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September 2023

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Presidency University (PU) is a State Private University established under the Presidency University Act, 2013,
located at Ittagallpura, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India PU is located on a sprawling campus of 40 acres, developed
into a lush green landscape, with a State-of-the-Art infrastructure. The University has thus far constructed
around 13.5 Lakh Sq. Ft. of Academic and Administrative infrastructure - modern Classrooms, Laboratory
Spaces, Research Centres, Library and Digital Learning Spaces, Seminar Rooms and other student and
amenities. With 35% of the soft-landscaped Campus set apart for the activities of students, in the form of
Theme Zones, PU is committed to provide the best Quality of College Life (QCL) to its Learners. Thus the
campus amply supports an active and vibrant student community in all its aspirational endeavours. As on date,
the University caters to a diversity of over 16,000 students on its rolls, taught by 850 committed and domain-
expert faculty representing a pan-India distribution.

PU is the dream institution of its founder Chairman and Chancellor, Dr. Nissar Ahmed, who has established the
university as a sequel to long-years of experience in managing several educational institutions of repute. With a
clear understanding of how a higher education institution should act as a gatekeeper, disseminator and creator
of new knowledge and serve an ever-growing and diverse student population, this institution has been
established to serve and enrich the society, to its best ability.

Despite being a young institution, PU has already developed eight schools in multidisciplinary faculties
- Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Management, Law, Design, Commerce, Information
Science and Media Studies. Each School offers a multitude of contemporary knowledge-enriching and skill-
enhancing programs that are market-relevant. In the same vein, the University ensures that its students are
Industry-ready through add-on courses in soft and hard skills. It also offers Full Time and Part-Time Ph.D
Programs, thereby providing an opportunity for eligible postgraduates to pursue research and contribute to new
knowledge creation. Focus on Academics and Research propels the University to envisage the need to establish
different Centres of Excellence, with different thrust-areas, serving as hubs for Entrepreneurs, Teachers,
Researchers and other accomplished Professionals/Scholars/Experts in specific thrust-areas, to converge,
deliberate, and innovate.

Higher education is expected to fulfil several objectives for society. It prepares students for their personal and
professional development, which is subject to considerable dynamics as determined by the changes occurring in
the society. It also provides a space for reflexive thinking about what it means to be a citizen of the globalized,
digitized world, ultimately offering students opportunities to further develop their character and attitudes. In the
areas of research and teaching, it primarily creates an educational space to prepare for the future. In the
background of the transformational changes envisaged under the National Education Policy 2020, all HEIs are
expected to envision their educational delivery and services cantered around holistic development of the


To be a Value-driven Global University, excelling beyond Peers, and creating Professionals of Integrity and
Character, having concern and care for Society

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Commitment to being an Innovative and Inclusive Institution, by seeking excellence in Teaching,

Research and Knowledge Transfer
Pursue Research and Development and its dissemination to the Community, at large
Create, Sustain and Apply Learning in an Inter-disciplinary Environment with consideration for Ethical,
Ecological and Economic aspects of Nation Building.
Provide Knowledge-based Technological-support and Services to the Industry, in its Growth and
Impart Globally-applicable Skill-sets to Students through flexible Course-offerings and support
Industry’s requirements and inculcate a spirit of new Venture-creation

1.2 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges(SWOC)

Institutional Strength

Institutional Strengths:

A very vibrant Campus, spread over Forty Acres of Lush Green Landscape with State-of-the Art
Infrastructure in terms of well-ventilated and spacious Classrooms, Well-equipped Laboratories,
Seminar Halls, Auditorium, Amphi-theatre, Cafeteria, Recreational Spaces, Centres of Excellence,
Discipline-centric Research Centres and Student Theme Zones, all, as part of strong Support Ecosystem
to reinforce quality Academic, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Initiatives of the University.
Alignment to the National Education Policy, 2020, integrating an Outcome-Based Learning Process, in
a Choice Based Credit System [CBCS] Regime, with focus on Inter-disciplinary Knowledge
Internationally recognized Forty Eight [48] Programs offered by Eight Multidisciplinary Schools of
Adoption of Technology-integration across Systems, Processes and Operations and in that direction, end-
to-end Automation/Digitalisation of the Examination and Evaluation Process, has been achieved
through an integrated ERP.
A well-equipped Knowledge Centre/Library, with the right blend of latest Editions of Text Books,
Reference Books, Digital Learning Resources and E-Books, reinforced by an ambience conducive to
quiet reading, studies and knowledge-acquisition
A strong Faculty-base of accomplished Teachers with appropriate blend of Academic and Research
Credentials, and a Faculty Student Ratio of 1:18, to reinforce the Learning-experience of the students.
An Effective Student-Interactive support Ecosystem backed by an active Department of Student Affairs
to drive Student-managed Clubs, Cultural/literary Events, Sports and Games
Meaningful Institutional Social Responsibility-driven Social Immersion Programs propelled by a
mission to strengthen the involvement of Students in such activities; Adoption of Government Schools
in and around the neighbourhood, renovating and refurbishing them with computers and other Learning
Aids, and offering Free Legal Aid through PU’s Legal Aid Cell.
An effective Scholarship and Fee-Concession Model to offer education to deserving students from the
Minority segments of the society as also to other under-privileged students of the community.
Creation of an Ecosystem for Collaborative Academic and Research-pursuits with Memoranda of
Understanding executed with more than 100 International Universities, in a span of less than three years

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of the establishment of the Department of International Affairs. 130 Students of the University are
pursuing Higher Studies abroad, under this arrangement.

Institutional Weakness

Institutional Weaknesses:

Research and Innovation Culture is yet to manifest itself across the Academia, in the envisaged manner,
despite the relentless initiatives of the University Leadership, in that direction.
Paucity of Faculty-consultancy due to the lack of interest amongst Faculty-members, notwithstanding
the credentials of the faculty to garner such Consultancy Assignments.
Lack of a strong and committed Alumni-base, on account of few numbers of Batches have graduated,
there has been limited voluntary financial support as also weak facilitation of Industry-academia
connect, Alumni yet to reach top positions in the industry.

Fee being the only major source of Revenue, constraints in sourcing low-cost funds towards Capital Expansion.

Institutional Opportunity

Institutional Opportunities:

Greater collaboration with the industry and reputed International Universities for the introduction of
new cutting-edge Technological and Industry-relevant Programs, and schools to enhance the diversity-
scenario in the University, by attracting International Students and more students, pan India
Offer the Student Community, at large, Online Courses (short-term certificate and mid-term diploma
courses), to reinforce their Learning in contemporary employment-generating domain-areas as also offer
Executive Programs to Working Professionals.
Adopting Blended mode of educational delivery so as to enlarge the University-Student Community
jurisdiction, to attract fresh and working Professionals.
Leverage the vast opportunity on the horizon to secure Grants from National and International
Agencies for Collaborative Niche-areas-centric Research and Innovation, Technology Transfer and
Commercialization of resultant patents as also seek Corporate Social Responsibility-mandated Funds
Enhance Research Output, as also increase Citations through publishing in High-impact Journals

Institutional Challenge

Institutional Challenges

Competition due to commercialization of Education by the proliferation of “Fly-by-Night” Institutions.

High cost of Quality Education not commensurate with the increase in salaries amongst the Parent-
community, thus inhibiting investment on Research Centres and/or Centres of Excellence and high-
value Equipments as envisaged.
Undue and random impact of Market-influence on Academic Programs

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Envisaged entry of Foreign Universities and their impact on the institution.


Curricular Aspects

The Curricula are aligned with National Education Policy 2020 and norms of the Statutory Regulatory
Authorities (SRAs) - LOCF of UGC and CCF of the HECK and the design of Curricula based on OBE
and CBCS pattern and market-survey, is finalised in consultation with the Industry Experts, Alumni and
other Stakeholders, through their representation in the Boards of Study and Academic Council, and
The Curricula of Forty Eight Programs offered, incorporate local perspectives, culture, and socio-
economic factors. The Learning Outcomes - COs, POs and PSOs - are aligned to ensure acquisition of
specific skills and knowledge related to the business environment.
The Curricula align themselves with the National Priorities and emerging trends across various sectors
of the Economy, Regular revision and updating of the Curricula is in tune with the technological
advancements, industry trends/demands and Governmental Policy changes.
Curricula include components that foster a blend of Global perspectives and Inter-cultural
understanding, courses on cross-cultural & global issues and international-relations, with a balance of
foundational courses, core domain courses, discipline-specific elective courses, along with ability-
enhancement and skill-development Courses.
The Curricula are regularly reviewed and revised through Industry-consultation and updated to
incorporate the requirement of contemporary cutting-edge issues related to the industry, along with
training using state-of-the-art equipment and technology with hands-on work-experience. 40% of the
Courses have been revised over the last five years.
Profound understanding of Ethical and Social Responsibilities through courses in Professional Ethics,
Gender Equality, Human Rights, Environmental Consciousness & Sustainability, and Human Values,
ensures holistic development of Learners.

10 no. of New age programs in Emerging areas and 110 no. of new courses have been introduced
during the last five years, and 30 no. of courses are interdisciplinary in nature, as offered across
different schools.
As per the SRA norms, Project Based learning (PBL) is introduced at undergraduate courses and 02. Of
courses have adopted PBL during the last five years.

Teaching-learning and Evaluation

The Learning-levels of freshers are assessed through Diagnostic Tests, Assignments and Evaluations,
and cohorts of Slow, Average and Advanced Learners are identified, for tailored additional support,
through specially-designed intervention programs (additional Instructional Support, including one-on-
one tutoring, small-group & Peer sessions, Mentoring, Remedial Classes, Tutorials and Focused-
assignments and participation on specialized projects and Enrichment programs, internship-
opportunities, Hackathons etc., through the Centre for Innovation and Incubation).
New-age pedagogies such as Experiential-learning, Participative-learning, and Problem-solving
Methodologies are adopted by Faculty to enhance the TL experiences of students.
Project-based Learning using Arduino Boards with embedded C and Raspberry Pi Boards with Python

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has been introduced towards greater Innovation, Creativity and Practical-application of Knowledge.
Students are offered an opportunity to execute their projects and engage themselves in Interdisciplinary
Collaboration in an environment of State-of-the-art Innovation Laboratories and Comprehensive
Evaluation Processes. Our Flagship experiential project-based learning is “Innovative Project” for
students in their First Year of the Academic Journey, to explore the advantages of IoT and Programming
with the help of Raspberry Pie and Arduino Board.
The University utilizes a Learning Management System (LMS) coupled with specialised software for
mapping COs-POs and computation of attainment levels of Learners resulting in a structured &
Comprehensive Curriculum-mapping.

Research, Innovations and Extension

Research and Innovation Council of PU provides a supervisory mechanism for Research-centric

activities, development of cutting-edge Research Facilities, to promote a research culture amongst the
faculty and students, and research facilities are regularly updated to meet the evolving needs of various
The Research and Consulting Division handles operational aspects of Research in conformity with the
duly Approved Regulations and policies of PU. A comprehensive and well-defined Research Promotion
Policy is in place, encompassing key aspects, like Financial Support, Infrastructure Positioning,
Mentoring and Guidance, Publication Incentives and Collaborations with External Research
Organizations. The Research Promotion Policy is published on the Institutional Website.
Focus on establishment of Research Labs and provision of Seed Fund Grants to Faculty, as Research
Advancement Strategy, has resulted in the setting up of Advanced Laboratory with Cutting-edge
Equipment and Sophisticated Instrumentation, for high-quality research.
University .Ecosystem also fosters Innovation and embraces the Indian Knowledge System (IKS), with
a focus on creating and transferring technology and knowledge through a dedicated IPR Cell, and the “
Presidency Launchpad” [an Incubation Centre] , to provide resources and support for Start-ups and
Entrepreneurial Ventures.
Driven by its value of “concern and care for society”, towards creating a strong connection with the
Neighbourhood Community, the University has undertaken various Extension Activities that have had a
significant impact on the community and have sensitized students to social issues.

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

University has ensured adequate Infrastructural Facilities and Learning resources for effective student
engagement in terms of educational-delivery and support-services.
Teaching-Learning Facilities: Well-designed, spacious, well-ventilated, well-lit Classrooms and
Seminar Halls, equipped with modern teaching aids such as audio-visual equipment, projectors, and
smart boards, ensure engaging and interactive learning experience for Students. In addition modern
Laboratories, well-equipped with safety mechanisms, State-of-the-art Equipment, Apparatus and
Instruments are in place to facilitate effective experiential-learning.
ICT-Enabled Facilities: Towards facilitating enhanced learning experience, PU has implemented ICT-
enabled Facilities such as Smart Classrooms Audio-visual Aids, Digital Content, and Smart interactive
boards. A Learning Management System (LMS- CAMU) is also in place, which inter-alia enables the
computation of CO-PO attainment levels along with Automated System-generated Examination
Question Paper. There is a Campus-wide Wi-Fi Accessibility.

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Cultural and Sports Facilities: Adequate facilities for Cultural and Sports-activities are in place. A
dedicated Yoga Centre offers Yoga and Meditation Classes for Students. Indoor and Outdoor
Recreational Facilities are available to Faculty and Students. A state-of-art 600-Seater Auditorium with
a unique architectural design, serves as a venue for various academic and cultural events.
Library/Knowledge Centre: Library Centre/s across the Campus, are automated with state-of-the-art
Integrated Library Management System (ILMS- KOHA), ensuring efficient operations and seamless
access to Digital Facilities, besides embracing RFID technology, RFID Self-Check Kiosks and RFID
Security Gates to enhance the overall automation process and security measures
The Library-centres offer an extensive collection of Newspapers, Reference Books, Textbooks, E-
books, E-journals, Hard Copy-journals, Knowledge-Database, Project Reports, Dissertations and a
valuable collection of Rare Books.
The Digital Library offers a modern-day Digital Learning experience. With subscriptions to over
1,00,000 e-books and 5000 e-journals, along with manuals, reports, standards, and other information
from renowned platforms such as Elsevier Science Direct, IEEE ASPP, Pro Quest etc, the Digital
Library adds immense value to the Teaching-Learning experience.
University has established an Institutional Repository on the D-Space platform, which serves as an
archive for digital copies of Project Reports, Dissertations, PhD-theses, Research Papers, Patents, E-
content, Question Papers, and Lab Manuals.
A Library Advisory Committee advises on ways and means of enhancing various services and
facilities within the University premises, in terms of access to contemporary knowledge-resources.
IT Infrastructure: Widespread Wi-Fi-coverage is provided across the Campus, enabling students and
faculty to access the Internet from various locations, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and
common areas, A Fibre-optic Cable Network System that links 8000 LAN points and 850 Wi-Fi points,
ensures optimal Internet Connectivity. Investment in the latest Networking Equipment and Software is
done to enhance connectivity and address any potential issues. These upgrades include Hardware,
Software Patches and Security-feature Enhancements to maintain a secure and efficient network
Maintenance of Facilities: Well-defined Policies, Processes and Procedures for Maintaining and
Utilization of physical, academic, and support facilities, is ensured through a blend of Standard
Operating Procedures in place, to regulate the Maintenance and Upkeep of all these and to ensure
optimal operations.

Student Support and Progression

Recognizing the importance of Career Guidance, the University provides comprehensive Career
Counselling Services to its students, through the services of a Career Counselling Guidance Cell and a
Cell for Competitive Examination Guidance, both, aimed at giving a path to Career Planning and
The Career Counselling Cell offers individual Counselling Sessions, Group Workshops and Seminars
on topics such as Resume-writing, Interview Skills, and Career Planning.
E-counselling is also made available through an Online Platform, on University ERP, whereby students
can access Career Counselling Services remotely. This includes Virtual Career Counselling Sessions,
Online Career Assessments and Webinars conducted by Industry Experts.
Specialized coaching and support to students aspiring to excel in competitive exams is available. This
includes guidance for National-level Entrance Examinations such as GATE, CAT, GMAT, UPSC,
Judicial Services etc. Collaboration with External Agencies and Organizations offers Coaching Session
to prepare for Competitive Examinations.
University ensures adequate Student-representation and Engagement in Academic and Administrative

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Decision-making Processes and thus follows a participative management practice with Student
Community representing in IQAC and other council.
Section-wise Class Committees along with the Student Advisory Committee Members have regular
Interactive Sessions with Senior Officials of the Schools/University to address student-centric issues, if
any, ensuring a cohesive Working Student-Management Ecosystem.
Open Forum Sessions, once per Semester are conducted with students in batches of 600-700,
Department-wise, to apprise them of the progress of the University, and to listen to Student-feedback
and suggestions regarding teaching-learning and support services, any pending issues etc.
Clubs and Committees are managed and operated, largely, by Students, under the guidance of Faculty-
mentors, to manage and operate around 30 Clubs and Committees towards proactive Student-
involvement in the affairs of the Student Community.

The Alumni Association of the University is in place and effectively functions as the bridge between the
University, its Current Students and the Industry, and works to foster life-long relationship with the Alma

Governance, Leadership and Management

The Governance and Leadership Practices, at PU are firmly rooted in its Vision and Mission Statements,
and are in alignment with the evolving National Higher Educational-landscape and to the principles of
the National Education Policy 2020.
Identifying and institutionalising “Sustained Institutional Growth”, “Decentralization”, and “Active
Participation in Institutional Governance” as Drivers of Innovation, Transparency, and Accountability,
PU has adopted a culture of Participatory Governance through a process of “Shared Responsibility”
and “Collaborative Decision-making”, thereby valuing diverse perspectives of all stakeholders.
Continuously-monitored Short-term and Long-term Perspective strategic Institutional Plans are in place,
focussing on key areas like Academic Excellence, Research and Innovation, Infrastructure
Development, Student-support Services, and Industry Collaborations, towards realizing its Long-term
Vision and Mission.
Statutory Bodies like Board of Governors, Board of Management, Academic Council, Research and
Innovation Council, Finance Committee and Boards of Study function effectively and efficiently, and
regulations and Policies that govern various aspects of its operations, like Academic Affairs, Research,
Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and Quality Assurance, are in place
The Administrative Set-up of PU is designed to facilitate efficient governance and decision-making,
with clear reporting lines, well-defined roles and responsibilities backed by effective coordination
mechanisms among all of its Administrative Units.
Service Rules that cover various aspects of Employee -conduct, Performance Evaluation, Promotion-
criteria, Grievance-redressal and Disciplinary Procedures, are in place. Through well-defined Policies,
an efficient Administrative Set-up, Transparent Appointments, Adherence to Service Rules and
Procedures and the Active Engagement of Institutional Bodies, the University ensures successful
implementation of its Policies and regulations.
Well-designed Mechanisms for a Comprehensive Performance Appraisal System for all its employees
along with effective welfare measures, and opportunities for Career-development and Progression
ensure harmony at workplace.
Comprehensive Resource Mobilization Policy and a Set of Procedures have been structured to ensure
the optimal utilization of resources and to secure additional funds beyond fees.
A Comprehensive System of Internal and External Financial Audits are in place, to ensure probity,

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accountability and compliance.

The IQAC, has been efficient and effective in reviewing, at periodic intervals, the Teaching-learning
Process, Structures and Methodologies of Operations, and Learning Outcomes, thereby resulting in the
establishment of several good practices being developed, towards improving the quality of education
and support services at the University.

Institutional Values and Best Practices

Gender-equity is promoted to ensure an Inclusive Campus-environment, by integrating Gender-

sensitization into Curricular and Co-curricular Activities, providing dedicated Facilities for Women, and
by establishing a robust Grievance-redressal Mechanism, equal opportunities, safety, and well-being for
all members of the University Community.
Gender Audit, is in place to assess and address Gender-disparities, if any and ensure a Philosophy of
“Equal-opportunity for All”, across the University-community
Waste Management is seen as an integral part of its Sustainability and through a robust Waste
Management System, environmental impact of its operations is aimed to the preservation of the
Environment and the overall well-being of the Campus Ecosystem.
Green Campus initiatives are reinforced by ensuring sustainable transportation, reducing plastic usage,
promoting green landscaping, and implementing conservation measures thereby inculcating a sense of
environmental responsibility among its students, faculty, and staff.
Availability of ramps, accessible washrooms, comprehensive signage, assistive technology, and human
assistance, assists individuals with disabilities to participate fully in educational activities, access to
information, and to navigate the campus with ease, thereby fostering inclusivity, empowerment, and
equal opportunities especially for Divyangajan.
Students and Employees are sensitized to their Constitutional obligations, namely Values, Rights,
Duties, and Responsibilities of Citizens as enshrined in the Constitution of India.
The Best Practice of Institutional Social Responsibility adopted to foster Social Inclusiveness has served
as a valuable model for other institutions aiming to promote social inclusiveness and community
engagement. Sharing our experiences and lessons learnt can facilitate the replication and scaling of
these Practices in diverse Educational-contexts.
The Best Practice of a Fully Automated Examination and Evaluation System to lend efficiency to the
University Operations, has resulted d in increased transparency and efficiency across campus in the
conduct of Examinations, thereby empowering Administrators to make informed decisions based on
accurate and up-to-date data.

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Name and Address of the University


Address Ittagalpura, Rajanakunte,Yelahanka, Bengaluru -560



State Karnataka

Pin 560064

Website www.presidencyuniversity.in

Contacts for Communication

Designation Name Telephone with Mobile Fax Email

STD Code

Vice D Subhakar 080-23093500 9886964215 080-2309350 badrihs@presidenc

Chancellor 2 yuniversity.in

IQAC / CIQA Badri H S 080-23093501 9845215960 080-2309350 badrihs@presidenc

coordinator 3 y.edu.in

Nature of University

Nature of University State Private University

Type of University

Type of University Unitary

Establishment Details

Establishment Date of the University 08-08-2015

Status Prior to Establishment,If applicable

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Recognition Details

Date of Recognition as a University by UGC or Any Other National Agency :

Under Section Date View Document

2f of UGC 14-09-2016 View Document

12B of UGC

University with Potential for Excellence

Is the University Recognised as a University with No

Potential for Excellence (UPE) by the UGC?

Location, Area and Activity of Campus

Campus Address Location* Campus Built up Program Date of Date of

Type Area in Area in mes Establishment Recognition
Acres sq.mts. Offered by

Main Ittagalpu Rural 40 134384.4 Forty

campus ra, Raja Nine
ka, Beng
-560 064


Furnish the Details of Colleges of University

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Type Of Colleges Numbers

Constituent Colleges 0

Affiliated Colleges 0

Colleges Under 2(f) 0

Colleges Under 2(f) and 12B 0

NAAC Accredited Colleges 0

Colleges with Potential for Excellence(UGC) 0

Autonomous Colleges 0

Colleges with Postgraduate Departments 0

Colleges with Research Departments 0

University Recognized Research Institutes/Centers 0

Is the University Offering any Programmes Recognised by any Statutory : Yes

Regulatory Authority (SRA)

SRA program Document

AICTE 104411_3582_1_1687428765.PD

BCI 104411_3582_8_1687418417.pdf

Details Of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Of University

Teaching Faculty

Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor

Male Female Others Total Male Female Others Total Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned 86 98 680

Recruited 60 26 0 86 43 55 0 98 270 410 0 680

Yet to Recruit 0 0 0

On Contract 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Non-Teaching Staff

Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned 121

Recruited 88 33 0 121

Yet to Recruit 0

On Contract 0 0 0 0

Technical Staff

Male Female Others Total

Sanctioned 23

Recruited 20 3 0 23

Yet to Recruit 0

On Contract 0 0 0 0

Qualification Details of the Teaching Staff

Permanent Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total

D.sc/D.Litt/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 60 26 0 43 55 0 157 291 0 632

M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 119 0 232

UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Temporary Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total

D.sc/D.Litt/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Part Time Teachers

Highest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total

D.sc/D.Litt/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distinguished Academicians Appointed As

Male Female Others Total

Emeritus Professor 0 0 0 0

Adjunct Professor 0 0 0 0

Visiting Professor 0 0 0 0

Chairs Instituted by the University

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Sl.No Name of the Name of the Chair Name of the Sponsor

Department Organisation/Agency


Provide the Following Details of Students Enrolled in the University During the Current Academic Year

Programme From the State From Other NRI Students Foreign Total
Where States of India Students
University is

UG Male 1693 1021 4 4 2722

Female 945 459 1 1 1406
Others 0 0 0 0 0

PG Male 469 136 0 0 605

Female 245 106 0 0 351
Others 0 0 0 0 0

Doctoral (Ph.D) Male 7 2 1 0 10

Female 18 5 0 0 23
Others 0 0 0 0 0

Does the University offer any Integrated No


Details of UGC Human Resource Development Centre, If applicable

Year of Establishment Nill

Number of UGC Orientation Programmes 0

Number of UGC Refresher Course 0

Number of University's own Programmes 0

Total Number of Programmes Conducted (last five 0



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Department Name Upload Report

Research View Document

School Of Commerce And Economics View Document

School Of Computer Science And Engineering View Document

School Of Design View Document

School Of Engineering View Document

School Of Information Science View Document

School Of Law View Document

School Of Management View Document

School Of Media Studies View Document

Institutional preparedness for NEP

1. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary: Presidency University [PU] is already a

multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary institution.
Further, PU envisages to incorporate the
transformative changes as desired in the NEP 2020
both in letter and spirit. The institution has chalked
out plans to transform itself into the desired holistic
multidisciplinary institution through its Institutional
Perspective Strategic Plan for the next 5 years. This
involves breaking down the traditional silos between
different academic disciplines and fostering
collaborations and interactions among faculty and
students from diverse domains. The institution has
already adopted OBE and CBCS curriculum and is
has been in the process of providing opportunities for
its Learners to indulge in inter- and cross-disciplinary
learning experiences, including in the fields of
Design, Culture and Liberal education, to truly
becoming holistic.

2. Academic bank of credits (ABC): The institution has taken several initiatives to fulfil
the requirements of the Academic Bank of Credits
(ABC) as proposed in NEP 2020. A Credit
Recognition Committee (CRC) has been established.
The initiatives include the development of a system
and process by which students are facilitated through
the generation of their ABC ID cards to bank their
credits. The institution has also established guidelines
and procedures for the transfer and accumulation of

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credits, ensuring transparency and consistency in

credit recognition.

3. Skill development: The institution has made significant efforts to embed

vocational education and soft skills within a
curriculum aligned with National Skills
Qualifications Framework (NSQF). It offers various
courses and learning initiatives aimed at enhancing
students' employability skills along with experiential
learning in specific vocational areas like Life Skills.
The institution has collaborated with industry
partners and experts to ensure the relevance and
concurrency of the skills being imparted and included
courses like Foundations of Industrial VLSI Design,
Digital Design and Verification, Design for
Testability etc in consultation with Industry.

4. Appropriate integration of Indian Knowledge The institution has developed a comprehensive

system (teaching in Indian Language, culture, using strategy to integrate the Indian Knowledge System
online course): (IKS) into the curriculum, both through offline and
online courses. This strategy involves incorporating
elements of Indian languages, culture, and traditional
knowledge into the teaching and learning process.
The institution offers courses through the well-
defined CBCS system which aims specifically to
infuse Indian languages, literature, history,
philosophy, arts, and cultural practices in its
programmes. It also ensures that the content and
pedagogy reflect the diversity and richness of Indian
culture and incorporates indigenous teaching
methodologies and practices. Some of the courses are
offered online using platforms like
SWAYAM/NPTEL. This content is available in
multiple Indian languages, making it accessible to a
wider range of learners.

5. Focus on Outcome based education (OBE): The institution has undertaken various initiatives to
transform its curriculum towards Outcome-Based
Education (OBE). These initiatives involve a
comprehensive review and redesign of the curriculum
to align with the desired learning outcomes. The
institution establishes clear program objectives and
defines the expected learning outcomes for each
course. The curriculum is then structured and
organized around these outcomes, ensuring a
coherent progression of knowledge and skills
acquired throughout the program. The institution has
implemented several efforts to capture Outcome-
Based Education (OBE) in teaching and learning

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practices. These efforts include: - Designing learning

activities that directly align with the desired learning
outcomes, ensuring that students are actively engaged
in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and competencies
specified in the curriculum. - Implementing formative
and summative assessments that assess students'
attainment of the learning outcomes. Assessment
methods include assignments, projects, presentations,
exams, and practical demonstrations. - Providing
timely and constructive feedback to students,
highlighting their strengths and areas for
improvement in relation to the learning outcomes. -
Encouraging self-assessment and reflection among
students, promoting their ownership of the learning
process and fostering a deeper understanding of the
learning outcomes. - Incorporating innovative
teaching methodologies, such as experiential
learning, case studies, simulations, and problem-
based learning, to enhance students' engagement and
application of knowledge in real-world contexts.

6. Distance education/online education: The institution recognizes the potential of offering

vocational courses through Open and Distance
Learning (ODL) mode. However, at this juncture, the
institution is not qualified to offer ODL programs.
The institution has plans in the future to develop
interactive and multimedia-rich online modules that
cover various vocational areas, providing learners
with flexibility in terms of time and location. Further,
the institution has invested in digital learning
platforms to support online education at the campus
level. This platform serves as a centralized hub for
accessing online courses, resources, and support
services. The institution ensures that the platform is
user-friendly and provides a seamless learning
experience for students.

Institutional Initiatives for Electoral Literacy

1. Whether Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) has been The institution has taken the initiative to establish an
set up in the College? Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) within the university.
The purpose of the ELC is to promote awareness and
understanding of the electoral process among
students and the wider community. This club also
helps celebrate constitution day on campus and thus
inculcates constitutional values amongst the student

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2. Whether students’ co-ordinator and co-ordinating The university has appointed student coordinators
faculty members are appointed by the College and and coordinating faculty members to oversee the
whether the ELCs are functional? Whether the ELCs functioning of the Electoral Literacy Club [ELC].
are representative in character? These coordinators play a crucial role in organizing
and implementing various activities and initiatives
related to electoral literacy. The ELC is functional
and actively engages students in promoting voter
registration drives and highlights the importance of
voting and electoral reforms. The ELC strive to be
representative in character, ensuring participation
from students of diverse backgrounds and disciplines.
Efforts are made to involve students from various
academic programs, including social sciences, law,
management, and humanities, to ensure a holistic and
inclusive approach to electoral literacy.

3. What innovative programmes and initiatives The ELC undertakes a range of innovative programs
undertaken by the ELCs? These may include and initiatives to promote electoral literacy. These
voluntary contribution by the students in electoral initiatives include the voluntary participation of
processes-participation in voter registration of students in electoral processes, such as voter
students and communities where they come from, registration drives within the student community and
assisting district election administration in conduct of the communities they belong to. The ELC also
poll, voter awareness campaigns, promotion of collaborate with district election administrations to
ethical voting, enhancing participation of the under assist in the conduct of polls, raising awareness about
privileged sections of society especially transgender, the importance of ethical voting, and promoting voter
commercial sex workers, disabled persons, senior awareness campaigns. Moreover, the ELC focuses on
citizens, etc. enhancing the participation of underprivileged
sections of society, including transgender individuals,
disabled persons, and senior citizens. Special
initiatives are undertaken to ensure their inclusion in
the electoral process, such as organizing awareness
programs tailored to their specific needs and
collaborating with relevant organizations to address
their concerns and challenges.

4. Any socially relevant projects/initiatives taken by The university actively engages in socially relevant
College in electoral related issues especially research projects and initiatives related to electoral issues
projects, surveys, awareness drives, creating content, through its outreach services. The law school
publications highlighting their contribution to conducts research in the area of Electoral reforms
advancing democratic values and participation in specifically pertaining to anti-defection law. Through
electoral processes, etc. ELC, the university brings out publications
highlighting the institution's contribution to
advancing democratic values and promoting
participation in electoral processes.

5. Extent of students above 18 years who are yet to be The university, through the ELC, makes efforts to
enrolled as voters in the electoral roll and efforts by identify and register eligible students as voters. The

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ELCs as well as efforts by the College to ELC organizes campaigns and awareness programs to
institutionalize mechanisms to register eligible educate students about the importance of voter
students as voters. registration and guide them through the registration
process. The extent of students above 18 years who
are yet to be enrolled as voters is regularly assessed,
and targeted efforts are made to institutionalize
mechanisms that facilitate their registration as voters.
These mechanisms include collaborations with local
election authorities, provision of registration facilities
on campus, and assistance in completing the
necessary documentation for voter registration.

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Extended Profile
1 Students

Number of students on rolls year wise during last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

15712 14057 11636 9269 6491

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Number of final year outgoing students year wise during last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

3877 3272 2298 1431 719

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2 Teachers

Number of full time teachers in the institution year wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

864 699 650 516 358

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Total number of full time teachers worked/working in the institution (without repeat count) during last
five years:

Response: 864

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3 Institution

Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

17325.20 11389.06 8668.16 10833.85 6814.70

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4. Quality Indicator Framework(QIF)

Criterion 1 - Curricular Aspects

1.1 Curriculum Design and Development


Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, regional, national, and global
developmental needs, which is reflected in the Programme outcomes (POs), and Course
Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University


Presidency University (PU) is committed to developing and implementing curricula of all its Programs,
to cater to local, national, regional, and global developmental needs. The University believes that
education should not only provide knowledge but also equip students with the essential skills,
competencies and attitudes required to tackle contemporary challenges. The Systematic Curriculum-
design Process as adopted, ensures that Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes
(PSOs), and Course Outcomes (COs) reflect this commitment, to ensure relevance. POs for Engineering
Programs align with those defined by the National Board of Accreditation and POs of all other Programs
are designed to encompass the respective domains of Knowledge, Professional-skills, Positive Attitudes
and Ethical-behaviour.

PU meticulously adopts the curricula as framed by the Statutory Regulatory Authorities (SRAs), such as
the Learning Outcome Curricular Framework (LOCF) of UGC and Course Curricular Framework (CCF)
of the Higher Education Council of Karnataka. Various components of Outcome Based Learning Model
are designed and approved by respective Departmental Academic Committees (DACs), Boards of
Studies (BoS) of the respective Schools and finally the Academic Council (AC) of the University.

At PU, identifying, understanding, and responding to the needs of the local community take precedence.
The Curricula incorporate local perspectives, culture, and socio-economic factors. For example, Business
Management Programs focus on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, to address locally
relevant economic challenges leading to enhanced employability opportunities. The POs, PSOs, and COs
of these Programs are aligned to ensure the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge related to the
local business environment.

The University is also committed to its responsibility towards national development. The Curricula are
designed to align with the national priorities and emerging trends across various sectors of the Economy,
Regular revision and updating of the Curricula is in tune with technological advancements, industry
trends/demands and Governmental Policy- changes. This prepares the graduates to contribute
meaningfully to the nation's development. The POs, PSOs, and COs encompass relevant national mission
objectives such as digital literacy, research and innovation, and ethical practices.

PU places equal importance on addressing regional and global developmental needs. The Curricula
include components that foster a blend of global perspectives and intercultural understanding. Courses on
cross-cultural, global issues and international relations, broaden students' knowledge horizons. The POs,
PSOs, and COs of these Programs drive the development of global competencies and a deep

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understanding of global challenges.

The Program design at PU ensures a balance of foundational, core, discipline-specific elective courses,
along with ability-enhancement and skill-development courses. These, collectively provide the students
with a well-rounded education necessary for successful careers. The development of curricula involves
meticulous planning and stakeholder involvement. This feedback is useful for adaptation and refinement
of the Curricula to meet the changing developmental needs. Inputs from students, faculty, employers,
and alumni shape the curricula to a large extent. Experts from prestigious institutes also contribute
through their participation in the Boards of Studies (BoS) and Academic Council (AC), enriching the
curriculum with relevant and diverse perspectives. Surveys, Focus Group discussions, and Alumni
interactions render the curricula effective and current.

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The Programmes offered by the institution focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill

development and their course syllabi are adequately revised to incorporate contemporary


PU is committed to providing its Learners with a comprehensive and relevant education as evidenced by
the intertwining of employability, entrepreneurship and skill development courses within the Programs
and the attendant Curricula, offered. This focus of the University ensures that students are well-equipped
to meet the demands of the contemporary job market. PU is dedicated to incorporating contemporary
knowledge and skills, into its course syllabi, thereby, enhancing the employability quotient of its

The Programs offered by PU are carefully designed to enhance the employability of its graduating
students by transforming them into Industry-ready, towards a fulfilling career. The University
understands the importance of providing students with a strong foundation in their respective fields of
specialization, while simultaneously equipping them with the abilities, skills and knowledge that
employer’s value. The curriculum is regularly reviewed through industry consultation and updated to
incorporate state-of-the-art requirements of the cutting-edge Industry. This ensures that students graduate
with up-to-date domain-specific knowledge coupled with an innate ability to adapt to evolving
professional landscapes.

Entrepreneurship is a key focus at the University and the Programs offered reflect this commitment and
recognizes the importance of nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset and equipping students with the skills
needed to succeed in a competitive business environment. Entrepreneurship Courses and Workshops are
integrated into the Curriculum, allowing students to explore their innovative potential, develop business

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plans, and learn from successful entrepreneurs. The University also provides resources and support for
aspiring entrepreneurs, including access to an Incubation Centre (Presidency Launchpad), Mentorship
Programs and Networking Opportunities.

Skill development is another integral part of the Programs, offered by the University. It aims to equip its
students with a diverse set of skills that are essential for success in the modern workplace. Courses and
Workshops on Leadership, Communication, Critical- thinking, Problem-solving and Teamwork are
integrated into the Curriculum-Design. Additionally, the University collaborates with Industry-partners
to identify and incorporate industry-specific skill-enhancing Modules, into the Syllabi to make the
Students Industry-worthy and Domain-relevant.

Recognising the need to keep the various course Syllabi relevant and aligned with contemporary
industrial needs, each School interacts with both Industry-experts, directly or through its Placement Cell
and with Academic Experts through Direct-contacts, Research networks, Collaborative Arrangements
[MOU] and so on. The Faculty-members and Members of the Departmental Academic Committees,
discuss the inputs and suggestions in detail and suggest suitable changes and improvements to the
appropriate Board of Studies. They actively engage in professional development activities, attend
conferences, and participate in workshops to stay abreast of the latest advancements in their respective

PU also values feedback from students, alumni, industry professional and recruiters. Regular surveys and
evaluations are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the Programs and gather input for further
improvement. This process enables incorporation of the Industry needs and their integration into the
respective curriculum, towards a more relevant and comprehensive education-impart. Many new-age
courses such as Front-End Full Stack Development, Java Full Stack Development, Net Full Stack
Development, Design for Testability, Foundations of Industrial VLSI Design, Digital Design and
Verification, and Product Life Cycle Management are added through specific requests from many, not
the Industry-partners.

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1.2 Academic Flexibility


Percentage of new courses introduced out of the total number of courses across all programmes
offered during the last five years

Response: 71.68 Number of new courses introduced during the last five years:

Response: 1716

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Self Study Report of PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY, BENGALURU Consolidated number of courses offered by the institution across all Programmes (without
repeat count) during the last five years :

Response: 2394

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endorsing the decision of BOS

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

Minutes of Board of Studies meeting clearly View Document

specifying the syllabus approval of new courses

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment


Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values,
Environment and Sustainability and other value framework enshrined in Sustainable Development
Goals and National Education Policy – 2020 into the Curriculum


Presidency University recognizes the significance of a holistic educational experience in achieving

academic excellence, aligning with its overarching vision. To this end, the institution is steadfast in
integrating crosscutting issues into its Curricula, ensuring that students not only acquire specialized
knowledge but also develop a profound understanding of their ethical and social responsibilities.

Central to this educational approach is the inculcation of Professional Ethics. The university firmly
believes that professional success should be firmly rooted in a strong ethical foundation. Courses such as
“Professional and Business Ethics", “Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System” and "
Media Laws and Ethics" “Cyber Law” engage students in meaningful dialogues, case studies, and
discussions that foster critical insights and moral reasoning. Distinguished guest speakers, including
renowned personalities such as Dr Pankaj Mittal, Secretary General, AIU; Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala
President, IIT Madras Research Park, IIT Madras Incubation Cell and RTBI, are regularly invited to
inspire and instil strong professional ethics and values in both students and faculty members.

Gender Equality and Human Rights are integral components of the Educational Ecosystem at
Presidency University, seamlessly woven into the Curriculum. Courses such as "Gender and Society in
India" and “Law on Sexual Harassment” address critical issues related to gender equity, enabling

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students to grasp the challenges faced by marginalized groups. Extensive Gender-sensitization

Workshops further promote equal opportunities for women and sensitize students to the importance of
Gender-sensitivity and Equality.

Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability are fundamental tenets embedded within the
Curriculum. Courses such as "Environmental Science and Disaster Management" and "Renewable
Energy Systems” help students acquire knowledge about environmental challenges, resource
conservation, and sustainable practices. The University actively cultivates environmental awareness
through sustainable practices on campus, including rainwater harvesting, sapling planting and
maintaining a green campus. Moreover, students actively engage in social service activities, contributing
to environmental conservation and community revitalization in adopted villages. University has
established a Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Development Goals, which explores the achievement
of such goals around the community.

PU places significant emphasis on the Development of Human Values, amongst its students. It
acknowledges the importance of fostering empathy, integrity, and social responsibility. Creative
platforms, such as the Euphoria, Sports Week, Clubs Meets, Invincia, and other events provide avenues
for students to engage in activities that encourage understanding and appreciation of human values. The
celebration of national and international events, including National Unity Day and International Yoga
Day, instils a sense of pride and cultural sensitivity within the University-community.

The commitment to integrate cross-cutting issues extends beyond mere compliance with the external
framework. Presidency University embraces a culture of continuous improvement, regularly evaluating
and updating its curriculum to ensure relevance and responsiveness to the evolving needs of society. It
Collaborates with Industry Experts, Social Organizations, and Policymakers to align its curriculum with
the precepts of the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Education Policy 2020.

The unwavering dedication of the University to foster, a holistic educational experience, integrating
crosscutting issues, and continually enhancing its curriculum, serves as a testament to its commitment to
developing well-rounded graduates, equipped to address the complex challenges of the modern world.

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Number of certificate/value added courses/Diploma Programme offered by the institutions and

online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM/e Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms
(without repeat count) where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully
completed during the last five years

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Response: 614

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website as part of public disclosure

List of students and the attendance sheet for the View Document
above mentioned programs

Institutional programme brochure/notice for View Document

Certificate/Value added programs with course
modules and outcomes

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Evidence of course completion, like course View Document

completion certificate etc.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of programmes that have components of field projects / research projects / internships
during the last five years.

Response: 100 Total Number of programmes that have components of field projects / research projects /
internships (without repeat count) during the last five years

Response: 48 Total Number of programmes offered (without repeat count) during the last five years

Response: 48

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Sample Internship completion letter provided by View Document

host institutions

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

Program and course contents having element of View Document

field projects / research projects / internships as
approved by BOS

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

1.4 Feedback System


Structured feedback for curriculum and its transaction is regularly obtained from stakeholders
like Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni, Academic peers etc., and Feedback processes of the
institution may be classified as follows:

Response: A. Feedback collected, analysed, action taken & communicated to the relevant bodies and
feedback hosted on the institutional website

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Feedback analysis report submitted to appropriate View Document


At least 4 filled-in feedback form from different View Document

stake holders like Students, Teachers, Employers,
Alumni etc.

Action taken report on the feedback analysis and its View Document
report to appropriate committee/bodies

Link of institution’s website where View Document

comprehensive feedback, its analytics and action
taken report are hosted

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any

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Criterion 2 - Teaching-learning and Evaluation

2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile


Enrolment percentage

Response: 92.04 Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

5370 5055 4382 4062 3180 Number of seats filled year wise during last five years (Only first year admissions to be

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

4988 4761 3917 3604 3023

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website as part of public disclosure

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Document relating to sanction of intake as View Document

approved by competent authority

Admission extract signed by the competent View Document

authority (only fresh admissions to be considered)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.) as per applicable
reservation policy for the first year admission during the last five years

Response: 100

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Self Study Report of PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY, BENGALURU Number of actual students admitted against the reserved categories in the first year of the
programme year-wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

3264 2419 1813 1694 1269 Total number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Government
rule year-wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

3264 2419 1813 1694 1269

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website as part of public disclosure

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Final admission list indicating the category as View Document

published by the HEI and endorsed by the
competent authority.

Copy of the letter issued by the State govt. or View Document

Central Government Indicating the reserved
categories(SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc.) to be
considered as per the state rule (Translated copy in
English to be provided as applicable)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity


The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes to
cater to differential learning needs of the student


Presidency University is committed to ensuring the academic growth and success of all its students. The

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institution places strong emphasis on assessing the Learning-levels of its students and providing tailored
additional support through specially designed programs, for both advanced learners and slow learners.

Understanding that students come from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of acquired knowledge
and learning styles, PU has implemented a robust system to assess their respective Learning-levels.
Through diagnostic tests, assignments, and evaluations, information about each student's strengths,
weaknesses, and areas requiring additional support is gathered. These insights provide a holistic view of
the student's academic abilities, allowing PU to tailor educational approaches to meet their individual
needs effectively. Remediation and opportunities for higher knowledge acquisition amongst Slow
Learners and Advanced Learners, respectively have been the hallmark of the University, over the years.

Support to Slow Learners:

For students who require additional support in specific subjects or concepts, the University organizes
targeted Intervention- programs. These programs provide additional instructional support, including one-
on-one tutoring, small-group or peer sessions, and mentoring by experienced Faculty-members.
Remedial Classes, Tutorials and Focused assignments are organized to reinforce concepts and address
specific areas of difficulty. University-Mentors and Teachers dedicate extra time to counsel and guide
Slow-learners, providing them with additional resources such as help notes and question banks. By
focusing on the areas where students need the most help, the Institution provides assistance to build a
strong foundation for them.

To enhance communication and soft skills, specific classes and programs are designed for slow learners,
especially those from vernacular medium backgrounds. Engaging in social events, class activities, and
institutional activities further fosters their social skills and overall development. PU also maintains open
channels of communication with parents, ensuring their continuous involvement and support in their
child's educational journey.

Support to Advanced Learners:

In parallel, the University recognizes the importance of nurturing the abilities of the Advanced-learners
and providing them with opportunities to further excel. PU offers Enrichment-programs through the
MOOC Platform, to supplement the academically gifted students or those who demonstrate a keen
interest in their chosen fields. These programs aim to challenge and engage students beyond the standard
curriculum, allowing them to explore advanced topics, conduct research, and participate in specialized
projects. By fostering intellectual curiosity and academic excellence, such students are encouraged to
reach their full potential.

Advanced learners benefit from close collaboration with Industry Professionals, Guest lectures, and
Educational Tours, enhancing their Practical Understanding and Industry Connections. Internship
opportunities, as well as Mentorship Programs provided by the Presidency Launchpad, assist these
students in gaining valuable real-world experience.

Faculty Development:

To ensure that the Programs offered by the University effectively cater to the differential Learning needs
of the students, a supportive and inclusive Learning-environment is maintained. Faculty members
undergo continuous professional development to widen their teaching methodologies and strategies.

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They employ innovative instructional techniques, such as differentiated instructions, adaptive learning
technologies, and experiential learning approaches, to engage students at various levels of learning and to
accommodate diverse learning styles.

By offering these comprehensive programs and initiatives, PU strives to create an environment where all
students can progress academically, intellectually, and personally.

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Student - Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Response: 18.19

File Description Document

List showing the number of students in each of the View Document

programs for the latest completed academic year
across all semesters

Certified list of full time teachers along with the View Document
departmental affiliation in the latest completed
academic year.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

2.3 Teaching- Learning Process


Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving
methodologies are used for enhancing learning experience and teachers use ICT- enabled tools
including online resources for effective teaching and learning process


Student-Centric Methods

PU believes in providing an enriching and engaging educational environment that focuses on student-
centric methodologies of Teaching and Learning. It is understood that traditional Classroom Lectures
alone are not sufficient to foster holistic development nor to prepare students to face real-world

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challenges. Therefore, pedagogies such as Experiential-learning, Participative-learning, and Problem-

solving Methodologies are adopted to enhance the learning experiences of students. Efforts are
continuously made to enhance overall learning, supported by the extensive usage of ICT-enabled Tools
and other Online Resources. The University has also fine-tuned its Classroom Management and Content
Delivery Methodologies to include Blended Classroom concepts, which has made Student-centric
learning equally rewarding.

Experiential Learning

Experiential-learning is at the core of the Institutional Educational Philosophy. Moving beyond

traditional Classroom Lectures, students are engaged through hands-on activities. By incorporating
‘Learning by Doing’, Activity-based Learning, and Project- driven Learning, in their Curriculum
Framework, students gain practical skills and knowledge beyond the textbooks. The use of Real-world
Simulations develops critical thinking, problem-resolution skills, and a deep understanding of their
chosen fields. One of the Flagship experiential project-based learning is “Innovative Project” for students
in their First Year of the Academic Journey, to explore the advantages of IoT and Programming with the
help of Raspberry Pie and Arduino Board.

Participative Learning

Participative learning is another key component. The University fosters collaboration, idea exchange, and
peer learning in vibrant classrooms. Discussions, Group Activities, and Role-plays create an inclusive
Learning-community. Additionally, PU offers numerous extracurricular and co-curricular activities like
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, and Technical Events, allowing students to explore interests,
showcase talents, and develop leadership skills.

Problem-solving Methodologies

Problem-solving Methodologies are integrated into the curriculum. Projects, Hackathons, and Internships
enable students to apply concept-driven theoretical knowledge to practical situations thereby enhancing
problem-solving abilities and fostering innovation. Research-based learning, Case Studies, and
Challenging Assignments develop Higher Order Critical Thinking and Creativity.


The Faculty-members are encouraged to use ICT-enabled Tools and other Online Resources towards
ensuring an effective teaching-learning process. Equipped with Smartboards, LCD Projectors, and High-
speed Internet, the Classrooms facilitate Interactive Digital Learning. The Comprehensive Learning
Management System (LMS) provides seamless access to course materials, online assessments, and
collaborative tools hence, enhancing communication and resource sharing.

Faculty members receive regular training and participate in Workshops to effectively utilize ICT-enabled
Tools, stay updated with emerging technologies and enhance the value of the teaching and learning

Students benefit from a wide range of Online resources, including Research Databases, E-journals, and E-
books. Virtual labs, in collaboration, with renowned institutions offer practical skills in a virtual
environment. Web-conferencing Tools facilitate the conduct of virtual classes, interactive discussions

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and academic collaborations.

Continuous assessment and feedback are essential for student growth. PU deploys innovative ICT Tools
for Online Assessment, Feedback-generation and Progress-tracking. This comprehensive Feedback-
mechanism ensures ongoing support throughout the academic journey of the students. PU prioritizes
digital teaching-learning methods, providing access to Online Platforms, Digital Libraries and Plagiarism-
detection Tools.

By integrating student-centric methods, leveraging ICT-enabled tools, and embracing innovation, PU

creates a dynamic and enriching Learning-environment. The commitment of the University to excellence
in preparing students for successful careers and lifelong learning remains paramount.

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The institution adopts effective Mentor-Mentee Schemes to address academics and student-
psychological issues



PU has recognized the importance of providing guidance and support to students not only in their
academic pursuits but also in their overall well-being. To address both academic and personal - including
psychological issues (If any), the University has put in place an effective Mentor-Mentee Scheme. This
plays a vital role in providing a supportive and nurturing environment for students, ensuring their holistic
development and success.

Mentor-Mentee Scheme

The Mentor-Mentee Schemes at University are designed to establish a strong bond between experienced
Faculty-members and Students, creating a platform for mentorship and guidance. The University
carefully selects, for the role of Mentors, Faculty members who possess excellent communication skills,
empathy, and a genuine interest in helping students. The University also has in place, effective peer
mentoring with academically advanced Students who have demonstrated a marked inclination to assist
other students in meeting their academic targets.

Academic Support

Academic support is a key component of the Mentor-Mentee Schemes at the University. Mentors assist
students in navigating their academic journey by providing guidance on desired Course-selection,

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suitable Study-techniques, effective Time-management, and adequate preparation for Examinations.

They help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop effective Study Plans, and set
realistic goals. Mentors also offer assistance in understanding complex concepts, clarifying doubts, and
recommending additional resources for further learning. By providing personalized attention and
academic guidance, the Mentor-Mentee Scheme contribute to the academic progression and overall
growth of the students.

Addressing Student-related Psychological Issues

In addition to academic support, the Mentor-Mentee Schemes also address student-psychological issues.
Mentors at University are trained to be attentive and responsive to the emotional well-being of their
mentees. They create a safe and inclusive space where students can freely express their concerns,
anxieties, and challenges. Mentors provide a compassionate ear, offering emotional support, and helping
students develop coping mechanisms to manage stress and personal difficulties.

As the university maintains a qualified and trained counsellor, mentors may also refer students to
appropriate counselling services or mental health professionals if needed. The Mentor-Mentee Schemes
promote a sense of belonging, fostering a supportive community that values student well-being.

Maintaining Records

Regular interactions between Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to build a strong Mentorship
relationship. These interactions may take the form of One-on-One Meetings, Group Discussions,
Workshops, or Informal Gatherings. The University has developed an Online Mentors’ Consultation
Diary, to record these interactions. They also help students explore their interests, identify potential
career paths and make informed decisions about their future.

To ensure the effectiveness of the Mentor-Mentee Scheme, University implements a structured

Monitoring and Evaluation System. Feedback from both Mentors and Mentees is collected periodically
to assess satisfaction levels, identify areas of improvement, and make necessary adjustments. The
University organizes Training sessions for Mentors to enhance their Mentoring skills, keep them updated
with the latest educational practices, and provide them with resources to better support their mentees.

The Mentor-Mentee Scheme at University has proven to be instrumental in creating a nurturing and
supportive environment for students. These schemes not only address academic challenges but also focus
on the overall well-being of students, promoting their personal and professional growth.

File Description Document

Upload any additional information View Document

List of Active mentors View Document

Provide Link for Additional Information View Document

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

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Average percentage of full time teachers appointed against the number of sanctioned posts year
wise during the last five years

Response: 95 Total Number of Sanctioned year wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

901 779 666 529 366

File Description Document

Sanction letters indicating number of posts View Document

sanctioned by the competent authority (including
Management sanctioned posts).

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document

template merged with 2.4.3 and 2.4.4)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B/ Superspeciality/L.L.D/D.S.C/D.Litt.

during the last five years

Response: 73.03 Number of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B/

Superspeciality/L.L.D/D.S.C/D.Litt Superspecialist during the last five years

Response: 631

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File Description Document

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

List of faculty having Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N. View Document

Superspeciality/ along with particulars of the
degree awarding university, subject and the year of
award per academic year.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Copies of Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality View Document

awarded by UGC recognized universities

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Average teaching experience of full time teachers (Data to be provided only for the latest
completed academic year, in number of years)

Response: 16.23 Total teaching experience of full-time teachers as of latest completed academic year

Response: 14020

File Description Document

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms


Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the last date
of declaration of results during the last five years

Response: 10.8

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Self Study Report of PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY, BENGALURU Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the last date
of declaration of results year wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

9 9 8 9 19

File Description Document

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number of students

appeared in the examinations during the last five years

Response: 0.18 Number of complaints/grievances about evaluation year-wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

48 107 41 21 14 Number of students appeared in the examination conducted by the institution year wise
during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

35315 32185 25926 20681 16147

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File Description Document

List the number of students who have applied for View Document
re- valuation/re-totalling program wise and the total
certified by the Controller of Examinations year-
wise for the assessment period.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Status of automation of Examination division along with approved Examination Manual/ordinance

Response: A. 100% automation of entire division & implementation of Examination Management

System (EMS)

File Description Document

The screenshot should reflect the HEI name and the View Document
name of the module.

The report on the present status of automation of View Document

examination division including screenshots of
various modules of the software.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


If the EMS is outsourced, copy of the relevant View Document

contract and copies of bills of payment to be

Copies of the purchase order and bills/AMC of the View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes


The institution has stated learning outcomes (Program and Course outcomes)/graduate attributes
which are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and
other documents and the attainment of the same are evaluated by the institution

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PU is committed to providing quality education and fostering the holistic development of its students.
The University takes pride in its Outcome Based Education (OBE) approach, which ensures that
Learning Outcomes, both generic and program-specific, are integrated into the Assessment Process.
Additionally, it places great importance on evaluating the attainment of these outcomes to gauge the
effectiveness of its OBE System.

Alignment of Vision, Mission and POs:

Every department has defined its Vision, Mission, and Program Outcomes (POs) that align with the
organisational goals of the University. The POs are carefully designed to encompass the knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and values that students should acquire upon completion of their programs. These
outcomes are formulated using revised Bloom's Taxonomy, ensuring a comprehensive and holistic
approach to learning.

To guarantee the effectiveness of the OBE implementation, Faculty-members undergo regular Training
Sessions and Workshops. These Training Programs equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills and
competencies to align their teaching methodologies, assessment strategies, and course materials with the
defined POs. The Faculty-members also utilize appropriate pedagogy and Bloom's Levels to ensure that
the Course Outcomes (COs) are achieved through the effective Learning-experience of the students.

CO-PO Mapping:

The University utilizes a Learning Management System (LMS) coupled with specialised software for
mapping COs-POs and computation of attainment levels of Learners. Various assessment methods,
including formative and summative assessments, are mapped to the COs to evaluate the academic
progress of the students and their attainment of the desired Learning outcome. The Assessment-rubrics
are developed to measure student performance effectively and by providing detailed feedback for

The University has in place a Comprehensive Curriculum-map that demonstrates the alignment
between the POs, COs, and Individual Courses. This mapping ensures that all POs are adequately
addressed throughout the Curriculum, leaving no outcome unattained. The curriculum is regularly
reviewed and updated based on the analysis of student performance and feedback, thereby ensuring its
relevance and alignment with the desired outcome.

CO-PO Attainment:

The computation of Course Outcome (CO) and Program Outcome (PO)-attainment at Presidency
University is a meticulous process. It involves analysing student performance in various modes of
assessments, aligned with the desired outcome. By comparing the Outcome Attained to the Expected
Outcome, the Institution computes the fact of CO-PO -attainment. This computation provides valuable
insight into the effectiveness of Academic Programs and helps identify areas for improvement.
Presidency University employs a systematic approach duly integrated with appropriate ICT Tools
towards ensuring accurate and reliable measurement of CO-PO-Attainment, reinforcing its commitment

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to delivering Quality Education.

Transparency and Publicity:

PU strongly believes in transparency and effective communication. The Learning outcome, including the
POs and COs, are widely publicized through the Official Website of the University, on Online Portals
and through other relevant documents. Students have access to detailed Course Handouts that clearly
outline the objectives, outcome, and assessment criteria for each Course. The University also organizes
Orientation Programs and Mentorship Sessions to familiarize students with the Learning outcomes and
provide the necessary guidance to achieve them.

File Description Document

Upload COs for all courses (exemplars from View Document


Upload any additional information View Document

Provide links as Additional Information View Document


Pass percentage of students (excluding backlog students) (Data to be provided only for the latest
completed academic year)

Response: 91.54 Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.

Response: 3549

File Description Document

percentage of students of the final year (final View Document

semester) eligible for the degree program-wise /
year wise

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Certified report from the Controller of View Document

Examinations indicating the pass

Annual report of COE highlighting the pass View Document

percentage of students

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

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2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey


Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process


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Criterion 3 - Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities


The institution’s Research facilities are frequently updated and there are well defined policy for
promotion of research which is uploaded on the institutional website and implemented


Presidency University aspires to become a leading institution for Research and Innovation. The
establishment of the Research and Development Cell (R&D) sets it apart, providing a supervisory
mechanism for Research-centric activities. The R&D drives the development of cutting-edge Research
Facilities and implements a well-defined policy to foster research among faculty and students. The
Research and Consulting Division (URCD) of the University handles operational aspects of Research
based on Regulations approved by the R&IC and ratified by the Board of Management.

Presidency University recognizes the critical role of contemporary Research Facilities in advancing the
frontiers of advanced knowledge, through a mechanism of the planned build-up of Research Labs and
provision of Seed Fund Grants to Faculty. As a result, several Advanced Laboratory setups with Cutting-
edge Equipment, and Sophisticated Instrumentation have been established to provide an environment
conducive to high-quality research.

Some of these upgraded Research Labs are:

1. Materials Research Centre

2. Power Electronics

3. Advanced Computing Centre

4. Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre

5. Advanced Technology Research Centre

Further, the institution takes great care to ensure that its Research Facilities are frequently updated to
meet the evolving needs of various disciplines.

The University conducts regular assessments of its Research Infrastructure to identify areas for
improvement and investment. This proactive approach ensures that the research facilities remain at the
forefront of scientific and technological advancements. Whether it is in the fields of engineering,
management, law and sciences, Presidency University strives to provide its faculty and students with the
necessary resources to conduct impactful research.

Presidency University has developed a comprehensive and well-defined Research Promotion Policy
that guides and supports faculty and students in their Research--endeavours. This Policy is formulated
through extensive consultations with Domain Expert, Members of the Research and Innovation Council

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and other associated Stakeholders to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with National and
International Research Standards.

The Research Promotion Policy encompasses several key aspects, including Financial Support,
Infrastructure Positioning, Mentoring and Guidance, Publication Incentives and Collaborations with
External Research Organizations. This Policy aims to create a Support-ecosystem that encourages and
nurtures a Research-oriented Culture within the University. The Infrastructure offered to foster Research-
related action has been both Tangible and Support-based. No efforts have been spared to add floor space
to the Research and Innovation Department coupled with a Top-Down Culture of Research being the
mainstay of the University, pari passu with Academic Rigour.

Presidency University is committed to implementing the Research Promotion Policy, effectively. The
Institution established dedicated Research Centres that oversee the implementation and management of
Research-centric Initiatives across disciplines. These Centres act as facilitators, providing support,
guidance, and necessary resources to Researchers.

Furthermore, the University actively encourages Faculty-members to seek Research Grants and
Collaborations with External Funding Agencies and Industry Partners. Such initiatives not only provide
financial support but also enhance the visibility and impact of the research conducted at Presidency

The availability of the Research Promotion Policy on the Institutional Website promotes
transparency and inclusivity, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and take advantage of the
opportunities and support provided. Through the effective implementation of the Research Promotion
Policy, Presidency University fosters a Research-oriented culture.

File Description Document

Upload COs for all courses (exemplars from View Document


Upload any additional information View Document

Provide links as Additional Information View Document


The institution provides seed money to its teachers for research (average per year)

Response: 52.08 Amount of seed money provided by institution to its teachers for research year wise during
last five years (INR in lakhs)

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

88.68 91.80 8.61 39.48 31.83

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File Description Document

Sanction letters of seed money to the teachers is View Document


List of faculty who have been provided with seed View Document
money for research along with the title of the
project, duration and amount year-wise

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Audited Income-Expenditure statement View Document

highlighting the expenditure towards seed money
endorsed by the Finance Officer

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of teachers receiving national / international fellowship / financial support by various

agencies for advanced studies / research during the last five years.

Response: 24.54 Number of teachers who received national/ international fellowship/financial support from
various agencies, for advanced studies / research; year-wise during the last five years

Response: 212

File Description Document

List of teachers who have received the awards View Document

along with the nature of award, the awarding
agency etc.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E-copies of the award letters of the teachers. View Document

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of JRFs, SRFs among the enrolled PhD scholars in the institution during the last five

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Response: 45.13 The Number of JRFs, SRFs among the enrolled PhD scholars in the institution during the
last five years

Response: 88 Number of PhD Scholars enrolled during last five years

Response: 195

File Description Document

List of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, View Document

Research Associates and other research fellows
along with the details of the funding agency is to be

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E copies of fellowship award letters (mandatory) View Document

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research


Total Grants research funding received by the institution and its faculties through Governme006Et
and non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies for research
project, endowment research chairs during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

Response: 536.33

File Description Document

List of Extramural funding received for research, View Document

Endowment Research Chairs received during the
last five years along with the nature of award, the
awarding agency and the amount.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E-copies of the letters of award for research, View Document

endowments, Chairs sponsored by non-
government sources

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Number of research projects per teacher funded by government, non-government , industry,

corporate houses, international bodies during the last five years

Response: 2.04 Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during
the last five years

Response: 1763

File Description Document

List of project titles with details of Principal View Document

Investigator, amount sanctioned and sanctioning
agency etc.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document

template merged with 3.2.1)

E-copies of the grant award letters for research View Document

projects sponsored by government agencies.

3.3 Innovation Ecosystem


Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS),including
awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and other initiatives for the
creation and transfer of knowledge/technology and the outcomes of the same are evident


Presidency University has established an Ecosystem that fosters Innovation and embraces the Indian
Knowledge System (IKS). With a focus on creating and transferring technology and knowledge, the
University has implemented various initiatives that highlight the importance of Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR), establish dedicated IPR Cells, and provide Resources for Incubation and Innovation.

The University has established an Indian Knowledge System Cell, a dedicated initiative to promote and
preserve indigenous knowledge, traditions, and practices. This Cell integrates the rich cultural heritage of
the country into Academic and Research Activities. By recognizing the value of indigenous knowledge
systems, the University demonstrates its commitment to embracing and nurturing the diverse intellectual
traditions that can drive Research and Innovation in these areas.

Presidency University recognizes the significance of Intellectual Property Rights in protecting and
promoting innovation. To disseminate information about IPR, the Institution has placed a strong
emphasis on creating awareness. Workshops, Seminars and Training Programs are organized regularly to

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educate the Academic Community about the importance of IPR and its role in the Innovation Ecosystem

Presidency University has established a dedicated IPR Cell to support and facilitate the protection of
Intellectual Property. The IPR Cell serves as a Central Resource and Point of Contact for Researchers
and Inventors/Innovators, seeking guidance on patenting their innovations. The Cell assists in navigating
the complex process of filing patents, conducting patent searches and understanding the legal aspects of
intellectual property.

Presidency University has recognized the significance of nurturing entrepreneurial talent and fostering
the transformation of innovative ideas into practical applications. To facilitate this, the University has set
up an Incubation Centre called “Presidency Launchpad” that provides resources and support for
startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures. This Centre offers Infrastructure Facilities, Mentorship Programs,
access to Funding Networks and Expert Guidance to help budding entrepreneurs bring their ideas to
Business Mode.

Initiatives for Creation and Transfer of Technology/Knowledge:

1. Collaboration with Industry: The University actively collaborates with Industries and Organizations
to bridge the gap between Academia and the Corporate World. Such Partnerships and Joint Research
Projects lead to the creation of Innovative Solutions and the Transfer of Technology and Knowledge to

2. Research Funding: Presidency University encourages Faculty Members and Researchers to apply for
External Research Funding from Government Agencies, Industry and other Funding Bodies. By securing
Research Grants, the University promotes Cutting-edge Research and Innovation, facilitating the creation
and transfer of technology and knowledge.

Outcomes of the Institutional Ecosystem:

The Outcomes of initiatives of Presidency University are evident in the achievements and impact made
in the areas of Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Transfer. The Institution has seen an increase in
the 125 number of patents filed and 07 granted, showcasing the recognition and protection of Intellectual
Property. Moreover, the Incubation Centre has supported the development of 15 number of successful
startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures, contributing to the Socio-economic growth of the region.

File Description Document

Upload any additional information View Document

Link for Additional Informationa View Document


Total number of awards received for research/innovations by institution/teachers/research

scholars/students during the last five years

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Response: 104

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


e- Copies of award letters issued by the awarding View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

3.4 Research Publications and Awards


The institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research

The institution has a stated Code of Ethics for research and the implementation of which is
ensured through the following:

1.Inclusion of research ethics in the research methodology course work

2.Presence of institutional Ethics committees (Animal, chemical,bio-ethics etc.,)
3.Plagiarism check through sofware
4.Research Advisory Committee

Response: A. All of the above

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Copy of the syllabus of the research methodology View Document

course work to indicate if research ethics is

Constitution of the ethics committee and its View Document

proceedings as approved by the appropriate body.

Constitution of research advisory committee and its View Document

proceedings as approved by the appropriate body.

Bills of purchase of licensed plagiarism check View Document

software in the name of the HEI.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

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Total number of Patents awarded during the last five years

Response: 10

File Description Document

Patents granted / published in the name of the View Document

faculty with the institutional affiliation to the
university working during the assessment period
only to be given.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


e-copies of letter of patent grant View Document

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

Other Upload Files

1 View Document


Number of Ph.Ds awarded per recognized guide during the last five years

Response: 5.16 How many Ph.D s were awarded during last 5 years

Response: 98 Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years

Response: 19

File Description Document

PhD Award letters to PhD students. View Document

Letter from the university indicating name of the View Document

PhD student with title of the doctoral study and the
name of the guide.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

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Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals as notified on UGC CARE
list during the last five years

Response: 2.01 Number of research papers published in the Journals as notified on UGC CARE list during
the last five years

Response: 1734

File Description Document

List and links of the papers published in journals View Document

listed in UGC CARE list and

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Link to the institutional website where the first View Document

page/full paper (with author and affiliation
details) is published

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years

Response: 10.75 Total Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published during the last five years

Response: 9287

File Description Document

List of chapter/book with the links redirecting to View Document

the source website

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E-copy of the Cover page, content page and first View Document
page of the publication indicating ISBN number
and year of publication for books/chapters

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E-content is developed by teachers :

1.For e-PG-Pathshala
2.For CEC (Under Graduate)
4.For other MOOCs platform
5.Any other Government initiative
6.For institutional LMS

Response: C. Any 3 of the above

File Description Document

Supporting documents from the sponsoring agency View Document

for the e- content developed by the teachers need to
be provided.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Give links to upload document of e-content View Document

developed showing the authorship/contribution

For institution LMS a summary of the e-content View Document

developed and the links to the e-content should be


Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on average Citation index in
Scopus/ Web of Science

Response: 0

File Description Document

Bibliometrics of the publications during the last View Document

five years


Bibliometrics of the publications during the last five years based on Scopus/ Web of Science – h-
index of the Institution

Response: 0

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File Description Document

Bibiliometrics of publications based on Scopus/ View Document

Web of Science - h-index of the Institution

3.5 Consultancy

Revenue generated from consultancy and corporate training during the last five years

Response: 208 Total amount generated from consultancy and corporate training year-wise during the last
five years (INR in lakhs).

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

208 0 0 0 0

File Description Document

Letter from the corporate to whom training was View Document

imparted along with the fee paid

Letter from the beneficiary of the consultancy View Document

along with details of the consultancy fee.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


CA certified copy of statement of accounts as View Document

attested by head of the institution.

Audited statements of accounts indicating the View Document

revenue generated through and corporate

3.6 Extension Activities


Outcomes of extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact and

sensitizing the students to social issues and holistic development, and awards received if any
during the last five years (Showcase at least four case studies to the peer team)

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Presidency University has a basic tenet in its vision “concern and care for society” following which it is
committed to having a strong connection with the Neighbourhood Community and promoting social
responsibility among its students. Over the past five years, the University has undertaken various
Extension Activities that have had a significant impact on the community and have sensitized students to
social issues while fostering their holistic development. Here are three important activities:

1. Legal Aid Activity on Sexual Harassment of Women

2. Workshop on tobacco control India

3. Cancer Awareness Awareness Drive

One of the key initiatives of the University is its active involvement in the National Service Scheme
(NSS) and National Cadet Corps (NCC), which encourage student volunteers to engage in social
services. Through these Wings, Students have actively organized and participated in a wide range of
activities aimed at promoting an overall integrated development and addressing social issues. The
following are the major achievement of these wings:

1.Major Achievement of NSS

Flood Relief Kerala-Coorg

Pulso Polio Abhiyan
Grocery kit Distribution during COVID-19
COVID-19 Vaccination
Importance of education at Dibbur Village
Ektha Diwas
Awareness of No Plastic Use and Green Campus Initiative

1.Major Achievement of NCC

4 cadets have completed Talsena Camp -IV at Tumkur

Under Officer Nitin Kumar and 3 cadets have lead Republic Day Parade Karnataka state with His
Excellency Governor of Karnataka

The University has organized numerous Awareness Campaigns, Workshops, and Events in collaboration
with Academic units and Student Community. These initiatives have covered diverse areas such as Legal
Awareness, Health Education, Women Empowerment, Environmental Conservation, and Community
Welfare. Some noteworthy activities include Legal Aid Camps, Health Camps, Cleanliness/Hygiene
Drives, Sapling-planting Campaigns and Initiatives for promoting Gender -equality and Education.

In addition to these activities, University has adopted nearby villages, where students and faculty
members regularly engage in various initiatives. These include conducting Health Check-up Camps,
organizing interactive sessions on Hygiene, Drug-abuse, and Government Schemes and Collaborating
with Village Authorities to develop context-responsive designs for community improvement. Following
are some key initiatives in the neighbouring villages:

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1. Itgalpura Lake cleaning Drive

2. UNITE-Women centric activity

3. Drug awareness rally

4. Awareness Programme on Water Conservation

The commitment of the University to Social Inclusion and Economic Betterment is reflected in its
Annual Blood Donation Camps, which contribute to saving lives and promoting awareness about the
importance of Blood-donation. Moreover, initiatives like distributing clothes and blankets to the
destitute, providing food to the needy, and supporting hospital patients demonstrate the focus of the
University on promoting social sensitivity and humanity. The following are the highlights:

1.Record of Blood Donation units

2.Record of Food and Medicines distributed during Covid

The involvement of students in extension activities has not only made a positive impact on the
community but has also enriched their learning experience. By actively participating in these initiatives,
students have developed a deeper understanding of social issues, enhanced their problem-solving skills,
and cultivated a sense of empathy and responsibility towards society.

Through its extension activities, University has exemplified its commitment to civic engagement and
holistic development. With continued dedication and collaboration, University strives to make a lasting
positive impact on the neighbourhood community and empower its students to become change-makers in

File Description Document

Upload any additional information View Document

Provide the link for additional information View Document


Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized
forums like NSS/NCC with involvement of community year wise during the last five years

Response: 311 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through
organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community year wise during the last
five years.

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

76 132 66 32 5

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File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Geo-tagged Photographs and any other supporting View Document

document of relevance should have proper captions
and dates.

Detailed list and report for each extension and View Document
outreach program to be made available, with
specific mention of number of students participated
and the details of the collaborating agency

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

3.7 Collaboration

Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for
internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative
research during the last five years

Response: 91

File Description Document

Summary of the functional View Document

MoUs/linkage/collaboration indicating start date,
end date, nature of collaboration etc.

List of year wise activities and exchange should be View Document


List and Copies of documents indicating the View Document

functiona MoUs/linkage/collaboration activity-wise
and year-wise

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

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Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Physical Facilities


The institution has adequate infrastructure facilities for

a. teaching - learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories,

b. ICT enabled facilities such as smart classes, LMS etc.

c. Facilities for cultural and sports activities , yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor) gymnasium,
auditorium etc.

Describe the adequacy of facilities within a maximum of 500 words


Presidency University pays a great deal of attention to providing adequate infrastructure facilities for
effective teaching and learning. The institution recognizes the importance of creating an environment that
facilitates not only academic excellence but also the holistic development of students.

a. Teaching-Learning Facilities

Presidency University has well-designed Classrooms that are spacious, well-ventilated, well-lit and
equipped with modern teaching aids such as audio-visual equipment, projectors, and smartboards. These
facilities ensure an engaging and interactive learning experience for the students. The Classrooms are so
designed to accommodate students in a manner ensuring comfortable seating arrangements and good
visibility for all.


University has a total of 252 Classrooms and tutorial rooms and 01 Design Studios
03 Seminar Halls used to conduct the Classes, meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences.


In addition to Classrooms, the University has 35 modern laboratories for practical and experiential
learning. The laboratories are well-equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment, apparatus and
instruments required for conducting experiments across various disciplines. Adequate Safety-measures
are in place to ensure a secure learning environment.

Computing Labs

University has 05 Central Computing Centres, 35 High-Performance Computing lab, 01 IoT Labs
and has a total number of 3800 computers.
Language Laboratory- To enhance the effective communication skills of Students at the

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b. ICT-Enabled Facilities

PU recognizes the significance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the realm of
Modern Education. To facilitate enhanced learning experiences, the University has implemented ICT-
enabled Facilities such as 34 Smart Classrooms.

Smart Classes incorporate the use of Audio-visual Aids, Digital Content, and Smart interactive boards,
enabling a more interactive Teaching-Learning Experience. This form of Technology enhances student
engagement and understanding of complex concepts.

The University has deployed Learning Management System (LMS- CAMU) which serves as an Online-
platform where students can access Study Materials, submit assignments, participate in discussions and
interact with Faculty-members. The LMS also enables the computation of CO-PO attainment levels
along with Automated System-generated Question Papers.

University, has in place, a Campus-wide Wi-Fi Accessibility, given its Internet Bandwidth of 8 GBPS.

1.Cultural and Sports Facilities

Presidency University strongly believes that Extracurricular Activities play a very dominant role in the
overall development of students. To cater to these needs, the Institution provides various facilities for
Cultural and Sports-activities.

Yoga Centre: A dedicated Yoga Centre promotes physical and mental well-being among students,
offering Yoga and Meditation Classes. Such initiatives help reduce stress and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Sporting Facilities: Presidency University offers both, Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Facilities.
Indoor games include chess, table tennis, and carrom, while outdoor facilities comprise Basketball,
Volleyball, Cricket, Football, and Athletics. They collectively encourage students to engage in sports,
thus fostering team spirit, discipline, and physical fitness.

Auditorium: The University has a state-of-art 600-Seater Auditorium with a unique architectural design
that serves as a venue for various academic and cultural events.

The institution thus ensures that its Classrooms, Laboratories, ICT-enabled Facilities, Cultural and
Recreational Facilities, Yoga Centres, and Auditorium meet the high standards envisaged by Universities
of Eminence. These Support-Ecosystem create an environment conducive to academic growth, holistic
development, and overall well-being of the students.

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Percentage of expenditure excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation

year wise during the last five years

Response: 41.47 Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise
during last five years (INR in lakhs)

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

10256.77 1126.17 66.74 10708.07 665.19

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Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Audited income and expenditure statement of the View Document

institution to be signed by CA and counter signed
by the competent authority (relevant expenditure
claimed for infrastructure augmentation should be
clearly highlighted)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource


Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS),
adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the
faculty and students


The library is a vital knowledge resource centre that supports the academic and research needs of
academic community. The importance of embracing digital advancements in library management and
providing access to a wide range of electronic resources is well understood. Therefore, various libraries
at the university are automated with a state-of-the-art Integrated Library Management System (ILMS-
KOHA), ensuring efficient operations and seamless access to digital facilities.

At University, the library services are guided by a Library Advisory Committee. This committee
continuously advises on enhancing various services and facilities within the university premises. The

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library contributes to the university's mission of becoming a world-class institute by offering a rapidly
growing collection in both digital and print formats, leveraging the latest technology.

Library Automation and Security

Library Services at the University have been fully automated through the implementation of the
advanced KOHA Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS). In addition, the
Libraries/Knowledge Centres, have embraced the RFID technology, introducing RFID Self-Check
Kiosks and RFID Security Gates to enhance the overall automation process and security measures.

Library Infrastructure

The University has multiple library-centres and currently, a spacious Central Library is under
construction. The current University Library-centres comprise several sections, such as New
Editions/Arrivals, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals, Digital Resources, a Reference-section, an Issue
and Self-checkout Kiosk, Reprographics Section and more. Additionally, the University libraries provide
well-furnished and spacious reading areas. To ensure the safety of its Resources and Users, all Library-
sections and stacks are under Electronic [CCTV]-surveillance with a strong Support-Ecosystem that
ensures uninterrupted power supply, availability of fire alarms, smoke detectors, and extinguishers.

The Library-centres offer an extensive collection of Newspapers, Reference Books, Textbooks, E-books,
E-journals, Hard Copy-journals, Knowledge-Database, Project Reports, Dissertations and a valuable
collection of Rare Books.

Library e-Resources

Library Centres at the University provide an extensive range of e-resources through the Digital Library.
Equipped with 25 computers and access to 23 prominent e-databases, the Digital Library adds offers an
environment of modern-day Digital Learning. The subscriptions include over 1,00,000 e-books and 5000
e-journals, along with manuals, reports, standards, and other information from renowned platforms such
as Elsevier Science Direct, IEEE ASPP, ProQuest, Emerald Insight, JStor, JGATE Plus, LexisNexis,
Manupatra, Indiastat, SCC Online, All India Reporter Infotech, and EBSCO CS & IT.

To further augment Digital Resources, University is an active member of DELNET, INFLIBNET, e-

ShodhSindhu, ShodhGanga, Shodhgangotri, NPTEL, and NDL, enabling seamless access to a huge
reservoir of knowledge.

Institutional Repository

To preserve and showcase the intellectual output, University has established an Institutional Repository
on the D-Space platform. This Repository serves as an archive for digital copies of Project Reports,
Dissertations, PhD-theses, Research Papers, Patents, E-content, Question Papers, and Lab Manuals.

Library Research Support

The Libraries at the Institution actively support Researchers and Faculty-members in their research
endeavours. It provides Multi-user Licenses for renowned Anti-plagiarism Software, including Turnitin
and Ouriginal (Urkund), facilitating the maintenance of research-integrity and originality.

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Optimal Utilization

The University-Libraries are optimally-utilized by both students and faculty members leading to average
annual physical footfall of 75,000 and digital footfall of 2,00,000. The Librarians continuously solicit
User -feedback towards ensuring User-satisfaction and improving quality of library-centric services.

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Percentage of expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals

year wise during the last five years

Response: 2.69 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR
in Lakhs)

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

725.62 346.08 65.45 158.57 182.03

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format View Document

Audited income and expenditure statement of the View Document

institution to be signed by CA and counter signed
by the competent authority (relevant expenditure
claimed for purchase of books/ e-books and
subscription to journals/e-journals should be
clearly highlighted)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

4.3 IT Infrastructure

Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet

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Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updation, available internet
bandwidth within a maximum of 500 words


Presidency University is committed to keeping itself aligned with the advancement of Digital-
technology and providing students and faculty members with the best possible IT Support-system.
Understanding the importance of reliable and high-speed Internet accessibility, the University frequently
upgrades its IT infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the Academic and Administration

The University recognizes the significance of a robust IT Infrastructure to support modern-day Teaching,
Learning and Research Efforts and Initiatives. The Institution has implemented a comprehensive IT
Network System throughout the Campus, ensuring seamless connectivity for Student and Faculty-
member Communities.

Wi-Fi Facilities

PU provides widespread Wi-Fi coverage both Indoors and Outdoors, across its Campus, enabling
students and faculty members to access the Internet from various locations, including classrooms,
libraries, laboratories, and common areas.

The University has a Fibre-optic Cable Network System that links 8000 LAN points and 850 Wi-Fi
points with 5300 computers and 450 Laptops to all buildings and blocks, in different laboratories.

Recent Updates

Presidency University prioritizes the regular upgradation of its IT Facilities. It adopts a frequency-cycle
of Three Years, apart, of conducting an IT Facility-Gap Analysis and ensuring upgradation of IT
Infrastructure, to bridge the gap, as per the approved IT Policy. Recently the University has updated
various IT Infrastructure-components, briefly summarised as under:

Description of Infrastructure Nos Date of Last Upgradation

WiFi Access Points 850 16/03/2023
Servers/Storage Devices 13/ Dell EMS R550 100 TB 16/03/2023
Firewall /Antivirus Sophos XG750/ 4000 16/03/2023
Network Switches 130 16/03/2023
Electronic Surveillance Devices 1100 16/03/2023
Biometrics Systems 20 16/03/2023
The University invests in the latest Networking Equipment and Software to enhance connectivity and
address any potential issues. These upgrades include Hardware, Software Patches and Security-feature
Enhancements to maintain a secure and efficient network.

Internet Bandwidth

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Presidency University recognizes the growing demand for Internet Bandwidth due to the increasing
reliance on Digital Resources and Online Activities. To meet these requirements, the Institution ensures
substantial Internet bandwidth capacity.

The available Internet Bandwidth at Presidency University is constantly monitored and upgraded as
needed to ensure a smooth Online Learning-experience. The specific bandwidth capacity may vary based
on the number of concurrent users and the overall demand. In recent times (1st June 2022) the bandwidth
capacity has been upgraded to 5 GBPS from the initial bandwidth (5th July 2016) of 300 MBPS. There is
also a Backup Line of 3GBPS from an alternate ISP, in the event of unlikely disruption.

PU also adopts a robust Traffic-management Mechanism and Quality-of-service Measures to prioritize

Critical Academic Activities and ensure that Essential Services receive optimal Bandwidth-allocation.

Overall, the University places significant thrust on providing reliable and high-speed IT Infrastructure,
including a Wi-Fi Support-system for the benefit of students, faculty, and staff members. The Institution
frequently updates its IT facilities with latest in Networking- equipment and Software.

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Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Response: 4.21 Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic

Response: 3730

File Description Document

Stock register/extracts highlighting the computers View Document

issued to respective departments for student’s

Purchased Bills/Copies View Document

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


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Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development and other resource development

1.Audio visual center, mixing equipment, editing facilities and Media Studio
2.Lecture Capturing System(LCS)
3.Central Instrumentation Centre
4.Animal House
6.Business Lab
7.Research/statistical database
8.Moot court
10.Art Gallery
11.Any other facility to support research

Response: A. Any 7 or more of the above

File Description Document

Videos and geo-tagged photographs of each of the View Document

facilities available in the HEI. Details of the
structures of each of the facilities available in the

Purchase Bill / stock register, entry for lecture View Document

capturing system, mixing equipment, software for

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Copy of the subscription letter for database is View Document

essential for Option Research/Statistical Databases

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure


Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support

facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years

Response: 32.45 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities
excluding salary component year - wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)

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2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

5675.96 2125.74 1324.34 5588.03 3143.37

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Audited income and expenditure statement of the View Document

institution to be signed by CA and counter signed
by the competent authority (relevant expenditure
claimed for maintenance of infrastructure should be
clearly highlighted)

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical and academic
support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities within a maximum of 500 words


Presidency University has established comprehensive systems and procedures for maintaining and
utilizing its physical, academic, and support facilities. These Policy-driven Systems ensure that the
Facilities, including Laboratories, Libraries, Sports Complexes, Computers and Classrooms, are well-
maintained, efficiently utilized, and accessible to the Academic Community.

Maintenance of Facilities

PU has a dedicated Facilities Management Department responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all
physical facilities. It carries out inspections, preventive maintenance measures, and prompt resolution of
any reported issues. The department schedules periodic renovations and repairs to ensure that the
facilities meet the necessary standards as per the mandate of the SRAs. Some of these SOPs are listed

Security: Ensuring the safety and security of the campus.

Housekeeping: Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
Stores: Managing inventory and procurement of supplies.
Building Maintenance: Handling civil, plumbing, carpentry work, maintenance of classroom

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Electrical: Maintaining electrical systems.

Horticulture: Maintenance of the campus greenery and landscaping.

Utilization of Academic Facilities

To ensure efficient utilization of academic facilities, PU uses dynamic timetabling software (CELCAT)
for allocating classrooms, laboratories, and other academic spaces as per academic schedule. Faculty
members and departments can request specialised facilities such as seminar halls, auditorium, ICT
facilities through a feature in university ERP. The system allows for proper allocation, avoiding conflicts
and maximizing the utilization of available spaces.

Sports Complex and Recreation Facilities

The University recognizes the importance of Sports and Recreational Activities in promoting a healthy
and balanced lifestyle. The University has a well-equipped Sports Complex and Recreational Facilities
for Students and Faculty Members. The Sports Policy outlines Guidelines for accessing and utilizing
these Facilities, including booking processes, equipment utilisation and Safety Protocols. Annually, the
Sports Facilities are inspected and wherever necessary, Repairs, Maintenance and Painting Work are
carried out and Play-turfs are re-laid if necessary. Consumables like Cricket Bats, Balls, Racquets etc are
replenished every six months.

Computer and IT Facilities

PU has a policy in place for the utilization and management of computer and IT facilities. The university
provides computer labs equipped with the necessary hardware and software for academic and research
purposes. The policy ensures fair access to these facilities for students and faculty members. It also
outlines guidelines for the responsible use of computers, data security, software licensing, and internet

Library Management

The Library has in place, a well-defined Policy for the Management and utilization of its knowledge-
resources which is delineated in the Library Manual. The Library maintains an updated catalogue of
books, journals, e-books, and other educational materials. The Library follows a Borrowing-system that
allows Users to out borrow Books for a specified duration.

Student Living [Hostel] Facility

PU offers well-furnished, maintained Student Living [Hostel] Facility for its Students. This Facility is
Off-Campus and is managed by the University Team. Adequately qualified and experienced Hostel
Management Leadership ensures the smooth functioning of the Hostel Operations.

Presidency University has well-defined policies and procedures for maintaining and utilizing its physical,
academic, and support facilities. The institution emphasizes regular maintenance and upkeep of facilities
to ensure they are in optimal condition.

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Criterion 5 - Student Support and Progression

5.1 Student Support


Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution,

government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last
five years

Response: 65.18 Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution,
Government and (NGOs)non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists year-wise
during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

8674 13463 9362 2440 3322

File Description Document

Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each View Document

scheme duly signed by the competent authority

Upload Sanction letter of scholarship and free ships View Document

(in English).

Upload policy document of the HEI for award of View Document

scholarship and freeships.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Efforts taken by the institution to provide career counselling including e-counselling and guidance
for competitive examinations during the last five years


Over the past five years, Presidency University [PU] has made significant efforts to provide
comprehensive Career Counselling Services to its students. Recognizing the importance of Career
Guidance in shaping the professional paths of its student, the University has implemented various
initiatives, including setting up a Career Counselling Guidance Cell (CCGC) and a Cell for Competitive

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Examination Guidance (CCEG).

Career Counselling

The CCGC is managed by qualified Faculty-members who specialize in guiding students through the
Career-exploration Process. These Faculty Members possess in-depth knowledge of different types of
Industries, Career Options, and Emerging Trends in the Business World, enabling them to provide
valuable insights and advice to students. The Cell offers individual Counselling Sessions, Group
Workshops and Seminars on topics such as Resume-writing, Interview Skills, and Career Planning.
CCGC also invites Industry Professionals, Alumni, and successful individuals from various fields to
share their experiences and insights with students. These interactions provide students with first-hand
knowledge of different career paths, industry expectations, and opportunities available in the job market.


To reach a wider audience and cater to the evolving needs of students, the University has embraced E-
counselling as a means of providing Career Guidance. Through an Online Platform managed by the
University ERP, students can access Career Counselling Services remotely. E-counselling offers
flexibility and convenience, allowing students to seek guidance at their own pace and convenience. It
includes Virtual Career Counselling Sessions, Online Career Assessments and Webinars conducted by
Industry Experts.

Guidance for Competitive Examinations

The University also focuses on preparing students for Competitive Examinations through its CCEG.
Recognizing the significance of these Examinations in various fields, the University offers specialized
coaching and support to students aspiring to excel in competitive exams. This includes guidance for
National-level Entrance Examinations, such as GATE, CAT, GMAT, UPSC, Judicial Services etc. The
University provides Resources, Study Materials, Mock Tests, and Expert-led Sessions to help students
understand Examination Patterns, develop effective Study Strategies and enhance their performance. The
University collaborates with External Agencies and Organizations to offer Comprehensive Competitive
Examination Coaching Services.

360 Degree Approach

To further enhance career counselling efforts, the university organizes career fairs and placement drives,
where students can interact with potential employers and explore internship and job opportunities. These
events serve as platforms for students to network, showcase their skills, and gain exposure to different

The university has also developed a strong alumni network, which plays a vital role in career counselling.
Alumni, who have achieved success in their respective fields, often return to the institution to mentor
current students. They provide guidance, share industry-specific insights, and offer internship and job

Furthermore, the university regularly organizes workshops and seminars on entrepreneurship and skill
development, empowering students to consider entrepreneurial ventures and develop essential skills for
their careers.

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Following capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving
students’ capability

1.Soft skills
2.Language and communication skills
3.Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene, self-employment and entrepreneurial
4.Awareness of trends in technology

Response: A. All of the above

File Description Document

Report with photographs on soft skills View Document

enhancement programs

Report with photographs on Life skills (Yoga, View Document

physical fitness, health and hygiene) enhancement

Report with photographs on Language & View Document

communication skills enhancement programs

Report with photographs on ICT/computing skills View Document

enhancement programs

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual
harassment and ragging cases

1.Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies

2.Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
3.Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances

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4.Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees

Response: A. All of the above

File Description Document

Report of Organisation wide awareness and View Document

undertakings on policies with zero tolerance

Proof related to Mechanisms for submission of View Document

online/offline students’ grievances

Proof for Implementation of guidelines of View Document

statutory/regulatory bodies

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Details of statutory/regulatory Committees (to be View Document

notified in institutional website also)

Annual report of the committee monitoring the View Document

activities and number of grievances

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

5.2 Student Progression


Percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years

Response: 91.45 Number of outgoing students placed year wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

3307 2801 1958 1185 602

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File Description Document

Number and List of students placed along with View Document

placement details such as name of the company,
compensation, etc and links to Placement order (the
above list should be available in institutional

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of graduated students who have progressed to higher education year-wise during last
five years

Response: 47.19 Number of outgoing students progressing to higher education

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

217 303 232 58 13

File Description Document

List of students progressing for Higher Education, View Document

with details of program and institution that they
are/have enrolled along with links to proof of
continuation in higher education. (the above list
should be available in institutional website)

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Percentage of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations out of the
graduated students during the last five years

(eg: NET/SLET/ Civil Services/State government examinations etc.)

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Response: 2.96 Number of students qualifying in state/National/International level Examination during last

five years (eg. SLET, NET, UPSC etc)

Response: 343

File Description Document

List of students qualified year wise under each View Document

category and links to Qualifying Certificates of the
students taking the examination

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

5.3 Student Participation and Activities


Number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities

at inter-university/state/national/international events (award for a team event should be counted as
one) during the last five years

Response: 250 Number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/cultural

activities at inter-university/state/ national/international level (award for a team event should be counted
as one) year-wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

149 82 03 14 02

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File Description Document

Provide the relevant information in institutional View Document

website as part of public disclosure

list and links to e-copies of award letters and View Document


Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative
bodies/committees of the institution.

Describe the Student Council activity and students’ role in academic & administrative bodies
within a maximum of 500 words


Presidency University places significant emphasis on Student-representation and Engagement in

Academic and Administrative Decision-making Processes. The Institution fosters active participation
through multiple avenues, in various Academic and Administrative Bodies and Committees. This ensures
that students have a voice and influence in shaping the Policies and Practices of the University.

Presidency University has a unique Class Committee System, wherein Six [6] Students represent a
Specific Class as a Committee. These Student-members are selected with gender parity with a
representative sample from amongst the Advanced, Average and Slow Learners. The Selection Process
for the Committee is transparent and follows a well-defined/structured procedure. Information about the
Class committee Appointment Process is provided to students through the Student Handbook. Regular
Meetings are held with including Sessions with Class Coordinators (CCs) once a fortnight, HoDs once a
month, and Top Management, including the Dean/Vice-Chancellor, at least once a semester. CCs provide
regular feedback on Teaching-learning and overall University functioning to the respective School Deans

The University has established a Student Advisory Committee (SAC) consisting of 20-25 members,
with one student representative from each Department. The Appointment Process for Committee
Members is open and based on critical comments submitted by Students for the improvement of the
University to the Dean-Student Affairs. Students who provide the most critical and constructive
comments are appointed as Members. Meetings of the Committee are held with the Chancellor/Vice-

Presidency University organizes an Open Forum Session, once per Semester, grouping students,
Department-wise in batches of 600-700 conducted at the Auditorium. During these Sessions, the Vice-
Chancellor, along with Senior Officials of the University meet students to share progress made by the

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University in the previous Semester and listen to Student-feedback and suggestions regarding teaching-
learning, support services, unfulfilled promises, and any new requirements.

Presidency University ensures student participation at various levels through a matrix of Policies,
Regulations and Guidelines. Two outstanding students, one Boy and one Girl, who have excelled
academically, are appointed as Members of the Board of Studies of their respective
Departments/Schools. Additionally, Two Academically-inclined Students, a Boy and a Girl each, are
nominated to the Academic Council of the University.

Presidency University has over 30 Clubs and Committees, all of which include Student
Representatives. Students are also nominated to Committees such as the Disciplinary Committee, Anti-
ragging Committee, Unfair-means Committee, Hostel Discipline Committee and Hostel-mess
Committee. All the Clubs and Committees are managed and operated, largely, by students with Faculty-
mentors for these Clubs and Committees. Students plan and execute various activities under their

The University ensures student participation and representation in its Governance-structure through their
appointment to Class Committees, Student Advisory Committee, Open Forum Sessions, and their
inclusion into Academic Bodies, Administrative Bodies and other Governance-related Committees.
These initiatives provide Students with a platform to voice their opinions, contribute to decision-making
and actively engage in shaping the Policies and Operations-framework of the University.

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The institution conducts / organizes following activities:

1.Sports competitions/events
2.Cultural competitions/events
3.Technical fest/Academic fest
4.Any other events through Active clubs and forums

Response: A. All four of the above

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File Description Document

Report of the Technical fest/academic fests along View Document

with photographs appropriately dated and
captioned year- wise.

Report of the Sports competitions/events along View Document

with photographs appropriately dated and
captioned year- wise.

Report of the Cultural competitions/events along View Document

with photographs appropriately dated and
captioned year- wise.

Report of the Any other events through active clubs View Document
and forums along with photographs appropriately
dated and captioned year- wise.

List of students participated in different events year View Document

wise signed by the head of the Institution.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

5.4 Alumni Engagement


Alumni contribution during the last five years to the University through registered Alumni

Response: 62.11 Total Amount of alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in lakhs) to the
institution year wise through registered Alumni association:

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

31.26 21.78 6.50 2.570 0

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File Description Document

List of alumnus/alumni with the amount View Document

contributed year-wise

Annual audited statements of accounts of the HEI View Document

highlighting the Alumni contribution duly certified
by the Chartered Accountant/Finance Officer.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Alumni contributes and engages significantly to the development of institution through academic
and other support system

Describe the alumni contributions and engagements within a maximum of 500 words


The University accords high value to Alumni-engagement and encourages Alumni to actively participate
in the transformation of the Institution, into one of unparalleled eminence. The Presidency University
Alumni Association, established and registered as an association in 2019 vide Reg. No.
DRB-1/SOR/292/2019-20 is testimony of the strong bond between its Alumni, the On-Campus Students
and the University. The Association serves as a reservoir of professional contacts, offering extensive
support and opportunities to current students. Their Mentorship and Guidance, accorded by the Alumni
of the University pave the way for the success of future generations of students.

The University maintains regular communication with its Alumni through Newsletters, Social Media
Platforms, and Alumni-centric events. Additionally, the University seeks feedback from its Alumni, on
Program- updates, Curriculum-enhancements, and Strategic-planning, ensuring thereby, that their
perspectives are considered in shaping the future direction of the University.

The University duly acknowledges that the involvement of its Alumni, in the transformation of the
University into one of eminence, as envisaged by its Vision, strengthens the Academic Ecosystem,
facilitates effective Industry Collaboration and enriches the Learning-experience of its current student
force. The active participation of the Alumni Community of Presidency University fosters a sense of
pride, loyalty and lifelong engagement with the University. Alumni-community provides valuable
Academic Support by sharing their knowledge, expertise, and professional and life experience with
current students of the University. They conduct Guest Lectures and participate in Seminars, and
Workshops as Resource Persons, thereby enriching the learning experience of the present Student-
community of the University, by introducing real-world insights and practical perspectives to the
students. Alumni also contribute as visiting Faculty-members, bringing their Industry-expertise and
Professional-experience to the classroom. This interaction enhances the ambience of the Academic-
environment and helps bridge the gap between Theory and Practice, between Concepts and Application.
They also actively contribute as nominated Members of the Boards of Studies and of the IQAC.

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Alumni play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring current students in their career paths. They
provide career counselling, share industry trends and expectations, and offer advice on skill development
and job search strategies.

Alumni of the Presidency University serve as valuable bridges between the University and the
Industry. Through their established networking and connection, the Alumni facilitate Industry-
Academia Collaborations, Corporate Internships and Research-opportunities at Companies and
organizations. Alumni often assist in facilitating Industry Visits for the present students, arranging for
Internships and Guest Lectures by Industry/Domain Experts, promoting Industry-academia Partnerships
and exposing students to real-time perspectives and situations in their fields of Specialisation Study.

The University strongly encourages its Alumni-community to individually and collectively engage in
Mentorship Programs, where they provide guidance, support, and motivation to students. Alumni-
mentors share their personal and professional experience, offer advice on personal and career growth,
and help students navigate challenges. The University also works relentlessly to ensure the existence of
an active Alumni Network, in organizing Alumni Reunions, Alumni-focussed Events, and Networking-
opportunities. These platforms of continuous interaction allow alumni to connect, collaborate, and
share insights, contributing to a strong Alumni Community and fostering Lifelong Relationships
between the Presidency Student Community, past and present and the University.

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Criterion 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership


The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the
Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation, sustained
institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their
short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan.


At Presidency University, the Governance and Leadership Practices are firmly rooted in the Vision and
Mission Statements of the Institution. The Vision of the University is “To be a value-driven global
University, excelling beyond peers and creating professionals of integrity and character having
concern and care for Society”. To attain this Vision, the University has following Mission Statements:

Commit to be an Innovative and Inclusive Institution by seeking Excellence in Teaching,

Research and Knowledge-transfer.
Pursue Research and Development and its dissemination to the Community at Large.
Create, Sustain and Apply Learning in an Interdisciplinary Environment with consideration for
Ethical, Ecological and Economic aspects of Nation-building.
Provide Knowledge-based Technological-support and Services to the Industry in its Growth and
To Impart Globally-applicable Skill-sets to Students through Flexible-course Offerings Support
Industry-requirement and inculcate a spirit of New Venture-creation.

Presidency University exemplifies an Institution that is proactively in alignment with the needs of the
National Education Policy 2020. By embracing Multidisciplinary Education, fostering Industry
Collaboration, and focusing on Skill-development, the University demonstrates its dedication to
providing a Contemporary and Inclusive Higher Education Ethos. Alignment with the NEP ensures that
the Governance and Leadership Practices adopted by the University are responsive to the evolving
Educational-landscape of the Nation.

The University has identified “Sustained Institutional Growth”, “Decentralization”, and “Active
Participation in Institutional Governance” as essential Drivers of Innovation, Transparency, and
Accountability. By decentralizing Administrative Functions, the University imbibes a culture of
Participatory Governance. This approach encourages “Shared Responsibility” and “Collaborative
Decision-making”, ensuring consideration of diverse perspectives in the Collective Decision Making
Process of the University, in alignment with its Vision and Mission. The value placed on the participation
of various Stakeholders in Institutional Governance reinforces the principles of Transparency,
Inclusivity, and Shared Decision-making at the University.

Continual Improvement and Strategi Planning are integral to Long-term Sustainability and Relevance.
Through Comprehensive Evaluation and Feedback Mechanisms, the Institution identifies areas for
improvement and adopts necessary measures to reinforce Academic Programs, augment Infrastructure,
and Student-support Services. This sustained Institutional commitment serves as a testimony to the

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University recording marked growth in alignment with its Vision and Mission.

The University formulates Short-term and Long-term Perspective Institutional Plans, underscoring its
dedication to its Vision and Mission. Institutional Perspective Plan (IPP) outline strategic goals,
objectives, and actions to be accomplished within the defined timeframe. Serving as Roadmap for
Institutional Development, the Perspective Plan emphasizes key focus areas such as Academic
Excellence, Research and Innovation, Infrastructure Development, Student-support Services, and
Industry Collaborations. The formulation and implementation of these Plans demonstrate the proactive
approach of the University to Governance and Leadership in realizing its Long-term Vision and mission.

Presidency University stands as a beacon driven by an articulated Vision and Mission that permeates
both its Academic and Administrative Governance-fabric. By aligning with the NEP, prioritizing
Participatory Governance, Sustaining Institutional Growth, and engaging in Strategic Planning, the
University exemplifies its commitment to delivering high-quality and forward-looking education to its

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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment


The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies
are effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules,
and procedures, etc


Presidency University has successfully deployed its Perspective Plan, which serves as a roadmap for its
overall growth and development. The Plan outlines the Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Action Plans that
align with the Institutional Vision and Mission. Through a Collaborative approach involving all
concerned stakeholders such as Administrators, Faculty-members, Staff, and Students, the Plan has been
carefully crafted and implemented to ensure alignment with the Core Values of the University.

Functioning of Institutional Bodies

The Institutional Statutory Bodies, Board of Governors, Board of Management, Academic Council,
Research and Innovation Council, Finance Committee and Boards of Study demonstrate effectiveness
and efficiency in their functioning. The University ensures that these bodies meet within stipulated time
intervals and the Minutes of their Meetings reflect transparency, collaboration, and shared goals. These
Bodies hold meaningful discussions, make informed decisions and drive Institutional progress.
Stakeholder input is actively sought and valued, ensuring Inclusivity and Collective Ownership of

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Institutional Decision-making.

Effective Policy Framework

The University has structured extensive Regulations and Policies that reflect its commitment to
excellence, fairness, and transparency. These Regulations and Policies govern various aspects of its
operations, including Academic Affairs, Research, Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Student
Affairs, and Quality Assurance. These Policies provide clear guidelines for decision-making, ensure
consistency in practices, and promote a culture of accountability. Regular reviews and updates of these
Policies demonstrate the adaptability of the University, to changing needs and best practices.

Administrative Set-up

The Administrative setup of the University is designed to facilitate efficient governance and decision-
making. It has established clear reporting lines, well-defined roles and responsibilities, and effective
coordination mechanisms among its Administrative Units. The Administrative Setup promotes effective
communication, streamlines workflows, and enables timely decision-making. The Institutional
Administrative Leaders demonstrate strong leadership skills and ensure that administrative processes
support the strategic goals outlined in the Perspective Plan.

Recruitments and Service Rules

Recruitment of Employees within Presidency University is made through a rigorous yet transparent
process. The University follows established norms, guidelines and regulations for its Human Resource
Management of appointing personnel to key positions, such as Administrators, Department Heads, and
Faculty Members. Merit-based Selection Procedures ensure that individuals with the necessary
qualifications, expertise, and experience are appointed to these roles.

The University has clearly defined Service Rules that cover various aspects of Employee -conduct,
Performance Evaluation, Promotion-criteria, Grievance-redressal and Disciplinary Procedures. These
Rules provide a fair and transparent framework for employees, fostering a positive work environment
and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Institution. Additionally, the University has established
robust processes in the realm of Administration and Academic-operation, ensuring efficiency and
accountability in areas such as Student-enrolment, Examinations, Research Approval, and Financial

University exemplifies the effective deployment of its Institutional Perspective Plan 2019-24 to ensure
efficient functioning of its institutional bodies. Through well-defined Policies, an efficient
Administrative Setup, Transparent Appointments, Adherence to Service Rules and Procedures and the
Active Engagement of Institutional Bodies, the University ensures the successful implementation of its
Perspective Plans. The commitment, of the University to Excellence, Fairness, and Transparency in its
Operations strengthens its position as a leading institution dedicated to the academic growth and holistic
development of its students.

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Strategic Plan and deployment documents on the View Document


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Institution implements e-governance in its operations. e-governance is implemented covering the

following areas of operations:

1.Administration including complaint management

2.Finance and Accounts
3.Student Admission and Support

Response: A. All of the above

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Screen shots of user interfaces of each module View Document

reflecting the name of the HEI

Institutional expenditure statements for the budget View Document

heads of e-governance implementation ERP

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Annual e-governance report approved by the View Document

Governing Council/ Board of Management/
Syndicate Policy document on e-governance

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies


The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non-
teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression

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PU has a well-designed mechanism for a Comprehensive Performance Appraisal System for all its
employees and has consciously developed effective welfare measures, and opportunities for Career-
development and Progression for both, Teaching and Non-teaching Staff.

Performance Appraisal System

The Institution recognizes the importance of regular assessment of the performance of its employees to
promote a culture of excellence and continuous improvement. To achieve this, the University has
established a robust Performance Appraisal System. This System involves setting clear performance
expectations and objectives for each staff member, providing regular feedback and guidance, and
conducting formal performance evaluations at specified intervals. The Performance Appraisal Process
allows for a fair and objective assessment of the Individual-specific contribution, strength and areas for
improvement. It serves as a valuable tool for recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance, as well
as identifying areas where additional support or training may be required.

Welfare Measures

The University places great emphasis on the welfare of its teaching and non-teaching staff. The
institution recognizes that appropriate welfare measures lead to employee satisfaction, motivation and
overall well-being of staff, which in turn ensures a supportive and conducive work environment, which is
crucial for the growth and development of the institution.

Some of the measures include:

Employee-friendly Leave Policy, including Maternity Leave, Casual Leave, Special Casual
Leave, Study and Sabbatical Leave for Professional Development, and Duty Leave.
Support for Research Initiatives, including Seed Money, Patent Support, and Incentives for
Medical and Superannuation Benefits, including Contributory Provident Fund, ESI Coverage,
Group Health Insurance, and Gratuity.
Transportation Facility, including Reserved Seats in University-managed Buses and Staff Cars
for Designated Positions.

Career Development and Progression

Presidency University also recognizes the importance of providing avenues for career development and
professional progression for its employees. The University offers various opportunities including
participation in Training Programs, Workshops, Conferences, and Seminars relevant to the employees'
respective fields of service. The Institution also encourages Faculty Members to engage in Research and
Scholarly activities, thereby promoting intellectual growth and contemporary knowledge dissemination.
By investing in the Career-development Opportunities for its employees, Presidency University not only
propel their individual growth but also contributes to the overall Academic and Research Excellence of
the Institution.

Furthermore, the Institution actively supports the Career Progression of its employees by providing
conducive and merit-based Career Advancement Practices. The University follows a transparent and fair

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Promotion and Advancement Process, ensuring that individuals are recognized and rewarded based on
their performance, qualifications, and experience. The Institution also develops its employees to take on
leadership roles and responsibilities, enabling them to expand their skill sets and contribute to overall
Institutional- development.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that the University demonstrates a strong commitment to the welfare
and professional growth of its Teaching and Non-teaching Staff. Through its Performance Appraisal
System, effective Welfare Measures, and Career-development and Progression Initiatives, the Institution
ensures that its employees are provided with a supportive and conducive Work-environment.

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Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and

towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

Response: 70.88 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and
towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

527 453 650 326 232

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Policy document on providing financial support to View Document


Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to View Document

teachers and list of teachers receiving financial
support year-wise under each head

Audited statement of account highlighting the View Document

financial support to teachers to attend
conferences/workshops and towards membership
fee for professional bodies.

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Percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)/

Management Development Programmes (MDPs) during the last five years

Response: 66.6 Total number of teachers who have undergone online/ face-to-face Faculty Development
Programmes (FDP)/ Management Development Programs (MDP) during the last five years

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

478 424 367 429 358

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


E-copy of the certificates of the program attended View Document

by teachers.

Annual reports highlighting the programmes View Document

undertaken by the teachers

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization


Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds other than salary and fees and the optimal
utilisation of resources

Describe the resource mobilisation policy and procedures of the Institution within a maximum of
500 words


The University has developed a Comprehensive Resource Mobilization Policy and a Set of Procedures to
ensure the optimal utilization of resources and to secure additional funds beyond fees. The Institution
recognizes the importance of diversifying its Funding-sources to support its Academic Programs,
Infrastructure Development, Research Activities and Student -Support Services.

Resource Mobilization

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The Resource Mobilization Policy at the University encompasses several key strategies and approaches.
One of the primary strategies is establishing partnerships and collaborations with Industry, Government
Agencies, Non-governmental Organizations and other Educational Institutions. These Partnerships can
take various forms, including Research Collaborations, Sponsored Projects, and Resource-sharing. By
actively engaging with external stakeholders, the Institution not only secures additional funding but also
benefits from its expertise, shared resources, and networks.

Additionally, Presidency University maintains strong relationships with banks, allowing it to secure bank
funding in the form of Term Loans or Overdraft Facilities for Infrastructure Development Fund
requirements. The excellent Credit History of the University has equipped it with access to adequate
Short-term Loans and Overdraft Facilities, from the Banking Sector, with a huge leveraging capacity.

Presidency University also actively seeks Grants from Government Funding Agencies, Private
Foundations, and International Organizations. The Institution has a dedicated team, in place, responsible
for identifying opportunities for applying for Grants, preparing Grant Proposals, and managing the
Implementation of Funded Projects. This proactive approach allows the University to secure External
Funding for Specific Research Initiatives, Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement

Additionally, the Resource Mobilization Policy includes strategies for revenue generation through
multiple means which include offering specialized Faculty Development and Management Development
Programs [FDP/MDP], Continuing-Education Courses, and Consultancy Services to External
Organizations. The Institution leverages its expertise and resources to provide Academic Services to
Industry Partners, generating additional revenue streams.

Another essential component of the Resource Mobilization Policy is the cultivation of Alumni
Networking and seeking their philanthropic support. It also establishes avenues for Alumni to contribute
financially to the institution through donations, endowments, and scholarships. By encouraging
philanthropic giving, the University enhances its accessibility to financial resources while fostering a
sense of pride and engagement among its Alumni Community.

Optimal Utilization of Resources

To ensure the Optimal Utilization of Resources, the University has established a robust Financial
Management System. This System involves careful Budget Planning, Monitoring, and Periodic Review
to ensure that resources are allocated effectively and efficiently. The Institution emphasizes transparency
and accountability in financial practices, adhering to Regulatory Guidelines and Reporting Standards.
Regular Audits are conducted to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement.

In line with the Institutional commitment to responsible Financial Management, it maintains dedicated
and separate accounts for all Grants and Funding. This ensures that Funds are utilized exclusively for the
purposes for which they were granted/earmarked. Regular Audit and Fund-Utilization Certificates are
provided to the Grant Agencies, ensuring transparency and effective utilization of sums Funded.

Moreover, the institution promotes a culture of Resource-optimization and Sustainability across all
Departments and Units. Faculty Members and Staff are encouraged to explore innovative ways to
maximize the use of available resources, reduce waste, and implement energy-saving measures.

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Funds / Grants received from government bodies/non government and philanthropists during the
last five years for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III
and V )

Response: 107 Total Grants received from government and non-government bodies and philanthropists
for development and maintenance of infrastructure (not covered under Criteria III and V) year-
wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

107 0 0 0 0

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Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Copy of the sanction letters received from View Document

government/ nongovernment bodies and
philanthropists for development and maintenance
of infrastructure

Annual audited statements of accounts highlighting View Document

the grants received.


Institution regularly conducts internal and external financial audits regularly

Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the last five years
with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 500 words


At Presidency University, maintaining transparency and accountability in financial matters is of utmost

importance. To ensure adherence to statutory regulations and sound financial practices, the University

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has established a comprehensive system of Internal and External Financial Audits. These Audits serve as
essential mechanisms to evaluate University-specific Financial Transactions, Compliance with
Governing Procedures, and Prudent Handling of Finances.

Internal Audit

M/s M A Braganza, a CA firm, has been appointed as the Internal Auditors. The Auditor conducts
regular Internal Audits to scrutinize various functions within the University. By adopting a risk-based
Auditing-approach, the Internal Auditors identify potential errors or discrepancies if any at the earliest
stage possible. They emphasize timely rectification of any observations and engage with the respective
staff members to address long-pending issues if any.

The Internal Audit Process includes:

1.Budget Allocation: A Bottom-up Approach is adopted in the Budgeting Process, with School-
Deans submitting their Budgets to Vice-Chancellor. The Consolidated Budget is then reviewed
by the Vice Chancellor and recommended to the Financial Committee for Final Allocation. This
process ensures efficient Financial Planning and Control over recurring and fixed expenses.
2.Verification of Income and Expenditure: The Internal Auditors meticulously verify income and
Expenditure details, ensuring compliance with established Standard Operating Procedures. The
Auditors thoroughly examine expenditure invoices and relevant vouchers, promptly reporting any
discrepancies to the University Finance Officer.
3.Asset and Expense Monitoring: The Accounts Department closely monitors expenses against
the Allocated Budget for various Expenditure Heads. Additionally, the Internal Auditors conduct
physical verifications of Fixed Assets, Cash in Hand, and Consumables to ensure accurate Record-
keeping and Asset Management.

Internal Audit Report: If any discrepancy is found, the same is brought to the notice of the Finance
Officer. The Report is then discussed in the next Finance Committee Meeting and necessary instructions
are passed to the concerned officials.

External Audit

To maintain objectivity and comply with regulatory requirements, the University engages the services of
M/s Yadu and Co. as a designated Statutory Chartered Accountants Firm for an Annual Statutory Audit.
The Statutory Audit Process is conducted to ensure adherence to relevant statutes and guidelines set by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

During the Statutory Audit, the Accounts of University undergo a Comprehensive Evaluation. The
designated Auditing Firm reviews Financial Transactions, verifies Payments and Expenditures and
examines the overall Financial Statements. The Audit Report, highlighting any queries or issues, is
submitted to the University Management for review. Any discrepancy is promptly addressed, with
supporting vouchers and documents provided within prescribed timelines.

The implementation of the University, of rigorous internal and external audit mechanisms, serves as a
testimony of its unwavering commitment to Transparency, Accountability and Financial Discipline. To
date, both Internal and Statutory Audits have yielded no significant findings or objections, attesting to the
effective financial management practices at the University.

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In the rare instance, where minor errors of omission or commission are identified by the Audit Team,
prompt corrective measures were taken. Furthermore, precautionary steps are proactively implemented to
prevent the recurrence of such errors in the future.

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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)/ Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) has
contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes, by
constantly reviewing the teaching-learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and
learning outcomes, at periodic intervals

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the
quality assurance strategies and processes visible in terms of –

Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case
of first cycle)
Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality and
post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)

Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives within a maximum of 500


Presidency University, with an emphasis on quality education, has established an Internal Quality
Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 20.08.2018 to ensure the institutionalization of Quality Assurance Strategies
and Processes. The IQAC at Presidency University has played a crucial role in reviewing, at periodic
intervals, the Teaching-learning Process, Structures and Methodologies of Operations, and Learning
Outcomes. These IQAC initiatives have resulted in several good practices being developed, towards
improving the quality of education and support services at the University.

1. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Framework:

The IQAC at Presidency University has implemented an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Framework,
which has significantly contributed to improving the Teaching-learning Process and enhancing the
learning outcomes. The OBE Framework focuses on defining clear and measurable learning outcomes
for each course and aligning the curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment strategies to ensure that
these outcomes are achieved. Under this Framework, the Faculty Members at Presidency University
develop Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes, in consultation with Industry Experts and other

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The IQAC ensures that the OBE Framework is implemented effectively by conducting regular reviews of
the Curriculum and Teaching Methods. Faculty Members are encouraged to design courses that are
learner-centric, engaging, and interactive, thereby promoting active learning. The IQAC also facilitates
Faculty Development Programs to enhance their pedagogical skills and encourages them to adopt
Innovative Teaching Methods.

2. Concurrent Audit and Review in line with Accreditation Processes:

The IQAC has introduced a Concurrent Audit and Review Process (CARP) to ensure continuous
improvement in all aspects of the Institutional functioning as per various criteria of the Accreditation
Process. This process involves periodic self-assessment, benchmarking against established quality
standards and external peer reviews. The IQAC facilitates the creation of a quality culture by promoting
self-evaluation and self-improvement at all levels.

As part of CARP, the IQAC conducts regular audits of academic and administrative processes to identify
areas for improvement. This includes reviewing the effectiveness of the curriculum, teaching methods,
infrastructure, support services, and student support mechanisms. The feedback received from students,
faculty, and other stakeholders is analysed to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas that require

The IQAC also organizes Workshops and Training Programs to create awareness among Faculty and
Staff about the importance of Quality Assurance and the role they play in the process. It provides
necessary guidance and support to Departments and Units to implement Quality improvement measures
based on the findings of the internal review.

In addition to the above IQAC has undertaken the following major activities:

1.The IQAC has implemented several comprehensive initiatives encompassing research promotion,
campus development, integration of ICT in teaching practices, and enhanced support for research
scholars through workshops. Moreover, it actively facilitates the coordination of Academic and
Administrative Audits within the University, among other endeavours.
2.At present, the IQAC is diligently engaged in compiling the self-study report (SSR) and diligently
progressing with the essential data collection from various crucial entities such as faculty
members, departments, administration, finance section, examination section, and student welfare
departments. This collaborative effort aims to ensure the thoroughness and accuracy of the SSR

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Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance:

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1.Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow up action taken

2.Conferences, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
3.Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
4.Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and students
5.Participation in NIRF and other recognized ranking like Shanghai Ranking, QS Ranking
Times Ranking etc
6.Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies

Response: A. Any 5 or more of the above

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Supporting documents pertaining to NIRF (along View Document

with link to the HEI’s ranking in the NIRF portal) /
NBA / ISO as applicable and valid for the
assessment period.

List of Orientation programmes conducted on View Document

quality issues for teachers and students along with
geotagged photos and supporting documents

List of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops on View Document

quality conducted along with brochures and geo-
tagged photos with caption and date.

List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other View Document

institution(s) along with brochures and geo-tagged
photos with caption and date.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of
first cycle NAAC A/A)

Post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles of NAAC A/A)


Over the past five years, the University has undertaken several Quality-enhancement Initiatives in both
the Core Academics and Academic Administrative Domains. These initiatives have aimed to improve
various aspects of the functioning of the University, ultimately leading to the delivery of a high-quality
educational experience for students. Some of the key incremental improvements achieved by the
University during the last five years are:

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Core Academics Domain:

1. Curriculum Revision and Design: The University recognized the importance of regularly updating
and revising its curriculum to ensure its relevance and alignment with industry demands. The University
formed Curriculum Committees comprising experienced Faculty Members and Industry Experts to
review and revise the Course-content. The Committees incorporated emerging trends, technologies, and
skills into the curriculum to equip students with up-to-date knowledge. The implementation of Outcome-
Based Education (OBE) and flexible Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) has further strengthened the
Academic Framework.

2. Faculty Development Programs: To enhance Teaching and Research Capabilities, Presidency

University organized regular Faculty Development Programs. These Programs focused on Pedagogical-
techniques, Outcome-based Learning, Research Methodologies and the effective use of Technology in
Teaching. Faculty Members were encouraged to attend Conferences, Workshops and Training Sessions
to stay abreast of the latest developments in their respective fields.

3. Learning Resources and Infrastructure: The University invested significantly in improving

Learning Resources and Infrastructure to create a conducive environment for academic growth.
Upgraded Libraries, State-of-the-art Laboratories, and Modern Classrooms were provided to facilitate
effective Teaching and Learning. The adoption of Digital Learning Platforms and Online Resources also
expanded access to Educational Materials and enhanced Student-engagement.

4. Research and Innovation: The University has also focused on fostering research among Students and
Faculty, through development of Policies on Research, Consultancy, Innovation, and Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR). Research Fellowships, Reimbursement for Conference Presentations, and revision
of PhD Rules and Regulations have strengthened the Research -effort. The establishment of an IPR Cell
and Innovation Council under the Ministry of Education has facilitated Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Academic Administrative Domain:

1. Student Support Services: University laid a strong emphasis on Student Support Services to ensure
holistic development and well-being. Various support systems were implemented, including Academic
Counselling, Career Guidance, Mentorship Programs and Counselling Centres. These initiatives aimed to
address students' academic, personal, and emotional needs, fostering a conducive Learning-environment.

2. Transparent and Efficient Administrative Processes: The University streamlined Administrative-

processes to improve efficiency and transparency. ERP platform (CAMU) was introduced for Student-
registration, Fee Payments and accessing Academic Records. This digitization reduced paperwork,
minimized errors, and improved turnaround time for administrative tasks, resulting in enhanced service

3. Quality Assurance Mechanisms: The University strengthened its Quality Assurance- mechanisms to
monitor and evaluate Academic Programs effectively. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
played a central role in conducting regular audits, gathering feedback from stakeholders, and
implementing corrective measures. The IQAC facilitated the adoption of best practices, ensuring
adherence to quality standards and accreditation requirements.

These quality enhancement initiatives at Presidency University over the last five years have significantly

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improved the overall academic experience and administrative efficiency.

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Criterion 7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities


Institution has initiated the Gender Audit and measures for the promotion of gender equity during
the last five years.

Describe the gender equity & sensitization in curricular and co-curricular activities, facilities for
women on campus etc., within 500 words


Presidency University has taken significant steps to promote Gender Equity and create a gender-sensitive
environment on campus. The Institution has initiated a Gender Audit to assess and address Gender-
disparities, if any and ensure a Philosophy of “Equal-opportunity for All”, across the University-
community. Several Measures have been implemented to promote Gender Equity in both curricular and
co-curricular activities, as well as to provide a necessary and useful Support-Ecosystem for Women on
Campus. The University ensure a platform of Equal Opportunity for Women Employees to play a role in
University Governance.

1. Gender Sensitization in Curricular Activities

Presidency University has integrated Gender-sensitization into its Curricular Framework to create
awareness and foster a Gender-inclusive Learning Environment. This includes incorporating Gender-
perspectives and issues into various Academic Disciplines and Courses. Faculty members are encouraged
to discuss Gender-related Topics and encourage critical thinking and analysis from a gender-driven
perspective. The Curriculum also promotes the study of Gender Theories, Feminist Perspectives, and
Gender Equality as part of its Academic Framework so as to empower students with a deeper
understanding of gender dynamics in society.

2. Co-curricular Activities

The University actively promotes Gender Equity through various co-curricular activities. Student Clubs
organize Street Plays, Workshops, and Awareness-campaigns on Gender-related Issues. These initiatives
aim to challenge Gender-stereotypes, promote Gender -equality, and create safe spaces for open
discussions on gender-related topics. The University also encourages the participation of both Boy and
Girl students in co-curricular activities, ensuring equal opportunities and representation.

3. Facilities for Women on Campus

Presidency University is committed to providing safe and supportive facilities for women on Campus.
The institution has established dedicated spaces such as Girls’ Hostels, Restrooms, and Common areas to
cater to the specific needs of Girl-students and Lady-staff. These facilities are designed to ensure privacy,
comfort, and security for women on campus. Additionally, the University has implemented measures
such as 24/7 Security Services, Electronic [CCTV] Surveillance and an active Grievance-redressal
Mechanism to address any concerns related to Safety and Security.

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4. Gender Sensitization Programs and Workshops

Presidency University organizes Gender-sensitization Programs and Workshops regularly to educate

students, faculty, and staff about gender-related issues and foster a gender-sensitive campus culture.
These Programs cover topics such as Gender-stereotypes, Gender-based Violence, Gender-equality and
Gender-inclusivity. The Workshops aim to sensitize participants to the challenges faced by marginalized
genders and equip them with the knowledge and skills to actively contribute to gender equity.

5. Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Presidency University has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address any
complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination. The ICC is responsible for receiving complaints,
conducting impartial investigations and taking appropriate action. The Committee ensures a safe and
supportive environment for individuals to report incidents and provides necessary support to the affected

These initiatives at Presidency University demonstrate the Institutional-commitment to promoting

Gender-equity and creating an Inclusive Campus-environment. By integrating Gender-sensitization into
Curricular and Co-curricular Activities, providing dedicated Facilities for Women, and establishing a
robust Grievance-redressal Mechanism, the University strives to ensure equal opportunities, safety, and
well-being for all members of the University Community.

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The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
1. Solar energy
2. Biogas plant
3. Wheeling to the Grid
4. Sensor-based energy conservation
5. Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment
6. Wind mill or any other clean green energy

Response: A. Any 4 or more of the above

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Permission document for connecting to the grid View Document

from the Government/ Electricity authority.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities. View Document

Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the View Document

facilities created under this metric

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable
and non-degradable waste (within 500 words)

Solid waste management

Liquid waste management
Biomedical waste management
e-Waste management
Waste recycling system
Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management


Presidency University has implemented a comprehensive Waste Management System to effectively

manage various types of waste generated on campus, viz., solid waste, liquid waste, biomedical waste, e-
waste and hazardous chemicals. The Institution is committed to environmental sustainability and follows
proper protocols and regulations to ensure responsible and judicious waste disposal.

1. Solid Waste Management

The University has designated Solid Waste Segregation Points across the Campus, to facilitate the proper
segregation of solid waste at the source. These Waste Segregation Points are equipped with separate bins
for different types of solid waste such as paper, plastic, glass, and organic waste. The Waste Management
Team regularly collects and transports segregated waste to a Central Solid Waste Management Facility.
This Facility includes Composting Units for organic waste and Recycling Units for recycled-mandated

2. Liquid Waste Management

The University has a well-designed Liquid Waste Management System to handle Wastewater generated
from various sources, like Laboratories, Restrooms and Kitchen areas. Wastewater is treated through a
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 300 KLD capacity before being discharged. The STP utilizes advanced

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treatment processes to remove contaminants and ensure the quality of treated water before it is released
into the environment. Regular Maintenance and Monitoring of the STP are carried out to ensure its
efficient and optimal functioning.

3. Biomedical Waste Management

The University has also established a dedicated Biomedical Waste Management System to handle waste
generated from Healthcare Facilities. Biohazardous waste, such as used syringes, gloves, and
contaminated materials, is collected separately in specially-designed bins. These bins are colour-coded
and labelled to ensure proper segregation and disposal are undertaken as per Biomedical Waste

4. E-waste Management:

Presidency University complies with the recommenced Environmentally-responsible Practices for the
management of Electronic Waste (e-waste). The Institution has set up Black Bins on campus where
students, faculty, and staff deposit their e-waste such as computers, printers, mobile phones, batteries,
CDs and Earphones. The collected e-waste is handed over to authorized E-waste Recycling Agencies for
proper recycling, and disposal in compliance with E-waste Management Regulations.

5. Waste Recycling System

There is in place a Waste Recycling System to maximize the recovery and reuse of recycle-mandated
Materials. Every waste is channelized and disposed of in a way to reutilize and be recycled. The
University also follows the practice of recycling waste such as paper by providing them to the vendors
after shredding and vendors will recycle the paper.

6. Hazardous Chemicals and Radioactive Waste Management

The University does not have any Radioactive Waste. It follows stringent protocols for the management
of hazardous chemicals. Laboratories and Research Facilities are equipped with appropriate Storage
Facilities, Safety Measures and Waste Collection Systems. All chemicals are disposed into the drainage
after neutralizing their PH value.

Presidency University prioritizes Waste Management as an integral part of its Sustainability Efforts. By
implementing a robust Waste Management System, the Institution aims to minimize the environmental
impact of its operations and promotes responsible waste disposal practices among its community
members. These initiatives contribute to the preservation of the Environment and the overall well-being
of the Campus Ecosystem.

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Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities View Document

Any other relevant information View Document

Relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with View Document

Government and other approved agencies


Water conservation facilities available in the Institution:

1.Rain water harvesting

2.Borewell /Open well recharge
3.Construction of tanks and bunds
4.Waste water recycling
5.Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus

Response: A. Any 4 or more of the above

File Description Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Green audit reports on water conservation by View Document

recognised bodies

Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities. View Document

Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the View Document

facilities created under this metric.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Green campus initiatives include

Describe the Green campus initiative of the institution including Restricted entry of automobiles,
Use of Bicycles/ Battery powered vehicles , Pedestrian Friendly pathways , Ban on use of Plastic,
landscaping with trees and plants etc in 500 words


Presidency University has undertaken several Green Campus Initiatives to promote sustainability, reduce
carbon emissions, and create an eco-friendly environment. These initiatives encompass various aspects,

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including eco-friendly transportation, plastic reduction, and landscaping. The following are the measures
to propagate Green-campus Initiatives:

1. Restricted Entry of Automobiles

The University encourages sustainable transportation practices by enforcing parking of IC Vehicles in a

dedicated parking space near the Main Campus Entrance. This helps reduce vehicular traffic, noise
pollution, and carbon emissions within the campus. It provides a pedestrian-friendly environment and
promotes the use of alternative modes of transportation.

2. Use of Bicycles/Battery-Powered Vehicles

To further promote sustainable transportation, PU encourages the use of Bicycles and Battery-powered
Vehicles within the Campus. The University provides dedicated Bicycle-parking Spaces and Charging-
stations for Battery-powered vehicles. These measures not only reduce carbon emissions but also
promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle for the university community and life on Campus.

3. Pedestrian-Friendly Pathways

The Campus is designed with pedestrian-friendly pathways that prioritize the safety and convenience of
walkers. Well-maintained footpaths with proper lighting and signage ensure a pleasant walking
experience. This promotes a culture of walking, reduces dependence on motorized transportation within
the campus, and contributes to a greener environment.

4. Ban on Use of Plastic

The has implemented a comprehensive ban on the use of plastic on campus. Single-use plastic items such
as bags, bottles, and cutlery are strictly prohibited. The University promotes the use of Eco-friendly
Alternatives such as Cloth Bags, Reusable Glass Water Bottles, and Biodegradable Food Containers.
This initiative aims to minimize plastic waste, reduce environmental pollution and create awareness
about sustainable practices.

5. Landscaping with Trees and Plants

The Campus is adorned with extensive green spaces, featuring a variety of trees, plants, and gardens. The
University focuses on landscaping with native and drought-resistant plant species, which require minimal
water and maintenance. The lush greenery not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also
contributes to air purification, temperature regulation, and biodiversity conservation.

6. Rainwater Harvesting and Water Conservation

The University emphasizes on Water-conservation through Rainwater Harvesting Techniques. The

Campus is equipped with Rainwater Harvesting Systems to collect and store Rainwater for various
purposes such as Irrigation and Groundwater Recharge. Water-efficient Fixtures and Practices are also
promoted to minimize water consumption and ensure responsible water management.

7. Energy Conservation Measures

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The Institution has implemented Energy-conservation Measures to reduce electricity consumption and
promote sustainable energy practices. These measures include the use of energy-efficient lighting
systems, occupancy sensors, and smart building technologies. The University also emphasizes the
importance of turning off lights and electrical appliances when not in use and promotes the use of natural
lighting and ventilation wherever possible.

The Green Campus initiatives of the University demonstrate its commitment to environmental
sustainability and creating a healthy and eco-friendly learning environment. By encouraging sustainable
transportation, reducing plastic usage, promoting green landscaping, and implementing conservation
measures, the institution not only contributes to a greener campus but also inculcates a sense of
environmental responsibility among its students, faculty, and staff.

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Policy document on the green campus/plastic free View Document


Geo-tagged photographs/videos of the facilities. View Document

Circulars and report of activities for the View Document

implementation of the initiatives document

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution

The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following

1.Green audit / Environmental audit

2.Energy audit
3.Clean and green campus recognitions/awards
4.Beyond the campus environmental promotion and sustainability activities

Response: A. All of the above

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File Description Document

Report on environmental promotional activities View Document

conducted beyond the campus with geo-tagged
photographs with caption and date

Policy document on environment and energy usage View Document

Certificate from the auditing agency.

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Green audit report of all the years from recognized View Document

Certificates of the awards received from recognized View Document

agency (if any).

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)


The Institution has Differently-abled (Divyangjan) friendly, barrier free environment

Write description covering the various components of barrier free environment in your institution in
maximum of 500 words

Built environment with Ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms

Divyangjan friendly washrooms
Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts
Assistive technology and facilities for Divyangjan accessible website, screen-reading
software, mechanized equipment
Provision for enquiry and information: Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of
reading material, screen reading


Presidency University is committed to creating a barrier-free and inclusive environment for differently-
abled (Divyangjan) individuals. The University has taken several measures to ensure easy access,
convenience, and equal opportunities for all members of the University Community. The following
components are incorporated into the Infrastructure and Facility-framework of the University to create a
Divyangjan-Friendly Environment:

1. Built Environment with Ramps/Lifts

The University has incorporated ramps and Elevators [Lifts] in its Infrastructure to provide easy access to

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Classrooms, Libraries, Administrative Buildings, and other Facilities. Ramps are constructed with
appropriate slopes and provided with handrails to ensure smooth and safe movement for individuals with
mobility challenges. Elevators and Lifts are installed in multi-storied Buildings to enable ease of vertical
movement for individuals with mobility impairment. The University has Electric Vehicles -Buggies-
which are available to such Individuals for easier mobility and accessibility

2. Divyangjan-friendly Washrooms

The University has dedicated Washrooms that are specifically designed to cater to the needs of
differently-abled individuals. These Washrooms are spacious and equipped with features such as grab
bars, lower-height fixtures, and wider doorways to ensure accessibility and ease of use for such

3. Signage, Tactile Paths, Lights, Display Boards, and Signposts

The Campus is equipped with comprehensive signage systems to assist individuals with visual
impairments and other disabilities. Tactile Paths with textured surfaces and colour contrast are provided
to guide visually-impaired individuals. Signage Boards with clear, large font and Braille inscriptions are
placed at Strategic locations to provide directions, information, and identification of various facilities.
Adequate lighting is ensured to aid visibility and create a safe environment.

4. Assistive Technology and Facilities

The University provides Assistive Technology and Facilities to cater to the diverse needs of differently-
abled individuals. This includes Divyangjan accessible Websites with features such as Screen-reading
Compatibility, High contrast Options and Adjustable Font Sizes. The Institution also offers Screen-
reading Software and Mechanized equipment to facilitate access to Digital Resources and Information for
Visually-impaired Individuals. These Technologies and Facilities enable Divyangjan students to access
Educational Materials and also to engage in Online Learning Activities.

5. Provision for Enquiry and Information

Presidency University ensures that Individuals with disabilities have access to necessary assistance and
information. Trained Staff Members are available to provide human assistance, answer inquiries, and
guide individuals with disabilities. Reader and Scribe- support is provided during examinations and
assessment processes, as per the requirement. Soft copies of Reading Materials, wherever feasible, are
made available to individuals who may benefit from Assistive Technology such as Scree-readers. Font-
enlargement Options are provided in Digital Resources to aid individuals with visual impairments.

The Institutional-commitment to creating a Divyangjan-friendly environment goes beyond physical

accessibility. The University acknowledges the diverse needs of differently-abled individuals and strives
to provide a supportive and inclusive ecosystem. By incorporating elements such as ramps, accessible
washrooms, comprehensive signage, assistive technology, and human assistance, the university aims to
ensure that individuals with disabilities can participate fully in educational activities, access information,
and navigate the campus with ease. These initiatives foster inclusivity, empowerment, and equal
opportunities for all members of the university community.

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Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance

and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and such other
diversities (within 500 words).


At Presidency University, the commitment to fostering an inclusive environment is deeply ingrained in

all its efforts and initiatives. Recognizing the importance of tolerance and harmony towards cultural,
regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic, and other diversities, the University takes
comprehensive measures to ensure that every student feels welcome, respected, and valued. Some of the
institutional efforts in promoting an inclusive environment are as enshrined hereunder

1. Cultural and Diversity Celebrations

The University organizes a range of cultural and diversity-themed celebrations throughout the Academic
Year. These events provide platforms for students and faculty members to showcase their cultural
heritage, traditions, languages and art forms. These include festivals, cultural days, food fairs, and
performances that highlight the rich diversity of the University Community.

At PU promote tolerance and harmony towards cultural diversity by celebrating festivals such as Diwali,
Eid, Christmas, and other religious festivals by people of different faiths. Regional festivals like Pongal,
Baisakhi, and Bihu are also celebrated at the university, showcasing unity in diversity. Showcasing some
good Bollywood and regional cinema to promote linguistic harmony, while communal and
socioeconomic initiatives including outreach activities are done to uplift marginalized communities.

2. Student Clubs and Societies

The University supports and encourages the formation of Student-clubs and Societies that cater to diverse
interests, cultures, and communities. These Clubs provide opportunities for Students to come together,
share their experiences, and organize activities related to their specific interests or cultural backgrounds.
To name a few clubs

Magazine Club
Cultural Club
Science Club
Yoga & Meditation Club
Cinemascope Clubs
Theatre Club
Photography & Art Club

3. Language and Communication Programs

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Presidency University promotes multilingualism and communication skills development through

Language-programs and Initiatives. The Institution offers Language Courses and Workshops that enable
students to learn different languages spoken by their peers or communities.

4. Sensitization and Awareness Programs

The University conducts Sensitization and Awareness Programs on various social, cultural, and diversity-
related issues. Workshops, Seminars and Interactive Sessions are organized to address topics such as
Cultural Diversity, Social Inclusion, Gender Equality, Communal Harmony and Socio-economic
Disparities. These Programs aim to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and promote dialogue to
foster a more inclusive and tolerant campus environment.

5. Scholarships and Financial Aid

Presidency University recognizes the value that socio-economic diversity and equal access can add to
quality education. The Institution offers Scholarships, Financial Aid and Support Programs to
economically disadvantaged students, irrespective of their diverse backgrounds. These initiatives ensure
that talented and deserving students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds/circumstances, have
the opportunity to pursue higher education and thrive within the University Community.

These institutional efforts and initiatives at Presidency University create an inclusive environment that
embraces and celebrates diversity. By organizing cultural celebrations, supporting student clubs,
promoting language programs, raising awareness through sensitization programs, providing financial aid,
and establishing support mechanisms, the institution fosters tolerance, harmony, and mutual respect
among its diverse community members. These initiatives contribute to the overall development and well-
being of students, while also preparing them to thrive in a multicultural and interconnected world.

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provided (as reflected in the administrative and
academic activities of the Institution)


Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values,
rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens

Describe the various activities in the Institution for inculcating values for being responsible citizens
as reflected in the Constitution of India within 500 words.


Presidency University is committed to sensitizing its Students and Employees to their Constitutional

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obligations, namely the Values, Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities of citizens as enshrined in the
Constitution of India. The Institution undertakes various activities and initiatives to inculcate values and
promote responsible citizenship among its community members.

1. Orientation Programs

The University conducts Orientation Programs for new students and employees to familiarize them with
the values, rights, and responsibilities enshrined in the Constitution of India. These Programs provide an
overview of the democratic principles, fundamental rights, and duties which form part of the foundation
of the Constitution. They emphasize the importance of upholding these values and responsibilities in the
personal and professional life of every citizen of the country.

2. Workshops and Seminars

Presidency University organizes Workshops, Seminars and Conferences on Constitutional Values,

Citizenship-Rights and Obligations and Civic Engagement. These Sessions engage students and
employees in discussions and activities that highlight the significance of Constitutional Obligations, such
as Equality, Freedom, Justice and Social Responsibility. Experts and Guest Speakers are invited to share
insights and perspectives on citizenship rights and duties, encouraging critical thinking and reflection.

3. Constitution Day Celebrations

The University celebrates Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day, on 26th November every
year. Various activities are organized to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. These
activities include Panel Discussions, Lectures, Debates, Essay Competitions and Cultural Programs
focused on Constitutional Values and their relevance in Contemporary Society.

4. Social Outreach Programs

Presidency University encourages students and employees to actively participate in Social Outreach
Programs that promote Responsible Citizenship. Through Partnerships with NGOs, Community
Organizations and Government Agencies, the University facilitates opportunities for Volunteering,
Community Service and Social Engagement.

5. Student Clubs and Committees

The University supports the formation of Student-clubs and Committees that focus on Civic-
Engagement, Social Justice and Constitutional values. These Clubs organize Events, Campaigns and
Initiatives that raise awareness about Citizen Rights and Duties, foster Inclusivity, and promote
Responsible Behaviour. The Human Rights Club, Legal Aid Cell and Social Justice Committee play a
major role. These Platforms offer students the opportunity to actively participate in activities that align
with constitutional values.

6. Legal Aid Clinics and Legal Awareness Programs

Presidency University runs Legal Aid Clinics and Legal Awareness Programs to promote legal literacy
and empower individuals with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities. These initiatives provide
free legal assistance, counselling, and guidance to individuals who need legal support. They also conduct

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workshops and awareness campaigns on legal rights, civic responsibilities, and mechanisms for seeking

7. Model United Nations (MUN) and Debating Society

The University encourages students to participate in Model United Nations (MUN) Conferences and
Debates. These Platforms offer opportunities to understand global issues, engage in diplomatic
discussions, and develop critical thinking and persuasive communication skills. MUN and Debating
Societies provide a Forum for students to analyze and debate constitutional values, international law, and
human rights.

Through these activities and initiatives, Presidency University fosters a culture of responsible citizenship
and constitutional values among its students and employees.

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Any other relevant information View Document

Details of activities that inculcate values View Document

necessary to nurture students to become
responsible citizens


The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other
staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard.

1.The institutional Code of Conduct principles are displayed on the website

2.There is a committee to monitor adherence to the institutional Code of Conduct principles
3.Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students, teachers, administrators
and other staff
4.Annual awareness programmes on Code of Conduct are organized

Response: A. All of the above

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File Description Document

Report on the student attributes facilitated by the View Document


Policy document on code of ethics. View Document

Institutional data in the prescribed format (data View Document


Handbooks, manuals and brochures on human View Document

values and professional ethics

Document showing the Code of Conduct for View Document

students, teachers, governing body and
administration as approved by the competent

Constitution and proceedings of the monitoring View Document


Circulars and geo-tagged photographs with date View Document

and caption of the activities organized under this
metric for teachers, students, administrators and
other staff.

Provide Links for any other relevant document to View Document

support the claim (if any)

7.2 Best Practices


Describe two best practices successfully implemented as per NAAC format provided in the


1. Title: Institutional Social Responsibility: To Foster, Aid and Promote Social Inclusiveness

2. Objectives of the Practice

The Objective of Practices of Institutional Social Responsibility [ISR] of Presidency University is to

foster social inclusiveness and create a positive impact on society through various initiatives. These
practices are driven by the principles of equal access to education, digital literacy, women empowerment,
community engagement, and environmental sustainability. The specific Objectives include:

Improving Educational Opportunities for Underprivileged Students by Providing Resources,

Infrastructure, and Need-based Support
Promoting Digital Literacy and STEM-centric Education in Rural Schools, thereby Bridging the

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Digital Divide
Empowering Women through Programs which aim to Enhance their Skills, Raise Awareness and
Overcome Societal Stigma.
Engaging in Community Outreach to Address Pressing Social Issues and Contribute to the Well-
being of the Community, at Large.
Providing Support during Times of Crisis, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic

3. The Context

The Institutional Social Responsibility Practice of Presidency University was developed in response to
the contextual features and challenging issues prevalent in Indian society. India faces significant
educational disparities, where access to quality education and resources is limited for underprivileged
students. Additionally, digital literacy remains a challenge, especially in rural areas. Women
empowerment is essential to overcome gender inequalities and empower women to participate fully in
society. Communities face health issues, and disaster-stricken areas require immediate relief and support.
Furthermore, environmental concerns call for sustainable practices to protect and restore ecosystems.

4. The Practice

Presidency University has implemented several unique practices to address the identified challenges and
achieve its objectives. These practices include the following.

Adoption of Government Schools

Reaching Digital Literacy to the Untouched

Kannada Literacy Promotion

Women Empowerment Initiatives

Community Engagement and Social Outreach
Support during Crisis

5. Evidence of Success

The Best Practice of the Presidency University of ISR has achieved tangible and measurable success, as
indicated hereunder.

Adoption of Government Schools-- adopted 10 Government Schools

Digital Literacy Program-- Established Gram Panchayat Digital Library in Rajanukunte to

benefit those underprivileged students who were preparing for the various Competitive

Kannada Literacy Programs-- Established Rs. 20 Lacs worth of Language Labs with a Multi-
lingual Indic Keyboard and a Pocket Computer Server connected to thin Client Terminals with
Online and Offline-content.
Women Empowerment Initiatives
Community Engagement and Social Outreach

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Through the Rotaract Club of PU

Through NSS

Support During Crisis

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Despite the successes of these practices as above, there have been some constraints and limitations
during implementation. These included financial constraints, timely availability of resources,
coordination with external organizations, and the need for sustained efforts and partnerships. Additional
resources required to support and enhance these practices include funding for Infrastructure
Development, Training Programs, Collaboration with more organizations and ongoing support for
Community-engagement initiatives.

7. Notes

Presidency University's best practice as covered here, served as a valuable model for other institutions
aiming to promote social inclusiveness and community engagement. These Practices can be customized
and adapted to suit the specific needs and challenges of other Institutions and Communities. Sharing our
experiences and lessons learnt can facilitate the replication and scaling of these Practices in diverse

Best Practice 2:

Title: Fully Automated Examination and Evaluation System: Lending Efficiency to the University

1. Objective of the Practice

The Fully Automated Examination and Evaluation System has the following Objectives:

Streamlined Examination Process

Efficient Evaluation and Feedback
Enhanced Security and Integrity
Analytics and Insights
Enhanced Student Experience

2. Context:

In the modern era, effective software solutions are essential to manage examination-related complex
operations. These are required to eliminate manual processes, paper-based registers, manual grading,
bundling and coding answer sheets, missed questions for evaluation, totalling errors and other such
processes. The physical computation of CO-PO attainment levels is a complex procedure and is
drudgery for faculty members and should be eliminated by using an automated system. The Campus
ERP with Examination Module should also be deployed integrating digital process of question paper
generation, digitised evaluation, and automated computation of CO-PO attainment levels through point
software. These systems provide a comprehensive suite of tools and features that enable institutions to
automate their examination operations, streamline workflows, and enhance overall performance.

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3. Practice:

To enable this, the University has implemented CAMU ERP with its Examination Management
Module. The Online Assessment Tool provides an easily accessible and user-friendly platform for
faculty and students to manage and access Assessment Files. This Tool enables the University to conduct
Online Examination, Grade Assignments and Generate detailed Reports. Features such as Examination
Fee-registration, Admit-card Generation, Mark Entry, Examination-conduct, Result-processing and
Grade-card Printing are seamlessly integrated into CAMU ERP. These functionalities streamline the
entire examination process, eliminating manual intervention and reducing the risk of errors.

To complement CAMU Examination Management System, the Inpods Secure Question Paper
Management and Delivery System is integrated. It offers additional functionalities that cater to specific
needs within the University Examination System. This solution permits Digital- creation of Question
Papers as per Outcome-based Learning Methodology with a Superstructure to compute CO Attainments.
This Software provides a secure Question Paper Management and Delivery System, ensuring the timely
and secure distribution of Question Papers to Examination Centres. In addition, the University has also
deployed BEES Software Solutions, Digital Evaluation Suite(DVS) which enables digitalization of
answer scripts after scanning.

4. Evidence of Success

The successful implementation of the CAMU Examination Management System and Inpods Systems has
yielded several benefits for the University. These benefits are observed through various performance
indicators and review of examination results. The Automation of Examination Processes has resulted
in increased transparency and efficiency across campus. Real-time Reporting Capabilities provided by
CAMU EMS have empowered Administrators to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-
date data.

With a Centralized Question Bank, Faculty have easy access to a vast collection of questions, ensuring
well-structured assessment. Inpods has streamlined Question Paper-generation, enabling quick and
automated Selection of Questions, saving faculty valuable time and effort.

The BEES DVS has ensured accuracy and consistency in marking by eliminating manual errors
and providing standardized evaluation criteria.

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

During the implementation of CAMU EMS, Inpods Systems and BEES DVS, the University encountered
few challenges such as API Integration, Creation of New Processes and Workflows. Quite a bit of
Training and Support was provided to Faculty and Examination Staff to ensure effective utilization of the

Resistance to Change and the Learning Curve associated with adopting New Technologies was also
a hurdle.

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7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness


Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within
1000 words


Title: Empowering Innovation through Project-Based Learning (PBL) at Presidency University

Presidency University introduced the concept of Project Based Learning as a part of the Undergraduate
Engineering Curriculum to encourage Critical-thinking and nurture Scientific and Technical ideas among
First-year Students.

Benefits of Project-Based Learning at Presidency University

Encouraging Innovation: PBL, using Arduino and Raspberry Pi, empowers students to nurture
their innovative ideas. By engaging in hands-on projects, students learn to think creatively,
identify problems, and devise innovative solutions.

Holistic Skill Development: Through PBL, students at Presidency University develop a range of
skills crucial for the future. They cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration,
communication, and project management skills, enabling them to excel in a rapidly evolving

Practical Application of Knowledge: PBL allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to

real-world scenarios. They gain a deeper understanding of concepts by implementing them in
hands-on projects, bridging the gap between theory and practice and then, concepts and

Industry Relevance: PBL using Arduino and Raspberry Pi prepares students for industry
challenges. They gain experience in using tools and technologies widely employed in the fields of
electronics, embedded systems, and IoT, enhancing their employability and competitiveness in
the job market.

Creativity and Entrepreneurship: PBL fosters a culture of creativity and entrepreneurship.

Students at Presidency University have the opportunity to transform their innovative projects into
viable products or startup ideas, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and encouraging them to
pursue their passion beyond the classroom.

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These PBL courses provide a platform for students to execute their own Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects,
with the support of the university. By catching them young, PU aims to orient students towards
innovation and empower them to showcase their ideas using Arduino and Raspberry Pi embedded
boards. The Innovative Project Courses offer numerous opportunities for students, fostering
interdisciplinary skills, teamwork, research abilities, and practical knowledge application.

I. Platform for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The Innovative Projects courses serve as a platform for students from various departments to interact and
collaborate. This interdisciplinary approach facilitates peer learning and exposes students to diverse
perspectives, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and broadening their horizons.

II. Development of Essential Skills

These courses provide students with valuable experiences that contribute to their overall skill
development. By working together in groups, students gain the necessary experience in teamwork,
project planning, and execution. They learn to manage their projects independently and enhance their
research abilities.

III. Exposure to Tools and Instruments

Students are exposed to tools and instruments that they may not have been formally introduced to, yet.
They gain hands-on experience with Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi Boards, 3D Printers, PCB Printing
Machines, Measuring Devices, Soldering Stations, Sensors, Actuators, and other Electronic Components
commonly used in Innovative Projects.

IV. Comprehensive Curriculum

The Curriculum includes two Courses: - Innovative Project 1: Arduino using Embedded 'C', offered
during the Odd Semester, and Innovative Project 2: Raspberry Pi using Python during the Even
Semester. Each course comprises 30 hours of Teaching Content, covering both the Programming and
Hardware aspects of the Embedded Boards. Students carry out their Project Work after obtaining
sufficient knowledge through guided training sessions.

V. State-of-the-Art Innovation Laboratories

The University has established two dedicated Innovation Laboratories to provide students with access to
essential resources. These labs offer facilities such as Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi Boards, 3D Printers,
PCB Printing Machines, Working Tools, Measuring Devices, Soldering Stations, Sensors, Actuators, and
IT Infrastructure. These Resources are vital for Students' Innovative Projects and enable them to bring
their ideas to life.

VI. Comprehensive Evaluation Process:

Evaluation of the Innovative Projects course is based on a total of 100 marks. The assessment includes a
C or Python programming lab test (25 marks), Phase-1 project presentation (20 marks), Phase-2 partial
demo (25 marks), and the final project exhibition (30 marks). The evaluation criteria cover both
theoretical knowledge and practical implementation, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of students'

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VII. Innovation Project Expo

At the end of each semester, the University organizes a Two-day Innovation Project Expo where student
project works are displayed. On the first day, Internal Faculty Members evaluate all projects and identify
the top 100 based on criteria such as Innovation, Technical Complexity, Practical-implementation,
Presentation Skills, and Overall-impact. On the second day, Industry Panellists evaluate the top 100
projects to determine the top 10. These Experts assess the projects based on Originality, Innovativeness,
Viability, Real-world Application- potential, and Relevance to Society. The top 10 Projects receive
recognition and suitable rewards, and the best projects are permanently displayed to inspire future

Some of the top-ranking projects are:

Smart Home Automation: Students developed a Project using Arduino and Embedded C, along
with Raspberry Pi and Python Control Lights, Appliances, and Security Devices.

Environmental Monitoring: In these projects, students developed sensors to measure air quality,
temperature, humidity, and other parameters, and used Python to analyze and visualize the
collected data.

Assistive Technologies: Students developed Assistive Technologies for Individuals with

Disabilities. These Devices included those which aid mobility, communication, or daily living
activities, improving the quality of life for people in need.

VIII. Celebrating Achievements

The Innovative Projects have garnered significant acclaim. Based on the experiences of the past two
academic years, on 26th May 2023, the Students at Presidency University set a new record for the
"World's Largest Innovation Expo by 2600 Freshmen" in the World Book of Records—an International
Forum of Records, UK. This achievement highlights the creativity, technical skills, problem-solving
abilities, and hands-on project experience gained by students during their first year at Presidency


Project-based Learning using Arduino Boards with embedded C and Raspberry Pi Boards with Python at
PU provides a fertile ground for Innovation, Creativity and Practical-application of Knowledge. By
offering students the opportunity to execute their projects and engaging them in interdisciplinary
collaboration, the University prepares its students to become innovative thinkers and problem solvers.
With State-of-the-art Innovation Laboratories, Comprehensive Evaluation Processes, and recognition of
exceptional achievements, this Project-based Learning-approach has been a resounding success.

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Additional Information :
Presidency Univeristy Rankings

Presidency University, Bengaluru has been ranked in the Diamond Band with A+ Grade [Higher Education
Institution of Excellence] under OBE Rankings 2022 by R World Institutional Ranking. Presidency University,
Bengaluru has also been internationally ranked in the band 201-300 among Global Top 100
Innovative Universities in World’s Universities with Real Impact Ranking (WURI) 2022. The Overall Ranking
of Presidency University, Bengaluru in Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2023 was 1001. The other
rankings of Presidency University in 2021-22 includes:

Presidency University, Bengaluru has been ranked AAAA under India’s Best Young Universities 2023
survey conducted by careers 360.[source: july 2023 vol no.15, no. 7. Careers360 magazine].
Presidency University, Bengaluru has been ranked 51-100 among the world university rankings for
Innovation in fourth industrial revolution, May 18, 2023 by WURI 2023 rankings [the World University
Rankings for Innovation].
School of Law, Presidency University has been ranked top 5 in Pan India under Top Eminent Law
Schools, Ranked top 6 under Top schools by state [Karnataka] by competition success review, CSR law
schools survey 2023 [source: competition success review magazine, May 2023 issue].
Presidency University, Bengaluru is ranked 69 in Pan India under multidisciplinary universities by the
Week-Hansa research survey 2023 [source: the week magazine may 21, 2023, release].
School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru has been ranked 55 under All - India Top B-
Schools, graded B+++ under All - India Grade-wise Top B-Schools, ranked under All - India Region-
wise Top B-Schools [South], by Deccan Chronicle B-School Survey 2023 [13th All India Best B
Schools [www.chronicleindia.in/survey] issue date May 2023.

Presidency University, Bengaluru has been positioned very well by various other Ranking Agencies.

Concluding Remarks :
Presidency University is a young but progressive/forward-looking institution, committed to comply with the
transformational higher education aspirations of the NEP 2020, and will go the last mile to kindle and
emphasize on the acquisition of 5Cs - Communication, Curiosity, Creativity, Critical thinking and
Collaboration – amongst its Learners. Towards this, the university has put in place an elaborate, time-
scheduled strategic Institutional Development Plan (IDP). This plan has already been initiated and would be a
beacon to render the university, both, competitive and globally-recognised. It is the aspiration of the institution
to build strong student-centric educational endeavours for multi-dimensional learning opportunities engrained
in human values, ethics and Indian Ethos.

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