Slovaki Chess Open Piestany Tournament en

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ŠK Modra in cooperation with Slovenská organizačná and Ensana

are inviting you to

Slovakia Chess Open Piešťany 2024


o International OPEN tournaments A and B
o OPEN A tournament is for players with rating over 2100 (as of 01.07.2024)
o OPEN A is a qualifying tournament for Slovak individual championship (intended for
players with SVK federation and rating over 2099)
o OPEN B tournament is for players with rating under 2099 (as of 01.07.2024)
o Swiss system, 9 rounds
o Time control of both tournaments is 90 min. for 40 moves and 30 min. for the rest of
the game with 30 seconds per move
o All games are rated for FIDE rating
o Best SVK federation player in OPEN A tournament gains the right to participate in
Slovak individual championship 2025


10:00 – 14:00 Registration A, B

9th July 2024

15:30 Opening

16:00 1st round A,B

10th July 2024 10:00 2nd round A,B

11th July 2024 10:00 3rd round A,B

12th July 2024 10:00 4th round A,B

13th July 2024 10:00 5th round A,B

14th July 2024 10:00 6th round A,B

15th July 2024 10:00 7th round A,B

16th July 2024 10:00 8th round A,B

17th July 2024 10:00 9th round A,B

The final ceremony will be 30 min. after the last game is finished
Prize pool is 13 350 EUR
Main prizes in OPEN A tournament Prizes in OPEN B tournament
6 500 EUR total 1 000 EUR total

I. 2 200 EUR
II. 1 500 EUR I. 500 EUR
III. 900 EUR II. 300 EUR
IV. 600 EUR III. 200 EUR
V. 300 EUR IV. - X. material prizes
VI. 250 EUR
VII. 220 EUR
IX. 180 EUR
X. 150 EUR
Prizes in categories Other prizes in OPEN B tournament
1 850 EUR total 2 000 EUR total in categories

I. 120 EUR
Senior (1964 and I. 350 EUR Senior (1964 and II. 80 EUR
older) older) III. 50 EUR

I. 120 EUR
Junior (2004 and I. 250 EUR Junior (2004 and II. 80 EUR
younger) younger) III. 50 EUR
I. 120 EUR
Youth U15 (2009 and II. 80 EUR
Youth (2009 and I. 250 EUR younger) III. 50 EUR
younger) I. 120 EUR
Women II. 80 EUR
I. 120 EUR
I. 500 EUR Rating 1901 - 2100 II. 80 EUR
Women II. 300 EUR III. 50 EUR
III. 200 EUR I. 120 EUR
Rating 1701 - 1900 II. 80 EUR
Qualifying OPEN tournament for Slovak I. 120 EUR
individual championship Rating 1501 - 1700 II. 80 EUR
2 000 EUR total III. 50 EUR

I. 500 EUR
II. 300 EUR
III. 200 EUR I. 120 EUR
I. 300 EUR Rating under 1500 II. 80 EUR
Women II. 200 EUR III. 50 EUR
III. 150 EUR

Junior 350 EUR

Concurrence of prizes in categories is not allowed, except for Qualifying OPEN tournament for
Slovak individual championship. Concurrence of prizes is allowed. To claim the prize winner needs
to attend the final ceremony. Material prizes in categories are in the form of vouchers for chess
online shop from JAVES, s.r.o. company. Prizes in categories
are valid only if there are 8 players in specific category. With less players in the category, prizes
might be reduced.
o Registration via online form
o Registration is opened until 2nd July 2024
o Registration will be accepted after the payment is processed
o 10 EUR additional fee after the registration deadline
o In case of reaching the capacity of the playing hall the payment day of entry fee is
decisive for the admission of the player to the tournament

Entry fee:
o Bank transfer via SEPA to IBAN: SK84 8360 5207 0042 0588 7037
o A payment reference is your date of birth YYYYMMDD
o When paying for multiple people, please list all the names of players you are paying
for in the payment reference

Rating Entry fee

Open A (>2100)

GM and IM with ELO FIDE > 2450 Individual conditions

GM, IM,WGM, WIM, FIDE > 2400 0 EUR


FIDE 2300 – 2399 50 EUR

FIDE 2200 – 2299 60 EUR

FIDE 2100 – 2199 70 EUR

FIDE < 2100 200€ (Individual cases)

Open B (<2100)

Open B (<2100) 50 EUR

A player who has participated in at least one tournament from the Slovakia Chess Open 2024
series (Modra Cup of Ľudovít Štúr, The Cup of the Mayor of Gbely, Memorial of Dr. Jozef Federič,
The Cup of the Mayor of Osuské and LJ 2024) has a discount of 10€.
Each participant books his
accommodation individually. The
participants have a 15% discount in
the Ensana hotels. Use the code
“SACH2024” in online booking.

If you need more information

regarding accommodation you can
contact direclty Ensana hotels:

+421 337 757 733

[email protected]

Default time: Default time is 60 min. according to the FIDE Laws of Chess handbook article 6.7
Pairings: Swiss system, pairings will be done by SwissManager
Tie breakers:
1. Result of the mutual game
2. Buchholz Cut 1 (without opponent with the least amount of points)
3. Buchholz
4. Number of wins
5. Armagedon (in case it affects prizes)

All matters related to the rules of the game are the responsibility of the chief arbiter. Decisions of
chief arbiter during the tournament are definitive.

By registering to any of the tournaments, participants consent to the production of audio and video
materials, photographs and their use for the tournament propagation.

Tournament director: Ján Kišon

Main arbiter: IA Rastislav Diviak
Announcer of the qualifying OPEN tournament: Slovak Chess Federation
If you have any question do not hesitate to contact organizers:
Tomáš Perička tel.: +421 908 370 268 [email protected]
Ján Kišon tel.: +421 949 364 826 [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]

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