ate filaments, and microtubules. Each cytoskeletal filament
able, having numerous minute channels that allow passage of type is formed by polymerization of a distinct type of pro-
ions and small molecules (eg, adenosine triphosphate [ATP]). tein subunit and has its own shape and intracellular distri-
Invagination of the outer membrane forms a system of inner bution. Microfilaments are about 7 nm in diameter and are
folded membranes called cristae. The cristae are the sites of polymers composed of the protein actin. These fibers form
enzymes involved in respiration and ATP production. Cristae scaffolds throughout the cell, defining and maintaining the
also contain specific transport proteins that regulate passage shape of the cell. Microfilaments can also carry out intracel-
of metabolites into and out of the mitochondrial matrix. The lular transport/trafficking, and cellular movements, includ-
matrix contains a number of enzymes, particularly those of ing gliding, contraction, and cytokinesis.
the citric acid cycle. Chloroplasts are the photosynthetic cell Microtubules are hollow cylinders about 23 nm in diameter
organelles that can convert the energy of sunlight into chemi- (lumen is approximately 15 nm in diameter) most commonly
cal energy through photosynthesis. Chlorophyll and all other comprising 13 protofilaments that, in turn, are polymers of
components needed for photosynthesis are located in a series alpha and beta tubulin. Microtubules assist microfilaments
of flattened membrane discs called thylakoids. The size, shape, in maintaining cell structure, form the spindle fibers for sepa-
and number of chloroplasts per cell vary markedly; in contrast rating chromosomes during mitosis, and play an important
to mitochondria, chloroplasts are generally much larger than role in cell motility. Intermediate filaments are composed of
prokaryotes. Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their various proteins (eg, keratin, lamin, and desmin) depending
own DNA, which exists in a covalently closed circular form on the type of cell in which they are found. They are normally
and codes for some (not all) of their constituent proteins and 8–12 nm in diameter and provide tensile strength for the cell.
transfer RNAs. Mitochondria and chloroplasts also contain They are most commonly known as the support system or
70S ribosomes, the same as those of prokaryotes. “scaffolding” for the cell and nucleus. All filaments react with
Eukaryotic microorganisms that were previously thought accessory proteins (eg, Rho and dynein) that regulate and link
to lack mitochondria (amitochondriate eukaryotes) have the filaments to other cell components and each other.
been recently shown to contain some mitochondrial rem-
nants either through the maintenance of membrane-enclosed
respiratory organelles called hydrogenosomes, mitosomes, Surface Layers
or nuclear genes of mitochondrial origin. There are two types The cytoplasm is enclosed within a plasma membrane com-
of amitochondriate eukaryotes: type II (eg, Trichomonas posed of protein and phospholipid similar to the prokaryotic
vaginalis) harbors a hydrogenosome, while type I (eg, Giardia cell membrane illustrated later (see Figure 2-13). Most animal
lamblia) lacks organelles involved in core energy metabolism. cells have no other surface layers; however, plant cells have
Some amitochondrial parasites (eg, Entamoeba histolytica) an outer cell wall composed of cellulose (Figure 2-5B). Many

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16   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Both the flagella and the cilia of eukaryotic cells have the same
basic structure and biochemical composition. Both consist of
a series of microtubules, hollow protein cylinders composed
of a protein called tubulin surrounded by a membrane. The
arrangement of the microtubules is commonly referred to as
the “9 + 2 arrangement” because it consists of nine doublets
of microtubules surrounding two single central microtubules
(Figure 2-7). Each doublet is connected to another by the protein
dynein. The dynein arms attached to the microtubule function
as the molecular motors.


The prokaryotic cell is simpler than the eukaryotic cell at
20 µm
every level, with one exception: The cell envelope is more
FIGURE 2-6 A paramecium moves with the aid of cilia on the complex.
cell surface. (© Manfred Kage.)

The Nucleoid
eukaryotic microorganisms also have an outer cell wall, Prokaryotes have no true nuclei; instead they package their
which may be composed of a polysaccharide such as cellulose DNA in a structure known as the nucleoid. The negatively
or chitin or may be inorganic (eg, the silica wall of diatoms). charged DNA is at least partially neutralized by small poly-
amines and magnesium ions. Nucleoid-associated proteins
exist in bacteria and are distinct from histones in eukaryotic
Motility Organelles chromatin.
Many eukaryotic microorganisms have organelles called Electron micrographs of a typical prokaryotic cell reveal
flagella (eg, T. vaginalis) or cilia (eg, Paramecium) that move the absence of a nuclear membrane and a mitotic apparatus.
with a wavelike motion to propel the cell through water. Eukary- The exception to this rule is the planctomycetes, a diver-
otic flagella emanate from the polar region of the cell, and cilia, gent group of aquatic bacteria, which have a nucleoid sur-
which are shorter than flagella, surround the cell (Figure 2-6). rounded by a nuclear envelope consisting of two membranes.

dynein arm
dynein arm
Spoke head
Radial spoke

Nexin link

Central sheath
Subtubule A

Subtubule B


FIGURE 2-7 Cilia and flagella structure. A: An electron micrograph of a cilium cross section. Note the two central microtubles surrounded
by nine microtubule doublets (160,000×). (Reproduced with permission. © Kallista Images/Visuals Unlimited, Inc.) B: A diagram of cilia and
flagella structure. (Reproduced with permission from Willey JM, Sherwood LM, Woolverton CJ: Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology, 7th ed.
McGraw-Hill; 2008. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

Riedel_CH02_p011-p042.indd 16 05/04/19 1:56 PM

CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   17

Cytoplasmic Structures
Prokaryotic cells lack autonomous plastids, such as mito-
chondria and chloroplasts; the electron transport enzymes
are localized instead in the cytoplasmic membrane. The
photosynthetic pigments (carotenoids, bacteriochlorophyll)
of photosynthetic bacteria are contained in intracytoplas-
mic membrane systems of various morphologies. Mem-
brane vesicles (chromatophores) or lamellae are commonly
observed membrane types. Some photosynthetic bacteria
have specialized nonunit membrane-enclosed structures
called chlorosomes. In some cyanobacteria (formerly
known as blue-green algae), the photosynthetic membranes
often form multilayered structures known as thylakoids
A (Figure 2-9). The major accessory pigments used for light
0.5 µm harvesting are the phycobilins found on the outer surface of
the thylakoid membranes.
Bacteria often store reserve materials in the form of
insoluble granules, which appear as refractile bodies in the
cytoplasm when viewed by phase-contrast microscopy.
DNA fibers
These so-called inclusion bodies almost always function in
the storage of energy or as a reservoir of structural building
Membrane blocks. Most cellular inclusions are bounded by a thin non-
unit membrane consisting of lipid, which serves to separate
Ruptured cell
the inclusion from the cytoplasm proper. One of the most
common inclusion bodies consists of poly-β-hydroxybutyric
acid (PHB), a lipid-like compound consisting of chains of

Plasma membrane
FIGURE 2-8 The nucleoid. A: Color-enhanced transmission Cell wall
electron micrograph of E. coli with the DNA shown in red.
(Reproduced with permission. © CNRI/SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
B: Chromosome released from a gently lysed cell of E. coli. Note how
tightly packaged the DNA must be inside the bacterium. (Reproduced
with permission. © Dr. Gopal Murti/SPL/Photo Researchers Inc.)

The distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes that

still holds is that prokaryotes have no eukaryotic-type mitotic
apparatus. The nuclear region is filled with DNA fibrils
(Figure 2-8). The nucleoid of most bacterial cells consists of a
single continuous circular molecule ranging in size from 0.58
to almost 10 million base pairs. However, a few bacteria have
been shown to have two, three, or even four dissimilar chro-
mosomes. For example, Vibrio cholerae and Brucella meliten- Phycobilisomes
sis have two dissimilar chromosomes. There are exceptions to
this rule of circularity because some prokaryotes (eg, Borrelia Thylakoids
burgdorferi and Streptomyces coelicolor) have been shown to
have a linear chromosome.
In bacteria, the number of nucleoids, and therefore the Carboxysome 70S
1µm ribosome
number of chromosomes, depends on the growth condi-
tions. Rapidly growing bacteria have more nucleoids per cell FIGURE 2-9 Thin section of Synechocystis during division. Many
than slowly growing ones; however, when multiple copies structures are visible. (Reproduced from Stanier RY: The position of
are present, they are all the same (ie, prokaryotic cells are cyanobacteria in the world of phototrophs. Carlsberg Res Commun
haploid). 42:77-98, 1977. With kind permission of Springer + Business Media.)

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18   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

β-hydroxybutyric acid units connected through ester link- limiting, the sulfur in the granules is oxidized, usually to sul-
ages. PHB is produced when the source of nitrogen, sulfur, fate, and the granules slowly disappear. Many bacteria accu-
or phosphorous is limited and there is excess carbon in the mulate large reserves of inorganic phosphate in the form of
medium (Figure 2-10A). Another storage product formed granules of polyphosphate. These granules can be degraded
by prokaryotes when carbon is in excess is glycogen, which and used as sources of phosphate for nucleic acid and phos-
is a polymer of glucose. PHB and glycogen are used as car- pholipid synthesis to support growth. These granules are
bon sources when protein and nucleic acid synthesis are sometimes termed volutin granules or metachromatic gran-
resumed. A variety of prokaryotes are capable of oxidizing ules because they stain red with a blue dye. They are charac-
reduced sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide and teristic features of Corynebacterium (see Chapter 13).
thiosulfate, producing intracellular granules of elemental Certain groups of autotrophic bacteria that fix carbon
sulfur (Figure 2-10B). As the reduced sulfur source becomes dioxide to make their biochemical building blocks contain poly-
hedral bodies surrounded by a protein shell (carboxysomes)
containing the key enzyme of CO2 fixation, ribulosebisphos-
PM PHB phate carboxylase (see Figure 2-9). Magnetosomes are intra-
cellular crystal particles of the iron mineral magnetite (Fe3O4)
that allow certain aquatic bacteria to exhibit magnetotaxis (ie,
R migration or orientation of the cell with respect to the earth’s
magnetic field). Magnetosomes are surrounded by a nonunit
membrane containing phospholipids, proteins, and glycopro-
teins. Gas vesicles are found almost exclusively in microorgan-
isms from aquatic habitats, where they provide buoyancy. The
gas vesicle membrane is a 2-nm-thick layer of protein, imper-
meable to water and solutes but permeable to gases; thus, gas
vesicles exist as gas-filled structures surrounded by the con-
N stituents of the cytoplasm (Figure 2-11).
The most numerous intracellular structure in most
bacteria is the ribosome, the site of protein synthesis in all

FIGURE 2-10 Inclusion bodies in bacteria. A: Electron

micrograph of B. megaterium (30,500×) showing poly-β-
hydroxybutyric acid inclusion body, PHB; cell wall, CW;
nucleoid, N; plasma membrane, PM; “mesosome,” M; and
ribosomes, R. (Reproduced with permission. © Ralph A. Slepecky/
Visuals Unlimited.) B: Cromatium vinosum, a purple sulfur bacterium, FIGURE 2-11 Transverse section of a dividing cell of the
with intracellular sulfur granules, bright field microscopy (2000×). cyanobacterium Microcystis species showing hexagonal stacking
(Reproduced with permission from Holt J (editor): The Shorter of the cylindric gas vesicles (31,500×). (Micrograph by HS Pankratz.
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 8th ed. Williams & Reproduced with permission from Walsby AE: Gas vesicles. Microbiol
Wilkins, 1977. Copyright Bergey’s Manual Trust.) Rev 1994;58:94.)

Riedel_CH02_p011-p042.indd 18 05/04/19 1:56 PM

CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   19

Actin homologs (eg, MreB and Mbl) perform a variety of

functions, helping to determine cell shape, segregate chromo-
somes, and localize proteins within the cell. Nonactin homo-
logs (eg, FtsZ) and unique bacterial cytoskeletal proteins (eg,
SecY and MinD) are involved in determining cell shape and
in regulation of cell division and chromosome segregation.

The Cell Envelope

Prokaryotic cells are surrounded by complex envelope lay-
ers that differ in composition among the major groups.
These structures protect the organisms from hostile environ-
ments, such as extreme osmolarity, harsh chemicals, and even

FIGURE 2-12 The prokaryotic cytoskeleton. Visualization of the

MreB-like cytoskeletal protein (Mbl) of B. subtilis. The Mbl protein has The Plasma Membrane
been fused with green fluorescent protein, and live cells have been A. Structure
examined by fluorescence microscopy. A: Arrows point to the helical
The plasma membrane, also called the bacterial cytoplas-
cytoskeleton cables that extend the length of the cells. B: Three of
the cells from A are shown at a higher magnification. (Courtesy of
mic membrane, is visible in electron micrographs of thin
Rut Carballido-Lopez and Jeff Errington.) sections (see Figure 2-9). It is a typical “unit membrane”
composed of phospholipids and upward of 200 different pro-
teins. Proteins account for approximately 70% of the mass of
living organisms. All prokaryotes have 70S ribosomes, while the membrane, which is a considerably higher proportion
eukaryotes contain larger 80S ribosomes in their cytoplasm. than that of mammalian cell membranes. Figure 2-13 illus-
The 70S ribosome is made up of 50S and 30S subunits. The trates a model of membrane organization. The membranes
50S subunit contains the 23S and 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), of prokaryotes are distinguished from those of eukaryotic
while the 30S subunit contains the 16S rRNA. These rRNA cells by the absence of sterols (with some exceptions, eg,
molecules are complexed with a large number of ribosomal mycoplasmas, which also lack a cell wall, incorporate sterols,
proteins. The bacterial cytoplasm also contains homologs of such as cholesterol, into their membranes when growing in
all the major cytoskeletal proteins of eukaryotic cells as well as sterol-containing media). However, many bacteria contain
additional proteins that play cytoskeletal roles (Figure 2-12). structurally related compounds called hopanoids, which


Integral Glycolipid
Hydrophobic protein
α helix


Peripheral Phospholipid

FIGURE 2-13 Bacterial plasma membrane structure. This diagram of the fluid mosaic model of bacterial membrane structure shown
the integral proteins (green and red) floating in a lipid bilayer. Peripheral proteins (yellow) are associated loosely with the inner membrane
surface. Small spheres represent the hydrophilic ends of membrane phospholipids and wiggly tails, the hydrophobic fatty acid chains. Other
membrane lipids such as hopanoids (purple) may be present. For the sake of clarity, phospholipids are shown proportionately much larger size
than in real membranes. (Reproduced with permission from Willey JM, Sherwood LM, Woolverton CJ: Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology,
7th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2008. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

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20   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

likely fulfill the same function. Unlike eukaryotes, bacte- the cell. However, facilitated diffusion is selective. Chan-
ria can have a wide variety of fatty acids within their mem- nel proteins form selective channels that facilitate the pas-
branes. Along with the typical saturated and unsaturated sage of specific molecules. Facilitated diffusion is common
fatty acids, bacterial membranes can contain fatty acids with in eukaryotic microorganisms (eg, yeast) but is rare in pro-
additional methyl, hydroxy, or cyclic groups. The relative karyotes. Glycerol is one of the few compounds that enters
proportions of these fatty acids can be modulated by the bac- prokaryotic cells by facilitated diffusion.
terium to maintain the optimum fluidity of the membrane.
b. Active transport—Many nutrients are concentrated more
For example, at least 50% of the cytoplasmic membrane
than a thousandfold as a result of active transport. There
must be in the semifluid state for cell growth to occur. At
are two types of active transport mechanisms depending on
low temperatures, this is achieved by greatly increased syn-
the source of energy used: ion-coupled transport and ATP-
thesis and incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids into the
binding cassette (ABC) transport.
phospholipids of the cell membrane.
The cell membranes of the Archaea (see Chapter 1) dif- 1) Ion-coupled transport—These systems move a molecule
fer from those of the Bacteria. Some Archaeal cell membranes across the cell membrane at the expense of a previously estab-
contain unique lipids, isoprenoids, rather than fatty acids, lished ion gradient such as proton- or sodium-motive force.
linked to glycerol by ether rather than an ester linkage. Some There are three basic types: uniport, symport, and antiport
of these lipids have no phosphate groups, and therefore, they (Figure 2-14). Ion-coupled transport is particularly common
are not phospholipids. In other species, the cell membrane is in aerobic organisms, which have an easier time generating
made up of a lipid monolayer consisting of long lipids (about an ion-motive force than do anaerobes. Uniporters catalyze
twice as long as a phospholipid) with glycerol ethers at both the transport of a substrate independent of any coupled ion.
ends (diglycerol tetraethers). The molecules orient themselves Symporters catalyze the simultaneous transport of two sub-
with the polar glycerol groups on the surfaces and the non- strates in the same direction by a single carrier; for example, an
polar hydrocarbon chain in the interior. These unusual lipids H+ gradient can permit symport of an oppositely charged ion
contribute to the ability of many Archaea to grow under envi- (eg, glycine) or a neutral molecule (eg, galactose). Antiport-
ronmental conditions such as high salt, low pH, or very high ers catalyze the simultaneous transport of two like-charged
temperature. compounds in opposite directions by a common carrier (eg,
H+:Na+). Approximately, 40% of the substrates transported by
B. Function E. coli use this mechanism.
The major functions of the cytoplasmic membrane are (1) 2) ABC transport—This mechanism uses ATP directly to
selective permeability and transport of solutes; (2) electron transport solutes into the cell. In Gram-negative bacte-
transport and oxidative phosphorylation in aerobic spe- ria, the transport of many nutrients is facilitated by spe-
cies; (3) excretion of hydrolytic exoenzymes; (4) contain the cific binding proteins located in the periplasmic space; in
enzymes and carrier molecules that function in the biosyn- Gram-positive cells, the binding proteins are attached to the
thesis of DNA, cell wall polymers, and membrane lipids; and outer surface of the cell membrane. These proteins function
(5) bear the receptors and other proteins of the chemotactic by transferring the bound substrate to a membrane-bound
and other sensory transduction systems. protein complex. Hydrolysis of ATP is then triggered, and
the energy is used to open the membrane pore and allow
1. Permeability and transport—The cytoplasmic the unidirectional movement of the substrate into the cell.
membrane forms a hydrophobic barrier impermeable to Approximately 40% of the substrates transported by E. coli
most hydrophilic molecules. However, several mechanisms use this mechanism.
(transport systems) exist that enable the cell to transport
c. Group translocation—In addition to true transport, in
nutrients into and waste products out of the cell. These trans-
which a solute is moved across the membrane without change
port systems work against a concentration gradient to increase
in structure, bacteria use a process called group translocation
the nutrient concentrations inside the cell, a function that
(vectorial metabolism) to effect the net uptake of certain
requires energy in some form. There are three general trans-
sugars (eg, glucose and mannose), the substrate becom-
port mechanisms involved in membrane transport: passive
ing phosphorylated during the transport process. In a strict
transport, active transport, and group translocation.
sense, group translocation is not active transport because
a. Passive transport—This mechanism relies on diffusion, no concentration gradient is involved. This process allows
uses no energy, and operates only when the solute is at higher bacteria to use their energy resources efficiently by coupling
concentration outside than inside the cell. Simple diffusion transport with metabolism. In this process, a membrane car-
accounts for the entry of very few nutrients, including dis- rier protein is first phosphorylated in the cytoplasm at the
solved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water itself. Simple dif- expense of phosphoenolpyruvate; the phosphorylated car-
fusion provides neither speed nor selectivity. Facilitated rier protein then binds the free sugar at the exterior mem-
diffusion also uses no energy, so the solute never achieves brane face and transports it into the cytoplasm, releasing it as
an internal concentration greater than what exists outside a sugar phosphate. Such systems of sugar transport are called

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   21

Uniport +3 oxidation state and insoluble. The internal compartments

of animals contain virtually no free Fe; it is sequestered in
complexes with such proteins as transferrin and lactoferrin.
Some bacteria solve this problem by secreting siderophores—
compounds that chelate Fe and promote its transport as a
soluble complex. One major group of siderophores consists of
derivatives of hydroxamic acid (−CONH2OH), which chelate
Fe3+ very strongly. The iron–hydroxamate complex is actively
Outside Inside transported into the cell by the cooperative action of a group
of proteins that span the outer membrane, periplasm, and
inner membrane. The iron is released, and the hydroxamate
Symport can exit the cell and be used again for iron transport.
H+ H+ Some pathogenic bacteria use a fundamentally different
H+ mechanism involving specific receptors that bind host trans-
H+ ferrin and lactoferrin (as well as other iron-containing host
H+ proteins). The Fe is removed and transported into the cell
H + H+ using an ABC transporter.
H+ 2. Electron transport and oxidative
phosphorylation—The cytochromes and other enzymes
B and components of the respiratory chain, including certain
dehydrogenases, are located in the cytoplasmic membrane.
Antiport The bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is thus a functional
analog of the mitochondrial membrane—a relationship
which has been taken by many biologists to support the the-
ory that mitochondria have evolved from symbiotic bacteria.
The mechanism by which ATP generation is coupled to elec-
tron transport is discussed in Chapter 6.

3. Excretion of hydrolytic exoenzymes and

pathogenicity proteins—All organisms that rely on
C macromolecular organic polymers as a source of nutrients
(eg, proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids) excrete hydro-
FIGURE 2-14 Three types of porters: A: uniporters, lytic enzymes that degrade these polymers to subunits small
B: symporters, and C: antiporters. Uniporters catalyze the enough to penetrate the cell membrane. Higher animals
transport of a single species independently of any other,
secrete such enzymes into the lumen of the digestive tract;
symporters catalyze the cotransport of two dissimilar species
(usually a solute and a positively charged ion, H+) in the same
bacteria (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative) secrete
direction, and antiporters catalyze the exchange transport of two them directly into the external medium or into the periplas-
similar solutes in opposite directions. A single transport protein mic space between the peptidoglycan layer and the outer
may catalyze just one of these processes, two of these processes, membrane of the cell wall in the case of Gram-negative bac-
or even all three of these processes, depending on conditions. teria (see The Cell Wall).
Uniporters, symporters, and antiporters have been found to be In Gram-positive bacteria, proteins are secreted directly
structurally similar and evolutionarily related, and they function across the cytoplasmic membrane, but in Gram-negative
by similar mechanisms. (Reproduced with permission from Saier bacteria, secreted proteins must traverse the outer membrane
MH Jr: Peter Mitchell and his chemiosmotic theories. ASM News as well. At least six pathways of protein secretion have been
1997;63:13.) described in bacteria: the type I, type II, type III, type IV,
type V, and type VI secretion systems. A schematic over-
view of the type I to V systems is presented in Figure 2-15.
phosphotransferase systems. Phosphotransferase systems
The type I and IV secretion systems have been described
are also involved in movement toward these carbon sources
in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but the
(chemotaxis) and in the regulation of several other metabolic
type II, III, V, and VI secretion systems have been found only
pathways (catabolite repression).
in Gram-negative bacteria. Proteins secreted by the type I and
d. Special transport processes—Iron (Fe) is an essential nutri- III pathways traverse the inner (cytoplasmic) membrane (IM)
ent for the growth of almost all bacteria. Under anaerobic and outer membrane (OM) in one step, but proteins secreted
conditions, Fe is generally in the +2 oxidation state and solu- by the type II and V pathways cross the IM and OM in sepa-
ble. However, under aerobic conditions, Fe is generally in the rate steps. Proteins secreted by the type II and V pathways are

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22   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Type I Type III Type II Type V Type IV

Cell exterior

Yop membrane

YscJ space

ADP membrane
+ Pi
+ Pi + Pi ATP + Pi + Pi

Chaperone Chaperone


FIGURE 2-15 The protein secretion systems of Gram-negative bacteria. Five secretion systems of Gram-negative bacteria are shown.
The Sec-dependent and Tat pathways deliver proteins from the cytoplasm to the periplasmic space. The type II, type V, and sometimes
type IV systems complete the secretion process begun by the Sec-dependent pathway. The Tat system appears to deliver proteins only to
the type II pathway. The type I and III systems bypass the Sec-dependent and Tat pathways, moving proteins directly from the cytoplasm,
through the outer membrane, to the extracellular space. The type IV system can work either with the Sec-dependent pathway or can work
alone to transport proteins to the extracellular space. Proteins translocated by the Sec-dependent pathway and the type III pathway are
delivered to those systems by chaperone proteins. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; EFGY; PuIS; SecD; TolC; Yop.
(Reproduced with permission from Willey JM, Sherwood LM, Woolverton CJ: Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2008.
© McGraw-Hill Education.)

synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes as preproteins con- targeting translocase (tat pathway) can move proteins across
taining an extra leader or signal sequence of 15–40 amino the IM. In Gram-negative bacteria, these proteins are then
acids—most commonly about 30 amino acids—at the amino delivered to the type II system (Figure 2-15). The tat pathway
terminal and require the sec system for transport across the is distinct from the sec system in that it translocates already
IM. In E. coli, the sec pathway comprises a number of IM folded proteins.
proteins (SecD to SecF, SecY), a cell membrane-associated Although proteins secreted by the type II and V systems
ATPase (SecA) that provides energy for export, a chaperone are similar in the mechanism by which they cross the IM, dif-
(SecB) that binds to the preprotein, and the periplasmic ferences exist in how they traverse the OM. Proteins secreted
signal peptidase. After translocation, the leader sequence is by the type II system are transported across the OM by a mul-
cleaved off by the membrane-bound signal peptidase, and the tiprotein complex (see Figure 2-15). This is the primary path-
mature protein is released into the periplasmic space. In con- way for the secretion of extracellular degradative enzymes
trast, proteins secreted by the type I and III systems do not by Gram-negative bacteria. Elastase, phospholipase C, and
have a leader sequence and are exported intact. exotoxin A are secreted by this system in Pseudomonas
In Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, another aeruginosa. However, proteins secreted by the type V system
cytoplasmic membrane system that uses the twin-arginine autotransport across the outer membrane by virtue of a

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   23

carboxyl terminal sequence, which is enzymatically removed

upon release of the protein from the OM. Some extracellu-
lar proteins—eg, the IgA protease of Neisseria gonorrhoeae
and the vacuolating cytotoxin of Helicobacter pylori—are
secreted by this system.
The type I and III secretion pathways are sec indepen-
dent and thus do not involve amino terminal processing of
the secreted proteins. Protein secretion by these pathways
occurs in a continuous process without the presence of a
cytoplasmic intermediate. Type I secretion is exemplified by
the α-hemolysin of E. coli and the adenylyl cyclase of Borde-
tella pertussis. Type I secretion requires three secretory pro-
teins: an IM ATP-binding cassette (ABC transporter), which
provides energy for protein secretion; an OM protein; and FIGURE 2-16 The rigid cell wall determines the shape of
a membrane fusion protein, which is anchored in the inner the bacterium. Even though the cell has split apart, the cell wall
membrane and spans the periplasmic space (see Figure 2-15). maintains its original shape. (Courtesy of Dale C. Birdsell.)
Instead of a signal peptide, the information is located within
the carboxyl terminal 60 amino acids of the secreted protein. The Cell Wall
The type III secretion pathway is a contact-dependent
system. It is activated by contact with a host cell, and then The internal osmotic pressure of most bacteria ranges from 5
injects a toxin protein into the host cell directly. The type III to 20 atm as a result of solute concentration via active trans-
secretion apparatus is composed of approximately 20 proteins, port. In most environments, this pressure would be sufficient
most of which are located in the IM. Many of these IM compo- to burst the cell were it not for the presence of a high-tensile-
nents are homologous to the flagellar biosynthesis apparatus of strength cell wall (Figure 2-16). The bacterial cell wall owes its
both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. As in type I strength to a layer composed of a substance variously referred
secretion, the proteins secreted via the type III pathway are not to as murein, mucopeptide, or peptidoglycan (all, including
subject to amino terminal processing during secretion. “cell wall,” are synonyms). The structure of peptidoglycan is
Type IV pathways secrete either polypeptide toxins discussed as follows.
(directed against eukaryotic cells) or protein–DNA complexes Most bacteria are classified as Gram-positive or Gram-
either between two bacterial cells or between a bacterial and a negative according to their response to the Gram-staining
eukaryotic cell. Type IV secretion is exemplified by the protein– procedure. This procedure was named for the histologist
DNA complex delivered by Agrobacterium tumefaciens into Hans Christian Gram, who developed this differential stain-
a plant cell. Additionally, B. pertussis and H. pylori possess ing procedure in an attempt to identify bacteria in infected
type IV secretion systems that mediate secretion of pertus- tissues. The Gram-stain depends on the ability of certain
sis toxin and interleukin-8–inducing factor, respectively. The bacteria (the Gram-positive bacteria) to retain a complex
sec-independent type VI secretion was recently described in of crystal violet (a purple dye) and iodine after a brief wash
P. aeruginosa, where it contributes to pathogenicity in patients with alcohol or acetone. Gram-negative bacteria do not
with cystic fibrosis. This secretion system is composed of retain the dye–iodine complex and become translucent, but
15–20 proteins whose biochemical functions are not well they can then be counterstained with safranin (a red dye).
understood. However, recent studies suggest that some of these Thus, Gram-positive bacteria look purple under the micro-
proteins share homology with bacteriophage tail proteins. scope, and Gram-negative bacteria look red. The distinction
The characteristics of the protein secretion systems of between these two groups turns out to reflect fundamental
bacteria are summarized in Table 9-5. differences in their cell envelopes (Table 2-1).
In addition to providing osmotic protection, the cell wall
4. Biosynthetic functions—The cell membrane is the plays an essential role in cell division as well as serving as a
site of the carrier lipids on which the subunits of the cell wall primer for its own biosynthesis. The cell wall is, in general,
are assembled (see the discussion of synthesis of cell wall sub- nonselectively permeable; one layer of the Gram-negative
stances in Chapter 6) as well as of the enzymes of cell wall wall, however—the outer membrane—hinders the passage of
biosynthesis. The enzymes of phospholipid synthesis are also relatively large molecules (see next).
localized in the cell membrane. The biosynthesis of the cell wall and the antibiotics that
interfere with this process are discussed in Chapter 6.
5. Chemotactic systems—Attractants and repellents
bind to specific receptors in the bacterial membrane (see A. The Peptidoglycan Layer
Flagella). There are at least 20 different chemoreceptors in the Peptidoglycan is a complex polymer consisting, for the pur-
membrane of E. coli, some of which also function as a first poses of description, of three parts: a backbone, composed of
step in the transport process. alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid

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24   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

TABLE 2-1 Comparison of Features of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria

Peptidoglycan Outer Peptidoglycan
and teichoic acids membrane

membrane Periplasm

Gram-Positive Gram-Negative

Color of Gram-Stained Cell Purple Reddish-pink

Representative Genera Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus Escherichia, Neisseria, Pseudomonas

Distinguishing Structures/Components

Peptidoglycan Thick layer Thin layer

Teichoic acids Present Absent

Outer membrane Absent Present

Lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) Absent Present

Porin proteins Absent (unnecessary because there is no Present; allow passage of molecules through
outer membrane) outer membrane

Periplasm Absent Present

General Characteristics

Sensitivity to penicillin Generally more susceptible (with notable Generally less susceptible (with notable
exceptions) exceptions)

Sensitivity to lysozyme Yes No

connected by β1→4 linkages; a set of identical tetrapeptide when given l-lysine alone, however, they lyse, because they
side chains attached to N-acetylmuramic acid; and a set of continue to grow but are specifically unable to make new cell
identical peptide cross-bridges (Figure 2-17). The backbone wall peptidoglycan.
is the same in all bacterial species; the tetrapeptide side The fact that all peptidoglycan chains are cross-linked
chains and the peptide cross-bridges vary from species to means that each peptidoglycan layer is a single giant mol-
species. In many Gram-negative cell walls, the cross-bridge ecule. In Gram-positive bacteria, there are as many as 40
consists of a direct peptide linkage between the diaminopi- sheets of peptidoglycan, comprising up to 50% of the cell wall
melic acid (DAP) amino group of one side chain and the car- material; in Gram-negative bacteria, there appears to be only
boxyl group of the terminal d-alanine of a second side chain. one or two sheets, comprising 5–10% of the wall material.
The tetrapeptide side chains of all species, however, have Bacteria owe their shapes, which are characteristic of particu-
certain notable features in common. Most have l-alanine at lar species, to their cell wall structure.
position 1 (attached to N-acetylmuramic acid), d-glutamate
or substituted d-glutamate at position 2, and d-alanine at B. Special Components of Gram-Positive Cell Walls
position 4. Position 3 is the most variable one: Most Gram- Most Gram-positive cell walls contain considerable amounts
negative bacteria have diaminopimelic acid at this position, to of teichoic and teichuronic acids, which may account for up
which is linked the lipoprotein cell wall component discussed to 50% of the dry weight of the wall and 10% of the dry weight
as follows. Gram-positive bacteria usually have l-lysine at of the total cell. In addition, some Gram-positive walls may
position 3; however, some may have diaminopimelic acid or contain polysaccharide molecules.
another amino acid at this position.
Diaminopimelic acid is a unique element of bacterial 1. Teichoic and teichuronic acids—The term teichoic
cell walls. It is never found in the cell walls of Archaea or acids encompass all wall, membrane, or capsular polymers
eukaryotes. Diaminopimelic acid is the immediate precursor containing glycerophosphate or ribitol phosphate residues.
of lysine in the bacterial biosynthesis of that amino acid (see These polyalcohols are connected by phosphodiester link-
Figure 6-19). Bacterial mutants that are blocked before diami- ages and usually have other sugars and d-alanine attached
nopimelic acid in the biosynthetic pathway grow normally (Figure 2-18A). Because they are negatively charged, tei-
when provided with diaminopimelic acid in the medium; choic acids are partially responsible for the net negative

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   25

N-acetylmuramic acid N-acetylglucosamine Sugar

(NAM) (NAG) backbone NAM NAG



NAG NAM NAG NAM Tetrapeptide chain Peptide interbridge
(amino acids)

peptide Peptide interbridge
chain (Gram-positive cells)
(amino acids)

Tetrapeptide (amino acids) FIGURE 2-17 Components and structure of peptidoglycan.
chains A: Chemical structure of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and
N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM); the ring structures of the two molecules
are glucose. Glycan chains are composed of alternating subunits of
NAG and NAM joined by covalent bonds. Adjacent glycan chains are
cross-linked via their tetrapeptide chains to create peptidoglycan.
B: Interconnected glycan chains form a very large three-dimensional
chain NAM NAG NAM NAG molecule of peptidoglycan. The β1→4 linkages in the backbone are
cleaved by lysozyme. (Reproduced with permission from Nester EW,
Anderson DG, Roberts CE, et al: Microbiology: A Human Perspective,
A 6th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

charge of the cell surface. There are two types of teichoic position 3 or 4 of ribitol. In some of the more complex tei-
acids: wall teichoic acid (WTA), covalently linked to pepti- choic acids, however, d-alanine is attached to one of the
doglycan; and membrane teichoic acid, covalently linked to sugar residues. In addition to d-alanine, other substituents
membrane glycolipid. Because the latter are intimately asso- may be attached to the free hydroxyl groups of glycerol
ciated with lipids, they have been called lipoteichoic acids and ribitol (eg, glucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine,
(LTA). Together with peptidoglycan, WTA and LTA make N-acetylgalactosamine, or succinate). A given species may
up a polyanionic network or matrix that provides functions have more than one type of sugar substituent in addition to
relating to the elasticity, porosity, tensile strength, and elec- d-alanine; in such cases, it is not certain whether the different
trostatic properties of the envelope. Although not all Gram- sugars occur on the same or on separate teichoic acid mole-
positive bacteria have conventional LTA and WTA, those cules. The composition of the teichoic acid formed by a given
that lack these polymers generally have functionally similar bacterial species can vary with the composition of the growth
ones. medium.
Most teichoic acids contain substantial amounts of The teichoic acids constitute major surface antigens of
d-alanine, usually attached to position 2 or 3 of glycerol or those Gram-positive species that possess them, and their

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26   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Teichoic acid Lipoteichoic acid

O P O–

O P O–
CH2 Periplasmic


O P O–


FIGURE 2-18 A: Teichoic acid structure. The segment of a teichoic acid made of phosphate, glycerol, and a side chain, R. R may represent
d-alanine, glucose, or other molecules. B: Teichoic and lipoteichoic acids of the Gram-positive envelope. (Reproduced with permission from
Willey JM, Sherwood LM, Woolverton CJ: Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2008. © McGraw-Hill Education.)

accessibility to antibodies has been taken as evidence that C. Special Components of Gram-Negative Cell Walls
they lie on the outside surface of the peptidoglycan. Their Gram-negative cell walls contain three components that lie
activity is often increased, however, by partial digestion of outside of the peptidoglycan layer: outer membrane, lipo-
the peptidoglycan; thus, much of the teichoic acid may lie polysaccharide, and lipoprotein (Figure 2-19).
between the cytoplasmic membrane and the peptidogly-
can layer, possibly extending upward through pores in the 1. Outer membrane—The outer membrane is chemi-
latter (Figure 2-18B). In the pneumococcus (Streptococcus cally distinct from all other biological membranes. It is a
pneumoniae), the teichoic acids bear the antigenic determi- bilayered structure; its inner leaflet resembles in composi-
nants called Forssman antigen. In Streptococcus pyogenes, tion that of the cytoplasmic membrane, and its outer leaf-
LTA is associated with the M protein that protrudes from the let contains a distinctive component, a lipopolysaccharide
cell membrane through the peptidoglycan layer. The long M (LPS) (see next). As a result, this is an asymmetrical mem-
protein molecules together with the LTA form microfibrils brane, and the properties of this bilayer differ considerably
that facilitate the attachment of S. pyogenes to animal cells from those of a symmetrical biologic membrane such as the
(see Chapter 14). cell membrane.
The teichuronic acids are similar polymers, but the The ability of the outer membrane to exclude hydropho-
repeat units include sugar acids (eg, N-acetylmannosuronic bic molecules is an unusual feature among biologic mem-
or d-glucosuronic acid) instead of phosphoric acids. They branes and serves to protect the cell (in the case of enteric
are synthesized in place of teichoic acids when phosphate is bacteria) from deleterious substances such as bile salts.
limiting. Because of its lipid nature, the outer membrane would be
expected to exclude hydrophilic molecules as well. However,
2. Polysaccharides—The hydrolysis of Gram-positive the outer membrane has special channels, consisting of pro-
walls has yielded, from certain species, neutral sugars, such tein molecules called porins that permit the passive diffusion
as mannose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucosamine, and of low-molecular-weight hydrophilic compounds, such as
acidic sugars, such as glucuronic acid and mannuronic acid. sugars, amino acids, and certain ions. Large antibiotic mol-
It has been proposed that these sugars exist as subunits of ecules penetrate the outer membrane relatively slowly, which
polysaccharides in the cell wall; the discovery, however, that accounts for the relatively high resistance of Gram-negative
teichoic and teichuronic acids may contain a variety of sug- bacteria to some antibiotics. The permeability of the outer
ars (see Figure 2-18A) leaves the true origin of these sugars membrane varies widely from one Gram-negative species to
uncertain. another; in P. aeruginosa, for example, which is extremely

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   27


Lipopoly- Glucose Outer
saccharide core

Porin core

Lipid A
Outer membrane

Lipoprotein Peptidoglycan



Inner membrane


FIGURE 2-19 Molecular representation of the envelope of a Gram-negative bacterium. Ovals and rectangles represent sugar residues,
and circles depict the polar head groups of the glycerophospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol). The core region
shown is that of E. coli K-12, a strain that does not normally contain an O-antigen repeat unless transformed with an appropriate plasmid. MDO,
membrane-derived oligosaccharides. (Reproduced with permission from Raetz CRH: Bacterial endotoxins: Extraordinary lipids that activate
eucaryotic signal transduction. J Bacteriol 1993;175:5745.)

resistant to antibacterial agents, the outer membrane is 100 receptor for lambda bacteriophage, is responsible for most of
times less permeable than that of E. coli. the transmembrane diffusion of maltose and maltodextrins;
The major proteins of the outer membrane, named Tsx, the receptor for T6 bacteriophage, is responsible for the
according to the genes that code for them, have been placed transmembrane diffusion of nucleosides and some amino
into several functional categories on the basis of mutants in acids. LamB allows some passage of other solutes; however,
which they are lacking and on the basis of experiments in its relative specificity may reflect weak interactions of solutes
which purified proteins have been reconstituted into artifi- with configuration-specific sites within the channel.
cial membranes. Porins, exemplified by OmpC, D, and F and The OmpA protein is an abundant protein in the outer
PhoE of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, are trimeric membrane. The OmpA protein participates in the anchoring
proteins that penetrate both the inner and outer leaflets of the of the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer; it is also
outer membrane (Figure 2-20). They form relatively nonspe- the sex pilus receptor in F-mediated bacterial conjugation
cific pores that permit the free diffusion of small hydrophilic (see Chapter 7).
solutes across the outer membrane. The porins of different The outer membrane also contains a set of less abun-
species have different exclusion limits, ranging from molecu- dant proteins that are involved in the transport of specific
lar weights of about 600 in E. coli and S. typhimurium to more molecules, such as vitamin B12 and iron–siderophore com-
than 3000 in P. aeruginosa. plexes. They show high affinity for their substrates and prob-
Members of a second group of outer membrane pro- ably function like the classic carrier transport systems of the
teins, which resemble porins in many ways, are exemplified cytoplasmic membrane. The proper function of these pro-
by LamB and Tsx. LamB, an inducible porin that is also the teins requires energy coupled through a protein called TonB.

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28   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology


FIGURE 2-20 A: General fold of a porin monomer (OmpF porin from Escherichia coli). The large hollow β-barrel structure is formed by
antiparallel arrangement of 16 β-strands. The strands are connected by short loops or regular turns on the periplasmic rim (bottom), and long
irregular loops face the cell exterior (top). The internal loop, which connects β-strands 5 and 6 and extends inside the barrel, is highlighted
in dark. The chain terminals are marked. The surface closest to the viewer is involved in subunit contacts. B: Schematic representation of
the OmpF trimer. The view is from the extracellular space along the molecular threefold symmetry axis. (Reproduced with permission from
Schirmer T: General and specific porins from bacterial outer membranes. J Struct Biol 1998;121:101.)

Additional minor proteins include a limited number of presence of LPS is required for the function of many outer
enzymes, among them phospholipases and proteases. membrane proteins.
The topology of the major proteins of the outer mem- Lipid A consists of phosphorylated glucosamine disac-
brane, based on cross-linking studies and analyses of func- charide units to which are attached several long-chain fatty
tional relationships, is shown in Figure 2-19. The outer acids (Figure 2-21). β-Hydroxymyristic acid, a C14 fatty acid,
membrane is connected to both the peptidoglycan layer and is always present and is unique to this lipid; the other fatty
the cytoplasmic membrane. The connection with the pepti- acids, along with substituent groups on the phosphates, vary
doglycan layer is primarily mediated by the outer membrane according to the bacterial species.
lipoprotein (see next). About one-third of the lipoprotein The polysaccharide core, shown in Figure 2-21A and B,
molecules are covalently linked to peptidoglycan and help is similar in all Gram-negative species that have LPS and
hold the two structures together. A noncovalent association includes two characteristic sugars, ketodeoxyoctanoic
of some of the porins with the peptidoglycan layer plays a acid (KDO) and a heptose. Each species, however, con-
lesser role in connecting the outer membrane with this struc- tains a unique repeat unit, that of Salmonella being shown
ture. Outer membrane proteins are synthesized on ribosomes in Figure 2-21A. The repeat units are usually linear trisac-
bound to the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane. They charides or branched tetra- or pentasaccharides. The repeat
are translocated into the periplasm via the Sec translocase. unit is referred to as the O antigen. The hydrophilic carbohy-
They then fold in the periplasm before being inserted into the drate chains of the O antigen cover the bacterial surface and
outer membrane. In E. coli, YaeT appears to function primar- exclude hydrophobic compounds.
ily in outer membrane protein insertion. The negatively charged LPS molecules are noncovalently
cross-bridged by divalent cations (ie, Ca2+ and Mg2+); this
2. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)—The LPS of Gram- stabilizes the membrane and provides a barrier to hydropho-
negative cell walls consists of a complex glycolipid, called bic molecules. Removal of the divalent cations with chelating
lipid A, to which is attached a polysaccharide made up of agents or their displacement by polycationic antibiotics, such
a core and a terminal series of repeat units (Figure 2-21A). as polymyxins and aminoglycosides, renders the outer mem-
The lipid A component is embedded in the outer leaflet of brane permeable to large hydrophobic molecules.
the membrane anchoring the LPS. LPS is synthesized on the LPS, which is extremely toxic to animals, has been called
cytoplasmic membrane and transported to its final exterior the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria because it is firmly
position. In E. coli, LPS insertion is mediated by OstA. The bound to the cell surface and is released only when the cells

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   29

Man Abe
Gal n
O side chain
Man Abe

Glc Gal
Hep Core polysaccharide
Hep P P ethanolamine

KDO KDO P ethanolamine

P GlcN GlcN P

Fatty acid Lipid A


FIGURE 2-21 Lipopolysaccharide structure. A: The lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella. This slightly simplified diagram illustrates
one form of the LPS. Abe, abequose; Gal, galactose; GlcN, glucosamine; Hep, heptulose; KDO, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate; Man, mannose;
NAG, N-acetylglucosamine; P, phosphate; Rha, l-rhamnose. Lipid A is buried in the outer membrane. B: Molecular model of an E. coli
lipopolysaccharide. The lipid A and core polysaccharide are straight; the O side chain is bent at an angle in this model. (Reproduced with
permission from Willey JM, Sherwood LM, Woolverton CJ: Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2008.
© McGraw-Hill Education.)

are lysed. When LPS is split into lipid A and polysaccharide, important virulence factor. Epitopes have been identified on
all the toxicity is associated with the former. The O antigen is LOS that mimic host structures and may enable these organ-
highly immunogenic in a vertebrate animal. Antigenic speci- isms to evade the immune response of the host. Some LOS (eg,
ficity is conferred by the O antigen because this antigen is those from N. gonorrhoeae, N. meningitidis, and H. ducreyi)
highly variable among species and even in strains within a have a terminal N-acetyllactosamine (Galβ-1→4-GlcNAc)
species. The number of possible antigenic types is very great: residue that is immunochemically similar to the precursor of
Over 1000 have been recognized in Salmonella alone. Not the human erythrocyte I antigen. In the presence of a bacte-
all Gram-negative bacteria have outer membrane LPS com- rial enzyme called sialyltransferase and a host or bacterial
posed of a variable number of repeated oligosaccharide units substrate (cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid,
(see Figure 2-21); the outer membrane glycolipids of bacteria CMP-NANA), the N-acetyllactosamine residue is sialylated.
that colonize mucosal surfaces (eg, Neisseria meningitidis, This sialylation, which occurs in vivo, provides the organism
N. gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Haemophilus with the environmental advantages of molecular mimicry of
ducreyi) have relatively short, multiantennary (ie, branched) a host antigen and the biologic masking thought to be pro-
glycans. These smaller glycolipids have been compared with vided by sialic acids.
the “R-type” truncated LPS structures, which lack O antigens
and are produced by rough mutants of enteric bacteria such as 3. Lipoprotein—Molecules of an unusual lipoprotein
E. coli. However, the structures of these glycolipids more closely cross-link the outer membrane and peptidoglycan layers (see
resemble those of the glycosphingolipids of mammalian cell Figure 2-19). The lipoprotein contains 57 amino acids, rep-
membranes, and they are more properly termed lipooligosac- resenting repeats of a 15-amino-acid sequence; it is peptide-
charides (LOS). These molecules exhibit extensive antigenic linked to DAP residues of the peptidoglycan tetrapeptide
and structural diversity even within a single strain. LOS is an side chains. The lipid component, consisting of a diglyceride

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30   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

thioether linked to a terminal cysteine, is noncovalently l-amino acids rather than d-amino acids and disaccharide
inserted in the outer membrane. Lipoprotein is numerically units with an α-1→3 rather than a β1→4 linkage. Archaea
the most abundant protein of Gram-negative cells (ca 700,000 that have a pseudomurein cell wall are Gram-positive.
molecules per cell). Its function (inferred from the behavior
of mutants that lack it) is to stabilize the outer membrane and F. Crystalline Surface Layers
anchor it to the peptidoglycan layer. Many bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac-
teria as well as Archaebacteria, possess a two-dimensional
4. The periplasmic space—The space between the crystalline, subunit-type layer lattice of protein or glycoprotein
inner and outer membranes, called the periplasmic space, molecules (S-layer) as the outermost component of the cell
contains the peptidoglycan layer and a gel-like solution of envelope. In both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,
proteins. The periplasmic space is approximately 20–40% of this structure is sometimes several molecules thick. In some
the cell volume, which is far from insignificant. The periplas- Archaea, it is the only layer external to the cell membrane.
mic proteins include binding proteins for specific substrates S-layers are generally composed of a single kind of pro-
(eg, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, and ions), hydrolytic tein molecule, sometimes with carbohydrates attached. The
enzymes (eg, alkaline phosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase) isolated molecules are capable of self-assembly (ie, they make
that break down nontransportable substrates into trans- sheets similar or identical to those present on the cells). S-layer
portable ones, and detoxifying enzymes (eg, β-lactamase proteins are resistant to proteolytic enzymes and protein-
and aminoglycoside-phosphorylase) that inactivate certain denaturing agents. The function of the S-layer is uncertain
antibiotics. The periplasm also contains high concentrations but is probably protective. In some cases, it has been shown to
of highly branched polymers of d-glucose, 8 to 10 residues protect the cell from wall-degrading enzymes, from invasion
long, which are variously substituted with glycerol phos- by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (a predatory bacterium), and
phate and phosphatidylethanolamine residues; some contain from bacteriophages. It also plays a role in the maintenance
O-succinyl esters. These so-called membrane-derived oligo- of cell shape in some species of Archaebacteria, and it may be
saccharides appear to play a role in osmoregulation because involved in cell adhesion to host epidermal surfaces.
cells grown in media of low osmolarity increase their synthe-
sis of these compounds 16-fold.
G. Enzymes That Attack Cell Walls
The β1→4 glycan linkage of the peptidoglycan backbone
D. The Acid-Fast Cell Wall is hydrolyzed by the enzyme lysozyme (see Figure 2-17),
Some bacteria, notably the tubercle bacillus (M. tuberculosis) which is found in animal secretions (tears, saliva, nasal
and its relatives, have cell walls that contain substan- secretions) as well as in egg white. Gram-positive bacteria
tial amounts of waxes, complex branched hydrocarbons treated with lysozyme in low-osmotic-strength media lyse;
(70–90 carbons long) known as mycolic acids. The cell wall is if the osmotic strength of the medium is raised to balance
composed of peptidoglycan and an external asymmetric lipid the internal osmotic pressure of the cell, free spherical bodies
bilayer; the inner leaflet contains mycolic acids linked to an called protoplasts are liberated. The outer membrane of the
arabinoglycan, and the outer leaflet contains other extract- Gram-negative cell wall prevents access of lysozyme unless
able lipids. This is a highly ordered lipid bilayer in which disrupted by an agent such as ethylene-diaminetetraacetic
proteins are embedded, forming water-filled pores through acid (EDTA), a compound that chelates divalent cations; in
which nutrients and certain drugs can pass slowly. Some osmotically protected media, cells treated with EDTA-lyso-
compounds can also penetrate the lipid domains of the cell zyme form spheroplasts that still possess remnants of the
wall albeit slowly. This hydrophobic structure renders these complex Gram-negative wall, including the outer membrane.
bacteria resistant to many harsh chemicals, including deter- Bacteria themselves possess a number of autolysins,
gents and strong acids. If a dye is introduced into these cells hydrolytic enzymes that attack peptidoglycan, including
by brief heating or treatment with detergents, the dye cannot muramidases, glucosaminidases, endopeptidases, and car-
be removed by dilute hydrochloric acid, as in other bacteria. boxypeptidases. These enzymes catalyze the turnover or
These organisms are therefore called acid fast. The permea- degradation of peptidoglycan in bacteria. These enzymes
bility of the cell wall to hydrophilic molecules is 100- to 1000- presumably participate in cell wall growth and turnover and
fold lower than for E. coli and may be responsible for the slow in cell separation, but their activity is most apparent during
growth rate of mycobacteria. the dissolution of dead cells (autolysis).
Enzymes that degrade bacterial cell walls are also found
E. Cell Walls of the Archaea in cells that digest whole bacteria (eg, protozoa and the
The Archaea do not have cell walls like the Bacteria. Some have phagocytic cells of higher animals).
a simple S-layer (see next) often composed of glycoproteins.
Some Archaea have a rigid cell wall composed of polysaccha- H. Cell Wall Growth
rides or a macromolecule called pseudomurein. The pseudo- Cell wall synthesis is necessary for cell division; however,
murein differs from the peptidoglycan of bacteria by having the incorporation of new cell wall material varies with the

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   31

shape of the bacterium. Rod-shaped bacteria (eg, E. coli and Some L forms can revert to the normal bacillary form
Bacillus subtilis) have two modes of cell wall synthesis; new upon removal of the inducing stimulus. Thus, they can
peptidoglycan is inserted along a helical path leading to elon- resume normal cell wall synthesis. Others are stable and
gation of the cell and is inserted in a closing ring around the never revert. The factor that determines their capacity to
future division site, leading to the formation of the division revert may again be the presence of residual peptidoglycan,
septum. Coccoid cells such as S. aureus do not seem to have which normally acts as a primer in its own biosynthesis.
an elongation mode of cell wall synthesis. Instead, new pepti- Some bacterial species produce L forms spontaneously.
doglycan is inserted only at the division site. A third form of The spontaneous or antibiotic-induced formation of L forms
cell wall growth is exemplified by S. pneumoniae, which are in the host may produce chronic infections, the organisms
not true cocci, because their shape is not totally round but persisting by becoming sequestered in protective regions of
instead have the shape of a rugby ball. S. pneumoniae synthe- the body. Because L-form infections are relatively resistant
sizes cell wall not only at the septum but also at the so-called to antibiotic treatment, they present special problems in che-
equatorial rings (Figure 2-22). motherapy. Their reversion to the bacillary form can produce
relapses of the overt infection.
I. Protoplasts, Spheroplasts, and L Forms
Removal of the bacterial wall may be accomplished by hydro- J. The Mycoplasmas
lysis with lysozyme (as described above) or by blocking The mycoplasmas are cell wall-lacking bacteria containing
peptidoglycan synthesis with an antibiotic such as penicil- no peptidoglycan (see Figure 25-1). There are also wall-less
lin. In osmotically protective media, such treatments liber- Archaea, but they have been less well studied. Genomic anal-
ate protoplasts from Gram-positive cells and spheroplasts ysis places the mycoplasmas close to the Gram-positive bac-
(which retain outer membrane and entrapped peptidoglycan) teria from which they may have been derived. Mycoplasmas
from Gram-negative cells. lack a target for cell wall-inhibiting antimicrobial agents (eg,
If such cells are able to grow and divide, they are called penicillins and cephalosporins) and are therefore resistant
L forms. L forms are difficult to cultivate and usually require to these drugs. Some, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, an
a medium that is solidified with agar as well as having the agent of pneumonia, contain sterols in their membranes. The
right osmotic strength. L forms are produced more readily difference between L forms and mycoplasmas is that when
with penicillin than with lysozyme, suggesting the need for the murein is allowed to reform, L forms revert to their origi-
residual peptidoglycan. nal bacteria shape, but mycoplasmas never do.

Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli Streptococcus pneumoniae Staphylococcus aureus


FIGURE 2-22 Incorporation of new cell wall in differently shaped bacteria. Rod-shaped bacteria such as B. subtilis or E. coli have two
modes of cell wall synthesis: New peptidoglycan is inserted along a helical path (A), leading to elongation of the lateral wall and is inserted in
a closing ring around the future division site, leading to the formation of the division septum (B). S. pneumoniae cells have the shape of a rugby
ball and elongate by inserting new cell wall material at the so-called equatorial rings (A), which correspond to an outgrowth of the cell wall
that encircles the cell. An initial ring is duplicated, and the two resultant rings are progressively separated, marking the future division sites of
the daughter cells. The division septum is then synthesized in the middle of the cell (B). Round cells such as S. aureus do not seem to have an
elongation mode of cell wall synthesis. Instead, new peptidoglycan is inserted only at the division septum (B). (Reproduced with permission
from Scheffers DJ, Pinho MG: Bacterial cell wall synthesis: new insights from localization studies. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2005;69:585.)

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32   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Capsule and Glycocalyx bacteria to surfaces in their environment, including the

cells of plant and animal hosts or inanimate surfaces to
Many bacteria synthesize copious amounts of extracellu-
form biofilms. S. mutans, for example, owes its capacity to
lar polymers when growing in their natural environments.
adhere tightly to tooth enamel to its glycocalyx. Bacterial
With few exceptions (the poly-d-glutamic acid capsules
cells of the same or different species become entrapped in
of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus licheniformis), and the
the glycocalyx, which forms the layer known as plaque on
mixed amino acid capsule of Yersinia pestis, the extracel-
the tooth surface; acidic products excreted by these bacte-
lular material is polysaccharide (Table 2-2). The terms
ria cause dental caries (see Chapter 10). The essential role
capsule and slime layer are frequently used to describe
of the glycocalyx in this process—and its formation from
polysaccharide layers; the more inclusive term glycocalyx
sucrose—explains the correlation of dental caries with
is also used. Glycocalyx is defined as the polysaccharide-
sucrose consumption by the human population. Because
containing material lying outside the cell. A condensed,
outer polysaccharide layers bind a significant amount of
well-defined layer closely surrounding the cell that
water, the glycocalyx layer may also play a role in resis-
excludes particles, such as India ink, is referred to as a cap-
tance to desiccation.
sule (Figure 2-23). If the glycocalyx is loosely associated
with the cell and does not exclude particles, it is referred
to as a slime layer. Extracellular polymer is synthesized
by enzymes located at the surface of the bacterial cell.
Streptococcus mutans, for example, uses two enzymes— A. Structure
glucosyl transferase and fructosyl transferase—to syn- Bacterial flagella are thread-like appendages composed
thesize long-chain dextrans (poly-d-glucose) and levans entirely of protein, approximately 20 nm in diameter. They are
(poly-d-fructose) from sucrose. These polymers are called the organs of locomotion for the forms that possess them. Four
homopolymers. Polymers containing more than one kind types of arrangement are known: monotrichous (single polar
of monosaccharide are called heteropolymers. flagellum), lophotrichous (multiple polar flagella), amphitri-
The capsule contributes to the invasiveness of patho- chous (single flagellum found at each of two opposite poles),
genic bacteria—encapsulated cells are protected from and peritrichous (multiple flagella distributed over the entire
phagocytosis unless they are coated with anticapsular cell). The arrangement of flagella is unique to the species
antibody. The glycocalyx plays a role in the adherence of observed. Three of the types are illustrated in Figure 2-24.

TABLE 2-2 Chemical Composition of the Extracellular Polymer in Selected Bacteria

Organism Polymer Chemical Subunits

Bacillus anthracis Polypeptide d-Glutamic acid

Enterobacter aerogenes Complex polysaccharide Glucose, fructose, glucuronic acid

Haemophilus influenzae Serogroup b Ribose, ribitol, phosphate

Neisseria meningitidis Homopolymers and heteropolymers, eg,

Serogroup A Partially O-acetylated


Serogroup B N-Acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid)

Serogroup C Acetylated sialic acid

Serogroup 135 Galactose, sialic acid

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Alginate d-Manuronic acid, l-glucuronic acid

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) Complex polysaccharide (many types), eg,

Type II Rhamnose, glucose, glucuronic acid

Type III Glucose, glucuronic acid

Type VI Galactose, glucose, rhamnose

Type XIV Galactose, glucose, N-acetylglucosamine

Type XVIII Rhamnose, glucose

Streptococcus pyogenes (group A) Hyaluronic acid N-Acetylglucosamine, glucuronic acid

Streptococcus salivarius Levan Fructose

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   33


FIGURE 2-23 Bacterial capsules. A: B. anthracis M’Faydean capsule stain, grown at 35°C, in defibrinated horse blood. B: Demonstration of
the presence of a capsule in B. anthracis by negative staining with India ink. This method is useful for improving visualization of encapsulated
bacteria in clinical samples such as blood, blood culture bottles, or cerebrospinal fluid. (CDC, courtesy of Larry Stauffer, Oregon State Public
Health Laboratory.)

A bacterial flagellum is made up of several protofila- of bacteria, new flagella are rapidly formed by the synthesis,
ments, each made up of thousands of molecules of a protein aggregation, and extrusion of flagellin subunits; motility is
subunit called flagellin. In a few organisms (eg, Caulobacter restored within 3–6 minutes. The flagellins of different bac-
species), flagella are composed of two types of flagellin, but terial species presumably differ from one another in primary
in most, only a single type is found. The flagellum is formed structure. They are highly antigenic (H antigens), and some
by the aggregation of subunits to form a helical structure. If of the immune responses to infection are directed against
flagella are removed by mechanically agitating a suspension these proteins.


FIGURE 2-24 Bacterial flagellation. A: Vibrio metschnikovii, a monotrichous bacterium (7500×). (Reproduced with permission from
van Iterson W: Biochim Biophys Acta 1947;1:527.) B: Electron micrograph of Spirillum serpens, showing lophotrichous flagellation (9000×).
(Reproduced with permission from van Iterson W: Biochim Biophys Acta 1947;1:527.) C: Electron micrograph of Proteus vulgaris, showing
peritrichous flagellation (9000×). Note basal granules. (Reproduced with permission from Houwink A, van Iterson W: Electron microscopical
observations on bacterial cytology; a study on flagellation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1950;5:10.)

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34   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Filament Filament
(FliC) cap (FliD)
20 nm junction Propellor
(FlgK FlgL)
10 µm

L ring (FlgH)
Outer membrane P ring (Flgl)
body Periplasmic space
Distal rod (Flgl)
Cell membrane Transmission
Proximal rod (FliE, shaft
FlgB, FlgC, FlgF)
Switch Motor
Export (FliG, FliM, FliN) Mounting
MS ring (FliF)
apparatus plate
(FlhA, FliH, Flil) ? Motor (MotA, MotB)

FIGURE 2-25 A: General structure of the flagellum of a Gram-negative bacterium, such as E. coli or S. typhimurium. The filament-hook-
basal body complex has been isolated and extensively characterized. The location of the export apparatus has not been demonstrated. B: An
exploded diagram of the flagellum showing the substructures and the proteins from which they are constructed. The FliF protein is responsible
for the M-ring feature, S-ring feature, and collar feature of the substructure shown, which is collectively termed the MS ring. The location of
FliE with respect to the MS ring and the rod—and the order of the FlgB, FlgC, and FlgF proteins within the proximal rod—is not known. (From
Macnab RM: Genetics and biogenesis of bacterial flagella. Annu Rev Genet 1992;26:131. Reproduced with permission from Annual Review of
Genetics, Volume 26, © 1992 by Annual Reviews.)

The flagellum is attached to the bacterial cell body by sodium ion gradient—rather than the proton gradient—to
a complex structure consisting of a hook and a basal body. drive the flagellar motor (Figure 2-26).
The hook is a short curved structure that appears to act as the All the components of the flagellar motor are located
universal joint between the motor in the basal structure and in the cell envelope. Flagella attached to isolated, sealed cell
the flagellum. The basal body bears a set of rings, one pair in envelopes rotate normally when the medium contains a suit-
Gram-positive bacteria and two pairs in Gram-negative bacte- able substrate for respiration or when a proton gradient is
ria. An interpretative diagram of the Gram-negative structure artificially established.
is shown in Figure 2-25; the rings labeled L and P are absent in When a peritrichous bacterium swims, its flagella associ-
Gram-positive cells. The complexity of the bacterial flagellum ate to form a posterior bundle that drives the cell forward in a
is revealed by genetic studies, which show that over 40 gene straight line by counterclockwise rotation. At intervals, the fla-
products are involved in its assembly and function. gella reverse their direction of rotation and momentarily dis-
Flagella are made stepwise (see Figure 2-25). First, the sociate, causing the cell to tumble until swimming resumes in
basal body is assembled and inserted into the cell envelope. a new, randomly determined direction. This behavior makes
Then the hook is added, and finally, the filament is assembled possible the property of chemotaxis: A cell that is moving away
progressively by the addition of flagellin subunits to its grow- from the source of a chemical attractant tumbles and reori-
ing tip. The flagellin subunits are extruded through a hollow ents itself more frequently than one that is moving toward the
central channel in the flagella; when it reaches the tip, it con- attractant, the result being the net movement of the cell toward
denses with its predecessors, and thus the filament elongates. the source. The presence of a chemical attractant (eg, a sugar
or an amino acid) is sensed by specific receptors located in the
B. Motility cell membrane (in many cases, the same receptor also partici-
Bacterial flagella are semirigid helical rotors to which the pates in membrane transport of that molecule). The bacterial
cell imparts a spinning movement. Rotation is driven by the cell is too small to be able to detect the existence of a spatial
flow of protons into the cell down the gradient produced chemical gradient (ie, a gradient between its two poles); rather,
by the primary proton pump (see earlier discussion); in the experiments show that it detects temporal gradients, that is,
absence of a metabolic energy source, it can be driven by a concentrations that decrease with time during which the cell
proton motive force generated by ionophores. Bacteria living is moving away from the attractant source and increase with
in alkaline environments (alkalophiles) use the energy of the time during which the cell is moving toward it.

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   35



Outer membrane

Basal +
body H+
H H+
H+ H+

Proton motive force

Periplasmic space

+ + + + + + +

Cell membrane

– – – – – –

Switch Motor


FIGURE 2-26 Structural components within the basal body of the flagellum allow the inner portion of this structure, the rods of the basal
body, and the attached hook–filament complex to rotate. The outer rings remain statically in contact with the inner and outer cell membranes
and cell wall (murein), anchoring the flagellum complex to the bacterial cell envelope. Rotation is driven by the flow of protons through the
motor from the periplasmic space, outside the cell membrane, into the cytoplasm in response to the electric field and proton gradient across
the membrane, which together constitute the proton motive force. A switch determines the direction of rotation, which in turn determines
whether the bacteria swim forward (by counterclockwise rotation of the flagellum) or tumble (caused by clockwise rotation of the flagellum).
(Reproduced with permission from Saier MH Jr: Peter Mitchell and his chemiosmotic theories. ASM News 1997;63:13.)

Some compounds act as repellants rather than attrac- are composed of structural protein subunits termed pilins.
tants. One mechanism by which cells respond to attractants Some pili contain a single type of pilin, others more than
and repellents involves a cGMP-mediated methylation and one. Minor proteins termed adhesins are located at the tips
demethylation of specific proteins in the membrane. Whereas of pili and are responsible for the attachment properties. Two
attractants cause a transient inhibition of demethylation of classes can be distinguished: ordinary pili, which play a role
these proteins, repellents stimulate their demethylation. in the adherence of symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria to
The mechanism by which a change in cell behavior is host cells; and sex pili, which are responsible for the attach-
brought about in response to a change in the environment ment of donor and recipient cells in bacterial conjugation (see
is called sensory transduction. Sensory transduction is Chapter 7). Pili are illustrated in Figure 2-27, in which the
responsible not only for chemotaxis but also for aerotaxis sex pili have been coated with phage particles for which they
(movement toward the optimal oxygen concentration), serve as specific receptors.
phototaxis (movement of photosynthetic bacteria toward the Motility via pili is completely different from flagel-
light), and electron acceptor taxis (movement of respiratory lar motion. Pilin molecules are arranged helically to form
bacteria toward alternative electron acceptors, such as nitrate a straight cylinder that does not rotate and lacks a complete
and fumarate). In these three responses, as in chemotaxis, basal body. Their tips strongly adhere to surfaces at a distance
net movement is determined by regulation of the tumbling from the cells. Pili then depolymerize from the inner end,
response. thus retracting inside the cell. The result is that the bacte-
rium moves in the direction of the adhering tip. This kind of
surface motility is called twitching and is widespread among
Pili (Fimbriae) piliated bacteria. Unlike flagella, pili grow from the inside of
Many Gram-negative bacteria possess rigid surface append- the cell outward.
ages called pili (L “hairs”) or fimbriae (L “fringes”). They The virulence of certain pathogenic bacteria depends on
are shorter and thinner than flagella; similar to flagella, they the production not only of toxins but also of “colonization

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36   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

Sex pilus Members of several bacterial genera can form endospores
(Figure 2-28). The two most common are Gram-positive
rods: the obligately aerobic genus Bacillus and the obligately
anaerobic genus Clostridium. The other bacteria known to
form endospores are Thermoactinomyces, Sporolactobacillus,
Sporosarcina, Sporotomaculum, Sporomusa, and Sporohalo-
Other Flagellum bacter spp. These organisms undergo a cycle of differentia-
pili tion in response to environmental conditions: The process,
sporulation, is triggered by near depletion of any of several
nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous). Each cell forms
a single internal spore that is liberated when the mother cell
1 µm undergoes autolysis. The spore is a resting cell, highly resis-
tant to desiccation, heat, and chemical agents; when returned
FIGURE 2-27 Pili. Pili on an E. coli cell. The short pili (fimbriae) to favorable nutritional conditions and activated (see below),
mediate adherence; the sex pilus is involved in DNA transfer. the spore germinates to produce a single vegetative cell. The
(Courtesy of Dr. Charles Brinton, Jr.) location of an endospore within a cell is species-specific and
can be used to determine the identity of a bacterium.
antigens,” which are ordinary pili that provide the cells with
adherent properties. In enteropathogenic E. coli strains, both A. Sporulation
the enterotoxins and the colonization antigens (pili) are The sporulation process begins when nutritional conditions
genetically determined by transmissible plasmids, as dis- become unfavorable, near depletion of the nitrogen or carbon
cussed in Chapter 7. source (or both) being the most significant factor. Sporula-
Pili of different bacteria are antigenically distinct and tion occurs massively in cultures that have terminated expo-
elicit the formation of antibodies by the host. Antibodies nential growth because of this near depletion.
against the pili of one bacterial species will not prevent the Sporulation involves the production of many new struc-
attachment of another species. Some bacteria (see Chapter 21), tures, enzymes, and metabolites along with the disappearance
such as N. gonorrhoeae, can make pili of different antigenic of many vegetative cell components. These changes represent
types (antigenic variation) and thus can still adhere to cells a true process of differentiation: A series of genes whose
in the presence of antibodies to their original type of pili. Like products determine the formation and final composition of
capsules, pili inhibit the phagocytic ability of leukocytes. the spore are activated. These changes involve alterations in


FIGURE 2-28 Sporulating cells of bacillus species. A: Unidentified bacillus from soil. B: B. cereus. C: B. megaterium. (Reproduced with
permission from Robinow CF: Structure. In Gunsalus IC, Stanier RY [editors]. The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function, Vol 1. Academic
Press, 1960.)

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   37

the transcriptional specificity of RNA polymerase, which is Different morphologic and chemical events occur at sequen-
determined by the association of the polymerase core protein tial stages of the process. Seven distinct stages have been
with one or another promoter-specific proteins called sigma identified.
factors. During vegetative growth, a sigma factor desig- Morphologically, sporulation begins with the formation
nated σA predominates. Then, during sporulation, five other of an axial filament (Figure 2-29). The process continues with
sigma factors are formed that cause various spore genes to be an infolding of the membrane to produce a double-membrane
expressed at various times in specific locations. structure whose facing surfaces correspond to the cell wall-
The sequence of events in sporulation is highly com- synthesizing surface of the cell envelope. The growing points
plex: Differentiation of a vegetative cell of B. subtilis into an move progressively toward the pole of the cell to engulf the
endospore takes about 7 hours under laboratory conditions. developing spore.

Cell wall
0 1 Axial filament


2 Forespore septum formation

3 Engulfment of forespore


4 Cortex synthesis
5 Coat deposition
6 Maturation

Germ Spore
cell wall coats

7 Lysis of


FIGURE 2-29 The stages of endospore formation. (Reproduced with permission from Merrick MJ: Streptomyces. In: Parish JH [editor].
Developmental Biology of Procaryotes. Univ California Press, 1979.)

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38   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

The two spore membranes now engage in the active syn- 1. Activation—Most endospores cannot germinate imme-
thesis of special layers that will form the cell envelope: the diately after they have formed. But they can germinate after
spore wall and the cortex, lying outside the facing mem- they have rested for several days or are first activated in a
branes. In the newly isolated cytoplasm, or core, many veg- nutritionally rich medium by one or another agent that dam-
etative cell enzymes are degraded and are replaced by a set of ages the spore coat. Among the agents that can overcome
unique spore constituents. spore dormancy are heat, abrasion, acidity, and compounds
containing free sulfhydryl groups.
B. Properties of Endospores
2. Initiation—After activation, a spore will initiate germi-
1. Core—The core is the spore protoplast. It contains a
nation if the environmental conditions are favorable. Differ-
complete chromosome, all the components of the protein-
ent species have evolved receptors that recognize different
synthesizing apparatus, and an energy-generating system
effectors (ie, germinants) as signaling a rich medium: Thus,
based on glycolysis. Cytochromes are lacking even in aero-
initiation is triggered by l-alanine in one species and by ade-
bic species, the spores of which rely on a shortened electron
nosine in another. Binding of the effector activates an autoly-
transport pathway involving flavoproteins. A number of
sin that rapidly degrades the cortex peptidoglycan. Water is
vegetative cell enzymes are increased in amount (eg, alanine
taken up, calcium dipicolinate is released, and a variety of
racemase), and a number of unique enzymes are formed (eg,
spore constituents are degraded by hydrolytic enzymes.
dipicolinic acid synthetase). Spores contain no reduced pyri-
dine nucleotides or ATP. The energy for germination is stored
3. Outgrowth—Degradation of the cortex and outer layers
as 3-phosphoglycerate rather than as ATP.
results in the emergence of a new vegetative cell consisting of
The heat resistance of spores is partly attributable to
the spore protoplast with its surrounding wall. A period of
their dehydrated state and in part to the presence in the core
active biosynthesis follows; this period, which terminates in
of substantial amounts (5–15% of the spore dry weight) of
cell division, is called outgrowth. Outgrowth requires a sup-
calcium dipicolinate, which is formed from an intermediate
ply of all nutrients essential for cell growth.
of the lysine biosynthetic pathway (see Figure 6-19). In some
way not yet understood, these properties result in the stabi-
lization of the spore enzymes, most of which exhibit normal
heat lability when isolated in soluble form. STAINING
Stains combine chemically with the bacterial protoplasm; if
2. Spore wall—The innermost layer surrounding the inner the cell is not already dead, the staining process itself will kill
spore membrane is called the spore wall. It contains normal it. The process is thus a drastic one and may produce artifacts.
peptidoglycan and becomes the cell wall of the germinating The commonly used stains are salts. Basic stains con-
vegetative cell. sist of a colored cation with a colorless anion (eg, methylene
blue+ chloride−); acidic stains are the reverse (eg, sodium+
3. Cortex—The cortex is the thickest layer of the spore eosinate−). Bacterial cells are rich in nucleic acid, bearing neg-
envelope. It contains an unusual type of peptidoglycan, atively charged phosphate groups. These combine with the
with many fewer cross-links than are found in cell wall positively charged basic dyes. Acidic dyes do not stain bacte-
peptidoglycan. Cortex peptidoglycan is extremely sen- rial cells and hence can be used to stain background material
sitive to lysozyme, and its autolysis plays a role in spore a contrasting color (see Negative Staining).
germination. The basic dyes stain bacterial cells uniformly unless the
cytoplasmic RNA is destroyed first. Special staining tech-
4. Coat—The coat is composed of a keratin-like protein con- niques can be used, however, to differentiate flagella, cap-
taining many intramolecular disulfide bonds. The imperme- sules, cell walls, cell membranes, granules, nucleoids, and
ability of this layer confers on spores their relative resistance spores.
to antibacterial chemical agents.

5. Exosporium—The exosporium is composed of proteins, The Gram Stain

lipids, and carbohydrates. It consists of a paracrystalline An important taxonomic characteristic of bacteria is their
basal layer and a hairlike outer region. The function of the response to Gram-stain. The Gram-staining property appears
exosporium is unclear. Spores of some Bacillus species (eg, to be a fundamental one because the Gram reaction is cor-
B. anthracis and B. cereus) possess an exosporium, but other related with many other morphologic properties in phyloge-
species (eg, B. atrophaeus) have spores that lack this structure. netically related forms (see Chapter 3). An organism that is
potentially Gram-positive may appear so only under a particu-
C. Germination lar set of environmental conditions and in a young culture.
The germination process occurs in three stages: activation, The Gram-staining procedure (see Chapter 47) begins
initiation, and outgrowth. with the application of a basic dye, crystal violet. A solution

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CHAPTER 2 Cell Structure   39

of iodine is then applied, which forms a complex with crystal

violet. All bacteria will be stained blue at this point in the pro-
cedure. The cells are then treated with alcohol. Gram-positive
cells retain the crystal violet–iodine complex, remaining blue;
Gram-negative cells are completely decolorized by alcohol.
As a last step, a counterstain (eg, the red dye safranin) is
applied so that the decolorized Gram-negative cells will take
on a contrasting color; the Gram-positive cells now appear
purple (Table 2-1).
The basis of the differential Gram reaction is the struc-
ture of the cell wall, as discussed earlier in this chapter.

The Acid-Fast Stain

Acid-fast bacteria are those that retain carbolfuchsin (basic
fuchsin dissolved in a phenol–alcohol–water mixture) even
when decolorized with hydrochloric acid in alcohol. A smear
of cells on a slide is flooded with carbolfuchsin and heated
on a steam bath. After this, the decolorization step with
acid-alcohol is carried out, and finally a contrasting (blue or
green) counterstain is applied (see Chapter 47). Acid-fast bac-
teria (mycobacteria and some of the related actinomycetes) FIGURE 2-30 Flagella stain of Pseudomonas species.
appear red; others take on the color of the counterstain. (Reproduced with permission from Leifson E: Staining, shape and
arrangement of bacterial flagella. J Bacteriol 1951;62:377.)

Negative Staining
This procedure involves staining the background with an the result that the cell and background appear dark blue and
acidic dye, leaving the cells contrastingly colorless. The black the capsule a much paler blue.
dye nigrosin is commonly used. This method is used for cells or
structures that are difficult to stain directly (see Figure 2-23B).
Staining of Nucleoids
Nucleoids are stainable with the Feulgen stain, which is
The Flagella Stain specific for DNA. The DNA-intercalating stains DAPI and
Flagella are too fine ( ca 20 nm in diameter) to be visible in ethidium bromide are widely used for fluorescence micros-
the light microscope. However, their presence and arrange- copy of nucleoids.
ment can be demonstrated by treating the cells with an unsta-
ble colloidal suspension of tannic acid salts, causing a heavy
The Spore Stain
precipitate to form on the cell walls and flagella. In this man-
ner, the apparent diameter of the flagella is increased to such Spores are most simply observed as intracellular refractile bod-
an extent that subsequent staining with basic fuchsin makes ies (see Figure 2-28) in unstained cell suspensions or as color-
the flagella visible in the light microscope. Figure 2-30 shows less areas in cells stained by conventional methods. The spore
cells stained by this method. wall is relatively impermeable, but dyes can be made to pen-
In peritrichous bacteria, the flagella form into bundles etrate it by heating the preparation. The same impermeability
during movement, and such bundles may be thick enough then serves to prevent decolorization of the spore by a period
to be observed on living cells by dark-field or phase-contrast of alcohol treatment sufficient to decolorize vegetative cells.
microscopy. The latter can finally be counterstained. Spores are commonly
stained with malachite green or carbolfuchsin (Figure 2-31).

The Capsule Stain

Capsules are usually demonstrated by the negative staining MORPHOLOGIC CHANGES
procedure or a modification of it (see Figure 2-23). One such DURING GROWTH
“capsule stain” (Welch method) involves treatment with hot
crystal violet solution followed by a rinsing with copper sul- Cell Division
fate solution. The latter is used to remove excess stain because Most bacteria divide by binary fission into two equal progeny
the conventional washing with water would dissolve the cap- cells. In a growing culture of a rod-shaped bacterium such as
sule. The copper salt also gives color to the background, with E. coli, cells elongate and then form a partition that eventually

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40   SECTION I   Fundamentals of Microbiology

• Eukaryotic cells are characterized by a membrane-bound

nucleus, an endoplasmic reticulum, 80S ribosomes, and
plastids (mitochondria and chloroplasts). The plasma
membrane is characterized by the presence of sterols
(cholesterol). Prokaryotic cells lack a true nucleus and are
haploid. The cytoplasm contains 70S ribosomes, and they
do not have mitochondria and chloroplasts.
• The major functions of the cell membrane of prokaryotic
cells are (1) selective permeability and transport of solutes;
(2) electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, in
aerobic species; (3) excretion of hydrolytic enzymes and
other proteins; (4) bearing the enzymes and carrier mol-
ecules that function in the biosynthesis of DNA, cell wall
10 µm
polymers, and membrane lipids; and (5) bearing the recep-
tors and proteins of the chemotactic and other sensory
FIGURE 2-31 Endospore stain. Endospores retain the green transduction systems.
primary stain, malachite green. Counterstaining with safranin imparts • Most bacteria are classified as Gram-positive or Gram-
a red color to other cells. (Courtesy of Larry Stauffer, Oregon State negative according to their response to the Gram-staining
Public Health Laboratory. Source: Centers for Disease Control and procedure. The differences between these two groups are
Prevention, Public Health Image Library, ID# 1895, 2002.)
reflected by fundamental differences in their cell envelopes.
• Gram-positive cell wall consists of a plasma membrane and
separates the cell into two daughter cells. The partition is thick peptidoglycan layer; the Gram-negative cell wall con-
referred to as a septum and is a result of the inward growth of sists of a plasma membrane, a thin peptidoglycan layer, and
the cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall from opposing direc- an asymmetric outer membrane containing lipopolysaccha-
tions until the two daughter cells are pinched off. The chromo- ride (endotoxin). The space between the plasma membrane
somes, which have doubled in number preceding the division, and outer membrane is referred to as the periplasmic space.
are distributed equally to the two daughter cells. • Many bacteria synthesize substantial amounts of extracel-
Although bacteria lack a mitotic spindle, the septum is lular polymers. When this polymer forms a condensed,
formed in such a way as to separate the two sister chromo- well-defined layer surrounding the cell that excludes parti-
somes formed by chromosomal replication. This is accom- cles such as India ink, it is referred to as a capsule. Capsules
plished by the attachment of the chromosome to the cell are an important virulence factor and protect the cell from
membrane. According to one model, completion of a cycle of phagocytosis.
DNA replication triggers active membrane synthesis between • Cell surface structures such as pili and flagella are impor-
the sites of attachment of the two sister chromosomes. The tant for attachment and motility, respectively.
chromosomes are then pushed apart by the inward growth of • The formation of endospores is a characteristic of the gen-
the septum, one copy going to each daughter cell. era Bacillus and Clostridium and is triggered by near deple-
tion of nutrients in the environment. Endospores (spores)
Cell Groupings are resting cells, highly resistant to desiccation, heat, and
If the cells remain temporarily attached after division, cer- chemical agents; when returned to favorable nutritional
tain characteristic groupings result. Depending on the plane conditions and activated, the spore germinates to produce
of division and the number of divisions through which the a vegetative cell.
cells remain attached, the following may occur in the coc-
cal forms: chains (streptococci), pairs (diplococci), cubical
bundles (sarcinae), grape-like clusters (staphylococci), or flat REVIEW QUESTIONS
plates. Rods may form pairs or chains. 1. A 22-year-old man presents with a painless 1-cm ulcer on the
After fission of some bacteria, characteristic postdivision shaft of his penis. Inguinal lymphadenopathy is present. The
movements occur. For example, a “whipping” motion can patient admits trading drugs for sex and has several sexual part-
bring the cells into parallel positions; repeated division and ners. An RPR test result is positive, and syphilis is suspected;
whipping result in the “palisade” arrangement characteristic however, a Gram-stain of a swab specimen from the ulcer shows
of diphtheria bacilli. no bacteria. T. pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, cannot
be visualized by light microscopy because
(A) It is transparent.
CHAPTER SUMMARY (B) It cannot be stained by ordinary stains.
(C) It has a diameter of less than 0.2 µm.
• Microscopy has played a significant role in our under- (D) The wavelength of white light is too long.
standing of cell structure. (E) Rapid movement of the organism prevents visualization.

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Fig. 105. Fig. 106.

The feather edge which is formed on the inside is removed by a

few strokes of a stone called a slip. Hold the slip firmly against the
face so as not to form a bevel. Fig. 106. Slips are of various sizes;
one that fits the curvature of the gouge should be selected.
56. Sharpening Plane-Irons.—Plane-irons are sharpened straight
across like the chisel, with the
exception of the jack plane, as previously noted. Their corners,
however, are very slightly rounded off to prevent their leaving marks
on the wood. Where one plane is made to serve the purpose of
smooth, jack and fore-plane, it should be ground straight across. In
whetting, increase the pressure on the edges alternately so as to
turn up a heavier feather edge there than in the middle, thus
rounding the whole end very slightly. This feather edge may be
removed in the usual manner.
57. To Tell Whether a Tool is Sharp or Not.—Examine the
cutting edge, holding
the tool toward the light. If the tool is dull, the cutting edge will
appear as a white line, the broader the line the blunter the edge. Fig.
107 A. If the tool is sharp, no white line can be seen. Fig. 107 B.
Fig. 107. Fig. 108.

A better way—the method a mechanic would use—is to test the

edge by drawing the thumb along it lightly. Fig. 108. If the tool is
sharp one can feel the edge “taking hold.” If dull, the thumb will slide
along the edge as it would along the back of a knife blade.
Good judgment is necessary in this test or a cut on the thumb may
be the result. No pressure is required, just a touch along the edge at
various points.
What actually takes place is this: The cutting edge, if sharp, cuts
the outer layer, the callous part of the ball of the thumb, just a little.
The sense of feeling is so keen that the resulting friction, slight as it
is, is transferred to the brain of the worker long before any injury
need be done the thumb. If the tool is dull, no cut, hence no friction
can result. Do not use the finger, as it is not calloused as is the
Form Work, Modeling.

58. Making a Cylinder.—The cylinder is evolved from the square

prism by increasing the number of sides
until a prism is formed with so many sides that its surface can be
easily transformed into a cylinder by means of sandpaper.

Fig. 109.
(1) Begin by making a square prism which shall have the same
dimensions for its width and thickness as is desired for the diameter
of the cylinder. (2) Change this square prism to a regular octagonal
or eight-sided prism by planing off the four arrises. The gage lines
which indicate the amount to be taken off of each arris are made by
holding the gage block against each of the surfaces and gaging from
each arris each way, two lines on each surface. These lines must be
made lightly. The distance at which to set the spur of the gage from
the head is equal to one-half the diagonal of the square end of the
prism. Fig. 109. Since the ends are less likely to be accurate than
any other part, it is advisable to get this distance as follows: Lay off
two lines on the working face a distance apart equal to the width of
the prism. These lines with the two arrises form a square the
diagonal of which can be measured and one-half of it computed.
Fig. 110.

Carpenters in working on large timbers lay the steel-square

diagonally across so that there are twenty-four divisions from arris to
arris. They then mark off the timber at seven and seventeen inches.
Fig. 110. These numbers, while not mathematically correct, are near
enough for practical purposes. In planing the arrises off, the piece
may be held in the vise or placed against the bench-stop. Fig. 111.
Care must be taken not to plane over the lines, for not only is the
one side enlarged, but the adjacent side is lessened, thus
exaggerating the error. (3) Judging with the eye the amount to take
off, plane the eight arrises until there are sixteen equal sides.

Fig. 111.

Again plane the arrises, making the piece thirty-two sided. On a

small piece this will be sufficient; if the piece is large, the process
may be continued until the piece is practically a cylinder. (4) To finish
a small cylinder wrap a piece of sandpaper around it, rub lengthwise
until the surface of the wood is smooth and the piece feels like a
cylinder when revolved in the hand.
59. The Spokeshave.—Fig. 112. The spokeshave is used
principally to smooth curved surfaces. It
may be drawn toward or pushed away from the worker, whichever is
more convenient. By means of screws, the blade may be adjusted to
take light or heavy shavings. The spokeshave is practically a short
plane with handles at the sides, and in using it the aim should be, as
with the plane, to secure silky shavings of as great length as the
nature of the work will allow.

Fig. 112.

60. Making Curved Edges.—To make curved edges on a board,

finger-gage on each side lines which
shall indicate the amount of curvature. Fig. 113.

Fig. 113.

If the curve is to be a gradual one reaching from one of these lines

over the middle of the edge to the other two lines should also be
finger-gaged on the edge. Finger-gage from each side using a
distance equal to one-fourth the whole thickness of the piece.

Fig. 114. Fig. 115.

With the spokeshave, Fig. 114, carefully cut off the two arrises to
the pencil lines so as to form two bevels. This gives three surfaces to
the edge of the board. Estimating the amount with the eye, cut off
the two arrises formed by these three surfaces until five equal
surfaces are formed in their place. This process may be repeated
until the surface of the edge is practically a curved surface. With a
piece of sandpaper held as shown in Fig. 115, rub until the surface is
smooth and evenly curved.
61. Modeling.—This term is used to apply to the method of
making objects of such irregular form that the
judgment of the worker must be depended upon to give the correct
result without the aid of gage and knife marks. The forming of a
canoe paddle or a hammer handle are good illustrations.
Fig. 116.

Generally a little forethought will show a way in which the piece of

work may be partly laid out with knife, square and rule. To illustrate,
take the hammer handle, Fig. 116. The steps would be as follows:
First, plane a face side and a face edge, and square the two ends so
that the piece shall have the length desired for the finished handle.
Second, draw a center line on the face side, parallel to the face edge
and lay off on either side of this the two straight lines which shall
indicate the amount of taper; also sketch in the lines of curvature.
Plane the two edges to the tapering lines and square with the face
side. Then cut to the curved lines, keeping this surface also square
with the face side. In a similar manner, lay off on the face edge a
center line parallel to the face side, mark the taper and lines of
curvature, and work these surfaces as in the second step. Third, the
piece may be laid off still further by drawing on the larger end the
form of the ellipse which that end is to assume. With spokeshave,
judging the curves of the middle with the eye, work out the desired
form. The steel scraper is to be used for finishing after the piece has
been made as smooth as is possible with the spokeshave.
1. Laying Out Duplicate Parts. 2. Scraping and

Sandpapering. 3. Fastening Parts.

62. Laying out Duplicate Parts.—Frequently a piece of work will

require the making of two or more
like parts. To lay out these parts, that is, to mark out the location of
intended gains, mortises, shoulders of tenons, etc., so that all shall
be alike, the following method is used: (1) On the face edge of one of
the pieces measure off with the rule and mark with knife the points at
which the lines for the joints are to be squared across. If knife marks
would show on the finished surface as scratches, use a sharp pencil
instead. (2) Lay the pieces on the bench top with the face edges up;
even the ends with the try-square. Fig. 117. Square lines across the
edges of all of them at the points previously marked on one of them.
The pieces may then be separated and lines corresponding to the
lines just made on the face edges, be carried across the face sides
of each piece separately, the try-square beam being held against the
face edge in so doing, of course.
Fig. 117.

In all duplicate work the aim of the worker should be to make as

much use as possible of the tool he has in hand before laying it
down and taking another. To illustrate, if there should be a number of
like parts each requiring two different settings of the gage, he should
mark all of the parts at the first setting, then all at the second setting
rather than to change the gage for each piece so that each piece
might be completely marked before another is begun.
63. Scraping.—In smoothing hard wood surfaces, a scraper will
be found helpful. If the grain should happen to be
crossed or curled, a scraper will become a necessity. The plane-iron
may be made ever so sharp and the cap-iron set ever so close to the
cutting edge, still the surface of some woods will tear. Sandpaper
must not be depended upon to smooth a torn surface.

Fig. 118.

Cabinet scrapers for plane and convex surface work are

rectangular pieces of saw steel. Fig. 118 shows a swan-neck scraper
suitable for smoothing concave surfaces.
Beginners frequently mistake surfaces which have been planed at
a mill for smooth surfaces. They are not; and, unless the “hills and
hollows” which extend across the surface of every mill-planed piece
of lumber are removed before the finish of stain or filler is applied,
the result will be very unsatisfactory.
These “hills and hollows” are present even in the smoothest of
mill-plane surfaces. The reason is easily understood. When a board
is mill-planed, it is run through a machine which has a flat bed over
which the board is moved and above which revolve two knives. Fig.
119. Unless the grain of wood is very badly crossed or curled, it will
be found very much easier, and time will be saved if the mill marks
are removed with a smooth-plane before the scraper is applied.
A—Delivery Roller. D—Roller. G—Work Table.
B—Cutter Head. E—Roller. H—Knives.
C—Feed Roller. F—Board.

Fig. 119.

Scrapers may be pushed or pulled. Fig. 120. When properly

sharpened thin silky shavings will be cut off. The cutting edge of a
scraper is a bur which is formed at an arris and turned at very nearly
a right angle to the surface of the scraper.
Fig. 120. Fig. 121.

When a scraper becomes dull (1) each edge is drawfiled, Fig. 121,
so as to make it square and straight, with the corners slightly
rounded. Sometimes the edges are rounded slightly from end to end
to prevent digging. Frequently the scraper has its edges and
surfaces ground square on an oilstone after the drawfiling that the
arrises may be formed into smoother burs. (2) After filing, the
scraper is laid flat on the bench and the arrises forced over as in Fig.
122. The tool used is called a burnisher; any smooth piece of steel
would do. (3) Next, turn these arrises back over the side of the
scraper. Fig. 123. Great pressure is not necessary to form the burs

Fig. 122. Fig. 123.

64. Sandpapering.—To know when to use and when not to use
sandpaper is as much the sign of a good
workman as to know how to use the tools.
Sandpaper should never be used until all tool work has been done
as well, and carried as far as is possible. Sandpaper is, as its name
implies, sand paper. In sanding a surface, this fine sand becomes
imbedded in the wood and should an edged tool be used thereon it
will be dulled. Slovenly work should never be done in expectation of
using sandpaper to fix it up. This practice is dishonest. Sandpaper
should not be expected to do the work of edged tools or
disappointment will follow. The sandpaper sheet, for use, is usually
divided into four parts, one of these parts being of good size for large

Fig. 124.

For flat surfaces these pieces are placed on a sandpaper block.

This block is but a piece of wood squared up to a length equal to that
of the piece of paper and to such a width that the edges of the paper
will extend far enough up the edges of the block to allow the fingers
to grasp them firmly. Fig. 124. Do not waste the paper by wrapping it
around in such a way as to throw part of it on top of the block. The
block should be held flat upon the surface when sanding near an
arris, otherwise the arris will be rounded. The arrises should be kept
sharp unless on a table leg, arm of a chair or something similar, in
which the sharp arrises would be likely to injure the hand or become
splintered through usage. In such cases the sandpaper may be run
along the arrises once or twice, just enough to remove the
sharpness. Sometimes the plane is set shallow and drawn over the
arris after the surfaces have been squared, to remove the
On curved surfaces, the sandpaper is held free in the hand, no
block being used. Fig. 115 illustrates the manner of sanding the
convex curve of the coat hanger. The sandpaper should be rubbed
along the grain and the rubbing should proceed only long enough to
smooth the piece and to bring out the grain clearly.
On the back of a piece of sandpaper will be found a number. This
number indicates the relative coarseness of the sand sprinkled upon
the glue covered paper. 00, 0, 1, 1¹⁄₂ and 2 are the numbers
commonly used; 00 being finest and 2 relatively coarse. On table
tops and surfaces which are not very smooth to begin with, the
coarse sandpaper is first used, this is followed by the next in
coarseness and so on until the finest is used.
Never attempt to sandpaper surfaces or parts which are to be put
together later on to form joints, the edge tools alone must be
depended upon to secure proper smoothing.
65. Hammers.—Fig. 125 shows the two kinds of hammers most
commonly used by workers in wood. The plain
faced hammer has a flat face and is somewhat easier to learn to use
than the bell-faced hammer, which has a slightly rounded face. The
advantage of the bell-faced hammer lies in one’s ability to better set
a nail slightly below the surface without the assistance of the nailset.
This is a very great advantage on outside or on rough carpenter
work. This setting of the nail with the hammer leaves a slight
depression, however, in the wood, and is therefore not suited for
inside finishing.
Fig. 125.

The handle of the hammer is purposely made quite long and

should be grasped quite near the end.
66. Nails.—Nails originally were forged by hand and were
therefore very expensive. Later strips were cut from
sheets of metal and heads were hammered upon these by means of
the blacksmith’s hammer, the vise being used to hold the strips
meanwhile. These were called cut nails. Early in the nineteenth
century a machine was invented which cut the nails from the sheet
metal and headed them.
Steel wire nails have about supplanted the cut nails for most
purposes. They are made by a machine which cuts the wire from a
large reel, points and heads the pieces thus cut off.
Wire nails, like cut nails, are roughly classed by woodworkers as
common, finishing and casing nails. Thin nails with small heads are
called brads. Wire nails are bought and sold by weight, the size of
wire according to the standard wire gage and the length in inches
being taken into consideration in specifying the size and fixing the
price per pound.
In former practice, the size of nails was specified according to the
number of pounds that one thousand of any variety would weigh.
Thus the term sixpenny and eightpenny referred to varieties which
would weigh six and eight pounds per thousand, respectively, penny
being a corruption of pound. In present practice, certain sizes are still
roughly specified as three, four, six, eight, ten, twenty and thirty

Fig. 126.

Common wire nails are thick and have large flat heads. They are
used in rough work where strength is desired. Fig. 126 A. Finishing
nails, Fig. 126 B, are used for fine work such as inside woodwork,
cabinet work, etc. Casing nails, Fig. 126 C, are somewhat thicker
and stronger than finishing nails; they have small heads.
67. Nailing.—Especial care is necessary in starting cut nails. Fig.
127 shows two views of a cut nail. From these it will be
seen that the sides of the nail form a wedge in one of the views while
in the other they are parallel. The nail should be so started that the
wedging action shall take place along, not across the grain.
Fig. 127. Fig. 128.

In nailing through one piece into the edge of another, assume a

position so that you can look along the piece into the edge of which
you are nailing. Fig. 128. If the nail is to be driven plumb, it must be
sighted from two directions several times in the beginning of the
nailing. Having driven the points of the nails slightly below the
surface of the first piece, adjust the two pieces properly, force the

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