AN0270V1-Booting From NAND App Note-1212-New

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Technical NOTE

Booting from NAND Flash Memory

NAND flash memory technology differs from NOR flash memory which has dominated the embedded flash
memory market in the past. Traditional applications for NOR flash memory are code storage and executing in
place (XIP) in many embedded systems. Historically, NAND flash memory has been used extensively in data
storage applications such as Solid State Drives (SSD) and flash memory cards. Today, with improvements in
endurance, cost, and performance, NAND flash memory is being deployed more frequently in code storage
applications in complex embedded systems.

Parallel NOR flash memory was a popular choice for complex embedded systems because its interface
contains both address and data buses that enable execute-in-place operations. Execute-in-place capability
allows an embedded CPU to fetch code directly from a code storage device and execute the code
immediately. With the emergence of the NOR serial interface (SPI), system designers were able to reduce
system complexity and cost by reducing the numbers of I/Os, while maintaining system performance.

Most recently, NAND flash memory is employed to further reduce the cost of a complicated embedded
systems while maintaining the required system performance. However, booting from NAND can be a
challenge in a complex embedded system. NAND flash is a page-oriented memory device that does not
inherently support XIP, at least not in the same manner as a typical XIP memory device such as NOR flash.
The booting procedure must be modified when migrating from NOR flash in order to fulfill the architectural
constraints of NAND flash memory.

This document describes a typical sequence of steps and discusses special requirements necessary to boot
from NAND flash. With a wide variety of CPUs implemented in embedded systems, the operations described
below may vary. This application note does not specify any protocols of internal/external buses and timing for
any specific embedded microprocessor but it does describe the Macronix NAND flash memory interface.
"Table 1. Macronix NAND Flash" lists Macronix NAND flash memory discussed in this document.

Table 1. Macronix NAND Flash

Part Number Density Device ID Bus Width Page Size(Bytes)

MX30LF1208AA 512Mb F0h x8 2112 = (2048 + 64 bytes per page)
MX30LF1G08AA 1Gb F1h x8 2112 = (2048 + 64 bytes per page)

P/N: AN0270 1 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Boot-from-NAND Overview
"Figure1. Boot-from-NAND Stages." shows a typical boot sequence in a complex embedded system.

Figure1. Boot-from-NAND Stages.

Stage 1
SoC internal ROM code

Stage 2

Stage 3
Boot Loader

Stage 4
Operating System

Boot Stages

Stage1: SoC Internal ROM Code

After power-on reset or system hardware reset, the embedded CPU will fetch its first code from internal ROM.
The main function of ROM code is to transfer the bootstrap code from NAND flash memory into SoC internal
SRAM. The ROM code can detect different hardware settings from I/O or latch information during the reset
period in order to branch to program code that loads the bootstrap code either from NAND or NOR. In this
application note, we focus on NAND flash memory with code storage for booting purposes.

Stage2: Bootstrap

In Stage2, we have bootstrap code sitting in internal SRAM and ready to be executed. The main functions
of bootstrap code are to copy the boot loader code from NAND into DRAM and to configure SoC hardware
settings for customization purposes.

Stage3: Boot Loader

Stage3 has the boot loader residing in DRAM ready for the embedded CPU to execute it for shadowing the
operating system. The main function of the boot loader is to copy the operating system from the NAND flash
into DRAM for booting.

Stage4: Operating System

The operating system (ex: OS kernel) is in DRAM and is launched to complete the booting process. The
operating system takes control of the whole system at the completion of Stage 4.
P/N: AN0270 2 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013
Technical NOTE

Stage1: SoC Internal ROM Code

After power-on reset or system hardware reset, the embedded CPU will begin executing code from ROM in
Stage1. The ROM code cannot be modified by the system designer. For security purposes, the, ROM code
can be written to support Macronix NAND flash by reading the manufacturer and device IDs of the installed
flash to determine which Macronix NAND flash is being used before proceeding with the boot procedure. After
a power-on-reset or system-reset is initiated, all registers in the SoC are in their default values.

The very first ROM code instructions issue the RESET command (FFh) to reset the NAND flash memory
and waits a tRST time for the NAND flash memory to be ready ("Figure 2: NAND Flash Memory RESET
Command FFh"). For the value of tRST, please refer to the appropriate Macronix datasheet.

Figure 2: NAND Flash Memory RESET Command FFh

Then ROM code then issues the Read ID command (90h) to read the NAND flash memory manufacture ID
and device ID ("Figure 3: Read ID Operation") to ensure that the correct NAND flash memory is in place and
is supported by the ROM code.

Now the ROM code is ready to load the bootstrap code from the NAND data blocks to internal SRAM. Before
we move forward to load the bootstrap code, we have to understand NAND flash memory characteristics
such as Bad Block management and ECC schemes for NAND flash physical memory management which are
not required by NOR flash memory.

P/N: AN0270 3 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Figure 3: Read ID Operation

Note: The 1st code returned (C2h) is the Macronix manufacturer ID. The 2nd code will be F0h for a 512Mb device or F1h (as shown) for a
1Gb device. Please refer to the appropriate Macronix datasheet for a detailed definition of the 3rd code and 4th code of the ID table.

ECC and Bad Blocks Management

The ROM code expects bootstrap code to reside in block 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the NAND flash memory. The
bootstrap image may be duplicated in those 4 blocks for reliability reasons. Macronix NAND flash memory
block 0 is guaranteed to be good up to 1K cycles with 1bit ECC per 528 bytes. Therefore, in most cases, the
ROM code will not have to look beyond block 0 for a bootable image.

When programming boot code and the OS into a NAND flash memory, the system programmer must first scan
for bad blocks and build up a bad block table, which usually resides in block 0 and other duplicate locations
of the NAND flash memory. The location of the bad block table is defined by the user. Therefore, when ROM
code transfers bootstrap code into internal SoC SRAM, it also loads the bad block table into SRAM to ensure
that only good blocks are used when accessing blocks beyond block 0 at a later time.

For those users who do not use all 64 bytes of spare area of each NAND page, the first byte of a spare area
can be reserved for bad block marking. If the first byte of a spare area in the 1st or 2nd page is not FFh, the
system designer may consider the “marked” blocks to be a “bad blocks”. Skipping the bad block and moving
on to the next block and checking that it is good, is a scheme that should be implemented for NAND flash
devices, if the system designer does not want to build and use a bad block table. Remember not to erase the
bad blocks, otherwise the system may lose the bad block marking, and be unable to identify an inadvertently
use the bad blocks in the future.

Macronix NAND flash memories, MX30LF1208AA and MX30LF1G08AA, require 1 bit error correction
capability per 528 bytes of data (including ECC parity bits). For a 2048 + 64 bytes per page data structure,
we can divide a page into 4 data sections (section A, B, C, D) and each section can accommodate a 528
(512 + 16) bytes data unit ("Figure 4: Page Level Code Storage Structure"). A 1 bit error correction capability
within 528 bytes requires 13 parity bits using the Hamming code ECC algorithm. While programming the code
image into NAND flash, 13 ECC parity bits for each 512 byte section must be calculated and stored within 16
bytes of that section’s spare area. Once all 4 sections are done for each page (2048 + 64 bytes per page),
the programmer continues programming at the next page with the same scheme for NAND flash memory until
the entire code has been programmed into data blocks successfully. The ECC algorithm can be implemented
by either hardware or within ROM code depending on the architecture of the SoC.
P/N: AN0270 4 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013
Technical NOTE

Figure 4: Page Level Code Storage Structure

13bit ECC 13bit ECC 13bit ECC 13bit ECC

Section_A Section_B Section_C Section_D for for for for
512 Bytes 512 Bytes 512 Bytes 512 Bytes Section_A Section_B Section_C Section_D

2048 Bytes data area 64 Bytes spare area

Bootstrap Code Shadowing within SoC SRAM

After NAND flash memory has been verified and a bad block table has been established, the process of
copying (shadowing) from NAND flash memory to internal SRAM starts ("Figure 5: Shadowing Bootstrap
Code from NAND Flash Memory to Internal SRAM").

Figure 5: Shadowing Bootstrap Code from NAND Flash Memory to Internal SRAM
ROM Code process
Bootstrap SoC Internal SRAM

Boot Loader Bootstrap

OS Kernel


File System

After the copying process is done, the embedded CPU will jump to the internal SRAM address where the first
byte of bootstrap cade was stored by ROM code.

ECC Error Handing During Bootstrap Copy Process

In the event an un-correctable ECC error (e.g. 2 or more bits of errors) is found during the copy process, the
duplicate bootstrap code image stored in a different data block can be used by the embedded CPU to attempt
a recover from this error. For example, if there is a block 0 reading error (a very rare event), ROM code
can search the next data block for a valid bootstrap image and attempt to load it into SRAM. Error handling
requires technical skills that are beyond the scope of this application note and should be handled very
carefully to prevent any glitches during the boot process.

P/N: AN0270 5 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Stage 2: Bootstrap
At the onset of the 2nd stage of the boot process, bootstrap code has already been placed in the appropriate
SRAM location for the embedded CPU to execute for the next step. In most cases, the bootstrap should
include all information needed to support the current embedded CPU, including PLL clock frequency,
essential SoC configuration registers, NAND flash driver, and memory management in embedded system,

In reference to "Figure 4: Page Level Code Storage Structure", note that the NAND flash memory data
programming structure is different from NOR flash memory due to the ECC function and parity bits. For
reliability reasons, the bootstrap image can be duplicated in other good blocks such as the first four good
blocks of the NAND flash device.

After SoC configuration is done, shadowing Boot Loader from NAND flash to DRAM is the next major
bootstrap task ("Figure 6: Shadowing Boot Loader from NAND Flash to DRAM"). The embedded CPU will
jump to the appropriate DRAM address to execute the code once the Boot Loader shadowing task is done.

Figure 6: Shadowing Boot Loader from NAND Flash to DRAM

Bootstrap SoC Internal SRAM

Boot Loader Bootstrap

Bootstrap process

OS Kernel


Boot Loader

File System

P/N: AN0270 6 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Stage 3: Boot Loader

The boot process of Stage 3 is heavily dependent on the OS. Usually the boot loader shadows the OS
kernel first before completing its boot process. There are a number of factors the boot loader should take
into account such as memory mapping (to support boot-from-NAND), NAND flash operations supported
(so that it can read and write to the flash memory device), and environment data storage location (within a
single block), etc. The Boot Loader shadows OS kernel code from NAND flash memory to DRAM ("Figure 7:
Shadowing OS Kernel from NAND Flash to DRAM"). The embedded MCU (Memory Control Unit) will jump to
the shadowing OS kernel in DRAM after the boot loader completes its task.

Figure 7: Shadowing OS Kernel from NAND Flash to DRAM


Bootstrap SoC Internal SRAM
Boot Loader

OS Kernel
Boot Loader process

Boot Loader

File System OS Kernel

P/N: AN0270 7 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Stage 4: Operating System

The final stage of the boot process starts with OS kernel initial execution within DRAM. From this stage, the
OS begins to control the whole system ("Figure 8: OS Kernel Process Taking System Control"). The SoC
internal SRAM is fully utilized by the OS Kernel. The boot process is complete and ready for user applications
after the final stage is finished.

Figure 8: OS Kernel Process Taking System Control


Bootstrap SoC Internal SRAM

Boot Loader OS Kernelprocess

OS Kernel


Boot Loader

File System OS Kernel

P/N: AN0270 8 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

Combination of Bootstrap and Boot Loader

There are some embedded systems that focus on a narrow sets of applications with limited interrupts, tasks
and events. The bootstrap and boot loader can be combined as one unit in the SoC’s internal SRAM, if the
size of the combined code will fit in the SRAM. In this way, the system designer can simplify the boot process
and load the OS Kernel to DRAM directly, after the boot loader has successfully beencopied into SRAM ("Figure
9: Combined Bootstrap and Boot Loader Operation").

Figure 9: Combined Bootstrap and Boot Loader Operation


Bootstrap + Boot loader SoC Internal SRAM

Boot Loader process Bootstrap+Boot loader
OS Kernel


OS Kernel
File System/Data

Maximum Reliability of Code in NAND Flash Memory

Typically, NAND flash memory is not as reliable as NOR flash memory. NAND flash memory has higher
raw bit errors rates (RBER) and needs error correction codes (ECC) to reduce it. NAND devices also suffer
internal Read/Write disturbance effects that reduce data retention time. To maximize the reliability of code,
system designers should implement some of the following recommendations:
● To reduce the numbers of reads from a NAND device, copy the code into SRAM/DRAM if the code
needs to be repeatedly accessed. This will reduce the possibility of read disturbance errors in NAND
flash memory.
● Always enable the ECC function within the SoC for the NAND flash interface. Even a single bad bit in
the code can cause a system failure, so error correction should be maximized in code storage areas of
NAND flash memory.
● When programming code into NAND flash memory, it is imperative to perform a read-verify operation
to compare the contents in NAND flash against the original binary image.
● To avoid multiple programming operations within a single page, program each page in its entirety using
a single program operation. This will reduce the possibility of program disturb data degradation.

P/N: AN0270 9 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

To take advantage of NAND’s low cost and high performance, more frequently, embedded systems are
adopting NAND as the boot device. By employing Macronix’s SLC NAND flash memory and implementation
recommendations, system designers can achieve a reliable boot sequence from their Macronix
NAND flash memory.

Revision History
Revision No. Description Page Date

REV. 1 Initial Release ALL 12th, Dec., 2013

P/N: AN0270 10 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

Technical NOTE

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ity arisen therefrom.

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MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. reserves the right to change product and specifications without notice.

P/N: AN0270 11 REV. 1, DEC. 12, 2013

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