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KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer

ISSN 2723-3898 (Media Online)

Vol 4, No 1, Agustus 2023, Hal 114-123
DOI 10.30865/klik.v4i1.1076

Searching and Displaying Al-Quran Verses from All Derivative Isim

Makrifat Words to Support the Quranpedia Project
Dzaky Ikram*, Eko Darwiyanto, Moch. Arif Bijaksana
Fakultas Informatika, Program Studi S1 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: 1,*[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Email Penulis Korespondensi: [email protected]

Abstract−Quranpedia is a website built to facilitate its users in searching for root words and verses containing the exact root words by
following the structure of Wikipedia. This research employs the black box testing method to assess the functionality of the Quranpedia
website. The results of the black box testing indicate that the website achieves a success rate of 94%, with an intuitive interface that
aligns with the presentation of the Al-Quran. Additionally, this study involves root word testing to evaluate the accuracy of the search
results for Quranic verses that share the exact root words. From these tests, an accuracy level of 85% is obtained. The findings of this
research demonstrate that Quranpedia successfully fulfills its primary goal by providing a reliable and comprehensive reference source
for the Muslim community. With an engaging interface and an ongoing commitment to improving accuracy, Quranpedia is expected
to assist the Muslim community in deepening their understanding and appreciation of the sacred book, the Al-Quran.
Keywords: Root Words; Quranpedia; Al-Quran; Codeigniter 4; Black Box Testing

The Quran is a holy book for Muslims containing Allah SWT revelations[1]. A critical aspect of studying the Quran is
understanding each word's meaning in the holy book[2]. In Arabic, there is a concept called "derivatif isim makrifat,"
which refers to words that have the same root and are interconnected in meaning[3]. Understanding the relationship
between words with the same root can help comprehend the concepts and contexts of the verses in the Quran[4].
A crucial aspect of understanding and extracting wisdom from the Quran is the comprehension of the meanings of
each word in the holy book[5]. In the Arabic language, which is the original language of the Quran, there is a concept
called "derivatif isim makrifat," referring to words that have the same root and are interconnected in meaning[6].
Understanding the relationship between words with the same root can lead to a deeper and more accurate understanding
of the concepts and contexts of the Quranic verses.
In the Arabic language, there is also a field of study called "ilmu tasrif," which deals with the transformation of
words into other words[7][8]. Similar to the use of affixes in the Indonesian language to change the forms of words, in
Arabic, finding a word's meaning involves understanding its root before searching for its definition in a dictionary[9]. For
example, when searching for the meaning of a word in Arabic, not all words can be directly found in a dictionary; instead,
one must first know the root of that word. This process is similar to searching for words in the Indonesian language, where
the word "menerangkan" must be recognized as the base word "terang" before looking for its meaning. While this may
be easy for Indonesian speakers, it can be more challenging for foreigners to learn the language[10][11].
Regarding root words, Arabic words generally have a three-consonant base[1]. Six forms of words can be derived
from these three consonants, and all of them have meanings[12]. Differences in pronunciation will lead to differences in
meaning[13]. The uniqueness of the Arabic language is also evident in numbers (mufrad, muthanna, and jama‟), gender
(mudhakkar and mu‟annath), and other aspects[10][14].
Based on this understanding, there is a need for the Quranpedia website, which not only displays complete Quranic
verses but also provides ease in finding words based on their root (derivative isim makrifat). Through Quranpedia, users,
especially Muslims, will have a holistic and integrated learning experience. They can understand the meanings of words
in the Quran more deeply, explore the concepts and contexts of the verses, and obtain relevant explanations from the
Quranic verses in line with the hadiths of Kutubus Sittah.
Quranpedia is a website project built using the CodeIgniter 4 framework. The website aims to provide easy access
for users to learn the Quran interactively. One of the features to be developed in Quranpedia is the ability to search and
display Quranic verses based on words with the same root (derivative isim makrifat). Users can click on words in the
Quran and get their roots and display every verse containing the exact root words.
This study applies the Extreme Programming (XP) method to provide solutions for overcoming current issues by
developing a website-based system[15]. XP is a user-oriented method and falls under the Agile method category[16]. In
the system design, XP adopts four stages: Planning, Design, Coding, and Testing[17]. Previous studies have shown that
XP is suitable for designing Information Systems that are simple and recognized as a fast and efficient method in designing
Information Systems[18][19]. Through the application of XP, this study aims to provide practical and valuable solutions
to address current challenges and build a website system that functions optimally and meets user needs.
Testing and validating the system are essential steps in Quranpedia development. Black box testing will be
conducted to ensure that the search feature and the display of Quranic verses function well as expected. This testing
process will identify and address potential issues or bugs in the system[20], ensuring that Quranpedia operates optimally
and provides a good user experience.

Copyright © 2023, Dzaky Ikram. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Page 114
Dzaky Ikram, Searching and Displaying Al-Quran Verses from All Derivative Isim Makrifat Words to Support the
Quranpedia Project

Through this research, it is expected to build the Quranpedia website that aligns with the appearance of the Quran
and displays all Quranic verses containing the exact root words. Thus, Quranpedia will become a comprehensive,
interactive, and easily accessible source of knowledge for Muslims to understand and explore the wisdom of the holy
book, the Quran.

2.1 Software Development Methods
In designing the Quranpedia system based on a website, the researchers implemented the Extreme Programming (XP)
method. The stages of the Extreme Programming method are shown in the following Figure 1.

Figure 1. Exreme Programming

There are 4 stages that must be passed in the software development process using the Extreme Programming (XP)
method, namely:
a. Planning
The planning phase involves setting key objectives, analysis, data collection, application design, application
implementation coding and testing.
b. Design
In the design phase, an interface similar to the Quran will be designed, the content organization will be done, and a
responsive layout will be designed to access the website from various devices. The researchers will use the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) approach, specifically the activity diagram.
c. Coding
In the coding phase, the front-end and back-end development of the website will be carried out using web
programming languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and integrating Quranic data from the
source https://tanzil.net/.
d. Testing
In the testing phase, functional testing will be conducted to ensure all features work correctly using black box testing
method, root word testing to assess the accuracy of search results, and responsive testing to ensure proper display on
various devices.


3.1 Planning
The research planning in this study consists of several stages or steps outlined in a structured manner. The research
planning is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Planning

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a. Setting Goals
The design process begins by setting clear goals for the Quranpedia project. These goals will guide the application
development, ensuring the project's focus and direction align with user needs. In this context, the goal is to create a feature
for searching and displaying Quranic verses based on derivational morphemes, to support understanding of the Quran.
b. Analysis
In the analysis phase, the project team will identify the needs and requirements of the application from
stakeholders. This analysis includes understanding the problems to be addressed, functional and non-functional
requirements, and the application's environment and context. The results of this analysis will help design relevant and
user-oriented features.
c. Data Collection
Relevant data related to derivational morphemes in the Quranic verses will be collected in this phase. This data
may include lists of root words, relationships between words, and related references. Data collection is essential to ensure
that Quranpedia provides accurate information in line with the context of the Quran.
d. Aplications Design
The application design is carried out after the data collection. The project team will design the structure and
architecture of the application, including user interface design, database design, and system logic. This design includes
how the features for searching and displaying verses based on derivational morphemes will be implemented in the
e. Implementation and Application Coding
After the design is completed, the implementation phase begins. The development team will transform the design
into working code. This coding process involves developing application features, integrating with the database, and
arranging the application workflow based on the previously made design.
f. Testing
Once the application is implemented, testing is conducted to ensure the performance and accuracy of the search
and verse display features. Functional testing is then done to verify that the application functions according to the set
goals and is safe for users.
3.2 Design
a. Activity Diagram

Figure 3. Activity Diagram

The design shown in Figure 3 provides an overall overview of the steps to be followed in searching for root words
in Quranpedia. Starting from identifying the word whose root word is to be searched, through an intuitive user interface,

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to data processing and presenting the search results with a layout in accordance with the Quran. The design also includes
validation and testing processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the displayed root word results to users.
b. Entity Relantionship Diagram
Before designing the database, the researcher created an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) consisting of entities
and necessary attributes and connected them with other entities.

Figure 4. Entity Relantionship Diagram

3.3 Coding
The coding stage involves implementing the design into programming code. The following is the result of the coding
a. Homepage Display
This page plays a central role as the starting point for users to navigate and select the list of Quranic surahs they
want to study and explore. With an attractive and intuitive design, Quranpedia's homepage provides users with an
overview of the contents of the Quran and easy access to each surah available. Users can easily choose specific surahs
that interest them or want to study further. Thus, this homepage functions as the main gateway for users to explore the
Quran through Quranpedia and plays a crucial role in providing users with an optimal experience and a better
understanding of the sacred messages within the Quran.

Figure 5. Homepage Display

b. Surah Display
The page displaying the surahs in Quranpedia is a crucial part of the interactive experience provided to users. This
page offers users a unique ability to explore and delve deeper into each Quranic surah. On this page, users are granted
easy access to click on the root words of every Quranic verse.
With a clear and intuitive interface, users can select their interested surah and directly click on words within the
Quranic verses to obtain information about their root words. This enables users to track and understand the relationships
between words that share the same root in the Quran, thereby deepening their understanding of the Arabic language and
the meanings contained within this sacred scripture.

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Figure 6. Surah Display

c. Root Word Display
The root words page in Quranpedia plays a crucial role in facilitating users to gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the root word they have clicked on the previous page.
This root words page is specially designed to provide users with in-depth information about the selected root word.
On this page, users can explore all the words that share the same root as the word they clicked on earlier. Each word that
shares the same root is presented completely, allowing users to delve into the intricacies and nuances of these related
Through this page, users can enhance their knowledge and grasp of the Arabic language and its structure by
exploring the various words derived from the same root. This feature empowers users to study the connections and
meanings of these words, contributing to a deeper and more insightful comprehension of the Quranic text.

Figure 7. Root Word Display

d. Surah Search Naviganiton Display
The search navigation interface in Quranpedia provides users with ease and speed in finding the specific surahs of
the Quran they wish to view.
This navigation page is designed to be intuitive and efficient, enabling users to switch between different surahs
quickly. On this page, users can utilize the search function based on surah names and sequential numbers, allowing them
to scroll through the list of surahs swiftly.

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This search navigation feature allows users to quickly access the desired surah, saving time and enhancing their
browsing experience on Quranpedia. The intuitive design and efficient search capabilities contribute to a seamless and
user-friendly exploration of the Quranic surahs within the website.

Figure 8. Surah Search Naviganiton Display

e. Ayah Search Navigation Display
The search navigation interface in Quranpedia provides users with ease and speed in finding the specific verses of
the Quran they wish to view.
This navigation page is designed with an intuitive and efficient interface, enabling users to switch between different
verses quickly. Users can utilize various search options and features on this page to easily find the desired verses. They
can perform searches based on sequential verse numbers, allowing them to scroll through the list of verses swiftly.
This search navigation feature lets users quickly access the desired verses, enhancing their browsing experience
on Quranpedia. The intuitive design and efficient search capabilities contribute to a seamless and user-friendly exploration
of the Quranic verses within the website.

Figure 9. Ayah Search Navigation Display

f. Settings Display
The settings page in Quranpedia allows users to customize various preferences and settings that affect the display
and reading of the Quranic text.
This settings page offers flexibility for users to adjust and tailor the display of the Quranic text according to their
personal preferences. On this page, users are given full control to enlarge or shrink the size of the Arabic script, choose

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between word-by-word translation or translation by surah, change the Arabic font style, switch to Dark Mode for a darker
color scheme, and select between word-by-word view or normal view.
By offering these customization options, Quranpedia ensures that users can have a personalized and comfortable
reading experience when exploring the Quran. The user-friendly design of the settings page empowers users to adapt the
display and settings according to their individual preferences, enhancing their interaction with the sacred text and making
their Quranic journey more enjoyable and meaningful.

Figure 10. Settings Display

g. Dark Mode Display
The Dark Mode feature in Quranpedia allows users to switch the interface from a light theme to a dark theme,
creating a more comfortable visual experience for the eyes.
This Dark Mode page is designed to offer a more enjoyable experience and reduce eye strain for users when using
Quranpedia in low-light conditions or during nighttime. Users can easily toggle the Dark Mode on or off this page
according to their preferences.
By implementing the Dark Mode feature, Quranpedia caters to its users' diverse needs and preferences, allowing
them to choose the interface that suits their comfort and viewing preferences. This feature enhances the usability and
accessibility of Quranpedia, ensuring that users can interact with the platform with ease and convenience, regardless of
the lighting conditions.

Figure 11. Dark Mode Display

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3.4 Testing
After the features were coded, the researchers conducted testing to evaluate the extent of Quranpedia website's
performance in achieving the set goals. In order to test its reliability and functionality, the testing was carried out using
black box testing method and root word comparison testing.
3.4.1 Root Comparison Test
Root Word Comparison Testing takes samples from each hijaiyah letter with the most derivatives. This testing aims to
obtain a representative overview of the consistency and accuracy of root word searches in Quranpedia and the corpus
used as a reference.
The sample selection process involves choosing specific hijaiyah letters and identifying the most associated
derivatives with each letter. Then, root word searches are performed on Quranpedia and the corpus to obtain the results
of root word searches from each source.
Through this testing, the author aims to ensure that Quranpedia provides root word search results equivalent to the
corpus as a reliable reference source. By sampling from each hijaiyah letter with the most derivatives, this testing provides
a more comprehensive understanding of the consistency and accuracy in searching for root words from both sources.
Thus, this root word comparison testing provides a broader insight into Quranpedia's ability to provide accurate
and reliable root word search results. In this context, users of Quranpedia can confidently obtain root word information
of comparable quality to other reference sources.
Table 1. Root Word Comparison Table
Root Words Corpus Quran Quranpedia Percentage
‫أمن‬ 883 663 75%
‫بين‬ 523 445 85%
‫تبع‬ 172 158 91%
‫ثقل‬ 28 26 93%
‫جمع‬ 129 123 95%
‫حيي‬ 184 144 78%
‫خلف‬ 261 214 81%
‫دبر‬ 44 44 100%
‫ذكر‬ 292 244 83%
‫رضو‬ 73 52 71%
‫زكو‬ 59 37 62%
‫سلم‬ 142 142 100%
‫شقق‬ 28 23 82%
‫صدق‬ 155 144 92%
‫ضرر‬ 74 70 94%
‫طهر‬ 31 26 83%
‫ظلم‬ 315 287 91%
‫علم‬ 854 722 84%
‫غفر‬ 234 201 85%
‫فرق‬ 72 65 90%
‫قوم‬ 661 594 89%
‫كبر‬ 162 148 91%
‫لقي‬ 146 118 80%
‫ملك‬ 206 186 90%
‫نزل‬ 293 249 84%
‫هدي‬ 316 231 73%
‫ولي‬ 232 170 73%
‫يسر‬ 45 40 88%
Total 85%
3.4.2 Analysis of Comparative Testing of Word Roots
Based on the results of the root word comparison testing, an average score of 85% was obtained. From this score, it can
be concluded that the search results for root words from the Quran corpus do not significantly differ from those of
The root word comparison testing aims to compare the accuracy and reliability of root word search results between
Quranpedia and the Quran corpus used as the reference source. With an average score of 85%, this testing indicates that
both sources provide similar results in searching for root words in the Quran.
Although there is a small difference in the average score, the testing results show that Quranpedia and the Quran
corpus consistently provide information about root words in the Quran. This suggests that users can obtain consistent and
reliable root word search results through Quranpedia and the Quran corpus.

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Therefore, users can choose according to their preferences when seeking information about root words in the
Quran. Both Quranpedia and the Quran corpus provide reliable and effective sources for understanding the root words
found in the sacred text of the Quran.
3.4.3 Black Box Testing
The testing is conducted to evaluate and measure the performance and effectiveness of the Quranpedia website in
achieving its established goals. This testing is designed using the black box testing method, which allows the testing to
focus on the external functionality of the system without considering the internal implementation details.
In this testing, various aspects and features of Quranpedia will be examined to ensure that the website functions
well according to the defined needs and expectations. This testing will provide valuable insights into the system's
reliability, performance, and capabilities in delivering an optimal user experience.
The testing results will be presented in Table 2, which will provide an overview of the overall outcomes of the
conducted testing. This table will include detailed information about each testing, the methods used, expected outputs,
and assessments from the respondents involved.
Through comprehensive black box testing, Quranpedia can be thoroughly evaluated to ensure the website operates
according to the established standards. This testing provides a deeper understanding of the quality and performance of
Quranpedia and valuable feedback to identify areas that may need improvement or correction.
Table 2. Testing
No. Description Testing Procedure Expected Output
1 Selecting The testing is conducted by The Quranpedia system directly and
Quranic Surah opening the Quranic Surah page responsively redirects users to the
and observing how the system selected Surah page. 97%
responds to the user's selection of
2 Searching for The testing is conducted by The Quranpedia system quickly and
root words from clicking on words within the accurately directs users to the
Quranic verses Quranic verses and observing the related root word page, displaying 92%
system's response. comprehensive information about
that root word.
3 Navigation from The testing is conducted by The Quranpedia system smoothly
one Surah to clicking on the Surah menu in the and seamlessly directs users to the
another Surah navigation (navbar) and selected Surah page from the 95%
observing how the system handles navigation menu without any
the transitions between Surahs. hindrance.
4 Searching for The testing is conducted by The Quranpedia system accurately
verses clicking the verse menu in the and swiftly directs users to the
navigation (navbar) and selected verse page, allowing easy
examining the system's response. access to the desired verse.
5 Switching to The testing is conducted by The Quranpedia system promptly
Dark Mode clicking on the settings menu in responds to the user's request by
the navigation (navbar), selecting changing the display in real-time
the "Theme" option, and changing from "Light" mode to "Dark" mode,
the display from "Light" to providing a more comfortable visual
"Dark." experience.
Total 94%
3.4.4 Analysis of Test Results Black box Testing
Based on the data from the conducted black box testing, which included testing of 5 main features: selecting Quranic
Surahs, searching for root words from Quranic verses, navigating from one Surah to another, searching for verses, and
switching to Dark Mode, respondents gave an average rating of 94%. From this score, it can be concluded that each
feature in Quranpedia functions according to the expected output.
The black box testing has proven that each feature tested in Quranpedia successfully meets user expectations. The
feature to select Quranic Surahs allows users to easily and accurately navigate to the desired Surah. The feature to search
for root words from Quranic verses provides a responsive experience and comprehensive information about the selected
root word. The navigation feature between Surahs facilitates smooth and seamless transitions from one Surah to another.
The verse search feature enables users to access the desired verse promptly and accurately. Lastly, the Dark Mode feature
offers a comfortable visual experience and adjusts to users' preferences.
With an average rating of 94%, it can be concluded that Quranpedia meets the expected standards and provides a
satisfactory user experience. This testing confirms that each feature in Quranpedia functions well and delivers outputs

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that align with users' expectations. This reinforces that Quranpedia is a reliable and effective platform that facilitates users
in learning and exploring the Quran with ease and enjoyment.

This research has successfully achieved the main goal of creating the Quranpedia website designed with a structure similar
to Wikipedia and a presentation per the Al-Quran. By utilizing the black box testing method, the website has been tested
and provided satisfactory results with a success rate of 94%. Additionally, through root word testing, the website achieved
an accuracy level of 85% in displaying Quranic verses that share the same root words. However, the root word testing
results also indicate that there is room for further improvement in enhancing the accuracy of the search results for Quranic
verses that share the same root words. This can be taken as feedback for future development to enhance the functionality
of Quranpedia, making it more consistent and accurate in providing information about root words. Overall, this research
contributes to the development of Quranpedia as a comprehensive and useful website for users who seek to deepen their
understanding of the Al-Quran and derivational forms of words (isim makrifat). With an attractive interface and
continuous improvement in accuracy, Quranpedia becomes a reliable and valuable reference source for the Muslim
community in their study and understanding of the Al-Quran.

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