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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

for Grade 3
Prepared by: Mary Joy C. Mabano

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student shall be able to:
a. Define and identify some common verbs.
b. Discuss the use and importance of a verb.
c. Construct a creative presentation wrapping the definition and some
examples of verb (poem, jingle, role play).

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Verb
Reference: CG & Teacher's Guide for English 3; Retrieved from (Internet Source)
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Marker, Tape, Scissors, Box
Skills: writing, reading, listening, speaking, identifying
Values Integration: obedience, cooperation and collaboration

III. Methodologies
-Everybody stand up and let us Pray. Anna kindly -In the name of the Father and
lead the Prayer. of the Son and of the Holy

-Good morning class. -Good morning teacher. Good

morning classmates.

-Before you take your seats, kindly align your chairs

and pick up pieces of trashes on the floor and throw
it in the trash bins. - Yes teacher.
After few minutes...
-Kindly take your seats. - Thank you teacher.
- Before anything else, let us first check your -Yes teacher.
attendance. Please say 'Present' if your name is
After few minutes...
- Okay class, who would like to share to what was - It was all about pronouns
our topic last meeting all about? Yes, Ellie? teacher.
- Very good Ellie. Now, who can tell the class what
Pronouns are? Yes, Ben?
- Pronouns are words used to
substitute for a noun or noun
- Very well said. Let's give them a round of
applause. So, now let us proceed to the next lesson.
But before that, let us play a game first.
- The title of the game will be 'What am I doing?'. I
have here a box with rolled papers in it and a music
box. Anna will be holding the box since she is the
first person in the row. When I play the music, the
person holding the box must pass it to the his/her
right, and when the music stops, the person holding
the box must pick a rolled paper inside the box and
follow the instruction written in there. He/she will
perform it without uttering a word, only with action.
Basically, the instruction will be performed through
a pantomime. The viewers will guess what the
performer is doing for one minute. If the viewers
fail to guess what one is doing, then the performer
will sit and the game must be resumed.
- Do you have any clarifications?
- Okay, let us start.
After few minutes... - None, teacher.

- So, what did the performers execute in front of

you? Can you please answer me in chorus class? - Dancing, Singing, Cooking,
Cleaning, Sleeping
- Wow, very good class. Now do you have any idea
on we are going to discuss today? What have you
observed with what they did? Yes, Shakira?
- I think they are performing
- Wow, nice observation Shakira. Do you have some actions ma'am.
another observation class?
- Okay, Shakira's observation is correct. Now, I will
let you guess what our topic will be through this
- Our topic for today consists of four letters. I will
give you a clue. The third letter of the four letter
word is R. Now, can you give me the three letter to - Okay ma'am.
name our topic?
(After few minutes...)
- Wow, that is right. Our topic for today is all about

- But before discussing our topic today. Can you all
read our objectives?
- Thank you class, again what is our topic for today? - Verb
- Very well said. Now basing from the game what
we did, can you define what verb is? Yes, Mary?
- Verb is an action word
- Correct, let's give Mary a round of applause. ma'am.
- Okay, so A verb is a doing word that shows an
action, an event or a state. The verb is the main
word in a sentence. No sentence can be completed
without a verb.
- Now, can you give me some example of verbs?

(After few moments)

-Yes teacher.
(Talking, running, jogging,
-Very good, now let us take a look on the these seeing and coughing)
sample sentences. Altogether, read the sentences.
The sun shines.
The horse neighs.
The monkey jumps.
- Thank you class, from these examples, can you tell
me what were the nouns?

- sun, horse and monkey

- Wow, very good. Now what do you think are the
actions done by these nouns?
- Shines, Neighs and Jumps

- Very good class. All of you are correct. Now do you

think verbs are important? And why? Yes, Mae? - Yes teacher, because verbs
tell what the noun is doing.
- Thank you Mae and very good. Verbs show what
the subject is doing or feeling, even if they're just
existing. Verbs are also the only type of word that's
absolutely necessary to make a sentence.

- Now, who can give me a sentence that uses a verb

in it? Yes, John?
- Very good John. Can somebody give the class - Bertha rides a bicycle.
another example? Yes, Shane?
- Lelouch swims in the pool.

-Wow very good. Do you have any questions or

clarifications class? - None so far ma'am.


- Now, we will be having an activity. I want you to - Yes, teacher.
count from 1-3, those who bear each number 1, 2
and 3 must go to their respective groups. Select a
representative to draw a paper from the box for you
to perform your assign tasks. Understood?
(After a few moments)
-According to what you have drawn, Group 1 will be
making a poem, Group 2 will perform a jingle and
Group 3 make a roleplay presentation. So, do you
have any questions?

- None so far teacher.

-Okay, start making your activity and you will be
presenting them after 15 minutes.
(Class making their group
-Time is up, so Group 1 present your output.
Followed by Group 2 and lastly Group 3.
-(Class presenting their
-Wow. You did great class. Give yourselves a round
of applause.
(Class applauding)

-Now, I want to test if you actually understood our
-Again, what is Verb?
- What is the use of verb and why it is important? (Student answered)

- Wow, thank you so much class.

(Student answered)

- I think you actually understood our topic. So now
kindly do the activity.
Test A.
Directions: In a one whole sheet of paper,
determine the verb that best describe the pictures
in each number. Choose your answer from the box
and right it on the space provided.
___1. ___4.

___2. ___5.


Test B.
Directions: Copy the items below and underline the
verb in the following sentences.
1. Veigh throws the ball.
2. Tom ate the cake.
3. Chris chops the woods.
4. Bella waters the plants.
5. Annie feeds her chicken.

-Are you done class?

-Kindly, pass your answer sheets in front.
-Yes teacher.
-Now class, kindly get your notebook and copy your

Directions: Identify five (5) verbs you do at home.

Then, write a sentence using those verbs and don't
forget to underline them.
(After few minutes...)
-Are you done copying your assignments?
- Alright, before leaving the classroom kindly pick up
some trashes and align your chairs.
-Yes, teacher.
-Okay, Good bye class and see you tomorrow.
(Students followed)

-Goodbye teacher, and thank

you very much. May the good
Lord bless us all.

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