Star Wars Genesys (DrainSmith) v0.0.1

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This is a work in progress. I desperately need feedback
on all things in it. The goal is to create a set of mechani- Version 0.0.1 May, 29, 2024
cal material to make running Star Wars in pure Genesys
much easier and also be able to make use of any stat J. Scott Zumwalt (DrainSmith)
block found in any Star Wars book, such as weapons, Reddit: /u/DrainSmith
vehicles, and adversaries.
Discord: drainsmith
Please don't distribute this as it isn't that valuable and
I wouldn't want someone to think it is in a playable Email: [email protected]
state because it definitely is not.

Design Thoughts
• I am considering doing away with Career skills.
Career talents are still in here and may be removed.
• Species creation heavily inspired by Giri Raman's
The Beyond setting.
• Force powers are going to be talents and there will
be a base talent for each Force power and a talent
to become Force Sensitive. I am currently unde-
cided about removing the Force die but I would
like to. Talents that refer to the force die and force
points would be rewritten.
• A lot of talents will likely be removed. And many
need rewritten entirely. The talent distribution for
my initial assigning is heavy in the tier 2 and 3 and
far too low in tier 1. Many talents may need their
text adjusted to have them be lower tier.
• The Genesys generic talents are not in here (yet)
except for the ones that were already in SW (Grit,
Toughened, etc).
• I am considering doing away with the Talent Pyra-
mid and any talent from any tier can be purchased
for the XP cost regardless of what you've already
purchased. This is a wild one, I know.
• Subsystems (crafting, gambling, etc) will eventually
be included but will be scrutinized to remove the
broken parts (i.e. crafting).
• Obligation, Duty, and Morality: Morality is use-
ful for Force users, but a more simplified version
would be great. Talents that refer to it will need
altered. Obligation and Duty should get an over-
haul as I find them clunky. Agendas from Embers
might work well.
Determine Background Choose Wound and Strain
Who is your character and what are they trying to do
in the galaxy? (these are inconsistent across the books.
does anyone even do this part?) Your character's Wound and Strain Thresholds are
independently chosen from their characteristic array.
The Down and Out • Basic: Your character starts with a wound thresh-
old of 10 and a strain threshold of 10.
The Outsider • Stout: Your character starts with a wound thresh-
old of 12 and a strain threshold of 9.
The New Recruit • Dedicated: Your character starts with a wound
threshold of 8 and a strain threshold of 11.
The Accidental Rebel • Hardened: Your character starts with a wound
threshold of 14 and a strain threshold of 7. Addi-
Ancient Religion tionally, they decrease their starting XP by 5.
• Disciplined: Your character starts with a wound
Duty to Tradition threshold of 6 and a strain threshold of 12. Addi-
tionally, they increase their starting XP by 5.

Choose Characteristic Array Choose Starting Skills

Your character's Characteristic Array determines what
values you start with and may assign to any character- Choose 5 skills to increase by one rank. These skills
istic you like. It also determines your starting Experi- cannot be trained above rank 2 during character cre-
ence Points that may be spent on characteristics, skill ation. One skill may be chosen twice.
ranks, and talents. However, you don't spend these
point until the Spend XP step. Choose Special Abilities
Your character can be any species in the Star Wars
3 2 2 2 2 1 galaxy or even a new one of your design (with GM
approval). Choose two abilities from the Special Abili-
ties tables. If your character is a species listed in the
• Starting Experience: 100 XP Species Only table, they must take the abilities avail-
able there and only members of those species may
GENERALIST choose those abilities. GMs may wave this requirement
in special circumstances.
2 2 2 2 2 2 Spend Experience Points
• Starting Experience: 110 XP You may spend starting experience points on increas-
ing characteristics, purchasing talents, or training skills.
Any unused XP is saved and may be spent during
BLANK SLATE gameplay when XP may normally be used according
to your GM. The cost of Experience Points (or XP) for
1 1 1 1 1 1 characteristics is equal to ten times the value of the tar-
get value and each step must be paid for. For example
• Starting Experience: 220 XP going from 1 to 2 is 20 XP and going from 2 to 4 is 70
XP (30 + 40). Keep in mind that characteristics can
only be adjusted with XP during character creation and
are only altered by talents or gear afterward.

Star wars
Ability Species XP Mod
Additional Limbs: Your character gains an additional free maneuver per turn, though Ardennian, Latero,Xexto,
they may not perform more than two maneuvers per turn. Quermian, Besalisk, Harch

Mon Calamari, Vurk,

Chagrian, Ishi Tib,
Aquatic: Your character can breath underwater and does not suffer any penalties to
Quarren, Gungan,
movement while under water.
Nautolan, Aqualish,

Bellow: As an action your character may suffer 3 strain to attack with a Resilience check
using the following profile [Damage 6; Critical 4; Range (Short); Blast 3; Concussive 1; Ithorian -10
Slow Firing 2; Stun damage]

Aqualish, Arkanian, Kel

Dark Vision: When making any skill check remove jj due to darkness. Dor, Chiss, Selonian,

Environment Sensitivity: Choose a cold or hot environment. When in that environment,

your character adds j to all checks they make (in addition to any other penalties for Vurk (cold) 5
operating in such environments).

Environment Tolerance: Choose a cold or hot environment. When in that environment,

Aqualish (Cold), Pantoran
your character removes j added because of environmental conditions from all checks
(Cold), Nikto (Hot)
they make.

Fly: Your character can fly. See page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. Geonosian, Sathari -15

Hover: Your character can hover. See page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. Toydarian -10

Leaper: Once per round as a maneuver, your character may suffer 3 strain to leap
Kyuzo -10
horizontally or vertically to any location within medium range.

Mechanical: Your character does not eat, sleep, or breathe and they are unaffected by
toxins and poisons. They do not gain the benefits of healing wounds from a Medicine
check. They can be “healed” by using the Mechanics skill instead of the Medicine skill
but otherwise follow the rules in the Medical Care section on page 116 of the Genesys
Droid -5
Core Rulebook. Mechanical characters can heal wounds and strain naturally by resting,
as their systems attempt self-repairs. Cybernetics do not reduce the species’ strain
threshold (the cybernetics represent upgraded mechanical components instead of true

Regenerate: When resting or receiving medical treatment your character recovers 1

Trandoshan -10
additional wound.

Chadra-Fan, Aleena,
Silhouette 0: Your character decreases their wound threshold, encumbrance threshold, Gossam, Toydarian, Drall,
and encumbrance value by 2. Ewok, Anzellan, Zilkin,

Silhouette 2: Your character increases their wound threshold, encumbrance threshold,

Dowultin -5
and encumbrance value by 2.

Special Atmosphere: Your character starts with a respirator and treats oxygen as a Gand, Melittos, Skakoan,
corrosive atmosphere with rating 8. Kel Dor, Skakoan, Tognath

Star wars
Fast: Your character may perform second move maneuver for free each turn. -

Focused: Choose a non-combat skill. Add j to any check your character makes with that skill. -

Perceptive: Your character removes jj from environmental conditions and concealment, but not defense. -

Primitive: Your character upgrades the difficulty of any checks involving advanced technology once. This counts as any
technology not available on your character’s home planet, though individual pieces of technology can become exempt from
this as your character grows familiar with them over time (at the GM’s discretion). Your character can spend 5 XP during the -5
campaign (and at the GM’s discretion) to remove this penalty permanently. Additionally, your character add aa to any
Survival checks.

Rage: When your character has suffered any wounds, they increase the damage of Brawl and Melee combat checks they
make by 1. If they are Critically Injured, they increase the damage of Brawn and Melee combat checks they make by 2, -

Resistance: Choose a non-combat skill. Add h to any check targeting your character with that skill. -

Scholar: When purchasing a rank in a Knowledge skill you spend 5xp less. -

Skill: Choose any non-combat skill to gain one rank. This skill may be trained to rank 3 during character creation. You may
choose a skill previously chosen in the Choose Starting Skills step. This option may be chosen twice.

Slow: Your character cannot perform the move maneuver more than once per turn. 15

Social: Add j to all social skill checks your character makes. -5

Specialty: Choose a non-combat skill. Add a to any check your character makes with that skill. -

Talent: Gain any Rank 1 talent. This talent occupies space as normal on the Talent Pyramid. This option may be chosen

Tough: Increase soak by 1. -5

Determine Derived Choose Starting

Attributes Gear, Appearance,
You now add your character's Brawn rating to their
and Personality
wound threshold and soak, and Willpower rating to
their strain threshold. These values do not change if Spend 1000 credits on starting weapons and gear. Any
your character's Brawn or Willpower are altered in the remaining money is kept. Available gear is on page
future. However, they can be altered by other means @@. (may not include the gear but instead rely on
such as Talents or Special Abilities. original books)

ranks, your character may spend one Destiny Point to remove
Tier 1 d from the check or to remove h equal to their ranks in Cool
from the check.

Basic Combat Training
Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Force: No
When resolving a check that uses a skill in which they have no
Brawl and Ranged (Light) become career skills.

Star wars
Beast Wrangler Force: No
Tier: 1 Once per encounter when working on a droid, your character
Activation: Passive may make a Hard (kk kk k)k Computers check. If successful, for
the remainder of the encounter the droid gains two different
Ranked: Yes
combat skills at rank 1, or 1 additional rank in two different
Force: No existing combat skills (to a maximum of 5), as chosen by your
Your character adds j per rank of beast Wrangler to all their character. If your character is a droid, it may perform this
checks made to tame or wrangle creatures. action on itself.

Blooded Comprehend Technology

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Force: No Force: Yes
Add j per rank of Blooded to all checks to resist or recover Once per session, as an action, they may make an Average
from the effects of poisons, venoms, and other toxins. Reduce (kk
kk) Knowledge (Education) check to intuitively under-
the duration of any related ongoing effects or damage from stand one weapon, armor set, or other piece of personal gear.
toxins, venoms, or poisons by one round per rank of Blooded Success means that for the remainder of the encounter, when
to a minimum of one. your character makes any skill checks to use or repair the
item, they may count their ranks in the applicable skill equal
to their current force rating.
Tier: 1 Confidence
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Tier: 1
Force: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Your character reduces any wielded or carried weapon's
Force: No
Cumbersome quality and Encumbrance rating by a number
equal to ranks in Burly to a minimum of 1. Your character may decrease the difficulty of any Discipline
check to avoid the effects of fear by one level per rank of
Confidence. If they decrease the difficulty to zero, they do not
Center of Being have to make a Discipline check.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Constant Vigilance
Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Once per round, when wielding a lightsaber, your character Ranked: No
may perform a maneuver to use this talent. Until the begin-
Force: No
ning of your character's next turn, whenever an enemy makes
a melee attack targeting your character, the critical rating of Your character may always choose to use the Vigilance skill
the enemy's weapon counts as 1 higher per rank of Center when making checks to determine Initiative.
of Being.
Construction Specialist
Channel Agony
Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Force: No
Force: Yes Your character removes j per rank of Construction Specialist
After rolling l , your character may choose to suffer wounds from checks made to construct bases, defense works, posi-
no greater than twice their ranks in Channel agony. For every tions, fortifications, tunnels, bunkers, a similar combat engi-
two wounds, they add z to the results. A character who has neering projects.
purchased this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict per rank
purchased at the beginning of a game session.
Creative Design
Combat Programming Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Action) Force: No
Ranked: No

Star wars
As part of resolving a successful crafting check, your character Ranked: Yes
may also apply a result equivalent to spending a number of Force: No
a equal to their ranks in Creative Design. The GM may then
apply a result equivalent to spending that same number of h. Your character may make an Average (kk kk) Knowledge
(Education) check when at a dry dock with suitable personnel
and equipment to conduct repairs to a starship, or to add
Customized Cooling Unit attachments or modifications to one. If successful, the cost
and time for repairs is reduced by 20% for each rank of Dock-
Tier: 1 yard Expertise, to a minimum of 100 credits and one day.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Force: No Durable
Your character increases the system strain threshold of their Tier: 1
Signature Vehicle by 2 per rank of Customized Cooling Unit. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Deceptive Taunt Force: No
Your character may reduce a Critical Injury result they suffer
Tier: 1 by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of one.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Force: No Dynamic Fire
Once per session, as an action your character may make an Tier: 1
opposed Deception check targeting one NPC within medium Activation: Active (Incidental)
range. If they succeed, the NPC must attack him during its Ranked: No
next turn. If the NPC cannot do so, it must spend all subse- Force: No
quent turns maneuvering into position until it can make a
melee or ranged attacks against your character. Once it has When making a ranged attack while engaged with an oppo-
made a melee or ranged attack against your character, the nent, your character may suffer 2 strain to reduce the ranged
NPC is no longer affected by Deceptive Taunt. If your char- modifier added for being engaged by 1 for the attack. So,
acter is incapacitated or leaves the encounter, the NPC is no when firing a Ranged (Heavy) weapon, your character only
longer affected by Deceptive Taunt. If used outside combat, increases the difficulty by 1 when engaged, and when firing
at the GM's discretion the NPC can choose to perform a non- a Ranged (Light) weapon, they don't increase the difficulty
lethal attack if the situation warrants it. If the encounter takes at all.
place at a party, for example, the NPC may choose to punch
your character rather than using a knife or blaster. Empty Soul
Tier: 1
Defensive Slicing Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: Yes
Ranked: Yes If a character is carrying items that total 2 encumbrance or
Force: No less (After factoring in reductions such as for armor being
When attempting to defend a computer system against intru- worn), whenever they make a Force power check, they add
sion (or when an opponent attempts to slice a computer Zz to the results. If a character normally carries items that
owned or programmed by your character), your character total more than 2 encumbrance but discards or otherwise
adds j equal to their rank of Defensive Slicing to their oppo- loses those items temporarily, the GM can rule that your char-
nent's checks. acter still does not gain the benefits of Empty Soul.

Djem So Deflection Encoded Communique

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: Yes Force: No
After using the Reflect Incidental, your character may spend Upgrade the difficulty of checks to decrypt your character's
one Destiny Point to perform a Move maneuver as an out of coded messages without the proper cipher a number of times
turn incidental to move closer to or engage an opponent. This equal to your character's ranks in Computers.
incidental may be performed once per round.
Encouraging Words
Dockyard Expertise Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: No When in a starship or vehicle, your character can make a Fire
Control maneuver. If they do so, all combat checks from the
When an ally engaged with you fails a check, your character
starship or vehicle counts the silhouette of the target as one
may suffer 1 strain. If so, your character may assist the next
higher than normal until the beginning of your character's
check that an ally makes this encounter as an out of turn inci-
next turn. This effect does not stack with multiple uses of the
dental (rather than as a maneuver).
Fire Control maneuver.

Fall Back! First Among Brothers

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Force: No Force: No
While engaged with an opponent, your character may suffer
When your character makes a check that does not result in
a number of strain up to their ranks in Leadership to allow an
any uncanceled h add a equal to your character's ranks in
equal number of allies to immediately disengage from that
First Among Brothers to the check results. Your character may
opponent as an out-of-turn incidental.
only spend these additional a to affect allied clones.

Familiar Suns Forager

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Once per game session your character may spend a
Remove up to jj from skill checks to find food, water, or
maneuver to make a Hard (kk k Knowledge (Outer Rim)
kk k)
shelter. Survival checks to forage take half the time.
or Knowledge (Core Worlds) check. If successful, your char-
acter is familiar with the type of planetary environment they
find themself in. They know whether the planet is likely to be Force Connection
inhabited and, if so, where habitation could be found. they
also know about unusual environmental effects, hostile preda- Tier: 1
tors, or sources of potential profit. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
When your character perform a Survival or Knowledge
Tier: 1 (Xenology) skill check, they may roll a number of l no greater
Activation: Passive than their Force rating. Your character may spend Y to add
Ranked: Yes s or a (character's choice) to the result.
Force: No
When an adversary becomes engaged with your character, Fortified Vacuum Seal
your character may forced the adversary to make a fear
check, with the difficulty equal to your character's ranks in Tier: 1
Fearsome. At the GM's discretion, some adversaries may be Activation: Passive
immune to this talent based on the type of adversary or the Ranked: Yes
ongoing circumstances. Force: No
Your character increases the hull trauma threshold of their
Fine Tuning Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Fortified Vacuum Seal.

Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Grit
Ranked: Yes Tier: 1
Force: No Activation: Passive
Whenever a character reduces the amount of strain a starship Ranked: Yes
or vehicle suffers, they reduce one additional strain per rank Force: No
of Fine Tuning.
Each rank of Grit increases a character's strain threshold by
Fire Control
Tier: 1 Harass
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental)
Force: No

Star wars
Ranked: No would suffer system strain (either voluntary or involuntary),
Force: No your character may suffer a number of strain up to their ranks
in High-G Training. If they do, the amount of system strain
Whenever your character's bonded animal makes a successful the starship of vehicle suffers is reduced by that amount (to
combat check, your character may choose to have the attack a minimum of 0).
deal no damage. If so, your character upgrades the difficulty
of the next check once. This can stack should multiple crea-
tures perform this action on the same target. Holistic Navigation
Tier: 1
Hard Headed Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action) Force: Yes
Ranked: Yes When making an Astrogation skill check, your character may
Force: No spend one Destiny Point to remove y, or to remove h equal
to their ranks in perception.
On any turn in which your character is staggered or disori-
ented, as an action they may make a Daunting (kk kk kk)
Discipline check (this action may be specifically performed Identify Ingredients
even though they are normally barred from performing actions
when staggered). If they succeed, they are no longer stag-
Tier: 1
gered or disoriented. The difficulty of this check decreases Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
by one per additional rank of Hard Headed, to a minimum Ranked: No
of Easy (k
k ). Force: Yes
After being exposed to any unknown substance, as an out of
Headbutt turn incidental, your character may roll l no greater than
their Force rating. They may spend YY to immediately iden-
Tier: 1 tify the composition and any effects of the substance. At the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) GM's discretion, this might provide a to your character's later
Ranked: No attempts to recreate this substance.
Force: No
Once per encounter, as an incidental, your character may Improvised Defenses
suffer 2 wounds and select one engaged non-vehicle target
with a silhouette of up to one higher than your character's.
Tier: 1
The target is knocked prone and is disoriented until the end Activation: Active (Action)
of the next round. Ranked: No
Force: No
Hidden Storage Your character may attempt an Average (kkkk) Survival check
to fashion small defenses using scavenged materials. If the
Tier: 1 check is successful, the structure can provide cover for up
Activation: Passive to 4 characters for the rest of the encounter. Your character
Ranked: Yes may spend aa of t from the check to increase the ranged
Force: No defense the structure provides to 2.

Any large equipment, vehicle, or droid that your character

owns has one or more hidden compartments for smuggling Indistinguishable
appropriately sized gear. The number of compartments is up
to the player, but cannot be enough to hold a total encum-
Tier: 1
brance value of items more than your character's ranks in Activation: Passive
Hidden Storage. The size of the compartments are propor- Ranked: Yes
tional to the size of the vehicle or droid in question. Most Force: No
humanoid droids can only hold items equivalent in size to a
Your character's appearance is so common that people have
one-handed weapon, whereas a silhouette 4 starship could
a hard time identifying distinguishing traits. Opposing charac-
conceal humanoids within its compartments. Any checks to
ters upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to identify him
detect these compartments have a Formidable (kk kk kk k)
once per rank of Indistinguishable.

High-G Training
Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes
Force: No
Perception and Discipline become career skills of they are not
When a starship or vehicle your character is currently piloting

Star wars
Interjection Jetpack Expertise
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
After another character makes a social check, your character Your character may spend a from checks they make to remove
may suffer 3 strain and make an Average (kk kk) Vigilance 1 system strain from a jetpack they are equipped with. (They
check. Your character may add s or f to the results of the may choose this effect multiple times when spending a.)
chosen check equal to s on the Vigilance check and a or h
equal to a on the Vigilance check.
Jump Up
Intuitive Improvements Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: No
Once per round your character's turn, your character may
Force: Yes stand up from prone or a seated position as an Incidental.
When making a check to repair or craft a non-starship or
vehicle item,your character may add l no greater than Force
rating to the check. Your character may spend YY to perma- Knockdown
nently increase the number of hard points the item has by 1, Tier: 1
to a maximum of 2 additional hard points. An item may only Activation: Passive
be improved this way once.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Intuitive Navigation After hitting with a melee attack, your character may knock
Tier: 1 the target prone by spending a t. If the target is larger than
Activation: Passive the acting character, it requires one additional t for each
Ranked: No silhouette larger.
Force: Yes
When performing an Astrogation or Knowledge (outer rim) Know It All
skill check, your character may roll a number of l no greater Tier: 1
than their Force rating. Your character may spend Y to add Activation: Active (Incidental)
s or a (character's choice) to the result.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Invigorate Once per session, your character may, as if they had spent a
Tier: 1 Destiny Point, perfectly recall one important fact they previ-
Activation: Active (Incidental) ously learned. If your character's controlling player does not
Ranked: No remember the specifics of the fact the player wishes to have
your character recall, the Game Master should remind him
Force: Yes of the relevant facts (provided your character has actually
Once per encounter, when an ally within short range attempts encountered the information).
a skill check using the Brawn or Agility characteristic, your
character may roll l . Each Z adds s to the target's check;
however, each z adds h to the target's check. Know Somebody
Tier: 1
Iron Soul Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 Force: No
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Once per game session, when attempting to purchase a
legally available item, your character may reduce its rarity by
Force: No one step per rank of Know Somebody.
If your character is carrying items that total 2 encumbrance
or less (after factoring in reductions such as for armor being
worn), at the end of the encounter they heal all strain that Know the Enemy
they are currently suffering. If a character normally carries Tier: 1
items that total more than 2 encumbrance but discards or Activation: Passive
otherwise loses those items temporarily, the GM can rule that
Ranked: No
your character still does not gain the benefits of Iron Soul.
Force: No

Star wars
Your character may choose to use the Knowledge (Warfare) Ranked: Yes
skill when making checks to determine Initiative. Force: No
When your character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or
Learning Opportunity Lightsaber combat check, after damage is calculated, but
before soak is applied, your character may take a Parry inci-
Tier: 1 dental. They suffer 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by
Activation: Active (Incidental) that hit by a number equal to 2 plus their ranks in Parry. This
Ranked: No talent may only be used once per hit and when your character
Force: No is wielding a Lightsaber or Melee weapon.
Once per round, your character may spend aaa from a
check they fail to upgrade the ability of their next check once. Pilot Training
Tier: 1
Let's Ride Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: No
Ranked: No Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) become career skills.
Force: No
Once per round on your character's turn, your character may Preemptive Avoidance
mount or dismount from a vehicle or beast, or slide into the
cockpit or weapon station aboard a starship, as an incidental Tier: 1
instead of a maneuver. Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Meditative Trance Force: Yes
Immediately after an opponent moves to engage your char-
Tier: 1 acter, your character may spend one Destiny Point to disen-
Activation: Passive gage from that opponent as an out-of-turn incidental.
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Quick Draw
When suffocating, your character suffers 1 strain each round
instead of 3. When exposed to vacuum, your character suffers Tier: 1
1 wound each round instead of 3. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Museum Worthy Force: No
Once per round on your character's turn, they may draw or
Tier: 1 holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a
Activation: Active (Action) maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to
Ranked: No draw or stow a weapon that usually requires more than one
Force: No maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver.
Once per game session, your character may take an action
to make a Hard (kk k Knowledge (Education) check
kk k) Quick Strike
regarding a single relic, ruin, or piece of galactic history
(subject to the GM's approval). If successful, your character Tier: 1
knows an amount of information about the item based on the Activation: Passive
number of s rolled. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
One with Nature When performing a combat check during combat, your char-
acter adds j per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks
Tier: 1 against any target that has not yet acted in the encounter.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Rapid Reaction
When in the wilderness, your character may make a Simple (-) Tier: 1
Survival check (instead of Discipline or Cool) to recover strain Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
at the end of an encounter. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Parry Your character may suffer a number of strain to add an equal
number of s to any Vigilance or Cool check to determine
Tier: 1 initiative order. The number may not exceed their ranks in
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Rapid Reaction.

Star wars
Rapid Recovery If your character would be disarmed or their weapon would
be damaged or destroyed, they may chose to suffer 2 strain
Tier: 1 to ignore the effect.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Force: No Resist Questioning
When this character heals strain after an encounter has Tier: 1
concluded, they heal one additional strain per rank in Rapid Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Recovery. Ranked: No
Force: No
Redundant Systems When targeted by an opposed social skill check, as an out of
turn incidental your character may suffer 2 strain to add j to
Tier: 1 the check. If the check fails, they may spend d to indicate
Activation: Active (Action) they have provided false or misleading information that the
Ranked: No target believes to be truthful.
Force: No
With an Easy (k k ) Mechanics check, your character may Resourceful Refit
harvest components from a functioning device to repair a
broken one without breaking the functioning device. This Tier: 1
allows a character to repair a broken device without having Activation: Active (Action)
required spare parts, raw materials, or repair kits (the initial Ranked: No
check does not suffer penalties for lacking repair kits, either). Force: No
This only works, however, if the functioning device is at least
Instead of removing an attachment to make room for a new
the same size and technological level as the device being
one, your character may upgrade an old attachment into a new
repaired (it is impossible to repair a starship with a blaster
one. They can take the Resourceful Refit action by choosing a
pistol, or a lightsaber with parts from a water wheel).
existing attachments installed in one of their items, starships,
or vehicles making an Average (kk kk) Mechanics check. If
Reinforce Item they succeed, they may destroy the chosen attachment and
reduce the price of the next attachment they purchase and
Tier: 1 install in that item by the price of the attachment they destroy
Activation: Active (Maneuver) (to a minimum of 0 credits). (They must still acquire the new
Ranked: No attachment, with an appropriate check based on its rarity,
Force: Yes their location and other relevant factors.)
Your character may take the Reinforce Item maneuver,
committing ll
ll. They then grants one weapon or piece of Respected Delegate
armor they are engaged with the Cortosis quality while ll
remain committed. Your character suffers 3 strain at the Tier: 1
beginning of each of their turns in which they keep these dice Activation: Passive
committed. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Reroute Processors Your character downgrades the difficulty of social skill checks
made to interact with government instructions outside of
Tier: 1 their homeworld a number of times equal to their ranks in
Activation: Active (Action) Respected Delegate.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Respected Scholar
Once per encounter, as an action your character may make
an Average (kkkk) Computers check targeting a droid they Tier: 1
are engaged with. If they succeed, they decrease one of the Activation: Passive
droid's characteristics by 1 (to a minimum of 0) until the end Ranked: Yes
of the encounter and increases another of its characteristics Force: No
by 1 (to a maximum of 7) until the end of the encounter. If
Your character downgrades the difficulty of checks to interact
your character is a droid, they may perform this action on
with institutions of learning equal to their ranks in Respected

Resist Disarm Second Wind

Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Force: No

Star wars
Once per encounter, your character may use a Second Wind Supporting Evidence
incidental to recover an amount of strain equal to their ranks
in Second Wind. Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Seen A Lot of Things Force: No
Tier: 1 When your character assists an ally with a Charm, Deception,
Activation: Passive Leadership, or Negotiation check, that ally adds automatic a
Ranked: No to the results of the check per rank of Supporting Evidence.
Force: No
Whenever your character fails a Knowledge check, they may Surgeon
spend aaa to roll the check again during their next turn.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Share Pain Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) When this character makes a Medicine check to help a char-
Ranked: No acter heal wounds, the target heals one additional wound per
Force: Yes rank of Surgeon.
When an animal bonded to your character by the Animal
empathy talent suffers wounds, your character may take the Swift
Share pain incidental. They reduce the wounds the animal
suffered by half (rounded up), then suffers a number of Tier: 1
wounds equal to the number reduced. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No
Situational Awareness
Your character does not suffer the penalties for moving
Tier: 1 through difficult terrain (he moves through it as normal speed,
Activation: Passive without spending additional maneuvers).
Ranked: No
Force: No
Tactical Combat Training
When in a starship or vehicle with functional coms, allies
within short range add j to their Perception and Vigilance Tier: 1
checks. Allies within close range add jj instead. This talent Activation: Passive
operates on planetary scale, not personal scale. Ranked: No
Force: No
Smart Handling Melee and Ranged (Heavy) become career skills.

Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action) Tactical Evasion
Ranked: No Tier: 1
Force: No Activation: Passive
Once per session, while aboard a starship of silhouette 4 or Ranked: No
higher, your character may take the Smart Handling action; Force: No
making a Hard (kk k Knowledge (Education) check. If
kk k)
Upgrade the difficulty of ranged combat checks targeting
the check is successful, until the start of the next round, the
your character a number of times equal to the number of
ship's handling increases by two plus one per a scored on
maneuvers your character has performed to move during the
the check to a maximum handling of +4. t can be spent to
current round.
extend the effect until the end of the encounter.

Speaks Binary Technical Aptitude

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
Force: No Force: No
For each rank, your character reduces the amount of time
Your character grants j per rank of Speaks Binary to any
needed to complete Computer-related tasks by 25%.
tasks they direct a non-player droid to perform.

Star wars
Toughened Vehicle Combat Training
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Your character increases their wound threshold by two per Gunnery and Piloting (Planetary) become career skills.
rank of Toughened.
Weak Foundation
Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters
Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Force: No
Force: No Once per game session, your character may identify one
Your character increases the handling of their Signature bunker, weapon emplacement, or other fixed combat struc-
Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters. ture (subject to the GM's approval) and then take a Weak
Foundation action; making a Hard (kk k Knowledge
kk k)
(Warfare) check. If your character succeeds, until the end
Twisted Words of the encounter your character and all allies add automatic
Tier: 1 aa or a to all combat checks made targeting the structure
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) (active character's choice).
Ranked: No
Force: No Well Read
When a social check against your character generates hh or Tier: 1
d, your character may suffer 1 strain as an incidental to inflict Activation: Passive
a number of strain equal to their ranks in Coercion on your Ranked: Yes
character who made the check.
Force: No
Your character chooses any three Knowledge skills. They
Unarmed Parry permanently become career skills.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Well Traveled
Ranked: No
Force: No Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Your character may preform the Parry Incidental while Ranked: No
unarmed. When your character performs the Parry incidental
Force: No
while unarmed, reduce the strain they suffer from the Parry
incidental by 1, to a minimum of 1. Knowledge (Core Worlds) and Knowledge (Outer Rim) become
career skills.
Wheel and Deal
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Force: No Ranked: Yes
Force: No
If the percentile roll made when your character receives a
Critical Injury is 1 or is reduced to 1, your character does not When they sell legal goods to a reputable merchant or busi-
receive the Critical Injury and suffers none of the effects. ness, your character gains an additional 10% more credits
per rank of Wheel and Deal (based on the original sell price of
the good or item).
Up the Ante
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Tier 2
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
A Step Ahead
When your character wins at gambling, they earn 10% more
credits per rank of Up the Ante. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: No Through the Force, your character creates a bond with a
single animal with which they are currently interacting. This
Once per session, your character may suffer two strain in
cannot be done during structured encounters. This animal
order to count their Cunning as one higher than normal for
must have a silhouette equal to or smaller than half your char-
the remainder of the encounter.
acter's Force rating when the bond is created, rounded down
(This means a character with Force rating 1 could only bond
Aggressive Negotiations with a silhouette 0 animal). The bond persists as long as your
character chooses it to, although at the GM's discretion, the
Tier: 2 bond may also be broken due to abusive treatment or other
Activation: Active (Action) extenuating circumstances. As long as the bond persists,
Ranked: No the animal remains near your character, and the controlling
Force: Yes player dictates the animal's overall behavior (although, since
the animal is only bonded with your character, not domi-
Once per session, as an action your character may make a nated, it may still perform certain inconvenient actions such
Hard (kk k Lightsaber check. If your character succeeds,
kk k) as scratching furniture, consuming rations, and marking terri-
your character decreases the difficulty of all Negotiation tory). Once per round in structured encounters, your char-
checks they make for the remainder of the encounter by two acter may spend one maneuver to direct their animal in
to a minimum of 0. performing one action and one maneuver. The animal must
be within hearing and visual range of your character (gener-
Alchemical Arts ally medium range) to do this. Otherwise, the animal does not
contribute to the encounter. The specifics of its behavior are
Tier: 2 up to the player and GM.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes
Animal Empathy
Force: Yes
Tier: 2
After making a crafting check to create a potion or talisman,
your character may choose to suffer strain no greater than Activation: Passive
twice their ranks in Alchemical arts. For every two strain, they Ranked: No
may add Z or z to the results. If they choose to add z, they Force: Yes
also suffer 1 conflict per z. When making checks to handle, tame, or control animals, your
character may add a number of l no greater than their Force
All-Terrain Driver rating to the check. Your character may spend Y to add s or
a (characters choice) to the result.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
At Any Cost
Force: No Tier: 2
When piloting a vehicle using the Piloting (Planetary) skill, Activation: Active (Incidental)
your character does not suffer the penalties for driving Ranked: No
through difficult terrain. Force: No
Your character may suffer a Critical Injury to force a Mass
Analyze Data Combat check to be rerolled. At the GM's discretion, your
character may be required to sacrifice an item, vehicle, or
Tier: 2 individual or personal significance instead.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Bacta Specialist
Force: No
Tier: 2
Once per session, as an action and after capturing or stealing
data about an opponent, your character may make an Activation: Passive
Average (kkkk) Knowledge (Warfare) check to determine its Ranked: Yes
value. If successful, once before the end of the session your Force: No
character may add automatic s equal to their ranks in Knowl- Patients under your character's supervision regain one addi-
edge (Warfare) to one check related to that captured data. tional wound per rank of Bacta Specialist each time they
The GM has the final say on what checks are related to the recover a wound while recovering in a Bacta tank or under
data. supervised medical conditions or long- term care.

Animal Bond Bad Cop

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes Force: No

Star wars
Your character may spend aa from a Deception or Coer- of Brace apply to that circumstance until the end of the
cion check to upgrade the ability of a single ally's subsequent encounter. (This benefit is not cumulative with further uses
Social Interaction skill check against the same target in the of the Brace maneuver, although your character may select
same encounter. Upgrade the ability a number of times equal additional circumstances with subsequent uses.)
to your character's ranks in Bad Cop. A single check may only
benefit from one use of Bad Cop.
Careful Planning
Tier: 2
Beginner's Luck
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: No
Ranked: No Once per game session, your character can choose to intro-
Force: Yes duce a “fact” or additional context directly into the narrative
Once per session when your character makes a check, your as if they had spent a Destiny Point.
character may add s equal to the number of light side
Destiny Points in the Destiny pool to the results.
Center of Being (Improved)
Tier: 2
Black Market Contacts
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: Yes
Ranked: Yes Your character may voluntarily suffer 1 strain to perform
Force: No Center of Being as an incidental instead of a maneuver.
When looking to purchase illegal, exotic, or black-market
goods, your character may decrease an item's rarity by one
level per rank in Black Market Contacts. For each level an
Circle of Shelter
item's rarity is decreased, its cost increases by 50% of its Tier: 2
base cost. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Blooded (Improved) Force: Yes
Tier: 2 When an ally engaged with your character suffers a hit from a
combat check, your character may use a parry or reflect inci-
Activation: Active (Action)
dental to reduce the damage to hit deals (even though your
Ranked: No character is not the target of the combat check).
Force: No
Your character may take the Improved Blooded action, making
a Hard (kkk
kkk) Resilience check. If they succeed, they imme-
Clanker Killer
diately recover from the effects of all poisons and the side Tier: 2
effects or after effects of all drugs. Reduce the difficulty of the Activation: Active (Incidental)
check once per rank of Blooded, to a minimum of Simple (-). Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Bound Together Before rolling a combat check that targets a droid (Including
Tier: 2 a droid vehicle or a vehicle piloted by a droid), your character
may remove j up to their ranks in Clanker Killer from the
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
pool, and add an equal number of s of a (in any combina-
Ranked: No tion) to the results.
Force: Yes
As a maneuver your character may use this talent. Until the
start of your character's next turn, when your character or
Clever Commander
an ally within short range suffers strain involuntarily, they Tier: 2
reduce the amount suffered by the current number of light Activation: Passive
side Destiny Points in the destiny pool. Ranked: No
Force: No
Brace (Improved) When upgrading the ability of a Mass Combat check in a mass
Tier: 2 combat in which your character is commander of the acting
force (or when upgrading the difficulty pool, if your character
Activation: Passive
is the commander of the enemy force), your character may
Ranked: No use ranks in Knowledge (Warfare) instead of in Leadership.
Force: No
When your character performs the Brace maneuver, they
may choose one environmental circumstance. The benefits

Star wars
Clever Solution Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character may voluntarily increase the difficult of a
Ranked: No combat check by one to deal a crippling blow. If they succeed
and deals damage to the target's wound threshold, the target
Force: No
suffers one strain whenever they move for the remainder of
Once per game session, your character can choose to make the encounter.
one skill check using Cunning rather than the characteristic
linked to that skill. When they do this, they must explain how,
in this particular instance, their wiliness helps overcome this Cruel Commander
challenge. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Confidence (Improved) Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive When upgrading the ability of a Mass Combat check in a
Ranked: No mass combat in which your character is the commander of
the acting force (or when upgrading the difficulty, if your char-
Force: No
acter is the commander of the enemy force), your character
May spend t on a fear check to steady the nerves of other may use ranks in Coercion instead of ranks in Leadership.
allies making the same fear check. If your character does so,
each ally within short range who makes the fear check adds
automatic s equal to your character's ranks in Confidence to Cunning Persona
the results of the check. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Coordinated Assault Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Your character may suffer two strain to make a Charm check
Ranked: Yes using Cunning instead of Presence.
Force: No
Your character may make a Coordinated Assault maneuver. Cunning Snare
If they do so, a number of allies engaged with him equal to Tier: 2
their ranks in Leadership gain a on combat checks they make
Activation: Active (Action)
until the beginning of your character's next turn. The range of
this maneuver increases by one band per rank of Coordinated Ranked: No
Assault. Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may take the Cunning
Snare action to use materials in their environment to
assemble a trap within short range. Each time another char-
Tier: 2 acter moves to engaged range of the trap, they must make
Activation: Passive an Opposed Vigilance vs Survival check against your char-
Ranked: No acter who placed the trap. If your character who triggers the
trap fails, they suffer wounds (these ignore soak) equal to the
Force: Yes
trapper's Cunning characteristic, plus 1 additional wound
Whenever an attack misses your character, your char- per f. The trapper may spend h generated by the check to
acter may spend tt or d to upgrade the next Lightsaber disorient your character for 1 round per h spent, hhh or
(Cunning) combat check they make against the attacker d to immobilize your character for 1 round, and d to stagger
during their next turn once. your character for 1 round. Once a character springs the trap,
it is expended, at the GM's discretion, the trapper may spend
d from the check to have it remain functional for one extra
Creative Killer use. The trapper may disarm the trap with an action. Any
Tier: 2 other character who is aware of the trap may spend several
Activation: Passive minutes to attempt to disarm it with a Hard (kk k Survival
kk k)
Ranked: No check. If they fail, they suffer the damage and negative effects
in the same manner as if they had triggered it.
Force: No
Your character reduces the critical rating of all improvised
weapons they are wielding by 2 (to a minimum of 1). Custom Loadout
Tier: 2
Crippling Blow Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)

Star wars
Your character increases the hard points of their Signature Force: No
Vehicle by two.
Once per round, your character may suffer one strain to
decrease the difficulty of their next Knowledge (Lore) check
Cutting Question a number of times equal to rank in Disciple of Lore, to a
minimum of Simple (-).
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Disciplined Soul
Force: No Tier: 2
Once per encounter, your character may make one Coer- Activation: Active (Incidental)
cion skill check using their Deception skill. Your character's Ranked: No
Deception skill is combined with their Willpower character- Force: No
istic to form the dice pool. When your character takes the
Your character may spend one Destiny Point after making a
Cutting Question incidental, the player must explain how, in
Discipline check to spend a number of Discipline check to
this particular instance, their Deception skill is helping erode
spend a number of h not exceeding your character's ranks in
their foe's resolve.
Knowledge (Lore) as a.

Debilitating Shot
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Force: No
Force: No
Upon making a successful attack with a starship or vehicle
Once per encounter, your character may take the Discredit
weapon, may spend aa to reduce the maximum speed of
action by making a Hard (kk k Deception check. If they
kk k)
the target by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the next
succeed, one chosen character upgrades the difficulty of
round. If the starship or vehicle was traveling its maximum
social checks once, and one additional time for every aa on
speed, it has its current speed reduced to the new maximum.
the Deception check, until the end of the encounter.

Defensive Slicing (Improved)

Distracting Behavior
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Force: No
When attempting to defend a computer system against intru-
Your character may make a Distracting Behavior maneuver
sion (or when an opponent attempts to slice a computer
and suffer a number of strain no greater than their ranks
owned or programmed by your character), your character
in Cunning. If they do so, an equal number of adversaries
upgrades the difficulty of an opponent's dice pool a number
or NPCs they engaged with suffer h on checks they make
of times equal to their ranks in Defensive Slicing. This replaces
until the beginning of your character's next turn. The
the usual benefits from Defensive Slicing.
range of this maneuver increases by one band per rank of
Distracting Behaviour. Your character selects who is affected
Defensive Stance by Distracting Behavior and can choose to have this talent not
affect NPC allies. It may be that they explain their tactics to
Tier: 2 the NPCs beforehand, or that they know their well enough to
Activation: Active (Maneuver) be used to their antics.
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Duelist's Training
Once per round on your character's turn, your character may
perform a Defensive Stance maneuver to assume a defen- Tier: 2
sive stance against incoming melee attacks. They then suffer Activation: Passive
a number of strain no greater than their ranks in Defensive Ranked: No
Stance. Until the start of your character's next turn, upgrade Force: No
the difficulty of all melee combat checks targeting your char-
Your character adds a to their Melee and Lightsaber checks
acter a number of times equal to the strain suffered by your
when engaged with only a single opponent. A single minion
character in this way.
group counts as multiple opponents.

Disciple of Lore
Embrace Your Hate
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes

Star wars
Ranked: Yes Exhaustive Questioning
Force: No
Tier: 2
After making a successful Brawl, Lightsaber, or Melee combat Activation: Active (Incidental)
check, your character may spend one Destiny Point and then Ranked: No
gain Conflict equal to the number of dark side Destiny Points
Force: No
in the Destiny Pool to add an equal amount of damage to one
hit of the attack. Your character may use this ability once per Whenever your character makes a successful social skill
encounter for each rank of Embrace Your Hate. A character check against a captured enemy within short range, they may
who has purchased one or more ranks of this talent automati- reduce the enemy's strain threshold by 2 for the remainder of
cally gains 1 conflict at the beginning of a game's session. the session and spend a to inflict 1 strain.

Enduring Presence Fancy Paint Job

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Once per session, your character may upgrade the ability of a Your character can upgrade the ability of all of their Charm,
Mass Combat check (if they are the commander of the acting Deception, and Negotiation checks made in the presence of
force) or the difficulty of a Mass Combat check (if they are their Signature Vehicle once.
commander of the enemy force) even if your character is not
present or is prevented from communicating with their troops.
Far Strike
Tier: 2
Energy Transfer
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Force: Yes
Ranked: No
Your character may take the Far strike action, making a Brawl
Force: No combat check as a ranged attack at one target at short range
As a maneuver your character may suffer 1 strain; when they or further, adding l no greater than your character's Force
do, they can power up an appropriate unpowered device rating to the check. Your character may spend Y to increase
(such as a datapad, a droid, or a door) until the end of the the range of the attack by one range band per Y spent, to a
encounter. Alternatively, they can restore ammunition to an maximum of long. If the target is at medium range or further,
energy-based weapon, allowing a character to ignore an ”out your character must both sufficiently increase the range of
of ammo” d result. Your character must have at least one the attack and succeed on the check to hit the target.
cybernetic installed to perform this maneuver.
Enhanced Leader Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Force: No
Force: Yes Upon missing an opponent with a Lightsaber, Brawl, or melee
When making a Leadership check, your character may add l combat check, your character may spend t or aaa to
no greater than Force rating to the check. Your character may upgrade the difficulty of the opponent's next combat check
spend Y to add s or a (character's choice) to the result. targeting your character during this encounter by your char-
acter's ranks in Feint.

Exceed Specifications
Fire Support
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Force: No Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Before making a check using an item, your character may take
the Exceed Specifications incidental, adding j to the check. After your character makes a successful combat check, using
The GM may spend hh on the check to damage the item a vehicle weapon, the next ally to make a check adds j equal
one step, or d to damage it beyond usability. h or d may to your character's ranks of Fire Support.
have additional consequences depending on the nature of the
item, at the GM's discretion.
Force of Will
Tier: 2

Star wars
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: No
Force: No Allies within close range of your character add j to their
Once per game session, your character can choose to make Perception and Vigilance checks. Allies engaged with him add
one skill check using Willpower, rather than the characteristic j j instead.
link to that skill. When they do this, they must explain how,
in this particular instance, their willpower is helping him over-
coming this challenge.
Hidden Storage (Improved)
Tier: 2
Fortune Favors the Bold Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character may use Hidden Storage to store an item
Ranked: No within their own suitably modified body (such as through
Force: No cybernetics, surgery, or prosthetic replacements).
Once per game session, as an out of turn incidental, your
character may suffer two strain to flip one dark side Destiny
Point to a light side Destiny Point (this cannot be used to inter-
Hold Together
rupt the spending of a Destiny Point). Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Good Cop Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Your character may spend one Destiny Point to make a Hold
Together incidental immediately after a vehicle or starship
Ranked: Yes they have repaired this encounter takes damage. Your char-
Force: No acter explains why the apparently serious damage was in fact
Your character may spend aa from a Charm or Negotia- superficial, and the damage from the attack becomes system
tion check to upgrade the ability of a single ally's subsequent strain instead.
Social Interaction skill check against the same target in the
same encounter. Upgrade the ability a number of times equal
to your character's ranks in Good Cop. A single check may
only benefit from one use of Good Cop. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Grapple Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Your character adds j per rank of Hunter to all skill checks
when interacting with wild beasts and animals, including
Ranked: No combat checks. Add +10 per rank to all Critical Injury rolls
Force: No against animals per rank of Hunter.
Once per round, as a maneuver, your character may use this
talent. Until the beginning of their next turn, enemies must
spend two maneuvers instead of one maneuver to move from
Imbue Item
engaged range to short range of their. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Healing Trance Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Your character may take the Imbue Item maneuver, suffering
1 strain and committing l . They then grants one weapon or
Ranked: Yes item within short range a temporary enhancement chosen
Force: Yes from the following options: increase weapon's damage by 1,
Your character may commit l . For every full encounter l decrease the a cost for its critical hit or for any other single
remains committed, your character heals 1 wound they effect by 1, to a minimum of 1, or increase a piece of armor's
are suffering per rank of Healing Trance. This is in addition ranged or melee defense by 1. Alternatively, your character
to wounds healed due to natural rest or other abilities. If in can decrease an item's encumbrance by 2, to a minimum of
a situation without defined encounters, the GM can have 1. Your character suffers 1 strain at the beginning of each of
Healing Trance take effect every 12 hours. their turns in which they keep this die committed.

Heightened Awareness Impossible Fall

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Star wars
Ranked: No session.
Force: Yes
Once per session, when your character is falling, as an inci- Inspiring Rhetoric
dental, they may make a Force power check and spend Y
to land somewhere safe such as on a pile of empty boxes in
Tier: 2
a street, or a muddy spot in the middle of a lava field. Your Activation: Active (Action)
character may then spend additional Y to reduce the effects Ranked: No
of the fall by one range band, and may do so multiple times. Force: No
Your character may take the Inspiring Rhetoric action, making
Improvised Position an Average (kkkk) Leadership check. For each s, one ally
within close range recovers one strain. For each a, one ally
Tier: 2 benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional
Activation: Active (Action) strain.
Ranked: No
Force: No Intense Focus
Your character may make a Hard (kk k Mechanics check
kk k)
and spend 12 hours constructing a secure position that can
Tier: 2
contain the group and its vehicles. The sum of its vehicles' Activation: Active (Maneuver)
silhouettes must be 4 or less. The position provides cover Ranked: No
and can have additional narrative benefits at the GM's discre- Force: No
tion. Your character may spend aa of t from the check to
Before making a skill check, as a maneuver your character
increase the ranged defense the position provides to 2.
may suffer 1 strain to upgrade the ability of the skill check
Indistinguishable (Improved)
Tier: 2 Intense Presence
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Force: No Ranked: No
Your character may extend the effects of Indistinguishable to Force: No
a number of allies within short range equal to their ranks in
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain
equal to their Presence rating.

Informant Intimidating
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Force: No Force: No
Once per game session, your character may reveal a contact
When attempting a Coercion check, your character may suffer
who possesses information on a particular subject or their
a number of strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check
choice. When your character does this, they must explain how
a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number
they know this contact and how the contact can shed light
cannot exceed their ranks in Intimidating. When your char-
on the matter in question. The contact should be available
acter is the target of a Coercion check, your character may
to the PCs, but the GM decides what the contact's expertise
suffer a number of strain to upgrade the difficulty of the check
might cost.
a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number
can not exceed their ranks in Intimidating.
Inspiring Kill
Tier: 2 Intuitive Evasion
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Force: Yes Ranked: Yes
Your character may spend one Destiny point to perform Force: Yes
an Inspiring Kill maneuver immediately after conducting a
When piloting a vehicle of silhouette 5 or smaller, your char-
successful attack in which the target is incapacitated or suffers
acter may take the Intuitive Evasion maneuver, suffering 1
a Critical Injury. Your character rolls l no greater than their
strain and committing a number of l no greater than their
Force rating, and may spend z/Z to heal 2 strain from allies
Force rating or their ranks of intuitive evasion. They then
within medium range (and may do so multiple times). If the
upgrade the difficulty of combat checks targeting their vehicle
rules for Morality are in use, a character who has purchased
by an equal amount. Your character suffers 1 strain at the
this talent gains 1 Conflict at the beginning of each game
beginning of each of their turns in which these dice remain

Star wars
committed. Known Schematic
Tier: 2
Inventor Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: Yes Once per game session, your character may spend a maneuver
Force: No to make a Hard (kk k Knowledge (Education) check.
kk k)
Success means your character is familiar with a building or
When constructing new items or modifying existing attach-
capital ship's design. They now know the location of critical
ments, your character may choose to add j or remove j
components or facilities within the ship or vehicle, as well as
from the check per rank of Inventor.
their own location. They can also plan unconventional routes
around obstacles. Additional s, a, or t results can reveal
It's Not that Bad other useful information at the GM's discretion.

Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Knows the Ropes
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Force: No Activation: Passive
Once per game session, when an ally is about to suffer a crit- Ranked: No
ical injury, your character can take an It's Not That Bad inci- Force: No
dental to make a Hard (kk k Medicine check. If successful,
kk k)
Whenever your character is in binders or other personal
the ally does not gain the Critical Injury and does not suffer
restraints, they add a to checks made to free herself equal to
any of its normal effects (although the attack that caused the
their ranks in Knowledge (Underworld). t on the check can
Critical Injury still deals its damage as normal).
be spent to free all other bound characters within short range.

Just Kidding! Koiogran Turn

Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Force: No
Force: No
Once per round as an incidental, when your character or
When your character is piloting a starship or vehicle on which
any of their allies in short range generates d on a social
an opponent has gained the advantage your character may
skill check, your character may spend one Destiny Point to
suffer 2 strain to perform a Koiogran Turn maneuver, imme-
convert a single d generated on checks to f. When they do
diately removing the effects of Gain the Advantage any
this, they must explain what they say or do to smooth things
opponents have on your character's starship or vehicle. This
over after verbal misstep.
maneuver can only be performed in a starship or vehicle with
a speed of 4 or higher.
Knowledge Specialization
Tier: 2 Larger Project
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Force: No Ranked: Yes
When your character first acquires this talent, they may Force: No
choose one Knowledge skill. When making checks with that
Your character can choose a Signature Vehicle with a silhou-
skill, they may spend t to gain additional successes equal to
ette value 1 higher than normal per rank of Larger Project.
their ranks in Knowledge Specialization.

Knowledgeable Healing Leverage

Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
Force: No
Force: No
Your character removes j per rank of Leverage from their
When your character performs a successful Medicine check
Cool and Negotiation checks.
to heal an ally, your character may spend one Destiny Point
to allow the target to heal additional wounds equal to your
character's ranks in Knowledge (Xenology). Loom
Tier: 2

Star wars
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
When an ally engaged with your character makes a successful Once per round on your character's turn, your character may
Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check, your character adds perform a maneuver to allow any suitably threatening crea-
a per rank in Coercion to the Ally's check. ture linked through the Animal bond talent and of Silhouette
2 or greater to perform a maneuver when the creature is at
short range with an enemy to use this talent. The enemy gains
Machine Mender j on their next combat check against your character in the
Tier: 2 encounter. Enemy characters who are immune to the effects
Activation: Passive of fear are also immune to this ability. The GM also has final
determination as to if a creature can threaten an enemy,
Ranked: Yes
based on relative sizes and natures.
Force: No
When this character makes a Mechanics check to help a char-
acter heal wounds, the target heals one additional wound per
Mental Fortress
rank of Machine Mender. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Made You Talk Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Your character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the
effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any Intellect or Cunning
Ranked: No
related checks until the end of the encounter. They still suffer
Force: No from the injury itself.
Once per session, your character may make an opposed social
skill check against a captured enemy character within short
range, adding j for every two strain the target has suffered
this encounter. If the check is successful and the enemy is a Tier: 2
minion, the PCs add j to their checks to determine Initiative Activation: Passive
when next fighting that enemy's organization. If the enemy Ranked: No
is a rival, then the PCs add j to all checks made targeting
Force: No
that enemy and others from their organization in their next
encounter. If the enemy is a nemesis, during the next session When making a melee attack, your character deals additional
each PC gains one personal Light Side Destiny Point that once damage equal to the number of range bands they moved
spent is discarded from play (instead of being converted). during the current round.

Makashi Flourish More Machine Than Man

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may take the Makashi Each rank of More Machine than Man increases your charac-
Flourish action, making an Average (kk kk) Lightsaber (Pres- ter's cybernetic implant cap by 1.
ence) check. If it is successful, one engaged opponent suffers
strain equal to s (ignoring soak), and your character recovers
an equal amount of strain. Your character may also spend Most Impressive
aaa or t generated on the check to stagger the opponent Tier: 2
until the end of the target's next turn. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Makashi Technique Force: No
Tier: 2 Your character may spend t from any skill check to allow a
Activation: Active (Incidental) number of allies not exceeding their rating in Presence within
Ranked: No short range to add automatic a to their next skill check.
Force: Yes
When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, your char- Natural Athlete
acter may use Presence instead of Brawn. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Menace Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 2

Star wars
Once per game session, your character may reroll any one Force: Yes
Athletics or Coordination check.
Once per session, your character may spend a Destiny Point
to gain +1 Force rating for each Critical Injury your character
Niman Technique is suffering, until the end of the encounter. A character who
has purchased this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict at the
Tier: 2 beginning of each game session.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Power of Darkness
When making a Lightsaber skill check, your character may use Tier: 2
Willpower instead of Brawn. Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Once per session, as a maneuver your character may increase
Tier: 2 their wound and strain threshold by 1 per Dark side destiny
Activation: Passive point currently in the destiny pool until the end of the
Ranked: No encounter. A character who has purchased this talent auto-
Force: No matically gains 1 Conflict at the beginning of a game session.
Whenever an enemy engaged with your character makes a
combat check, after the attack is resolved, your character Precision Strike
may spend d or hhh to stagger the attacker until the end
of the attacker's next turn. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Overstocked Ammo Force: No
Tier: 2 When your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a Brawl,
Activation: Passive Melee, or Lightsaber weapon, they may suffer 1 strain to
Ranked: Yes change the result to an Easy (k
k ) Critical Injury result. Addition-
Force: No ally, whenever your character defeats a minion or rival NPC,
they may always choose to do so by nonlethal means, even if
Your character increases the value of the limited Ammo
the environment or exception circumstances would normally
quality of any weapons mounted on their Signature Vehicle
make that very difficult or impossible.
by 1 per rank of Overstocked Ammo.

Preemptive Intervention
Overwhelm Defenses
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes
Force: No
Immediately after an opponent moves to engage an ally
Upon making an unsuccessful attack with a starship or vehicle
within short range of your character, your character may
weapon, your character may spend aa per rank of Over-
spend one Destiny Point to engage that opponent as an out-
whelm Defenses. Reduce the defense rating in the defense
of-turn incidental.
zone targeted by the attack for the remainder of the encounter
by 1 for every aa spent.
Prime Positions
Persistent Targeting Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Force: No
Force: No When your character or an ally within short range takes cover,
that character increases their soak by 1 per rank of Prime
After making one or more successful combat checks against
Positions against ranged attacks until they leave that cover.
a target, your character adds a to combat checks against the
same target for the remainder of the encounter.
Push the Specs
Power from Pain Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: No

Star wars
As an action, your character may attempt an Average (kk kk) Activation: Passive
Knowledge (Education) check. If your character succeeds, Ranked: Yes
the ship's top speed, increases by one for a number of rounds Force: No
equal to your character's Intellect. Your character may spend
a and have the ship suffer 2 system strain to extend this Whenever your character uses an emergency repair patch,
effect for an additional round, and may do so multiple times. the target heals an additional wound per rank of Repair Patch
The ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it couldn't Specialization. The sixth emergency repair patch and beyond
perform normally (e.g., actions the have a minimum speed each day still have no effect. If your character is a droid, it
requirement). may use this talent when using a patch on itself.

Quick Draw (Improved) Researcher (Improved)

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Your character may activate the Quick Draw talent twice per When your character makes a successful Knowledge check to
round (instead of just once per round). gain information, them and their allies gain automatic a per
rank of Researcher to checks they make to act on that knowl-
edge until the end of their next turn.
Quick Fix
Tier: 2 Resist Questioning (Improved)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Force: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Once per game session, your character can choose to make Force: No
one skill check using Agility, rather than the characteristic
linked to that skill. When they do this, they must explain how, When one ally within short range is targeted by an opposed
in this particular instance, their agility is helping him over- social skill check, your character may perform Resist Ques-
come this challenge. tioning to affect this check instead. If the check fails, they may
spend d to indicate the ally has provided false or misleading
information that the target believes to be truthful.
Reconstruct the Scene
Tier: 2 Resolve
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Force: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Once per session, as an action your character may make a Force: No
Hard (kk k Perception check when present at a single
kk k)
crime scene (or similar location). If your character succeeds, When your character suffers strain, they suffer one less strain
they identify all prominent physical characteristics of one per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of one. This does not apply
person who was at the crime scene when the crime was to voluntary strain loss.
committed (if the crime occurred within the last 24 hours).
This could include the person's weight, height, and species,
Resource Allocation
for example. They may identify all physical characteristics of
one additional person similarly tied to the crime scene per Tier: 2
additional s. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Reinforced Frame Force: No
Tier: 2 At the beginning of a mass combat, your character may make
a Hard (kk k Charm or Negotiation check to increase their
kk k)
Activation: Passive
forces strength by one step for the duration of the encounter.
Ranked: No Your character may spend t from the check to upgrade the
Force: No ability of their force's first Mass Combat check once.
Your character adds the Massive 1 rule to their Signature
Vehicle (when making an attack targeting the starship or
vehicle, the Critical rating of any weapon used counts as 1
higher). Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Repair Patch Specialization Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Tier: 2

Star wars
Your character adds j to Charm and Negotiation checks they Shien Technique
make per rank of Savvy.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Scathing Tirade Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Action) When making a Lightsaber skill check, your character may use
Ranked: No Cunning instead of Brawn.
Force: No
Your character may take the Scathing Tirade action; making Shortcut
an Average (kkkk) Coercion check. For each s, one enemy
within short range suffers one strain. Your character can also Tier: 2
spend a, for every a spent, one target already affected Activation: Passive
suffers 1 additional strain. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Secrets of the Force During a chase, your character adds j equal to their ranks in
Shortcut to any checks made to catch or escape an opponent.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Side Step
Force: No Tier: 2
Knowledge (Lore) and Lightsaber become career skills for Activation: Active (Maneuver)
your character. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Selective Detonation Once per round on your character's turn, your character
may perform a Side Step maneuver to side step and avoid
Tier: 2 incoming ranged attacks. They then suffer a number of strain
Activation: Active (Incidental) no greater than their ranks in Side Step. Until the start of
Ranked: Yes your character's next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all ranged
Force: No combat checks targeting your character a number of times
equal to the strain suffered by your character.
When using any weapon with the Blast quality or explosive
device, your character may spend a or t to exclude one
target that would normally be affected by the explosion. Signature Vehicle
Multiple targets may be excluded in this manner, but the total
number may not exceed their ranks in Selective Detonation. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Sense Danger Force: No
Tier: 2 Your character chooses one starship or vehicle with a silhou-
Activation: Active (Incidental) ette of 3 or lower that they own. This starship or vehicle is
Ranked: No your character's “Signature Vehicle.” They upgrade the ability
Force: Yes of all Mechanics checks made to work on the vehicle once. If
the starship or vehicle is ever lost or destroyed, your char-
Once per game session, your character may remove jj from
acter may apply Signature Vehicle to a new starship or vehicle
any one skill check.
that meets the requirements. The process of modifying and
acclimating to the new vehicle may take some time, at the
Sense the Scene GM's discretion. No two characters can have the same vehicle
as their Signature Vehicle.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Sincerest Flattery
Force: Yes Tier: 2
Once per session, as an action your character may make a Activation: Active (Incidental)
Hard (kkk
kkk) Perception check while present at a single Ranked: No
crime scene (or similar location), adding l no greater than Force: No
their Force rating to the check. If they succeed and gener-
Once per encounter when your character makes a check
ates Y they may identify the emotional state of one person
using a skill that another character has previously used during
involved in the crime (such as the perpetrator or victim). they
the encounter, they add a a.
may spend additional Y to identify the emotional state of
one additional person involved in the crime, and may do so
multiple times.

Star wars
Skilled Slicer Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 2
Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No When making a Lightsaber skill check, your character may use
Force: No Intellect instead of Brawn.

When making a Computers check, your character may spend

t to gain some measure of control over the target system. Sound Investments
Any further Computers checks within this system can be
Tier: 2
made as maneuvers.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Smooth Talker Force: No
Tier: 2 At the beginning of each game session, your character gains
Activation: Active (Incidental) credits equal to their ranks in Sound Investments times 100.
Ranked: Yes How this money is earned is up to the player and the GM,
Force: No and could be actual investments, business dealings, or even
a small legal or illegal side business. The GM can also decide
When a character chooses one skill: Charm, Coercion, Negoti- that the current events of the adventure may make these
ation, or Deception. When making checks with that skill, they funds temporarily available.
may spend t to gain additional s equal to their ranks in
Smooth Talker.
Sniper Shot Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Force: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: No After your character makes a successful combined check with
two Ranged (Light) weapons, each additional hit generated as
Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, part of the attack can be allocated to any other target within
your character may perform a maneuver to attempt a Sniper range of the weapon.
Shot. Sniper Shot increases the maximum range of their range
weapon up to one range band per rank. For each rank beyond
the normal maximum of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of Spur
the check by one (this is in additional to the increased diffi-
Tier: 2
culty of the shot due to longer range).
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Solid Repairs Force: No
Tier: 2 Your character may push an animal past its normal comfort
Activation: Passive level. When riding a beast, as an action, they may attempt a
Ranked: Yes Hard (kk k Survival check. With success, the beast's top
kk k)
Force: No speed increases by 1. Your character can choose to end the
effects of this at the start of any of their turns. However, if they
Your character repairs +1 hull trauma per rank of Solid choose to maintain the effects for that turn, the beast suffers
Repairs whenever they repair a vehicle or starship. 2 strain. The beast still cannot perform any actions or maneu-
vers it could not perform normally (e.g., actions that have a
minimum speed requirement.)
Soothing Tone
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Stand Firm!
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Force: No Activation: Active (Action)
Once per encounter when riding a beast, your character may Ranked: No
perform a Soothing Tone action, attempting an Average (kk kk) Force: No
Knowledge (Xenology) check. If successful, the beast your Once per encounter, your character may take the Stand Firm!
character is currently riding recovers strain equal to s on the Action, making a Hard (kk k Leadership check. If the
kk k)
check (or heals that number of wounds if it does not have a check is successful, your character chooses one ally within
strain threshold). medium range for each s on the check. Until the end of the
encounter, chosen allies increase their wound threshold by an
amount equal to your character's Presence rating (Multiple
Soresu Technique
uses of this talent are not cumulative.)
Tier: 2

Star wars
Steady Aim their hand back to the depths of Dathomir, regardless of your
character's location. Once per session, your character can
Tier: 2 spend one hour to ceremonially prepare a different item to be
Activation: Passive summoned. Your character can have only one item prepared
Ranked: No in this way at a time.
Force: No
Your character does not lose the benefits of the Aim maneuver Tactical Advance
if they perform other maneuvers (including moving) or actions.
They lose the benefits of the Aim maneuver if the encounter Tier: 2
ends. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Steely Nerves
While in cover, as an incidental, your character may suffer 2
Tier: 2 strain to use this talent. Until the end of your character's next
Activation: Active (Incidental) turn, your character and allies within short range may move
Ranked: No out of cover and continue to revive its benefits.
Force: No
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the Talk the Talk
effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any Presence or Will-
power related checks until the end of the encounter. They still Tier: 2
suffer from the injury itself. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Strong Arm
When making a Knowledge skill check, your character may
Tier: 2 spend one Destiny point to substitute Knowledge (Under-
Activation: Passive world) or Streetwise for the required skill. Any information
Ranked: No gathered by a subsequent success on this check may be suit-
Force: No ably embellished by the GM to reflect its criminal and under-
world origins.
Characters with the Strong Arm talent treat thrown weapons
as if they had one step greater range, to a maximum of
medium range. Time to Go
Tier: 2
Studious Plotting Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: No Your character may spend one Destiny Point to perform a
Force: No Move maneuver as an incidental. This maneuver may only
be used to move into cover or out of the blast radius of an
When making streetwise or Survival check to navigate on a
explosion. This may be performed out of turn. This incidental
world, your character may use Intellect instead of Cunning.
occurs after your character determines they would be hit by
the blast, but before damage is applied. (The GM may allow
Stunning Blow your character to use this talent in other situations to get out
of harm's way, but only at their discretion.)
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Tinkerer
Force: No Tier: 2
When making Melee checks, your character may choose to Activation: Passive
deal damage as strain instead of wounds. This does not ignore Ranked: Yes
soak. Force: No
Your character makes one piece of equipment more modifi-
Summon Item able. They choose one piece of equipment and increases its
number of hardpoints by one. They can only do this once per
Tier: 2 piece of equipment, but can modify a number of pieces of
Activation: Active (Maneuver) equipment equal to their ranks in Tinkerer. If they lose a modi-
Ranked: No fied piece of equipment, they may apply Tinkerer to a new
Force: No one.

When your character purchases this talent, choose one item

they own of encumbrance 4 or less. As a maneuver, your char- True Aim
acter can summon this item to their hand or dismiss it from
Tier: 2

Star wars
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Vaapad Control
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 2
Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per round, before your character makes a ranged attack, Ranked: No
they may perform a True Aim maneuver. By performing this Force: Yes
maneuver, your character gains all the benefits for aiming and
also upgrades their attack roll once per rank of True Aim. When making a Lightsaber combat check, your character
may suffer 1 strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check
a number of times equal to the number of light side destiny
Trust No One points in the destiny pool.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Well Rounded
Ranked: No
Tier: 2
Force: No
Activation: Passive
When targeted by a social check, your character may choose Ranked: Yes
to suffer one strain to add automatic f to the check. If the Force: No
check fails with d, your character may immediately perform
a maneuver as an out-of-turn incidental. Your character chooses any two skills. They permanently
become career skills.

Uncanny Reactions
Tier: 2 Tier 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes Acklay's Scything Strike
Your character adds j per rank of Uncanny Reactions to all Tier: 3
Vigilance checks. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Uncanny Senses Force: Yes
Your character's Brawl attacks gain the pierce quality with
Tier: 2 a rating equal to their force rating, or increase their existing
Activation: Passive pierce quality by that amount.
Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes
Your character adds j per rank of Uncanny Senses to all
Perception checks. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Unity Assault
Force: No
Tier: 2 Once per round while benefiting from cover, your character
Activation: Active (Maneuver) may perform a maneuver to add additional damage equal to
Ranked: No their ranks in the Stealth skill to one hit of the next successful
Force: Yes combat check with a non-starship/vehicle weapon they make
against a target within short range before the end of their turn.
Whenever your character misses an opponent with a combat
check and generates t or aaa, your character may spend
this to perform a Force power action that targets one or more Animal Bond (Improved)
allies as a maneuver (he must still be able to perform maneu-
vers, and may not perform more than two maneuvers in a Tier: 3
turn). Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Unrelenting Skeptic Force: Yes
When spending a maneuver to direct a bonded animal, your
Tier: 2 character may suffer 1 strain to add j to the animal's next
Activation: Passive check.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Assault Drop
When targeted by a Deception check, your character auto-
matically adds f to the check equal to their ranks in Vigilance. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: No Ranked: No
Once per session while piloting a vehicle or starship, as an Force: No
incidental your character may use this talent. All passengers When an NPC exceeds their strain threshold by any means
aboard or allies engaged with the vehicle or ship may immedi- other than a combat check, your character may spend 1
ately disembark or embark as an out- of-turn incidental. Destiny Point to compel the NPC to immediately perform one
simple task before becoming incapacitated. Your character
must be able to communicate with the NPC to activate this
Ataru Technique talent, and the player must explain how they are blackmailing
Tier: 3 the NPC. In structured gameplay, the task must be some-
Activation: Passive thing the NPC can accomplish in a single turn. The task can
Ranked: No be something the NPC does not wish to do (such as lying to a
friend, stealing something, or aiding an enemy), but it cannot
Force: Yes
be obviously suicidal or otherwise betray the NPC's most core
When making a Lightsaber skill check, your character may use principles. Any task a character attempts to compel this way
Agility instead of Brawn. is ultimately subject to the GM's discretion.

Backroom Deal Blather

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may take the Backroom Your character may take the Blather action, making a Hard
Deal action, making a Hard (kk k Negotiation check. If the
kk k) (kk k Charm or Deception check. If the check is successful,
kk k)
check succeeds, your character (or player) reveals how their one adversary per s within medium range is disoriented for a
previously unknown dealings have a meaningful impact on the number of rounds equal to your character's Presence rating.
current scene or encounter. The nature of the revelation and Your character may spend t from the check to stagger one
its impact on the scene are ultimately subject to the GM's affected target for one round.
discretion, but they should give a significant advantage to the
PCs. If the check fails and generates d, however, the Gm may
decide that your character's disastrously failed deal has nega- Blind Spot
tive repercussions. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Barrel Roll Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Your character and allies within short range add automatic
Ranked: No a to combat checks they make while benefiting from cover.
Force: No
When a vehicle or starship your character is piloting suffers Body Guard
a hit from a combat check, after damage is calculated but Tier: 3
before armor is applied, your character may take a Barrel Roll Activation: Active (Maneuver)
incidental. Their ship suffers 3 system strain, and the damage
Ranked: Yes
of that hit is reduced by an amount equal to their ranks in
the Piloting skill used for that vehicle. This talent may only be Force: No
used once per attack and only when your character is piloting Once per round on your character's turn, your character may
a vehicle or starship of silhouette 3 or less. perform a Body Guard maneuver to protect one ally they are
engaged with. They then suffer a number of strain no greater
than their ranks in Body Guard. Until the start of your char-
Barrel Roll (Improved) acter's next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks
Tier: 3 targeting the protected ally a number of times equal to the
Activation: Passive strain suffered by your character.
Ranked: No
Force: No Brace (Supreme)
When your character takes the Barrel Roll incidental, reduce Tier: 3
the damage of all hits (instead of only one hit) of the attack by Activation: Passive
your character's ranks in the relevant Piloting skill.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Blackmail When your character performs the Brace maneuver, the bene-
Tier: 3 fits apply to all allies within short range.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Star wars
Calm Commander Inspired targets also add j per rank to any subsequent Disci-
pline checks they make over the next twenty-four hours. This
Tier: 3 does not increase with additional ranks of Command.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Comrades in Arms
When upgrading the ability of a Mass Combat check in a mass Tier: 3
combat in which your character is commander of the acting Activation: Active (Action)
force (or when upgrading the difficulty pool, if your character Ranked: No
is the commander of the enemy force), your character may Force: No
use ranks in Cool instead of in Leadership.
Once per encounter, your character may take a Comrades
in Arms action to make a Hard (kk kk k)k Discipline check. If
Calming Aura successful, your character plus one ally per s within medium
range gains +1 defense for the remainder of the encounter.
Tier: 3 Should an ally move outside of medium range, that ally loses
Activation: Passive this benefit.
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
When an opponent targets your character with a Force power,
after the opponent generates Y reduce the total Y gener- Tier: 3
ated by one, to a minimum of 0. Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Center Of Being (Supreme)
When attempting a Charm or Negotiation check, your char-
Tier: 3 acter may suffer a number of strain to downgrade the difficulty
Activation: Passive of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Ranked: No This number cannot exceed their ranks in Congenial. When
Force: Yes your character is the target of a Charm or Negotiation check,
your character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the
When your character performs the Center of Being maneuver,
difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain
until the beginning of their next turn, ranged weapons also
suffered. This number cannot exceed their ranks in Congenial.
treat their critical rating as one higher per rank of Center of
Being when attacking your character.
Consider Our Options (Improved)
Clanker Killer (Improved) Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: No
Force: No When your character takes the Consider Our Options action,
your character may choose to have the effects also apply to
When making a Brawl or Melee combat check targeting a
attacks that target your character's allies who are within short
droid, your character treats their attack's critical rating as
range. The effects end for all characters if your character or an
being 1 lower per rank of Clanker Killer (to a minimum of 1).
affected ally inflict damage on an enemy.

Combat Veteran Contingency Plan

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Your character adds j to their Brawl and Discipline checks
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain
equal to their ranks in Combat Veteran.
equal to their Cunning rating.

Command Contraption
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Gain j when making Leadership checks (or other checks
Once per game session, your character can take a Contrap-
to inspire, lead or rally an audience) per rank of Command.
tion action. With a successful Hard (kk k) Mechanics
kk k

Star wars
check, your character can fashion a device to solve a current Defensive Training
problem using the tools and parts on hand. This device must
be approved by the GM and functions for the duration of
Tier: 3
the current encounter only. Those tools are destroyed in the Activation: Passive
process. t may be spent to allow the tools to be recovered Ranked: Yes
to be reused later. Force: No
When your character wield wields a Lightsaber weapon,
Coordination Dodge Melee weapon, or Brawl weapon, that weapon gains ranks
in the Defensive item quality equal to your character's ranks
Tier: 3 in Defensive Training (this replaces any ranks in Defensive the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) weapon already has).
Ranked: No
Force: No Design Flaw
When targeted by a combat check, your character may spend
one Destiny point to add f equal to their ranks in Coordina-
Tier: 3
tion to the check. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
When making a combat check with a personal scale weapon
Tier: 3 against a droid, your character adds a equal to their ranks
Activation: Active (Maneuver) of Design Flaw.
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Disarming Smile
Your character may perform a maneuver to use this talent. On
their next Force power check, they may reroll one l for each
Tier: 3
ally within short range who also possesses the Coven talent. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Dead to Rights
Your character can take the Disarming Smile action to make
Tier: 3 an opposed Charm check against one target within short
Activation: Active (Incidental) range. If they succeed, decrease the target's defense (melee
Ranked: No and ranged) by a number equal to your character's ranks
Force: No in Disarming Smile (to a minimum of 0) until the end of the
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to add additional
damage equal to half their Agility rating (Rounded up) to one
hit of a successful attack made by ship or vehicle- mounted Disorient
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Deathblow Ranked: Yes
Tier: 3 Force: No
Activation: Passive After hitting with a combat check, your character may spend
Ranked: No aa to disorient their foe. Disoriented targets add j to all
Force: No skill checks. The target is disoriented for a number of rounds
equal to the attacker's ranks in Disorient.
After making a successful attack when using a non-starship/
vehicle weapon, your character may spend one Destiny Point
to add damage equal to your character's Willpower to one hit Disruptive Strike
of the successful attack.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Defensive Circle Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Action) Your character may take a Disruptive Strike action, making
Ranked: No a Lightsaber (Cunning) combat check against one engaged
Force: Yes target and adding l no greater than Force rating to the
check. Your character may spend Y to add f to the target's
When wielding a lightsaber, your character may take the next combat check made during this encounter.
Defensive Circle action, making a Hard (kk k Lightsaber
kk k)
(Intellect) check. If successful your character plus one ally
per s within short range gains ranged and melee defense X Distracting Behavior (Improved)
until the beginning of your character's next turn. X equals 1,
plus 1 for every aa.
Tier: 3

Star wars
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: No Your character benefits from emergency repair patches as
Force: No if they were a droid. Your character still benefits from stim
When affected by Distracting Behavior, NPCs suffer hh when packs as usual, but can only benefit from a total of 5 stim
making checks targeting your character's allies, instead of h. packs and/or emergency repair patches per day. Additionally,
your character can be healed with the Mechanics skill in the
same manner as a droid.
Tier: 3 Exceed Specifications (Improved)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Force: No
Ranked: No
When targeted by a combat check (ranged or melee) your Force: No
character may choose to immediately perform a Dodge inci-
dental to suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the difficulty When your character takes the Exceed Specifications inci-
of the combat by that number. The number of strain suffered dental, upgrade the ability of the check once instead of
cannot exceed their ranks in Dodge. adding j.

Double or Nothing Exemplar of the Republic

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: Yes
Once per check, your character may suffer two strain to When making a Mass Combat check for which your character
increase the difficulty of the check by one. Then, after is the acting commander or takes a prominent role on the
canceling opposing symbols, they double the number of battlefield, your character may add l no greater than their
remaining a. Force rating to the check. Your character may spend Y to add
s or s(character's choice) to the result.

Draw Closer
Exhaust Port
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Force: Yes Ranked: No
Force: No
Your character may take a Draw Closer action, making a Light-
saber (Willpower) melee combat check against one silhou- Before attacking a starship or vehicle, your character may
ette 1 (or smaller) target within medium range and adding spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore the effects of the Massive
a number of l no greater than Force rating to the check. rule for the attack.
Your character may spend Y before resolving the success or
failure of the check to move the target one range band closer Extended Reach
to your character (including from short to engaged). they may
also spend Y to add s to the combat check. If your char- Tier: 3
acter cannot move their target to engage him, the combat Activation: Active (Incidental)
check automatically misses. Ranked: No
Force: No
Droid Commander While armed with a two-handed melee weapon, your char-
Tier: 3 acter may suffer one strain to make a Melee combat check
with that weapon targeting an enemy at up to short range
Activation: Active (Incidental) (rather than engaged range). The difficulty of the check
Ranked: No remains Average (kk
kk) .
Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may perform Field Eye for Detail
Commander as a maneuver instead of an action. All affected
allies must be droids. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Engineered Redundancies Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Tier: 3
After rolling the dice pool for a Mechanics or Computers
Activation: Passive check but before interpreting the results, your character may
Ranked: No

Star wars
voluntarily suffer a number of strain no greater than their killed until the end of the following round, instead. If your char-
ranks in Eye for Detail. If they do, they may convert that many acter's wounds or strain are reduced below their threshold
s into a. (Your character must still have at least s in the before the end of the next round, they are not incapacitated.
results at the end to succeed on the check.)
Force Assault
Fearsome Rep
Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: No Upon missing an opponent with a Lightsaber (Willpower)
Your character adds automatic a to the results of their Coer- combat check, your character may spend t or aaa to
cion checks equal to their ranks in Fearsome Rep. perform a Move Force power as a maneuver this turn (your
character must still be able to perform maneuvers and still
may not perform more than two maneuvers in a turn.) Your
Feral Strength character must have already purchased the Move Force
Tier: 3 Power to use it as a part of this ability.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Force Protection
Force: No
Tier: 3
Your character deals +1 damage to one hit on all successful Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Brawl and Melee checks per rank of Feral Strength. Ranked: Yes
Force: Yes
Field Commander Your character may take the Force Protection Maneuver,
Tier: 3 suffering 1 strain and committing a number of l no greater
Activation: Active (Action) than their force rating or ranks of Force Protection. Your char-
acter then increases their soak value by an equal amount.
Ranked: No
Your character suffers 1 strain at the beginning of each of their
Force: No turns in which they keep these dice committed.
Your character may take a Field Commander action. By
successfully passing an Average (kk kk) Leadership check,
a number of allies equal to their Presence may immediately
Freerunning (Improved)
suffer one strain to perform one maneuver. This does not Tier: 3
count against the number of maneuvers they may perform in Activation: Active (Incidental)
their turn. If there are any questions as to the order in which Ranked: No
allies act, your character using Field Commander is the final
Force: No
Once per round, before performing a Move maneuver, your
character may suffer 4 strain. If they do so, they may use their
Fire When Ready Move maneuver to move to any location within medium range
Tier: 3 (even straight up) as long as there is some sort of object to
Activation: Active (Action) move across of a path to move along.
Ranked: No
Force: No Full Throttle
Your character may take the Fire When Ready action, making Tier: 3
a Hard (kkkkkk) Leadership check. If the check succeeds, Activation: Active (Action)
your character chooses a number of crew aboard their ship Ranked: No
equal to their Presence. Those crew members downgrade the
Force: No
difficulty of their next Gunnery check once, plus one time for
every additional ss on the check. Your character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits
of speed. As an action they may attempt a Hard (kk kk k)
Piloting check. With success, the ship's top speed increases
For The Republic! by one for a number of rounds equal to their Cunning. The
Tier: 3 ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it could not
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) perform normally (i.e., actions that have a minimum speed
Ranked: No
Force: No
Once per encounter when an ally is incapacitated or killed,
Get The Drop
your character may perform the For the Republic! Incidental. Tier: 3
Your character makes a Daunting (kk kk Leadership
kk kk) Activation: Active (Incidental)
check. If the check succeeds, the ally is not incapacitated or Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: No Hit And Run
Once per session, your character and any number of allies in Tier: 3
the current encounter may add s equal to your character's Activation: Active (Incidental)
ranks in Stealth to a check to determine Initiative order. The
Ranked: No
player must explain how their character's stealthy approach
helps the PCs to get the drop on their opponents.
Force: No
While your character is using a jetpack, after they complete
an attack targeting an opponent they are engaged with, your
Hard Headed (Improved) character may immediately disengage as an incidental.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Hunter's Quarry
Ranked: No
Force: No Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may use their Hard Headed action to recover
Ranked: No
from being incapacitated due to exceeding their strain
threshold. On their next turn after being incapacitated, they
Force: No
may make a Formidable (kk kk kk k)k Discipline check as their Your character may take the Hunter's Quarry action against an
Hard Headed action (this action can specifically be performed opponent within long range, making a Hard (kk kk k)k Survival
even though they are normally barred from performing check. If the check succeeds, upgrade the ability of all attacks
actions). If they succeed, decrease their strain to one below made against the target by one until the end of your charac-
their strain threshold. The difficulty of this check decreases ter's next turn.
by one per rank of Hard Headed, to a minimum of Easy (k k ).

Hyperspace Assault
Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Force: No
Force: No
Your character may use Astrogation or Knowledge (Warfare)
When making a check to recover strain at the end of an to determine their Initiative during an encounter in which they
encounter, your character may spend a to recover 1 wound. are piloting or commanding a starship. If they do so, they may
a spent this way cannot exceed their ranks in Hard-Boiled. spend t, from the check to choose the starting locations of
all allied ships in the encounter.
Healing Trance (Improved)
Ichor Transfusion
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Force: Yes Ranked: No
Whenever your character heals wounds as a result of Healing
Force: No
Trance, if your character is suffering from a Critical Injury, Once per encounter, your character may perform a maneuver
they make a Resilience check with the difficulty equal to the to heal any number of their current wounds by suffering that
Critical Injury's severity rating. On a successful check, your number of strain +1. Your character may instead heal any
character recovers from the Critical Injury. If your character is number of their current strain by suffering that number of
suffering from multiple Critical Injuries, they choose which one wounds +1.
to attempt to recover from.

Improvised Concoction
Hindering Shot
Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: No
Once per encounter, as an action, your character may make
Your character may voluntarily increase the difficulty of a a Hard (kk k Knowledge (Xenology) check, adding l no
kk k)
Gunnery combat check once to inflict a hindering shot on a greater than their Force rating. If your character succeeds,
vehicle. If they succeed and deals damage to the target vehi- they create 1 dose of any potion, poison, or drug out of avail-
cle's hull trauma threshold, the vehicle suffers system strain able materials. The rarity of this item must be lower than or
equal to its current speed whenever it moves until the end of equal to your character's Intellect + s + Y spent.
the encounter.

Star wars
Improvised Detonation Ingrained Loyalty
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Once per session, as an action your character may attempt a When your character makes a Leadership check targeting one
Hard (kkk
kkk) Mechanics check to build an explosive device or more clones and no other characters, they may change the
out of available materials. The device can be detonated via result of one l to any nonblank face.
any logical means (timed delay, pressure activated, or even a
fuse) and when it explodes deals damage equal to your char-
acter's ranks in Intellect plus ranks in Mechanics plus s on Inside Person
the initial check, and possesses the Blast quality at an equal
Tier: 3
value. Your character can spend t to increase the damage
by an additional 2. A d causes the device to detonate imme- Activation: Active (Incidental)
diately in the owner's face. If the check would have been Ranked: No
otherwise successful, the premature detonation does damage Force: No
based on the successful check (and has an equivalent Blast Once per session, your character may spend a Destiny Point
quality). If the check would have failed, the premature deto- to establish they have previously been undercover gathering
nation only does damage equal to ranks in mechanics plus information in an identified enemy base or large vehicle. For
ranks in Intellect. the remainder of the session, add automatic aa to checks
they or their allies make that are associated with that loca-
Incite Distraction tion (such as checks to attack it or social skill checks targeting
personnel in it).
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Inspiring Leadership
Force: No Tier: 3
While in a crowd or populated area, as an action, your char- Activation: Active (Action)
acter may make an Average (kk kk) Deception check. If Ranked: No
successful, enemies treat the area as difficult terrain for the Force: No
remainder of the encounter. Your character may spend t to Your character may take the Inspiring Leadership action by
make the location impassable terrain to them instead. making an Average (kk
kk) . If successful, a number of allies
not excluding their rating in Presence within short range
Incite Rebellion add automatic s to their next skill check.

Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved)
Ranked: No Tier: 3
Force: No Activation: Passive
Once per game session, your character can take an Incite Ranked: No
Rebellion action to make a Hard (kkkkk k ) Coercion check. If Force: No
successful, and number of beings up to their ranks in Coercion Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains j on all skill
become unhappy and try to take action against an organiza- checks for a number of rounds equal to your character's ranks
tion or authority with power over them until the end of the in Leadership; this does not stack with itself.
encounter. This could be due to something your character did
or said, or just because the beings were unhappy with their
position. Intuitive Shot
Tier: 3
Indomitable Will Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Force: Yes
Ranked: No When making a Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) combat
Force: Yes check, your character may add l no greater than Force
rating to the check. Your character may spend Y to add s or
Once per encounter, your character may perform a maneuver, a (character's choice) to the result.
to suffer 3 strain and commit a number of l up to their Force
rating. While l remain committed, reduce all damage your
character suffers by an amount equal to the committed l , Intuitive Strike
and your character suffers 1 strain at the beginning of each
of their turns. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: Yes Lose Them action and make a Hard (kk k Stealth check.
kk k)
If successful, they add jj to checks to follow him for the
When making a combat check with a vehicle weapon,
remainder of the encounter and may spend t from their
your character may add l no greater than Force rating
check to lose their pursuers completely.
to the check. Your character may spend YY to add s or
a(character's choice) to the result.
Makashi Finish
Lateral Thinking Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: No Your character may take the Makashi Finish action, making
a Lightsaber (Presence) combat check against an engaged
Once per encounter after an enemy succeeds on a check
target, adding l no greater than Force rating to the check.
targeting your character, your character may spend one
Your character may spend Y to add +10 to any Critical Injury
Destiny Point to force the enemy to reroll the check. If the
roll resulting from the check.
enemy is a droid, your character does not spend a Destiny
Point to use this talent.
Marked for Death
Lead From The Back Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: No Your character may take the Marked for Death maneuver,
selecting one target and committing l . Your character adds
Once per round when an enemy makes a successful combat
automatic aa to combat checks against that target while
check targeting your character, as an out of turn incidental
l remains committed, but cannot use the Marked for Death
your character may spend 1 Destiny Point to use this talent.
talent again until your character uncommits l , the original
Your character chooses one allied NPC subordinate within
target is incapacitated, or the session ends. a gained in this
short range, who becomes the target of the attack instead. At
way cannot be used to recover strain.
the GM's discretion, your character may select an allied NPC
at a greater distance if they are between your character and
the attacker. Mental Bond
Tier: 3
Lead From the Front Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: Yes
Ranked: No Your character may take the Mental Bond action, committing
Force: No l . As long as l remains committed, they may communicate
mentally with an animal bonded to him via the Animal Bond
After succeeding on a Leadership check or other check to
talent. They can see and hear what it sees and hears, and in
inspire, lead, or rally an audience, your character may spend
structured encounters, they may direct their animal at up to
1 Destiny Point to upgrade the ability of the next combat
extreme range.
check made by each ally within short range once.

Mind Over Matter

Lethal Blows
Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Force: No
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain
Your character adds +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Crit-
equal to their Willpower rating.
ical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents.

Moving Target
Lose Them
Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
Force: No
Force: No
If your character has already acted this round, increase their
When being followed or chased, your character may take the
ranged defense by 1 per rank of Moving Target.

Star wars
Multiple Opponents Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Force: Yes
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Once per session, your character may spend several minutes
Force: No meditating, then take the One with the Universe action,
making an Average (kk kk) Astrogation check. If successful,
Your character adds j to their Brawl, Melee, and Lightsaber during the next encounter they add Z to all Force power
combat checks when engaged with multiple opponents. This checks. However, if they succeeded with h, they add z
includes single groups of multiple minions.
to all Force power checks instead.

No Escape Outmaneuver
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: Yes Force: No
When making a Coercion check, your character may spend
Your character may take the Outmaneuver action, making a
aa to cause one enemy within short range to lose their free
Hard (kk k Knowledge (Warfare) check. If your character
kk k)
maneuver during their next turn. When a foe within short
succeeds, your character chooses one enemy ship or vehicle
range makes a fear check, your character may spend tt from
in the current encounter for each s. Until the end of your
that check to cause that enemy to lose their free maneuver
character's next turn, the chosen ships must perform one
during their next turn.
extra maneuver in order to move or change range bands rela-
tive to your character's ship or allies.
Nobody's Fool
Tier: 3 Overwhelm Emotions
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Force: No Ranked: No
The difficulty of any Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks Force: Yes
attempted against your character is upgraded once for each
When your character performs a Charm, Coercion, or Decep-
rank of Nobody's Fool.
tion check, they may include l equal to their Force rating.
Each Z adds s to Charm checks. Each z adds s to Coercion
On My Order or Deception checks. However, every ZZ add f to Coercion
or Deception checks, and every zz add f to Charm checks.
Tier: 3 This does not apply to targets immune to Force powers.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Parry (Improved)
Your character may take the On My Order action, making a Tier: 3
Hard (kkk
kkk) Leadership check. If the check succeeds, your Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
character chooses a number of crew aboard their ship equal Ranked: No
to their Presence. Those crew members upgrade the ability of Force: No
their next Gunnery check once, plus one time for every addi-
When your character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or
tional ss on the check.
Lightsaber combat check and uses the Parry incidental to
reduce the damage from that hit, after the attack is resolved,
Once A Learner your character may spend d or hhh to automatically hit
the attacker once with a wielded Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber
Tier: 3 weapon. This hit deals the weapon's base damage plus any
Activation: Active (Action) damage from applicable talents or abilities. This talent may
Ranked: No not be used if the original attack incapacitates your character.
Force: Yes
As an action your character may suffer 4 strain to increase the Physical Training
Force rating of one ally within short range by an amount equal
to your character's current Force rating until the end of your Tier: 3
character's next turn. Your character may not make any Force Activation: Passive
power checks until after their next turn. Ranked: Yes
Force: No
One With the Universe Your character adds j per rank of Physical Training to their
Athletics and Resilience checks.
Tier: 3

Star wars
Point Blank cannot be made with any weapons, but this strain damage is
not reduced by soak.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Prey on the Weak
Force: No Tier: 3
Your character adds one damage per rank of Point Blank to Activation: Passive
one hit of successful Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) attacks Ranked: Yes
made while at short range or engaged. Force: No
Your character deals +1 damage to one hit on all successful
Practiced Strategist combat checks against disoriented targets per rank of Prey
on the Weak.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Pride and Joy
Force: No Tier: 3
Once per session during a mass combat or combat encounter, Activation: Passive
your character may take the Practiced Strategist action, Ranked: No
making an opposed Knowledge (Warfare) versus Knowledge Force: No
(Warfare) check targeting the leader of the enemy forces. If
Your character chooses one starship or vehicle its with a
the check succeeds, your character (or player) reveals a narra-
silhouette of 4 or higher that they own. This vessel is your
tive advantage provided by their strategic planning, such as
character's “Pride and Joy” vessel. They upgrade the ability
the timely arrival of reinforcements, sabotage of the enemy's
of all social checks they make while within short range of the
equipment, or a spy planted within the enemy ranks. The
vessel once. If the vessel is ever lost or destroyed, your char-
exact nature of the revelation is ultimately at the GM's discre-
acter may apply Pride and Joy to a new starship or vehicle
tion, but it should provide your character and their allies with
that meets the requirements. The process of modifying and
a significant advantage in the encounter or session.
acclimating to the new vessel may take some time at the GM's
discretion. No two characters can have the same vessel as
Precise Aim their Pride and Joy.

Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Push Aside
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
Force: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per round on your character's turn, your character may Ranked: No
perform a Precise Aim maneuver before attempting a combat Force: No
check and suffer a number of strain. The number of strain
After making a successful Melee, Brawl, or Lightsaber combat
cannot exceed their ranks in Precise Aim. They then decrease
check against an engaged foe, your character may force the
the target's defense (ranged and melee) by one per strain
opponent to move to short range as an out of turn incidental
suffered for that combat check.
in a direction of the opponent's choosing. Your character may
spend t to cause the opponent to fall prone after moving.
Precision Strike (Improved)
Tier: 3 Quick Movement
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Force: No Ranked: No
Once per round, when your character inflicts a Critical Injury Force: Yes
with a Brawl or Melee weapon, they may suffer 2 strain to
Before making a non-Force power check during structured
change the result to any Average (kk
kk) Critical Injury result.
gameplay, your character may suffer 2 strain to add l no
greater than Force rating to the check. Your character may
Pressure Point spend YY generated during the check to perform one
free Move maneuver after the check is finished. This move
Tier: 3 maneuver may be in addition to any other maneuvers
Activation: Active (Incidental) performed this turn and can allow your character to perform
Ranked: No three maneuvers in a turn.
Force: No
When making a Brawl check against a living opponent, your Reflect
character may choose to forgo dealing damage as wounds,
instead dealing the equivalent damage as strain, plus addi- Tier: 3
tional strain equal to their ranks in Medicine. These checks Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes

Star wars
Force: Yes Secrets of the Jedi
When your character suffers from a hit from a Ranged (Light), Tier: 3
Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery combat check, after damage is Activation: Passive
calculated (but before soak is applied), they may take the
Ranked: No
Reflect incidental. They suffer 3 strain and reduce the damage
dealt by that hit by a number equal to 2 plus their ranks in
Force: No
Reflect. This talent may only be used once per hit and when Lightsaber becomes a career skill. Your character may also
your character is wielding a lightsaber weapon. decrease the difficulty of checks made to construct or repair
lightsaber hilts a number of times equal to half their ranks in
Knowledge (Lore) (rounded up), to a minimum of Easy (k k) .
Renegade Form This does not include checks made to install mods.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Seize the Initiative
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
When your character purchases this talent, they choose one
Ranked: No
characteristic. They may use this characteristic in place of
Brawn when making lightsaber checks.
Force: No
Once per game session, your character may leap forward to
create a daring distraction on the battlefield by performing
Savvy Negotiator (Improved) the Seize the Initiative maneuver and making a Hard (kk kk k)
Tier: 3 Athletics check. If they succeed, any number of other PCs
Activation: Active (Action) who have yet not acted this round may immediately take their
turns as if there were that many PC slots at that point in the
Ranked: No
Initiative order. Each PC who acts this way counts as having
Force: No acted for this round (and thus cannot act again this round).
When engaged in a debate or argument, your character may The Initiative order returns to its previous order at the begin-
take a Savvy Negotiator action to make a Hard (kk k Nego-
kk k) ning of the next round.
tiation check. If the check is successful, one bystander or
observer per rank of Savvy Negotiator sees one of the oppo-
nent's points (chosen by your character) as maliciously unrea- Sense Emotions
sonable. The GM has the final say as to whether bystanders Tier: 3
could see a point as unreasonable based on who those Activation: Passive
bystanders are and what the point is (for example, an Impe-
Ranked: No
rial officer would not likely see the argument that the Rebel
Alliance needs to be defeated militarily as unreasonable.) In
Force: Yes
these cases, the GM can suggest a modified version of that Your character adds j to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception
argument that would be more believable (Said imperial officer checks unless the target is immune to Force powers.
may still want to defeat the Alliance, but may concede that
using weapons like the Death star is barbaric).
Shortcut (Improved)
Scathing Tirade (Improved) Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: No
When engaging in a chase or race, your character may suffer
Force: No
two strain to add s equal to ranks in Shortcut to the check.
Each enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers j on all skill
checks for a number of rounds equal to the characters ranks
in Coercion; this does not stack with itself. Showboat
Tier: 3
Second Chances Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Once per round while piloting a starship or vehicle, your char-
acter may suffer 2 strain to showboat during their next check.
Force: No
If the check succeeds, your character adds t to the results.
Once per encounter, after your character has rolled a skill However, if the check fails, they add d instead. The t or d
check (but before resolving the result), they choose a number added this way do not include the s or f that are usually
of positive dice from their dice pool up to the number of ranks a part of them, only the beneficial or negative effects of the
in Second Chances and re-rolls them. Your character must symbol.
accept the second result. This talent cannot be used to re-roll
any l .

Star wars
Shroud Your character decreases the critical rating of any non-star-
ship weapon they wield by 1 (to a minimum of 1) against
Tier: 3 targets that have not yet acted this encounter.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Spare Clip
Once per session, your character may spend one Destiny Tier: 3
Point to make herself undetectable via the Force (through Activation: Passive
abilities such as the sense power) and to make their own Force Ranked: No
powers unnoticeable for the remainder of the encounter. What Force: No
this entains exactly is up to the player and the GM, and the
Your character does not run out of ammo on a d. Items with
GM may rule that some actions (such as lifting an X-wing with
Limited Ammo quality run out of ammo as normal.
one's mind) are too obvious to be ignored. However, abilities
such as manipulating control panels, lifting small objects, or
using Force powers to affect someone physically or mentally Spur (Improved)
go unnoticed, or the effects are attributed to something else.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Side Step (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Your character may voluntarily suffer 1 strain to attempt Spur
Ranked: No as a maneuver. In addition, the difficulty of Spur is reduced to
Force: No Average (kk
When your character performs a Side Step maneuver, until
the start of their next turn, they may spend hhh or d Stalker
from a combat check targeting them to inflict one hit on that
attacker from a Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) weapon Tier: 3
your character is currently wielding. The hit deals its base Activation: Passive
damage plus any damage from applicable talents or abilities. Ranked: Yes
This talent may not be used if the original attack incapacitates Force: No
your character.
Your character adds j per rank of Stalker to all Coordination
and Stealth checks.
Skilled Teacher
Tier: 3 Stand Firm! (Improved)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Action)
Force: No
Ranked: No
Before an ally at short range makes a skill check, if that ally Force: No
has fewer ranks in that skill than your character does, your
character may choose to immediately perform a Skilled Allies affected by Stand Firm! Also increase their strain
Teacher incidental to suffer a number of strain, then add an threshold by an amount equal to your character's Presence
equal number of s to the ally's next check. The number of rating. (Multiple uses of this talent are not cumulative.)
strain suffered cannot exceed your character's ranks in Skilled
Teacher. Stim Application
Tier: 3
Something to Prove Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: No
Ranked: No Your character may take the Stim Application action. To
Force: No perform this action, they must have access to drugs, a medpac,
Once per session, your character may suffer 4 strain in order or stimpacks. They make a Average (kk kk) Medicine check. If
to reroll a failed check. If the check succeeds, your character successful, one ally they are engaged with (including herself)
heals 4 strain. increases one characteristic of your character's choice by one
for the remainder of the encounter, and suffers four strain. A
single character's individual characteristics may each only be
Sorry About the Mess increased once by Stim Application during an encounter.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Street Smarts (Improved)
Ranked: No Tier: 3
Force: No Activation: Active (Action)

Star wars
Ranked: No Suppressing Fire
Force: No
Tier: 3
Once per session, as an action your character may make a Activation: Passive
Formidable (kkkk
kkkk k)k Streetwise or Knowledge (Under- Ranked: Yes
world) check, reducing the difficulty once per rank of Street
Force: No
Smarts. If successful, the GM must reveal one vital clue
pertaining to a current mystery your character is attempting Your character and each ally within short range may spend a
to solve. The clue should be something that your character on their failed combat checks to inflict one strain on the target
could not normally find out, but does not have to be the full per rank of Suppressing Fire. Each character can only activate
answer to the mystery (it should be something that cancels this effect once per round.
a false lead and otherwise helps move the story along). The
GM should tailor the information depending on the skill used;
Streetwise may mean your character learns about the infor-
Survivor's Instincts
mation from an ad hoc network of street urchins, while Knowl- Tier: 3
edge (Underworld) may mean your character draws on their Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
own vast knowledge about criminal enterprise to discover a Ranked: No
previously unseen clue.
Force: No
Once per session after your character suffers a Critical Injury
Stroke of Genius but before the result is rolled, they may spend 1 Destiny Point.
Tier: 3 Then, the attacker must roll two results for the Critical Injury
Activation: Active (Incidental) and the player chooses which will apply to their character.
Ranked: No
Force: No Tactical Advance (Improved)
Once per game session, your character can choose to make Tier: 3
one skill check using Intellect, rather than the characteristic Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
linked to that skill. When they do this, they must explain how, Ranked: No
in this particular instance, their intelligence is helping him
overcome this challenge.
Force: No
Your character may spend aa from any check they make or
tt from a combat check targeting them to perform the Tactical
Stunning Blow (Improved) Advance Incidental (instead of suffering strain.)
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tactical Planning
Ranked: No
Force: No Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When dealing strain damage with Melee or Brawl checks, your Ranked: No
character may spend a t result to stagger their target for one
round per t spent.
Force: No
Once per game session when performing an activity that
requires a skill check, your character may choose to substi-
Sum Djem tute a Knowledge (Warfare) check for the skill check that
Tier: 3 would normally apply. When they do this, they must explain
Activation: Passive how their tactical foresight is helping them overcome the chal-
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
When your character makes a successful Lightsaber combat
Targeted Firepower
check, they may spend t or aa to disarm their opponent Tier: 3
(with GM's approval). The disarmed weapon lands anywhere Activation: Active (Action)
within short range of the engagement (character's choice). Ranked: No
Force: No
Sunder (Improved) Once per session your character may take the Targeted Fire-
Tier: 3 power action by identifying one detected enemy character,
Activation: Passive vehicle, starship, or structure and making a Hard (kk kk k)
Knowledge (Warfare) check. If successful, for the remainder
Ranked: No
of the encounter all allies within short range of your character
Force: No add automatic a to their combat attacks against that target
Each a a character spends to activate a weapon's Sunder equal to s that your character gained in the check.
quality damages the target item two steps, instead of one.

Star wars
That's How Its Done Any vehicle your character pilots counts as having silhouette
one lower than normal when being attacked, to a minimum
Tier: 3 of 0.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Force: No Unrelenting Skeptic (Improved)
Upon a successful skill check, your character may suffer 1 Tier: 3
strain. If so, a number of allies within short range equal to Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
your character's Willpower add automatic a when making Ranked: No
the same skill check until the start of your character's next Force: No
turn. The range at which That's How It's Done can affect
When targeted by a Deception check that fails, your character
allies increases by one band per rank of That's How It's done
may spend one Destiny Point to retroactively add d to the
beyond the first.
pool results.

Time to Go (Improved) Valuable Facts

Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Force: No
Force: No
When activating Time to Go, your character may allow one
Once per encounter, your character may take a Valuable Facts
ally they are engaged with to perform an out of turn Move
action, making an Average (kk kk) Knowledge check (the GM
maneuver as an incidental. This maneuver may only be used
and player should determine which Knowledge skill is most
to move into cover or out of the blast radius of an explosion.
applicable in the given situation). If successful, your character
This incidental occurs after the ally determines they would be
may add t to any one check made by an allied character
hit by the blast, but before damage is applied.
during the encounter. The subsequent check should relate in
some way to the facts your character learned, or the player
Touch of Fate should come up with an explanation for why the information
your character learned is instrumental in the success of the
Tier: 3 ally's check.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Works Like a Charm
Once per game session, your character may add jj to any Tier: 3
one skill check. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Toughened (Improved)
Once per game session, your character can choose to make
Tier: 3 one skill check using Presence rather than the characteristic
Activation: Active (Incidental) linked to that skill. When they do this, they must explain how,
Ranked: No in this particular instance, their social ability helps him over-
Force: No come this challenge.
Once per session, your character may heal a number of
wounds equal to their ranks in toughened.
Tier 4
Translation Error
Tier: 3 Altered Deal
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Action)
Force: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, your character may remove d from the Force: No
results of a social check they make. Once per session, your character may take the Altered Deal
action and make a Hard (kk k Coercion check to radically
kk k)
Tricky Target change a previously agreed upon deal or bargain to a version
much more advantageous to your character. The player must
Tier: 3 narratively explain what happened, including the details of
Activation: Passive how your character arranged for the deal to be changed as
Ranked: No well as the specifics of the new deal.
Force: No

Star wars
Anatomy Lessons Once per session your character may take the Bad Press
action by choosing a specific organization and making a Hard
Tier: 4 (kk k Deception check. If they succeed, members of this
kk k)
Activation: Active (Incidental) organization have their wound thresholds reduced by 1, plus
Ranked: No 1 per additional sss (to a minimum of 1), until the end of
Force: No the session. When they do this, the player must explain how
the PC disseminated the propaganda such that it has affected
After a successful attack with a non- starship/vehicle weapon,
their targets. The chosen organization must be narrow and
your character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage
cohesive enough to be affected by bad publicity, for example,
equal to their Intellect to one hit of the attack.
the Imperial Navy or the Gorensia Kajidic. The Bad Press
action cannot affect all members of a single group as broad
Another's Treasure as the entire Empire or one as fractious as the Hutts. The PC
must have time and means to spread misinformation and
Tier: 4 cannot use this action during a combat encounter.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No
The condition of an item does not affect the price your char-
Tier: 4
acter receives when selling it. In addition, your character can Activation: Active (Maneuver)
always find a buyer for an item, no matter its condition or how Ranked: No
useless or worthless it may seem. The details of the transac- Force: Yes
tion are subject to the GM's discretion, as always, and a buyer
When your character recovers from strain at the end of each
might not be immediately (or easily) available.
encounter, they may roll their Force rating in Force dice. They
regain additional strain equal to the Y rolled.
Armor Master
Tier: 4 Baleful Gaze
Activation: Passive Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Force: No Ranked: No
When wearing armor, your character increases their total soak Force: Yes
value by one.
When targeted by a combat check made by an enemy within
medium range, your character may spend a Destiny Point to
As the Force Wills It upgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal
to their ranks of Coercion. A character who has purchased
Tier: 4 this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict at the beginning of
Activation: Passive each session.
Ranked: No
Force: No Barrage
Your character may make an Easy (k k ) Knowledge (Lore)
check (instead of Discipline or Cool) to heal strain at the end
Tier: 4
of an encounter. t can be spent to heal all strain. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Bad Motivator
Add one damage per rank of Barrage to one hit of successful
Tier: 4 Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery attacks with non-starship/vehicle
Activation: Active (Action) weapons at long or extreme range.
Ranked: No
Force: No Barrel Roll (Supreme)
Once per game session, your character may take a Bad Moti-
vator action to make a Hard (kk k Mechanics check. If
kk k)
Tier: 4
successful, one device (subject to the GM's approval) sponta- Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
neously fails due to your character's involvement, or because Ranked: No
it was about to fail anyway, and your character noticed it (this Force: No
is your character's decision).
When your character uses the Barrel Roll to reduce the
damage from a weapon with the Auto-fire, Blast, or Guided
Bad Press item qualities, they may spend d or hhh to inflict one hit
on the attacker or another enemy vehicle or starship within
Tier: 4 close range after the initial attack resolves. The hit deals the
Activation: Active (Action) base damage of the original attack.
Ranked: No
Force: No

Star wars
Better Luck Next Time Force: No
Tier: 4 Your character may make the Brilliant Evasion action when
Activation: Active (Action) piloting a vehicle or starship. Your character selects one oppo-
nent and makes an Opposed Piloting (Planetary or Space)
Ranked: No
check. If they succeed, the opponent's vehicle or starship
Force: No cannot make any attacks against your character's vehicle for
Once per session during a race or chase, as an action, your a number of rounds equal to your character's Agility. Brilliant
character may make a Hard (kk k Cool check. If they
kk k) Evasion can only be performed once per encounter.
succeed, something terrible happens to one of their compet-
itors. This could be a high-speed collision, having to dodge
into a dead end to avoid an obstacle, or even an attack by By the Book
enraged fans or spectators, as long as the GM approves it. At Tier: 4
minimum, the competitor should suffer a major collision with Activation: Active (Incidental)
an obstacle.
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Biggest Fan Once per encounter, before making a combat check, your
Tier: 4 character may suffer two strain to add automatic a to the
Activation: Active (Action) results equal to ranks in By the Book.
Ranked: No
Force: No Call 'Em
Once per session, your character may take a Biggest Fan Tier: 4
action to make a Hard (kk k Charm check. If successful,
kk k) Activation: Passive
one NPC of your character's choice in the current encounter
Ranked: No
turns out to be your character's self- proclaimed “biggest fan.”
The exact effects of this vary depending on the NPC and the Force: No
situation. They can include drastically decreasing the diffi- This character does not add any j to their combat checks
culty of Social Interaction skill checks your character makes due to the use of the Aim maneuver.
targeting their biggest fan, the fan being willing to perform
minor or even significant favors for your character, or your
character even becoming a reoccurring ally in the narrative. Calming Aura (Improved)
At the GM's discretion, this talent may not be able to target Tier: 4
certain NPCs who's adversarial nature is viral to the plot, or
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
NPC's who would be unable to appreciate your character's
work such as non-sentient creatures, labor droids, and Impe-
Ranked: No
rial Stormtroopers. Force: Yes
Your character may spend a maneuver and suffer 2 strain to
extend the effects of Calming Aura to a number of allies within
Body Guard (Improved) short range equal to their Willpower. This lasts until the begin-
Tier: 4 ning of their next turn.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Commanding Presence (Improved)
Force: No
Tier: 4
Once per session, when an ally protected by your charac-
Activation: Active (Action)
ter's Body Guard maneuver would suffer a hit from a combat
check, your character may choose to suffer that hit instead
Ranked: No
of the ally. Force: No
Once per session, your character can take the Commanding
Presence action to choose a target minion, minion group or
Bolstered Armor rival and make a Cool check opposed by the target's Disci-
Tier: 4 pline. If the check is successful, the target adversary or group
Activation: Passive removes itself from the encounter for the duration of the
Ranked: Yes encounter. The target will not attack or otherwise engage the
PCs, nor perform any hostile or overt action. However, it will
Force: No
defend itself if attacked. Attacking the target ends the effect.
Your character increases the armor value of their Signature The Commanding Presence action can be used in narrative
Vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Armor. encounters. The specific details of its effect are at the GM's
discretion, but could include commanding a guard to let the
PCs pass or causing political opponents to remove themselves
Brilliant Evasion from a debate.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No

Star wars
Comrades in Arms (Improved) do. Killing oneself to obtain a concession, selling a planet into
slavery, and surrendering the Rebel Alliance to the Empire are
Tier: 4 all examples of this.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Dead to Rights (Improved)
Whenever your character takes the Comrades in Arms action, Tier: 4
they may spend aaa or t to also gain +1 soak or to give Activation: Active (Incidental)
one affected ally +1 soak. Ranked: No
Force: No
Consider our Options Your character may spend one Destiny Point to add additional
damage equal to their Agility rating to one hit of a successful
Tier: 4 attack made by ship or vehicle-mounted weaponry. This
Activation: Active (Action) replaces the normal ability for Dead to Rights.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Death From Above
Your character may take the Consider Our Options action,
make a Hard (kk k Negotiation check. If the check
kk k) Tier: 4
succeeds, until the start of your character's next turn, any Activation: Active (Action)
enemy who attacks your character suffers 2 strain, plus 1 Ranked: Yes
strain per additional ss on your character's check, before Force: No
resolving the attack. (If this strain causes an adversary to
Once per encounter while using a jetpack, your character may
become incapacitated, the GM may determine that adversary
take the Death from Above action, inflict 1 system strain on
simply bows out of the fight.) The effect ends immediately if
their jetpack and making a Hard (kk k Piloting (Planetary)
kk k)
your character inflicts damage on an enemy.
check. If the check is successful, for each s, one adversary
of silhouette 0 or 1 within short range is knocked prone.
Corellian Sendoff Your character may spend t from the check to stagger one
affected adversary until the end of that adversary's next turn.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Defensive Driving
Force: No Tier: 4
When piloting a starship or vehicle, your character may take Activation: Passive
a Corellian Sendoff action targeting two enemy starships Ranked: Yes
or vehicles at close range that are both of equal or smaller Force: No
silhouette to your character's ship. Your character makes a
Any vehicle your character pilots has its defense rating on all
Hard (kkk
kkk) Cool check; if it succeeds, the targeted ships
ones increased by one rank of Defensive Driving.
immediately suffer a minor collision with each other.

Crucial Point Desperate Repairs

Tier: 4
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Force: No
Force: No
Once per session, your character may make a Hard (kk kk k)
Once per session during ongoing negotiations, as an inci-
Mechanics check targeting one engaged droid. If your char-
dental your character may introduce one potential conces-
acter succeeds, the droid becomes staggered and immobi-
sion that an opponent will do nearly anything to obtain. This
lized until the end of its next turn. At the end of its next turn,
can only take place during an encounter featuring the Nego-
the droid heals all strain and one Critical Injury with a severity
tiation skill. Such encounters can range from a high- level
rating no greater than Hard (kk k If your character is a
kk k).
diplomatic conference to a negotiation of payment for a job,
droid, it may perform this action on itself.
but should not include social interactions featuring other
social skills such as Charm, Coercion, or Deception. What the
concession is should be up to the player and GM. It should Disorienting Strike
be something that one party is willing to give up or exchange,
and it should be something concrete (such as a new trade Tier: 4
deal, or the offer of a used speeder to get a deal on a new Activation: Passive
one). The lengths the other party is willing to go to are depen- Ranked: No
dent on the scenario, and may range from offering a drastic Force: No
decrease in price to agreeing to a immediate cease-fire in an
ongoing conflict. At minimum, the difficulty of further Nego- After missing an opponent with a Lightsaber combat check,
tiation checks should be decreased. At the GM's discretion, your character may chose to spend aa or @@ to disorient
there may be some things that no reasonable sentient would their foe for three rounds. Disoriented opponents add s to

Star wars
all skill checks. If your character's check benefitting from the Exceed Speci-
fications incidental generates t, they may damage the item
one step to roll one additional l and add it to the check
Dodge (Improved) results. If the check generates, d, roll l and add it to the
Tier: 4 check results.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Falling Avalanche
Force: No
Tier: 4
When your character performs the Dodge incidental, your Activation: Active (Incidental)
character may make a Move maneuver as an out-of-turn inci-
Ranked: No
dental after the triggering attack has been resolved.
Force: Yes
Once per round your character may suffer 2 strain to add
Double or Nothing (Improved) additional damage equal to Brawn to one hit of a successful
Tier: 4 lightsaber check.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Fear the Shadows
Force: No
Tier: 4
When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, after Activation: Active (Action)
canceling opposing symbols, your character also doubles the
Ranked: No
number of remaining s.
Force: Yes
A an action your character may make a Hard (kk k Decep-
kk k)
Double-Talk tion check targeting a single minion group or rival within
Tier: 4 long range. If they succeed, that minion group or rival flees
Activation: Passive the encounter. At the GM's discretion, these NPCs may not
flee due to extenuating circumstances (such as if there is no
Ranked: No
realistic path or means to leave the encounter, or if the only
Force: No way to leave the encounter may result in their deaths from
Your character may spend aa or t from a successful Charm a dangerous fall or lethal atmosphere). A character who has
or Deception check to disorient a number of opponents within purchased this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict at the
short range equal to their rating in Presence for the remainder beginning of a game session.
of the current round and next two rounds.
Field Commander (Improved)
Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Force: No
Force: No When taking a Field Commander action, your character may
Character gains +1 soak value per rank of Enduring. affect allies equal to twice their Presence. In addition, they
may spend t generated on their Leadership checks to allow
one ally to suffer one strain to perform an action rather than
Essential Kill a maneuver.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Flows Through All Things
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
When making a combat check that does not involve either Ranked: No
using the Gunnery skill or operating a non-starship weapon,
Force: Yes
your character may add l no greater than their Force rating
to the check. Your character may spend Y to add a, or Once per round, as a maneuver your character may recover
YYY to add t (character's choice), to the result. a gained strain equal to their Force rating.
in this way cannot be used to recover strain.
Font of Power
Exceed Specifications (Supreme)
Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: No Once per game session, as an action your character may use

Star wars
this talent. For the remainder of the encounter, if your char- Your character may voluntarily suffer one strain to attempt
acter is a light side Force user, whenever another Force user Full Throttle as a maneuver. In additional, the difficulty of Full
within medium range rolls l , add automatic Z to the results. Throttle is reduced to Average (kk
If your character is a dark side Force user, whenever another
Force user within medium range rolls l , add automatic z to
the results. Go Without
Tier: 4
Form On Me Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: No
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Once per session, your character counts as having the right
tools for the job when performing the next skill check this turn.
Force: No
When your character performs the Gain the Advantage action,
a number of allied vehicles equal to their ranks in Leadership Guardian of the Republic
and within close range also gain the benefits of the action on Tier: 4
the target. These allied vehicles maintain the benefits until Activation: Passive
they leave close range with your character, or your character
Ranked: No
loses the benefits of Gain the Advantage.
Force: Yes
After your character uses Parry or Reflect to reduce damage
Formation Tactics to an ally, that ally cannot be targeted by combat checks for
Tier: 4 the remainder of the round.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Guns Blazing
Force: No
Tier: 4
Your character may take the Formation Tactics action by Activation: Active (Incidental)
making a Hard (kk k Leadership check. If successful, they
kk k)
Ranked: No
may choose a number of allies within short range equal to
s generated. The difficulty of attacks against these allies is Force: No
upgraded once until the end of your character's next turn. The When making a combined combat check with two Ranged
effects of this action do not stack. (Light) weapons, your character may suffer two strain in
order to refrain from increasing the difficulty of the check for
attacking with two weapons.
Formation Tactics (Improved)
Tier: 4
Hawk Bat Swoop
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Force: No Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
The difficulty of taking the Formation Tactics action is reduced
to Average (kk
kk) instead of Hard (kk k Your character may
kk k). Force: Yes
spend t or aaaaaa to have the effect last until the end Your character may take a Hawk Bat Swoop action, performing
of encounter. a Lightsaber (Agility) melee combat check against one target
within short range and adding l no greater than Force rating
to the pool. Your character may spend Y before resolving the
Frenzied Attack successes or failure of the check to engaged the target imme-
Tier: 4 diately as an incidental, and may spend Y to add a to the
Activation: Active (Incidental) check. If your character cannot move to engage the target,
Ranked: Yes the attack automatically misses.
Force: No
When making a Melee or Brawl combat check, your char- Heavy Hitter
acter may suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the ability Tier: 4
of their combat check by that number. The number cannot Activation: Active (Incidental)
exceed their ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Full Throttle (Improved) Once per session, your character may spend t on a successful
Tier: 4 Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery check to add the Breach 1 quality
Activation: Active (Maneuver) to the attack, or increase an existing Breach rating by 1.
Ranked: No
Force: No

Star wars
Heroic Fortitude includes the damage dealt on a premature detonation trig-
gered by d).
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Inner Peace
Force: No Tier: 4
Your character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the Activation: Active (Incidental)
effects on ongoing Critical Injuries on any Brawn or Agility Ranked: Yes
related checks until the end of the encounter. They still suffer Force: No
from the injury itself.
Once per encounter, your character may convert a number
of dark side Destiny Points equal to your character's ranks
Hunter's Quarry (Improved) in Inner Peace to light side Destiny Points. Your character
reduces the amount of Conflict they gain at the end of the
Tier: 4 session by 1 plus 1 per Destiny Point converted.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Inside Knowledge
Your character can choose to suffer 2 strain to use Hunter's Tier: 4
Quarry talent as a maneuver instead. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Ichor Blade
Once per session, as an action, your character may make
Tier: 4 a Hard (k kk) Skulduggery check while within an enemy
k kk
Activation: Passive facility or vessel. They can then find a single personal scale
Ranked: No weapon or device they previously stashed here with a rarity
Force: No no greater than their Cunning plus 2. Alternatively, they can
gain a narrative benefit such as knowing the codes to open
When your character purchases this talent, chose one Melee
sealed doors, the location of the commander's office, person-
or Brawl weapon they possess that does not feature elec-
ality quirks or weaknesses amongst personnel, which secu-
tronic or other high-tech parts. (For example, they could
rity cameras have been deactivated or broken, secret or
choose a sword or staff, but not a vibroknife or electrostaff.)
concealed rooms, or some other equivalent type or informa-
The weapon gains the Cortosis and Pierce 2 item qualities and
reduces its critical rating by 1 to a minimum of 1. In addition,
any other character adds j to checks they make to use this
weapon. If the weapon is ever lost or destroyed, your char- Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme)
acter can apply Ichor Blade to a new weapon. If the weapon
leaves your character's possession for longer than a single Tier: 4
scene or encounter, it loses all effects of this talent until your Activation: Active (Incidental)
character reacquires it. Ranked: No
Force: No
Ichor Reserve Your character may voluntarily suffer 1 strain to perform
Inspiring Rhetoric as a maneuver instead of an action.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Knowledge is Power
Force: Yes Tier: 4
Once per session, as a maneuver your character may suffer 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
strain to use this talent. Their Force rating increases by 1 until Ranked: No
the end of the scene or encounter. At the GM's discretion, Force: Yes
your character may need to occasionally return to Dathomir
Once per session, when making a single check, your character
to replenish their supply of magical ichor.
may treat their force rating as being equal to their ranks in
knowledge (Lore).
Improvised Detonation (Improved)
Tier: 4 Knowledge is Strength
Activation: Passive Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Force: No Ranked: No
Reduce the difficulty of Improvised Detonation's check to Force: Yes
Average (kk
kk) and increase the damage dealt by the
Once per session, when making a check, your character
explosive to ranks in Intellect plus twice your charac-
may increase Their Force rating by their ranks in Knowledge
ter's ranks in Mechanics plus s on the initial check (this
(Warfare) for the duration of the check. If the rules for Morality

Star wars
are in use, a character who has purchased this talent gains 1 Offensive Driving
Conflict at the beginning of each game session.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Martial Grace Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) As a maneuver, your character may inflict a number of system
Ranked: No strain on their vehicle no greater than its highest defense
Force: No value and choose a vehicle within close range. If your char-
acter does so, upgrade the difficulty of the next Piloting (Plan-
Once per round, your character may suffer 2 strain to add
etary) or Piloting (Space) check that vehicle's pilot makes
additional damage equal to their ranks in Coordination to one
before the end of the encounter once for each system strain
hit of a successful Brawl combat check.
inflicted on their craft this way.

Mental Tools One Person's Trash

Tier: 4
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Force: No
Your character always counts as having the right tools for the
Your character may make a Perception check in order to
job when performing mechanics checks.
locate a particular item amid a battlefield, shipwreck, junk-
yard, or other location with potential salvage. The difficulty
Mission Critical of the check is equal to half the item's rarity, rounded down.
There is no cost to acquire an item this way, but the item is in
Tier: 4 need of moderate repairs when found.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Force: No
Ordnance Saturation
Once per session after rolling a Piloting (Planetary) or Piloting Tier: 4
(Space) check but before resolving it, your character may Activation: Passive
spend a Destiny Point to add s or a to the results equal to Ranked: No
their ranks in that skill. (Your character may divide the results Force: No
between s and a in any combination.)
When your character on an ally who is currently benefiting
from On My Order or Fire When Ready activates the Blast
Nobody's Fool (Improved) quality of a planetary-scale weapon, all ships or vehicles
within close range of the target suffer damage equal to the
Tier: 4 weapon's Blast quality (plus 1 per additional s, as usual).
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Force: No
When targeted by a Charm, Coercion, or Deception check, Tier: 4
your character may spend d or hhh from the check to Activation: Active (Action)
inflict strain on the opponent equal to your character's ranks Ranked: No
in Nobody's Fool. Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may take the Over-
Not Today charge action by making a Hard (kk k Mechanics check
kk k)
and choosing one of their cybernetic implants that grants him
Tier: 4 one or more of the following: +1 to a characteristic rating.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) +1 rank to a skill, or +1 rank of a ranked talent. If they
Ranked: No succeed, until the end of the encounter, the chosen cyber-
Force: No netic provides an additional +1 to any characteristic's ratings
(to a maximum of 7), an additional +1 ranks to any skills (to
Once per session, if your character's Signature Vehicle would a maximum of 5), and an additional +1 ranks of any ranked
be destroyed, your character may spend a Destiny Point to talents it provides. The GM may spend d from the check to
save it. If it would be destroyed by a Critical Hit, the Critical have the overcharged cybernetic short out at the end of the
Hit is still suffered, but the effect is ignored. If it would be encounter; it provides no benefit until your character spends
destroyed by some other event, the details of how the star- several hours making an Average (kkkk) Mechanics check to
ship or vehicle survives the near-destruction are up to the repair it.
player and the GM.

Star wars
Overwhelming Aura Force: No
Tier: 4 Once per encounter your character may take the Prepare to
Activation: Active (Maneuver) be Boarded! Action by making an opposed Coercion vs. Disci-
pline check targeting an enemy ship captain (note this can be
Ranked: Yes
via electronic means, the two characters do not need to be
Force: Yes face to face.). If successful, the enemy suffers one strain per
Your character may take the Overwhelming Aura maneuver, uncancelled s. Your character may also spend t or aaaa
suffering 1 strain and committing a number of l no greater to inflict additional strain equal to their ranks in Coercion.
than their Force rating or ranks of Overwhelming Aura. Your Should the enemy exceed their strain threshold as a result of
character adds automatic a equal to l committed to their resolving the check, the enemy surrenders their ship to your
social checks. Opponents within short range add automatic h character.
equal to l committed to their social checks.
Prescient Shot
Parry (Supreme)
Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: Yes
Force: Yes Your character adds a to all Ranged (Light) combat checks
If the user did not make a combat check during their previous unless the target is immune to Force powers.
turn, they suffer 1 strain when taking the Parry incidental,
instead of 3.
Pride and Joy (Improved)
Powerful Ally Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 4 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Force: No
Ranked: No
While inside their Pride and Joy vessel, your character
Force: Yes recovers one additional strain whenever they recover strain
Your character may spend a Destiny Point to use the basic and may spend a on checks made to recover strain to allow
version of a Force power they have not purchased or to apply an ally also within the vessel to recover one strain.
the effects of a single unpurchased control upgrade to a
power they have purchased.
Prophetic Aim
Powerful Blast Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 4 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: Yes
Ranked: Yes
While your character is benefiting from an Aim maneuver, d
Force: No from their Ranged (Heavy) and Ranged (Light) checks cannot
Your character increases the damage dealt by the Blast be spent to cause their attacks to hit any of their allies who
quality of explosives, explosive weapons, and grenades they are engaged with the target.
use by +1 per rank of Powerful Blast.
Rain of Death
Precision Strike (Supreme)
Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Force: No
Force: No Your character may perform a maneuver to use this talent.
Once per game session, when your character inflicts a Critical When they make an attack in the same turn they do not
Injury with an unarmed attack, they may suffer 3 strain to increase the difficult of the attack due to the Auto-Fire quality.
change the result to any Hard (kk k Critical Injury result.
kk k)
Combat checks to activate this talent cannot be made with
any weapons. Rapid Fire
Tier: 4
Prepare to be Boarded! Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: No
Activation: Active (Action)
Before making a Ranged (Light) combat check using a weapon
Ranked: No

Star wars
that does not have the Limited Ammo item quality, as an inci- sarlacc sweep action, your character must always target the
dental, your character may add the Auto-Fire item quality to opponent with the highest difficulty and highest defense (if
the attack. After resolving the attack, the weapon runs out of two targets have the same difficulty and defense, the GM
Ammo. chooses which target is the initial target).

Ravage Scathing Tirade (Supreme)

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: Yes Force: No
Once per encounter, your character may suffer 3 strain to add Your character may voluntarily suffer one strain to perform
l up to their current Force rating to a combat check targeting Scathing Tirade as a maneuver instead of an action.
an engaged opponent. Your character may spend Z/z to add
s or a to the results of the check. If the rules for Morality
are in use, a character who has purchased this talent gains 1 Scrap 'Em!
Conflict at the beginning of each game session. Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Reflect (Improved) Ranked: No
Force: No
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) After making a successful combat check, your character may
Ranked: No suffer 2 strain to perform the Scrap ‘Em! Incidental. Your char-
acter selects a number of allies no greater than their ranks in
Force: Yes Leadership. Those allies add a to their
When your character suffers a hit from a Ranged (Light),
Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery combat check and uses the combat checks against your character's target until the
Reflect incidental to reduce the damage from that hit, after start of your character's next turn.
the attack is resolved, your character may spend d or hhh
to automatically hit one target within medium range, dealing Secrets of the Jedi (Improved)
the same damage as the hit from the initial ranged attack. The
initial ranged attack's hit must be one that can be reflected Tier: 4
and redirected (generally only blaster weapons or other Activation: Passive
energy attacks fall into this category; anything else is subject Ranked: No
to GM oversight). This talent may not be used if the original Force: No
attack incapacitates your character.
Discipline becomes a career skill. Secrets of the Jedi can also
be used when installing mods to lightsabers.
Saber Throw
Tier: 4 Sense Advantage
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Force: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Your character may take the Saber Throw action, making a Force: Yes
Lightsaber combat check as a ranged attack at one target
within medium range, adding l no greater than their Force Once per game session, your character may add jj to the
rating to the check. Your character must spend z/Z and skill check of one NPC within extreme range.
succeed on the check to hit their target, they may spend z/Z
to have their weapon return to their hand after resolving the
Side By Side
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Sarlacc Sweep
Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Action)
While your character is wielding a lightsaber, add h to all
Ranked: No combat checks that target your character or those allies. (If
Force: Yes multiple allied characters in the engagement possess this
Your character may take the Sarlacc Sweep action, making talent, the effects are
a Lightsaber combat check with +1 difficulty against one
engaged target. Your character may spend aa generated cumulative.)
by this combat check to hit one additional target they are
engaged with. they may do this once per engaged target,
paying aa for each additional hit. When performing a

Star wars
Sixth Sense target of the action suffers one strain instead of four.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Strategic Form
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Force: No Activation: Active (Action)
Your character gains +1 ranged defense. Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Sleight of Mind While wielding a Lightsaber weapon, your character may take
the Strategic Form action, making a Hard (kk kkk k ) Lightsaber
Tier: 4 (Intellect) check and rolling l no greater than Force rating as
Activation: Passive part of the check. For each s, one target within short range of
Ranked: No your character may only make combat checks if those combat
Force: Yes checks target your character until the end of the following
Your character adds j per rank of Sleight of Mind to their round. Your character may spend Y to cause Strategic Form
Stealth checks unless the being attempting to detect your to affect a target for one additional round. The effects of Stra-
character is immune to Force Powers. tegic Form end if your character is incapacitated.

Slippery Minded Superhuman Reflexes

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: Yes Force: Yes

On any turn in which your character is under the effects of a Once per session, when your character generates d on a
Force power, as an action they may use this talent (this action Piloting (Planetary) or Piloting (Space) check, they may cancel
may be specifically performed even if the Force power would the d and add s equal to their ranks in Cool to the results.
normally bar him from performing actions). They make a
Hard (kk k Deception check. If they succeed, they are no
kk k) Superior Reflexes
longer under the effects of the Force power.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Soft Spot Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character gains +1 melee defense.
Ranked: No
Force: No
Survival of the Fittest
After making a successful attack with a non- starship/vehicle
weapon, your character may spend one Destiny Point to add Tier: 4
damage equal to their Cunning to one hit of the successful Activation: Active (Incidental)
attack. Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Spur (Supreme) Once per session, when making a single check, your character
may treat their force rating as being equal to their ranks in
Tier: 4 survival.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Targeted Blow
The beast your character is riding suffers 1 strain to maintain Tier: 4
Spur's effects instead of the normal 2. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Stim Application (Improved) Force: No
On a successful attack during combat with a non-starship/
Tier: 4 vehicle weapon, your character may spend one Destiny
Activation: Active (Incidental) Point to add damage equal to their Agility to one hit of the
Ranked: No successful attack.
Force: No
As an incidental, when performing the Stim Application Temple Training
action, your character may increase the difficulty of the Medi-
cine check to Hard (kk k as an incidental. If they do so, the
kk k) Tier: 4

Star wars
Activation: Active (Incidental) remainder of the encounter all allies within short range
Ranked: No increase their ranks in Discipline by an amount equal to your
Force: Yes character's ranks in Trust the Captain.

Before making a Lightsaber skill check, your character may

spend one Destiny Point to add damage to the attack equal Walk the Walk
to their ranks in Knowledge (Lore).
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Terrify Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Force: No
Activation: Active (Action) Your character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage
Ranked: No equal to their ranks in Streetwise to one hit of a successful
Force: Yes Brawl check.

Your character may take a Terrify action, making a Hard

kkk) Coercion check and rolling l no greater than Force Will of the Force
rating as part of the check. If successful, one target per s
Tier: 4
within medium range of your character is disoriented until
the end of the next round. Your character may spend aa to
Activation: Active (Incidental)
increase the duration of disorientation for all affected targets Ranked: No
by one round, and may spend Y to immobilize an affected Force: Yes
target until the end of the next round. A character who has Once per round after failing a skill check, your character may
purchased this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict at the convert one dark side Destiny Point to a light side Destiny
beginning of a game session. Point.

Thorough Assessment Wise Warrior

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Force: No Force: No
Once per session, as an action, your character may make a Once per round when making a combat check, your character
Hard (kkk
kkk) Knowledge check (the GM and player should may perform a Wise Warrior incidental to spend 1 Destiny
determine which Knowledge skill is most applicable in the Point and use any characteristic for the check.
given situation). If they succeed, your character may add j
to once check that another character who could reasonably
benefit from this information makes before the end of the
encounter. For every s beyond the first, they may add j to Tier 5
one additional check this way. They cannot allocate more than
j to any single check in this way. At the end of the encounter,
any unused j are lost. Against All Odds
Tier: 5
To the Death! Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Once per session, if your character is incapacitated due to
Force: No exceeding their wound threshold, as an action they may use
this talent (this action may be performed even though charac-
Once per session, your character may take the To the Death! ters are normally barred from performing actions when inca-
Maneuver, suffering strain no greater than their Willpower pacitated). Your character makes a Hard (kk k Resilience
kk k)
rating. For each strain suffered this way, add +10 to Critical check, rolling a number of l equal to their Force rating as
Injury rolls your character inflicts and suffers until the end of part of the check. If successful, your character heals wounds
the encounter. equal to s. Your character may spend force points Y to add
s to the result.
Trust the Captain
Tier: 4 Armor Master (Improved)
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Force: No Ranked: No
Your character may take the Trust the Captain by making Force: No
a Hard (kkk
kkk) Leadership check. If successful, for the When wearing armor with a soak value of two or higher, your

Star wars
character increases their defense by one. Force: No
Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the
Armor Master (Supreme) player's choice by one point. This cannot bring a character-
istic above six.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Diplomatic Immunity
Force: No Tier: 5
Once per round, when your character suffers a Critical Injury, Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
they may suffer 3 strain to take the Armor Master incidental. Ranked: No
If they do, they reduce the Critical Injury result that they suffer Force: No
by 10 per point of their soak, to a minimum of 1.
Once per encounter, as an incidental your character may
spend one Destiny Point, and adversaries cannot choose your
Body Guard (Supreme) character as the target of a combat check until after the end
of your character's next turn. This effect ends if your char-
Tier: 5 acter makes a combat check.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No Don't Shoot!
When your character uses the Body Guard maneuver, they Tier: 5
may protect a number of engaged characters up to their ranks Activation: Active (Action)
in Resilience instead of just one. Ranked: No
Force: No
Bring It Down Once per session, your character can take the Don't Shoot!
Action to make a Hard (kk k Charm check. If they succeed,
kk k)
Tier: 5 they cannot be the target of a combat check until the end of
Activation: Active (Incidental) the encounter or until they make a combat check. This player
Ranked: No must explain how they talk their way out of being associated
Force: No with their party's combatants, and the GM has final say on
whether their ruse succeeds.
Your character may spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage to a
single hit equal to their target's Brawn value. This ability may
only be activated once per attack. Double or Nothing (Supreme)
Tier: 5
Corellian Sendoff (Improved) Activation: Passive
Tier: 5 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Force: No
Ranked: No When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, your
Force: No character also doubles the number of t and d.
When your character performs a Corellian Sendoff action, the
targets suffer a major collision instead of a minor one. Force Rating
Tier: 5
Deadly Accuracy Activation: Passive
Tier: 5 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive Force: Yes
Ranked: Yes Your character increases Force rating by one.
Force: No
Each time your character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, Forewarning
they must choose one combat skill. Your character may add
their basic training ranks in that combat skill as additional Tier: 5
damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill Activation: Active (Action)
with non-starship/vehicle weapons. They cannot choose the Ranked: No
same combat skill twice. Force: Yes
Your character may take the Forewarning action. All allies
Dedication within medium range increase their melee and ranged defense
by a number equal to the characters Force rating until they
Tier: 5 take their first turn during an encounter. If they have already
Activation: Passive taken their first turn. Forewarning has no effect.
Ranked: Yes

Star wars
Full Throttle (Supreme) and type of upgrades that the target possesses.

Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Now You See Me
Ranked: No Tier: 5
Force: No Activation: Active (Action)
When your character successfully performs Full Throttle, the Ranked: No
ship's top speed increases by two for a number of rounds Force: Yes
equal to their Cunning, instead of one.
Once per session, your character may take the Now you
see me action, making a Hard (kk k Deception check. If
kk k)
Heroic Resilience successful, a number of NPCs equal to their cunning within
medium range forget any interactions they had with your char-
Tier: 5 acter during the last thirty minutes. At the GM's discretion,
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) multiple h or d may give the NPCs in question unpleasant
Ranked: No side effects, such as confusion, nightmares, or a persistent
Force: No and maddening suspicion that they've forgotten something
Immediately after being hit by a successful combat check but
before damage is calculated, your character may spend one
Destiny Point to increase their soak by a number equal to Overcharge (Improved)
their ranks in Resilience.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Ichor Blade (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 5 Force: No
Activation: Passive Once per round when using the Overcharge action, your char-
Ranked: No acter may spend aa or t from the Mechanics check to
Force: No immediately take one additional action.
The weapon affected by your character's Ichor Blade talent
also gains the Sunder and Defensive 1 item qualities, and Overcharge (Supreme)
increases its damage by 2.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Mind Bleed Ranked: No
Tier: 5 Force: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) When performing the Overcharge action, your character may
Ranked: No choose any number of cybernetic implants to attempt to
Force: Yes overcharge instead of just one. If they do, upgrade the diffi-
culty of the Mechanics check once for each additional cyber-
If your character is carrying items that total 2 encumbrance
netic beyond the first. The GM may spend d from the check
or less (after factoring in reductions such as for armor being
to have any one overcharged cybernetic short out at the end
worn) and after a combat check targeting your character has
of the encounter; each cybernetic that shorts out provides no
been resolved, as an incidental your character may suffer a
benefit until your character spends several hours making an
number of strain equal to the number of wounds suffered
Average (kkkk) Mechanics check to repair it.
from the attack. If your character does so, the attacker suffers
a number of wounds equal to the strain suffered. A character
who has purchased this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict Overwhelming Aura (Improved)
at the beginning of a game session.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Now the Master Ranked: No
Tier: 5 Force: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) While Overwhelming Aura is active, characters affected by this
Ranked: No characters Overwhelming Aura talent add automatic f to fear
Force: No checks your character causes and automatic s to fear checks
not caused by your character. A character who has purchased
Once per session, your character may choose any one char-
this talent automatically gains 1 Conflict at the beginning of
acter in the current encounter and one talent or Force power
a game session.
that the target character possesses. For the remainder of the
encounter, your character counts as having that talent or
Force power. If your character selects a ranked talent, they Pride and Joy (Supreme)
count as having ranks in that talent equal to the number of
ranks in that talent that the target possesses. If your character Tier: 5
selects a Force power, they count as having the same number Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No

Star wars
Force: No (instead of a).
While inside their Pride and Joy vessel, once per session
your character may reduce this vessel's silhouette by two Stim Application (Supreme)
(to a minimum of 0) for the remainder of the round and Tier: 5
the following round. This lowered silhouette is used only for
Activation: Passive
purposes of combat and movement; it does not physically
reduce the size of the vessel.
Ranked: No
Force: No
When performing the Stim Application action, each t may be
Reflect (Supreme) spent to increase an additional characteristic by one.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Terrify (Improved)
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
If your character did not make a combat check during their
previous turn, they suffer 1 strain when taking the Reflect Inci-
Ranked: No
dental, instead of 3. Force: Yes
The difficulty of the Terrify action decreases to Average (kk
In addition, your character may spend t generated on
Saber Swarm the check to stagger an affected target until the end of the
Tier: 5 next round.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No The Force Is My Ally
Force: Yes
Tier: 5
Your character may take the Saber Swarm maneuver, suffering
Activation: Active (Incidental)
1 strain. their next Lightsaber (Agility) combat check this turn
gains the Linked item quality, with ranks equal to Force Rating.
Ranked: No
Force: Yes
Once per session, your character may suffer 2 strain to
Saber Throw (Improved) perform a Force power action as a maneuver.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive There Is No Try
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
When performing the Saber Throw action, your character can
choose a target within long range. If your character does so,
Ranked: No
they must spend YY to have the weapon return to their Force: Yes
hand. Once per session before an ally rolls the dice for a check,
your character may spend a Destiny Point to allow the ally to
automatically succeed at the check with one s and no other
Sapith Sundering results.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Wise Warrior (Improved)
Ranked: No
Force: Yes Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When making a Brawl combat check, your character may
include l up to your character's Force rating. The Brawl
Ranked: No
attack gains the Sunder quality, and your character may Force: No
spend Y generated on the check as a to activate the Sunder When your character performs the Wise Warrior incidental,
quality. one ally at short range may use the same characteristic used
in the Wise Warrior incidental for the next combat check the
ally makes before the end of your character's next turn.
Scrap 'Em! (Improved)
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Force: No
When your character takes the Scrap ‘em! Incidental, they
affect a number of allies no greater than twice their ranks in
Leadership, and affected allies add aa to combat checks

Star wars

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