Diff Cal

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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Branches and Satellite Campuses


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided.

STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.

NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means exponentiation.
Ex. X^2 means x2; (x+y)^(x-z) means (x+y) raised to the (x-z). Pi=3.1416

lim x
1. Evaluate: x →∞ 2

a. – 1 b. 1 c. 0 d. ∞

sin 3 x
2. Evaluate: x →0 sin 4 x
a. 1 b. 4/3 c. ¾ d. 0

sin x
lim 2
3. Evaluate: x →0 x +3 x
a. 1 b. 1/3 c. 3 d. ∞

lim x 2 sin
4. Evaluate: x →∞ x
a. 1 b. 0 c. ∞ d. none of these

2 x 2 +1
5. Evaluate: x →∞ ( 2− x ) ( 2+ x )

a. – 4 b. – 2 c. 1 d. 2

6. Find the derivative dy/dx of the function y = (4x + 1)2(1 – x)3.

a. (4x + 1)2(1 – x)2(5 – 20x) b. (4x + 1)(1 – x)2(4x + 11)

c. 5(4x + 1)(1 – x)2(1 – 4x) d. (4x + 1)(1 – x)2(11 – 20x)

7. Find the derivative dy/dx of the function √ 1−x 2 .
1−2 x 2 1 1 1
a. ( 1−x ) 2 3/ 2
b. 1−x 2 c. √1−x 2 d. ( 1−x 2 ) 3/2
8. Find the derivative dy/dx of the function y = sin2 3x + cos2 3x.
a. – 6 sin 6x b. 6(sin 3x + cos 3x) c. 12 sin 3x cos 3x d. 0

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y=ln x
9. Find the derivative dy/dx of the function e −1 .
ex 1 1 e x −2
a. e x −1 b.
e −1 c. 1−e
d. e x −1

10. Find the derivative dy/dx of the function x3 – xy + y3 = 1.

3 x2 3 x 2 −1 y−3 x 2 3 x2+ 3 y 2
a. x−3 y 2 b. 1−3 y 2 c. 3 y 2−x d. x

11. Points on the curve y = f(x) where the second derivative y” is equal
to zero are

a. points of tangency b. points of normalcy

c. critical points d. points of inflection

12. The slope of the curve y3 – xy2 = 4 at the point where y = 2 is

a. – 2 b. ¼ c. – ½ d. ½

13.Find the points on the graph of the function y = x 3 – 2 where the slope is

a.(1, -1) & (-1, -3) b.(1, 1) & (1, 2) c.(2, 1) & (2, 3) d.(1, 1) & (1, 3)

14. A function f(x) is decreasing at x = a when f ’(a), that is, the value of
the first derivative of f(x) at x = a, is

a. positive b. negative c. zero d. one

15. The equation of the tangent to the hyperbola x2 – y2 = 12 at the point

(4, 2) on the curve is
a. x – 2y + 6 = 0 b. y = 2x c. y = 2x – 6 d. x + 2y = 6

16. The point on the curve where the function y = f(x) changes from
decreasing to increasing is called

a. minimum point b. maximum point c. inflection point d. point of tangency

17. Find the inflection point of the curve y = x3 – 3x2 – x + 7.

a. (1, 4) b. (1, 2) c. (2, 1) d. (3, 1)

18. At the minimum point of the curve y = f(x), the value of y” is

a. zero b. positive c. negative d. infinity

19. The point on the curve y= √2 x+1 at which the normal is parallel to the
line y = – 3x + 6 is

a. (4, 3) b. (0, 1) c. (4, -3) d. (0, –1)

20. The point on the graph of y = f(x) where the tangent line is
horizontal is called

a.critical point b. relative minima c.relative maxima d.inflection point

21. At the inflection point of the curve y = x3 – 3x2 + 6, the slope is

a. 3 b. -3 c. 4 d. 0

22. A point on a curve where the first derivative of the function is zero
and the second derivative is negative is a

a. maximum point b. minimum point

c. point of inflection d. point of intersection

23. At what point on the curve y = x3 + 3x are the values of y’ and y” equal?

a. (-1, -4) b. (2,14) c. (1,4) d. (0,0)

24. If f(x) = ln x, then f iv ( x ) is

2 24 6 1
− −
a. x3 b. x
c. x4 d. x4

25. If y = a sin ct + b cos ct, where a, b and c are constants, then y” is

a. ac2(sin t + cos t) b. – c2y c. – ay d. – y

26. Find the radius of curvature of 2xy + x + y = 4 at the point (1, 1).
3 √2 2 √3 2 √2 3 √3
a. 2 b. 2 c. 3 d. 2
27. What number exceeds its square by the maximum amount?
a. 1 b. 1/2 c. 1/3 d. 1/4

28. A printed page must contain 60 sq. cm. of printed material. There are to be
margins of 5 cm on either side and margins of 3 cm on top and bottom. How
long should the printed lines be in order to minimize the amount of paper
a. 8 cm b. 10 cm c. 12 cm d. 15 cm

29. A rectangular box with a square base and open top is made. Find the volume
of the largest box in m3 that can be made from 432 sq. m. of material.
a. 686 b. 848 c. 864 d. 886

30. A closed cylindrical container has a capacity of 128π cu. m. Determine the
minimum surface area in sq. m..
a. 96π b. 135π c. 150π d. 120π

31. An open top rectangular tank with square bases is to have a volume of 10 cu.
m. The material for its bottom is to cost 15 cents per square meter and
that for the sides 6 cents per square meter. Find the most economical
dimensions for the tank.
a. 2 x 5 x 2.5 b. 2 x 4 x 2.5 c. 2 x 3 x 2.5 d. 2 x 2 x 2.5

32. Divide the number 60 into two parts so that the product P of one part and
the square of the other is maximum. Find the smallest part.
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40

33. A window composed of a rectangle surmounted by an equilateral triangle has a

total perimeter of 15 meters. Find its width in meters if it admits the
maximum amount of light.
a. 2.6 b. 2.91 c. 3.51 d. 3.8

34. A manufacturer estimates that the cost of production of “x” units of a

certain item is C = 40x – 0.02x 2 – 600. How many units should be produced for
minimum cost?

a. 100 units b. 10 units c. 10,000 units d. 1000 units

35. A rectangular lot has an area of 800 sq. m. It is to be fenced on three

sides only since there is an existing fence on one of the sides. Find the
length of the fence if it is to be the least.
a. 80 m b. 60 m c. 100 m d. 120 m

36. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 20 cm. What is the maximum possible
area of the triangle in sq. cm.?
a. 170 b. 160 c. 120 d. 100

37. What is the area in sq. m. of the rectangle of maximum perimeter inscribed
in a circle having a diameter of 20 m.?
a. 200 b. 220 c. 210 d. 230
38. A wall 2.245 m high is “x” meters away from a building. The shortest ladder
that can reach the building with one end resting on the ground outside the
wall is 6 m. What is the value of

a. 2 m. b. 2.6 m. c. 3.0 m. d. 4.0 m.

39. A trapezoidal gutter is to be made from a long sheet of tin that is 15 cm

wide by turning up one-third of its width on each side. What width across
the top gives maximum capacity?
a. 16 cm b. 10 cm c. 15 cm d. 13 cm

40. A student club on a college campus charges annual membership dues of P10,
less 5 centavos for each member over 60. How many members would give the
club the most revenue from annual dues?
a. 120 b. 134 c. 130 d. 150

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