Scna Jan 2023

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Sr. No.



Grade: MEO Class-IV

Board ot Operational Level
of the Ship & Care for Persons on

Function: Controlling the Operation

SHIP Total Marks: 100
(Time allowed-3 Hours)
(India 2022)
Answer SIX Questions
1) (16
marks Marks each).
2) All Questions carry equal
the subsections carry equal weightage.
3) Unless specified, all
in expression carry weightage
Neatness in handwriting and clarity
4) sketches / diagrams carries weightage
Answer with clear
lustration of an a c r o s s the page.
5) cancelled out by two lines (X)
of Answer sheet must be
All unused pages
6) front cover page.
Start answering
from the backside of the

Dimensions of a vessel. (6)

sketches the Principle
1. A}Explain with the aid of simple dimensions. (5)
B) Draw the marking of a vessel with
Load line
line in Load line marking.
c)Explain the significance of each
a vessel at rest in still
water? Explain with
What the various Static stresses that act on
A) are
the aid of sketches.
stresses on a vessel?
B) Give examples for dynamic
in ship
6 Structural strength members used
3. Name and explain in detail with sketches any
construction for strength and integrity.

used for ship's propulsion. (5)

4. a) List the various types of screw propellers (5)
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of CPP.
and Trailing edge. (6)
c)With a simple sketch of a fixed pitch propeller explain Rake,Leading

ingress into
the main deck of a vessel that causes water
5. a) What are the vulnerable areas on
the vessel? (8)
b) What steps are taken in a vessel such vulnerable areas are not a threat to water tight

integrity? (8)

a) Define Density, Relative Density (6)

has water of density 1.020
b A bilge holding tank of 5 m length, 3 m width and 1.8 m depth
mupto a sounding of 1.3 m and oil of density 0.86 t/ m3is floating on top of water upto

an ullage of 0.3 m. Calculate the mass of water and oil in the tank. (10)
7. a) What are the effects of adding mass to draught and trim of a ship? (6)
(b) The half ordinates of the waterplane area of a ship of 8200 t
displacement, 90 m long
are 0,
2.61, 3,68, 4.74, 5.84, 7.00,7.30, 6.47; 5.35,4.26, 3.16, 1.88 and om respectively. It
floats in sea water of 1.024 t/m3. Calculate the
change in mean draught when moving into
water of 1.005 t/m3
8. (a) Derive the formula for Admiralty Coefficient.
(b) A ship travels 900 nautical miles at a speed of 12.5 knots and burns 150t of fuel over
the voyage. Estimate the distance the
ship could travel at a speed of 13.5 knots on 250t of
3. (a) List the causes for impairment of stability of a vessel.
(b} A box-shaped vesse! floats upright on an even keel as shown in fresh water of density
1000 kg per cubic meter, and the center of buoyancy is 0.50 m above the keel. Find the
height of the center of buoyancy above the keel when the vessel is floating in salt water
of density 1025 kg per cubic meter. (10)

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