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For Questions 25-30 complete the second sentence so that It has a similar meaning to

the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

Here is an example (0).

Example: (0) It is no use trying to convince her. She won’t listen.
There ……is no point in trying to ….convince her. She won’t listen.
1. She only came to the cinema because you insisted.
She would have ………………………………………………………. you hadn’t insisted.

2. The other team were so good that there was obviously no way we could win the
The other team were so good that we ………………………………………winning the match

3. There is a rumour that Mr Smith, the CEO , resigned yesterday.

Mr Smith, the CEO, ………………………………………………………..….his resignation yesterday.

4. We are sure people will object to the idea of raising taxes again.
There are ……………………………………………………….…the idea of raising taxes again.

5. It seems as if we have misunderstood each other.

There seems ………………………………………………………………….between us.

6. Kurt was at a loss to explain who the smartphone belonged to and why it was in his
coat pocket.
Kurt had absolutely…………………………………………was and why it was in his coat pocket.
7. “You should formally complain about the terrible service you received at the hotel.”
Said Jane to Mike.
Jane suggested ..............................................…about the terrible service that he
received at the hotel..

8. I didn't know it was Tom until he took off his helmet.

Only when he……………………………………………..…recognise Tom.

9. Perhaps Damian heard about the problem from Michael.

Damian ……………………………………………………….…..the problem from Michael.

10.If I hadn’t made that mistake, I would have passed the exam.
If ……………………………………………………….that mistake, I would have passed the exam.

11.If Ethan hadn’t helped me , I wouldn’t have been able to finish the project on time.
Had ………………………………………………………., I wouldn’t have been able to finish the
project on time.

12.They will have to close the shop if sales do not increase.

If there……………………………………………………….., they will have to close the shop.
13.You led me to believe that you were interested in the job.
I ………………………………………………………….…that you were interested in the job.

14.They didn’t give me the job because I didn’t have the right experience.
I was not ……………………………………………………….that I didn’t have the right experience.

15.“I am confident that Tim will be a successful footballer." Said Mr Bradbury.

Mr Bradbury said he …………………………………………………… of becoming a successful

16.I didn’t feel like going out yesterday. That’s why I didn’t call you.
If I ……………………………………………………….going out yesterday, I would have called you.

17.Brad lost his job because he was late too many times.
Brad was fired… ……………………………………………………….… of his lateness.

18.Emma couldn’t play the match because she was injured.

Her …..……………………………………………………….……..the match
19.It really gets on my nerves when Jack blames others for his problems.
I wish Jack ….……………………………………………………….……his problems on others.

20.Ian was determined to become a very successful writer.

Ian…..……………………………………….…. mark as a writer.

21.Susan is more interested in politics than you might expect.

You ……………………………………………………….….. interested in politics.

22.There has been a dramatic fall in the number of applications for visas over the last
The number of ………………………………………………………….… over the last decade.

23.Some sales assistants were fired because there was an unexpected fall in sales in
Owing ………………………………………………………….…in December, some sales assistants
were fired.

24.The price of petrol is unlikely to change much this year.

The price of petrol ………………………………………………………….… this year.
25.You have to study if you want to pass the exam, even if you don’t like it.
If you want to pass the exam, you have to study,….………………………………………like it.

26.My book was supposed to be published this week, but there have been problems.
My book ….……………………………… … this week, but there have been problems.

27.Even if it is very expensive, they want to buy a hololens.

Expensive …………………………………, they want to buy a hololens.

28.I never thought he could be lying to us.

It…………………………………………… that he could be lying to us.

29.Pauline was surprised at the directness of Mike’s answer.

Pauline ….…………………………………………. the directness of Mike’s answer.

30.Graham didn’t care at all about other people’s feelings.

Graham ……………………………………………………… other people’s feelings.
31.If you come to Madrid, you can stay in my house.
I … ……………………………………………if you come to Madrid.

32.Jane cried her eyes out immediately when she was told her father had died.
Jane ….………………………………………….as she was told her father had died.

33.Joseph managed to convince his boss to give him a pay rise.

Joseph managed …………………………………………………… him a pay rise.

34.My brother broke the vase. Sam said.

Sam said… ………………………………………………… broke the vase.

35.Any time you see Cate, ask her about her new novel.
If ….…………………………………………………Cate, ask her about her new novel.

36.Because he wants to work in advertising, Christian is studying marketing.

Christian is studying marketing ………………………………………in advertising.
37.John said that he almost never drinks whisky at home.
Rarely ………………………………………………………….… at home. Said John.

38.Eric apologized to John for saying he was an idiot.

Eric ……………………………………………………about John being an idiot.

39.Don’t ever leave the door open.

On ….……………………………………………………….…leave the door open.

40.Janine regretted being so rude to her friend Rose.

Janine ………………………………………………………so rude to her friend Rose.

41.Mel was greatly offended by Sean’s remarks about Muslims.

Mel ………………………………………………Sean’s remarks about Muslims.

42.As soon as I finished my speech, the audience broke into applause.

No ……………………………………………………than the audience broke into applause.

43. I only stopped worrying when they told me his injuries were superficial.
Only when they told me his injuries were superficial ……………………………..
44.Buying a new house is not possible at the moment.
It……………………………………………………….…buy a new house at the moment.

45.We were faced with many problems that prevented us finishing the project on time.
If we ……………………………………………many problems, we would have finished the project
on time.

46.Men outnumbered women by two to one at the meeting.

There… ……………………………………………women at the meeting yesterday.

47.If I could choose, I’d prefer to live in Ireland or Germany.

If given….………………………… , …………………………….…in Ireland or Germany.

48.The CEO never said anything about people having to be made redundant.
At …………………………………say anything about people having to be made redundant.

49.Calling Mike has been in the back of my mind for a while, but I haven’t done it yet.
It’s been in the back of mind to call Mike for a while, but I .. ………………………….. it yet.

50.Owing to bad weather conditions, we were forced to stay at home.

With bad weather conditions, we ……………………………………to stay at home.
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Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

Use of English Part 4

1. never come to the cinema if
2. didn’t stand a chance of
3. is rumoured to have handed in
4. bound to be people objecting to
5. to have been a misunderstanding
6. no idea whose smartphone it
7. that Mike make a formal complaint
8. took off his helmet did I
9. may have heard about
10. it hadn’t been for…………
11. it not been for Ethan/ Ethan’s help
12. is no increase in sales
13. was under the impression
14. given the job on the grounds
15. was confident in Tim’s chances…
16. had been in the mood for
17. from his job on the grounds…
18. Injury prevented Emma from playing
19. wouldn’t lay the blame for
20. set out to make his….
21. might/would expect Susan to be less…..
22. applications for visas has fallen dramatically
23. to sales falling unexpectedly
24. is likely to remain stable
25. however much you don’t
26. was due to be published
27. as it may be…
28. never occurred to me
29. was taken aback by
30. showed a complete/total disregard for
31. will put you up
32. burst into tears as soon ….
33. to talk his boss into giving…
34. it was/had been his brother who…
35. you happen to see
36. with a view to working
37. do I drink whisky…
38. took back what he said …about
39. no account should you ever
40. wishes she had not being
41. took great exception to
42. sooner had I finished my speech
43. did I calm down
44. is out of the question to
45. hadn’t come up against so
46. were twice as many men as
47. the choice, I’d rather live
48. no time did the CEO
49. haven’t got round to..
50. had no choice but

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