Week 4 Possessive Adjectives

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WEEK 4 Goals Approximate time: 2h 15

By the end of the week, I will: minutes
(3 classes)
Say people’s names using possessive

Conceptual Content Procedural Content Performance Indicators

Students can:

• Possessive adjectives: Matching subject pronouns to their 3.9 associate subject pronouns
my, your (singular), his, corresponding possessive adjective. with their right possessive
her, its, our, your (plural) adjective,
and their. ▪ Writing complete sentences expressing
For example: ✓ His name possession. 3.10 produce accurate short
is Erick. phrases about their family
✓ Her name is Nicole. members giving basic personal
information such as their name,
✓ Their names are Pablo
and Marta.
✓ Our parents are Oscar
3.11 describe a family member
and Mercedes.
(e.g. name, age, and
relationship), using simple
• Possessive adjectives
words/signs and formulaic
and family
expressions properly, provided
relationships they can prepare in advance.
For example:
My aunt is in this picture.
Her name is Gloria. She is
with her son.

Directions: Watch video (Possessive Adjectives| Reading | Grammar) and fill in the bubbles
with sixteen possessive adjectives. Copy the sentences of each possessive. Work by example.

I My I have a dog.
My dog is brown.

Direction: Watch video (My Little Family (Possessive Adjectives), listen, and fill in the blanks
of the reading.


…….'m Julio and this is …………. Family.

………. is ……………. dad …………….name is Jose.………’s a farmer ………. is a strong man.

and ……… is ……… mom ……….name is Anna, is a teacher, a very smart teacher.

This is ……. sister Lola ……. is six years, and ……………. are students.

…………. are grandma and grandpa and ………… names are Antonio and Josefina.………. are

loving and caring, and this is ……… dog, Chili ……. is funny and very sweet.

………… are a happy family and take care of each other every day.

What is your family like?


Activity 4. Describing family members

Direction: Write on a white bond page to work.
Select one of the four models below and write a description of your family.

Put your family picture here

Hello! I’m………………………………………………………………. and this is my family.









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