PLP Teaacher Document

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Personalized Learning Plan

Name Student # Year/Grade

Services Grading Fall/Winter/Spring Plan Start

Period Date

Learner Profile

Completed on Google Slide Template: Personalized Learning Plan by the student

Areas of Development

This will be completed by the teacher based on previous year’s data and observations during the first week
of school. Students will reflect on this as well in their digital PLP. The three areas of focus will be:



Social Emotional:
Personalized Learning Plan
Student Goals and Action Steps (Math)
Current Math Action steps Teacher Observations/Discussions Achieved Meeting
Goals Remediate Dates
Based on Current Revise
MAP data see
digital PLP

Ex: Current MAP This score at the start of the year indicates that the Ex: focus questions for students
Math score for student must be challenged. Based on the data, the ● What are your strengths/challenges?
Fall: 200 student will ● In what area do you wish to be challenged?
● Complete addition/subtraction strategies with ● What are your goals?
Winter Goal: 208 two digit regrouping ● How will YOU know when you’ve met those
● Complete pathways via MyPath and Freckle goals?
● Participate in grapples, challenge 24, number
Personalized Learning Plan
Student Goals and Action Steps (Reading)
Current Action steps Teacher Observations/Discussions Achieved Meeting
Reading Goals Remediate Dates
Based on Current Revise
MAP data see
digital PLP

Ex: Current MAP This score at the start of the year indicates that the Ex: focus questions for students
reading score for student will need remediation in reading and phonics. ● What are your strengths/challenges?
Fall: 161 ● Decoding one syllable cvc words ● What area do you want to strengthen the
● Reading for fluency most?
Winter Goal: 176 ● Small group: reading decodables targeting ● What are your goals?
phonics skill ● How will YOU know when you’ve met those
Personalized Learning Plan
Student Goals and Action Steps (Writing)
Current Action steps Teacher Observations/Discussions Achieved Meeting
Writing Goals Remediate Dates
Based on Current Revise
MAP data see
digital PLP

Based on writing ● Review difference between letters, word, Ex: focus questions for students
assessment 1st sentences ● What are your strengths/challenges?
week of school ● Review types of sentences ● In what area do you want to improve?
and weekly, ● Practice writing sentences in journal based ● What are your goals/
thereafter on a digital prompt ● How will YOU know when you’ve met those goals?

Student Reflections will be documented on their digital PLP.

Personalized Learning Plan
Student Goals and Action Steps (Habits of Scholarship/Character)
Habits of Action steps Teacher Observations/Discussions Achieved Meeting
Scholarship/Cha Remediate Dates
racter Revise
Base on data
from digital PLP

SOAR NORMS ● CREW time discussion and role play Ex: focus questions for students
(show ● Self-assessment: Which Soar Norm do you want ● What are your strengths/challenges?
self-control, offer to work on this week? ● What area do you want to improve the
kindness, respect ● Learning tracker to track progress most?
others, act ● What are your goals?
responsibly) ● How will YOU know when you’ve met those

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