Aindreas' Encyclopaedia of Non Magical Items

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Aindreas' Encyclopaedia of

Non-Magical Items
A collection of non-magical items for low magic and high magic settings alike.
Table Of Contents A Note to Dungeon
About the Author.............................1
A Note to Dungeon Masters...............1 The items presented here are suggestions and examples. If
adapting the items would better suit your campaign then I
Acknowledgements...........................1 encourage you to do so. If your party don’t use swords, then
Items A-Z....................................2 perhaps the mechanics of a sword could be used on a dagger.
All the items in this supplement are designed to be usable
Armour within a world of little or no magic. That does not, of course,
Ablative Armour..........................................................................2 mean that they can’t be used in high magic settings. An item
Fireproof Cape............................................................................2 of non-magical loot can provide interesting variety in every
King's Slippers............................................................................3 setting, and could perhaps require a party to think about the
Obsidian Mail..............................................................................4 relative merits of magic and non-magic items.
Rarities noted in this supplement are indicative of how
Weapons common an item is rather than how powerful. Where only a
Exquisite Glass Dagger.............................................................2 single copy of an item exists it is 'legendary' irrespective of
Gnashrakh's Mallet....................................................................3 the power level.
Scorpion Sting Crossbow.........................................................4
Sharpened Metal Quarterstaff.................................................4 Acknowledgements
Consumables All items, text and content were designed and created by
Dust of Blinding..........................................................................2 Hamish Leese, Goblin Squire Creations
Roasted Bean Juice....................................................................4
All item illustrations by Highdenn Creations
Non-Combat Items (
Dwarven Tourist Phrasebook..................................................2
Healing Balm..............................................................................3 Stein technical drawing by Goblin Squire Creations.
Noble Ring...................................................................................4
Ornate Ear Trumpet..................................................................4 Feedback and proofreading by Highdenn Creations and Peter
Shooting Stick of Bagri the Wise...........................................5 Bell, Belalurion's Workshop.
Snake Rake.................................................................................5 Text formatted using The Homebrewery
Spectacle of the Cyclops...........................................................5 (
Tiara of Lockpicking..................................................................5 Cover image by Wizards of the Coast.
Zorayah's Drinking Stein..........................................................5
Email: [email protected]
About the Author Twitter @Goblin_Squire
Aindreas Mahiru was an Elven explorer, renowned in his own
time but now largely forgotten. Not suited to violence and
combat, Aindreas found fame writing treatises on the
cultures he found and cataloguing the items he encountered.
The items on the pages which follow are taken from
perhaps Aindreas’ greatest work, his Encyclopaedia of Non-
Magical Items. As his fame waned after his death much of
Aindreas’ work was lost, but a few pages of the encyclopaedia
were recently uncovered in an Elven library. Work is
currently ongoing in an attempt to uncover the rest of the

1 PART 1 | Introduction
Items A-Z
Ablative Armour Exquisite Glass Dagger
Armour (medium), Rare Weapon (Dagger), Rare
Crafted by one of the most skilled armour smiths in the The high level of craftsmanship which went into creating this
kingdom, this breastplate is comprised of many overlapping item is clear from the first look. Translucent from handle to
layers. The toughness and strength comes not from the tip, the light flares through the dagger as if it is made from
resistance of the material itself, but from the interaction of crystal. In truth it is knapped from glass, but the form and
the different parts. Providing a combination of protection and finish are both exquisite. Although deadly sharp, the blade is
mobility which is unmatched by even the finest of plate also fragile and prone to shattering.
armour, it was a favourite choice of generals and nobles in You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
short campaigns. weapon. On a critical hit the dagger shatters inside the target
What the armour gains in short term utility it loses in long causing an additional 2d10 piercing damage but rendering
term sustainability. With pieces of the armour being removed the dagger useless.
by every powerful blow, it would soon be weakened in
prolonged battles. Little worry, of course, for nobles who
could afford replacements, but it never proved a cost effective Fireproof Cape
solution for the rank and file soldiers. Armour (Cloak), Rare
While wearing Ablative Armour you have Armour Class 18
+ Dexterity modifier (max 2) and you get disdvantage on Made from a thicker, heavier material than the decorative
Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The armour weighs 65 lb and cloaks which are common in the city, the fireproof cape is
requires Strength 15 or higher to wear it. very much a functional garment. While it offers protection
Whenever you receive a critical hit the AC of the armour is from the elements which might be encountered on the road, it
permanently reduced by 1 and the weight is reduced by 5 lb is in its resistance to fire that it really shines.
as the mighty blow removes a layer of the armour. Unlike most travellers' cloaks, the fireproof cape is
constructed from material which does not burn. The
standard fabric and wool of the cloak is interwoven with
Dust of Blinding
dense plant fibres to produce a more solid shield, and all the
Wondrous Item, Uncommon components undergo a thorough treatment process to ensure
that they are fire retardant. While the cloak itself will not
Sparkling and colourful in the sunlight, this diamond dust burn, it does not insulate the body from extreme heat, and
works as a very effective and painful way of blinding an remaining in a fire for a long time is not recommended!
opponent. Just a little of the dust blown accurately into the When you take fire damage you may use your reaction to
eyes will render the enemy unable to see and distracted from pull the cloak around yourself. Until the beginning of your
the battle at hand. next turn you have resistance to fire damage.
Although some vendors will sell a vial of this dust for
extortionate prices on the basis that it is made from
diamonds, in truth it is not an expensive product to create. As
a common by-product of many jewellery making processes, a
savvy trader can turn a sizeable profit trading in this dust.
As an action you can blow the dust into the eyes of an
enemy within 10ft. The affected enemy must make a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they take 1d6
damage and are blinded for one minute. At the end of each of
its turns, the target may make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw. On a success the effect ends. A creature without eyes
is unaffected. A full vial contains 10 charges.

Dwarven Tourist Phrasebook

Wondrous Item, Uncommon
“Dwarven, Dialects and Delicacies” by Guido Firehammer
contains a wide variety of phrases to help a non-native
speaker communicate while on holiday (or business) in the
Dwarven lands. The book contains key phrases including
ordering a drink, finding a room for the night and
complimenting the host's stonework. Dwarven Tourist Phrasebook
While in possession of the book, you can speak, read and
write basic Dwarven.

PART 2 | Items A-Z 2

Gnashrakh’s Mallet
Weapon (Warhammer), Very Rare, Heavy
An incredibly heavy warhammer, which is weighted very
differently to the traditional form of the weapon. Upon lifting
the weapon it is clear that this was designed for a combatant
who was both strong and skilled - in such hands it is a
devastating weapon, in non-expert hands it is simply a
Due to the unconventional weighting, attack rolls made
with Gnashrakh’s Mallet have a -2 modifier, but damage rolls
have a +4 modifier.
Gnashrakh's Mallet

King's Slippers
Armour (Boots), Rare
Despite being named slippers these are, on initial inspection,
Gutripper simply a standard pair of adventurer’s boots. For those who
Weapon (Longsword), Very Rare know the secret, however, they combine armour and weapon.
Hidden in the toe of the boot is a small blade which can be
Gutripper is a sword devised by a fiendish mind. Similar in deployed with a tap of the heel.
design to a traditional longsword, it has one key difference - It is believed that the name of these boots derive from a
barbs which can be deployed along the blade. design initially commissioned by a King of old. Rather
The small gem in the sword’s pommel acts as a button, and paranoid in his later years, the King kept a pair of bladed
one press causes barbs to emerge from the sides of the blade. slippers by his bed as a last resort in case of night time
With this in mind it becomes clear where the sword’s name attack.
comes from. Deployed after penetrating someone, the You can deploy the blade using a bonus action, and in
internal damage caused by the barbs is horrifying. subsequent turns you can attack using a bonus action. Your
You get +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this attack modifier is Dexterity, and a successful hit causes 1d6 +
sword. Immediately after causing damage to an enemy using Dexterity modifier piercing damage. The blade can be
Gutripper you may use a bonus action to deploy the barbs. retracted into the boot using an action, as the system is more
You do not need to make an attack roll for this bonus action, complicated than a simple heel click.
and you cause 1d6 piercing damage to the same enemy.
Once the barbs are deployed they remain so until the start
of your next turn. While the barbs are deployed, if you are
able to make an attack of opportunity against the target then
the attack automatically hits. The damage from this attack is
the normal damage of the weapon. An attack of opportunity
against another target must be made at disadvantage.

Healing Balm
Wondrous Item, Common
Although not as glamorous or spectacular as divine healing
or arcane infused potions and elixirs, herbal remedies are a
staple part of healthcare in a world of adventure. Where
magic is rare or frowned upon, traditional alchemists play an
important role in society.
Created from plant extracts, this simple healing balm helps
to boost the body’s natural healing processes, and can prove
vital when lives are on the line. When applied to wounds, the Healing Balm
healing balm restores 1 hit point per hour for 24 hours. You
cannot exceed your hit point maximum in this way.

PART 2 | Items A-Z

Noble Ring Roasted Bean Juice
Wondrous Item, Rare Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Displaying the seal of a noble family, a flash of this ring can A deep black concoction of potent plant distillate which,
be a powerful tool in convincing people of your point of view. although somewhat bitter, has a delightful taste as well as
Whether it is persuading a fellow traveller that you’re on the enlivening properties. While some choose to mix other
level, suggesting to a merchant that you’re on important ingredients into the juice, this simply serves to dilute the
business or implying dire consequences for someone who effect.
crosses you, this ring is a powerful symbol. Roasted Bean Juice is fairly prevalent in most larger towns
While wearing this ring you have +1 to Charisma and cities, although it can be hard to find the purveyors of
(Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation) rolls. higher end bean juice. It is best to look in less explored areas
of the city as artisans are known to seek out places before
they are cool.
Consuming the Roasted Bean Juice relieves the effects of
one level of exhaustion for the day, but does not remove the
exhaustion itself. Subsequent exhaustion accrues including
the day the juice is consumed if rest isn’t taken. Correct,
careful preparation of the concoction takes some time, and
using Roasted Bean Juice takes one minute.

Scorpion Sting Crossbow

Weapon (Crossbow), Legendary
Unlike a standard crossbow which uses disposable bolts, the
Noble Ring Scorpion Sting Crossbow has a single, reusable bolt attached
to a chain. With vicious hooks on the bolt, it is designed to
catch whatever it hits and remain attached. The name of the
crossbow comes from the design of the weapon itself, with
the limbs shaped as pincers and the retention spring as the
Obsidian Mail You get +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this
Armour (Medium), Very Rare crossbow. On a hit, the bolt remains in the enemy or object.
While the bolt is in an opponent they are unable to move
Following a similar design to Chain Mail, Obsidian Mail away from you, but can take their entire turn removing the
consists of interlocking rings over a layer of quilted fabric. bolt from them.
Where this armour varies, however, is the use of obsidian in As long as the bolt is attached to an enemy of size large or
its construction. smaller and the crossbow is in your hand you can use your
Requiring a truly skilled smith to create it, as well as a bonus action to attempt to reel in the enemy. Make an
steady supply of material, Obsidian Mail is rare but highly opposed Strength (Athletics) check, on a success you pull the
sought after by those requiring discretion. The obsidian in enemy 10ft towards you.
the weave is so dark it almost appears to absorb light, and the If the bolt is attached to a stationary object (such as the top
sound of metal rubbing on metal, which is distinctive of chain of a wall) and the crossbow is in your hand you can use your
mail, is dampened by the finely honed glass. bonus action to attempt to reel yourself in. Make a DC 12
While wearing this armour you have Armour Class 15 + Strength (Athletics) check, on a success you are pulled 10ft
Dexterity modifier (max 2), do not get disadvantage on closer to the object.
Dexterity (Stealth) checks and you gain advantage when If the bolt is not attached to anything (for example, if a shot
making a Stealth check in low light. The armour weighs 60 lb missed or an enemy has removed the bolt), you can use an
and requires Strength 14 or higher to wear it. action to bring the bolt back to you.
Ornate Ear Trumpet
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Sharpened Metal Quarterstaff
Ear trumpets have been around for centuries, but it took the Weapon (Quarterstaff), Rare, Heavy
genius of inventor Porphyria Tunk to realise their potential as
tactical equipment for the modern adventurer. Less common than their wooden counterparts, metal staves
This ear trumpet is exquisitely adorned with paint and can be an effective weapon in the hands of one strong enough
small gems, but it is in its design and accuracy that it really to wield them. The sharpened ends of the staff afford the
excels. Constructed to maximise the transmission of sound possibility of making clubbing or stabbing attacks, allowing
waves, even from a distance, it allows the user to hear far off the enemy less chance of predicting your fighting style.
sounds and conversations with clarity. You get +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
While you are using the Ornate Ear Trumpet you have quarterstaff and can choose whether to inflict piercing or
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on bludgeoning damage.
PART 2 | Items A-Z 4
Shooting Stick of Bagri the Wise Tiara of Lockpicking
Wondrous Item, Legendary Wondrous Item, Very Rare
Legend tells of Bagri the Wise, a powerful and benevolent A beautiful and elegant tiara, this would make the wearer the
elven priest. Through his close affinity with the world around talk of any ball or gala. People would talk all the more if they
him, and an incredible knowledge of herbs and salves, he was knew the real purpose of the piece, however.
able to live to an age achieved by few in a land of adventure With a careful series of movements of key parts, the tiara
and bloodshed. Even into his later years he would travel from divides neatly in two. Each piece contains half of an expertly
town to town ministering to the sick and needy, and it is crafted set of lockpicking tools.
believed that this item was the key to his stamina. You can use an action to divide the tiara in two. If you have
To the untrained eye this is little more than a stick with a proficiency with thieves’ tools, while the tiara is divided you
forked end, but to the enterprising mind it is a way of can use it to make lockpicking checks with a +2 modifier.
travelling further and faster than would otherwise be
possible. By interspersing time spent walking with the stick
as support and breaks sitting in the curved end, fatigue can
be guarded against.
If you’ve been using the staff to help take the weight as you
walk you can take a short rest in just 5 minutes, once per day.
Snake Rake
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
The simplest of all the lock picking tools, even in the hands of
a novice the Snake Rake can make quick work of basic locks.
Lacking the finesse of the more advanced tools, it is of no use
against more advanced locks.
The Snake Rake allows you to pick locks with DC 10 or
lower without requiring a skill check, even if you do not have
proficiency with lockpicking tools. The item has no effect on
locks with DC 11 or higher.
Spectacle of the Cyclops
Wondrous Item, Rare
Academics have long debated the origins of this item, and a
variety of different explanations have been offered. The Zorayah's Drinking Stein
current name gives an indication of the most widely accepted
theory, with the majority of academics agreeing that the only
reason to develop a single lens contained in a circle of metal Zorayah's Drinking Stein
is to improve the vision of a cyclops. Wondrous Item, Legendary
Whatever the item’s origins, when firmly tucked into the
eye socket it gives a helpful boost to eyesight when closely Zorayah Potempkin was the Sword Coast Ale Drinking
inspecting items. While wearing the Spectacle of the Cyclops Champion for 6 years running. People came from miles
you get a +5 modifier on checks to search for traps. around to see the tiny gnome outdrinking creatures many
times her size, and she won lucrative endorsements on the
back of her success.
Her winning run came to an abrupt halt while she was
going for her seventh consecutive title, when a minotaur she
was competing against noticed her emptying her supposedly
drained stein under the table. Some observers say she retired
in disgrace, while others insist that the minotaur took
immediate revenge.
Built with false panels and mirrors, the stein contains a
secret compartment. While pretending to drink the contents,
you can press a button on the handle which causes the liquid
to redirect into the hidden compartment. A cursory
inspection of the Stein suggests it is empty, presumably
drained by the user, although a close investigation can reveal
the truth. If a creature uses an action to examine the stein, it
will determine that there is a secret compartment with a
successful DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Another button releases the liquid back into the Stein, and
the Stein must then be emptied before it can be used again.
Spectacle of the Cyclops

5 PART 2 | Items A-Z

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