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Lab3-4-Building An Embedded Processor System On A Xilinx Zync FPGA (Profiling) - A Tutorial

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Building an Embedded Processor System

on a Xilinx Zync FPGA (Profiling): A Tutorial

Embedded Processor Hardware Design
January 29 t h 2015.

Table of Contents
Requirements .............................................................................................................3
Part 1: Building a Zynq-7000 Processor Hardware ........................................................4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Step 1: Start the Vivado IDE and Create a Project ........................................................................................... 4
Step 2: Create an IP Integrator Design .................................................................................................................. 6
Customize Instantiated IP ......................................................................................................................................10
Use Block Designer Assistance .............................................................................................................................11
Step 3: Generate HDL Design Files ....................................................................................................................... 15
Step 4: Implement Design and Generate Bitstream .................................................................................... 16
Step 5: Export Hardware to SDK ........................................................................................................................... 18
Export to SDK...............................................................................................................................................................18
Part 2: Build Zynq-7000 Processor Software .............................................................. 19
Step 1: Start SDK and Create a Software Application ................................................................................. 19
Step 2: Run the Software Application ................................................................................................................. 22
Add a Breakpoint .......................................................................................................................................................27
Step 3: Executing the Software............................................................................................................................... 28
Part 3: Profiling the Software .................................................................................... 29
Step 1: Start SDK and Create a Software Application ................................................................................. 29
Step 2: Profile the Software Application .......................................................................................................... 30
Producing the GMON Executable .......................................................................................................................31
Step 3: Generating statistics

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using Vivado and IP Integrator to
create a complete Zynq ARM Cortex-A9 based processor system targeting the
ZedBoard Zynq development board. You will use the Block Design feature of IP
Integrator to configure the Zynq PS and add IP to create the hardware system, and
SDK to create an application to verify the design functionality. It will also guide you
through the process of profiling an application and analyzing the output.

After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
• Create an embedded system design using Vivado and SDK flow
• Configure the Processing System (PS)
• Add Xilinx standard IP in the Programmable Logic (PL) section
• Use and route the GPIO signal of the PS into the PL using EMIO
• Use SDK to build a software project and verify the functionality in hardware.
• Set up the board support package (BSP) for profiling an application
• Set the necessary compiler directive on an application to enable profiling
• Setup the profiling parameters

This lab is separated into steps that consist of general overview statements that
provide information on the detailed instructions that follow. Follow these detailed
instructions to progress through the tutorial.
This tutorial comprises three stages (each consisting of steps): You will create a
top-level project using Vivado, create the processor system using the IP Integrator,
add two instances of the GPIO IP, validate the design, generate the bitstream, export
to the SDK, create an application in the SDK, and, test the design in hardware. You
will then be able to profile the application and produce statistics that will help you
understand the main bottlenecks of your application.

The following is needed in order to follow this tutorial:
• Vivado w/ Xilinx SDK (tested, version 2013.2/version 2014.4)
• Zedboard (tested, version D)

Part 1: Building a Zynq-7000 Processor Hardware
In this part of the tutorial you create a Zynq-7000 processor based design and
instantiate IP in the processing logic fabric (PL) to complete your design. Then you
take the design through implementation, generate a bitstream, and export the
hardware to SDK.
If you are not familiar with the Vivado Integrated Development Environment Vivado
(IDE), see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893).

Step 1: Start the Vivado IDE and Create a Project

1. Start the Vivado IDE (FIGURE 1) by clicking the Vivado desktop icon or by
typing vivado at a terminal command line.

Figure 1: Getting Started Page

2. From the Getting Started page, select Create New Project. The New Project
wizard opens (FIGURE 2).
3. Click Next

Figure 2: Create New Project Wizard

4. In the Project Name dialog box, type the project name and location. Ensure
that Create project subdirectory is checked, and then click Next.
5. In the Project Type dialog box, select RTL Project, then click Next.
6. In the Add Sources dialog box, ensure that the Target language is set to
VHDL, then click Next.
7. In the Add Existing IP dialog box, click Next.
8. In the Add Constraints dialog box, click Next.
9. In the Default Part dialog box select Boards and choose “ZedBoard Zynq
Evaluation and Development Kit”. Make sure that you have selected the
proper Board Version to match your hardware because multiple versions of
hardware are supported in the Vivado IDE. Click Next.
10. Review the project summary in the New Project Summary dialog box before
clicking Finish to create the project.

Step 2: Create an IP Integrator Design
1. In the Flow Navigator, select Create Block Design.

Figure 3: Create Block Design from Flow Navigator

2. In the Create Block Design popup menu, specify a name for your IP
subsystem design.

Figure 4: Create Block Design Dialog Box

3. Right-click in the Vivado IP integrator diagram window, and select Add IP.

Figure 5: Add IP Option

4. Alternatively, you can click the Add IP link in the IP integrator diagram area.

Figure 6: Add IP Link in IP Integrator Canvas

The IP Catalog opens.

5. In the search field, type zynq to find the ZYNQ7 Processing System IP, and
then press Enter on the keyboard.

Figure 7: The IP Integrator IP Catalog

Because you selected the ZedBoard when you created the project, the Vivado
IP integrator configures the design appropriately.

In the Tcl Console, you see the following message:

create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv

xilinx.com:ip:processing_system7:5.2 processing_system7_1

INFO: [PS7-6] Configuring Board Preset zed. Please wait ......

There is a corresponding Tcl command for all actions performed in the IP

integrator block diagram. Those commands are not shown in this document.
See the Tcl Console for information on those commands.

6. In the IP integrator diagram header, click Run Block Automation.

Figure 8: Run Block Automation on Zync

The Run Block Automation dialog box opens, stating that the FIXED_IO and
DDR interfaces will be created for the Zynq core.

7. Click OK.

Figure 9: Zync7 Run Block Automation Dialog Box

After running block automation on the Zynq processor, the IP integrator
diagram should look as follows:

Figure 10: Zynq Processing System after Running Block Automation

8. Now you can add peripherals to the processing logic (PL). To do this, right-
click in the IP integrator diagram, and select Add IP.

9. In the search field, type gpi to find the AXI GPIO IP, and then press Enter to
add the AXI GPIO IP to the design.

10. Repeat the action, typing axi bram to find and add AXI BRAM Controller,
and typing block to find and add Block Memory Generator.

The Block Design window matches FIGURE 11. The relative positions of the
IP will vary.

Figure 11: Block Design after Instantiating IP

Customize Instantiated IP
1. Double-click the Block Memory Generator IP, or right-click and select
Customize Block (FIGURE 12).

Figure 12: Customize Block Option

The Re-customize IP dialog box opens. 2.

2. On the Basic tab of the dialog box, set:

• Mode to BRAM Controller
• Memory Type to True Dual Port RAM
Click OK.

Figure 13: Set Mode and Memory Type

The AXI BRAM Controller provides an AXI memory map interface to the
Block Memory Generator.

3. Connect the Block Memory Generator to the AXI4 BRAM Controller by
clicking the connection point and dragging a line between the IP.

Figure 14: Connected AXI BRAM Controller and Block Memory Generator

The AXI BRAM Controller provides an AXI memory map interface to the
Block Memory Generator.

Use Block Designer Assistance

Block Designer Assistance helps connect the AXI GPIO and AXI BRAM Controller to
the Zynq-7000 PS.

1. Click Run Connection Automation and then select /axi_gpio_1/s_axi to

connect the BRAM controller and GPIO IP to the Zynq PS and to the external
pins on the ZedBoard (FIGURE 15).

Figure 15: Run Connection Automation

The Run Connection Automation dialog box opens and states that it will
connect the master AXI interface to a slave interface.

In this case, the master is the Zynq Processing System IP (FIGURE 16).

Figure 16: Run Connection Automation Message

Click OK.

This action instantiates an AXI Interconnect IP as well as a Proc Sys Reset IP

and makes the interconnection between the AXI interface of the GPIO and the
Zynq-7000 PS.

2. Select Run Connection Automation again, and the /axi_gpio_1/gpio

shown in FIGURE 17.

Figure 17: axi_gpio Selection

The Run Connection Automation dialog box includes options to hook up to

the GPIO port. 4.

3. Select leds_8bits (FIGURE 18).

Figure 18: Select Board Interface Options

4. Click OK. This step also configures the IP so that during netlist generation,
the IP creates the necessary Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC).
5. Click Run Connection Automation again, and select the remaining option
/axi_bram_ctrl_1/S_AXI (FIGURE 19).

Figure 19: axi_bram_ctrl Selection

This completes the connection between the Zynq7 Processing System and the
AXI BRAM Controller.

The IP integrator subsystem looks like FIGURE 20. Again, the relative
positions of the IP can differ slightly.

Figure 20: Zynq Processor System

6. Click the Address Editor tab to show the memory map of all the IP in the

In this case, there are two IP: the AXI GPIO and the AXI BRAM Controller. The
IP integrator assigns the memory maps for these IP automatically. You can
change them if necessary.

7. Change the range of the AXI BRAM Controller to 64K, as shown in FIGURE 21.

Figure 21: axi_bram_ctrl to 64k Range

8. Save your design by pressing Ctrl-S, or select File > Save Block Design.

9. Click the Address Editor tab to make sure that the memory mappings for the
GPIO and BRAM controller have been auto populated.

10. From the toolbar, run Design-Rules-Check (DRC) by clicking the Validate
Design button (FIGURE 22). Alternatively, you can do the same from the
menu by:

• Selecting Tools > Validate Design from the menu.

• Right-clicking in the Diagram window and selecting Validate Design.

Figure 22: Validate Design Button

The Validate Design Successful dialog box opens (FIGURE 23).

Figure 23: Validate Design Message

11. Click OK.

Step 3: Generate HDL Design Files
You now generate the HDL files for the design.

1. In the Source window, right-click the top-level subsystem design and select
Generate Output Products (FIGURE 24). This generates the source files for
the IP used in the block diagram and the relevant constraints file.

Figure 24: Generate Output Products Option

2. The Manage Output Products dialog box opens. Click OK.

3. In the Sources window, select the top-level subsystem source, and select
Create HDL Wrapper to create an example top-level HDL file (FIGURE 25).

4. Click OK when the Create HDL Wrapper dialog box opens.

Figure 25: Create HDL Wrapper

Step 4: Implement Design and Generate Bitstream
1. In Flow Navigator, click Generate Bitstream to implement the design and
generate a BIT file.

Note: If the system requests to re-synthesize the design before implementing,

click No. The previous step of saving the constraints caused the flow to mark
synthesis out-of-date. Ordinarily, you might want to re-synthesize the design
if you manually changed the constraints, but for this tutorial, it is safe to
ignore this condition (FIGURE 26).

Figure 26: Generate Bitstream

You might see a dialog box stating no implementation results are available.

2. Click Yes.

Figure 27: No Implementation Results Available Dialog Box

3. After the design implementation, click Open Implemented Design, (FIGURE

Figure 28: Bitstream Generation Completed

4. You might get a warning that the implementation is out of date. Click Yes.

Figure 29: Implementation Is Out-of-Date Dialog Box

Step 5: Export Hardware to SDK
In this step, you export the hardware description to SDK. You use this in Part 2.
The IP integrator block diagram, and the Implemented design, must be open to
export the design to SDK.

IMPORTANT: For the Digilent driver to install, you must power on and connect the
board to the host PC before launching SDK.

Export to SDK
1. In the Flow Navigator, click Open Block to invoke the IP integrator design
(FIGURE 30).

Figure 30: IP Integrator - Open Block Design

Now you are ready to export your design to SDK.

2. From the main Vivado File menu, select Export Hardware for SDK (FIGURE

Figure 31: Export Hardware for SDK

The Export Hardware for SDK dialog box opens, ensure that Export
Hardware, Include Bitstream, and Launch SDK are checked (FIGURE 32).

Figure 32: Export Hardware for SDK

Part 2: Build Zynq-7000 Processor Software
In this portion of the tutorial you will build an embedded software project that
prints “Hello World” to the serial port.

Step 1: Start SDK and Create a Software Application

1. If you are doing this lab as a continuation of Part 1 then SDK should have
launched in a separate window (if you checked the Launch SDK option while
exporting hardware). You can also start SDK from the Windows Start menu
by clicking on Start > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > Vivado 2013.2
> SDK > Xilinx SDK 2013.2. When starting SDK in this manner you need to
ensure that you in the correct workspace.

2. You can do that by clicking on File > Switch Workspace > Other in SDK. In
the Workspace Launcher dialog box in the Workspace field, point to the
SDK_Export folder where you had exported your hardware from lab 1.
Usually, this is located at

Now you can create a hello world application.

3. Select File > New > Application Project (FIGURE 33).

Figure 33: File->New->Application Project

New Project dialog box opens

4. In the Project Name field, type Zync_Design, and click Next (FIGURE 34).

Figure 34: SDK Application Project

5. From the Available Templates, select Hello World (FIGURE 35) and click

Figure 35: SDK New Project Template

When the program finish compiling, you will see the following (FIGURE 36).

Figure 36: SDK Message

Step 2: Run the Software Application
Now, you must run the hello world application on the ZedBoard. To do so, you need
to configure the JTAG port. Make sure that your hardware is powered on and a
Digilent Cable is connected to the host PC. Also, ensure that you have a USB cable
connected to the UART port of the ZedBoard.

1. Click Xilinx Tools and select Configure JTAG Settings (FIGURE 37).

Figure 37: Configure JTAG Settings

2. In the Configure JTAG Settings dialog box, select the Type as Auto Detect,
and click OK (FIGURE 38).

Figure 38: Configure JTAG Settings

3. Next, download the bitstream into the FPGA by selecting Xilinx Tools >
Program FPGA (FIGURE 39).

Figure 39: Program FPGA

This opens the Program FPGA dialog box.

4. Ensure that the path to the bitstream that you created in Step 7 of Lab 1 is
correct and then click Program.

Note: The DONE LED on the board turns blue if the programming is

5. Select and right-click the Zynq_Design application.

6. Select Debug As and Debug Configurations (FIGURE 40).

Figure 40: Launch on Hardware

7. In the Debug Configurations dialog box, right-click Xilinx C/C++ Application

(GDB) and select New.

Figure 41: Debug Configuration Dialog Box

8. In the Debug Configurations dialog box, click Debug.

Figure 42: Run Debug Configurations

9. The Confirm Perspective Switch dialog box opens. Click Yes.

Figure 43: Confirm Perspective Switch Dialog Box

10. Set the terminal by selecting the Terminal 1 tab and clicking the Settings
button (FIGURE 44).

Figure 44: Settings Button

11. Use the following settings for the ZedBoard (FIGURE 45). Click OK.

The Port should be the

port for the Cypress

Figure 45: Terminal Settings

12. Verify the Terminal connection by checking the status at the top of the tab
(FIGURE 46).

Figure 46: Terminal Connection Verification

13. In the Debug tab, expand the tree, and select the processor core on which the
program is to be run (FIGURE 47).

Figure 47: Processor Core to Debug

14. If it is not already open, select ../src/helloworld.c, line 41, and double
click that line to open the source file.

Add a Breakpoint
You add a breakpoint on line 43.

1. Select Navigate > Go To Line (FIGURE 48).

Figure 48: Go to Line

2. In the Go To Line dialog box, type 43.

3. Double click on the left pane of line 43, which adds a breakpoint on that line
of source code (Figure 49).

Figure 49: Add a Breakpoint

Step 3: Executing the Software

This step will take you through executing the code up to and past the break point.

1. Click the Resume button or press F8

2. Click the Step Over button or press F6

3. You should see “Hello World” in the terminal if everything worked correctly
(FIGURE 50).

Figure 50: Terminal Output

Part 3: Profiling an Application

Export the Design to the SDK Step 1

1-1. Export the design to the SDK, create the software BSP using the
standalone operating system; Enable the profiling options.

1-1-1. Export the hardware configuration by clicking File > Export > Export Hardware

1-1-2. Tick the box to Include Bitstream, and click OK

1-1-3. Launch SDK by clicking File > Launch SDK and click OK

1-1-4. In SDK, select File > New > Board Support Package.

1-1-5. Notice Standalone_bsp_0 in the Project name field and click Finish with default

A Board Support Package Settings window will appear.

1-1-6. Select the Overview > standalone entry in the left pane, click on the drop-down arrow of
the enable_sw_intrusive_profiling Value field and select true.

Figure 29 Enable profiling in the board support package

1-1-7. Select the Overview > drivers > cpu_cortexa9 and add –pg in addition to the –g in the
extra_compiler_flags Value field.

Figure 30 Adding profiling switch

1-1-8. Click OK to accept the settings and create the BSP.

Create the Application Step 2

2-1. Create the tutorial application.

2-1-1. Select File > New > Application Project.

2-1-2. Enter tutorial-profile as the project name, select the Use existing standalone_bsp_0
option, and click Next.

2-1-3. Select Hello World in the Available Templates pane and click Finish.

2-1-4. Replace the Hello World C program with the intended application you have.

2-2. A snippet of the source code is shown in the following figure.

2-2-1. Save the program and it should compile successfully and generate the tutorial-profile.elf

Run the Application and Profile Step 3

3-1. Place the board into the JTAG boot up mode. Program the PL section
and run the application.

3-1-1. Place the board in the JTAG boot up mode.

3-1-2. Power ON the board.

3-1-3. Select Xilinx Tools > Program FPGA and click on Program.

3-1-4. Right click on the lab6 directory, and select C/C++ Build Settings.

3-1-5. Under the ARM gcc compiler group, select the Profiling sub-group, then check the
Enable Profiling box, and click OK.

Figure 31 Compiler setting for enabling profiling

3-1-6. From the menu bar, Select Run > Run Configurations… and double click on Xilinx
C/C++ application to create a new configuration.

3-1-7. Click on the newly created tutorial-profile Debug configuration, and select the Profile
Options tab.

3-1-8. Click on the Enable Profiling check box, enter 100000 (100 kHz) in the Sampling
Frequency field, enter 0x10000000 in the scratch memory address field, and click Apply.

Figure 32 Profiling options

3-1-9. Click the Run button to download the application and execute it.

The program will run, and when execution has completed, a message will be displayed
indicating that the profiling results are being saved in gmon.out file at the lab6\Debug

3-1-10. Click OK.

3-2. Invoke gprof and analyze the results.

3-2-1. Expand the Debug folder under the project_profile project in the Project Explorer view,
and double click on the gmon.out entry.

Figure 33 Invoking gprof on gmon.out

3-2-2. The Gmon File Viewer dialog box will appear showing lab6.elf as the corresponding
binary file. Click OK.

3-2-3. Click on the Sort samples per function button ( ).

3-2-4. Click in the %Time column to sort in the descending order (See Figure 11).

Figure 34 Sorting results

3-2-5. Go back to the Run Configuration, and change the sampling frequency to 1000000 (1
MHz) and profile the application again.

3-2-6. Invoke gprof, select the Sorts samples per function output, and sort the %Time

Notice that the output has better resolution and reports more functions and more samples
per function calls.

3-2-7. Close the SDK and Vivado programs by selecting File > Exit in each program.

3-2-8. Turn OFF the power on the board.

This Tutorial led you through enabling the software BSP and the application settings for the


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