Notes 4

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Animal Behavior Introduction: An organisms behavior is important for its survival and for the successful production of offspring.

The study of behavior and its relationship to its evolutionary origins is called ethology. Foremost in the field of ethology are three scientists who shared the Nobel Prize in 1973: Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, and Niko Tinbergen. Karl Von Frisch is known for his extensive studies of honeybee communication and his famous description of the waggle dance in bees. Niko Tinbergen is known for his elucidation of the fixed action pattern. Konrad Lorenz is famous for his work with imprinting. Here are some basics concepts in the field of animal behavior. Here are some basics concepts in the field of animal behavior. Fixed Action Pattern: A fixed action pattern (FAP) is an innate, highly stereotypic behavior, that once begun is continued to completion, no matter how useless. FAPs are initiated by external stimuli called sign stimuli. When these stimuli are exchanged between members of the same species, they are known as releasers. An example of an FAP studied by Tinbergen involves the stickleback fish, which attacks the other males that invade its territory. The releaser for the attack is the red belly of the intruder. The stickleback will not attack an invading male stickleback lacking a red underbelly, but it will readily attack a nonfishlike wooden model as long as a splash of red is visible. Learning: is a sophisticated process in which the responses of the organism are modified as a result of experience. The capacity to learn can be tied to length of life span and complexity of the brain. If the animal has a very short life span, like a fruit fly, it has no time to learn, even if it has the ability. It must therefore rely on fixed action patterns. In contrast, if the animal lives for a long time and has a complex brain, then a large part of its behavior depends on prior experience and learning. Habituation: is one of the simplest forms of learning. An animal comes to ignore a persistent stimulus so it can go about its business. If you tap the dish containing a hydra, it will quickly shrink and become immobile. If you keep tapping after a while the hydra will begin to ignore the tapping, elongate, and continue moving about. It has become habituated to the stimulus. Associative Learning: is one type of learning in which one stimulus becomes linked to another through experience. Examples of associative learning are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning, a type of associative learning, is widely accepted because of the ingenious work of Ivan Pavlov in the 1920s. Normally, dogs salivate when exposed to food. Pavlov trained dogs to associate the sound of a bell with food. The result of this conditioning was that dogs would salivate upon merely hearing the sound of the bell, even though no food was present. Operant conditioning, also called trial and error learning, is another type of associative learning. An animal learns to associate one of its own behaviors with a reward or punishment and then repeats or avoids that behavior. The best-known

studies involving operant conditioning were done by B.F. Skinner in the 1930s. In one study, a rat was placed into a cage containing a lever that released a pellet of food. At first, the rat would depress the lever only by accident and would receive food as a reward. The rat soon learned to associate the lever with the food and would depress the lever at will. Similarly, an animal can learn to carry out a behavior to avoid punishment. Such systems of rewards and punishment are the basis of most animal training. Imprinting: is learning that occurs during a sensitive or critical period in the early life of an individual and is irreversible for the length of that period. When you see ducklings following closely behind their mother, you are seeing the result of successful imprinting. Mother-offspring bonding in animals that depend on parental care, is critical to the safety and development of the offspring. If the pair does not bond, the parent will not care for the offspring and the offspring will die. At the end of the juvenile period, when the offspring can survive without the parent, the response disappears. Classic imprinting experiments were carried out by Konrad Lorenz with geese. Geese hatchlings will follow the first thing they see that moves. Although the object is usually the mother goose, it can be a box tied to a string or, in the case of the classic experiment, it was Konrad Lorenz himself. Lorenz was the first thing the hatchlings saw, and they became imprinted on the scientist. Wherever he went, they followed. Social Behavior: is any kind of interaction among two or more animals, usually of the same species. It is relatively new field of study, developed in the 1960s. Types of social behaviors are cooperation, agnostic, dominance hierarchies, territoriality, and altruism. Cooperation: enables the individuals to carry out a behavior, such as hunting, that they can do as a group more successfully than they can do separately. Lions or wild dogs will hunt in a pack, enabling them to bring down a larger animal than an individual could ever bring down alone. Agonistic Behavior: is aggressive behavior. It involves a variety of threats or actual combat to settle disputes among individuals. These disputes are commonly held over access to food, mating, or shelter. This behavior involves both real aggressive behavior as ritualistic or symbolic behavior. One combatant does not have to kill the other. The use of symbolic behavior often prevents serious harm. A dog shows aggression by baring its teeth and erecting its ears and hair. It stands upright to appear taller and looks directly at its opponent. If the aggressor succeeds in scaring the opponent, the loser engages in submissive behavior that says, You win, I give up. Examples of submissive behaviors are looking down or away from the winner. Dogs or wolves put their tail between their legs and run off. Once two individuals have settled a dispute by agonistic behavior, future encounters between them usually do not involve combat or posturing. Dominance Hierarchies: Dominance hierarchies are peeking order behaviors that dictate the social position an animal has in a culture. This is commonly seen in hens where the alpha animal (top-ranked) controls the behaviors of all the others. The next in

line, the beta animal, controls all others except the alpha animal. Each animal threatens all animals beneath it in the hierarchy. The top-ranked animal is assured of first choice of any resource, including food after a kill, the best territory, or the most fit mate. Territoriality: is an area an organism defends and from which other members of the community are excluded. Territories are established and defended by agnostic behaviors and are used for capturing food, mating, and rearing young. The size of the territory varies with its function and the amount of resources available. Altruism: is a behavior that reduces an individuals reproductive fitness (the animal may die) while increasing the fitness of the group or family. When a worker honey-bee stings an intruder in defense of the hive, the worker usually dies. However, this action increases the fitness of the queen bee, who lays all the eggs. How can altruism evolve if the altruistic individual dies? The answer is called kin selection. When an individual sacrifices itself for the family, it is sacrificing itself for relatives (the kin) that share similar genes. The kin are selected as the recipients of the altruistic behavior. They are saved and can pass on their genes. Altruism evolves because it increases the number of copies of a gene common to a related group.

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