PNA - Lecture 2 Notes

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Lecture 2 : Basic Naval Architecture terminology

This section represents definitions for the main characteristics of a ship, the terms and the basic design
coefficients used in Naval Architecture. The aim is to familiarize students with terms that may help
define a ship’s general particulars (i.e. main dimensions, displacement), her shape and form.

1. Basic Terminology
Ship Length is defined as the most commonly used ship length definitions (see Figure 2.1) are:

 Length between perpendiculars (LBP or LPP). This is the distance measured along the summer
load waterline from the aft to the fore perpendicular of the hull. The aft perpendicular is commonly
taken as the line passing through the rudder stock. The fore perpendicular is the vertical line through
the intersection of the forward side of the stem with the summer load waterline.

 Length overall (LOA). This is the distance between the extreme points forward and aft
measured parallel to the summer (or design) waterline. Forward the point may be on the raked stem
or on a bulbous bow. Simply, the extreme length of the ship.

 Design waterline length (𝐋WL ). This is the length on the summer load waterline, at which the
ship happens to be floating between the intersections of the bow and aft end with the waterline.

Figure 11.1 Principal Dimensions. Image Credits: (Tupper, 2013)

In literature there are various empirical dimensions for the estimation of ship length (e.g. see
Papanikolaou, 2014 and Tupper and Table 2.1).

Developer Empirical formulae

Ayre Lpp/1/3 = 3.33 + 1.67V/√Lpp
Posdunine Lpp = C(V/(V+2)21/3 with C=7.25 for freighters with V in the range 15.5<V<18.5 knots
Schneekluth Schneekluth: Lpp = C.Δ0.3.V0.3 with C=3.2 if Cb≈0.145/Fn in the range 0.48 – 0.85. Otherwise
Völker: L/1/3 = 3.5 + 4.5V/√(g1/3) with V in m/s. Formula is for dry cargo ships and container ships. For
refrigerated cargo ships reduce L/1/3 by 0.5 and for coasters and trawlers by 1.5.

Table 12.1 Demonstration of empirical estimates for ship length

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Ship Breadth (or Beam, B). The most commonly used definitions for the breadth of the ship (Figure
2.2) are :

 Moulded Beam is the greatest distance between the inside of plating on the two sides of the
ship at the greatest width at the section chosen (Figure 2.2).
 Breadth extreme is measured to the outside of plating but will also take account of any over-
hangs or flare (Figure 2.2).

Variations in breadth for a particular design may give rise to : (1) ship resistance changes so there has
to be an optimum B/T and L/B; (2) potential increase in production costs for increased B; (3) changes
in stability criteria, roll amplitude and acceleration ; (4) draught changes - e.g. smaller T if B×T =
constant while B is increased.

Ship Depth (or moulded depth, D) varies along the length but is usually quoted for amidships. It is
measured from the underside of the deck plating at the ship’s side to the top of the inner flat keel plate
(Figure 2.2). Unless otherwise specified, the depth is to the uppermost continuous deck. D is used to
determine the ship’s volume and the freeboard. It also influences the longitudinal strength.

Figure 2.2 Hull characteristics (transverse view):

Ship Draught (or moulded draught/draft, T) is the distance from the keel to the surface of the water
(the waterline). Mean draft (Tm) is the average of the bow and stern drafts at the perpendiculars. Mean
draft is typically the draft at amidships.

Tm = (2.1)

Given that the draught must relate to the displacement equation, a large draught will benefit a low
resistance and also give greater freedom to the propeller design and the selection of large propeller

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Camber is defined as the rise of the deck in going from the side to the center (Figure 2.32.3). Decks
are cambered to enable water to run off them more easily. For ease of construction, and reduce cost,
camber is applied usually only to weather decks, and straight-line camber often replaces the older
parabolic curve.

Rise of floor/Deadrise is the bottom of a ship, in the midships region. It is usually flat but not
necessarily horizontal. If the line of bottom is extended out to intersect the moulded breadth line, the
height of this intersection above the keel is called the rise of floor or deadrise (Figure 2.32.3).

Flat of Keel. Most ships have a flat keel and the extent to which this extends athwartships is termed the
flat of keel or flat of bottom (Figure 2.3).

Flare and Tumble home. The forward sections of most ships have a bow characteristic called flare.
On a flared bow, the half-breadths increase as distance above the keel increases. Flare improves a ship's
wave piercing performance, resistance to roll, and increases the available deck space. Tumblehome is
the opposite of flare and the beam at the deck is smaller than the beam at the waterline. In some ships,
the sides are not vertical at amidships. If the upper deck beam is less than that at the waterline, it is said
to have tumble home (Figure 2.32.3).

Figure 2.3. Ship section idealizations (Tupper, 2013)

Freeboard is the difference between the depth at side and the draught. In other words, it is the height
of the deck at side above the waterline. It influences the shape of the righting arm and hence it is
important in determining intact stability at large angles. It may be also useful in damage stability
situations where reserve buoyancy is essential. Sheer (see Figure 2.1) permits a distribution of freeboard
along the length of the ship thus giving increased freeboard forward and aft. In this way it assists
avoidance of deck wetness in poor weather conditions. The basic freeboard of the ship is calculated
based on the International Load Line Convention (ILLC)2 contained in IMO SOLAS and its value
depends on whether the ship carries liquid cargoes or bulk cargoes. The summer freeboard represents
the distance measured down from a line denoting the top of the freeboard deck at side and a second line
is painted on the side with its top edge passing through the center of a circle. This marking is known as
the Plimsoll mark. To allow for different water densities and for severe conditions in different seasons
a series of lines are painted on the ship’s side to represent the maximum allowed draught in each
condition. These paintings are known as load line marks (Figure 2.42.4). In general the evaluation of
freeboard is very complex and depends on the ship type. Nevertheless it is worthwhile mentioning that
the evaluation of freeboard for ships longer than 100 m is a function of CB, D, Shear, Superstructure,
Bow Height and – in general - comprises of the following steps :

For further information on IMO ILLC please refer to :

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 Determine a preliminary freeboard estimate from the tables contained in IMO ILLC based on a
standard ship with a CB = 0.68; L/D = 15 ; no superstructure; a parabolic shear and minimum bow
 Correct the tabular freeboard for the CB of the ship you design to obtain the ship’s basic freeboard.
 Apply D, deck shear, superstructure corrections based on the ship designed.
 Check the minimum bow height and the reserve buoyancy
 When all of the corrections have been applied to the basic freeboard this results in the minimum
summer freeboard for the ship.

Figure 2.4. Plimsoll Marks/Load line marks. Image Credits: (Tupper, 2013)

2. Displacement and tonnage

Displacement represents the mass of the ship in tonnes or her weight in KN. A ship’s displacement
varies mainly with the draft (T). There are different displacements for different loading conditions.
Usually the fully loaded ship condition is assumed to study the performance. Key nomenclature is as

 : mass displacement (tonnes)

: volume of the displaced water ( m3 )

3 3
 : density of water (usually taken for seawater 1.025 t / m , for fresh water 1.0 t / m and for the Finnish
coast 1.05 t / m3 )

     (tonnes) or       g (KN)

The ship deadweight is defined as her profitable cargo carrying capacity. Thus as a quantity it also
defines the earning power of the ship. In deterministic terms, deadweight is the difference between the
displacement of the ship and her lightship weight. Lightship weight is mainly the weight of the hull,
machinery, and outfitting. Cargo deadweight refers only to the weight of cargo the ship can carry.
Tonnage is a volume measure. Formerly, the standard tone was about 100 cubic feet (2.83 m3 ).
Nowadays, two terms represent tonnage are commonly used and are known as : (a) Gross Tonnage
(GT) based on the volume of all enclosed spaces and representing the overall size of a vessel; (b) Net
Tonnage (NT) based on the volume of cargo spaces plus the volume of passenger spaces multiplied by
a coefficient so representing its carrying capacity. The empirical equation used is :

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𝑁𝑇 = 𝑘 × 𝐺𝑇 (2.2)

where k = 0.3 – 0.5 for Container Ships and 0.5 for other ships

2.1 Ship coefficients

In naval architecture, comparison of different hull forms is achieved with the aid of coefficients.

2.1.1 Fineness Coefficients.

Fineness coefficients express the fullness of the hull form (e.g. some hulls have a very full rounded
ends and some have very sharp knife-like ends). The fineness coefficients of a vessel are dependent on
the speed she is designed for and the seakeeping conditions that are considered for the vessel. This
means that the faster the ship is the finer her hull form. The typical fineness coefficients for different
types of ships summarized in Table 2.1 are defined as follows:
Block coefficient (CB) is the ratio of the volume of displacement to the product of the length, breadth,
and draught of the ship as shown below (see Figure 2.5).
Displacement Volume
CB =
× ×
× ×

Figure 2.5. Demonstration of the variation of CB to ship speed (Froude No.): (Tupper, 2013)

Midship Coefficient (𝐂𝐌 ) is the ratio of the area of the immersed portion of the midship section to
the product of the breadth and the draught of the ship (Figure 2.62.6).
Midship sectional area
C = × ℎ
= ×

Prismatic Coefficient (𝐂𝐏 ) is the ratio of the volume of displacement to the product of the
length and the immersed portion of the midship section (
Table 2.1 Typical fineness coefficients for different ship types

Displacement Volume
C = = (2.5)
ℎ×Midship sectional area ×

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Figure 2.5 Ship Block Coefficient (Tupper, 2013)

Figure 2.6 Explanation of Midship area coefficient (Tupper, 2013)

Figure 2.7 Explanation of Prismatic coefficient. Image Credits: (Tupper, 2013)

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Ship type CP Cm CB CW
Trawler 0,648 0,880 0,570 0,720
Car Ferry 0,551 0,920 0,507 0,640
Fast Cargo Liner 0,664 0,980 0,650 0,749
Cargo Tramp. 0,735 0,980 0,720 0,803
Tanker 0,842 0,985 0,830 0,887
Sailing Yacht ex fin keel 0,550 0,680 0,374 0,700

Table 2.1 Typical fineness coefficients for different ship types

Waterplane Area Coefficient (𝐂𝐖 ) defined as the ratio of the area of the waterplane to the product of
the length and breadth of the ship (Figure 2.8).
Waterplane area
C = ℎ×
= ×

Figure 2.8 Explanation of waterplane area coefficient. Image Credits: (Tupper, 2013)

Deadweight coefficient (CD) is defined as the ratio of the ship’s deadweight to displacement :
Cargo ℎ
CD =the total weight = (2.7)

Here the deadweight means the weight of a loaded ship without the lightweight i.e. weight of the items
that are not a part of the hull or fittings. Typical values of CD of certain types of vessels are summarized
in Table 2.2.
Ship Type CD
Super tanker 0,78
Container Ship 0,65
Hydrofoil Ferry 0,30
Table 2.1 Typical values of the Deadweight Coefficient

Speed Parameters. A ship’s speed is dependent on ship size. The most commonly used speed
parameter is Froude Number (Fn). It is a dimensionless parameter representing the speed to length ratio
of a ship. Froude number is commonly used in resistance and propulsion analysis.

𝐹 = (2.8)

2.1.2 Slenderness coefficients

Slenderness coefficients express the relation between displacement and hull length. The most common
ones are:
Displaced Mass (tons)
 Taylor Displacement to Length Ratio = [ ℎ( )/ ]
= (2.9)
( )
Displacment Volume
 Volumetric Coefficient (CV) = = (2.10)

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 Froude Displacement Coefficient (M) = Displaced Volume / = / (2.8)

It is noted that Cv and M are non-dimensional and therefore useful in general design. Typical values are
given in Table 2.3.

Ship Type M CV Taylor Displacement

/Length Ratio
Racing VIII 17,00 0,2 6
Frigate/Destroyer 7,5 2,5 70
Light Displacement Racing Yacht 7,0 3,0 80
Container Ship 6,5 3,5 105
Large Tanker 5,0 8,0 230
Cruising Yacht 4,75 9,5 270
Salvage Tug 4,25 13,0 370
4,00 15,5 450
Table 2.2 Typical Values of Slenderness Coefficients

3. Ship type characteristics

There are various ways to categorize ships namely : mission, applied technologies, operational area,
design limiting factors, cargo handling system, number of hulls etc. (see Figure 2.9 and Table 2.4). The
mission and service category assumes that a ship can operate for commercial services (e.g. to carry
cargo for trade) or for defense (naval ship) or for leisure and tourism (passenger ship) or for special
purpose (e.g. ice breakers, Yaughts and leisure boats).

Figure 2.9 Overview of ship categories

On the other hand, the applied technologies category comprises of the following sub-categories :

 Hydrodynamic capability and material type. An example segment under this sub – category are
innovative High Speed Crafts (HSC). Such vehicles are sensitive to hydrodynamic-lift / loads
and the use of lightweight hull materials (aluminum, composites, carbon-fiber).
 Cargo handling and storage sub - category has broad application on a variety of vessels. For
example, LNG/LPG and Tanker ships use piping systems for the transfer of liquid cargo during
loading. Container ships and bulk carriers use vertical lifting equipment (pallets and cranes);
On In Roll on Roll off (Ro-Ro) ships cargo is rolled onto and rolled off the ship on trucks or

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 Propulsion capability applies on LNG and passenger ships with single or twin screw propeller.
HSC is another segment where the use of high performance waterjets is broadly spread. Use of
sails or Fletner rotors that could be used for energy efficient ocean going ships or for small
boats are other examples.
 Power generation methods (e.g. diesel engine, steam turbine, gas turbines, batteries, hydrogen
fuel cells) is another key sub - category that is expected to expand over the years to come mainly
because of shipping sustainability requirements.

Ship Type Advantages Limitations

Monohulls  Many empirical design data available Speed in heavy weather is limited by roll and
 Low building cost per unit displacement pitch motions , slamming, green seas and
 Small relative wetted area longitudinal bending moments
Catamarans  Low building cost per unit displacement  Wide overall beam
 High altitude cruising in waves and thus low  High metal weight per unit displacement
wave resistance  Speed limited by pitch motion, wet deck
 Low probability of slamming slamming and longitudinal bending moments
Trimarans  Wide cargo deck well above water line  Large wetted deck area
 Satisfactory initial transverse stability  High longitudinal bending moment especially
 Lower wave resistance than mono-hulls in high seas
 Low probability of bottom slamming  Maneuvering / directional control problems
 Transverse bending moments less than

Table 2.4 Some ship type characteristics

Ships can also be categorized based on their area of operations. For example, ships designed to operate
worldwide or ships that operate in restricted areas (e.g. Canadian Great Lakes, Baltic or South China
seas, the ice infested regions of the Arctic and the Southern Ocean, coastal areas or inland waterways).
Ship categorization based on limiting design factors accounts for weight/space/size limited ships.
Weight limited ships are those carrying heavy cargo (e.g. bulk carriers, timber cargo ships). Space
limited ships are those which are transporting people (e.g. cruise ships, RoPax ships) and light cargo
ships (e.g. high speed craft). Size limited ships are ship designs affected by infrastructure in specific
areas of the world (e.g. draft and beam constraints for operation in Panama or Suez canals or draft limits
in ports). The final main category clasifis ships according to their hull numbers. Two main ship types
are considered here namely the mono-hull vessels (e.g. classic designs of bulk carriers, tankers, cruise
liners, etc.) and innovative multi-hull vessels (see Table 2.4). Examples of multi-hull vessels are Single
Water Plane Area Twin Hull - SWATH ships designed for relatively high speed and a stable platform
in moderately rough weather (Table 2.5), Wave Piercing Catamarans – WPC design for short sea high
speed coastal service and trimaran war ships (Table 2.4) or even pentamaran container ship designs for
transatlantic service (Figure 2.10).
Advantages Limitations
Wide and well elevated deck area with excellent initial Wide overall beam.
stability, roll and pitch motions.
Low longitudinal bending moment which drops at higher Transverse bending moment is greater than for a
speed in head seas. catamaran.
Low wave resistance. Greater relative wetted area
Low slamming probability Narrow struts and gondolas make it difficult to place and
access the main engines.
Low additional resistance in waves

Table 2.15 Advantages and limitations of Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull ships (SWATH)

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Fig. 2.10 Artist impression of a pentmaran container ship © British Maritime Technology, UK

4. Questions
1. A box barge 65m long and 12m wide floats at a draught of 5.5m in sea water. Calculate the
displacement in sea water and in fresh water.
2. A ship has a constant triangular cross-section floats in sea water. The ship is 85m long, 12m wide,
at the deck and has a depth from keel to deck of 9m. Draw a curve of displacement as a function of
draught using 1.5m intervals of draught up to 7.5m waterline. Use the curve to obtain the
displacement at 5.5m draught.
3. A cylinder 15 m long and 4 m outside diameter floats in sea water with its axis in the waterline.
Calculate the mass of the cylinder.
4. A two-man sailing dinghy displaces volume of 0.27m3. Its load waterline length is 4.25m and the
waterline beam at amidships is 1.1m. Assuming CP = 0.58 and a midship section area coefficient CM
=0.63 calculate the values of M, CB and draught.
5. A luxury motor yacht is to have a displacement volume of 350m3 and a beam to draught ratio of 3.5.
Assuming Froude number Fn =0.40 use the design, trend lines to estimate suitable length (LBP), beam
(Bmld) and draught (Tmld) for this vessel. Also calculate the vessel speed corresponding to the
proposed Froude number.
6. Sketch and explain the ship’s main dimensions and their different definitions.
7. Define: Sheer, Camber, Rise of floor, flat of keel, tumble home, and freeboard.
8. Explain and write the equations of the fineness coefficients.
9. Explain briefly the ship’s different classifications.
10.Explain the difference between displacement, deadweight, and lightship weight.

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