Detailed Lesson Plan in Math

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A detailed lesson plan in Math 1

I. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the pupils must have:
a. Identified the hands of the clock.
b. Differentiated the long hand and the shorthand of the clock.
c. Solved the problems about hours and minutes.
II. Learning Content:
a. Topic: Time Measurement
b. Materials: Manila paper, chalk, pen
c. Reference:
III. Procedure:
1.Preparatory/Preliminary Activities

a. Greetings
-Good morning children! -Good morning, ma’am

-How are you today? -Were good ma’am

-Are you sure? -Yes ma’am

-Before anything else Let us

introduce ourselves first.
(done introducing)

b. Prayer

-Before we start shall we all

stand for our prayer

- (student name) can you lead the -Student: Yes ma’am (student start to
prayer? pray)

b. Energizer

- Before we start in our lesson.

Remain standing, as we sing a
song entitled “This is the Time
by Sir Efren”.

-This is the time (2x) - This is the time (2x)

That were waiting for (2x) That were waiting for (2x)
We’ll learn our math (2x) We’ll learn our math (2x)

And apply them all(2x) And apply them all(2x)

So, this is the time So, this is the time

That we solve problems That we solve problems
We’ll learn them all We’ll learn them all
And apply them all. And apply them all.

This is the time (2x) This is the time (2x)

That were waiting for. That were waiting for.
(Repeat) (Repeat)

c. Rules Settings

-Okay class before we proceed,

can you read our classroom

-1. Be quiet. -1. Be quiet.

2. Listen to the teachers. 2. Listen to the teachers.
3. Participate when we have an 3. Participate when we have an
activity. activity.
4. Before we leave in the 4. Before we leave in the classroom
classroom arrange your chair and arrange your chair and pick up the
pick up the trashes around you. garbage that you see on the floor.

-If you follow these rules, you -Yehey! okay ma’am

have a reward.

2. Developmental activities

a. Gaining the attention

-Children are you excited in our -Yes ma’am
lesson for today?

-are you sure? -Yes ma’am

-Okay! So all of you are excited - (The children are watching)

in our lesson, but let us watch
first the videos that were going
to show.

b. Presentation of learning

-After watching those videos,

you have a guide questions here
to answer, but before that let’s
read first our learning outcomes.

-First is Identified the hands of -Identified the hands of the clock.

the clock.

-Second Differentiated the long -Differentiated the long hand and the
hand and the shorthand of the shorthand of the clock.

-The last one is Solved the -Solved the problems about hours and
problems about hours and minutes

c. Recall/Review

-Now let’s continue our guide


-1. What did you learn about the -Student 1: The answer is parts of the
video? Who would like to clock ma’am
-Very good it is part of the clock

-2. How many hands does a -Student 2: Two ma’am

clock have?

-Very good it has two hands

which are hour hand and minute

-3. What is the name of the long -Student 3: Minute hand ma’am
hand in the clock?

-Very good!

-How about the shorthand? -Student 4: Hour hand ma’am

-Very good children

-Now let us proceed to our


d. Presentation of the Lesson

-Kindly open your book on page - (Children open their book)


-Our topic for today is all about -(Student are reading)

time measurement. But before
that I want all of you to read this.
(show the PPT)

-Now look at the clock. (show

the clock)

-What time is it? Who would -Student 1: It’s 7:00 o’clock ma’am
like to answer?
-Very good it’s 7:00 o’clock

-Now let’s study about the clock

(explain about the clock and give
some example)

-Now let’s have a practice are -Yes ma’am

you excited?

-Okay open your book on page

269, and our activity is choose
the best answer. Color the clock
which shows the correct time.

1. I wake up every morning at

-Are you done? -Yes ma’am

-Okay next

2. I eat my breakfast at

-Are you done? If all of you are

done lets now check your answer
if it’s correct. (call a student to
answer the question)

-Our next practice is Match each

clock in A with the correct time
in B.
-For example (show some

-Did you get it? -Yes ma’am

- Okay you can now answer

-Are you done? -Yes ma’am

-Let see if your answer is

correct (call a student to answer
the question)

e. Learning guidelines

-Children always remember that

there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.

-How many minutes again in 1 -Student: 60 minutes ma’am

hour? Who would like to

-Very Good

-Next (continue reading the

Remember in the book)

-Now let’s do an activity, and go

to page 271. Our first activity is
about “Telling time’’

-For example (show some


-You can now answer

-Are you done? If you’re done

let check your answer.
-For follow up, answer the letter
A. in page 273 and says that
Draw the hand of the clock to
show the given time. For
example (show some example)

-If your done let’s check your

answer. (call a student to answer
the question)

f. Present Performance

-Okay children, now we will -Yes ma’am we are excited to play

have a game are you excited?

- Before we proceed to our -Yes ma’am

game. I will be giving you the
instruction of the game. There
will be 2 groups and you have to
answer what time is it in the
clock. The first one to raise their
hand can have the opportunity to
answer. Is that clear?

-Number 1 what time is it? -Group 2: it’s 6:00 o’clock ma’am

-Very Good

g. Provide Feedback

-Okay children great job and -Student: thank you ma’am we enjoy
thank you for participating in our our game today
game and I noticed that you
worked well with your
classmates, I hope all of you are
enjoy in our game.
3. Evaluation

-For our last activity let’s answer

the letter B. on page 274 and you
are going to solve the following

-First question Our Math class -Student: the answer ma’am is 40

started at 10:00 and ended at minutes
10:40. How many minutes is our
Math Class? Who wants to

-Very Good your answer is


-Okay class our activity for -Students: okay ma’am

today is done I hope you learned
a lot about the clock and how to
read the time on the clock, so
before we end our class let us
pray first.

-Can I ask (name of the student) -Student: Our Father in heaven Lord
to lead our prayer. thank you for this wonderful day that
you’ve given to us and Lord thank you
because we learned again and Lord this
day may you keep us safe and this our
we pray in Jesus name Amen.

-Good bye children -Good bye Teacher’s

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