Totara 5 Workplace Disruptors That Can Kill You or Make You Stronger

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5 Workplace

that can kill you...
Or make you stronger
With 15 solutions to help
your organization thrive.
A global pandemic. The Great Resignation. Employee
burnout. Quiet quitting. Skill gaps. Emerging market trends.
Rapid technology advancement. No matter how quickly
5 workplace we thought the workplace was changing, the pace of

disruptors that change in today’s work environment is unparalleled.

can kill you…

or make you The workforce landscape has changed, and
many would argue for the better. “Two out
stock of what really matters and decided
that work/life balance was no longer a “nice

stronger of 3 candidates who currently work in a

hybrid or remote work model place high
to have” but rather a “need to have.”

The global pandemic set rapid change in

importance on finding a hybrid model
motion, and as we emerge from it, there
By Lars Hyland in their job search.” There has been an
are, without a doubt, lessons to be learned
increasing shift away from the traditional
about how to thrive amid disruption.
9-5 office job towards distributed workforces
and working from home. Employees took

IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT REMOTE WORKING. That’s an intimidating list of
THERE ARE OTHER KEY WORKPLACE disruptors for any organization
DISRUPTORS TO CONSIDER. to navigate, but with the right
skills and tools in place, each
• We’re all grappling with challenge is surmountable. This
complex, ever-evolving ebook explores the five biggest
technology ecosystems workplace disruptors that
to stay connected and organizations are facing today
collaborative. and the practical strategies to

• Many organizations are handle each one.

struggling for ways to
support blended workforces,
comprising full-time, part- We’ve seen two years
time, freelance and casual
worth of digital
transformation in
• There’s the rapid change two months.
in general that we’re all Satya Nadella,

navigating, and the need to do CEO, Microsoft

that quickly and efficiently.

Cutting through the noise of new technology 5

Turning the ship in times of rapid change 12

Working from home is no longer a perk 20

Refining your talent mix with a blended workforce 30

Reskilling your people to stay relevant 39

The exceptional impact of addresing the five workplace disruptors 49

About the author 52

About Totara 53

Contact info 54
through the
noise of new
Workplace disruptor #1

The new world of work brings with it a whole host of new systems
and technologies. Your learning and HR technology plays an
The amount of technology essential role in your organization’s ecosystem. Unfortunately, it is
too often the case you’re left grappling with systems that don’t talk
we use each day is growing to each other, that don’t integrate and that don’t fullfil their intended
and changing rapidly. Gartner purpose. As organizational structures become increasingly complex,
your people increasingly work from home and entire workforces
forecasted that IT spending on undergo extensive reskilling, it’s crucial that you get it right.

technology would increase Furthermore, your people are now completely dependent on

by 5.1% by the end of 2022, technology, both in and outside of work. They are now glued
to screens, and in the absence of in-person conversations,
which translates to over this will only grow. It’s an increasingly challenging job to
equip your people with the tools and systems they need to
4.5 trillion dollars. Our succeed, develop and perform to the best of their abilities.
dependence on technology
continues to increase, and THE TECHNOLOGY
sifting through the mountains Switching from “water cooler chat” and boardroom meetings to buffering

of options for your business is connections, accidental interruptions and the constant ping of instant
messages is a giant culture change for most of us.
challenging. What technology Too often, your people are grappling with a discordant mixture of

will your organization need multiple systems, set up in a panic to plug the communication
gap. Digital noise is now rife, and it’s not always clear which channels

to thrive in the future? are right for which communication, leaving people tethered to half
a dozen different channels to ensure they don’t miss anything.

Solution #1 When you’re relying on your people to work and communicate in their own
Perform a environments, their circumstances will vary wildly. Many organizations
have adopted the home-based equivalent of a Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) strategy, whereby employees are using their personal equipment
audit for work, and it is difficult to ensure the consistency of internet connections
when everyone lives in different places.

This requires you to perform a technology audit, What would make work easier for people?
and sooner rather than later. Work with your IT For instance, second monitors can boost
department to find out what people are actually productivity by 9-50% depending on the
using, their bandwidth and what they need. task - a worthwhile investment for many
organizations, as well as paying to upgrade
Take a look at your HR systems and learning
employees’ home internet connections.
technology - are people using them,
and if so, how are they using them?

If systems aren’t being used, now isn’t the

time to push technology that just isn’t working.
Instead, be ready to adapt and meet your
people on the systems they’re actually using,
and look for gaps in your technology.

Solution #2 If you’re already happy with your existing directly from your learning platform, making

Prioritize integrated, technology, ensure that any additional systems

you add will “play nicely” with whatever
the learning experience seamless without
the need to navigate multiple systems.
open technology you already have in place. Opting for open
Integrated suites deliver a better user
technology ensures that your disparate
experience, which can lead to significant
systems can be transformed into a single,
The more tools you add to your time savings, and benefit from much
cohesive ecosystem, with APIs, plugins
technology ecosystem, the more shorter learning curves. When compared
and extensions put in place to bridge the
with point solutions, integrated technology
complicated it becomes to keep gap between your technology platforms.
suites boast fewer technical issues, stronger
track of everything. That’s why For instance, if you currently use Microsoft vendor partners (who will have a valuable
prioritizing open systems that Teams, you may be looking for a way to bring insight into more aspects of your ecosystem,
integrate with the rest of your collaborative learning into the flow of work. including interactions between systems)
Perhaps you already have an LMS, but you and more cohesive support and service.
ecosystem is key.
want a way to encourage continuous learning
When procuring learning and HR technology,
on a day-to-day basis. In that case, opting
prioritize openness, flexibility and the ability
for Totara Engage, the learning experience
to integrate for the best possible outcomes.
platform (LXP) with a built-in Microsoft
Teams integration means that workers
can recommend learning and resources

Solution #3

Invest in your
For most commonly used systems Tap into the expertise of your
It’s easy to assume that all of your people (such as Microsoft Office and the people by collaborating with them
can competently use all your systems, but in Google app suite) there are plenty to share templates, workflows and
reality, lots of your workers will be muddling of low-cost, third-party training guidelines to facilitate clear, open
options available - some of which communication. These resources
by, sticking to the functionality they know
you can access for free via the can live on your learning platform
and not making the most of the technology vendor. For more specialist use as a constantly evolving corporate
available to them. And even for your system cases, you may wish to create your knowledge bank. Your internal
experts, it can still be useful to set out some own systems training, whether that’s subject matter experts (SMEs)
guidelines to ensure consistency across e-learning, a simulation, video and “super users” can help upskill
walkthroughs or user tours. everyone else by mastering that
your organization.
tricky spreadsheet function or
revealing that handy hidden setting
in your email program, and they can
act as moderators or coaches to
ensure that everyone is making the
most of your technology.

The impact
of technology
85% 86%
of organizations expect technological of people state that they
Cutting through the digital transformation to continue as a prefer meetings that
noise by harnessing primary business disruptor embrace technology
technology Mercer Corporate Vision

58 53%
Employees save 58 minutes per day of meetings currently involve
while increasing productivity by 34% attendees who join remotely
when they use their own devices Barco Clickshare

637 billion 43%

Through 2024, organizations will of remote meeting attendees
be forced to bring forward digital feel frustrated or disengaged
business transformation plans by Barco Clickshare

at least five years


The impact
of technology

By 2027, more than 50%

of organizations will use 11 There are typically
11 stakeholders involved 20%
industry cloud platforms in procurement decisions The average interaction worker
to accelerate their business for collaboration and spends nearly 20% of the work week
initiatives communication technology looking for internal information or
Gartner at enterprise organizations tracking down colleagues who can
Spiceworks help with specific tasks

20-25% A searchable
Better use of communication
and collaboration technologies of knowledge can reduce the time
of business leaders say that technological could raise the productivity of employees spend searching for
innovation offers the biggest business knowledge workers by 20-25% company information by up to 35%
opportunity in the next 12 months McKinsey McKinsey

The Telegraph

the ship
in times of
rapid change
Workplace disruptor #2

During times of rapid change, even the best-laid plans can often go
awry. When you don’t know what is around the corner economically,
socially or otherwise, those who thrive are those who have
responded quickly and adapted to change.

The wise adapt themselves
to circumstances, as water
molds itself to the pitcher.
For instance, restaurants who have quickly
switched to delivery, live music events
that moved online, theaters that showed
If a swimmer gets caught in a rip tide,
they must swim parallel to the shore to
escape. If they swim against the current,
Chinese proverb outdoor screenings represent our ability they will quickly become exhausted. The
to rapidly change and adapt to disruption. ability to move with change rather than
In contrast, the businesses that faltered swimming against the tide is essential
were those that failed to adapt, such as for today’s organizations, who will find
brick and mortar retail stores with no online that being equipped with the knowledge
presence. One person alone cannot drive and skills to embrace change will help
this culture shift. HR and senior management them weather the unpredictable storms
must be fully aligned to create a whole ahead and thrive long into the future.“
new culture of adaptability and flexibility.

Solution #1

Plan little Allow people to mix and match their own flexible
learning programs, with access to just-in-time
and often performance support that will maximize efficiency.

For instance, instead of insisting on specific in-person

THE VALUE OF A PLAN IS NOT training on a set day every six months, why not invest
IN THE PLANNING ITSELF, BUT the time in turning the content into microlearning
THE THINKING THAT GOES INTO IT. modules which can be taken at a time that suits
your workers? Smaller learning campaigns can then
be swapped in and out, mixed and matched and
updated separately to solve current problems as
and when they arise, rather than needing to overhaul
a meticulously planned training schedule.

Solution #2
Cut your
red tape
Virtually every organization will understand the pain of
navigating a web of red tape. Help your workers out by figuring
out which unnecessary hoops they have to jump through to
complete their training.

For instance, do learners need approval to open up your learning experience platform
participate in training? If so, switching to a to canvas responses and views from the
self-enrollment process helps cement a community, identify experts, refer to previous
more self-directed learning process, so discussions and find answers quickly. It
your people can manage their own time may take some creativity, but there are
and take ownership of their own learning almost certainly plenty of ways you can
and development. “cut out the middleman” and more easily
connect employees to the information
Embracing informal learning is another very
they need. This will free managers up to
successful way to reduce bureaucracy
focus on more important tasks, and gives
around training. Your people can simply
employees the autonomy they need to
develop their skills whenever it suits them.

Solution #3 A common pitfall of technology procurement is getting locked into an
Procure expensive, long-term contract. Maybe you were offered an attractive
discount for the first year, before costs skyrocketed for the remainder of the
term, or you were promised a leading-edge learning management system
wisely only to find that you needed to re-engineer all the company’s workflows to fit
the software because that’s how Vendor X prescribes you to do things.

what questions to ask when you’re SHOOT-OUT” BETWEEN VENDORS WORKS FOR YOU
creating your request for proposals
It’s highly unlikely that the features you need Do you need round-the-clock assistance, a local
(RFP). Prioritizing flexibility is key to
today will be the same as the features you need provider, hosting support or help with technical
ensuring your technology will still be
next year, so instead ensure the technology issues? Totara offers the freedom to customize
fit for purpose well into the future.
you choose is flexible enough to adapt to your and create the right solution for your company,
Here are five tips to help you make changing needs and the vendor is a partner you that can adapt and grow with you. As your
the right choice the next time it can trust. organization’s needs change, Totara can change
comes to procuring a new LMS, and scale with you.
LXP, or performance management
technology for your organization:

Procuring the right technology is difficult,
This comprises all the direct and indirect and it’s very easy to end up with buyer’s
costs of procuring a new system, including remorse. That’s why you can benefit
software licenses, hosting, data migration, hugely from speaking to others in your
training, maintenance, support and change position. The Totara Community is
management. The figure on the contract rarely home to thousands of HR and learning
reflects everything else that goes into making professionals around the world, so join
your solution work for you, so ensure you fully today and share your challenges with
understand what your new technology will cost your industry peers.
- including the exit costs. Don’t get trapped.


Instead of inviting dozens of vendors to submit

proposals, consider conducting your initial
research and then selecting up to three
vendors to undertake a paid assignment to
develop a full, shared understanding of how
they intend to meet your needs. While this is an
upfront investment, it saves money on the cost
of a long, drawn-out RFP process and it will help
you identify the standout vendor and hone in
on exactly what you’re looking for.

The impact
of rapid change 98%
of executives plan to redesign
Learning to adapt and thrive their organizations to make
in an unpredictable world them fit for tomorrow


of C-suite executives and 84%

of all managers and employees

82% say culture is critical to their

organization’s success
of business leaders don’t look
at their internal processes to

establish priorities before starting
a transformation initiative
of C-suite executives don’t know
where to start when developing their
transformation strategy Organizations with fewer than 100 employees are
Celonis 2.7 times more likely to report a successful digital
transformation than organizations with more than
50,000 employees

of business leaders say that navigating
change fatigue is the biggest frustration
in driving business transformation

91% Gagen MacDonald

of HR directors say that

candidates’ ability to deal 46%
with change is a major
recruitment goal
of CIOs report company 64%
culture as the biggest of the global workforce is barrier to change experiencing high anxiety over
Computer Weekly their personal job security

The impact
18 years of rapid
vs 90 years change
In the 1930s, S&P 500 companies

had an average lifespan of 90 years,

of organizations have
compared to just 18 years today
of executives believe a shared
adopted agile methods purpose contributes to successful
Freeform Dynamics
change and transformation

This ebook explores the five biggest workplace that
organizations are facing today, and how you can rise

to the challenge of increasing uncertainty that comes
with a fast-changing world.

from home
is no longer
a perk
Workplace disruptor #3

Until the pandemic, many organizations have been skeptical about
remote working. Managers don’t always trust their people to have
the self-discipline or motivation to be productive at home or away
from the workplace, so many have insisted on having people come
to the office every day.

Working from home is no longer a perk - it is working policies,” such as that introduced at law
essential for today’s businesses to support. firm Linklaters, are increasingly becoming the norm,
giving employees the freedom to choose when
Remote working is already a popular option in
and where they work around mutually agreed core
Europe, with 23% of Danes, 21% of Dutch workers and
18% of Swedes working from home at least several
times a month. But the US and UK have lagged Remote working has a significant impact
behind - before the pandemic forced millions of on employees. Gallup research has found that
workers to work from home, just 7% of Americans working remotely 60-80% of the time leads to the
regularly worked from home as recently as 2019. highest employee engagement, and they are the
most likely of all employees to strongly agree that
80% of US employees want to work from home at
their engagement needs, relating to development
least some of the time, and 37% of employees would
and work relationships, are being met.
change jobs for more remote working (with this
figure rising to 50% of millennial workers). “Agile

Benefits of 89%
working of workers believe that

from home working from home is

83% decreasing their expenditure

of empoyees feel they

75% do not need an office
to be productive
of workers say they

are more productive
working remotely due
to reduced distractions
of employers report
increased productivity for
65% remote workers compared
to in-office workers
of workers said they
would be more productive
in a home office than
a normal office It’s clear that working from home
really is working, and your people
are fully on board with continuing
to work remotely. Sounds good,
right? Well, not necessarily.

In a post-pandemic world, 63% of THE REMOTE
high-growth organizations have WORKING
enabled productivity anywhere DISRUPTOR
workforce models. The question
for learning and HR teams today According to a 2022 Gartner study, “more
is, how do we enable employees than half of organizations expect more than
50% of their workforce to be hybrid.” During
to be their best at work,
the pandemic, many organizations already
wherever they work?
gave up office-space completely in favor of shared work spaces - a trend that has not
abated post-pandemic.
While the answer to that question The hybrid work model has presented
is multifaceted, a key component challenges to HR teams tasked with
is that employees need a way to maintaining company culture. Providing
learn and grow in their careers employees with everything they need to work,
regardless of location. learn, and perform well at home has been
difficult. The organizations that have thrived
and held onto their employees amidst The
Great Resignation are those that found a
way to create connections in an increasingly
virtual world of work.

While the majority of us have some degree of experience with e-learning and
other forms of online learning, few organizations have a fully virtual learning and
development program. While you may have e-learning programs and some
resources uploaded to your learning management system (LMS), there is much
more to be done if you want to move your entire program online.

Solution #1

Moving from Firstly, your in-person formal learning will need The other key thing to consider, and the part
to be converted into online learning programs that is often overlooked, is your informal and
face-to-face and resources. Options include live webinars, collaborative learning. This is where a learning

training recorded video and audio resources. experience platform (LXP), such as Totara
Engage, comes in. Choosing an LXP that
to e-learning If you hold in-person workshops, think about
how you can maintain interactivity - for
integrates with your LMS means that workers

and virtual instance, can you host an online discussion,

can move seamlessly between formal and
informal learning, and can collaborate on
learning move the conversation onto a forum or add
“breakout rooms” into your remote classroom?
projects, curate “playlists” of content and discuss
ideas. Doing so supports continuous learning
Will you work with a partner to create your
and skills development in the normal day-to-
e-learning content, do it yourself with an
day flow of work and through informal means.
e-learning authoring tool or is it just a case
of uploading materials to your LMS?

Solution #2

Open up
Microsoft analyzed data collected over several months early YOURSELF QUESTIONS SUCH AS:
on in the pandemic. When working remotely, Microsoft saw a • Which communication tools would help
22% increase in meetings scheduled for 30 minutes, coupled your teams the most?
with an 11% decrease in hour-long meetings. This bucked • How do communication requirements
the trend for increasingly lengthy meetings, which were differ by and between teams?
notorious for draining productivity.
• What is the right mix between
synchronous communication (such as
instant messaging) and asynchronous
What this tells us is that people are adept at finding ways to stay in touch. Contrary communication (such as a forum)?
to the typical fear that workers won’t keep each other in the loop, we can see that
people are replacing their impromptu, in-person conversations with scheduled times • How will you replace the social side of
to talk and shorter meetings. And it’s clear that this needs to happen: with everyone work online?
working from home, we should overcommunicate rather than undercommunicate. • Would your people like a channel for
Talk less, but more often! socializing on your chat program, or
informal weekly remote get-togethers?

The Great Resignation signaled to organizations worldwide that employees needed
more from them. More of what? More mental health support, better work-life
balance, more career growth, better pay and benefits, and more opportunity.

Creating a culture of support and growth for check-ins, which can be managed through the
employees is no small task. It’s crucial that your performance management tools in Totara Perform.
Solution #3 provide managers with the right training and Simply asking “How are you feeling?” before diving

Prioritize performance management system when it comes straight into work discussions invites the employee
to spotting signs that employees may be struggling to open up about any challenges they’re facing,
well-being or growing restless in their role. It’s crucial that you and makes them feel like a valued member of the

in addition to provide your managers with the right training and team. If employees seem reluctant to discuss their
performance management system when it comes wellbeing with their managers, think about setting
performance to spotting signs that employees may be struggling. up an employee wellbeing program, or directing
Make sure managers set up regular times to talk them to useful support services and resources.
with their employees to give them the opportunity
to discuss their wellbeing. One way to do this is to
set aside time in weekly or monthly performance

SOME KEY SIGNS THAT While HR teams should ensure that managers

AN EMPLOYEE MAY BE receive training to help them manage remotely, the

number one thing managers can do to support their
employees is to create an open dialogue and invite
employees to share their concerns with them. While
A decrease in productivity
managers may want to monitor their employees,
Less interaction in meetings they shouldn’t let this tip over into surveillance or
micromanagement, which can quickly become
Irritation or anger
demoralizing and create a culture of distrust.
Constantly feeling tired

Being quiet or unresponsive

Less engagement in social conversations

Having trouble focusing

Missing deadlines or meetings
of employers are using technologies more
A decrease in work quality frequently to monitor their employees through
methods such as virtual clocking in and out,
Increased anxiety tracking work computer usage and monitoring
Asking for constant reassurance employee emails or internal communications/chat.
Negative language

Taking lots of time off

The impact 56%
of remote of Global Companies are Fully

workforces Remote or Hybrid Companies

Owl Labs
What success looks
like post-pandemic.

92% 35%
of workers believe of employees would
they’re well equipped change jobs for
to work from home
the opportunity to work
remotely full-time 173% 60-80%
Gallup Those who work
remotely 60-80% of
The number of employees the time are the most
working from home grew engaged at work
by 173% from 2005-2018 Gallup

(excluding the self-employed)

Global Workplace Analytics

The impact of
remote workforces
Employees working from
home half the time save

Flextime during core $11,000 11 the equivalent of 11

hours is now offered workdays a year

A typical employer can
Global Workplace Analytics
by 57% of organizations save $11,000 a year per
SHRM employee who works
remotely part-time
Global Workplace Analytics

-$4,000 54%
of organizations recognize
the high importance
Employees save between
of transforming the
69% $2,500-$4,000 a year by
working from home half
employee experience
through digital initiatives
of employers offer remote the time
work on an ad hoc basis Global Workplace Analytics

to at least some employees


Refining your
talent mix
with a blended
Workplace disruptor #4

Over one-third of US workers participate in the gig economy, through
either their primary or secondary roles, and more than 85% of these
gig workers intend to continue into the next five years. The UK’s gig
economy doubled in just three years, and regions such as California
and the EU have set out laws to improve the rights of workers operating
under “atypical contracts.”

Your workforce today may comprise a If executed well, you will celebrate
blend of full-time and part-time permanent the differences present in your workforce,
employees, contingent workers, freelancers, and these differences will provide a distinct
casual workers and more. When you’re advantage when it comes to productivity.
catering for so many audiences, it can be
If the gig economy continues to grow
hard to know where to start. That’s why
at its current rate, more than 50%
HR teams must find a way to address
of the US workforce will participate
everyone’s learning and performance
in it by 2027. This presents a huge
needs, while keeping both permanent,
opportunity for organizations to properly
in-house and “agile” talent engaged.
support their blended workforce -
and with it, the challenge of doing
so effectively and efficiently.

The blended

The dramatic shift towards freelancing, self-employment and “gig work” is

accelerating. One in six traditional job workers would like to become an
independent earner, suggesting that our workforces are set to include more
contract workers. With 32% of organizations saying that they are replacing
full-time employees with contingent workers, it appears as though this is a
desirable shift from both sides.
This presents a unique and exciting challenge for HR. While “traditional” learning
and performance initiatives may work for your permanent staff (though even this
can no longer be assumed), you are now dealing with
It’sworkers thatworking
clear that range from
from home really is
freelance copywriters, outsourced customer service working,
teams, self-employed delivery
and your people are fully on board
drivers and much, much more. with continuing to work remotely. Sounds
good, right? Well, not necessarily.
These workers will increasingly be involved at all levels of your organization,
requiring a varied approach to learning and engagement.

Solution #1 Your first action should be to extend your learning and HR technology
Extend to those outside your organization. An extended enterprise system will
enable you to create learning programs for each type of worker.
learning to
your extended
enterprise When you’re creating an extended
enterprise learning program, there
are three key considerations:


The license fees from many vendors How will those outside the organization access What content is relevant to each group?
make it cost prohibitive to truly extend your systems? Will you implement single sign- What is the best format with which to
your system reach to all stakeholders on? Can they use their personal email address? ensure knowledge and skills transfer?
in your extended enterprise. Are there any security concerns to consider? How will progress be tracked? How can you
Is your system accessible across devices? Is your make the best use of everyone’s time?
content localized or translated?

Solution #2

Personalize your
For instance, a freelance hairdresser may learning experience
not have access to a “work computer.”
Therefore, you should ensure that your Your first action should be to extend your learning and
extended enterprise LMS can be accessed
HR technology to those outside your organization. An
on a smartphone between appointments.
extended enterprise system will enable you to create
Alternatively, a self-employed courier may only learning programs for each type of worker.
work for you a few hours each week, and never
come into your actual work site. In that case, they
will need to access your system from their own However, expecting the same professionals have a duty to
device, using their own login credentials, and only training commitment from your ensure that the learning we
be required to complete essential learning. contingent workers is unrealistic. provide avoids having our workers
invest an unnecessary amount
Essentially, ignoring the workers outside your Senior learning strategist Lori
of time and energy. This is where
organization means you’re missing out on the full Niles-Hofmann refers to this as
personalized learning comes in.
potential of your entire workforce. An extended the “learner social contract,”
enterprise LMS is the ideal way to reach out to the whereby we as HR and learning
workers outside the traditional bounds of your
organization for improved productivity.

To find out more about designing and
delivering learning for contingent
workers, download The Learner Social
Contract ebook by Lori Niles-Hofmann
and Lars Hyland.and.

Think carefully about the individual needs of each of your worker audiences. A full-
time employee working 40 hours a week can spare more time for training than a
delivery driver who only works with your organization a couple of times a month.

While it’s important to invest in training all your workers, this shouldn’t be at the
expense of anyone’s free time. With Totara Learn, you can set up audiences to create
personalized learning programs according to each group of workers, and ensure that
each worker receives the most relevant training.

One way to ensure you’re not burdening your external workers with excessive training is
to minimize the number of mandatory learning activities you set for them. However, you
can also make additional training available so that the option to learn more is there if
they want it.

Totara customer Envigo reported that after they opened up their LMS to their entire
workforce, a janitor in the US got in touch to say that he was excited to access the
training for the first time ever to pursue his goal of becoming a supervisor.

Solution #3

Foster a supportive
team environment
for everyone
Typically, workers view the permanent, in-house workforce as “the team,” with
part-time workers and freelancers not considered part of this group. Very few
organizations currently challenge this train of thought, meaning that those in
the “out-group” feel less invested, motivated and supported.

However, as your workforce becomes Totara Engage is an ideal place to start. Giving Finally, make sure your contingent workforce is
increasingly blended, harnessing a sense of all workers, whether they’re inside or outside included in your company communications,
real community for everyone will be essential the organization, access to your learning such as internal newsletters, company updates
for the success of your organization. While experience platform (LXP) is a fantastic way and announcements. Bear in mind that workers
many (or most) of your employees are working to drive employee engagement and create in this group may be less available than your
outside the normal workplace, it’s even more a collaborative, inclusive company culture. permanent workforce, so ensure that any live
important to take these conversations online, communications are recorded or summarized
Even simple acts such as voting in a poll or
whether that’s meetings, training sessions, and made available as soon as possible to
commenting on a coworker’s post can help
virtual brainstorming or informal socializing. help keep everyone up to date.
foster a sense of community and build good
will. And of course, moving learning and
communication online also supports your
growing remote workforce.

The Impact of 25%
Blended Workforces of professionals would
prefer the flexibility
Uniting and engaging workers and independence of
in and outside your organization freelancing

85% 50%
of HR leaders admit to HR executives expect that 50% of
investing insignificant the corporate workforce will be
time in agile talent made up of people who are not
Toptal full-time, permanent employees
in the coming years

x3 41%
The freelance economy is of freelancers surveyed also have
growing three times faster than a permanent job alongside their
the overall US workforce freelance work
Wonolo Wonolo

The Impact of 63%
Blended Workforces of freelancers say that a portfolio
of clients is more reliable than a
Uniting and engaging workers
single employer
in and outside your organization

63% of millennials are freelancers - the

of people who freelance do so most of any generation
by choice rather than necessity Wonolo


Half of
all freelancers
undergo reskilling or update their skills
each year, compared with one-third of
permanent employees of workers work in a similar location
Edelman Intelligence as their colleagues 100% of the time

your people
to stay
Workplace disruptor #5
Many job roles are being phased out as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which harnesses digitalization and
increasingly complex, sophisticated technology, takes hold. Coupled with this, industries such as healthcare,
technology and manufacturing are facing rapidly expanding skills gaps, leaving them without the skilled
employees they need to grow. Whether it’s cashiers being replaced by computerized self-checkouts,
factory workers being replaced by advanced machinery or travel agents being replaced by the rise of
online bookings, it’s clear that technology is, and will continue to be, hugely disruptive in many industries.

While these challenges have existed for quite some This skills gap is rapidly becoming more of a skills
time, the major disruptors of recent years (e.g. chasm, and the consequences of failing to adapt
the global pandemic, The Great Resignation, new could be catastrophic for certain industries. What
hybrid work environments), accelerated the need will happen to all those cashiers, factory workers
for organizations and employees to adapt and and travel agents, and everyone else in a role at risk
develop new skills. For instance, the live entertainment of automation in the years to come?
industry and the hospitality and travel industry have
particularly felt the impact of a changing world, which
has raised two major issues: that workers are now
left out of work with skills that are no longer valued,
while the very same sectors are now experiencing a
massive shortage of workers with the new skills they
now need.


In 2020, the travel industry was hit particularly The technology and construction/manufactoring
hard when the tourism industry effectively industries are particularly struggling as a result
ceased for months on end. Unfortunately, of skills gaps, so now could be the prime time
many jobs were lost, not just in travel, but also to develop training programs for your future
hospitality, retail and academia. In stark contrast, workforce - both in and outside your organization.
the healthcare sector and delivery and logistics
Whereas previously, experience was king
firms created thousands of new roles, many of
in the workplace, today’s organizations
which they struggled to fill quickly.
must prioritize adaptability. This spans all
ages, skill sets and tenures, and it reflects an
The result is that millions of workers
ability to move with the organization’s needs,
worldwide were left without jobs. What this
rather than being resolutely stuck in your
requires is mass reskilling - and fast. As much
ways and unable - or unwilling - to reskill.
as this is a concern for governments globally,
this also presents a major opportunity for
organizations looking for specialist skills.
Savvy employers will use this as a way
to attract talent through comprehensive
reskilling programs, ensuring that the
people who are keen to get back to work
are trained in the most-needed skills.

Solution #3 As HR professionals, it’s our job to identify skills gaps before they affect
Implement performance and put jobs at risk. Put measures in place to guide employees
towards the right learning opportunities to gain the skills they need.
management HR must work with managers to discover any mismatch between the skills possessed and the skills needed
within their teams. This information is then mapped out with a competency framework, which you’ll find in a
performance management system such as Totara Perform.

This will help you join the dots between what you have right now and the skills you will need in the future,
and enable you to help people reskill into new, more needed roles.

Continuous performance management, comprising regular performance check-ins, means you can keep
a close eye on progress, and act as quickly as possible when you spot a skills gap emerging.

You can use this as an opportunity to forewarn workers, direct them towards learning and resources to
help them pivot to new skills development and monitor their progress. You can also discuss how this will
impact their job role and performance long term.

For instance, if a certain process or technology is
being phased out, they keep themselves relevant
and valuable to your organization by working on
the skills you’ll need instead.

Future-proofing your talent will benefit both your

organization and your people. Your organization
Learning Learning &
Design Design Digital
will stay one step ahead of the game, and your
people will stay productive with relevant skills.

Waiting until skills become obsolete before

you start the reskilling process means you will
always be lagging behind, so help your people
develop expertise in multiple areas.

T-shaped expertise represents broad experience

in multiple areas and deep mastery of one area,
while π-shaped expertise represents two areas
of mastery, M-shaped expertise represents three
areas of mastery and so on. Learning & & Data
Design Digital Analysis

Solution #2

Create an intentional
learning culture 1 SET SMALL,

The World Economic Forum This means adopting both a growth mindset, Tangible goals ensure that curiosity is used
with its openness to change and self- as an effective tool rather than a distraction.
recently declared a “reskilling
improvement, and cultivating curiosity, which In particular, adopting a “once-in-a-career”
emergency” with over a billion sparks inspiration and drives self-directed mindset will help you enjoy and learn from
people needing to reskill by 2030. learning throughout your entire career. every opportunity, as it might be the only
That’s why you should create an time you encounter it in your career.
McKinsey highlights five core skills of
“intentional learning culture”. intentional learners, which will ensure your
people develop an optimal mindset for skills
enrichment and improvement:

Intentional learners protect time for
learning. This often means deliberately
building time into their schedules,
minimizing distractions in the moment
and being flexible.


Ask, ask, ask for feedback! Prime others to Very often, practice means learning Reflection is a vital skill in intentional
tune into the behaviors and skills you’re through failure. Trying over and over learning. This should take place before,
working on so they can provide more again means you can constantly refine during and after a task. Beforehand, think
meaningful feedback, and don’t be afraid your approach. Just make sure that about what you want to achieve and
to ask for clarification or press further. You your practice still challenges you, rather why. During the task, you can correct
should also ensure that you accept feedback than being too simplistic or so difficult any mistakes and make adjustments.
openly and gracefully to ensure people feel that it becomes demotivating. Afterwards, think about what went well and
comfortable being honest with you. what you can improve next time, and what
the next challenge might look like.

With intentional learning mindsets,

your workforce will find themselves
better equipped to learn new skills
effectively, as more of a development
tool than a box-ticking exercise.

Solution #3

Let “good enough”

be good enough
Relying purely on formal learning will slow down the reskilling process. Move faster by
empowering your subject matter experts and “super users” to create their own content.

This could be as quick and simple as Don’t wait to create the “perfect” resource Facilitating rapid knowledge transfer is
checklists, videos of experts talking to - it doesn’t exist. If you send a subject crucial when it comes to reskilling your
camera or a screen capture showing them matter expert to a training course to learn a people, and once again, your learning
carrying out a complex process. When you’re new skill, it is better for them to share their experience platform (LXP) should play a key
used to slick learning programs comprising rough notes the day after than waiting for role in this process. In the right culture, it will
professionally built e-learning content, this two months for them to build a beautifully quickly become a knowledge bank of “good
can feel “scrappy” at first - but in reality, most branded e-learning module. enough” resources, and other people can
people care more about what they learn always jump in to have their say, clarify points
than how they learn it. or ask further questions.

The impact 14%
of reskilling 25% By 2030, around
of the global workforce will
of jobs in the US are “highly need to switch occupations
exposed” to automation as a result of digitization,
Reskill your workforce Brookings Institute
automation and AI
before it’s too late McKinsey

Just 17% of companies

significantly outperforming their
sector average manage to maintain
that performance advantage over
the following five years
Sloan Review

AI’s potential contribution

to the global economy
could reach $15.7 trillion
of all employees will require
by 2030
reskilling in the next three years
World Economic Forum

“HEAVY LEARNERS” are 39% The impact
more likely than “LIGHT LEARNERS”
to feel productive and successful of reskilling
at work
Josh Bersin
at least 50% of workers will
need to gain new skills to advance
their occupations, as compared to
only 6% before the pandemic of CEOs say that talent gaps are a “significant
impediment” to company
growth and performance

Just 10% of organizations


feel “very ready” to tackle

learning challenges

Learning is the top-rated 90%

challenge among 2019’s of organizations are
Global Human Capital Trends redesigning jobs
Deloitte Deloitte

The exponential
impact of BLENDED

addressing the Collaboration


five workplace
Performance Resilience

Robust Digital-first
Scalable Innovation
Integrated Automation

These five workplace disruptors are inextricably TECHNOLOGY
linked. Tackling each in isolation will have value,
but the more of these disruptors you can address
together, the bigger the impact you will make.

For instance, improving the remote work experience improves
communication with contract workers. Getting more adept at
dealing with change improves your ability to detect and fill skills
gaps at speed. Upgrading your technology ecosystem facilitates
the reskilling process and helps you support your remote workers. WORKFORCE

With the right technology underpinning your people strategy,

Collaboration TπM
you will have the resilience to stay productive and competitive Engagement Diversity
no matter what happens. Whether it’s obtaining a whole new REMOTE

skillset, adapting to unexpected and fast-changing business RESKILLING

circumstances, managing remotely or anything else, adaptable,

flexible technology, an agile mindset and the ability to support your Robust Digital-first
Scalable Innovation
entire blended workforce, whoever and wherever they are, is what Integrated Automation

you need to deliver the right talent experience and thrive.

Totara’s Talent Experience Platform unites learning, engagement Agile
and performance to help organizations like yours stay on top of CHANGE

these workplace disruptors, both now and long into the future.
This ensures you can adapt to business challenges virtually as
they happen, as well as keeping your workforce upskilled, engaged
and equipped with all the knowledge they need to drive success.

Technology is driving rapid change in all aspects
of our lives - and the impact of technology in the
workplace has never been greater. Remote working
has become standard for most organizations, requiring
an urgent need to find more flexible ways to carry
out your performance management processes.

On top of this, you are increasingly dealing with a blended

workforce, comprising employees, contractors and your
extended supply chain and sales channels, presenting a
whole new engagement challenge. Such unprecedented
change demands regular reskilling, helping you ensure that
your people can perform productively to constantly meet
new challenges.

While this may seem like a mammoth task, the good

news is that by combining learning, engagement and
performance in a single integrated platform, you have the
power to tackle all three challenges at once. With Totara’s
Talent Experience Platform, focusing on one workplace
challenge also has an impact on the others, helping you
raise learning, engagement and performance across the
board while minimizing additional costs, time and effort.

Lars Hyland is a longstanding thought leader
in the fields of HR and learning technology.
He leads the drive for adoption of Totara’s
open technology enterprise products working
in collaboration with a worldwide network
of expert partners. Lars has over 30 years’
experience working with a wide range of
organizations to build workplace learning
experiences that raise people performance,
productivity, and engagement.

Totara builds employee engagement,
learning, and performance management
technologies that enable large multinational
corporations, government entities,
and mid-market companies to deliver
enterprise-level talent and workforce
experiences. Totara’s Talent Experience
Platform unifies a transformational learning
management system (LMS), a user-centric
learning experience platform (LXP), and a
comprehensive performance management
system under a single and highly adaptable
architecture. Totara’s flexible architecture
gives organizations the freedom to innovate,
the freedom to choose, and unlocks critical
resources for reinvestment into where it
really counts.

Robert Comesanas
Vice President of Sales
[email protected]


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