UG Regulation W.E.F 2021

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Regulations Governing the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)

Effective from the Academic Year 2021-22

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

[ Estd. 1980 (An Autonomous Institution, affiliated to VTU, Belagavi,)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Grant in Aid Institution (Govt. of
Karnataka,) Accredited by NBA & NAAC with ‘A’ grade]
BDA Outer Ring Road, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru - 560 056
Outer Ring Road, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru - 560 056

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Section Particulars Page
1 Short Title and Commencement 3
2 Definitions 3
3 Preamble 3-4
4 Academic Programmes 4
4.1 General 4-5
4.2 Nomenclatures of Programmes 5-6
4.3. Programmes Offered at Dr. AIT 6-7
4.4 Programme Duration 7-8
4.5 Admission of Students 8-9
4.6 Semester Scheme 9-10
5 Credit System 10
5.1 General 10-12
5.2 Credit Structure 12
5.3 Course Load 12-13
5.4 Prescribed Number of Credits for the Programme 13
5.5 Contact Hours 13-14
5.6 Course Registration Details 14
5.7 Supplementary semester 14-15
6 Curriculum Framework 15
6.1 General Issues 15-16
6.2 B.E. Degree Programme 16-19
7 Assessment 19
7.1 Achievement Testing 19
7.2 Question Papers 20-21
7.3 Examinations 21-24
8 Grading 24
8.1 General 24-25
8.2 Grade Points 25-27
8.3 Grade Point Averages 27-29
8.4 Gracing Policy 30
9 Other Academic Matters 30
9.1 Choice Based Credit System 30-31
9.2 Change of Branch 31
9.3 Transfer of students 31-32
9.4 Temporary withdrawal from the programme 32-33
9.5 Readmission 33
9.6 Termination from the programme 33
9.7 Students Feedback 33-34
9.8 Award Degree 34-35
9.9 Noncompliance of CGPA ≥5 at the end of the Program 35
9.10 Recommendations for Degree Award 35
9.11 Graduation Ceremony 35-36
9.12 Other Issues 36-37

1. Short Title and Commencement:

1.1 The regulations given below shall be common for all programmes offered by the college
and are amended based on the Guidelines for Implementation of Academic Autonomy at
Colleges (Amended-2021) by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. These
regulations shall be effective from academic year 2021-22.
1.2 The regulations shall come into effect from the date of notification by the College after
their amendments made by the Academic Council with the approval by the Governing Body
of the Institution.

2. Definitions:
(a) “Academic Autonomy” means freedom granted by the University to a College in all
aspects of conducting its academic programmes for promoting excellence.
(b) “Autonomous College” means a College notified as an autonomous college by the
University as per the VTU Statutes on Autonomous Colleges (Amended) 2011 and further
amended from time to time as per UGC Regulations/Guidelines.
(c) “Commission” means University Grants Commission.

(d) “Council” means All India Council for Technical Education.

(e) “Statutes” Means VTU Statutes on Autonomous Colleges (Amended) 2011 and further
amended from time to time.

(f) “University” means Visvesvaraya Technological University.

(g) “Institute” means Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology (Dr.AIT),Bengaluru

(h) “Program”means Under Graduate /Post Graduate degree program

(i) “Course” means a subject either theory or practical identified by its title and code number.

(j) “Teacher” means the teaching staff of the college appointed by following the specified
rules of the University, and /or of the council.

3. Preamble:

As per the Statutes, a number of Engineering Colleges have been granted the autonomous
status. There is a need to derive full benefits of the academic autonomy accorded to the
college towards addressing the 21stcentury challenges faced by the technical education
system in the country, like:

 Ever increasing influence of science and technology and their impact on human
 Shrinking time scale of new developments and the high rate of obsolescence in the
older practices.
 Penetration of Information Technology in all sectors of human activity and economic
 Service sector becoming a major avenue for employment of technical professionals
and also for economic gains.
 Emergence of knowledge as a key driver for the progress of nations and for increasing
their influence on the world scenario.

As engineers have to convert these challenges into opportunities, it is expected that the 21st
century engineers will be required to have:

 Strong foundation in the basics of mathematics, science and engineering discipline.

 Command over the chosen area of technical specialization.
 Capacity to apply the professional knowledge and skills acquired.
 Good competence to learn a subject on one’s own without major external help.
 Expertise in analysis, design, modelling and simulation of complex systems.
 Scaling up, mass production, system operation and maintenance.
 Estimation of costs and time factors in an assignment.
 Ability for rational, logical, orderly and objective thinking.
 Skills in personnel management and human relations, and
 Leadership qualities including spirit of tolerance, patience and team work.

Therefore, Institute make full use of the academic freedom given to it by the University:
 With responsibility and accountability
 Use the available opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities and innovative skills, to
become visible in the higher education system and,
 Gaining the confidence, gratitude and respect of all its stake holders, especially
students, alumni, parents and the society at large.

These are particularly important for each Autonomous College as well as the University to be
able to maintain and enhance their respective reputation, image and visibility in the technical
education system as a whole.

4. Academic Programmes:

4.1 General:
(a) Autonomy granted to the College is institutional in nature and hence the Academic
Autonomy is applicable for all programmes offered by the college i.e. B.E at Undergraduate
(UG), M. Tech., M.B.A and M.C.A programmes at Postgraduate (PG), M.Sc. (Engineering
by research) and the Ph.D programme. In all cases, the programmes shall fulfil the minimum

academic quality and standards for the award of Degrees prescribed by the University, the
Council and the Commission.
(b) The academic Autonomy provides an opportunity to the college to make schemes of
instruction, syllabi, scheme of examinations and other aspects, with approval of its Academic
Council, while fulfilling the minimum academic standards of the University for the Award of
(c) An Autonomous college shall have the freedom to start Diploma (post- polytechnic
Diploma, post-UG and post- PG levels) and/or Certificate programmes with the approval of
its Academic Council. The issuance of certificates/diplomas on completion of such
programmes shall be made under the seal of the concerned College only.
(d) An Autonomous College shall also be free to evolve methods for assessing the students’
performance, notifying the results, issuing the grade cards/transcripts, migration and other
certificates except the Degree Certificates.
(e) In order to get the various benefits of academic autonomy, the College structures its
various academic programmes based on the Semester Scheme by introducing Credits for
academic activities, bringing Examination Reforms for better achievement testing, awarding
Letter Grades and Numerical Grade Points/ Averages for students’ performance and setting
appropriate Passing Standards as covered later in these Regulations.
(f) Following the guidelines recommended by the University, with respect to the Semester
Scheme, Credit System, Examinations, Letter Grades and Numerical Grade Points/Averages,
enables the students to avail of horizontal/ vertical mobility and transfer of credits from one
Autonomous College to another and related benefits of academic autonomy.

4.2 Nomenclatures of Programmes:

(a) The College uses the nomenclature for their Degree programmes as specified by the UGC
in its Notification dated 12th February, 2018 on "Specification of Degrees 2014" as amended
from time to time. Besides, the Degree Certificates issued by the University to their awardees
shall bear the name of the concerned Autonomous College as well. This will help in
maintaining the identity of each programme conducted at the College and also ensuring its
(b) Therefore, the nomenclatures and their abbreviations given below, shall continue to be
used for the Degree programmes offered by the Institute under the University:

(i) UG Level: Bachelor of Engineering (B.E).

(ii) PG Level: Master of Technology (M. Tech.),
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.).

(iii) Research Level: M.Sc. (Engineering) by Research

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

Besides, the branch, the subject of specialization, if any, shall be indicated in brackets after
the abbreviation; e.g., B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), M.Tech. (Structural Engineering).

4.3. Programmes offered at Dr. AIT:

The details of UG, PG and Research programmes offered at the college is given in Table 1, 2
and 3 respectively.
Table 1: Under Graduate (UG) - B.E Programmes
Sl. No Title of the B.E Programme Abbreviation Year of
1 Civil Engineering CV 1980
2 Mechanical Engineering ME 1980
3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 1980
4 Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 1982
5 Industrial Engineering and Management IM 1984
6 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering EI 1985
7 Computer Science and Engineering CS 1987
8 Electronics &Telecommunication TE 1991
9 Information Science and Engineering IS 1993
10 Medical Electronics Engineering ML 1999
11 Aeronautical Engineering AE 2020
12 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning AI & ML 2022
13 Computer Science and Business Systems CS & BS 2022

Table 2. Post-Graduation (PG) Programmes

Sl. Title of the PG Programme Abbreviation Year of

No Establishment
1 Master of Computer Application MCA 1999
2 Master of Business Administration MBA 2001
3 M.Tech. in Computer Science &Engg. SCS 2002
4 M. Tech in VLSI Design & Embedded System LVS 2004
5 M. Tech. in Power Electronics EPE 2010
6 M. Tech. in Digital Communication & Networking LDN 2010
7 M. Tech. in Structural Engineering CSE 2011
8 M. Tech. in Computer Networking SCN 2013
9 M. Tech. in Machine Design MMD 2013
10 M. Tech. in Cyber Forensic & Information Security SCF 2018

Table 3. Research Programmes -M. Sc. Engg.( by Research)/Ph.D.
Sl. No Title of the Research Programmes Year of Establishment
1 Civil Engineering 2003
2 Mechanical Engineering 2001
3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2008
4 Electronics and Communication Engineering 2008
5 Industrial Engineering and Management 2012
6 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 2008
7 Computer Science and Engineering 2012
8 Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering 2010
9 Information Science and Engineering 2012
10 Medical Electronics Engineering 2014
11 Physics 2007
12 Chemistry 2005
13 Mathematics 2003
14 MBA 2010
15 MCA 2011

4.4. Programme Duration

(a) The normal duration of fulltime academic programme is the same as that followed by the
University, i.e., four years for B.E degree Program (Fulltime), three years for B.E. program
under lateral entry to second year, two years for M.Tech., M.B.A., and M.C.A., one year for
Diploma and six months for PG Certificate programmes. For research Programmes M.S. by
research and Ph.D. as notified in University regulations and notification/directions issued
from time to time.
(b) As a flexible credit system is followed for coursework, it is to be noted that the
programme duration in the case of UG and PG shall also be dictated by the period in which a
student earns the prescribed credits for the award of Degree. Hence, it is possible for an
outstanding student to earn the required credits in a shorter time than that ordinarily
prescribed for the relevant programme in (a) above.
(c) The maximum period which a student can take to complete a fulltime academic
programme shall be the same as that prescribed by the University from time to time; e.g.,
double the normal duration of the programme, i.e., eight years for B.E. in case of fulltime
Program and six years in case of the B.E. Program under lateral entry to second year, four
years for M. Tech., M.B.A., and M.C.A., two year for Diploma and one year for Certificate
Programme. Further, minimum and maximum period with respect to MS by research and
Ph.D. shall be as for Research Programmes M.S. by research and Ph.D. as notified in
University regulations.
(d) Besides, the maximum period for a programme shall also be dictated by the fact that a

student has to demonstrate the specified minimum academic performance by registering for
the prescribed minimum number of credits in every semester for continuing with the
programme. And, this period can be equal to or smaller than the maximum period indicated
as in (c) above.

4.5. Admission of Students:

(a) Admissions: The admission of students to various UG, PG and Research Degree
programmes listed under Section 4.3, is governed by the State Government and/or the
University Policies/Practices in this regard. In particular, the admission of students for
Research Degree programmes at the College shall be made by the University by associating
the College concerned in the process as per the provisions in the VTU regulations governing
the Degree of Ph.D., June 2017. However, the admission of students to Diploma and
Certificate programmes shall be made by the College on its own, by following the
Regulations approved by its Academic Council. In all the cases, it shall be necessary to
follow the statutory provisions of reservation of seats to different categories of candidates
from time to time.
(b) Lateral Entry: There is a provision for candidates with a polytechnic Diploma or any
other qualification approved by the Council and the Commission to join UG Degree
programmes at the beginning of the second year of the 4-year programme as per the
prevailing practice in the University and asper the prevailing practice in the University.
(c)Change of Branch / Specialisation / College: The UG students can opt to migrate from
one branch or specialization to another branch or specialization at the same College or at
another Autonomous/ Affiliated/ Constituent College under the University at the beginning of
the second year. In these cases, the Colleges follow the Rules and Regulations of the

(d) Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria / entry level qualification for admission of
students to UG, PG, PG Diploma, PG Certificate, and Research Degree programmes at the
Autonomous Colleges shall be the same as those prescribed by the University from time to
time. The Autonomous Institutes shall follow any other notification issued by the University
in this regard from time to time.
 The eligibility criteria for admission of students from a non-Autonomous College to
an Autonomous College, from one Autonomous College to another Autonomous
College and from University scheme at an Autonomous College to its Autonomous
scheme, shall be as per prevailing norms of the University. However, the Autonomous
Colleges are free to provide syllabus equivalence for such candidates with the
approval of it's Academic Council.
 The eligibility criteria for the admission of students from other Universities (India /
Abroad) to an Autonomous College shall be as per the prevailing norms of the
University. However, the Autonomous Colleges are free to provide syllabus
equivalence with the approval of it's Academic Council.

4.6. Semester Scheme:

a) Semester Scheme: The College adopts the Semester Scheme for its UG Program

b)Academic Calendar: There is uniformity in the functioning of the Semester Scheme for
all academic programmes across the College, as this can provide good academic flexibility to
their stake holders, particularly the students and the faculty members. For this purpose, each
academic year is divided into semesters, with the calendar, durations and academic activities
being fixed in advance by the college while maintaining a common opening /reopening date
for the odd/even semester.

c) Academic year Breakdown: The breakdown of an academic year for implementing the
Semester Scheme at a College is given in Table 1 as a typical example.

Table 4: Typical Schedule of Academic Year

Sl. Activity Description
1 Number of Two regular semesters/year (ODD & EVEN)
Semesters/Year Supplementary/Fast track semester (after 2nd and 4th year)
(Note:Supplementary/Fast Track Semester is primarily to assist
the slow learners and/or repeater students for repeating the
courses. However, the College uses this Semester to arrange
Add-On Courses for other students and/or for deputing them for
field work and/or internship).
2 Semester Durations Main Semesters (Odd/Even): 19 weeks each.
(Weeks) Summer Semester: 8 weeks
3 Academic Activities Main Semester:(Odd /Even)
(Weeks) Registration of Courses- 0.5; Course Work- 15.5;
Examination Preparation-1.0; Examinations- 1.0;
Declaration of Results- 1.0; Total: 19.
Make-up examination and Recess: 2.0 weeks
Total duration of ODD and EVEN semester = 42 weeks
Supplementary Semester (For Repeat/Add-On Courses):
Registration of Courses- 0.1; Course Work- 7.0;
Examination Preparation-0.2; Examination-0.2;
Declaration of Results-0.5; Total: 8.
Make-up examination and Recess: 2.0 weeks
Total duration of Summer Semester = 10 weeks
Note: In each Semester, there shall be various provisions for students
like, Registration of Courses at the beginning, Dropping of Courses in
the middle and Withdrawal from Courses towards the end, all being
under the Faculty Members' advice. These facilities are required to
ensure proper monitoring of students by Faculty Advisors, leading to
their improved learning capabilities and minimizing their chances of
failure in the Courses registered.
4 Examinations Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE) and Semester End
Examination(SEE), both having equal weightages in the
students' performance in Course Work/Laboratory Work and
other activities.
5 Other Items  The total number of academic days in an academic year
shall be >= 180.
 Academic schedules prescribed at each College shall be
strictly adhered to by it for success of the Semester
 Supplementary Semester shall be mainly used by the
Colleges for conducting repeat Courses for the benefit
of slow learners/ repeaters.
 UG Students having satisfactory CIE and attendance
but, failed (F grade) in SEE, need not register for
course/s and can appear for SEE as and when

5. Credit System:

5.1. General:
(a) The Institute has adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for all the Programs.
The number of Contact Hours in a week of a particular course determines its credit value.
Each credit course shall be assigned appropriate number of credits, is a measure of the
weightage of the course. The students have an option of choosing from a wide range of
electives (Professional and Open) and complete the programme at their own pace. Value
added courses are also offered as a part of extended learning in inter-disciplinary and multi-
disciplinary domains. The CBCS for the various programmes provides a great opportunity to
the students in their preparation to meet the challenging opportunities ahead.

(b) Major Benefits: Major benefits accruing to the College by adopting the Credit System
are listed below:

 Quantification and uniformity in the listing of courses for all programmes at a

College, like core (hard/soft), electives and project work.

 Ease of allocation of courses under different heads by using their credits to meet
national / international practices in technical education.
 Convenience to specify the minimum/ maximum limits of course load and its average
per semester in the form of credits to be earned by a student.
 Flexibility in programme duration for students by enabling them to pace their course
load within minimum/maximum limits based on their preparation and capabilities.
 Wider choice of courses available from any department of the same College or even
from other similar Colleges, either for credit or for audit.
 Improved facility for students to optimize their learning by availing of transfer of
credits earned by them from one College to another.

(c) Credit System: In the Credit System, the course work of students is utilized and each unit
is assigned one credit after a student completes the teaching-learning process as prescribed
for that unit and is successful in its assessment.

(d) Credit Definition:One credit referring to a Main Semester (Odd/Even) course shall be
equal to:
1. 1-hour Lecture (L) per week per semester =1 Credit
2. 2 hours Tutorial / (T)per week per semester = 1 Credit
3. 2 hours Practical/Laboratory/ Drawing (P) per week per semester = 1 Credit.
4. Four-credit theory courses shall be designed for 50 hours of the Teaching-Learning
5. Three-credit theory courses shall be designed for 40 hours of the Teaching-Learning
6. Two-credit theory courses shall be designed for 25 hours of the Teaching-Learning
7. One credit theory course shall be designed for 15 hours of the Teaching-Learning

The following additional factors may also be noted in this connection:

• The above figures shall be multiplied by a factor of 2 in the case of the Supplementary
Semester, and
• Other student activities which are not demanding intellectually or which do not lend to
effective assessment, like practical training, study tours, attending guest lectures shall
not carry any credit.

(e) Course Registration: A student shall register for courses (core or elective) to earn credits
for meeting the requirements of a Degree programme. Such courses together with their grades
and the credits earned shall be included in the Grade Card issued by the College at the end of
each semester, like odd, even, supplementary and it forms the basis for determining the
student’s academic performance in that semester.
(f) Audit Courses: In Addition, a student can register for courses for audit only with a view
to supplement his/her knowledge and/or skills. Here also, the student’s grades will have to be
reflected in the Grade Card. But, these shall not be taken into account in determining the
student’s academic performance in the semester.
5.2 Credit Structure: A typical Credit Structure for coursework based on the above
definition is given in Table 5. This shall be applicable for the coursework of students
registered for all UG, PG and Research Programmes offered by the institution.
Thus, it is more appropriate to specify the eligibility requirements for a Degree award based
on course work (like UG,) by prescribing the total number of credits to be earned, as an
alternative to specifying the Programme Duration (as indicated in Section 4.4(a)).This will be
of great help in providing the well-needed flexibility to the students in planning their
academic programmes and their careers.

Table 5: Typical Credit Structure for Course work

Credit Values
Theory/Lectures Tutorials (T) Laboratory/ Credits Total
(L)(hours/week (hours/week Practical (P) (L:T:P) Credits
/Semester) /Semester) (hours/week
4 0 0 4:0:0 4
3 0 2 3:0:1 4
2 2 2 2:1:1 4
3 0 0 3:0:0 3
2 2 0 2:1:0 3
2 0 2 2:0:1 3
0 0 6 0:0:3 3
2 0 0 2:0:0 2
1 0 0 1:0:0 1
0 2 0 0:1:0 1
0 1 1 0:0.5:0.5 1
0 0 2 0:0:1 1
NOTE: Activities like practical training, study tour, and participation in Guest
lecturers do not car Credits.

5.3. Course Load:

(a) The course load for a student per semester (EVEN/ODD) as well as its minimum and
maximum limits, are based on the guidelines by the University, which is based on the
AICTE Model Curricula for UG Programmes(issued from time to time) and considering the
academic strength and capability of an average student, the course load/semester for UG
Programme ,

i. For I and II semester, the prescribed course load per semester is fixed at 20
credits/Semester (common for all the UG Programs).
ii. In Higher semesters (FromIIIto VIII), the average course load is 22 credits
/semester, with its minimum and maximum limits being set at 16 and 28 credits for
all UG Programs including the credits of open electives. This flexibility enables
students to cope-up with the course work and helps in improving their academic
performance and optimizes the learning outcome.
iii. The minimum course load of any semester shall not be less than 16 credits even
after dropping a course(s) or withdrawing from the registered course(s).

5.4 Prescribed Number of Credits for the Program

(a) The total number of credits to be earned by students admitted to the first
semester of 04 years B.E./B.Tech., the program shall be 160.
(b) The total number of credits to be earned by students admitted to the third
semester of 04 years B.E./B.Tech., program under lateral entry scheme shall be
(c) A student shall be eligible to obtain an Undergraduate degree with Honours /
Minors, if he/she earns minimum additional18 credits, as specified by
university/Institute norms from time to time regarding the earning of additional
credits[To be read along with Regulations Governing the Award of Honors/
Minors in B.E./B.Tech., Degree Programs].

5.5 Contact Hours:

Considering the expectations from engineering professionals with UG Degrees in the 21 st
century, the number of contact hours for students is fixed to 30-35 hours/week. This will help
students in getting enough time and opportunity to do better preparation for the courses
prescribed for credit, to take up self- study, to develop their creative talents and abilities and
benefitting from the Add-On courses and those taken for audit. This can also enable them to
get ready for challenging and exciting careers ahead. A typical example showing the
calculation of contact hours based on course credits is given in Table 7.

Table 7: Calculation of Contact Hours/Week – An Example
No. of Courses Credits of the Course Total Credits Contact hours per week
Three Lecture Courses 3:0:0 9 9

Two Lecture cum Tutorial Courses 3:1:0 8 10

Two Lecture cum Laboratory 3:0:1 8 10

One Lecture, Laboratory cum 1:1:1 3 5
Tutorial Course
Total 28 34

5.6 Course Registration Details:

i. Each student shall have to register for the prescribed courses of study at the
beginning of the semester subject to course load/ semester requirement.
ii. The following category of students is required to re-register for the courses whenever
they are offered.
 Students who have failed to secure the minimum marks in CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and are under NE (Not Satisfying sessional marks) category.
 Students who have failed to secure the minimum attendance and are under NE
 Students who have withdrawn a Course and are under Grade W.
 Students who have dropped the courses.

5.7 Supplementary Semester/Fast Track semester:

a. The students who have satisfied CIE and Attendance requirements for the course/s
and obtained F grade in SEE are permitted to appear directly in ensuing examination/s
as backlog paper/s. The students need not re-register for such course/s in the
supplementary/ fast track semester. In case the student wishes to improve CIE/ he/she
has to re-register for supplementary / fast track semester as and when offered next.
b. The student who obtains required attendance and CIE in supplementary semester, but
obtains F grade in SEE, is permitted appear for SEE subsequently as backlog
course/s. The student need not repeat course for Attendance and CIE.
c. The course/s for which the student does not possess satisfactory attendance and CIE
score, shall be marked as NE in the Grade sheet. Such students are not permitted for
SEE for the Courses marked as NE in Grade sheet. The students have to re-register

only for course/s marked as NE in supplementary/ subsequent semester whenever
that course is offered and obtain the required CIE and attendance. Subsequently,
they are eligible to appear for SEE in such course/s.
d. Courses with Transitional Grades Viz "W" , " I", and "X" are also eligible to register
in supplementary semester (refer 8.2 (a)-(d) for definition of these grades) in case if
they wish to improve the score in CIE.
e. All courses may not be offered in the Supplementary semester. It is the discretion of
the College to offer the courses based on the availability of resources. The Institutes
shall notify time table for Supplementary semester well in advance.
f. Supplementary Semester is optional; it is for the student to make best use of the
opportunity. Supplementary semester is a special semester and the student cannot
demand it as a matter of right.
g. A student is permitted to register for a maximum of 16 credits in Supplementary / fast
track semester.A student has to choose those courses which are offered by the
Institution in a given Supplementary Semester. In the supplementary semester, each
course need to be offered for required number of lectures/ tutorial/ laboratory hours as
prescribed in the syllabus.

h. Registration for Summer/Fast Track semester:

A student of UG programme will have opportunity to register for summer/fast track

semester which is offered after 4th semester for courses from 1 st to 4th semester and
after 8th semester for courses from 5th to 8th semester. For registering to for
summer/fast track semester, the student should complete the Internship/s as notified
in the University Regulations / directions. The students opting for supplementary
semester between 4th and 5 th
semester must comply the missed internship requirement
in the subsequent semester in the gap between 5 th and 6th semester.

6. Curriculum Framework

6.1 General Issues:

(a) Curriculum Framework is important in setting the right direction for a Degree/
Diploma/Certificate programme by the College, as it takes into account the type and
quantum of knowledge necessary to be acquired by a student to qualify for a particular
degree in his/her chosen branch or specialization area.

(b) Besides, this also helps in assigning the credits for each course, sequencing the courses
semester-wise and finally arriving at the total number of courses to be studied and the
total number of credits to be earned by a student to fulfil the requirements for the
conferment. The College also takes into account the AICTE Model Curricula notified
from time to time and follow them so as to be abreast of the national trends in this

6.2. B.E. Degree Programme:

The Curriculum Framework for a B.E. Degree programme shall include the following
(a) Recommended Courses: These include coursework under the following categories:

Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management Courses (HSMC)

Basic Science Courses (BSC)
Engineering Science Courses (ESC)
Professional Core Courses (PCC)
Professional Elective Courses (PEC)
Open Elective Courses (OEC)
Integrated Professional Core Courses (IPCC)
Project Work: Mini-project work and Major Project work
Internship (INT)
Non-Credit Mandatory Courses (NCMC)
Ability Enhancement Courses(AEC)
Universal Human Values Courses(UHV)

(b) Mandatory courses (MC) and other requirements:

The UG student shall complete the non-credit mandatory courses defined in the curricula. like
Employability skills, NSS, NCC, Sports, Yoga. Such courses shall not carry any credit for the
award of the Degree. But, a pass in each such course during the programme shall be a
necessary requirement for the student to qualify for the Degree. Hence, the student’s
performance with respect to Mandatory Courses shall be included in the grade card as Pass
(PP) /Not Pass(NP).

(c) Induction Programme and Internships:

 A three week Induction Programme is mandatory for the first-year B.E. students at the
beginning of their First Semester, as per the requirements of AICTE in its Model UG
Curriculum (February 2018).
 Besides, there is also a mandatory requirement of Internships to be undertaken by all
the UG students as specified by the University from time to time.

(d) Classifications of Courses: The above courses shall be classified as:

(i)Institutional Courses-Credit Courses

Basic Sciences, Engineering Core Courses and Humanities & Social Science courses are the

Institutional Courses. The student shall complete all the Institutional courses having credit
weightage. The grades and credits earned by the candidate in the courses shall be included in
the grade card.

(ii) Departmental Core Courses –Credit courses

Professional Core courses are Departmental Core Courses. The student shall complete all the
departmental core courses having credit weightage. The grades & credits earned by the
candidate in the courses shall be included in the grade card.

(iii) Departmental and Inter-Departmental Electives–Credit Courses.

Professional Elective courses of parent and other departments are the Departmental &Inter-
Departmental Electives. The student shall complete the prescribed number of departmental
and inter departmental electives having credit weightage. The grades and credits earned by
the candidate in the course shall be included in the grade card.

(iv) Mandatory Courses–Non-Credit Courses.

The student shall complete the non-credit mandatory courses defined in the curricula. Such
courses shall not carry any credit for the award of the Degree. But, a pass in each such course
during the programme shall be a necessary requirement for the student to qualify for the
Degree. Hence, the student’s performance with respect to Mandatory Courses shall be
included in the grade card as Pass (PP) /Not Pass(NP).
(v) Audit courses–Non-Credit Courses.
A student having prerequisite can register to any course under (ii) and (iii) of ( 6 . 2 d)
whenever they are offered with a view to supplement his/her knowledge and/or skills.
Registration for audit course(s) is permitted from III semester on wards.The audit course(s)
has to be completed as per the attendance and CIE norms for record of the audit course(s) in
the grade card.
(e) Allocation of Credits for B.E. Degree Programme: Looking at the UG Engineering
Degree programmes practiced at leading institutions in India and abroad and the need for
Indian engineering professionals to be able to meet the 21st century challenges, proposed
breakdown of coursework is as given in Table 8. It is expected that this breakdown will lead
to a highly useful and respectable B.E. Degree programme under the Institution.

Table 8: Breakdown for the B.EDegree Curriculum
Sl. No. Category AICTE Proposed
Breakup of Breakup of
Credits Credits
Total 160 (Total 160)
Humanities and Social Sciences including
1 12 10
Management courses
2 Basic Science courses
3 Engineering Science courses including
workshop, drawing, basics of 24 20
electrical/mechanical/computer etc
4 Professional Core Courses 48 43
5 Professional Elective courses relevant to chosen
specialization/branch/Ability Enhancement 18 14
6 Open subjects - Electives from other technical,
emerging, arts commerce and NCC/NSS 18 14
subjects/Abili Enhancement Courses
Mini and Major Project work /seminar/ Summer
7 Internship and Research /lndustrial Internship 15 32

Mandatory Non- Credit Courses

[Environmental Sciences, Induction training
8 Indian Constitution, Universal Human No credits 04
Values, Kannada]

Total 160 160

(f) Sequencing of Courses for B.E Degree: The above breakdown of the B.E Degree curriculum
shall form the basis for proper sequencing of the coursework for the programmes. Based on this,
a typical sequencing plan for coursework by taking into account the provisions in the AICTE
Model Curriculum for B.E. Degree programme is given in Table 9.

Table 9: A Typical Sequencing Plan for the B.E Degree Curriculum

Semesters Course Categories
I-II  HSMC, BSC, AEC, and ESC, Common for all Programmes as per
AICTE Model Curriculum.
 MC and Mandatory Induction Programme (3 weeks).
III-IV  HSMC, BSC, AEC, and ESC, Common for all Programmes (to be
 Also, MC (to be continued, if required)
 PCC: In two/three groups (like Circuit, Non-Circuit).
 Area-wise Orientation, Add-On Courses.
V-VII  PCC/PEC/OEC, Core and Electives.
 Branch-wise Orientation, Add-On Courses, Seminar, Internship.
VIII  PEC/OEC, Electives, Project work(PROJ), Dissertation.
 Add-On Courses, Seminar, Final wrap-up of Programme.

7. Assessment:
7.1. Achievement Testing:
a) The assessment of students' performance in course work during and/or at the conclusion of
a programme has to be done using examinations. In general, an examination addresses
different objectives, like achievement-testing, prediction-testing, endurance-testing,
creativity-testing and testing for ranking.
(b) In technical education, the assessment has to be preferably of the achievement- testing
type, so that a student's knowledge, understanding and competence in the courses studied are
properly assessed and certified. The reforms in the examination system given below enables
the College to achieve this goal and gain the confidence and respect of thestake holders,
particularly students. Typically, achievement- testing is done in two parts as follows, both of
them being important in assessing a student's achievement:
 Sessional: Involving Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE),to be conducted by the
course instructor all through the semester. This includes mid-term tests, homework
assignments, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, seminar, mini-project and
other means.
 Terminal, covering Semester End Examinations (SEE),to be conducted by the course
instructor jointly with an external examiner at the end of a semester, on dates to be
fixed at the College level. This may include a written examination for theory courses
and practical/design examination with built-in oral part for laboratory/design courses.
(c) The Students are assessed through Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE) and Semester
End Examination(SEE). Both CIE and SEE being equally important in judging the
coursework performance of students, they need to be conducted with equal rigour and equal
seriousness in the credit system. This makes it necessary that both of them are assigned
equal (50:50) weightage. And, a student's performance in coursework shall be judged by
taking into account the results of both CIE and SEE individually and also together by giving
equal weightage for them.

7.2 Question Papers Guidelines:

(a) Question Paper Pattern: For an effective achievement testing of students in a course, a
good question paper needs to be used as the principal tool. This makes it necessary for the
question papers used at CIE and SEE to;
 Cover all sections of the course syllabus uniformly.
 Be unambiguous and free from any defects/errors.
 Emphasize knowledge testing, problem solving and quantitative methods.
 Contain adequate data/ other information on the problems assigned, and
 Have clear and complete instructions to the candidates.

(b)Question Paper Planning:The above requirements make it necessary for a Question

Paper to cover the entire syllabus, with a provision for the students to answer questions from
the whole syllabus. As students need to be given some choice in the questions included in the
Paper, it is necessary for the Question Papers at SEE, in particular, to have built in choice
under each modulesof the syllabus.

(c) Besides, it is also necessary for the Course syllabi to be drafted properly, be defect-free
and also properly given in modular form to enable the setting of good question papers
covering the whole syllabus. These aspects have to be taken into account, in particular, by the
Boards of Studies.

(d) Typical Question Paper:The questions to be included in the Question Papers at

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and SemesterEndExamination (SEE) can be of
two types as follows and the course instructors as well as the external examiners shall have to
be well trained/experienced to set them.
 Multiple Choice Question, having each question to be answered by tick marking the
correct answer from the choices (commonly four) given against it. Such a question
paper to be useful in the testing of knowledge, skills, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis, evaluation and understanding of the students. However, Question
Papers for CIE and SEE to include not more than 15-20% of questions of this type.

 Comprehensive Questions, having all questions of the regular type to be answered in

detail. Such a Question Paper to be useful in the testing of overall achievement and
maturity of the students in a course through long questions relating to

theoretical/practical knowledge, derivations, problem solving, modeling, simulation,
design, application and quantitative evaluation.

7.3. Examinations:
(a) Maintenance of Standards: For ensuring a high standard in both CIE and SEE fully
meeting the provisions of the University Statutes and being able to declare the results of
students’ performance at both these in a time bound manner as per theAcademic Calendars.

i.Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): The CIE shall be conducted exclusively by

the course instructor. The instructor to spell out the components of CIE to the students
in advance, maintain transparency in its operation, declare the evaluation results in
time and then return the answer scripts and assignment sheets to them as soon as
possible. The instructor shall also solve the questions from these test papers during
tutorial sessions for the benefit of all the students concerned, especially slow learners.

ii. Semester End Examination (SEE):

The SEE shall be conducted jointly by the course instructor and an external examiner
appointed for this purpose by the College. Here, the external examiner is to mainly
associate with the work of Question Paper setting, because of the difficulties in having
him/her for conducting the evaluation of students’ answer scripts due to the tight time
schedule for the various tasks connected with SEE, as covered in sub-sections (i)
and(ii) below.

iii.SEE Answer Scripts: The answer scripts of SEE may be normally evaluated by the
course instructor only. But as a healthy step, an Examination Committee shall oversee
this task and ensure the quality and standard of evaluation and also of the grades
awarded in all the cases. The next step to be taken before declaring the results, to
include an external review of the SEE conducted.

iv. External Review of SEE: An external review shall be conducted under the aegis of
the Board of Studies/Board of Examiners of the College by appointing a panel of
experts from outside the College for this purpose aiming at a complete review of SEE
operation in the College.This may include such steps as, question paper review, checking
random samples of answer scripts, analysis of results/grades awarded and other related

aspects. This step to be also necessary for gaining the confidence of the University and of
the society at large, on the fairness, transparency and acceptability of the examination
practice among the stakeholders.

(b) Attendance Standards:

i. All students shall maintain a minimum attendance of 85% in each Course registered.
In case of short fall of attendance, the Principal of the Institute can condone the
deficiency upto10% on the prescribed limit of 85% in special cases like medical
exigencies, participation with permission in University/State/National/International
sports meets, cultural events, etc.He/She has to produce authentic documents through
the Mentor and HODs recommendations.Even in such cases, a minimum of 75%
attendance is absolutely mandatory.
ii. The basis for the computation of the attendance shall be the period prescribed by the
College by its calendar of events. For the first semester students, the same is reckoned
from the Date of Admission to the Course.
iii. The students shall take note of his/her attendance status periodically from the
respective faculty and strive to make up for the shortage. The Departments shall
periodically announce the attendance status of the students. Non-receipt of such
information from the College, the student shall not consider it as a valid reason for
exemption from the attendance requirements.
iv. If a student does not satisfy the attendance requirements in any Course, then he / she
shall not be permitted to attend the SEE in that Course and is deemed to have been
declared “NE” (Not satisfactory) in that Course. In such a case, student has to Re-
Register for the course whenever it is offered (regular/Summer semester).

v. Leave Facility during an odd/even semester

 A student must obtain prior permission from the concerned course teacher, Mentor
and Head of the Department(HOD )in advance, when the absence is expected to be
more than two consecutive days. The application for leave of absence must be made
in writing to the HOD with the recommendation of the Mentor. The student will have
to furnish the supporting documents either before or after the absence.

 In case the application cannot be made in advance for grant of leave, the same must
be made immediately after returning from the absence, along with necessary

 Failure to apply in writing before proceeding on leave or within are reasonable period
of time after returning from leave may lead to the absence being considered as casual
absence. The above requirements also apply to students representing the institute in
University/State/National/International sports meets, cultural events, etc.

 The permitted leave of absence will be considered for attendance condonation to an

extent of10% only. Hence the above relaxation is only to those students having
attendance in the range of 75%to 85%.

(c) Passing Standards:

To maintain high academic standards, the Institute has adopted the eligibility criterion for
CIE and SEE as shown in Table 10 for UG Programmes.

Table 10: Passing Standards using Absolute Grading

Evaluation Method Passing Standard
Sessional (Continuous Internal Score: ≥ 40%
Terminal (Semester End Score: ≥ 35%
Overall Score for passing (CIE+SEE) is 40%

In the case of all the courses of the program, the maximum CIE marks shall be 50 and the
maximum SEE marks shall be 50. The minimum CIE marks secured shall be 40% of
maximum marks, i.e. 20 out of 50 marks for passing. The minimum SEE marks to be secured
shall be 35 % of the maximum marks i.e., 18 out of 50 marks for passing. In total, the
student has to secure 40 % of the course maximum marks i.e., the sum of the CIE and SEE
marks prescribed for the Course.

(d) Project work evaluation: The evaluation of CIE of the project work shall be based on the
progress of the student in the work assigned by the project supervisor periodically evaluated
by him/her together with a Departmental Committee constituted for this purpose at each
Autonomous College. Seminar presentation, project report(dissertation) and final oral
examination conducted by a common Project Evaluation Committee at the College level shall
form the SEE of the project work.

(e) In the case of other requirements, such as seminar, industrial internship, field work,
comprehensive viva voce, if any, the assessment shall be made as laid down by the Academic
Council of the College.

(f) There shall be no re-examination for any Course in the credit system to take care of
such students:
i. Who have absented themselves from attending CIE or SEE without any valid reason;
ii. Who have failed (Grade F) to meet the minimum passing Standard prescribed for CIE
and/or SEE;
iii. Who have been detained for shortage of attendance in any coursework;
iv. Who have withdrawn (Grade W, as covered in Section 8.) from a Course.

Such students shall be required to re-register for the Course(s) and go through CIE and SEE
again and obtain a Grade P or better (see Tables 17) in each case. The re-registration shall be
possible only when the particular Course is offered again either in a main (Odd/Even) or a
summer semester.
(d)Successive Failures:
If a student fails to pass a Course even after four attempts, that course is deemed to be
exempted for him/her. Then, the student may choose a course of his / her choice with the
same number of credits from the pool of courses stipulated by the concerned Board of
Studies. The course so selected should not have been studied by the student or to be studied
in higher semester/s. The faculty advisor shall guide/advise the student in this regard. The
college has to make arrangements for the registration, conduction of CIE for the selected
course. This prevision is given only for two courses (one at a time) during the entire
maximum duration of a course. However, this is optional and the student can prefer to repeat
the same course in which he/she has failed repeatedly.

8. Grading:
8.1 General:
(a) In recent years, the grading system has replaced the evaluation of students’ performance
in a Course based on absolute marks, because of its many advantages. Therefore,
Autonomous Colleges under the University shall follow this practice. Here again, it is
necessary to maintain uniformity in the grading practices at different Colleges to ensure that
the migration of students or transfer of credits among Autonomous Colleges under the
University is made easy.

(b)Letter Grades: Course Letter Grade (or simply letter grade or grade) is an index of
performance of a student in a said course and refers to a qualitative measure of achievement
of a student in each course, based on the percentage range of marks secured in CIE and SEE
put together or CIE alone. Grades are denoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P and F. The
rubrics attached to letter grades are as follows:
O - Outstanding, A+ - Excellent, A - Very Good, B+ - Good, B - Above Average,

C - Average, P- Pass and F - Fail. If student remain absent for SEE of any of the course,
the letter grade assigned to that course shall be ‘F’.

Not Eligible (NE): If a student fails to satisfy Attendance and / or CIE requirement for
course/s then such course/s shall be marked as Not Eligible “(NE)" i.e. Not eligible to appear
for SEE in that Courses/s.

(c) Absolute Grading: Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology adopts the absolute grading

8.2 Grade Points:

(a) Depending on the letter grades assigned, a student earns certain grade points. As the
grading system can have different scales for grade points (like 5, 8, 10.) The institute
follows a 10-pointscale. The total marks scored by the students in CIE and SEE shall be
converted into letter (an Alphabet) grades O, A+, A, B+, B, C, P, E and F. Each letter grade
is basically a qualitative measure of performance of a student. The equivalence of letter
grade interms of grade points and examination marks range is ass hown in Table.11.

Table 11: Grade Points Scales for Absolute Grading

Letter Grade O A+ A B+ B C P F
Outstand Excellent Very Good Above Average Pass Fail
ing Good Average
Grade 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
Score 90-100 80-89 70 -79 60 -69 55-59 50 − 54 40-49 0-39
Range %

(b) The grade points given in Table 11 will help in the evaluation of credit points earned by
the student in a Course as the credit points are equal to the number of credits assigned to the
Course multiplied by the grade points awarded to the student in that Course. This shall be
used in arriving at the credit index of the student for that semester, as it is the sum total of all
the credit points earned by the student for all the Courses registered in that semester.
(c) Earning of Credits: A student shall be considered to have completed a Course
successfully and earned credits if he/she secures an acceptable letter grade in the range O to
P. Letter grade ‘F’ in any Course implies failure of the student in that Course and no credit
shall be earned.
(d) Transitional Grades: The transitional grades, such as, 'I', ‘W' and 'X' shall be awarded
to a student in the following cases. These grades need to be converted into one or the other of

the letter grades (O-F) after the student completes his/her Course requirements, including the
i) Grade 'I': Awarded to a student having satisfactory attendance at classes and meeting the
passing standard at CIE in a Course, but remained absent from SEE for valid and convincing
reasons acceptable to the College, like:
 Illness or accident, which disabled him/her from attending SEE;
 A calamity in the family at the time of SEE, which constrains the student to be away
from the Institute;
 Any other emergency certified by the competent authority.

In the event of above, it is the responsibility of the student/Parent/Guardian to inform the

college authorities [(Mentor/HoD] immediately. The information shall be in the form of either
written communication, personal communication by Parent/Guardian/Peer or any Electronic
messages. The student needs to submit all the relevant documents(hospital reports, certificate
from competent authorities etc)
(ii) Grade'X': A student,who has satisfied attendance requirements and has CIE marks(≥90)
in any course, but earned F grade in SEE, shall be awarded grade‘X’.
(iii) Grade ‘W': Awarded to a student having satisfactory attendance at classes, but
withdrawing from that Course before the prescribed date in a semester as per faculty advice.

(e) Make-up Examination: The Make-up Examination facility shall be available to the
students who may have missed to attend the SEE of one or more Courses in a semester for
valid reasons and given the 'I' grade. Students having the 'X' grade shall also be eligible to
take advantage of this facility. The Make-up Examination shall be held as per dates notified
by Controller of Examination, immediately after the announcement of Semester end
examinations (both regular and summer semesters) results.
In all these cases, the standard of the Make-up Examination shall be the same as that of the
regular SEE for the Courses.
(f) All the 'I' and 'X' grades awarded to the students shall have to be converted into one of the
letter grades based on the performance in the makeup examination. In case the student fails to
register in the immediate makeup examination or fails to appear for th makeup examination,
then F grade shall be awarded to the student in that course.
(g) All the 'W' grades awarded to the students shall be eligible for conversion to the
appropriate letter grades only after the concerned students re-register for these Courses in a
main(Odd/Even)/supplementary semester and fulfil the passing standards for their class
attendance, CIE and SEE as prescribed at the College.

(h) Grade Card: Each student shall be issued a Grade Card (or transcript) at the end of each
semester. While this will have a list of all the Courses registered by a student in the semester
together with their credits, the letter grades with grade points awarded in each case and those
with grades ‘I’, ‘W’ and ‘X’, only those Courses registered for credit and having grade points
shall be included in the computation of the student's performance, like SGPA and CGPA.
And, the Courses taken for audit will not form part of this computation. The results of
mandatory courses, which are of the non-credit type, shall also be reflected in the Grade
Card as PP (for Passed) or NP (for Not Passed). It shall be noted that each UG student shall
have to obtain the grade PP in each mandatory course to qualify for the Degree award by the

8.3 Grade Point Averages:

(a) SGPA and CGPA: The credit index can be used further for calculating the Semester Grade
Point Average (SGPA) and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), both being important
academic performance indices of the student. While SGPA is equal to the credit index for a
semester divided by the total number of credits registered by the student in that semester, CGPA
gives the sum total of credit indices of all the previous semesters divided by the total number of
credits registered in all these semesters. Both theequations together facilitate the declaration of
academic performance of a student, at the end of a semester and at the end of successive
semesters respectively. Thus,

(i) Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA):

SGPAisequaltothecreditindexforasemesterdividedbythetotalnumberof credits registered by the
student in that semester.

[(𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔)×(𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒔𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑺 𝒕𝒐 𝑭)]
∑(𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑺 𝒕𝒐 𝑭)

(ii) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): CGPA gives the sum total of credit indices
of all the previous semesters divided by the total number of credits registered in all these

The SGPA AND CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in grade cards.

(b) Vertical Progression:The criteria for Vertical Progression is based on University

guidelines. Hence to lay down uniform minimum standards for CGPA together with the
minimum number of credits to be earned in an academic year so as to facilitate the mobility
of students from one College to another. All the below clauses are subject to a maximum
duration of eight (for Regular Students) / six years (for Lateral Entry Students) as applicable.

In case of students admitted to the first year:

i. Students have to fulfill the attendance and CIE requirement to appear for SEE of
course/s of 1st year .
ii. Students having not more than four F grades in the 1st and 2nd semesters of the
first year of the program shall be eligible to move to the 3rd semester (2nd year) of
the program. These courses include courses marked as NE .
iii. The students who fail to satisfy CIE and attendance requirement has to repeat the
courses whenever offered next and become eligible for the 2nd year.
iv. Obtaining CIE: From the (3rd semester) second year onwards the student who
obtains the required attendance for the course, but not the required CIE marks is
allowed to move forward to the next semester. However, the student has to
mandatorily obtain the required CIE in the subsequent semester. Obtaining
minimum CIE marks for the course is mandatory. It may also be noted that the
student shall not be permitted to appear for SEE in such courses until he/she
obtains the required CIE.
v. Carryover of backlog courses: From 3rd semester onwards the student/s who
obtains required attendance, CIE, and appears for examinations but fails (F Grade)
to pass a course/s is allowed to move forward to the next semester (odd /even)
irrespective of a number of F grades. However, for the award of degree, the
student has to pass in all courses as per applicable scheme and regulations and earn
the prescribed credits. This is subject to a permitted maximum duration. It may
also be noted that the student will be given admission to the IV year (7th
semester/8th semester) provided he/she passes all courses of 1st and 2nd
vi. From the second year onwards there shall be no restriction from promotion from an
even to next odd semester (or odd to next even semester) even if the student has not
satisfied the attendance requirementin one or more courses (including bridge courses
for lateral entry students) shall not be eligible to appear for the Semester End
Examination (SEE) of that course(s). The student shall be required to repeat that
coursewhenever offered next.
vii. Permitted Maximum credits for registration: The student shall be permitted to register
for total courses not exceeding 28 credits. These 28 credits include the courses of the
regular semester and backlogs. The registration of these additional credits includes
the courses having a shortage of attendance and the courses whose CIE requirements
are not fulfilled. A student has to pay the prescribed fee as notified by the University
from time to time.
Maintain > = 5.00 CGPA before the award of B.E. degree;
i. Degree should be completed by 8 years (regular) or 6 years (for diploma);

(b) Award of Class: Sometimes, it is necessary to provide equivalence of these averages,

viz., SGPA and CGPA with the percentages and/or Class awarded as in the
conventional system of declaring the results of University examinations. This shall be
done by Autonomous Colleges under the University only at one stage by prescribing
certain specific thresholds in these averages for First Class with Distinction, First
Class and Second Class, at the time of Degree Award. This provision given in Table
12 follows the approach of the Council for this purpose as reproduced from the
AICTE Approval Process Handbook.
(c) Conversions of CGPA into Percentage of marks and Class Equivalence:
There is no formula for the conversion of CGPA into the percentage ofmarks. However,
the following formula for conversion of the CGPA on a 10- point scale into the
percentage of marks (M) for employment / higherstudies, etc may be used;
Percentage of marks secured, M = CGPA Earned x 10
Illustration for a CGPA of 8.20;
Percentage of marks secured M = 8.20× 10 = 82.0 %

(d) Class equivalence: Subsequent to the conversion of final CGPA, after successful
completion of the Program, into the percentage of marks (M), a graduating student is
reckoned to have passed in,
(i) First Class with Distinction (FCD) if M ≥ 70
(ii) First Class (FC) if 60 ≤ M ≥ 70
(iii)Second Class (SC) if 50 ≤ M ≥60
(iv) Pass Class (P) if 40 ≤ M ≥50

8.4 Gracing Policy:
 Grace marks shall be awarded to a Subject/Paper/Practical/ Head of passing to a
maximum of 2% of Semester End Examination (SEE) marks if, after gracing the
candidate gets minimum prescribed marks in the Theory/Practical and passes in the
 A candidate shall be eligible to a maximum of 5 grace marks, provided He/She has
failed in only one subject (Pr/Th/Head of Passing) of the examination passes the
whole examination by such gracing Gets minimum prescribed marks in the paper/
practical and aggregate for passing by such gracing.
 Above is also applicable to the candidates who have cleared all courses in the
programme but failed in one course which deny the award of degree.
 Grace Marks shall be awarded for declaration of classes also. For obtaining a higher
class a candidate is eligible for getting a maximum of 5 grace marks, which will be
added to the total aggregate marks of the candidate and will declare the candidate to
have passed the examination in I Class of FWD.
 Grace marks (GMR) awarded as per GMR 01 for passing a subject and GMR 02 for
passing the whole examination are shown only in the ledger and not in the statement
of marks. A candidate is entitled for grace marks only under any one of the
regulations either as per GMR01 or GMR 02 or GMR 03 A candidate is entitled for grace
marks of 5 for the award of class of the degree.

9. Other Academic Matters:

9.1 Choice Based Credit System:
(a) It is necessary to implement a Choice Based Credit System for academic programmes at
all the Autonomous Colleges under the University. This will be of considerable benefit to the
students for customizing their programmes of direct interest to them, developing their
individual capabilities and talents and preparing them for exciting careers ahead in the
(b) This makes it necessary for the Autonomous Colleges to provide for:
(i) Easy access to the Schemes of Instruction, Syllabi, Credit Structure of programmesand the
Courses being conducted by all students (either in print or in electronic form) so as to assist
them in course work planning.

(ii) Institutionalizing the conduct of course work by adopting a centralized time table for all
the programmes at a College, with a view to assist the students in customizing their
programmes and also optimizing the use of physical facilities.
(iii) Establishing a dynamic Faculty Advisory System at each College with 5-10 students
assigned to an Advisor, for guiding them in planning/implementing their course work in a
flexible and effective manner and also monitoring them.

9.2. Change of Branch:

Students can apply for change of branch in accordance with the provisions laid down by
the Institute, University, Council and Government of Karnataka. Change of branch is
considered in the following cases;

 Change of branch is considered at the beginning of III Semester only.

 Only those students who have earned all the 40 credits of I/II semesters are eligible
for the change of branch.

9.3. Transfer of Students:

(a) Transfer of Dr. AIT students from non-autonomous to the autonomous Program
 Students seeking transfer from VTU Programs of Dr. AIT to II or III year
autonomous Programs of Dr. AIT shall be eligible to be admitted to the respective
odd semesters (III & V) as per the VTU regulations under which the student enrolled
to the B.E degree Program. Further the student should satisfy the course equivalence
between non-autonomous and autonomous curricula. Otherwise they shall have to
register and complete the additional courses to become eligible for the award of degree
under Autonomous Program of Dr. AIT. In case of failed courses of VTU
programme, student shall complete such courses by appearing in the examinations
conducted by VTU.
 Students seeking readmission shall be free from malpractice issues and dues to the

(b) Transfer of students from other Non-autonomous Institutions to

the autonomous program of Dr.AIT

 Students seeking transfer from VTU Programs of other Institutions to II or III year
autonomous Programs of Dr. AIT shall be eligible to be admitted to the respective
odd semesters (III & V) as per the VTU regulations under which the student has
enrolled to the B.E degree Program. Further the student should satisfy the course
equivalence between non-autonomous and autonomous curricula. Otherwise they
will have to register and complete the additional courses to become eligible for
the award of degree under Autonomous Program of Dr. AIT. In case of failed
courses of VTU program, students shall complete such courses by appearing in the
examination conducted by VTU.

 Students seeking readmission shall be free from malpractice issues.

(c) Transfer from other autonomous Institutions to the autonomous program of


 Students seeking transfer from other Autonomous Institutions to II or III year

autonomous Programs of Dr. AIT shall be eligible to be admitted to the respective
odd semesters (III & V) as per the Autonomous Academic Regulations for Bachelor
of Engineering (B.E) of Dr. AIT. Further the student shall satisfy the course
equivalence between the two autonomous curricula. Otherwise they will have to
register and complete the additional courses to become eligible for the award of
degree under Autonomous Program of Dr.AIT.
 Students seeking readmission shall be free from malpractice issues.

9.4. Temporary withdrawal from the Program:

(a) A student shall be permitted to withdraw temporarily from the program on grounds
like, prolonged illness, calamity in the family or any other serious happening. The
withdrawal shall be for periods which are integral multiples of a semester provided:

(i) The student shall present the facts to the Institute within 6 weeks from the date he/she has
last attended the classes stating fully the reasons for such a withdrawal, together with
supporting documents and endorsement of his/her parent or guardian.

(ii) The student shall not have any dues to the Institute.
(iii) A student availing temporary withdrawal from the programme of study under the
above provision shall be required to pay such fees and/or charges as may be fixed by the
Institute at the time of reporting to the Institute to continue the Program. The fees/
charges once paid shall not be refunded.

(iv) A student shall be entitled to avail the temporary withdrawal facility only once during
his/her studentship of the Program at the Institute. The withdrawal period shall be such that the
candidate can complete the Program requirement (160 credits for students admitted in I year
and 120 credits for Lateral entry students). However, any other permissible concession
requested by the concerned student shall have to be at the discretion of the Academic Council
of the Institute.

9.5. Readmission
Students of Dr.AIT under autonomy seeking readmission as a repeater to any semester
are permitted during the entire Program subject to the following:
 Complete rejection of the result of the semester to which readmission is sought.
 Temporary withdrawal from the program (refer to section no 9.c).

9.6 Termination from the Program:

A student shall be required to withdraw from the programme and leave the College on the
following grounds:

(a) Failure to secure CGPA ≥5.00 on three consecutive occasions to lead the student
being asked to discontinue the programme and leave the College. However,
 Failure to secure a CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of any semester for the first time, to attract
warning before approval of the student to continue in the following semester (on
 There shall be a provision for the rejection of total performance of a semester and re-
registration for the semester. This shall be done only once in the entire course of
(b) Absence from classes for more than six weeks at a time in a semester without leave of
absence being granted by the competent Authority.
(c) Failure to meet the standards of discipline as prescribed by the College from time to

9.7 Students’ Feedback:

a) The college collects the feedback from students on their course work and various academic
activities conducted. The feedback is obtained on-line from the students at regular intervals
maintaining confidentiality.

b) The feedback received from the students is reviewed/discussed by a committee constituted
for the purpose and necessary corrective measures are taken.
9.8 Award of Degree:
(a) B.E. Degree:

(i) Students shall be declared to have completed the Program of B.E. / degree and is
eligible for the award of degree provided the students have undergone the stipulated
Course work of all the semesters under the Scheme of Teaching and Examinations
and have earned the prescribed number of credits within the permitted maximum
(ii) For the award of degree, completion of bridge courses, if any, as applicable is
(iii) Mandatory earning AICTE points

AICTE Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA.

In case a student fails to earn the prescribed activity Points before the commencement
of 8th semester examinations, the Eighth Semester Grade Card shall be issued only after
earning the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of the
degree only after the release of the Eighth Semester Grade Card.
Level of entry in degree course Total Years for Minimum
Points Points
1st Year Regular 1st to 4th Year 100
2nd Year (3rd Sem.) through lateral entry or transfer 2nd to 4th year 75
from other Institutions
Students transferred from other Universities to fifth 3rd to 4th year 50
semester at Dr AIT

The Activity Points earned shall be reflected on the student’s eighth semester Grade Card.

(d) B.E./B.Tech. (Honors) degree

A student shall be declared to have completed the Program of B.E., degree and shall be
eligible to get undergraduate B.E., degree with Honours, provided.
(i) the student has undergone the stipulated Course work of all the semesters under
the same Scheme of Teaching and Examinations and has earned the prescribed
number of credits, i.e. 160 credits for I semester admitted students and 120 for III
semester admitted students(lateral entry)
(ii) has earned additional 18 or more credits through University/Institiute- approved
online Courses.
(iii) satisfied the Regulations Governing the Award of Honors at B.E. Degree
Programs – Guidelines.

c. B.E. with Minor degree

A student shall be declared to have completed the Program of B.E. Degree and shall be
eligible to get undergraduate B.E. degree with minors, provided.
(i) The student has undergone the stipulated Course work of all the semesters under
the same Scheme of Teaching and Examinations and has earned the prescribed
number of credits, i.e. 160 credits for I semester admitted student and 120 for
III semester admitted student

(ii) Has earned additional 18 or more credits through a University/Institute - approved

courses list submitted by the board of studies.

9.9 Noncompliance of CGPA ≥5 at the end of the Program

(A) Students, who have completed all the courses of the Program but do not have a
CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the Program, shall not be eligible for the award of the
(B) In such cases, students shall be permitted to appear again for SEE in course/s [other
than Internship, Technical seminar, Project (Mini and Main), and Laboratories] of
any Semester/s without the rejection of CIE marks for any number of times, subject
to the provision of the maximum duration of the Program to make up the CGPA
equal to or greater than 5.00 for the award of the Degree.

9.10. Recommendations for Degree Award:

(a) The College forwards its recommendations to the University in respect of students
qualifying for UG/PG/ Research Degree Awards based on their success in the
examinations/adjudication of theses as the case shall be after receiving approval from the
Authorities/ Bodies of the College concerned.
(b) The Autonomous College ensures that such student as in (a) has fulfilled all the
requirements for the Degree Award.
(c) Only those students recommended for the Degree Award shall be entitled to receive the
relevant Provisional Certificates/Transcripts from the College at this stage.

9.11 Graduation Ceremony:

(a) The College shall have its own annual Graduation Ceremony for the award of Degrees
(Provisional Certificates) to the students completing the prescribed academic and other

requirements in each case as per the lists recommended to the University, in prior
consultation with the University and by following the provisions in the University Statutes.
(b) The Colleges institutes Prizes and Awards to meritorious students, for being given away
annually at the Graduation Ceremony. This will greatly encourage the students to strive for
excellence in their academic activities. All successful students shall receive the PDC
(i) No dues to the Institute, Departments, Hostels, Library and any other institute facility.
(ii) Normal practice and disciplinary action pending against the student.

(9.12) Other Issues:

(a) Students’ Grievance Cell: Students shall approach this Cell for any kind of academic
related issues. The cell is headed by the Principal. Students can appeal to the cell
immediately for needful.
((b) Conduct and Discipline:
(i) All the students of the Institute shall conduct themselves within and outside the
premises of the Institute in a manner befitting the great traditions of the Institute.
(ii) The students shall not indulge in any activity which is likely to bring down the prestige
of the Institute.
(iii) The students shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators,
officers, employees and others associated with the Institute and maintain cordial relationships
with fellow students.
(iv) Discrimination of any form amongst student community is forbidden.
(c) Ragging: Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and is considered as a serious
offence as per the order of the Honorable Supreme Court of India. The following acts of
omissions and commissions shall constitute gross violation of the code of conduct and are
liable for invoking disciplinary measures:
(i) Ragging, lack of courtesy, discrimination of any form, indecent behaviour within
and outside the Institute, wilful damage and thieving of Institute property and of fellow
students, possession, consumption and distribution of alcohol and hallucinogenic drugs and
narcotics, smoking, carrying arms, unruly behaviour causing disturbance to fellow students,
hacking in to other’s computers and cyber related crimes, examination malpractices,
plagiarism, etc.
(ii) Commensurate with the gravity of the offence, the punishment includes reprimand,
fine, expulsion from the hostel, debar from examinations, temporary rustication,
suspension from the Institute, expulsion from the Institute and handing over the case to
the law enforcing authorities of the Government.

(d) Faculty Advisor/Mentor:

The Mentor system makes the students punctual and helps them to complete their studies
successfully. The faculty is the Mentor and the student is the Mentee.
(i) Objective(s):
 To guide and fulfill the academic requirements of the students.
 To advise the students appropriately from time time.
(ii) Roles and Responsibilities of Mentor:
 The mentor shall monitor the student who fails to satisfy minimum attendance and
internal marks (40 %) requirements in all Courses, as per Regulations.
 The mentor and Mentee shall maintain updated diary, complete in all respects from
time to time.
 The mentor shall arrange for a meeting with the students fortnightly and submit the
proceedings to the respective Chairpersons of the Department.
 The mentor shall invite the parents for discussion at least once in every semester to
update the academic progress of their ward, in case of non-performing and / or
irregular students.
 The mentor shall arrange to send the progress reports to the Parents / Guardian
regarding the details of Attendance, Test Marks, Examination results etc.
 Mentor shall ensure that the students do not indulge in any sort of ragging / illegal
activity inside the campus / hostel.
(iii) Expected Outcome
Results in enhanced performance and holistic development of the students.


I, ……..………………………………………………………………….Son/Daughter of
………………………………………………………… aged about …………………..
Years got admitted to ……………………. Semester …………………………….
B.E/M.Tech/MBA/MCA in the academic year …………………… am fully aware of the
following provisions of the code of conduct and I shall follow them strictly during my stay in
this Institution.

1. I shall wear compulsorily my IDENTIFTY CARD whenever I am in the Institution.

2. I shall adhere to the following DRESS CODE:

a: BOYS: Shall not wear half pant & T-Shirts with logos, wordings etc., and will not
sport long hair.

b: GIRLS: I shall not wear half pant, skirt and T-shirt with logos, wordings etc., and
shall not wear shorts, transparent, tight fitting and sleeveless tops.

3. I shall desist USING MOBILE PHONE and if found using in the campus I permit
the authorities to confiscate the same.

4. I shall not smoke in the campus, if found smoking, the Institution authorities can take
any suitable action against me.

5. I shall not indulge in any form of ragging. If found in the act of ragging, I shall fully
abide by the decision of the Institution authorities.

6. I shall try to use public transport and conserve energy.

7. I shall not use environmentally unfriendly material like plastic bags, bottles etc. inside
and outside the campus. I shall not write any slogans, draw pictures etc. on the walls
of the college buildings and shall not cause any damage to the property of the college.
If found doing so, the authorities can take action deemed fit against me.

8. I agree to open a Savings Bank Account in Syndicate bank, Dr.AIT Branch and
operate all my financial transactions with the Institution through the Saving Bank
Account only. In case I leave the Institution due to transfer to another college or for
any other reason, I shall not close my Saving Bank Account until clearing all dues to
the college and vice versa.

9. I shall fully abide by the rules and regulations regarding attendance requirements and
Class Marks to write examination. In case of shortage I shall fully abide by the actions
taken by the Institution as per the rules and regulations of the Institution and or VTU.
10. I shall fully abide by the rules and regulations set by the VTU and Institutional
Academic regulation with respect to the entire examination and other academic issues.
If found violating such rules and regulations I shall voluntarily accept the penalties
levies on me by the authorities even to the extent of being debarred from examination
or from the Institution.

11. I shall not create any noise or nuisance in or near the class rooms where the teaching
is going on or in the campus.

12. In case of surrendering the seat during the course, I shall pay full tuition fee for the
remaining years.

13. In case of violation of any of the provisions of the student code of conduct,
Institution authorities can initiate any disciplinary action against me and I shall
abide by the same.

Admission Application No:

Syndicate Bank SB A/c No: Signature of the Student

Aadhar Card No:

I have gone through the provisions of the student code of conduct from Sl. No. 1 to 13 and
abide with all of them, which are laid down by the Institution and I shall ensure that my
ward follow the same.


Date: Signature of the Parent/Guardian


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