TEP Mandulog River W Bridge and Levees Analysis
TEP Mandulog River W Bridge and Levees Analysis
TEP Mandulog River W Bridge and Levees Analysis
Pangilinan, Patrick M.
Patrick M. Pangilinan, Department of Civil Engineering, De La Salle University; [email protected]
Tabang, Christine P.
Christine P. Tabang - EJ, Department of Civil Engineering, De La Salle University; [email protected]
Abstract: A 25- and 50-year return period rainfall was simulated in the Mandulog River Basin for flood analysis and
identification of areas that needed to be protected with levees. A calibration of the basin for terrain characterization and
establishment of the boundary conditions were initiated to enable the computation and analysis of water behavior. Although the
levees were successfully implemented in the model, results showed that leakages are still observed in the protected areas and
communities. This could also suggest that a better understanding and calibration of the terrain be further developed and use of
smaller grid size DEM can help in better representation of the terrain.
Keywords: Mandulog River Basin, HEC-RAS, river analysis, flood hazard mapping, Digital Elevation Model (DEM),
hydraulic structure and bridge analysis
As seen from Figure 1.1, the majority of the soils within the
Mandulog River Basin are clay loam to the southeastern
portions and undifferentiated to the northwestern portions.
1.1 Mandulog River Basin
In terms of land covers, the upstream of the river basin are
Mandulog River Basin is located to the north of Mindanao. classified as forests and shrubland towards the downstream.
The basin area is at around 791 square kilometers and the At the edge most of the downstream towards northeast,
flow of the river is to the northwest direction. The there are small portions of the basin classified as built-up
Mandulog River traverses the city of Iligan and the (see Figure 1.2).
municipalities of Lanao del Sur and Misamis Oriental.
Figure 1.1 shows the location of the Mandulog River Basin
in reference to the map of the Philippines. In forecasting
flood and flood hazard mapping, some of the most
important data in a given terrain are its classifications of
land uses and the roughness coefficient of these land
surfaces designated throughout the terrain boundary. The
land use classifications determine the degree of permeability
of the surfaces against the incoming water or the water
ponding of the surface runoff. The roughness coefficient,
also called Manning’s coefficient, determines the water flow
Figure 1.1 Mandulog River Basin Soil Map
Figure 1.0 Mandulog River Basin Location Map Figure 1.2 Mandulog River Basin Land Cover
1.2 Basin Model Development Using HEC RAS of the Mandulog River in the event of rainfall. Figure 1.3
Software shows the perimeter boundary used in one of the modeling.
The Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System
1.3 Hydraulic Structure
(HEC-RAS) is one of the hydraulic modeling software
capable of analyzing river flow and behavior in a time-series As generally defined, hydraulic structure is any structure
manner. HEC-RAS can answer hydraulic questions like the that is partially or completely submerged in water and that
depth and flow speed of surface runoff under a given rainfall aids in the efficient and better management of water
data that is simulated in the area being modeled (Polo). resources. Water structures such as dams, levees, and
storm-water conveyance function to aid better management
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of the study area is
of water resources. Other hydraulic structures function to
one of the required data to enable modeling of the river.
protect and preserve the area where these are placed or
Within that DEM, other parameters, such as slope,
constructed, especially in situations where water may bring
roughness coefficient, land cover, and boundary conditions
catastrophic impact to the area such as flooding and
are calibrated unless the obtained DEM data is an updated
high-intensity rainfall. In the modeling of the Mandulog
and a cleaned data. The DEM serves as a data in
River, certain areas along the sides of the Mandulog River
determining the direction and the speed of waterflow. It is
will be designed for the construction of levees to protect the
also important that prior to modeling of the river that
communities nearby from flooding. The levees must be
includes precipitation as boundary conditions, the basin is
designed to minimize the spreading of water or flooding
delineated in a boundary that only contributed to the flood
whenever the river is expected to overflow during
analysis. The Mandulog River Basin has an observed inflow
high-intensity. A bridge will also be designed to connect the
or baseflow of 129 m3/s.
communities separated by the Mandulog River.
In building the model of Mandulog River, the characteristics
The efficient design for the hydraulic structure takes great
of the terrain is imported to the software in the form of
considerations of the observed physical and material
raster format including the spatial reference so that the
behavior of water, physical characteristics of the area, fluid
terrain can be overlain via satellite map. Further
mechanics, weather forecast and well as the physical
characterization of the model includes calibration of the
performance of the structures used.
roughness coefficient, land cover, and the average slope
through the terrain model. To enable analysis of the
flooding, the boundary conditions for the precipitation,
inflow and outflow are established as well in the model.
Another factor that determines the accuracy of the modeling
of the river and flood analysis is the grid size of the DEM
model. The smaller the grid sizes of the used DEM, the
better is the representation of the terrain and the capture of
the water upon simulations.
The objective of this modeling is to simulate a theoretical
25 and 50-year rainfall in the Mandulog River, analyze the
flood behavior, identify critical areas in the basin occupied
by communities or near the communities and then apply the
necessary hydraulic structures, levees and bridge, that will
help protect and preserve the area. Particularly, following
Figure 1.3 Perimeter Boundary for the Mandulog DEM are the main objectives of the modeling.
Boundaries are the borders that define the catchment area or ● Established the perimeter of interest study area
a subcatchment area. Ideally, boundaries are the highest ● Set the boundary conditions for the observed base
flows, calibrate the corresponding land uses and
elevations of land surrounding the catchment area. In this
roughness coefficient in the model
project, the perimeter boundary for the catchment area was ● Analyze flooding behavior in the area with and
traced on the peaks of the surrounding mountains and the without rainfall in the simulations
surrounding low-lands that contribute to the discharge flow ● Design levees and bridges in response to the
observed flooding behavior.
HWRFCDE - EJ Detention Pond, LID and Dual Drainage April 11, 2024
3.1 Grids, Breaklines And Mesh Refinements The boundary condition for the inflow was added on the
upstream portion while the outflow boundary condition was
The resolution of the DEM data used in the modeling was added on the downstream portion, where the river meets the
fine enough to perform a good simulation however, it still sea. Additionally, some segments were added to allow water
needed cleaning and corrections for the raster file, profiling at the various sections along the Mandulog River.
particularly the DEM for the riverbed. In the initial The profile lines allow assessment of the water level on
simulation, there were portions of the riverside that certain sections along the river and at certain times in the
exhibited leaking, water was entering the ponded area simulations.
unreasonably. The data for segments of pixels may be
different or far from the actual causing some of the river
water to leak. Moreover, the elevation or correct terrain for
the river itself needs to be corrected as well.
In order for the set SA/2D Area to function as a levee, the
elevations were set to the higher elevations profiles of the
area of placement. This ensures that no water should be able
to flow over the levee. Given Levee1 as an example,
Elevation was set to 5m as a minimum while still following In defining the properties, users can edit the roadway, pier,
the elevations of those that exceeded 5m as shown in figure and hydraulic properties.
X below.
HWRFCDE - EJ Detention Pond, LID and Dual Drainage April 11, 2024
SA/2D Levee 02
Hydraulic Boundary
Levee 01 Levee 02
Table 5.3. Pier Data in the Modeling of Mandulog River
Weir width 10 15 with additional Bridge
Weir coefficient (Cd) 2 2 Hydraulic Boundary
Pier#1 Pier#2
Weir crest shape Broad crested Broad crested
Centerline Station no difference was seen as they were both at a velocity of
40 80
Downstream 6m/s. Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.7 showed the depth without
and with levees which resulted in higher depth with the
Upstream Width 2 2
addition of levees.
Upstream Elevation 0 0
Downstream Width 2 2
Downstream Elevation 8 8
No. of Points on Free Flow Curve Figure 6.1 Levees
No. of Submerged Curves
HWRFCDE - EJ Detention Pond, LID and Dual Drainage April 11, 2024
6.2 Mandulog with Bridge Analysis REFERENCES
r-Mandulog-River-Basin.pdf (upd.edu.ph)