Alvas College

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Self Study Report of ALVA'S COLLEGE





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Self Study Report of ALVA'S COLLEGE


Alva’s College is one of the prominent institutions of Alva’s Education Foundation which was founded in
1995 by visionary Dr. M. Mohan Alva. When the institution was established in 1998, there were only two
UG programmes with 19 students and 6 teachers. Within a short span of time, the college has carved a niche for
itself all across Karnataka.

Today, the college has 28 UG, 21 PG and 1 doctoral programme. The institution offers 24 certificate courses, 1
diploma course and 36 different student forums, with its 241 qualified teachers and 4,258 ardent students. As
the vision statement of the college reads, “Moulding better tomorrow through educational, cultural and
sports excellence”, institution truly stood its ground by being a staunch patronizer for all educational, cultural
and sports-related activities.

Academically, the institution has strived hard to excel and has secured the highest number of ranks in
Mangalore University examinations in the last 10 years. The college has effective coaching facilities in place
for competitive examinations. In addition to this, the institution has comprehensive placement drives
throughout the year and has been playing a major role with AEF in organizing a job fair called PRAGATI every
year, in which more than 200 companies participate.

In sports, the college students have won in many University, State, National and International sports events
including prestigious Rio Olympics and Asian Games, while being champions of sports at the University level
for 15 years.

Alva’s institution truly believes in celebrating and promoting the legacy of socio-cultural heritage. Therefore,
the institution wholeheartedly joins hands with AEF in patronizing grand events like Nudisiri (National Literary
Fest) and Virasat (National Cultural Fest). Along with regular cultural programs, college trains its students in
various Indian traditional dance forms and theatre. Even our students have been at the National Level Youth
Festival Champions for ten times.

Our college is steadfast in fulfilling its social commitments. As regards, the college adopts students for free
education. Currently, the college has adopted 648 academic, 455 cultural and 1,373 sports achievers. Besides all
these, the college is providing free education for 1,158 other students including Divyangs.


Moulding better tomorrow through educational, cultural and sports excellence.


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A) Creating physical and academic environment for quality education.

B) Providing knowledge and need based education for employability.

C) Encouraging research and scientific temperament.

D) Developing cultural and sport abilities among the students.

E) Working for the inclusion of deprived in education.

F) Promoting human values and national integration among students.

1.2 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges(SWOC)

Institutional Strength

The student diversity and the number over a short span of time has increased considerably as quality
and student friendly approach has led to attract students from all over the country and foreign countries
like Sri Lanka and Bhutan
Selfless determination to provide quality education at affordable cost to all sections of the society and
the Adoption program by the institution which has adopted 578 number of students to provide education
and excellent sports and cultural facilities, free of cost.
Possibility for expanding the role of cultural ambassador for the state of Karnataka by further
strengthening the Nudisiri ghataka programmes and getting recognized in the country for its unique
Being located in a rural area, the institution is equipped with state of the art infrastructure facilities,
including ICT, Language Lab, full-fledged labs, Business English Course of Cambridge (BEC), state of
the art multi-media studio and automated library system.
Robust network with the community and the reputation it has built over the years for which the
community is willing to network with the institution.
Excellent placement record and placement drives and the connectivity that the institution has got
because of logistics, locational advantages and social accreditation.
We have made the internship compulsory for all UG and PG students, because of which there has been a
healthy academia – industry collaboration. As a matter of fact, it all contributed in students better
performance in placement drives.

Institutional Weakness

Our weakness is mainly systemic in nature than scarcity of potential.

Due to University affiliation we are bound to external academic decisions, because of that, we are
unable to decide over our academic concerns like setting up the curriculum, course fee and the
beginning of new courses.
Financial constrains that we already have, is further inflated by our limitation in attracting any research

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grants from the statutory and/or private fund providers.

Institutional Opportunity

Formulate MoUs with international agencies and institutions in addition to the MoUs that the institution
already has for further quality enhancement and excellence.
Due to its excellence in the field of sports; the institution can establish its own Sports Academy for
further thrust.
Embrace ICT to the extent of 100% in teaching, learning and evaluation.
Exploring the opportunity to exploit Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for both the faculty and
Tap the potential offered by the VET courses and establish a full scale Vocational Training Center
Develop the Research and Development (R&D) work and establish the facilities with the magnanimous
approach and the attitude of the management.
Introduce new courses like B.Sc. in Fashion Designing and B.Sc. Animation.
Develop a dedicated incubation center and well provided ED Cell with the help of Alva’s Institute of
Engineering and Technology, and post graduate Department of Business Administration.
Initiate systems to get maximum energy required for the campus from the renewable energy sources.
Strengthen the systems of E-governance to reach all the stake holders.

Institutional Challenge

Compete with well established and age old institutions in the undivided Dakshina Kannada District,
which has many number of autonomous Colleges and Deemed to be Universities.
Offering more market relevant courses has become near impossible due to the affiliation mode, hence
autonomous status has become inevitable.
Teacher retention and employee retention in a self-financed mode, as counterparts offer attractive pay
scales due to the grant in aid system.
Sustaining traditional degree courses.
Balancing between educational excellence and social utility services despite being completely a self
financed institution.


Curricular Aspects

Alva’s college is affiliated to Mangalore University, and follows the syllabus prescribed by the University.
However, Curriculum is operationalized by the IQAC with the help of different departments. The institution
follows the Calendar of events of the University with regard to teaching-learning and Evaluation. CBCS system
is followed by the University and the institution also offers value-added courses and programs for training in

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life skills and other courses relevant to the students for holistic development. Various training programs have
been initiated to provide horizontal mobility and facilitate flexibility in the otherwise rigid course structure.
Feedback on syllabus and curriculum is collected from various stakeholders and efforts are made to put
remedial action in place based on the stakeholders’ perception.

The institution initiated 39 Certificate Courses and 17 new Courses in the last five years. Out of the above 28
are subject related certificate courses and 2 are diploma courses. other than this 6 Add-on courses for
professional development and 13 courses for transferable life skills have been introduced.

Out of 216 average teachers in the college for the last five years considerable number of them were members
of various academic bodies such as BoS, BoE, and Academic Council of the Universities as well as
autonomous institutions. 22% students of the College get the benefit of internship/field project work.
Systematic feedback is collected from different stakeholders and corrective actions are implemented based on
conclusions arrived at from consolidated feedback.

Teaching-learning and Evaluation

The College is affiliated to the Mangalore University and as per the stipulations of the statutory bodies, it
provides reservation to various categories of students to provide equity and access. The institution has the
practice of assessing the learning abilities of the students to customize the teaching strategies to cater to the
requirements of a section of student community. The College conducts bridge Courses as a remedial strategy
for bridging the gap of learning and metamorphosis from Pre-University to Undergraduate level to Postgraduate
level. Advanced learners and slow learners are identified and different strategies are adopted to provide
enhanced learning experience to the students and customize the tools and strategies for better learning.

The institution has well documented details pertaining to total number of students and present full time
teachers. Along with this special emphasis is given to students who are differently abled. The college has
adopted student-centric learning and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based teaching
methodologies. The institution seeks to provide innovation and creativity in teaching-learning process.

The institution is not only recognising Ph.D. holders and state/national awardees but also provides incentives in
appreciation. Even a comprehensive Continuous Internal Evaluation System is very much a part of Alva’s

The college has achieved intended programme outcomes as well as programme specific outcomes, along with
their continuous assessment. The institution has secured the best result for both UG and PG in the year
2017-2018. The institution is mainly concerned with the enhancement of the quality of education to reach its
optimum level output in terms of academic progression.

Research, Innovations and Extension

Alva’s college has been nurturing an ecosystem for the development and monitoring of the research activities

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of the college. Therefore, the institution has established a Research and Development Cell to meet this purpose.
The college has received 12 research projects with a total grant of approximately Rs. 10 lakhs. In which the
management has sponsored 7 projects of Rs.9 lakhs.

Among the full-time teachers, 4 staff members have been recognized as research guides, and 4 Ph.D.s
are awarded so far.

The cumulative efforts of College Research Cell, Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Multimedia Centre,
Student Projects, and Internship have created a conducive atmosphere for the development of innovative
products of social importance. Entrepreneurship development Cell and Research Cell have provided the
platform for the staff and students by organizing research activities and entrepreneurship through workshops
and invited guest talks. A total of seven IPR related guest lectures were arranged by various departments and
research committee (IPR Cell). 24 Industry-Academia lectures/workshops too were arranged for students

The institution has a stated ‘Code of Ethics’ to check malpractices and uses free online plagiarism tool to avoid
plagiarism in research publications. The management has been encouraging staff to publish research papers and
also assisted them financially to attend the conferences. Similarly, the institution has provided special
incentives to teachers who have received state, national and international recognitions and for Ph.D. awards.

Teachers from Alva’s college have published a total of 60 research papers in the Journals notified on UGC
website and 147 chapters were published in edited volumes/books along with national/ international conference-
proceedings with ISSN / ISBN.

NCC, NSS, YRC, Spatica, Humanities forums and many departments of the college have been conducting
socially benefited (50) extension activities in which 36.29% of students are involved in it.

The college has many functional linkages with industries and research institutions for internships, field trips,
on-the-job training, and research. Likewise, the college has 38 working MoUs with institutions of national,
international importance, industries, corporate houses and this has created a vibrant academic atmosphere in the

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Alva’s college has a total of 122 classrooms out of which 79 classrooms are meant for UG and 43 for PG
courses. The college has provided with 205 high-end computers for students fraternity. Other facilities like
stationery, Photocopying facility, cafeteria hospital, post office, ATM are catering to students needs.

Sports and cultural adoption students are given free education and training in their specialized areas. Similarly,
sports and games amenities, three sports fields, gymnasium and dress materials, and makeup kits, practice area
and theatres and auditoriums for cultural students are provided. Separate trainers are available for sports and
games, cultural activities, yoga, and gymnasium.

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Institution has 37 classrooms and 4 seminar halls are connected with ICT facility. Required budget allocation is
rendered for infrastructure development. ILMS software (4.3.3 version) is installed in both UG & PG libraries
in 2012. College library has rare books, reports, thesis, trade guides, and few other important study materials
are stored in soft copies. ‘Alva’s Newseum’ and ‘Alva’s Research and Reference Library’ has a rich
collection of research related books and reading materials. Our institution subscribes e-journals, e-books, and
uses INFLIBNET- NLIST, DELNET software. The college has WEB OPAC, book search application
facilitates to students and staff to access e-books and e-journals. In addition to this, adequate numbers of high-
end computers are made available in the college digital library.

Alva’s Multimedia studio provides high quality innovative and creative production including e-content
development, documentaries, short movies, Ads, News bulletins, Interviews and Panel Discussions.

Student Support and Progression

Aiming at the student welfare, the institution provides scholarships and freeships for students, through which
22.91% of students have been benefited by the government and 20.61% of the students have been benefited by
the institution.

A number of capability enhancement schemes have been implemented through well structured and organized
forums. The resource persons across fields have visited and conducted various activities and because of this
27.1% of the students are benefited during the last five years.

The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual
harassment and ragging redressal.

During the last five years, about 21.59% of the students are employed and 28.63% of the students have opted
for higher education from UG to PG during the year 2017-18. The college has provided for the optimal
progression of the students in order to qualify in various state/national/international level competitive
examinations during the last five years that is estimated to be 92.4% of the students who have appeared for the

The institution holds the laurel of being awarded a number of awards/medals for outstanding performances of
the students in sports activities at the international level and national level with 98 overall medals and one
student represented India in Rio Olympics during 2016.

Other than the student council, various academic and administrative bodies are having student representatives
to encourage student participation in social, cultural & sports activities to facilitate their holistic development.
The institution organizes a number of interdepartmental activities, sports and cultural events every year.

The institution conducts alumni chapter meeting every year, leading to strengthening the tie between the former
students and the institution. The registered and functional alumni association contribute significantly to the
development of the institution through financial and non-financial means.

Governance, Leadership and Management

Leaders at various levels right from the Principal to the student are well trained to participate in planning,

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decision making, executing, monitoring and evaluating the practices/functions for organizational development
and effective management.

The organizational structure decentralizes the power and responsibilities among the internal stakeholders for
developing and drafting policies and strategic plans for teaching and learning, research and development,
community engagement, developing human resource, industry interaction. The academic and administrative
activities are designed and carried out in agreement with the policies and the strategic plans to obtain the
desired outcome. The leaders monitor the activities and the stakeholders evaluate them through feedback. The
identified merits are recognized and applauded and the shortfalls are addressed and remedied through
Grievance Redressal Cell to make a prospective future development plan.

Eligible faculty members are recruited by adhering to management norms and their competence is upgraded
through faculty development programmes conducted by IQAC within the college. The professional
development programmes and programming for administrative, technical and communication skills - arranged
for the non-teaching staff which enables the successful implementation of their duties. Financial assistance to
the staff through loans to meet emergency needs - is the welfare scheme available for the teaching and the non-
teaching staff.

Careful planning of budget for academic and administrative activities and monitoring the proper and optimal
utilization of financial resources through internal and external audits ensure sound financial management at the
college. Financial resources are mobilized by planning in Finance Committee approved by the Management
Committee and creating Research Fund to meet the needs of the stakeholders. IQAC takes the initiative with
the internal and external members to enhance and maintain quality in all the endeavors of the college.

Institutional Values and Best Practices

The institution has organised a total of 40 Gender Equity promotion programmes to promote the cause of
gender equity. The institution has provision for the counseling center, common rooms for girls and has
implemented various safety and security measures to realize gender sensitivity.

The college has emphasized its focus on environmental sustainability through the installation of solar power
and LED bulbs. The administration has emphasised on waste management on the campus through the
installation of the Sewage Treatment Plant, dustbins and MoUs for E-waste management. The institution has
built a roof rainwater collecting point within the campus.

As part of its Green Practice Policy, Alva’s college has introduced the Bio-metric system, ERP, Google-Class,
Group SMS, Hostel facilities, pedestrian-friendly roads.

The College is in tune with Divyangjan friendliness and provides facilities such as Lift, Restroom, Scribes,
Special Skill Development programme and NVDA software, Audiobooks in the college library.

Specific initiatives are taken to address the locational advantages and disadvantages. There are 103 initiatives
that are taken to engage and contribute to the local community.

The college has a code of conduct handbook for the students, teachers, the Principal, and the non- teaching

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staff. The core values of the institution are displayed on the college website. The institution has organized 20
activities to increase the consciousness about National Identities and Symbols. There are 35 activities
conducted to promote universal values. The institution celebrates the days of national importance like
Independence Day, Republic Day, and Gandhi Jayanthi. Complete Transparency is maintained in all the
processes and the functioning of various systems in the college.

The Best Practices of the institution are:- 1) Adoption Scheme for Meritorious, Sports, Cultural, and other
students, 2) Professional and Personality Development Training Programmes for students to improve their
communication, leadership skills, choice of the right career and the development of self-confidence. Our
college is distinctive in terms of its Sports Vision and in the achievement of the same.

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Name and Address of the College


Address Smt.Sundari Ananda Alva Campus Vidyagiri D.K.


City Moodbidri

State Karnataka

Pin 574227


Contacts for Communication

Designation Name Telephone with Mobile Fax Email

STD Code

Professor Moulya 08258-236385 9480341338 08258-23734 moulyajeevan@gm


Principal Kurian 08258-236531 9740668967 08258-23673 principal@alvascol


Status of the Institution

Institution Status Self Financing

Type of Institution

By Gender Co-education

By Shift Regular

Recognized Minority institution

If it is a recognized minroity institution No

Establishment Details

Date of establishment of the college 01-06-1998

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University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs the college (if it is a constituent

State University name Document

Karnataka Mangalore University View Document

Details of UGC recognition

Under Section Date View Document

2f of UGC 02-06-2016 View Document

12B of UGC

Details of recognition/approval by stationary/regulatory bodies like


Statutory Recognition/App Day,Month and Validity in Remarks

Regulatory roval details Inst year(dd-mm- months
Authority itution/Departme yyyy)
nt programme

No contents

Details of autonomy

Does the affiliating university Act provide for Yes

conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the autonomydoc_1547710458.pdf
UGC), on its affiliated colleges?

If yes, has the College applied for availing the No

autonomous status?


Is the College recognized by UGC as a College No

with Potential for Excellence(CPE)?

Is the College recognized for its performance by No

any other governmental agency?

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Location and Area of Campus

Campus Type Address Location* Campus Area Built up Area in

in Acres sq.mts.

Main campus Smt.Sundari Ananda Alva Rural 3.6 43687

area Campus Vidyagiri D.K.


Details of Programmes Offered by the College (Give Data for Current Academic year)

Programme Name of Pr Duration in Entry Medium of Sanctioned No.of

Level ogramme/C Months Qualificatio Instruction Strength Students
ourse n Admitted

UG BSc,Microbi 36 PUC English 60 22


UG BSc,Bioche 36 PUC English 60 21


UG BSc,Mathem 36 puc English 60 15


UG BSc,Physics 36 puc English 80 54

UG BSc,Biotech 36 puc English 60 31


UG BSc,Botany 36 puc English 60 13

UG BSc,Chemist 36 puc English 60 38


UG BSc,Statistic 36 puc English 60 14


UG BA,Sociolog 36 puc English 80 15


UG BA,Political 36 puc English 80 25


UG BA,Psycholo 36 puc English 60 23


UG BA,History 36 puc English 60 10

UG BA,Bharatha 36 puc English 4 0


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UG BA,Bharatha 36 puc English 10 0


UG BA,Carnatic 36 puc English 4 0


UG BA,Journalis 36 puc English 4 0


UG BA,Journalis 36 puc English 10 0


UG BA,English 36 puc English 4 0

UG BA,English 36 puc English 4 0

UG BA,Economi 36 puc English 60 17


UG BCom,Com 36 puc English 600 310


UG BCom,Com 36 puc English 60 19


UG BCom,Com 36 puc English 60 31


UG BBA,Busine 36 puc English 180 92

ss Administr

UG BA,Hrd 36 puc English 60 26

UG BCA,Compu 36 puc English 120 87

ter Science

UG BSc,Bfnd 36 puc English 60 49

UG BSW,Social 36 puc English 30 13


UG BSc,Hospital 36 puc English 80 27

ity Science

UG BVA,Visual 48 puc English 50 19


PG MSc,Mathe 24 BSc English 50 10


PG MSc,Physics 24 BSc English 50 30

PG MSc,Biotech 24 BSc English 30 7

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PG MSc,Botany 24 BSc English 40 22

PG MSc,Chemis 24 BSc English 40 28


PG MSc,Statistic 24 BSc English 30 0


PG MSc,Psychol 24 BA or BSc English 40 24


PG MA,Bharath 24 BA English 30 0

PG MA,English 24 BA English 50 5

PG MA,Econom 24 BA or BSc English 30 5


PG MCom,Com 24 BCom or English 50 18

merce BBM or

PG MCom,Com 24 BCom or English 50 24

merce BBM or

PG MCom,Com 24 BCom or English 70 28

merce BBM or

PG MSc,Comput 24 BSc English 40 5

er Science computer

PG MSW,Social 24 any UG English 60 26


PG MVA,Visual 24 BVA BFA English 30 2


PG MSc,Analyti 24 BSc English 50 27


PG MSc,Organic 24 BSc English 40 18


PG MA,Journali 24 any UG English 50 16

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sm And
Mass Comm

PG MSc,Food 24 BSc with life English 50 24

Science And science
Nutrition subject

PG MSc,Zoolog 24 BSc with English 30 10

y zoology

PG Diploma PGDBM,Co 12 any UG English 30 22

recognised mmerce
by statutory

Doctoral PhD or DPhi 60 Master English 8 1

(Ph.D) l,Biotechnol Degree

Position Details of Faculty & Staff in the College

Teaching Faculty

Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor

Male Female Others Total Male Female Others Total Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned by the 0 0 0
UGC /University

Recruited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0 0 0
Sanctioned by the 37 18 186
ety or Other

Recruited 24 13 0 37 10 8 0 18 56 130 0 186

Yet to Recruit 0 0 0

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Non-Teaching Staff

Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned by the 0
UGC /University State

Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 46
or Other Authorized

Recruited 12 34 0 46
Yet to Recruit 0

Technical Staff

Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned by the 0
UGC /University State

Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 2
or Other Authorized

Recruited 1 1 0 2
Yet to Recruit 0

Qualification Details of the Teaching Staff

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Permanent Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 14 6 0 5 1 0 2 1 0 29

M.Phil. 8 6 0 3 2 0 1 4 0 24

PG 2 1 0 3 4 0 37 93 0 140

Temporary Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2

M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2

PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 30 0 44

Part Time Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Details of Visting/Guest Faculties

Number of Visiting/Guest Faculty Male Female Others Total

engaged with the college?
6 1 0 7

Provide the Following Details of Students Enrolled in the College During the Current Academic Year

Programme From the State From Other NRI Students Foreign Total
Where College States of India Students
is Located

PG Diploma Male 13 3 0 0 16
recognised by
Female 3 3 0 0 6
authority Others 0 0 0 0 0

Doctoral (Ph.D) Male 0 0 0 0 0

Female 1 0 0 0 1
Others 0 0 0 0 0

Certificate Male 226 29 0 0 255

Female 289 45 0 0 334
Others 0 0 0 0 0

UG Male 416 96 0 0 512

Female 399 60 0 0 459
Others 0 0 0 0 0

PG Male 55 15 0 0 70
Female 203 55 0 0 258
Others 0 0 0 0 0

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Provide the Following Details of Students admitted to the College During the last four Academic

Programme Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

SC Male 39 35 31 26

Female 22 38 35 24

Others 0 0 0 0

ST Male 22 23 21 14

Female 25 28 22 11

Others 0 0 0 0

OBC Male 574 570 630 464

Female 641 761 778 562

Others 0 0 0 0

General Male 104 96 114 82

Female 135 155 147 138

Others 0 0 0 0

Others Male 0 1 1 0

Female 0 0 0 0

Others 0 0 0 0

Total 1562 1707 1779 1321

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3. Extended Profile
3.1 Program
Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years

Response: 56 File Description Document

Institutional Data in Prescribed Format View Document

Number of programs offered year-wise for last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

15 14 14 13 13

3.2 Students
Number of students year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

4647 4267 3824 3406 3173

File Description Document

Institutional Data in Prescribed Format View Document

Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during the last
five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

2870 2840 2850 2495 2180

File Description Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

1516 1229 1168 1059 860

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File Description Document

Institutional Data in Prescribed Format View Document

3.3 Teachers
Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

253 235 207 208 176

File Description Document

Institutional Data in Prescribed Format View Document

Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

253 235 207 208 176

File Description Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

3.4 Institution
Total number of classrooms and seminar halls

Response: 126

Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

694.87843 4335.43421 2593.29383 2685.91851 711.31495

Number of computers

Response: 205

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4. Quality Indicator Framework(QIF)

Criterion 1 - Curricular Aspects

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1.1 The institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented


Alva’s College is affiliated to Mangalore University and the syllabus is prescribed by the affiliating
University. However, the Curriculum is what an institution delivers and the College has a well defined
curriculum which aims at training students in skills, impart knowledge and render them lifelong learners fit
to become responsible citizens in tune with the mission and vision of the College. The IQAC conducts
meetings on Curriculum planning and Delivery in the beginning of every year. The Principal conducts
meetings with the various Undergraduate (UG) department Heads and Postgraduate(PG) department
Coordinators to develop strategies for effective implementation of the curriculum. Each Head of the
department conducts departmental meeting before the class commencement to make a well planned
curriculum delivery blueprint and documentation by preparing lesson plans and improving the classroom
presentation by various methods. The lesson plans are approved by the HODs (UG)/ Coordinators (PG)
before the commencement of each semester and communicated to students by the respective subject
teacher. Deans of each stream of UG departments and Coordinators of PG departments monitor the
academic activities on regular basis to ensure the execution of timetable.

Lesson plan is prepared by each faculty for every subject in the beginning of the semester which is
submitted to the HOD, which includes objectives of each unit, topics covered, learning points and
references besides the skills and value system that students imbibe. It also includes the tools, strategies,
LMS and ICT tools to be employed, field visits and community orientation necessary for each curriculum
component. The College encourages its students to participate in Workshops/Conferences/Seminars
organized by the University and other relevant bodies so as to update their knowledge and to improve the
learning practices.

Teachers are encouraged to impart the curriculum through innovative teaching methods such as powerpoint
presentations, assignments, discussions, workshops, seminars, industrial visits and study tours besides the
traditional chalk and talk methods. College follows the academic calendar provided by the University
which is circulated to all departments. ICT tools enable the teachers to ensure effective delivery of
curriculum. Bridge courses are organized and conducted for the first year students to help them to
understand basic concepts of the subject. Learner centric techniques such as assignments, peer learning,
group discussion, certificate courses, add-on courses, case studies, projects, quiz etc. are employed for the
effective delivery of the academic courses. Feedback from Students, Parents, Teachers and Alumni on
curriculum is taken regularly. The college provides adequate number of books and other teaching and
reference materials like journals, magazines, e-books and digital resources.

Teachers should maintain teacher’s diary, to record the curriculum planning and delivery in each semester
and it should be verified by the HODs/ Coordinators and Deans. Feedback from Students, Parents,
Teachers and Alumni is given due importance in defining graduate attributes and design of course

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File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

1.1.2 Number of certificate/diploma program introduced during the last five years

Response: 39 Number of certificate/diploma programs introduced year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

3 1 8 25 2

File Description Document

Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS View Document


Details of the certificate/Diploma programs View Document

Any additional information View Document

1.1.3 Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/
Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic Council during the last five years

Response: 164.04 Number of teachers participating in various bodies of the Institution, such as BoS and Academic
Council year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

81 89 68 64 52

File Description Document

Details of participation of teachers in various bodies View Document

Any additional information View Document

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1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Percentage of new Courses introduced out of the total number of courses across all Programs
offered during last five years

Response: 30.36 How many new courses are introduced within the last five years

Response: 17

File Description Document

Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS View Document


Details of the new courses introduced View Document

Any additional information View Document

1.2.2 Percentage of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system
has been implemented

Response: 26.67 Number of programs in which CBCS/ Elective course system implemented.

Response: 4

File Description Document

Name of the programs in which CBCS is View Document


Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS View Document


Any additional information View Document

1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/Add-
on programs as against the total number of students during the last five years

Response: 22.15 Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Diploma or Add-on programs year-
wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

986 982 930 1155 263

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File Description Document

Details of the students enrolled in Subjects related View Document

to certificate/Diploma/Add-on programs

Any additional information View Document

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Institution integrates cross- cutting issues relevant to Gender, Environment and Sustainability,
Human Values and Professional Ethics into the Curriculum


In order to integrate the cross cutting issues like human rights and values, gender equity, gender
dynamics, environmental studies, sustainability into the curriculum, Alva’s college imbibes the
Mangalore university syllabus for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, thus moulding
students in a holistic way. The following table gives the list of Programs which address the Gender,
Environment and Sustainability and Human Values into the curriculum.

Sl.No Program Course code Semester Subject & Cross cutting

name Code issues
1 BA BASHEP VI Environmenta Environmenta
l Economics l issue

2 BA BASHSP VI Gender Gender
3 All UG All UG II Human Human
Programs Courses Rights, values,
Gender Gender and
Equity and Environment

4 MA MAJMC IV Environmenta Environmenta
l l issue

5 MA MAEN I Reading Gender

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6 MA MAEN III Gender Gender

Gender Dynamics:

The college accomplishes gender sensitization and awareness among students in both theory and
practice through implementation of the prescribed curriculum in theory while involving students in
various activities in practice. Its prime focus is on changing profile of gender in India, the
differentials in education and empowerment. Contemporizing the topic, guest talks, campaigns and
interaction programs have been conducted for the students of various streams to understand the
relevance of gender sensitive and relevant issues. The Women Development Cell and Anti Sexual
Harassment Cell are also conducting various special lectures on gender related topics on special
occasions. Movies on gender related issues are screened and few short movies have been produced in
the department of Journalism as a part of their curriculum.

Environmental Studies:

To create awareness among students with respect to environment, its meaning, scope and
importance, the science departments have organized workshops, seminars, field visits, guest talks on
environment related topics. Field excursions like creating check dams, visiting agricultural fields,
Swacch Bharath campaigns, Vanamahostava have been conducted by NSS, NCC and Red Cross unit
of the college. Street play, film shows, study oriented trekking and various competitions for children
on save environment issues were organized for the better understanding of the nature.

Human values:

The college focuses on inculcating skills in students. Human rights advocacy and remedies against
violation of human rights in India is also the area of its focus. A number of activities such as street
plays, guest lectures and seminars are organized. The department of MA Journalism has produced a
short film. Two certificate courses are introduced on human values and professional ethics. The
college has Human Rights Cell which conducts programs on creating awareness on human right
issues. There are 36 active forums in the college which conducts programs on various issues of
Human values.

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Link for Additional Information View Document

1.3.2 Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last
five years

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Response: 33 Number of value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five

Response: 33

File Description Document

Details of the value-added courses imparting View Document

transferable and life skills

Brochure or any other document relating to value View Document

added courses.

Any additional information View Document

1.3.3 Percentage of students undertaking field projects / internships

Response: 50.55 Number of students undertaking field projects or internships

Response: 2349

File Description Document

List of students enrolled View Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Structured feedback received from 1) Students, 2)Teachers, 3)Employers, 4)Alumni and
5)Parents for design and review of syllabus-Semester wise/ year-wise
A.Any 4 of the above

B.Any 3 of the above

C. Any 2 of the above

D. Any 1 of the above

Response: A.Any 4 of the above

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File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Action taken report of the Institution on feedback View Document

report as stated in the minutes of the Governing
Council, Syndicate, Board of Management

URL for stakeholder feedback report View Document

1.4.2 Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows:

A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website

B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken

C. Feedback collected and analysed

D. Feedback collected

Response: A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website

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Any additional information View Document

URL for feedback report View Document

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Criterion 2 - Teaching-learning and Evaluation

2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile

2.1.1 Average percentage of students from other States and Countries during the last five years

Response: 3.24 Number of students from other states and countries year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

193 179 92 90 89

File Description Document

List of students (other states and countries) View Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

2.1.2 Average Enrollment percentage (Average of last five years)

Response: 58.45 Number of students admitted year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

1786 1740 1559 1357 1301 Number of sanctioned seats year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

2870 2840 2850 2495 2180

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Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

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2.1.3 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per
applicable reservation policy during the last five years

Response: 58.45 Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

1786 1740 1559 1357 1301

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Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students, after admission and organises special
programs for advanced learners and slow learners


Identification of slow learners and advanced learners:

The students are identified on the basis of criteria stated in the Standard Operating Procedure for
the bifurcation of the students as slow learners and advanced learners.

Bridge Course is conducted by every department with a view to bridge the gap between the Pre-
University Course and the UG level.Some Departments of Arts even consider bridge course for
bifurcating students as slow learners and advanced learners.

Special Programs for Advanced Learners:

Once the Departmental Dean get the list of advanced learners from all the class/academic advisors,
the Dean shall call for a meeting of advanced learners with an agenda of intimating the students
about the privileges available to advanced learners.

The Privileges are as follows:

The Advanced learners are given the special access to the selected e-books and journals

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maintained by the Departmental faculty in-charge.

The Academic Advisors guide the advanced learners to participate in the State, National and
International level Conferences and Seminars arranged by different other colleges. Even
involve them in preparation and presentation of joint papers.

The advanced learners are encouraged to participate in inter-collegiate management fests

organized by different other colleges through proper guidance by the HODs and Academic
Advisors, even provide conveyance facilities along with two faculties to take care of the
participation and safety.

The advanced learners are privileged to be selected for being a member of IQAC (Internal
Quality Assurance Cell).

The excellent achievers in advanced learners are felicitated by the Hon’ble Chairman of the
College at the Annual Day Celebration of the college.

The advanced learners are given the opportunity for being student faculty.

Special Programs for Slow learners:

Once the Departmental Dean get the list of slow learner students from all the class/academic
advisors, the Dean shall call for a meeting of slow learners with an agenda of intimating the students
about the precautions for progress available to slow learners.

Precautions for progress are as follows:

PTA (Parents Teachers association) meetings are held to identify the reasons for below
average performance of the slow learners and efforts are made to sort out the issues.

The Remedial/Slow Learners Classes are conducted for slow learners.

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Link for Additional Information View Document

2.2.2 Student - Full time teacher ratio

Response: 18.37

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Any additional information View Document

2.2.3 Percentage of differently abled students (Divyangjan) on rolls

Response: 0.37 Number of differently abled students on rolls

Response: 17

File Description Document

List of students(differently abled) View Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

2.3 Teaching- Learning Process

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem
solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences


The faculties are shifting the knowledge transferring process to student centric teaching learning from the
traditional class room teaching learning process. Apart from active guidance of teachers, the students are
encouraged to learn through self study and peer involvement with independency. Students’ participation
and contribution in the learning process has enabled higher retention of knowledge and their positive
approaches towards the subject. Space for experiential, participative and problem solving methodologies is
provided by teachers. The IQAC of the College ensures quality achievement, sustenance and enhancement
in this direction.

1. Experiential learning

Educational, physical and cultural arena has been consciously created in the curricular and co-curricular
activities to imbibe the needed experience and learning by the students. As part of experiential learning, the
departments have regularly conducted activities like class quiz and paper presentations. Whereas
community camps, exposure visits, field visits and industrial tours are arranged as per the academic
requirements. The Guest talks by experienced resource persons helped students gain deeper understanding
about the subjects dealt. Lab activities and internships as part of practical learning have contributed to their
learning through experience.

2. Participative learning

PG departments have involved the students in teaching after initial training tips through demo
presentations. Students are continuously involved in various community based surveys and researches to
get the benefit of practical learning. Further, to make student’s participation better, measures are taken to

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incorporate activities and strategies which promote effective participative learning. Such as debates, quiz
and FGDs are used in classroom settings, during seminars, conferences and workshops. Role plays used in
the class rooms enable students’ enactment and involvement helping them to understand the concepts with
clarity. Students are allowed to interact withthe guest speakers and resource persons of the seminars and
workshop with a viewto encourage the participation and reinforce the self confidence levels. Model
making, preparing wall magazine and updating it regularly, conducting debates on various current relevant
topics are also some of the activities used for promoting participatory learning.

3. Problem solving

In areas of problem solving strategies, case study analysis is used as an important tool. In addition to these,
different concepts and areas pertaining to contemporary challenges and issues are discussed during the
talks and seminars. Students are made to enact street plays in the open communities upon these issues and
subjects. Community camps, Community based Surveys, researches, Participatory Rural Appraisals are
utilised by the departments to address various community issues and solve them. Open ended stories are
used in the class rooms as a tool to contemporise the issue.

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2.3.2 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems
(LMS), E-learning resources etc.

Response: 83.79 Number of teachers using ICT

Response: 212

File Description Document

List of teachers (using ICT for teaching) View Document

Any additional information View Document

Provide link for webpage describing the " LMS/ View Document
Academic management system"

2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues

Response: 31.61 Number of mentors

Response: 147

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2.3.4 Innovation and creativity in teaching-learning


Innovation and creativity is an essential ingredient in an educational system to keep the

students abreast and interested in the curriculum, keeping in tune with this aspect, the college organizes
various activities and programmes to enhance the interest in the students and bring in new concepts as and
when needed. Various activities to provide students with practical experience are organized wherein
students visit Industries, historical places, research institutes, Botanical gardens, Media Houses,
Zoological park, Old age home, Special schools, Orphanages and clinical labs to provide practical
exposure to the students and give them an experiential learning of the theoretical aspects. Besides this,
Organizing Seminar, conferences and guest Lectures/workshops are a regular part of the curriculum
wherein students are actively involved in this process; they learn organizing skills, time management and
team work. Even at the Department level Bulletins/journals/wall magazines are a regular aspects , some of
the Department bulletins such as Vaanijya from Commerce, Microbial Outlook from Microbiology ,
Harithu and Plantarum from Botany, positron from Chemistry, Biorhythm from Biochemistry, Nutrilicious
from FND, Chemvarna from Chemistry, Suddimane, Alva’s Mirror, Alva’s vision, Alva’s Maadhyama,
Alva’s Today from Journalism, Arthadarpana from Economics, Bhithi (Anikethana) from Kannada, BVA
provides the platform to the students to exhibit their creative skills and at the same time they learn looking
at their subject in a new dimension, a dimension that is appealing to the readers. Along with this the
College Magazine “Swaroopa” enables the budding writers to contribute articles. 36 forums of diverse
interest are present in the college ranging from science to humanities to sports and speakers club, which
mainly aim for the overall development of the students and we must highlight the fact that this is the only
college with such wide variety of student forums, which keenly intends to give students ample of choices
to pick up their interest. To keep in tune with the job market, the college organizes various inter class and
intra class events wherein students deal with practical cases, and students also are given an opportunity to
take part in various inter collegiate competitions to upgrade their skills, besides this project works and
Internships, exhibitions are frequently practiced to compliment the theory part of the curriculum.

Meeting to the modern educational needs, the college also has introduced Google
classrooms so as to enable students to get all the information in an upgraded manner. The language
laboratory of the college is used at its best, which is evident through the result analysis of the BEC courses.
The student faculty programme is another innovative practice to motivate and recognize the meritorious
students. Students get a firsthand experience in making Documentaries, short films, and Movie reviews,
which are few innovative aspects of learning.

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2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

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2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years

Response: 100

File Description Document

Year wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts View Document
for 5 years

List of the faculty members authenticated by the View Document

Head of HEI

2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D. during the last five years

Response: 10.62 Number of full time teachers with Ph.D. year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

31 27 23 19 16

File Description Document

List of number of full time teachers with PhD and View Document
number of full time teachers for 5 years

Any additional information View Document

2.4.3 Teaching experience per full time teacher in number of years

Response: 7.54 Total experience of full-time teachers

Response: 1907

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Any additional information View Document

2.4.4 Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State,
National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years

Response: 12.97 Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from

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Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

6 8 6 4 4

File Description Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

e-copies of award letters (scanned or soft copy) View Document

2.4.5 Average percentage of full time teachers from other States against sanctioned posts during the
last five years

Response: 7.14 Number of full time teachers from other states year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

17 17 16 15 12

File Description Document

List of full time teachers from other state and state View Document
from which qualifying degree was obtained

Any additional information View Document

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE) system at the institutional level


The Institution is very well aware that evaluation is an integral part of the teaching and learning
process. Evaluation aids teaching and learning and in turn effective teaching -learning leads to an
effective evaluation. In Alva’s College, evaluation adopts a two-pronged strategy. The Formative
Assessment is put in place for continuous internal assessment and various strategies are adopted by
the institution for this. The Summative Assessment is put in place for semester end evaluation as per
the mandate of the University.

Formative Assessment involves the assessment of the students for their learning abilities.

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Soon after the commencement of college at the beginning of the semester bridge course is conducted
for the students who have come from different streams. College also conducts group presentations
for the students on the topic related to their respective syllabus. As a part of internal assessment
criteria and for the development and improvement of their reasoning ability case study analysis is
conducted for the students. Students are also given with assignments in each subject for awarding
internal assessment. Group seminar are given to students for improving their communication skill,
interaction ability individual seminar are given to students in all the subjects for the allotment of
internal assessment. As a part of their syllabus field study report is also prepared by the students of
III BA(HRD) and BBA. For award of internal assessment marks, Viva-Voce is conducted for the
students who undertake field study work.

The Summative Assessment of the students involves the evaluation process prescribed by the
University. As per the calendar of events of the University, summative assessment strategies are
drawn and deployed. The Examination Committee at the College level draws timelines which syncs
with the Calendar of events of the University and the same is communicated to the faculty and
students. The summative Assessment process involves two evaluation strategies, that is, the internal
assessment conducted at the College level as per the requirements of the University and the practical
and theory examinations conducted at the College by the University.

The Internal Assessment as prescribed by the University involves

Each semester witnesses two internal examinations and on the basis of which students are also
identified as advanced and slow learners. Slow learners class is conducted by the faculties who
engage regular classes, slow learners class is conducted in the evening after the completion of their
regular classes. Special classes are conducted for slow learners along with the Remedial Classes
Allotment of Internal marks is as per the University mandate which prescribes The criteria for
internal assessment, assessment tools and strategies are notified to the students and parents as well.
Criteria for evaluation of internal assessment will be sent to every class and it will be displayed on
the notice board. The process of internal assessment is transparent and the reforms are ushered in
on a regular basis. The University has introduced the system of OMR answer booklets, Coding and
de-coding of answer booklets to hide the identity of the candidate writing the exam.

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2.5.2 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and variety


The Internal Assessment at the Institutional level which is formative assessment involves strategies
which are finalized based on the teacher and the taught. They involve various methods like students’
seminars, group presentations, classroom quiz, question and answer sessions, peer learning etc.The
teacher and the taught together negotiate the strategies for learning based on the classroom

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performance of the students which is evaluated by the teacher. It is transparent because the teacher
undertakes the evaluation within the classroom context and more than evaluating a student, it is a
tool for further improvement among the students.

The summative assessment involves the internal examination prescribed by the university the
practical and written examination conducted by the College. The Summative assessment involves the
conduct of two internal examinations, weightage for student’s attendance. The practical
examinations are conducted with the help of an external examiner as per the mandate of the
university. The question papers are prepared and submitted to Examination Committee.

Before three weeks of commencement of internal examination, examination dates will be announced
to the students and time table is displayed in the notice board. After conducting the examinations,
marks of the students will be displayed in the notice board and it will be communicated to the
parents. College conducts both multiple choice questions and descriptive examination to the
students. Multiple choice examinations are conducted for one hour duration. Descriptive
examination is conducted for two hours duration for 50 marks. After the completion of examinations
internal assessment marks will be submitted to the college office and it will be communicated to the
parents. Students are informed to verify internal assessment marks and they put their signature
before submitting it to Mangalore University. As a part of academic evaluation department conducts
seminars, assignments, mini projects, internships, viva voce for allotting internal marks. These types
of evaluations will enhance the knowledge of the students in order to achieve success in the course.
All the departments follow the above criteria for allotting internal assessment marks.

Once the papers have been evaluated, they are distributed to the students . The faculty discuss
the question paper and their subsequent answers. This helps the student understand and note down
their correction. Suggestions are given to the students who need to improve and one who performed
well are appreciated. The feedback on their performance helps the student to perform better.

The details of the evaluation process, regulations, curriculum are displayed on notice board to
maintain transparency. Minimum attendance and passing marks requirements are communicated to
the students during the orientation program,held for newly admitted students. The evaluation
process is informed to students and parents.

Periodic instructions related to examinations and evaluation received from the university
is communicated to the students through circulars. The circulars are read in the classrooms, and a
copy of the same is displayed on the notice board. The eligibility criteria for the final examinations
are made clear to students, and the evaluation process is reviewed in staff meetings.

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2.5.3 Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and


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The evaluation system involves two pronged evaluation strategy at the institutional level and at the
university level.

At the institution level:

The examination committee of the college is entrusted with the smooth conduct of the entire
evaluation process including drawing strategies for exam related grievances.

Re-examination will be conducted for the students who remain absent for the internal assessment
examination conducted by the college with the genuine reason. Re- examination will also be
conducted for the students who remain absent for the internal assessment examination for
representing college on various events with prior permission.

Faculty members will distribute evaluated answer scripts to students and if there is any clarifications
or grievances are addressed by the teacher. After the formative assessment the marks are recorded
in the internal assessment format which is maintained in the college office. the internal marks of the
students are then displayed on the notice board to ensure transparency in evaluation. The class
advisors of the respective class will primarily redress all the grievances about the evaluation
including the internal assessment marks awarded to the students. In case of any dissatisfaction the
same is referred to the head of the respective departments. At the institutional level grievances are
solved within 2-3 days.

At the university level:

For the semester examination hall tickets are issued to the students well in advance, any grievances
related to the hall ticket such as printing of wrong name or delay in issuances is addressed by the
examination grievance redressal committee. The exam redressal committee immediately looks into
the matter and takes necessary actions. Liaison officer has been appointed by the principal to resolve
the grievances relating to examination. In case if the university examination results of the students
are not announced, results withheld, wrong entry of marks , revaluation , re-totaling or any other
problems relating to the results of the students, students bring it to the notice of Liaison officer in
writing, in turn liaison officer consolidates the written complaints of all the students and resolves the
same by writing a letter to the controller of examination of Mangalore university and necessary
action will be taken to solve the students grievances. In addition to the transparency university also
provides an opportunity for revaluation , re-totaling and personal seeing for the same notice is being
sent to each class specifying the fees and last date for Appling for revaluation, re-totaling, personal
seeing etc.

All the grievances are therefore solved with utmost care with great concern for the student
community. In case of university related grievances it would take 10days to 30days based on the
nature of grievances.

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2.5.4 The institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of CIE


Since the college is affiliated to Mangalore University, the College follows the university calendar of
events and time table. College conducts semester examination as per the time table prescribed by
Mangalore University.

An academic calendar is prepared by the institution as explained below. Academic year starts as
prescribed by Mangalore University. College prepares academic calendar contains plans for
curricular and co-curricular activities based on the available working/ teaching days as per
university norms. Academic calendar is prepared by conducting meeting with deans and HOD of
various departments Approval for academic calendar is given by the heads of the departments and
the principal after making the necessary changes if required. The academic calendar is then made
known to the entire faculty before the commencement of the semester. Academic calendar of the
institution includes schedules of curricular activities, co-curricular activities, internal examination
dates, submission of internal assessment and list of holidays. Students are then informed about the
academic calendar and time table of internal examination. Lesson plans are then prepared by the
faculty members’ lesson plan comprises of study objectives, content to be taught, teaching
methodology, assignments, possible questions, teaching aids, total teaching hours, reference books.
Monitoring and implementation of lesson plan is done by the heads of the departments and
corrective actions are suggested wherever required. Time tables of regular classes for the semester is
prepared well in advance and displayed on the departmental notice board. There is an academic
advisor appointed by HOD/Principal who monitors the day to day conduct of classes based on the
time table.

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2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes for all programs offered
by the Institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students


The programme outcomes (PO) and programme specific outcomes (PSO) are developed based on
the need of the stakeholders and curriculum that offers a number of courses. The programme
outcomes (PO), programme specific outcomes (PSO) and course outcomes (CO) are expressed as
complete declarative sentences that clearly describe the KSA (Knowledge, Skill and Aptitude) along
with competencies that students are expected to acquire on successful completion of their
programme of study. Each course has defined course outcomes (CO) that are linked to the
programme outcomes and programme Specific outcomes. The course outcomes are systematically

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assessed, and are linked to the programme outcomes and programme specific outcomes. Therefore
the attainment of course outcomes leads to the attainment of programme outcomes and programme
specific outcomes.

The programme outcomes are discussed and communicated during first staff meeting of the
academic year and orientation towards programme outcomes (PO), programme specific outcomes
(PSO) and course outcomes (CO) are given by HOD’s and Coordinators of each programme.
Orientation Programme of students about program outcomes (PO), program specific outcomes
(PSO) and course outcomes (CO), Course curriculum, and assessment plan is also conducted by the
departments for each programme separately.

The Programme Outcomes are published at:

Institution Website: programme outcomes (PO), programme specific outcomes (PSO) are
published on the institution website and can be accessed by all the stakeholders

Departmental files: All the departments maintain a file containing the signed copy of
programme outcomes (PO), programme specific outcomes (PSO) and course outcomes (CO)
of all courses offered by the program

Library: The college library keeps a file containing programme outcomes (PO), programme
specific outcomes (PSO) and course outcomes (CO) for easy access to students, faculty and
other stakeholders.

Course Files: All the faculty members will prepare a Lesson Plan Document each course in
each semester that lists the course outcomes.

File Description Document

COs for all courses (exemplars from Glossary) View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes are
evaluated by the institution


The process of attainment of COs, POs, and PSOs starts with developing appropriate COs for each
course in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The course outcomes (COs) are developed
by the respective faculty in charge based on the curriculum and need of the industry.

The attainment of the programme outcomes and programme specific outcomes are assessed at a

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weighted average of direct assessment and indirect assessment. The assessment weightage of 70% is
given to direct attainment and 30% to indirect attainment.

The direct and indirect method of attainment of program outcomes and program specific outcomes

Direct Method: The student performance in the examinations during the end of each semester
in each course is used as a medium to assess the level of attainment of the programme
outcomes and programme specific outcomes through the mapping of questions to course
outcomes and programme outcomes. The linking and mapping of semester examination
questions with POs for all the courses in the programme is assessed and maintained by the
faculty in charge and program coordinators.

Indirect Method: The comprehensive feedback system is followed and feedback is collected
from the students at the end of the programme, which assess the attainment of programme
outcomes and program specific outcomes. Additionally, student performance in co-
curricular, extracurricular, extended learning, job placement, higher studies. are used as a
tool for the assessment of programme outcomes and program specific outcomes.

The course outcomes are assessed based on mid-semester internal examination, semester end
examination, and other student centric assessment methods like assignments, seminars, projects,
GDs, quiz. The tools of assessment of course outcomes are briefed bellow:

Mid-semester internal examination: Two mid-semester internal examinations are conducted

for each course in a semester. The mid-semester internal examination - I is based on an
average 50% of course outcomes and mid-semester internal examination - II is based on the
balance 50%.

Semester end examination: Semester end examination is more focused on attainment of

course outcomes and program outcomes through descriptive method of examination.

Assignment/Seminars/Quiz/ Projects : Assignment/seminars are assigned to each and every student

covering course outcomes and programme outcomes throughout the programme in each course.
Marks are assigned depending on student performance.

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

2.6.3 Average pass percentage of Students

Response: 87.92

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Self Study Report of ALVA'S COLLEGE Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.

Response: 1266 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the institution

Response: 1440

File Description Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process


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Criterion 3 - Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Grants for research projects sponsored by government/non government sources such as
industry ,corporate houses, international bodies, endowment, chairs in the institution during the last
five years (INR in Lakhs)

Response: 10.42 Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the non-government sources such as industry,
corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution year-wise during the last five
years(INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

8.62 .395 0.3 0.8 0.3

File Description Document

List of project and grant details View Document

e-copies of the grant award letters for research View Document

projects sponsored by non-government

Any additional information View Document

3.1.2 Percentage of teachers recognised as research guides at present

Response: 1.58 Number of teachers recognised as research guides

Response: 04

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

3.1.3 Number of research projects per teacher funded, by government and non-government agencies,
during the last five year

Response: 0.16 Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last
five years

Response: 12

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Self Study Report of ALVA'S COLLEGE Number of full time teachers worked in the institution during the last 5 years

Response: 364

File Description Document

Supporting document from Funding Agency View Document

Any additional information View Document

Funding agency website URL View Document

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations including incubation centre and other
initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge


The College Research Cell, EDC, Multimedia Centre, Student Projects and Internship have created an
ambient ecosystem for development of innovative products of social importance as mentioned below.

Inventio initially it was called as Rresearch Committee and later Research and Developmental Cell,
established with the objective to create research environment. Eight IPR activities, two workshops on
research paper writing for students and staff were organized. This cell assisted to get seed money from
management for two student and five staff projects. ‘Alva’s Anveshan’ a biannual multidisciplinary
journal was released. A workshop on Biodiversity for Human Welfare” was organised which was
sponsored by IASs.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell: The College EDC has organized two workshops on
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp in association with EDII, Ahmadabad for UG and PG students to
startup own enterprise.

Alvas Audio-visual production studio is a well equipped audio-visual production studio. The students
have produced more than 80 news bulletins related to Agriculture, Science, Arts and local community
activities. Similarly, they produced 11 informative shorts movies, 18 documentaries, 80 news bulletins, and
25 interviews.

Sheethal Pharmacy Management System is a software developed by Pragathi and Ramani III BCA
students that helps to manage the medical store for stock maintenance, marketing, billing, report generation
and also to bifurcate the quotation.

Connect Moodbidri is an android app developed by Mr. Mohammad Alfaz, III BCA student on request of
Preethi Graphics Moodbidri. It provides the details of name of blood donors, emergency connects, bus
arrival and departure, 10 panchayath details, jobs availability, connect map and tourism places in

The website of Mahalaxmi Comforts” was developed by Shyam Shanbhag, III BCA student as per the

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request. It is used for Mahalaxmi Comforts for the major aspects of its functioning.

D-IT Solutions a start up website developed by Shyam Shanbhag, III BCA student as per the demand of
Mahalaxmi Comforts where solutions for Network Designing, Setup & Configuration, PMS Solutions
Setup, PC Configuration & Setup are provided.

BCA Reference Library website developed by Sohan Naik and Shyam Shanbhag, III BCA student, which
provides necessary study material reference for the BCA students.

Bidiru Moodida Naadinalli Swacchathe Moodali- Solid waste management video, designed by Sandeep
Achar, III BVA student for the social awareness on solid waste management, as per the requirement of
TMC, Moodbidri.

Bestie is a new women napkin developed by Kiran Reddy, III B.Com student. The product was launched
in Alva’s College and procured a product worth Rs 1 lakh. . .

Paschim Trust brochure, Visiting card Logo design” developed by Sandeep Achar, III BVA student.
He has designed the brochures, visiting card, logo, documentary, route map, campaign work for the

IoT Based Water Management System Using Android App was developed by Ms. Akshatha M. Sc CS.
It enables monitoring, payment of bill and controlling the water flow at home by online mobile App.

Iot Based Smart Irrigation System with Android App” developed by Mr. Divyaksha Prabhu MSc CS
student. It provides accurate information of temperature, humidity and soil moisture to the farmers.

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices during the last five years

Response: 31 Total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

11 09 07 02 02

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File Description Document

Report of the event View Document

List of workshops/seminars during the last 5 years View Document

Any additional information View Document

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 The institution has a stated Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in Research

Response: Yes

File Description Document

Institutional data in prescribed format View Document

Any additional information View Document

3.3.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international

Response: Yes

File Description Document

e- copies of the letters of awards View Document

Any additional information View Document

3.3.3 Number of Ph.D.s awarded per teacher during the last five years

Response: 1 How many Ph.Ds awarded within last five years

Response: 04 Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years

Response: 04

File Description Document

URL to the research page on HEI web site View Document

List of PhD scholars and their details like name of View Document
the guide , title of thesis, year of award etc

Any additional information View Document

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3.3.4 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last
five years

Response: 0.28 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

16 12 12 10 10

File Description Document

List of research papers by title, author, department, View Document

name and year of publication

3.3.5 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in
national/international conference proceedings per teacher during the last five years

Response: 0.68 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in
national/international conference-proceedings year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

31 37 42 25 12

File Description Document

List books and chapters in edited volumes / books View Document


3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 Extension activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitising
students to social issues and holistic development during the last five years


NCC, NSS, YRC and Humanities forums of the college have been conducting blood donation camps
regularly in collaboration with Wenlock Hospital Mangalore and understood the holistic value of service in
saving life. As a part of Swachcha Bharath Abhiyan, NCC and NSS students cleaned up the streets and

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premises of school in Moodbidri regularly, where students get awareness on health and hygiene and also
role of youth in maintaining the cleanliness. NCC cadets have involved in road traffic management through
the Road Safety day. NSS students have constructed toilets for Marodi School and comprehended the value
of community service. The college NSS Unit also involved in Check dam constructions for the
conservation of water in and arround Moodbidri.

Spatika Social work forum conducted 30 awareness programmes on child rights and POCSO
Act in primary schools in Moodbidri. The NSS, NCC and Spatica students have visited Mount Rosary Old
Age Home and they developed attitude of empathy on elders. Spatica forum conducted life skill sessions
and first aid training programme for the people of Moodumarnadu, they learnt life skills and first aid
treatment in emergeny conditions. Similarly, the Spatica forum organised free eye check up camp and
distributed health cards in Marodi community. Spatica forum conducted training on Mushroom cultivation,
Street play on mental health in Aarmbody village which helped members to gain the skill of Mushroom
cultivation and how to keep good mental health.

The department of Psychology presented a module on ‘Motivation’ in D.J. English

Medium School, Moodbidri. They also conducted session on ‘Techniques in Improving Memory’ at Govt.
primary School, Puthige. The students of Psychology assessed the I Q of students of Alvas English
Medium school, Puthige. These two programmes made the psychology students to apply the theoretical
knowledge into practice. Journalism students planted saplings of native plants at Shobhavana and also
performed street play on ‘save water and environment’ in Alva’s Engineering College, Mijar. Chemzone
forum conducted quiz Chem Magic and developed basic knowledge of chemistry among the students of
Jain high school, Moodbidri gained the skill of demonstration of chemical reactions. The staff and
students of Botany department submitted a report after their study on ‘Nagbana (a type of sacred grove) to
the Ulipady Grama Panchyath and acquired a deep respect for cultural heritage and conservation. Botany
dept. has organised training on Mushroom cultivation for the people of Aarambody, understood the need
and opportunity for the self employment. The FND department has conducted free medical camp and
tested the HB count of Karkala Jinavani women society members. The students learnt about waste
management during the seminar executed by the students forum of MSW in collaboration with TMC
Moodbidri. The PG department of Biotechnology and UG Microbiology dept analysed the quality of the
drinking water samples collected from the govt high schools of Pranthya, Muththur and surrounding
villages and developed their skill of testing & supervision.

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

3.4.2 Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies during the last five years

Response: 124 Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years

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2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

44 26 19 32 03

File Description Document

Number of awards for extension activities in last 5 View Document


e-copy of the award letters View Document

3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry,
Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during
the last five years

Response: 50 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community
and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-wise during the last
five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

17 12 10 04 07

File Description Document

Reports of the event organized View Document

Number of extension and outreach programs View Document

conducted with industry,community etc for the last
five years

3.4.4 Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government

Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids
Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. during the last five years

Response: 36.29 Total number of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-
Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. year-
wise during the last five years

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2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

2974 1726 1356 426 921

File Description Document

Report of the event View Document

Average percentage of students participating in View Document

extension activities with Govt or NGO etc

3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc during the last five years

Response: 985 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

575 125 93 117 75

File Description Document

Number of Collaborative activities for research, View Document

faculty etc

Copies of collaboration View Document

3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National/ International importance, Other
Institutions, Industries, Corporate houses etc., during the last five years (only functional MoUs with
ongoing activities to be considered)

Response: 38 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other
universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years (only functional MoUs
with ongoing activities to be considered)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

15 08 05 08 02

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File Description Document

e-copies of the MoUs with institution/ industry/ View Document

corporate house

Details of functional MoUs with institutions of View Document

national, international importance,other universities
etc during the last five years

Any additional information View Document

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Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Physical Facilities

4.1.1 The institution has adequate facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories,
computing equipment, etc.


Alva’s College has consistently adopted a progressive policy in creating a propitious environment for
academic growth and overall development of the student community.

Total Class Rooms 79 43 122
Classrooms with ICT 04 29 33
Seminar Hall with ICT 2 2 4
Total Labs 22 29 51
Labs with ICT Facility 4 4 8
Library 1 1 2
Museum 2 1 3
Newseum 1 1
Total Students Wash 13 15 28
All the physical facilities are available in adequate amount as specified by the statutory body.
ICT enabled spacious classrooms for UG and PG sections provide complacent ambience for
Air-conditioned Conference Room (Kuvempu Hall) which accommodates various conferences,
workshops, guest lectures, Movie screening committals.
PG Seminar Hall and Commerce Hall are made serviceable for varied needs of the college
The Campus has a Conference Hall (V. S. Acharya Vedike) used for conducting campus interviews
and guest lectures.

Seminar Hall Seating Capacity

Kuvempu Hall 300
PG Seminar Hall 200
Commerce Hall 300
VS Acharya Conference Hall 1200
Restrooms with first aid facility for girls are replenished with 3 rooms in UG and 5 rooms at PG.
Black board and white board facilities are provided in all classrooms to fulfill the traditional way of
The Libraries at Alva’s are integrated Knowledge Resource Centre’s that are stocked with books,
periodicals, references, national and international journals, CD-ROMs covering all aspects of
academic studies and research material.

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Multimedia studio, Centre for Media Studies, Research and Reference Library ( Collection of
Books by Fr. (Dr) William) supplements knowledge source for students.
Upgraded the IT infrastructure regularly in view of the recent developments and change in
technology to meet the teaching – learning requirements.

Computing Equipments:

The foundation has provided with 205 high end computers for UG students and 22 for PG students.
The general office has 20 computers and CCTV and other necessary equipment’s for smooth
functioning of the college
The Principal’s chamber on the ground floor has sufficient place for conducting meetings.
Moreover, it is equipped with CCTV surveillance that enables the principal to monitor the activities
of the campus at a glance.
Staff rooms with adequate seating along with internet connected computers, scanners and printers
serves all the needs of the teachers.

Other Facilities:

Alva’s Stationary store provides study books and accessories needed for students at discounted
A photocopying facility for students and teachers is also available in TWO places within the
campus for quick and easy access.
With a focus on health and sustainability, Alva’s cafeteria provides clean hygienic food in
reasonable premiums.
In Addition, A provision is made for the lift facility in PG Building.

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

4.1.2 The institution has adequate facilities for sports, games (indoor, outdoor),gymnasium, yoga
centre etc., and cultural activities


Sports and cultural adoption students are given free education and training in their specialized areas.
Students are also provided hostel within the college campus. Activities and facilities which are available
for students of Alva’s College are as follows:

Sports Facilities

Sports & Games Sports & Games Items For Practice /

Events/ Coach Performances
Cricket: Jayaprakash Cricket stumps 10 Cement cricket pitch

Bat 11 Location: Sawraj

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Starting block 12 Maidaan

Cricket bowling machine 37

Volleyball: Nithin Volleyball 19 Volleyball courts
Volleyball net 20 Location: Swaraj
Volley ball antenna 21
Palace Ground
Football: Madhu G.R Football 02 Football field

Goal keeper gloves 48 Location: Palace Ground

Basketball: Basketball net 06 Basket Ball court
Basket ball 07 Location: Service
Throw ball: Uday Throw ball 23 Throw Ball court
Throw ball net 24 Location: Swaraj
Hammer throw Hammer gloves 13 Location : Swaraj
Hammer 14
Coaches: Pradeep M.N
Hammer handle 23
Hammer wire 39
Shot put Shot put 27 Shantharam Rai
Javelin throw Javelin 28
Discuss throw Discuss 29
High jump High jump bar 32 Avin Kumar
Long jump Long Jump Pitch 2
Hockey: Jayaprakash Hockey ball 04 Hockey Court

Hockey stick 46 Location: Palace Ground

Kho-kho: Preethi Kho-kho courts
Location: Palace Ground
Kabaddi: Sathish Kabaddi mats Kabadi courts
Location: Swaraj
Hamsavathi Maidaan

Nudisiri Vedike(Mat

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Hand ball:Rathnakar Hand ball 35 Hand ball courts
Hand ball net 38 Sawraj Maidan
Palace Ground
Soft ball: Rathnakar Soft ball 42 Location: Palace Ground
Soft ball gloves 43
Swimming: Madhukar Swimming Pool 1 Location: Near Swaraj
Other Outdoor Sports Amenities

Agility ladder 54
Hurdles 52
Baseball bat 44
Anklet 41
Measuring tape 36
Knee cap 40
Spring board 33
Air pump 31
Weighing machine 30
Skipping rope 03
Cultural Facilities:

Cultural Events Dress, Ornaments & Properties For Practice &

Yoga Purple colour mat 07 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Red colour mat 08

Gotipuva Dress 36 pairs Rathnakaravarni Vedike
Mallakamba Green colour dress 67 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Red colour dress 67

Indian flag colour dress 67

Mats 80

Crash mats 2 pole

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Mallakamba 11

Hanging Maallakamba 1

Rope Mallakamba 8
Classical Dance
Bharathanatyam Dress 175 Training room No-007

Ornaments 114 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Kathak Dress 253

Ornaments 130
Mohiniattam Dress 97

Ornaments 80
Folk Dance
Dandiya Dress 301 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Ornaments 114
Banjara Dress 195

Ornaments 255
Lavani Dress 154

Ornaments 430
Yakshagana Dress 145 Rathnakaravarni Vedike
Ornaments 100
Room No. 246/247
Properties 47
Srilankan Dance Dress 120 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Properties 243
Manipuri Dance Dress 120 Rathnakaravarni Vedike

Properties 50
Classical Music Room Number - 017
Drama Drama sets & properties Room Number
Stages to Perform and Audience Capacity

Name of the Stage Capacity

Rathnakaravarni Vedike 15000 - capacity
Ku.Shi. Haridasabhatta Vedike 3000- capacity

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K.V. Subbanna Vedike Open air Theatre – 14000- capacity

Kuvempu Hall 300 capacity
V.S. Acharya Vedike 1200 capacity
PG Seminar Hall 200 – capacity
Shrimathi Vanajakshi shripathiOpen air Theatre – Puttige 40000 capacity
bhat Vedike
Shivaramakarantha vedike 1000 capacity

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

4.1.3 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT - enabled facilities such as smart class,
LMS, etc

Response: 29.37 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities

Response: 37

File Description Document

Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT View Document

enabled facilities

any additional information View Document

4.1.4 Average percentage of budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation
during the last five years.

Response: 55.93 Budget allocation for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during the last five
years (INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

161.08793 3035.56566 1696.12753 2107.23295 302.78206

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File Description Document

Details of budget allocation, excluding salary during View Document

the last five years

Audited utilization statements View Document

Any additional information View Document

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)


Name of the ILMS software

Easylib Library Management Software

Nature of automation (fully or partially) Full

Version 4.3.3
Year of automation 2012

An ILMS by the vendor Easylib Software Private Limited was installed in both UG and PG Libraries in

Functions carried out by the software:

Cataloguing and accessioning – Creates the records of all the books and non-books. Each record
has the fields such as Title, author, editor, publisher’s name and place, edition, edition year, etc.
Circulation – Issue and return of books
Members – Creates records of all the users of the library.
Periodicals – Maintains the records of all the periodicals subscribed.
In/out management – Records walk-in and walk-out of the students, by using bar code scanner.
Reports – Various reports like list of books/non-books, new additions, list of journals, statistics
about walk-in/out, circulation statistics, payment of fine, etc.
Stock verification
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) – Used for retrieval/location, reservation of books, etc.
WEBOPAC – dealt with in 4.2.5.

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

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4.2.2 Collection of rare books, manuscripts, special reports or any other knowledge resources for
library enrichment


It is accepted that a modern library must have variety in its collection. Only the books and journals are not
sufficient to satisfy the information needs of the users. Alva’s college library-both UG and PG- is striving
to live up to the expectations of the users. Alva’s college library has rare books, reports, theses, trade
guides and other materials to cater to the needs of the clientele. These additional materials add to the
resourcefulness of the library.

The college has 31 PhD holders as faculty members. The theses were copied with the permission of the
faculty members and kept in the library. Rare books are gateway of knowledge. Many rare books were
stored in the DVD form. Alva’s Newseum which has a rich collection of more than 2,000 books, 157 rare
books and 4000 Newspaper and Magazine is a unique project of the Alva’s Education Foundation (AEF)
with a huge collection of first and special issues of newspapers and magazines, besides books, donated by
Sreekar L Bhandarkar, a senior journalist from Bengaluru and Mohan Ganapathy Hegde, a teacher from
Sagar who has donated their collection to the college. Students and the faculty members are utilizing it.
Not only this, the college library is coordinating the Research and Reference Library of Alva’s School of
Advanced Studies. This library has a rich collection of more than 9,000 books on literature in English,
European languages and local languages like Konkani, etc.

Reports of various bodies are stored in DVD form. Directory, trade guides and newsletters are also in the
collection of college library.

Rare Books (in print form) 157

Rare Books (in DVD form) 94
Reports (in print form) 4
Reports (in DVD form) 37
PhD thesis (in print form) 25
E- books (in DVD form) 25
Conference proceedings (in print form) 01
Directory (in print form) 01
Trade guide (in print form) 01
Newsletter (in print form) 04

File Description Document

Any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Information View Document

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4.2.3 Does the institution have the following:

3.Shodhganga Membership

A. Any 4 of the above

B. Any 3 of the above

C. Any 2 of the above

D. Any 1 of the above

Response: A. Any 4 of the above

File Description Document

Details of subscriptions like e-journals,e- View Document

ShodhSindhu,Shodhganga Membership etc

Any additional information View Document

4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years
(INR in Lakhs)

Response: 20.64 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR
in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

34.55073 27.44901 20.08796 14.98600 6.12569

File Description Document

Details of annual expenditure for purchase of books View Document

and journals during the last five years

Audited statements of accounts View Document

Any additional information View Document

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4.2.5 Availability of remote access to e-resources of the library

Response: Yes

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4.2.6 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students

Response: 5.31 Average number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year

Response: 260

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4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi


The college has well- maintained IT infrastructure providing cutting edge technology through its computer
labs and language labs. The MSc Computer Science lab is furnished with high speed internet facility to all
the systems. Language lab (BEC) is also provided with LAN facility which offers online courses to
students. All the computers are purchased from branded DELL and HP dealers. Along with high Speed
internet facility antivirus has been installed to secure the usage.

Every laboratory is placed with printer, to ease the printing issues. 33 classrooms in UG and PG sections
accommodated with projectors. To owe the requirement, there will be a plan of providing more desktops
in the future. Laboratory uses the licensed as well the open source software.

The internet speed has been enhanced to 100MBPS from 30MBPS in the recent past. Most of department
systems are provided with internet facility. The multimedia studio has full fledged multimedia solutions
through which e-learning classes and lecture capture system has been taken up. Audio visual rooms and 3
seminar halls are equipped with internet facility. The library is totally evolved into digital library.
The ERP system facilitates to handle all academic & non-academic activities effectively and provide a
better learning environment to students including quality education. INFLIBNET facility provides access
to selected scholarly electronic journals and databases in different disciplines to teachers and students.

All the computers are connected on LAN.The committed team is continuously upgrading the facilities so
that the best of the facility should be provided to the students to make the learning process more effective
and enjoyable.

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The below table provides the number of computers that are dedicated to provide the best of the usage in the

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018

Total computers 215 219 257 272 283

Computer labs 170 167 195 205 204

Internet Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband

1 mbps 2 mbps 2 mbps 4 mbps 100 mbps

browsing centers 7 7 7 7 10

Office 9 14 14 14 24
Department 25 27 27 27 39
Others 4 4 14 19 6

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4.3.2 Student - Computer ratio

Response: 22.67

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4.3.3 Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Lease line)

>=50 MBPS

35-50 MBPS

20-35 MBPS

5-20 MBPS

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Response: >=50 MBPS

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4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development such as Media Centre, Recording facility, Lecture
Capturing System (LCS)

Response: Yes

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Facilities for e-content development such as Media View Document

Centre, Recording facility,LCS

Any additional information View Document

Link to photographs View Document

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 Average Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support
facilities excluding salary component, as a percentage during the last five years

Response: 4.39 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities
excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

102.16968 107.53054 88.76547 36.17109 0.12165

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Details about assigned budget and expenditure on View Document

physical facilities and academic facilities

Audited statements of accounts. View Document

4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.


The college has appointed personnel for maintaining the infrastructure separetly for building

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maintenance, transport, furniture and generator. Separate Complaint registers are maintained for
various services like electrical, plumbing, housekeeping. The people, who work here on
maintenance of the college, will report regularly about the breakage of instruments and devices to
the higher authority. A dedicated team of electricians, plumbers, carpenters and other personnel
provide round the clock service to departments and hostels.
Every laboratory is assigned with staff members to oversee the laboratories and equipment and a
separate log book is maintained to track the instruments and chemicals. He /She is responsible for
safe and smooth maintenance of the facilities. A separate log book is maintained in all the
departments to ensure entries and problems if any. The Heads of the Departments supervise all the
facilities. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is entered into for most of the services and
equipment. A special fire safety system is provided to all the laboratories.
Library is maintained under the supervision of chief librarian. An integrated library system (ILS),
also known as a library management system (LMS), to track items owned, orders made, bills paid
and users who have borrowed. A daily register book is maintained for staff and students.
For Sports Complex, Playground, Synthetic Track, GYM, Swimming Pool and Yoga Centre
separate policy is framed and accordingly rules and regulation are followed. A wide range of
maintenance tasks are undertaken to present these surfaces in a condition fit for use. Maintenance is
undertaken to provide the community with well-maintained sports grounds for enjoyment. Sports
grounds reserves are maintained to a safe and high standard.
For computer lab log books are maintained and trained technicians are appointed for technical
support. Classrooms are provided with LCD projector and LAN connection. The purpose of this
operating policy/procedure is to specify the responsibilities of deans/chairpersons in maintenance
and housekeeping responsibilities associated with centrally scheduled classrooms, Departmental
classrooms and media classrooms.
Routine services or maintenance including repair of existing electrical outlets and class room
seating and repair. Resources like Chalk and boards, Lecterns or podiums are provided. Classrooms
which are controlled and scheduled by departments are considered to be departmental classrooms.
Inventory will provide as much support as possible to departmental classrooms based on available

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Criterion 5 - Student Support and Progression

5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the
Government during the last five years

Response: 22.82 Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government year-wise
during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

1283 1066 757 724 649

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Upload self attested letter with the list of students View Document
sanctioned scholarships

Average percentage of students benefited by View Document

scholarships and freeships provided by the
Government during the last five years

Any additional information View Document

5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc. provided by the
institution besides government schemes during the last five years

Response: 20.49 Total number of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc provided by the institution
besides government schemes year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

856 936 904 682 585

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5.1.3 Number of capability enhancement and development schemes –

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1.For competitive examinations

2.Career counselling
3.Soft skill development
4.Remedial coaching
5.Language lab
6.Bridge courses
7.Yoga and meditation
8.Personal Counselling

A. 7 or more of the above

B. Any 6 of the above

C. Any 5 of the above

D. Any 4 of the above

Response: A. 7 or more of the above

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Details of capability enhancement and development View Document


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Link to Institutional website View Document

5.1.4 Average percentage of student benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career
counselling offered by the institution during the last five years

Response: 26.91 Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling
offered by the institution year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

1655 800 1076 1474 278

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Number of students benefited by guidance for View Document

competitive examinations and career counselling
during the last five years

Any additional information View Document

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5.1.5 Average percentage of students benefited by Vocational Education and Training (VET) during
the last five years

Response: 0 Number of students attending VET year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

0 0 0 0 0

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Details of the students benifitted by VET View Document

5.1.6 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances
including sexual harassment and ragging cases

Response: Yes

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Minutes of the meetings of student redressal View Document

committee, prevention of sexual harassment
committee and Anti Ragging committee

Details of student grievances including sexual View Document

harassment and ragging cases

Any additional information View Document

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years

Response: 24.3 Number of outgoing students placed year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

346 241 326 260 229

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Details of student placement during the last five View Document


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5.2.2 Percentage of student progression to higher education (previous graduating batch)

Response: 21.57 Number of outgoing students progressing to higher education

Response: 327

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5.2.3 Average percentage of students qualifying in State/ National/ International level examinations
during the last five years (eg: NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State
government examinations)

Response: 92.4 Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: NET/ SLET/
GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil services/ State government examinations) year-wise during the
last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

36 18 2 3 3 Number of students who have appeared for the exams year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

50 20 2 3 3

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Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ View Document

international level examinations during the last five

Any additional information View Document

5.3 Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national
/ international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years.

Response: 98 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at

national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) year-wise during the last five

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

27 19 32 13 07

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Number of awards/medals for outstanding View Document

performance in sports/cultural activities at
national/international level during the last five years

e-copies of award letters and certificates View Document

Any additional information View Document

5.3.2 Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic &
administrative bodies/committees of the institution


The Student Council is an active body of students supervised by the class advisers and all the Deans of the
various streams. The objective of the student council of our college is to provide equal opportunity to
students to develop leadership and organising skills by carrying out various college activities throughout
the academic year. In addition to planning events and executing them, the voice of the student council
upholds the college spirit with concern towards community welfare. The student council consists of the
following members in its administrative works: the Deans of all the streams – the Humanities, Arts,
Language, Science, Commerce – the office superintendent, and sports representatives along with the

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representative of the management. The student council is framed by the election and selection method by
the Academic advisers of the respective classes, and the President, the Vice-President and the secretary are
chosen from those selected representatives. The President has the general responsibility for coordinating,
directing and overseeing the activities of student council. The academic schedule of the entire year for the
student council starts with the “Independence Day” where all the responsibilities are officially taken up by
the student council body. As any college that offers the degree programme is a seat of higher learning,
there exists a space for generating, creating and discovering new sub-systems within the system of the
college. There also arises a need to monitor the academic and the co-academic activities, according to the
new programs of teaching and learning. The implementation of activity based learning on that which is
required, elevates the standard and enables the process to be more practically beneficial. In this regard, the
student council is formed on the campus. The college has various academic and administrative bodies that
handle student council. Major activities carried out by the student council with the help of management are
as follows: Independence Day, Republic Day, Alva’s Nudisiri, Alva’s Virasat, Alva’s Deepavali,
Alva’s Pragathi, Sri Lankan Day, Keraliyam, Ifttar, College Day, Talents Day and Sports Day. Along with
these N.S.S., N.C.C. and 34 forums are active in the college. The student representatives also collect
feedback for academic and non-academic activities. Funds for the N.S.S. activities like check-dam
construction, blood donation camps, awareness programmes on malaria and dengue, Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan are collected by the student council. They also put up posters on notice boards to create awareness
among students about public cleanliness. The ‘farewell programmes’ for the final year students is also
undertaken by student council. The members of the student council also assist with the works of the
magazine committee, the hostel committee, the food committee, the placement committee, the library
committee and are part of the action-plan of the college, as well.

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5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural activities/ competitions organised at the institution
level per year

Response: 14.4 Number of sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level year-wise
during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

22 18 12 13 7

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Report of the event View Document

Number of sports and cultural activities / View Document

competitions organised per year

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5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 The Alumni Association/Chapters (registered and functional) contributes significantly to the
development of the institution through financial and non financial means during the last five years


Alva’s Alumni Association is a crowning glory in the context of the institution. Though it has been very
active and agile, the alumni association of the college was registered on 29-09-2018.. The members of the
association are the representatives of diverse alumnus and are from different streams. The Alumni
Association has been actively functioning in the college and also in various Departments. Few of the
departments namely MCJ, M.COM, MHRD/M.COM (HRD), M.Sc (Chemistry, Physics, FSN, Zoology
etc), M.A (Economics) and undergraduate departments are organized the alumnus meeting on convocation
day, during which department collected the feedback from them for the future initiatives. The Alumni
Association has been functional in the shaping in the policies and overall development of the college. The
main objective of the alumni association is to create and maintain a lifelong connection between Institute
and its Alumni, finding a new way to build an engage membership base is an integral task of the
Association. Every year the students are requested to fill the feedback form before they receive their
certificates. The data is collected and proceed for analysis and used for development of the college.

Financial means of alumni contribution

Proud alumni of our college donated scanner with printer to the undergraduate computer science
Alumni of our college donated projector to the management department and speakers to
(HRD), Physics, and MSc (FSN) department.

Alumni of our college also contributed Rs. 5000/- for the fest ‘EVOKE’ conducted by
management and HRD department.
The alumni offer the assistance in the form books, cupboards, wall clock, LCD projector screen,
computer table and rotating chairs, And sometimes in cash.
The Alumni of Biotechnology department had contributed financially for organization National and
International Conference.
The alumni of Physics department had contributed financially Rs. 6800/- for organizing National
Science day celebration.

Non-Financial means of alumni contribution

Some of the alumni are expert in their respective fields; they are invited to deliver guest talks in
their respective department for the present students.
Our alumni have helped the department in placing the students to the Internship and project work
and given a reference to the vacancies for the students
The ‘overall championship rolling shield’ was sponsored by alumni for the Hindi fest ‘UMANG’.
The alumni members are actively sharing inputs to upgrade the academic course curriculum with
respect changing scenario.
Some of the alumni are public representatives; they help us whenever there are some local
problems .Their feedback is valuable for the administration of the college.

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The alumni those are in the field of mass media and communication help in providing advice, their
views and support plays a vital role in mounting the image of the college in the society.

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5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the last five years(INR in Lakhs)

? 5 Lakhs

4 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs

3 Lakhs - 4 Lakhs

1 Lakh - 3 Lakhs

Response: ? 5 Lakhs

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Alumni association audited statements View Document

5.4.3 Number of Alumni Association / Chapters meetings held during the last five years

Response: 18 Number of Alumni Association /Chapters meetings held year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

06 06 02 02 02

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Number of Alumni Association / Chapters meetings View Document

conducted during the last five years

Report of the event View Document

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Criterion 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of an effective leadership in tune with the vision
and mission of the institution



Moulding better tomorrow through educational, cultural and sports excellence


Creating physical and academic environment for quality education

Providing knowledge and need based education for employability
Encouraging research and scientific temperament
Developing and abilities among the students
Working for the inclusion of deprived in education
Promoting human values and national integration among students

Nature of Governance:

Alva’s Education Foundation, the progenitor of Alva’s College is the governing body under the able
leadership of the Chairman, Dr. M. Mohan Alva. The Institution is triggered to produce an integration of
Education, s and excellence, which is converted into an action based on the clear administrative structure
framed and guided by AEF through the Principal.

A two-way communication channel i.e. upward and downward communication between the staff and the
Management is an important factor of institution and it is achieved by the interaction of Management and
staff through channels such as notice/messages/e-mails/ERP. The Governing Council consist of experts
from academics, Sports & Cultural which are the core elements of mission which enhances continuously
the spirit of mission.

The Education Foundation guides and empoweres the college to initiate new courses both at UG and PG
every year based on the analysis of Governing Council. It is evident that the academic expansion in terms
of additional courses to support employability has been continuously done. Students from all streams of
society are included in the process of Education. The management has a clear policy to provide
opportunities for physically challenged, cultural and sports, backward ethnic groups and students excelled
in academics.

AEF has a strong faith in indigenous values and art forms. A committee which is headed by the Chairman
of AEF, selects and trains the aspirants for which more than 300 aspirants of the various classical and folk
art forms, apply every year.

The Chairman takes vital decisions about the commencement of new courses, expansion of infrastructure,
implementation of new strategy, alteration to the fundamental processes, educational reforms only on the

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recommendation/s of the GC. The Chairman discusses the implementation of the proceedings with the
Principal and Heads of the departments, if needed for the execution of the decisions.

The ethnic identities are witnessed by the celebration of ethnic days of various communities which is
organized and monitored by the student council and teachers’ team. Indian classical art forms such as
Bharatnatyam and Carnatic music have been incorporated at Graduate program. Visual art, on the strong
recommendation of general governing body and various socio-cultural groups of the district has been

As the mission of the college focus on sports, it is promoted by making that as an integral part of
academics. The college, based on the suggestions of Governng Council, team of teachers, professional
bodies, university officials, and state level sports organizations, organizes various sports events at the
college. Through which the institution promotes human value and builds the instinct of national

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6.1.2 The institution practices decentralization and participative management


Alva’s College is spearheaded by Alva’s Education Foundation ® (AEF) under the Chairmanship of Dr.
M. Mohan Alva. The Management includes Dr. Mohan Alva, Sri Ananda Alva, Sri Amaranatha Shetty,
Smt. Jayashree Shetty, Sri Ravindra Shetty, Sri Vivek Alva, and Dr. Vinay Alva as members.

The Governing Council is headed by Dr. Mohan Alva. Sri. Ananda Alva, Sri. Amarnath Shetty, Mrs.
Jayashree Shetty, Sri. Ravindra Shetty, Sri. Vivek Alva, Dr. Vinaya Alva, Mr. George Monis, Sri. Bahubali
Prasad, Sri. Abdul Rawouf are the members and Dr. Mohan Singhe, Dr. Lokesh are the University
Representatives. The Principal, Dr. Kurian is the Secretary, Dr. Jayadev, one of the faculty members is also
part of the Council. Hence the Council consists of the Management Committee, the faculty of the College
which directly promotes participative management.

IQAC, yet another independent body always suggests the cells/forums/departments to organize quality
programs. The Chairperson of IQAC, the Principal is also a direct member of Governing Council.
Coordinator of IQAC is another faculty member who always co-works with the Principal. Deans of the
College, Office Superintendent, Administrative Officer, Finance Officer, one of the Management
representatives, Alumni, student representatives, a community representative, an employer/industrialist and
external expert/s are the members of the IQAC.

Deans and the Heads of the departments are part of the staff council. The faculty and the Office
superintendent are the members of various Committees/Cells/Forums set up for decentralization of the
administration. Alva’s Alumni Association and Student Council participates in the decision making
process. Thus the institution promotes participative leadership process.

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The Committees/Cells are free to prepare their budget and Plan of Action as per Strategic Perspective Plan
of the College and the Principal executes them after Governing Council’s approval. Thus there is
decentralized mechanism at the college.



Counseling Cell/Centre
Anti-Ragging Cell
Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell
Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
Women Development Cell
SC/ST Cell
Human Right Cell
Training and Placement Cell



Counseling Center was established in the year 2013-14 by the recommendation of IQAC of the college to
take care of the students. Initially the centre was formulated in association with Department PG Studies in
Social Work. Mrs Savitha was nominated as in-charge and counselor and Mrs Mukambika G S, Mrs
Madhumala of the Department and Mrs Deepa Kothari of Psychology Department were nominated as the
counselors. The cell organizes the programs to build-up confidence among the fragile students.

During the academic year 2015-16 the cell was completely segregated and set as an independent unit as
Alva’s counseling Centre, ‘BELAKU’, with exclusively appointed counselors.

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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Perspective/Strategic plan and Deployment documents are available in the institution


The Institution constantly emphasizes on meeting the requirements of the Higher Education with a

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focus on social concern. In this regard, the Institution is committed and conducts activities. The Institution
has a perspective plan based on the feedback of the stakeholders, suggestions from the Governing Council
and review mechanism for functional accomplishments.

The strategic plan is formulated based on the process.


The strategic plan of the institution lays emphasis on the following

Engaging research mind-set among faculty members and students.

Accelerating the optimum use of technology in teaching learning process.
To dedicate time for community oriented services.
Creating awareness among students to imbibe skill enhancing by increasing activities like add-on
courses, internship etc. in association with various organizations.
The Institution abets on promoting the strategic plan and deployment mode of culture. The
Institution has got recognition in the neighborhood locality in the pursuit of breakthrough goals
such as teaching, overhauling the students’ progression, and services to the community. The list of
activities that must be conducted is planned before the commencement of the academic year by the
Principal along with the IQAC and the Heads of various departments.


The IQAC initiate the activities for the academic year . The plan of the department has been discussed
with the present of Head of the department.


A meeting is convened by the Principal at the beginning of the academic year to plan the
activities to be implemented across the year. In consultation with the Mangalore University calendar of
events and the calendar submitted by the departments, the IQAC consolidates the institutional calendar of
events. The IQAC keeps a strict vigil to see through the implementation of the planned calendar of events.


Quality being the primary concern of the institution, it becomes essential to maintain quality in

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every aspect of the institution is it in academic or administrative matters. To meet the standards of Higher
education and to sustain in the globally competent world, the institution lays a significant thrust on
formulating a well-planned strategic plan to be implemented. These practices witness towards the vision,
mission, goal and quality policy of the institution that focuses on the holistic development of students.

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Strategic Plan and deployment documents on the View Document


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6.2.2 Organizational structure of the institution including governing body, administrative setup, and
functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies as well as
grievance redressal mechanism


Alva’s College, Moodubidire affiliated to Mangalore University functions under the governance of Alva’s
Education Foundation ® Moodubidire, which has been serving as a trust registered under The Indian Trust
Act- 1882. At the top-level of management, the Foundation has Governing Council apart from Board of
Trustees. The ‘Chairman’ is the Chief Executive of Alva’s Education Foundation who was appointed by
the Board of Trustees and the Governing Council. Under the Chairman, there are three key departments
such as Administrative, Finance and HR have been functioning. The Administrative Department is headed
by the Chairman and assisted by the Assistant Administrative Officers for each branch of Institutions along
with Officers of Admission, Public Relation, Purchase, Maintenance, Transport and Student Welfare and
they are assisted by the office staff. Alva’s Education Foundation has a centralised Finance Office, headed
by the Finance Officer assisted by accountants and other staff members. Human Resource (HR)
Department is headed by the HR Manager and assisted by the office personnel.

The Principal being the academic Head acts as a liaison between the Management and the
University. For the smooth governance of the academic system, the responsibilities of the college have
been distributed among the Deans and Heads of the Departments (HOD) in UG and Coordinators in PG.
along with faculty members, the Lab Instructors and attenders assist the departments. There is a separate
wing of Library headed by the Chief Librarian with assistants. Similarly, the Department of Physical
Education is headed by the Physical Director and assisted by the coaches. The Office of the College is
headed by the Office Superintendent and assisted by the clerks, accountants and attenders.

Besides, the College has mechanisms to support students as well as employees such as Student
Welfare Cell, Counseling Centre, Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-Ragging Cell, Women Development
Cell, SC/ST Cell, Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell, Human Rights Cell, Training and Placement Cell and
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to ensure the internal quality. The employees are appointed as per
the policy of Recruitment, the performance of the employees are guided by the Service Rules of the college
and the employees career advancement in the service will have to be done as per the policy of Promotion
and the grievances of the employees are addressed as per the procedure/s of Grievance Redressal cell

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6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

1.Planning and Development

3.Finance and Accounts
4.Student Admission and Support

A. All 5 of the above

B. Any 4 of the above

C. Any 3 of the above

D. Any 2 of the above

Response: A. All 5 of the above

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Screen shots of user interfaces View Document

ERP Document View Document

Details of implementation of e-governance in areas View Document

of operation Planning and
Development,Administration etc

6.2.4 Effectiveness of various bodies/cells/committees is evident through minutes of meetings and

implementation of their resolutions


The committees /cells/bodies of the college structure their plan of action and budget at the end of the
previous academic year or at the beginning of the every academic year discussing in the meeting. Once the
plan is ready that will be presented before IQAC and then send it to the governing council for its approval.
The plan is prepared in accordance to the vision and objectives of the cells/committees/bodies for which it
is ment for. The plan and budget approved by governing council will be implemented throughout the
academic year with the periodical suggestions, advice of IQAC and at the end of the year IQAC evaluates
and suggest for the better quality enhancement/s next year.

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Counseling Centre (Belaku):

Counseling Centre is a student support system to prevent emotional/adjustment problems among students
and enable them to resolve their maladjustments and also to promote coping mechanisms for better

Anti-Ragging Cell:

This Cell is actively functioning as per the guidelines of The UGC Act 1956. The aim of the Cell is to
create awareness and curb the menace of ragging in the college.

Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell (ABHAYA):

The grievance cell is a mechanism to sort out the grievances of the students. It is a means by which a
student who believes that he/she has been treated unfairly with respect to his/her academic/ administrative
affairs or is convinced to be discriminated is redressed.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell:

This Cell is formed and functioning as per Vishaka guidelines given by the Supreme Court of India. The
aim of the Cell is to sensitize and works to prevent sexual harassment in the college.

Women Development Cell:

This Cell is functioning with the spirit to promote gender sensitivity and conduct diverse programmes to
educate, sensitize both male and female members and produce cordial atmosphere on the campus.

Human Rights Cell:

This Cell is functioning with the aim to facilitate and empower the people to enjoy human rights in each
and every walk of life. The Cell focuses not only to the human right matters but also about the rights of
children, women and elderly.


This Cell is functioning as per the UGC guidelines for safeguarding the interests of downtrodden
community and thereby promoting their welfare.

Training and Placement Cell:

This Cell is functioning to enable the students with relevant conceptualized professional skills and
enhancing them towards a bright future and career with the values of honesty, generosity, sincerity and

Student Council:

Student Council is an association of students’ formed with the aim to enhance and ensure the active
participation of the students in all the activities of the college.

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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff


The Alva’s institute is always indebted for the welfare measures initiated for its teaching and non teaching
staff members. The institution always expects the atmost satisfaction of its staff members, believing that
the satisfaction and welfareness of them would always cause for the gradual development of the college.
The welfare measures initiated at the institution are related to research work, leave, finance and certain
special permission etc.

If any staff is willing to attend seminar & conference of any level the institution permits them to attend. A
special permission for Ph.D Course work will be given. Various forms of leaves are provided to the staff &
Non teaching staff for their benefits such as Casual Leave, Earned Leave, Special Casual Leave, Maternity
Leave, leaves for On Official Duty, Regional holidays & compensatory leave. The institution through the
foundation, keeping in mind the financial condition and welfare of its staff members (teaching and non
teaching), established a cooperative society at the campus called Alva’s co operative society.

Simultaneously, the institution provides financial support too for those who attend conference/
seminar/workshop such as travelling allowances, dearness allowances, and Registration fees. After
receiving Ph.D degree an incentive will be provided, besides a special allowance will be given after the
completion of Ph.D / M.Phil. A special increment will be given for those who have rendered their service
to the institution for more than 5 and 10 years. Provident fund for teaching and ESI for non teaching staff is
being provided by the institution.

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6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend

conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

Response: 22.01 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards
membership fee of professional bodies year-wise during the last five years

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2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

69 27 28 67 45

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Details of teachers provided with financial support View Document

to attend conferences,workshops etc during the last
five years

Any additional information View Document

6.3.3 Average number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by

the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last five years

Response: 5 Total number of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the
Institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

11 6 2 3 3

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Reports of the Human Resource Development View Document

Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centres).

Reports of Academic Staff College or similar View Document


Details of professional development / administrative View Document

training programs organized by the Institution for
teaching and non teaching staff

Any additional information View Document

6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation
Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five

Response: 28.43 Total number of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program,

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Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

110 104 91 04 15

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IQAC report summary View Document

Details of teachers attending professional View Document

development programs during the last five years

6.3.5 Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff


Every teacher is required to fill in a self-appraisal form at the end of each year. The format is exhaustive
and includes evaluation criteria about teaching, student welfare, administration responsibilities,
participation in college activities, additional responsibilities undertaken, creative and innovative practices
used and implemented during the year. The self appraisal form also focuses on the research initiatives
of teachers including seminars attended/paper presentations, attending State/National or international
workshops, FDPs, Guest talks, usage of ICT in teaching, involvement in university academic work like
question paper setting, examination work, BOS, BOEs etc.

The self appraisal forms are assessed and then commented by the HODs, Deans/Coordinators and the
Principal of the college and a positive and constructive feedback is shared with the teachers. The Principal
appreciates the teachers for outstanding performance and counsels the teachers to improve their
performance if necessary. An analysis/summary of performance appraisal is shared with Governing
Council, IQAC and Management by the Principal for necessary action.

The teachers are also asked to involve in various committees, activities of the college. The activities
committed by the staff members are evaluated by the IQAC every year. The teachers are encouraged to
attend/present papers in seminars and workshops. The teachers are also encouraged to enhance their
qualification (Ph.D). The work diaries and lesson plans and other individual records of each staff member
will be verified every semester.

At the end of every academic year, students have the opportunity to provide feedback to Faculty Members.
The criteria for evaluation are divided into two parts namely Part A and Part B. In Part A academic
excellence is given weightage whereas in Part B teachers’ ability to motivate the students is given more
importance. The feedback collected by the students helps to understand where the employee stands in his
performance and what improvement has to be done in the future. If the student feedback of a faculty
member is not satisfactory in any aspect, the HOD concerned will motivate him/her to improve in the

Non-teaching staff like the librarians, office staff, support staff etc are currently not given any appraisal

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forms. Their performance appraisal is done by the Principal based on the quality and quantity of their
work, nature of their work, their enthusiasm, skill sets and efficiency. The appraisal of the non-teaching
staff is conducted informally by the principal and they are counseled to improve their work if necessary.

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6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly


Internal audit:-

Alva’s College and Alva’s Post Graduate College Moodubidre gets its financial statement audited by
chartered accountant Firm M/s Umesha Rao &Co. Moodubidre. The auditing firm obtains all the
information and explanation which to the best of their knowledge and belief are necessary for the purpose
of the audit. According to the report, proper books of accounts have been kept by Alva’s college so for.
Qualified internal auditors from external sources are appointed and a team is constituted to do the thorough
checking and verification of all vouchers of the transactions that are carried out in each financial year.

Scope of audit covers verification of all income and expenditure account, capital expenditure
verification, payroll verification and statutory compliance. So for there have been no major
findings/objections. Minor errors of omission and commissions when pointed out by the audit team are
immediately corrected.

External audit:-

Similarly and external audit is also carried out on an elaborate way on yearly basis. External audit is
conducted by M/s Devkumar &Co. Mangalore. The report is analyzed by the management and remedial
measures have been taken with the proper follow up.

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6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropists during the
last five years (not covered in Criterion III) (INR in Lakhs)

Response: 167.01 Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists year-wise during

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the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

20.29900 11.75277 59.30905 75.03751 0.61

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Details of Funds / Grants received from non- View Document

government bodies during the last five years

Any additional information View Document

Annual statements of accounts View Document

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources


The Alva’s institution is a self financed institution. The fees collected from the students is the major source
of funding for the institution. Alva’s College has a well-defined strategy for monitoring efficient and
effective utilization of funds. The mobilized resources are mainly utilized for infrastructural development
of the college and developing teaching learning process. The financial activities are administered by the
Governing Council.The institution through participative management ensures:

Optimum utilization of assets and resources like play ground, Seminar hall, class rooms, building
space, Transportation vehicles, equipments and furniture etc.
Effective and efficient administration strategies and perspective plan that promotes quality and
innovative practices that results generation of additional revenue.
Mobilization of monetary resources from student network in the way of donation, grants etc., which
will be utilized for organizing co-curricular activities to enhance teaching learning process.
Generating non monetary resources from Alumni in the form of knowledge sharing and extending.
Skill set to the major stakeholders of the institution i.e students.
Building the Alumni network and philanthropists to generously donate to the institution, which will
be utilized for student development activities.

A perspective plan is prepared at the department level based on the requirements of various departments.
The Governing Council monitors the perspective plan and the Management disperse the funds based on the
need and priority. Expenditure is also monitored by the finance department and evaluates the necessary
documents. The institution follows a transparent and faire accounting and audit practice. The institution is
also applying for funding from various other bodies for organizing seminars/ conferences and for carrying
out research projects.

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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the
quality assurance strategies and processes


IQAC always takes care of the quality initiations of the institution for the sustainability of the institution.
Regular meeting would be conducted for the evaluation of quality initiatives. With the academic council a
regular meeting would be conducted to discuss the plan, plan of action, process and for its evaluation.
IQAC conducts meeting with its members and student representatives to discuss about further action to be
taken and to get insight on academic quality improvements. The present quality initiatives of the institution
have been evaluated on the basis of the innovative ideas collected from the departments and from the stake-
holders. The major recommendation of the departments and stake holders includes introduction of new
courses, organizing FDP and formation of research cell.

IQAC directs the placement cell to conduct training for the students and also it suggests the research cell to
conduct research based activities for students and faculties. It also recognizes and appreciates the
achievements of students and faculties. The IQAC suggests the management for the improvement of
infrastructure facility at the college. It also takes care of the regular self appraisal of faculty members.

The Institution is committed in the provision of quality teaching and learning process. Apart from that, it
focuses on personality development of students through certificate programmes for skill development,
training programmes, and other co- curricular and extra-curricular (sports, cultural etc) activities that
expand their horizon of knowledge. More emphasis given on ICT enabled teaching and learning. Library
has been strengthened by adding new books and journals.

Certificate courses and add-on courses made compulsory as per the choice of students. Various forum
activities conducted regularly by the involvement of groups of students included in the frame of academic
time table.



Alva’s Degree College and Alva’s Center for PG Studies have been shifted to independent building in the
academic year 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively. The college incorporates well established physical
infrastructure that includes - 33 class rooms with ICT facility, 4 seminar halls with ICT facility, 50 labs, 8
Labs with ICT, 2 libraries, 3 museums, and 1 ‘Newseum’. The college has well facilitated reading
ambiance that is supported by learner’s friendly library which uses Automated Using Integrated Library
Management system (ILMS). The institution has been updating its IT infrastructure such as Wi-Fi to utilize
E-recourses at the maximum. It also includes E-resource development centers, like recording room, Media
centre, and lecture capturing system.

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Alva’s College provides the best possible learning atmosphere to achieve maximum success in
the area. The Student Support System in the college is designed, considering student as the centre of the
whole system. The college has assimilated all required system to reach the need of multidimensional
personalities of student community and the world outside. The various student supportive programmes
available in the institution are - Extension Activity, Certificate Course, Internship/ Industrial Visit, Student
Research, Add on Course, Student Forum, Seminar or Workshop, Use of ICT. Besides, various
departments of the college have MOUs.

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6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations
and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms


The teaching learning process at the college has been governed and guided periodically for its quality
enhancement by IQAC of the college. The quality of teaching and learning is also analyzed through
internal examinations. In which the students are categorized as advanced, average, slow learners and for
them the special coaching classes have been provided as per the requirement. The students’ faculty
program and students’ project and seminars are brought into the practice for the enhancement of

The plan, budget and programs are to be designed and structured by the Heads of the departments and that
has to be submitted to the principle for the discussion. The discussed and approved report will be passed
to the heads of the dept through the principal. The staff council along with IQAC collectively discusses the
plan and design of teaching learning and the finalized plans are returned to the concerned dept for the
implementation for the academic year.

Self appraisal report from each faculty members through the HOD with remark and feedback from the
students will be collected. The staff council and IQAC analyze and take necessary action. Even the result
of the university exam is also analyzed and suggested for the action. Each department is asked to prepare
long term [5 years] perspective plan for the upward growth of the institution. Yearly plan & budget and
perspective plan of each department analyzed to confirm the gradual progression.

Outcome-based learning. The institute’s prime focus is on high academic performance through outcome
based learning and evaluation process. Greater importance is given for continuous assessment which is
creatively implemented as per the needs of each course (with appropriate combination of homework,
assignments, collaborative projects, in-class discussions, presentations, creation of models and videos,

The quality of teaching is monitored through feedback which is obtained from the students to assure
quality in teaching and learning process. The students’ academic progress is monitored regularly by a well-

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structured and executed mentorship (called as advisors) program. As per the result analysis of previous
year, strategies are developed at the beginning of semester for improving the result. Also after the final
result, remedial classes are arranged for slow learners. Healthy faculty-student ratio is maintained. Hiring
well qualified staff as available, rather than just as per need (to go well beyond minimum requirement).

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6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality culture per year

Response: 38.8 Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

55 58 42 23 16

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promoting quality culture

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IQAC link View Document

6.5.4 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

1.Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); timely submission of Annual
Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC; Feedback collected, analysed and used for
2.Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action
3.Participation in NIRF
4.ISO Certification
5.NBA or any other quality audit

A. Any 4 of the above

B. Any 3 of the above

C. Any 2 of the above

D. Any 1 of the above

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Response: B. Any 3 of the above

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Annual reports of institution View Document

6.5.5 Incremental improvements made during the preceding five years (in case of first cycle) Post
accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)


Sl. No Recommendations Initiations and Improvement

1 Introduction of inter-disciplinary Workshop on mushroom
career oriented/job oriented cultivation initiated along with
courses such as cultivation and spawn production and supply to
marketing of medicinal plants cultivators especially farmers.
and mushroom cultivation etc. Training to farmers on bio-
fertilizers also initiated.

Initiated Inter-disciplinary
research activities.

Certificate courses have been

initiated. 36 numbers of
certificate courses have been
introduced and students from all
streams could join these courses.
2 Tutorial and remedial classes Remedial classes for slow
should be held regularly and learners, average learners and
systematically for monitoring the meritorious students have been
slow learners conducted

3 Establish more collaborative Collaboration with

linkages with state/national level research institutes,
institutions, industrial and industries and corporate
corporate sectors for sectors, NGO’s have been

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enhancement in quality teaching done.

and research These collaborations
provides opportunity for
internships, project work
and research studies. .
33 MoUs have been
4 More emphasis may be given on ICT based teaching have been
ICT enabled teaching and initiated.
learning .
PG class rooms are
facilitated with ICT and
Wi-Fi facility is provided
in the college campus.
5 Library may be strengthened by Library Strengthened by
adding new books on competitive adding new text books,
examinations and reputed competitive examinations
journals. books and reviews,
journals and general
DELNET facilities have
been initiated. OPAC
remote access initiated

Present data

Text Books 21927

Journals 70

Magazine 43

CDs/ videos 398

100Mbps speed internet for

online software use.
6 Modernized auditorium may be 3 audiovisual auditorium
constructed. were constructed-
Kuvempu Hall,P.G
Seminar Hall, Commerce
seminar hall

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One sophisticated Media

Centre (Studio) also
constructed with all
7 Extension of placement services College placement cell
to all the programs and providing regularly organizes
training for NET/SLET and other placement training to all
competitive examinations. final year students to
enable them to prepare
and face interviews
College has been initiated
Training/coaching for
8 Establishment of Language Language Lab has been
Laboratory. established
English language skills
enhancement has been
done by using E-class
software. English
speaking course, skill
development course were
9 The college should take initiative Department events were
to generate funds from different organized through external fund.
sources including consultancy.
10 College should prepare a Perspective plan of the College is
comprehensive plan for academic prepared for the next five years
and infrastructure development for academic and self
for the next 10 to 20 years. sustainability programs.
11 College may start add-on courses College started add on
of UGC and convergence courses like CS, CPT,
programs of IGNOU. IPCC, IBPS .
Coaching for Civil service
examinations has been
College is recognized as
the centre for CA
12 Women related topics, issues and Forum organizes
challenges of women may also be programs regularly ,guest
incorporated in the curriculum in talks on gender issued like
order to create awareness among Save Girl Child has been
the women students. organized .
Women empowerment
cell has been working and
anti-sexual harassment

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cell is active.
13 Selection Procedure of the Followed as per the norms.
Faculty should be strictly adhered
to UGC/University Rules.

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Criterion 7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution during the last five

Response: 40 Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution year-wise during the last
five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

9 8 6 5 12

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Report of the event View Document

List of gender equity promotion programs organized View Document

by the institution

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1.Institution shows gender sensitivity in providing facilities such as:

1.Safety and Security
3.Common Room


1.Safety and Security:

The institution is very keen in maintaining the safety and security of students. The following practices are
done in this regard:

There is a 24x7 watch and ward system through the Security personnel appointed for the purpose.
The College has appointed eight personnel to provide round the clock security in two shifts i.e. 7
a.m. to 7 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
The Discipline Committee headed by the Students Welfare Officers, continuously monitor the
security practices in the campus and in the hostels.
CCTV Cameras are installed in each floor of the college and in the hostels.
The College has an Internal Compliance Cell to provide integrated support and assistance to female
students. A common helpline number 7353311573 is provided to the students, and it operates all

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the time.

To ensure safety and security, fire extinguishers are installed in each floor of the college buildings,
and in the hostels, as well.
Separate hostel facility is provided to the female students inside the college campus. Wardens are
appointed to each floor to look after the various issues of the students. First Aid Boxes, wheelchairs
are provided in case of health issues. Facilities such as stationery and other requirements of the
students are available in the hostel premises.
Ayurveda Medical college is located inside the college campus with in the distance of 300 meters
that provide necessary medical services, in case of emergencies as a subsidized service
A separate register is maintained in the hostel to record movement of the students.

2. Counseling

An independent counselling centre is available in the campus. An experienced interdisciplinary team is

available in order to provide counselling services, mental health and preventive services for the students’
enhancement and growth. (BELAKU)

Alva’s Counselling Centre (ACC) has different teams to provide counselling services to students.
The teams are mental health team, counselling team and prevention team. The number of students
benefited from counselling is 66.
ACC organizes all important activities associated with the counselling of students (They have also
organized counselling programmes for hostellers).
ACC conducts confidential correspondence with students and relevant parties, and updates the
client database on a weekly and monthly basis, and assist the management in developing the
services in such areas.
A Homeopathic Clinic has been functioning since 2017. (Room.No.112, Next to the counselling
Services available in ACC are:

Individual counselling, family counselling, pre and post marital counselling,

substance abuse ( De-Addiction) counselling, HIV/AIDS counselling, counselling for non-communicable
diseases, behavioural counselling, adolescence counselling, career guidance counselling, counselling for
psychiatric illness, referral services for all health issues, psychotherapy services and psychological test,
counselling for gender issues.

3. Common Room:

The college has provided five separate room in PG block and three in UG block for
the students to relax. The room is attached to the washroom. These rooms are also equipped with essential

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7.1.3 Alternate Energy initiatives such as:

1.Percentage of annual power requirement of the Institution met by the renewable energy

Response: 17.12 Annual power requirement met by the renewable energy sources (in KWH)

Response: 41098 Total annual power requirement (in KWH)

Response: 240000

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by renewable energy sources

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7.1.4 Percentage of annual lighting power requirements met through LED bulbs

Response: 5.07 Annual lighting power requirement met through LED bulbs (in KWH)

Response: 8.92 Annual lighting power requirement (in KWH)

Response: 175.84

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LED bulbs

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7.1.5 Waste Management steps including:

• Solid waste management
• Liquid waste management
• E-waste management


Solid waste management:

Alva’s College has clear policy for solid waste management in the campus. We have outsourced V2G
Agencies to maintain cleanliness inside campus. Sufficient numbers of dustbins are provided at specific
points in the campus for the effective waste management. All the dustbins in our college are given labels
like ‘dry-waste’, ‘wet-waste’. Wrappers, sachets and other dry wastes are collected by the cleaning staff
from time to time. Waste is collected and dumped in to dump yard.

Liquid waste management:

With the increase of the students, there is a sharp increase in water demand. Alternative water resources are
therefore imperative to meet with the ever increasing demand. With the increase of water usage, the
volume of sewage also increases and safe disposal of sewage has become a cause of concern. The
appropriate reuse of treated sewage is the obvious and eminent solution. If wastewater reuse is exercised
properly, the benefits that can be reaped are great, and will far outweigh any associated costs. To achieve
this, the college has a which is effectively functioning.

· The product name of Sewage Water Treatment Plant is Thermax (material)

· It is installed by Flowline Company.

· Brand name of STP is FAB (Fludised Arobic Bioreactor).

· The amount of water recycled by STP is 5 (five) lakh litres per day.

· It treats 25,000 liters per hour.

· The recycled water is used to water the plants.

Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can
settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. The settled and floating
materials are removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged. The treated water is then used to water
plants. The maintenance of STP is negligible; it is looked after by a staff appointed by a management.

E- Waste management:

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By and large, the e-waste produced in the college campus is negligible. Still, e-waste such as discarded
computers, CD, DVD, Printers, office electronic equipments are handed over to the mechanical department
of Alva’s Engineering College since 2013. In 2016 Alva’s Engineering College introduced Innovation Lab
where they use them for the development of projects. There is an agreement between Alva’s Engineering
College and Alva’s College for handling E waste in a useful manner. From 2019 onwards an MoU is made
with Cerebra Integrated Technologies Ltd, Bangalore for collecting E-Waste.

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7.1.6 Rain water harvesting structures and utilization in the campus


In Alva’s college the water from the rooftop is collected by connecting pipelines, the water from the
degree college and the other buildings is connected directly into the harvesting tank built around the bore.
The dimension of the harvesting tank is 10 feet depth and 8 feet wide. The collected water is then supplied
to the college and canteen. The water is also used for gardening purpose.

The bottom layer consists of three beds. The first layer from the bottom is of sand bed (2 feet) which acts
as filter to remove soil particles. The remaining two layer is made up of stone aggregate of 40mm , 20mm
size filled to an height of 2 feet each, to remove coarse contaminants and the waste materials which flows
with water.

The roof area is of 35,000 m2and the water from this area is directed to the bore well where it is collected
and used for gardening purpose. This helps in reconditioning of the bore well also which helps to retain
water condition in summer season.

The estimated cost for the rain water harvesting set up is as shown in table 1 with breakup for each
material. The total cost incurred for the setup is eighty one thousand three hundred and sixty five. Total
rainwater collected based on building area 33,75,000 liter. According to the calculation 4,50,000 liters of
water collected for 1000 square feet per year.

Ingu gundi (rainwater harvesting pit) are the ways to increase ground water level. These are constructed
every year to increase the level of ground water by collecting and letting rain water to get into the ground.
These are constructed every year in the palace ground which is located behind the college. This is a regular
activity for NSS unit of Alva’s Degree College. Every year Ingu gundi are reconstructed before the rainy
season to increase the water absorption.

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7.1.7 Green Practices

• Students, staff using
a) Bicycles
b) Public Transport
c) Pedestrian friendly roads
• Plastic-free campus
• Paperless office
• Green landscaping with trees and plants


a) Bicycles are uncommon in the region.

b) The female students walk to the college every day, as their hostels are within/ adjacent to the college
premises. The male hostellers avail the college bus for transportation, as their hostels are outside the

Survey Statistics of Public transport

40% of the UG Teaching staff and 46% of the PG staffs are using public transport.5% of the UG staffs and
15% of the PG staffs are using college Bus to come to the college.7% of the UG staffs and 9% of the PG
staffs are coming by walk. Only 11% of total non- teaching staffs are using their own vehicles to come to
college. The survey is done by the IQAC of the college.

c) There are pedestrian friendly roads in our college campus as the vehicles are restricted to one point.
There is parking slot facility for two wheelers and four wheelers.


There is no usage of non recyclable plastics, in the campus. There are sufficient numbers of waste
bins kept in the campus to maintain a healthy environment.
The green practice policy of the college is displayed in the website.
The college has taken the initiative to reduce the use of plastics in the campus in accordance with
the green practice policy. Plant sapling is given as memento to guest in college programmes.
Youth Red Cross forum has conducted the cleaning activity the Swachh Bharat on 7/1/2016, this
programme was conducted in the surroundings of the college.
There is use of stick bills giving the message regarding cleanliness, minimum usage of water and
power recycle and reuse of plastics and papers been put in each classroom.

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The admission process is done online. SMS Alert facility is used for informing the parents about
absentees. Uploading internal assessment marks, hall tickets, semester admission forms and
information regarding student scholarships are also done online through Mangalore university

Biometric system is provided for both teaching and non-teaching staff to record their attendance.

Introduction of the ERP system, Google classes and group SMS facility are the initiatives taken by
the college for the realization of a paperless office.


The college has organized tree plantation programmes at the campus through its NSS unit. This
programme helps to create and maintain an eco-friendly environment, and also serves in fulfilling
the green practices of the college.
The NSS unit of the college started the programme called ‘Birthday Vana’ in the year 2017, where
the students and staff plant a sapling to celebrate the occasion of their birthday.
The garden area covered in front of UG and PG college is 5250 Sqm. Girls Hostel is 185 Sqm.The
garden area covered in front of Mavinakatta Boys Hostel A & B block is125Sqm.

There are 81 species of flora in the Vidyagiri campus.

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7.1.8 Average percentage expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary
component during the last five years

Response: 2.13 Total expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component year-
wise during the last five years(INR in Lakhs)

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

47.01 52.16346 45.81515 20.60134 1.05

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Details of expenditure on green initiatives and waste View Document

management during the last five years

Any additional information View Document

7.1.9 Differently abled (Divyangjan) Friendliness Resources available in the institution:

1.Physical facilities
2.Provision for lift
3.Ramp / Rails
4.Braille Software/facilities
5.Rest Rooms
6.Scribes for examination
7.Special skill development for differently abled students
8.Any other similar facility (Specify)

A. 7 and more of the above

B. At least 6 of the above

C. At least 4 of the above

D. At least 2 of the above

Response: B. At least 6 of the above

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Resources available in the institution for View Document


Any additional information View Document

link to photos and videos of facilities for View Document


7.1.10 Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the
last five years

Response: 33 Number of specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages year-wise
during the last five years

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2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

8 8 6 6 5

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Number of Specific initiatives to address locational View Document

advantages and disadvantages

Any additional information View Document

7.1.11 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last
five years (Not addressed elsewhere)

Response: 103 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community year-wise during
the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

21 15 13 11 43

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Report of the event View Document

Any additional information View Document

Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers, governing body, administration including
Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal /Officials and support staff

Response: Yes

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URL to Handbook on code of conduct for View Document

students and teachers , manuals and brochures on
human values and professional ethics

7.1.13 Display of core values in the institution and on its website

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Response: Yes

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Provide URL of website that displays core values View Document

7.1.14 The institution plans and organizes appropriate activities to increase consciousness about
national identities and symbols; Fundamental Duties and Rights of Indian citizens and other
constitutional obligations

Response: Yes

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Details of activities organized to increase View Document

consciousness about national identities and symbols

7.1.15 The institution offers a course on Human Values and professional ethics

Response: Yes

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Provide link to Courses on Human Values and View Document

professional ethics on Institutional website

7.1.16 The institution functioning is as per professional code of prescribed / suggested by statutory
bodies / regulatory authorities for different professions

Response: Yes

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Any additional information View Document

Provide URL of supporting documents to prove View Document

institution functions as per professional code

7.1.17 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct,
Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal
harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties during the last five

Response: 35 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct,
Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony

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and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties year-wise during the last five years

2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

13 5 7 4 6

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List of activities conducted for promotion of View Document

universal values

Any additional information View Document

7.1.18 Institution organizes national festivals and birth / death anniversaries of the great Indian


The institution celebrates with great enthusiasm days of National Importance like

Independence Day
Republic Day and
Gandhi Jayanthi to drive human values such as patriotism, faith, honesty, brotherhood, kindness,
peace, integrity, respect and wisdom. On these days cultural events will be organized and all the
faculties alongwith students will participate in order to promote harmonious living.From the
youngest of us in the institution to the very topmost leadership, we all will be brought together in
the spirit of love and harmony working together over the weeks of preparation and establishing
lasting friendships across the national Community. The events will stand for the revelation of local,
national and international cultures. Besides, the college celebrates birth anniversary of the great
Indian personalities throughout the academic year to recall the contribution of our leaders in
building the nation and to inculcate the moral values among the students by introducing the life and
work of these personalities.The students are also guided by the faculty members to prepare
themselves for participating in intercollegiate and university level competitions on these days..

1. Independence Day: Alva’s Education Foundation celebrates a grand Independence Day function
every year at Smt. Vanajakshi K Sripathi Bhat BayaluVedike. Nearly 40,000 people including students,
management, faculty members from 19 different institutes under the AEF, parents and localities of
Moodbidri takes part in the celebration. The media claimed that this celebration by AEF stands next to the
celebrations at Red fort, New Delhi in terms of number of people participating. Each year Students will be
dressed in the tri-color and it creates a spectacular event. 5,000 helium balloons will be released to air to
commemorate the country’s freedom from the foreign rule which is the uniqueness of the programme.

2. Republic Day: Alva’s Education Foundation started to celebrate Republic Day in a grand way from
the year 2016 to honor the date on which the constitution of India came into effect. The special attraction

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of the day includes march past by various NCC contingents of Army, Navy, Air wing, Scouts and Guides,
Rovers and Rangers from Bangalore, Madikeri, Udupi and Moodbidri.

3. Mahaveera Jayanthi: From the year 2016 Alva’s Education Foundation Started to celebrate
Mahavir Jayanthi in the name of Mahaveera on his birthday by the blessings of the divine Presence of
Swasti Shree Bhattaraka Bhattacharya MahaSwamiji, Jain Matt, Moodbidri. This programme provides a
platform for deliberating on the values of Jainism as propounded by Mahaveera.

4. Gandhi Jayanthi: Alva’s College celebrates Gandhi Jayanthi to mark the occasion of the birthday
of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to inculcate the principles of truth, nonviolence swachata abhiyan
among students.

5. Ambedkar Jayanthi: Department of Political Science of Alva’s College began observing

Ambedkar Jayanthi from 2017 as the birth anniversary of one the Indian political leaders, Dr. Bhim Rao
Ambedkar who fought for the rights of the Dalits by carrying out various movements and to remember his
contributions for the people of India.

6. Kanaka Jayanthi: Department of Kannada Organizes Kanaka Jayanthi every year.

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7.1.19 The institution maintains complete transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and
auxiliary functions


Financial transparency

Fees structure for each course determined and circulated among faculty and students.
Financial requirement are decided by the HOD and coordinator of P.G. department.
Financial requirement for program and their materials requirements are submitted to management
for approval through a common format, later it sends to Purchase Department.
Required amount is transferred to the respective faculty or college account.
Statement of expenditure is submitted to finance office through accounting section of the college.
Internal and external audit are conducted regularly.

Academic transparency

1. Transparency in curriculum planning and implementation

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Institution involves the all stakeholders in curriculum planning and implementation.

Planned documents are circulated among stakeholders.
Planned documents made available in the departments and IQAC.
It is publicized in cumulative record.

2. Transparency in evaluation

College has examination committee.

After curriculum planning examination committee circulate the plans among Deans, HODs, all the
students and management.
Exam schedule prepared and circulated for both formative and summative by examination
Assessment criteria are publicized in the students’ cumulative record.
Internal assessment marks publicized in students notice board and sent to parents through SMS.

Administrative transparency

1. Planning human resources

Departmental human resources requirements are proposed to dean, dean consolidates the same and
forward it to Principal in turn Principal forward it to management for approval.
Duties and responsible of Dean, HOD, Coordinators are well defined and monitored regularly.
HODs allot teaching, co-curricular and administrative work for all faculty members.

2. Recruitment

Recruitment is done through advertisement-interview-selection-induction.

Human resources recruitment given by department to HR office. HR department forward
advertisement in newspaper. Interview panel conduct interview and HR department give an offer
letter to selected candidates.

3. Training

Training is provided based on need identified by department heads or office superintend.

Induction programme is organized for new staff
Institution organizes faculty development program
Training for non-teaching staff is conducted regularly
Deputing faculties for training, workshop outside agencies

4. Performance appraisal

Appraisal criteria are informed well advance for faculty and office staff through format designed
for evaluation.
Process of Evaluation for faculty member are as follows:

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a) Self-appraisal

b) Appraisal by the students

c) Appraisal by the Alumni

Consolidated reports made available in each department and discussed personally and necessary
action are initiated through IQAC

Auxiliary transparency


a) Admission:

Admission based on application

Seat allotment is given according to the principle of first come first serve basis to all the students by
the SWO's.

b) Fees:

Fee for hostel is collected based on pre-published fee structure made available to all the student

c) Food system:

Menu is prepared by a committee of a students and supervised by student welfare officer

Food bill is prepared on dividing system and exhibited on the notice board in the hostel
Bill amount is intimated to parents through SMS

d) Grievances of the students:

Floor wise grievances book is maintained and monitor by student welfare officers.

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7.2 Best Practices

7.2.1 Describe at least two institutional best practices (as per NAAC Format)



1.Title of the Practice

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Free ship programme for meritorious, sports, cultural and physically challenged and socially
backward students.

2. Objectives of the Practice

1.To facilitate students with exceptional academic talents.

2.To ensure inclusion of diverse social groups and deprived students in the education process.
3.To foster classical and folk art forms and popularise and sustain them through students in the
education system.
4.To foster and present rural sports talents to the national and international arena.

3. The Context

Given the context that higher education is a rare resource and centres of higher education are not
accessible for various marginalised sects of society, inclusion of marginalised and exceptional learners in
higher education has been national goal. Alva’s Education Foundation having its base in the rural area and
has been aspiring for catering to the educational needs of economically poor and socially backward groups
found through its experience research that academically talented exceptional sports and cultural talents and
various challenged sections including‘divyangjans’have been systematically excluded from the higher
education. In this context to subscribe its value systems and needs of the above mentioned section Alva’s
Education Foundation has evolved a policy in common and specific Alva’s college for adoption of
students, we should provide them free education, food and stay.

4. The Practice

Alva’s College has a clear policy of adopting students (sponsorship) from various sects of society
and a pre-determined criterion described specifically in the policy.
The process of adoption is a transparent process which begins with inviting application and scrutiny
by the experts for each sub sects or area.
Approval by the management and the chairman and admission to various courses

Adoption for Students with exceptional academic abilities

The students who are selected based on their academic performances in all the UG courses will be
provided with complete free-ship including boarding and food. Their sponsorship would continue based on
the review of their performance and progress every year. These students will also be provided with
additional support in the form of various activities meant for advanced learners.

Adoption for students of Cultural talent

The students who are selected for folk dance, classical dance, music, dramatics, yakshagana are
provided with special training by experts in the relevant area. They represent college in the various
competitions to prove their efficacy. These students also form a combined team which demonstrates the
indigenous art forms during various programs in the campus and Nudisiri Ghataka program conducted all
over the state.

Adoption for students of Sports talent

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Meritorious students in the athletics and the games, Kabaddi, Volleyball, Ball Badminton, KoKo,
Basket Ball, Net Ball, Hand Ball, Cricket, Malla Kamaba selected as per the guidelines of the policy, they
will be placed under the coaches of respective events for training throughout the year along with provision
for attending regular classes. These students will be facilitated with all materials required for the training
and facilities for participating in the various competitions organised by concerned association, various
organisations, Universities and International bodies. These sports talents other than the regular training
receive additional nutritional, finance support and support for employment in various private and
government organisations.

Adoptions for physically challenged students

Applicants who are physically challenged and certified by the competitive authority will be
provided with free-ship for all the years of their study without any limiting criteria other than their

Adoption of Tribal students

The applicants belonging to Koraga and Jenu Kuruba(primitive tribes of Karnataka), Hakki Pikki,
Hasala and Banjara (Nomadic tribes of Karnataka), Soliga, Bettada Kuruba, Kaadu Kuruba, Kudubi are
given free education throughout the education career without any limiting factors other than their social

5. Evidence of Success

Academic sponsorship

Students adopted for academic sponsorship have retained their performance in the examination and
have been ambassadors of academic performance and program among other students and in the society.

Cultural Adoption

Extinctive and neglected folk and classical art forms have been integrated into the educational
process. Students who have learnt these art forms have become practitioners and proponents of
their fields.
The huge amount of public awareness and aesthetic orientation created throughout the state through
Nudisiri Ghataka Programs has been a great achievement.


Students adopted for rural games have been demonstrating the strength of these games through
winning prizes at various competitions.
The students of athletics have created niche by continuously upgrading their performances and
winning prizes at University, National and International levels. Integration of students who are
sport oriented and less equipped academically into the education system.

Adoption of Physically Challenged

Value of inclusion of challenged people is demonstrated among other students and society.

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More number of physically challenged students has been getting the facility every year. Complete
retention of challenged students in the system and their academic progress.

Adoption of Tribals

Value of inclusive practices, especially with respect to primitive and nomadic tribes is established.
Tribal organisations and NGOs have been associated for community-college liason.
Improved academic performance of tribal students.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Since the finance for these adoption schemes is arranged from the internal sources of the
organisation.Expansion of the provision is continuously threatened.
The derth of followings also felt:
Financial assistance
Hostel infrastructure
Practice area
Various training materials
Trainers and resource persons
Costumes and other materials for sports and cultural performances.

7. Notes: Strategies planned for adressing the challenges:

The AEF has been instrumental in mobilising fund from other sister concerns of the college, support
for NUDISIRI GHATAKA program has been elicited from the local community, infrastructural facility for
sports like hostel, playground, training materials have been mobilised from government and donors.

Best Practice-2

1.Title of the Practice

Professional and Personality Development Training Programme

2. Objectives of the Practice

The institution focuses on the professional and personality development of the student to make
them reliable with a positive attitude and right decision making through Guiding & Enabling the
students with relevant conceptualized professional and personality skills , enhancing them
towards a bright future & career with the values of honesty, generosity, Sincerity, Hard Work and

To educate students in various technical fields to fulfill requirement of human resources by

providing sustainable quality of education, training and learning environment, also molding them to
become skilled competent and responsible citizens.

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To Improve communication and leadership skill of the students

To Guide students to choose right career
Development of self-confidence, comradeship and secular outlook
To meet the manpower requirements of the Industry
To provide resources and activities to facilitate the career planning process.
To act as a link between students, alumni, and the employment community.

3. The Context

In current scenario bridging the widening between the classroom and industry has been a challenge.
The fast changing technology, man-power management planning, production process, marketing system,
globalization of opportunities and challenges, intense competition among trained youth have been observed
as un-attended areas within the academic system. The continuous feedback from the employers and experts
from the industry has been triggering a need for bridging the gap in knowledge, skill, attitude and personal
abilities though.

Pre-Placement Training
Add-on Professional course training : CS,CA-CPT,IPCC,IBPS,
Certificate Courses
Industrial Visits and Internships.

4. The Practice

Alva’s Institution has a placement cell and Placement committee which helps in planning training
program for the students throughout the year in a systematic way. Each student is made to undergo tailor-
made training program before completion of course. The Pre-Placement training aims at sharpening the
skill of individuals for success in placement test. In order to sharpen their technical skill and polish their
communication skill placement cell offers different pre-placement trainings which includes Personality
Development Training, Communication Skills & Vocabulary, Resume Preparation & Email Writing,
Group Discussion, Personal Interview Skills, Aptitude Practice Tests and Training by reputed Companies.
All of our trainers are specialist consultants in their chosen field and are able to provide a vast amount of
industry knowledge throughout the training experience.

Training programs are planned through placement committee and respective departments. The
students will be trained by Professional trainers.

Besides we have Professional Add-on Course CS CA- CPT IPCC IBPS training which is given by In-
House Faculties and Guest Lecturers. Particular Time Table and Syllabus will be framed according to
academic planning by Training In-charges.

Other Professional and Personality Development trainings are conducted by institution it includes
Industrial Visit. To reach the employment community and increase the learning ability of the students
Internship s are made compulsory.

5. Evidence of Success

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100% participation of students in all the training programs

Completion of certificate courses with good grade.
Increased number of placements in prime companies.
Association with more professional bodies and professional trainers.
Integration of training, add-on courses, certificate courses with the academic courses.
Campus drives by many companies.

6. Problems Encountered and Resource Required

Different level of learning and skill sets of the students which demands enormous amount of
subjects to be covered
Competitive examinations and regular academic programs cause stress among learners and poses
challenge for success.
Additional financial requirement to the institution to support the program
Efficient and enormous number of trainers of various fields is in derth.

7. Notes: strategies to adress the challenges:

Continuous revision of training strategies based on feedback from the students.

Student trainers groups have been developed for peer training.
Monitoring and assisting students of add on courses through continuous examinations and
emotional support through departments.

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7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

7.3.1 Describe/Explain the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority
and thrust


The college is progressing to realize its vision, priority and thrust area of producing best talented sportsmen
for our Country. We have been the champion of sports and cultural activities for the last ten years at the
University and National level. Vision statement of Alva’s college specifically drives the college at
integrating athletics and rural games with the academic process. Supporting the students with sports talent
to achieve the best in the sports and to represent our country in the respective sport events has been the best
practice since the inception of the college.

Milestones in sports achievement

Initiation of ‘Ekalavya Sports Club’ in 1984 to support

meritorious sports students by providing them with excellent coaching by expert coaches.
Free education and boarding which has paved the base for the journey of the sport achievements

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and the foundation for carving our institute as sport hub of the country important land marks of the
initial era are following:

Sathish Rai selected for Olympics of 1984 in Weightlifting from the club.
Yesudas(hurdles), Premnath Shetty(shotput), Raviraj(Decathlon), Jaicy Thomas(High Jump),
goerge (100 mtr), Muttappa(long Junmp) Vitoba(Shotput), Janaki(1500 mtr.) have won prizes at
national level.

Alva’s college when got initiated in 1998 sports adoption practice become integrated and more
goal centered.
As a part of sports adoption scheme the college has adopted 1373 students in these five years with
free boarding and coaching.
The college has successfully conducted all India inter University Athletic Championship for two
times ,i.e. 72nd & 75th All India Universities Athletics Championship and also successfully hosted
Indian Universities Athletic coaching camp in the year 2015.
In the year 2016-2017, 2017-18 the College hosted All India cross country championship in
association with RGUHS.
Mr.Dharun (II BA) participated in the Rio Olympics.
Ms. Bhandhavya I B.Com, participated in the 23rd FIBA Asian Junior Basketball.
Elakkiya Dasan V.K., I B.A, secured Bronze Medal in the 100 mtr event at the Asian Athletic
Championship held at Iran.

An overview of this visionary action has been presented here.

Brief Description of International Achievement


1. 2004 ASHOK K.S Participated in South Asian Federation G


2. 2006 BASAVARAJ HORADDI Participated in Asian Handicap Games in 40

3. 2007 BASAVARAJ HORADDI Gold Medal in Rewa International Athletic

Jump at Chenn

4. 2008 BASAVARAJ HORADDI Bronze Place in Iwas International Athletic


5. 2010 BASAVRAJ HORADDI Gold Medal in Iwas International Athletic M

relay meet held at Ba

6. 2010 JAMALUDDIN Participated in South Asian Athletic Meet in

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7. 2010 JAYAPRAKASH SHETTY Participated in Asian Grand Prix Athlete

Chennai and Bang
8. 2010 JOYLINE MURAL LOBO Participated in Asian Grand Prix Athlete M
Chennai and Bang

9. 2010 JOYLINE MURAL LOBO Participated in Junior Asian Track and Field

10 2011 AKSHATHA POOJARY Gold Medal in Common Wealth Games In P

at England

11 2012 POOVAMMA M.R Gold Medal in Asian Grand Prix Athletic C


12 2013-14 Ms. Vanishree Won the Gold Medal in Malaysian -IndianIn

Kaulalampur (Mal
Secured Silver medal in 36th Senior Nation
Panipat, Harya
13 2013-14 Ms. Keerthi Won the Gold Medal in Malaysian –India
Secured Silver medal in 36th Senior Nation
Panipat, Harya
14 2013-14 Ms. Keerthana Won the Gold Medal in Malaysian –Indian
in Kaulalampu
Secured Silver medal in 36th Senior Nation
Panipat, Harya
15 2013-14 Ms. Poornima P Won the Gold Medal in Malaysian -IndianIn
Secured Silver medal in 36th Senior Nation
Panipat, Harya
16 2015-16 Dharun(I B.A. HRD) Won the Gold Medal in 400 mtr hurdles an
game at Gawha
17 2015-16 Keerthana Won the gold medal in Pentangular Internat
at Bangalore
18 2015-16 Megha C P won the gold medal in Pentangular Internatio
(II B.Com)
19 2015-16 Usha B N Won the Silver medal Asian Power lifting

20 2015-16 Shalini won the Silver medal Asian Power Lifting

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(III B.Com)
21 2015-16 Deeksha K. Won the Gold medal in Asian Kho – Kho C

22 2016-17 Dharun. A Participated in RIO OLYMPIC

23 2016-17 Bhandavya H.M Captain of 23rd FIBA Asian Junior Basketb
(I B.Com)
24 2017-18 Elakkiya Dasan. V.K (I B.A) Bronze Medal In 100mtr Asian Athletic

25 2017-18 Dharun A Selected for 21st Commonwealth

26 2018-19 Prajwal mandanna 4*100 relay Bronze medal in 18th Asian jun
at Japan.
27 2018-19 Abhinaya S Shetty High jump Bronze medal in 18th Asian junio
28 2018-19 Ellakkiya dasan 60 Mtr bronze medal in Asian Athletic

29 2018-19 Dharun 400 Hurdles silver medal in Asian gam

30 2018-19 Ashish baltyhotiya Shot put bronze medal in 18th Asian junior
(I BA)
31 2018-19 Shubha V 4*400 Mtr Silver medal in 18th Asian junio

Our achievements at National and South zone level in sports have been presented as additional information
to subscribe to our distinctiveness.

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Additional Information :
Alva's College is a center for instilling aesthetic abilities and cultural identity among students. The
institution has been instrumental in organizing mega programs to introduce students to Kannada
literature and Indian Classical and folk art forms.
Alva’s Nudisiri is a Kannada literary conference held for 3 days in the campus. Famous Kannada
laureates like U.R. Anantha Murthy, Nisar Ahmed, Chandrashekara Kambara, Pateel Puttappa, Vaidehi,
Baraguru Ramachandrappa, Prof.Vivek Rai, Hampana, Siddalingayya, Venkata Subbayya, Nagathi
Halli Chandrashekar, Mallika Ghanti etc., were the leaders of the conference which is held continuously
for the last 15 years. Our students have become members for deliberation during 3 days and perform
various cultural art forms. While the students of Journalism get opportunities to report the event in
various National media, they also get hands on training in organizing such big events, through various
In the last 25 years Alva's Virasat -a national level cultural festival is being organised, wherein artists
of National repute such as Zakir Hussain, Hariprasad Chowrasia, Jesudas, Sonal Mansingh etc., have
been awarded with Virasat award. And they have performed to create great sense of cultural identity
among the students. The program is held every year for 5 days and all the students of the college
participate as audience, accompanists to artists and perform various dance forms as well.
Alva's Celebrations: National unity, secularism and social cohesiveness is promoted among students
by organizing Ifthar, Teacher's Day, Deepavali, Mahaveer Jayanthi, Christmas, Sri Lankan Day, North
Eastern Day, Traditional Day etc., and programs of national integration like Independence Day and
Republic Day are celebrated with complete participation of students which is an exemplary program in
the whole country.
Internship and Entrepreneurship Programs are designed in such a way that, all the students of UG
and PG get minimum 4 months and 2 months working experience in various institutions.
Community contribution: Alva's College is known for its community contribution from management,
students and teachers. We contribute to help various families with chronic illness, provide support for
children in the government school with respect to their academic progression, construct check dams,
conduct health camps, etc.

Concluding Remarks :
The institution has achieved an exponential growth in developing a unique model of education within a short
span of time by integrating sports, culture and academics. We have been continuously expanding the
educational scope by introducing new subjects and improving the enrolment thereby providing quality
education at affordable cost. Alva's college has evolved a multiple strategic journey wherein, we have
developed systems of student support through which the best academic performance in the University is
possible. The unique model that the institution has developed has rendered itself into a niche institution across
the state and the country. Best infrastructure facilities are provided along with the opportunity for access
through the adoption scheme, where in students are adopted and free education is provided. Being an
institution affiliated to Mangalore University it is recognized as the best institution by University and public.
Social approval, social contribution of our college with respect to direct resource creation and indirect support
system for community is worth mentioning. Our efforts of training and placement have lead to effective
industry-academia integration. Our teaching faculties have shown the highest number of retention and

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Self Study Report of ALVA'S COLLEGE

continuous progression with respect to their academic abilities. Sports talents of our college have attracted the
attention of the nation as a whole because of its excellence and performance both at the national and state level.
The college has contributed immensely to ecological sustenance and water harvesting in 5 Panchayaths around
the college. The management has evolved a participatory model which has lead to participation of all the
stakeholders in various academic and co-academic programs of the college. Financial provisions for all the
activities have been provided by the management even though the college has no financial support system. The
college is upgrading itself to have more autonomy with respect to curriculum, sustainability with respect to
financial resources and expansion of students' base. It has a clear vision of continuing its support system for
student adoption, sports and cultural activities along with ensuring complete opportunity for placement and
higher education other than a good number of students who should be taking up self
entrepreneurship initiatives.

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