ART INTG PROJ Class 10 (2024-25)

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"The great thing about holidays is that they remind us of what's truly important: our traditions, our
families, and our shared humanity."
*Art-Integration is a cross curricular pedagogical approach that utilizes various aspects and forms of art and culture as the basis
for experiencing the learning of concepts across subjects. As a part of the thrust on experiential learning, art-integrated
education has been embedded in classroom transactions not only for creating joyful classrooms, but also for imbibing the Indian
ethos through integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and learning process at every level.
* Grade 10 students are required to create an Art-Integrated Homework (trans-disciplinary homework) focusing on Arunachal
Pradesh, the partner state designated under the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Programme.
*This HHW is a part of subject enrichment activity (marks of the same will be a part of internal assessment to be sent to CBSE
for class 10).
*Details of the same will be discussed by the subject teacher/HRT.
*Students will be presenting/submitting the work to the subject teacher/HRT.
*Rubric for Max-Marks 10 are Creativity-2, Content-3, Presentation-3 and on time submission-2
*Students will bring printouts of the project.
LANGUAGES ENGLISH – Design a travelogue, giving a detailed account of local festivals and fairs celebrated in Uttar
Pradesh (Magh Fair, Rath Fair, Dewa Sharif Fair) or Arunachal Pradesh (Losar Festival, Mopin Festival, Dree
Students will use PowerPoint Presentation to prepare the travelogue, giving it an interesting caption.
➢ to celebrate cultural diversity and promote unity
➢ to hone research-based learning
➢ to read and explore about a place, landscape and culture
➢ The travelogue will consist of 4 slides.
➢ It must include -
1. the cover page (1st Slide)
2.pictorial depiction of local festivals and fairs celebrated in Uttar Pradesh (Magh Fair, Rath Fair, Dewa
Sharif Fair) or Arunachal Pradesh (Losar Festival, Mopin Festival, Dree Festival) (2nd and 3rd Slide)
3. The last page should be used to write student reflection and parent reflection. (4th Slide)
Sample Travelogue:

FRENCH - Ecrivez une lettre à votre ami lui décrivant le film/ le roman que vous avez vu/ lu.)
GERMAN - Wählen Sie aus einem beliebigen Genre einen Film Ihrer Wahl. Es kann sich um eine aktuelle
Veröffentlichung oder einen Filmklassiker handeln.
• Sehen Sie sich den Film aufmerksam an und machen Sie sich Notizen zu Schlüsselelementen wie
Handlung, Charakteren, Kinematographie, Soundtrack und allgemeinen Themen.
• Analysieren Sie den Film kritisch und berücksichtigen Sie dabei seine Stärken, Schwächen und
Auswirkungen auf das Publikum.
• Schreiben Sie eine ausführliche Filmrezension, in der Sie Ihre Gedanken und Meinungen
zusammenfassen. Fügen Sie Ihrer Rezension eine Einleitung, eine Zusammenfassung, eine Analyse und
eine Schlussfolgerung hinzu.

HINDI- गतितिति - तिग्दतशिका तिर्ािण

उद्दे श्य -1 प्रदे श ों के इतिहास का ज्ञान ह गा

2 द न ों के िुलनात्मक अध्ययन से त ोंिन क्षमिा व ज्ञान में वृद्धि ह गी
गतितिति का िणिि -
उत्तर प्रदे श और अरुणा लप्रदे श की ऐतिहातसक तवशेषिा का िुलनात्मक अध्ययन् करिे हुए तदग्दतशिका तनमाि ण
तििे श – यह एक व्यद्धिगि गतितवति है I त त् ों का प्रय ग आवश्यक है
1. पृष्ठ 1 -परर य शीषिक. उत्तर प्रदे श और अरुणा लप्रदे श की ऐतिहातसक तवशेषिा का िुलनात्मक अध्ययन् करिे हुए
तदग्दतशिका तनमािण
2. पृष्ठ 2 - उत्तर प्रदे श की ऐतिहातसक तवशेषिा
3. पृष्ठ 3 - अरुणा लप्रदे श की ऐतिहातसक तवशेषिा
4. पृष्ठ 4 - तनष्कषि. द न ों राज् ों की ऐतिहातसक तवशेषिा का िुलनात्मक अध्ययन्
आिश्यक तििे श -
सामग्री -A4 साइज शीट ,पेन िथा आवश्यक त त् I
तिस्तृि जािकारी हे िु त िंक -

uttar pradesh ki aitihasik visheshtaen

आईएलपी अरुणाचल प्रदे श - ILP Arunachal Pradesh

SANSKRIT- उत्तर प्रिे श और अरुणाच प्रिे श की सािंस्कृतिक िरोहर का िु िात्मक अध्ययि का एक िर्ि
र्ॉक्यूर्ेंट सिंस्कृि भाषा र्ें िैयार कीतजए। ( गतिविधि- व्यक्तिगि

पृष्ठ 1 – शीषिक: द न ों राज् ों का साों स्कृतिक परर य

पृष्ठ 2 – उत्तर प्रदे श की साोंस्कृतिक तवशेषिा का सत त् वणिन

कला और तशल्प लखनऊ की त कनकारी: वाराणसी की बुनाई, मुरादाबाद की पीिल कारीगरी:

सोंगीि और नृत्य -तहों दुस्तानी शास्त्रीय सोंगीि: कथक नृत्य

िातमिक और साोंस्कृतिक स्थल- काशी (वाराणसी),मथुरा और वृोंदावन, अय ध्या:

पृष्ठ 3- अरुणा ल प्रदे श की साों स्कृतिक तवशेषिा का सत त् वणिन-

जनजािीय सोंस्कृति ,त्य हार और नृत्य,लॉसार ,स लुोंग ,म तपन

हस्ततशल्प -बाों स और बेंि की कारीगरी ,वस्त्र तनमाि ण ,आभूषण तनमाि ण

पृष्ठ 4 - तनष्कषि

MATHE Learning Objective:

MATICS This project aims at identifying mathematical concepts used around us, especially in archeological structures/
monuments and appreciate our Indian heritage and scientific knowledge.

Procedure: Study the following monuments in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh and do a comparative
study between the given structures, with respect to mathematical concepts like the area covered, use of 3D
shapes, parallel lines and angles etc and other concepts used.
• ITA FORT, Itanagar and Agra Fort, Agra
• Gompa Monastery, Bomdila and Mulgandhakuti, Sarnath
Compile your work in a PowerPoint. The presentation should include 5 slides, including the introduction and
reflection slide at the end.
Each pair of monuments should be compared with respect to mathematical concepts and a comparative study in
the form of a table.
Ancient Construction Techniques of India: A regional study (

The Fort with a Mathematics Milestone (peepultree. world)

SCIENCE "Biodiversity Comparison: Arunachal Pradesh vs. Uttar Pradesh"

Learning Objectives: Student will be able to identify and describe key species unique to Uttar Pradesh and
Arunachal Pradesh.

Infographic of Biodiversity should comprise of following components:

1.Title &Introduction: Briefly introducing both the states and their geographical location
2. Endemic Species: Highlight any species that are unique to each state.
3.Protected Areas: Show the number and names of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves.
4.Flora: Key plant species, forests (tropical, temperate, alpine)
5. Fauna: Notable animal species, endemic species

Students can create infographics (as per the sample shared) that illustrate the biodiversity of each state
as per the components mentioned above.


Sample Infographic

SOCIAL Activity: Project File on Social Science

SCIENCE Every Student must choose any one of the following units/ topics as a project (Research Work:
Popular struggle and movements
Sustainable Development
Consumer Rights
POLITICAL SCIENCE- Project on Popular Struggle and Movement (Individual Activity)
1. Chipko movement
2. The silent valley movement
3. Anti-Tehri Dam Movement
4. Narmada Bachao Andolan
5. ‘The India against Corruption Movement’/ the Anna Hazare Movement
6. or any other movement in the recent years in India
GEOGRAPHY- Project on Sustainable Development Water Shed Management (Individual Activity)
Explore, study and analyse watershed management and its importance.
Step 1: The students will refer to Case study of any one village –
• Kothapally watershed in Andhra Pradesh.
• Ralegan Siddhi in Maharashtra.
• Sukhomajri in Haryana

Step 2: After reading the case study, students are required to collect information on following topics, along
with related pictures.
1.Sustainable Development (Meaning and why it is important)
2.Sustainable development Goals.
3.What is Watershed Management (Part of sustainable Development)
4.Importance of watershed.
5.How these villages (which ever village you have selected out of three) were able to get benefit from the
watershed management.
6.What they have done to attain success in agriculture.
7.Analyze how the watershed development has affected the productivity of crops in Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, and Haryana


ECONOMICS: Consumer Rights (Individual Activity)

Project on Consumer Rights
• Your school organizes a consumer awareness week. As the Secretary of the Consumer Awareness Forum,
make a project on consumer rights, covering all consumer rights. This activity can be done with the help of your

Learning Objective: The project has been carefully designed to –

a) Create awareness in learners
b) Enable them to understand and co-relate all aspects of selected topic
c) Relate theory with practice
d) Relation of different aspects with life
e) Provide hands on experience

1. Instructions to be followed:
• Students will discuss the with their teacher concerned and prepare a draft before finalizing the report. They
• Projects should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure
• To maintain uniformity of the project A-4 size sheets (ruled/plain/pastel) must be used.
• The project report should be handwritten and comprise not more than 15 foolscap pages and the cover page
should be ecofriendly.
• Credit will be given for original drawings, illustrations, and creative use of materials
• The folder should be simple and neatly bound
• All photographs, sketches, maps, graphs, diagrams, should be labeled and related to the theme
• Project evaluation proforma has to be attached at the end of the project

2. Project sequence:
• Cover page showing project title, student information, school and year, design using pictures and slogans,
which clearly indicate the title if the project
• List of contents with page numbers
• Acknowledgement reflecting the institution, offices websites, and libraries visited and people who helped
• Introduction / project overview: purpose /aim, methodology/procedure adopted (abstract)
• Chapters should have relevant headings
• Background, causes, mass mobilization, government compliance and change impact

3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:
1. Content accuracy and originality 2
2. Presentation and creativity: Initiative, cooperativeness, 2
participation and punctuality
3. Viva or written test for content assimilation 1

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