Stargate Setting For Genesys RPG Character Creation: EW Pecies

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Stargate Setting for Genesys RPG

Character Creation
• Freedom: Characters add b b to any check when they make
HUMAN an opposed social skill check with this character.
There's a good chance you are one! But your character • Tretonin: If your character is at least a teenager, they would
isn't limited to just the planet Earth - there's planets all have to rely on tretonin to supplement their immune system
after the removal of their Goa'uld symbiote. The tretonin is
over the galaxy where humans can be found, thanks to the
distributed through a transdermal patch worn on the skin that
Goa'uld spreading them around to work as slaves and
needs to be replaced every month. If the drug is not
worship them as gods. administered, the character suffers one wound per day since
the tretonin was last taken.
2 2 2 2 2 2 • Blended: Due to Naquadah in the symbiote's blood stream,
he may use technology with the trait NBS.

• Starting Wound Threshhold: 10 + Brawn TOK'RA

• Starting Strain Threshhold: 10 + Willpower
One of the first allies of the Tau'ri, Tok'ra are a genetic
• Starting Experience: 110
• Starting Skills: This species starts with one rank in each of
offshoot of the Goa'uld; a symbiote that requires a host to
two different non-career skills at character creation. They live, but in the Tok'ra's case they insist on a symbiotic
obtain this rank before spending experience points, and these relationship with the host where both the host and
skills may not be increased higher then rank 2 during symbiote live as equals.
character creation.
• Ready for Anything: Once per session as an out-of-turn
The Tok'ra are the sworn enemies of the Goau'ld,
incidental, you may move one Story Point from the Game preferring to use subterfuge and infiltration to achieve
Master's pool to the players' pool. their means over an outright war due to their small
Jaffa, once slaves to the Goa'uld System Lords, are now 2 2 3 3 2 3
free. With the help of the Tok'ra and the Tau'ri, Jaffa alive
during their race's oppression no longer rely on a symbiote
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
- instead the use a drug called tretonin to supplement their
• Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
immune system. Jaffa who were never implanted with a • Starting Experience: 50
symbiote don't have to rely on the drug. • Quick Healing: Whenever a Tok'ra would recover one or
more wounds from natural rest, they recover one additional
2 2 2 2 2 2 wound.
• Blended: Due to Naquadah in the symbiote's blood stream,
he may use technology with the trait NBS.
• Starting Wound Threshhold: 12 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshhold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100
• Starting Skills: This species starts with one rank in Ranged
(Heavy) during character creation. They obtain this rank
before spending experience points, and may not increase this
skill above rank 2 during character creation.
It is assumed that all player character's are members of
Stargate Command for this game, and the SGC only SCIENTIST
accepts the best of the best. While many of these careers The Scientist counts the following skills as career skills:
also assume being a member of a nation's military, there Computers, Knowledge (Advanced Tech),
are many opportunities for civilians too - mainly as Knowledge (Alien Tech), Knowledge (Physics),
subject matter experts. Only a select, brave few of these Resilience, Discipline, Medicine, and Vigilance.
civilians are offered the chance to go offworld as part of Before spending experience during character creation, a
an SG team. Squad Leader may choose four of their career skills and
gain one rank in each of them.
The Ambassador counts the following skills as career SOLDIER
skills: Charm, Coercion, Cool, Deception, The Soldier counts the following skills as career skills:
Leadership, Negotiation, Discipline, and Athletics, Coercion, Gunnery, Melee, Perception,
Vigilance. Before spending experience during character Ranged (Heavy), Survival, and Vigilance. Before
creation, a Squad Leader may choose four of their career spending experience during character creation, a Soldier
skills and gain one rank in each of them. may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in
each of them.
The Engineer counts the following skills as career skills: SPECIALIST
Cool, Computers, Gunnery, Knowledge The Specialist counts the following skills as career skills:
(Advanced Tech), Mechanics, Operating, Athletics, Charm, Computers, Coercion, Driving,
Ranged (Light) and Skulduggery. Before spending Mechanics, Perception, and Ranged (Heavy).
experience during character creation, a Squad Leader may Before spending experience during character creation, a
choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each Specialist may choose four of their career skills and gain
of them. one rank in each of them.

The Pilot counts the following skills as career skills: The Spy counts the following skills as career skills:
Cool, Driving, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Coordination, Perception, Skulduggery,
Piloting, Ranged (Light), and Vigilance. Before Streetwise, Vigilance, Ranged (Light), Stealth,
spending experience during character creation, a Squad and Deception. Before spending experience during
Leader may choose four of their career skills and gain one character creation, a Squad Leader may choose four of
rank in each of them. their career skills and gain one rank in each of them.


The Scholar counts the following skills as career skills: The Squad Leader counts the following skills as career
Charm, Knowledge (History), Languages, skills: Athletics, Cool, Charm, Discipline,
Perception, Charm, Negotiation, Streetwise, and Leadership, Negotiation, Perception, and Ranged
Survival. Before spending experience during character (Heavy). Before spending experience during character
creation, a Squad Leader may choose four of their career creation, a Squad Leader may choose four of their career
skills and gain one rank in each of them. skills and gain one rank in each of them.
• Knowledge (Advanced Technology): Covers
technologies such as hyperdrives, beaming technology, the
Stargate, and any technology developed due to the Stargate
• Knowledge (Alien Tech): Covers technologies that belong
to alien species, like the Asgard, the Ancients, the Goa'uld,
and other advanced species.
• Knowledge (History): Covers the knowledge of ancient
cultures and artefacts of Earth's history and how it might
relate to seeded cultures.
• Knowledge (Physics): Covers the knowledge of physics
that governs wormhole travel using a Stargate. It can be used
to develop scientific solutions to mission problems
• Languages: Covers the knowledge of both modern and
ancient languages and is used when both translating and
researching new languages.

Linguist: Once per session, re-roll any Language Skill
ATA Gene: A character with the ATA Gene is able to,
with practice, initialise and use any technology built by
the Ancients with either the ATO or ATI gear qualities.
This can be taken at character creation (meaning your
character had the ATA Gene naturally or by successful
gene therapy) or taken later. If taken after character
creation, your character must make an Average (d ddd)
Willpower check. If this roll succeeds, the character has
the recessive gene and the therapy is successful.
Otherwise, the character does not have the recessive gene.
9mm Pistol 5 4 Short 1

.44 Heavy Revolver 6 3 Medium 1 Limited Ammo 6

Sub-Machine Gun (MP5, Ranged

5 3 Medium 2 Auto-fire
P90) (Light)

Assault Rifle (M16, AK-47) 8 3 Long 4 Auto-fire

Sniper Rifle (M24, Ranged

9 2 Extreme 4 Accurate 2, Limited Ammo 4, Pierce 2
Dragunov) (Heavy)

Shotgun 8 3 Short 3 Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2

M203 Grenade Launcher 8 4 Medium 6 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 6

M60E4 Light Machine Gun Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1

FIM-92 Stinger Rocket Blast 10, Breach 2, Cumbersome 3, Guided 3, Limited Ammo
Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 8
Launcher 1, Prepare 1

699 10 2 Medium 4 Burn 1

Staff Weapon 8 2 Medium 5 Cumbersome 2, Inaccurate, Pierce 2, Vicious 2

Zat'nik'tel 5 6 Medium 1 Stun 3, Stun Damage, Pierce 5, Vicious 5

Wraith Stunner Rifle 7 - Medium 4 Stun 7

Frag Grenade 10 4 Short - Blast 8, Limited Ammo 1

Flashbang 10 5 Short - Blast 8, Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage
NAME SKILL DMG CRIT RANGE SPECIAL • Anti-Radiation Suit - Protects the user from high
radiation environments.
Combat • Binoculars - Allows the user to search at a distance.
Melee +1 3 Engaged
• Camera - A good quality camera capable of still and video
Sword Melee +2 2 Engaged Defensive 1 images. Images are stored digitally.
• Climbing Gear - A coil of nylon rope, with pitons and
Cumbersome ascenders. Grants a boost dice on climbing.
Staff Weapon Melee +2 4 Engaged
• Communications - All team members are equipped with a
secure Bluetooth earpiece & radio to allow encrypted
PRIMITIVE WEAPONS communications.
• Dry Suit - Used in diving to keep the swimmer warm and
• Face Paint - Camo sticks used to break up the silhouette
Bow 3 2 Long when attempting to stealth and grants a boost dice.
• Gas Mask - Allows characters to breath normally in areas
Ranged with a dangerous atmosphere.
Crossbow 5 2 Long Pierce 2
(Heavy) • Goggles (IR, UV, Night Vision, flash) - Specialist goggles
which have one of four filters, allowing the character to see
ARMOR in darkness normally, or avoid blinding from flash grenades.
• Hand Cuffs - Allows the character to manage prisoners.
NAME DEFENSE SOAK ENCUM Breaking out requires a Hard Brawn, Athletics or
Combat Vest 1 1 3
• Light Amplification Binoculars - Allows the user to
Riot Armor 2 1 4 search at a distance but since it also includes UV or IR
filters the binoculars grant a boost dice.
Light Battle Armor 0 2 3 • Medical Kit - This kit is a fully equipped kit which allows
Heavy Battle Armor (Jaffa the user to perform complicated medical procedures and
1 2 6 grants a boost dice.
• Memory Recall Device - This device is attached to
Ghille Suit 1 0 1 people's heads to allow for the recollection of lost memories.
These devices are rare, so not readily available and may not
be selected as general gear.
• Tretonin - A drug synthesized in order to replace the
symbiote in the Jaffa. Each dose lasts one month, but one
wound is suffered for each day after the dose runs out.

5 3 -1 5 2

50 50

3 5 2 2 1

10 10
Control Skill: Pilot
Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-pilot
Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: 24 hours
Encumbrance Capacity:
• Nose-Mounted Railguns (Fire Arc Forward; Damage 2;
Critical 5; Range [Medium]; Auto-fire)
• Long Range air-to-air missles (Fire Arc Forward; Damage:
5; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Guided 3; Limited Ammo 4;)

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