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Genetics A Conceptual Approach 5th Edition Pierce Test



Genetics A Conceptual Approach 6th Edition Pierce

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Genetics A Conceptual Approach 6th Edition Pierce Test



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Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

Section 10.1

1. What four general characteristics must the genetic material possess?

(1) The genetic material must contain complex information.
(2) The genetic material must replicate or be replicated faithfully.
(3) The genetic material must have the capacity to vary or mutate to generate
(4) The genetic material must encode the phenotype or have the ability to code for

Section 10.2

2. Briefly outline the history of our knowledge of the structure of DNA until the time
of Watson and Crick. Which do you think were the principal contributions and

1869: Johann Friedrich Miescher isolates nuclei from white blood cells and extracts
a substance that was slightly acidic and rich in phosphorous. He calls it
Late 1800s: Albrecht Kossel determines that DNA contains the four nitrogenous
bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
1920s: Phoebus Aaron Levine discovers that DNA consists of repeating units, each
consisting of a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous base.
1950: Erwin Chargaff formulates Chargaff’s rules (A = T and G = C).
1947: William Ashbury begins studying DNA structure using X-ray diffraction.
1951–1953: Rosalind Franklin, working in Maurice Wilkins’ lab, obtains higher
resolution pictures of DNA structure using X-ray diffraction
1953: Watson and Crick propose the model of DNA structure.
All of these scientists contributed information that helped Watson and Crick
determine the structure of the DNA double helix. Erwin Chargaff and Rosalind
Franklin made two important contributions that directly led to the discoveries by
Watson and Crick. By combining Chargaff’s rules with Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray
diffraction data, Watson and Crick were able to predict accurately the structure of
the DNA double helix.

3. What experiments demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material?

228 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

Experiments by Hershey and Chase in the 1950s using the bacteriophage T2
demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of the bacteriophage. Also, the
experiments by Avery, Macleod, and McCarty demonstrated that the transforming
material initially identified by Griffiths was DNA.

4. What is transformation? How did Avery and his colleagues demonstrate that the
transforming principle is DNA?

Transformation occurs when a transforming material (or DNA) genetically alters
the bacterium that absorbs the transforming material. Avery and his colleagues
demonstrated that DNA is the transforming material by using enzymes that
destroyed the different classes of biological molecules. Enzymes that destroyed
proteins or RNA had no effect on the activity of the transforming material.
However, enzymes that destroyed DNA eliminated the biological activity of the
transforming material. Avery and his colleagues were also able to isolate the
transforming material and demonstrate that it had chemical properties similar to

5. How did Hershey and Chase show that DNA is passed to new phages in phage

Hershey and Chase used the radioactive isotope 32P to demonstrate that DNA is
passed to new phage particles during phage reproduction. The progeny phage
released from bacteria infected with 32P-labeled phages emitted radioactivity from
P. The presence of the 32P in the progeny phage indicated that the infecting phage
had passed DNA on to the progeny phage.

6. Why was the discovery of DNA structure so important?

By deciphering the structure of the DNA molecule, Watson and Crick provided the
foundation for molecular studies of the genetic material or DNA, allowing scientists
to discern how genes function to produce phenotypes. Their model also suggested a
possible mechanism for the replication of DNA that would ensure the fidelity of the
replicated copies.

Section 10.3

7. Draw and identify the three parts of a DNA nucleotide.

The three parts of a DNA nucleotide are phosphate, deoxyribose sugar, and a
nitrogenous base.
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 229

8. How does an RNA nucleotide differ from a DNA nucleotide?

DNA nucleotides, or deoxyribonucleotides, have a deoxyribose sugar that lacks an
oxygen molecule at the 2′ carbon of the sugar molecule. Ribonucleotides, or RNA
nucleotides, have a ribose sugar with an oxygen linked to the 2′ carbon of the sugar
molecule. Ribonucleotides may contain the nitrogenous base uracil, but not
thymine. DNA nucleotides contain thymine, but not uracil.

9. How does a purine differ from a pyrimidine? What purines and pyrimidines are
found in DNA and RNA?

A purine consists of a six-sided ring attached to a five-sided ring. A pyrimidine
consists of only a six-sided ring. In both DNA and RNA, the purines found are
adenine and guanine. DNA and RNA differ in their pyrimidine content. The
pyrimidine cytosine is found in both RNA and DNA. However, DNA contains the
pyrimidine thymine, whereas RNA contains the pyrimidine uracil but not thymine.

10. Draw a short segment of a single polynucleotide strand, including at least three
nucleotides. Indicate the polarity of the strand by labeling the 5′ end and the 3′ end.
230 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene


11. Which bases are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with each another?

Adenine is capable of forming two hydrogen bonds with thymine. Guanine is
capable of forming three hydrogen bonds with cytosine.

12. What different types of chemical bonds are found in DNA and where are they

The deoxyribonucleotides in a single chain or strand of DNA are held by covalent
bonds called phosphodiester linkages between the 3′ end of the deoxyribose sugar
of a nucleotide and the 5′ end of the deoxyribose sugar of the next nucleotide in the
chain. Two chains of deoxyribonucleotides are held together by hydrogen bonds
between the complementary nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides in each chain.

13. What are some of the important genetic implications of the DNA structure?

Referring back to Question 1, the structure of DNA gives insight into the four
fundamental genetic processes. The Watson and Crick model suggests that the
complex genetic information or instructions are encoded in the nucleotide
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 231

sequences. The complementary polynucleotide strands indicate how faithful

replication of the genetic material is possible. Finally, the arrangement of the
nucleotides is such that they specify the primary structure or amino acid sequence
of protein molecules.

14. What are the three major pathways of information that flow within the cell?

The major transfers of genetic information are replication, transcription, and
translation. These are the components of the central dogma of molecular biology.

Section 10.4

15. What are hairpins and how do they form?

Hairpins are a type of secondary structure found in single strands of nucleotides.
The formation of hairpins occurs when sequences of nucleotides on the single
strand are inverted complementary repeats of one another.

16. What is DNA methylation?

DNA methylation is the addition of methyl groups (–CH 3 ) to certain positions on
the nitrogenous bases on the nucleotide.



17. The introduction to this chapter, about the sequencing of 4000-year-old DNA,
emphasizes DNA’s extreme stability. What aspects of DNA’s structure contribute to
the stability of the molecule? Why is RNA less stable than DNA?

Several aspects contribute to the stability of the DNA molecule. The relatively strong
phosphodiester linkages connect the nucleotides of a given strand of DNA. The
helical nature of the double-stranded DNA molecule results in the negatively
charged phosphates of each strand being arranged to the outside and away from each
other. The complementary nature of the nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides helps
hold the two strands of polynucleotides together. The stacking interactions of the
bases, which allow for any base to follow another in a given strand, also play a major
role in holding the two strands together. Finally, the ability of DNA to have local
variations in secondary structure contributes to its stability.
232 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

RNA nucleotides or ribonucleotides contain an extra oxygen at the 2′carbon of the

ribose sugar. This extra oxygen at each nucleotide makes RNA a less stable

Section 10.2

*18. Match the researchers (a-j) with the discoveries listed.

a. Kossel
b. Fraenkel-Conrat
c. Watson and Crick
d. Levene
e. Miescher
f. Hershey and Chase
g. Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty
h. Griffith
i. Franklin and Wilkins
j. Chargaff

__ Took X-ray diffraction pictures used in constructing the structure of DNA.

__ Determined that DNA contains nitrogenous bases.

__ Identified DNA as the genetic material in bacteriophage.

__ Discovered regularity in the ratios of different bases in DNA.

__ Determined that DNA is responsible for transformation in bacteria.

__ Worked out the helical structure of DNA by building models.

__ Discovered that DNA consists of repeating nucleotides.

__ Determined that DNA is acidic and high in phosphorous.

__ Conducted experiments showing that RNA can serve as the genetic material in
some viruses.

__ Demonstrated that heat-killed material from bacteria could genetically transform

live bacteria.

Took X-ray diffraction pictures used in constructing the structure of DNA:
i. Franklin and Wilkins
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 233

Determined that DNA contains nitrogenous bases:

a. Kossel

Identified DNA as the genetic material in bacteriophage:

f. Hershey and Chase

Discovered regularity in the ratios of different bases in DNA:

j. Chargaff

Determined that DNA is responsible for transformation in bacteria:

g. Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty

Worked out the helical structure of DNA by building models:

c. Watson and Crick

Discovered that DNA consists of repeating nucleotides:

d. Levene

Determined that DNA is acidic and high in phosphorous:

e. Miescher

Conducted experiments showing that RNA can serve as the genetic material in some
b. Fraenkel-Conrat

Demonstrated that heat-killed material from bacteria could genetically transform live
h. Griffith

*19. A student mixes some heat-killed-type IIS Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria with
live type IIR bacteria and injects the mixture into a mouse. The mouse develops
pneumonia and dies. The student recovers some type IIS bacteria from the dead
mouse. If this is the only experiment conducted by the student, has the student
demonstrated that transformation has taken place? What other explanations might
explain the presence of the type IIS bacteria in the dead mouse?

No, the student has not demonstrated that transformation has taken place. Unlike
Griffiths, who used strains IIR and IIIS to demonstrate transformation, the student is
using strains IIR and IIS. A mutation in the IIR strain injected into the mouse could
be sufficient to convert the IIR strain into the virulent IIS strain. By not conducting
the appropriate control of injecting IIR bacteria only, the student cannot determine
whether the conversion from IIR to IIS is due to transformation or to a mutation.
Although heat may have killed all the IIS bacteria, the student has not demonstrated
that the heat was sufficient to kill all the IIS bacteria. A second useful control
234 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

experiment would have been to inject the heat-killed IIS into mice and see if any of
the IIS bacteria survived the heat treatment.

20. Predict what would happen if Griffith had mixed some heat-killed type IIIS bacteria
and some heat-killed type IIR bacteria and injected these into a mouse. Would the
mouse have contracted pneumonia and died? Explain why or why not.

The mouse would not have contracted pneumonia and died. Although the mouse
would have received IIIS DNA, which codes for virulent Streptococcus pneumoniae,
there are no live bacteria for this DNA to transform. Live bacteria are required for
pneumonia to develop.

21. Explain how heat-killed type IIIS bacteria in Griffith’s experiment genetically altered
the live type IIR bacteria. (Hint: See the discussion of transformation in Chapter 9.)

The IIR strain of Streptococcus pneumonia must have been naturally competent or,
in other words, was capable of taking up DNA from the environment. The heat-killed
IIIS bacteria lysed releasing their DNA into the environment allowing for IIIS
chromosomal DNA fragments to come in contact with IIR cells. The IIIS DNA
responsible for the virulence of the IIIS strain was taken up by an IIR cell and
integrated into the IIR cell’s chromosome, thus “transforming” the IIR cell into a
virulent IIIS cell.

22. What results would you expect if the Hershey and Chase experiment were conducted
on tobacco mosaic virus?

Infection by TMV results in the protein coat and RNA genome entering the host cell.
Inside the plant cell, the TMV protein coat unwinds, releasing the viral genome,
which initiates infection. If Hershey and Chase had used 32P and 35S to label TMV
particles, the RNA molecules would have been labeled with the 32P and the viral
proteins would have been labeled with 35S. However, the protein coat and the RNA
genome would have entered the cell, so “radioactive ghost proteins” would not have
been located outside the cell. Newly synthesized viral RNAs would have contained
measurable levels of 32P.

23. Which of the processes of information transfer illustrated in Figure 10.16 are
required for the T2 phage reproduction illustrated in Figure 10.4?

DNA replication, transcription, and translation.

*24. Imagine you are a student in Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase’s lab in the late
1940s. You are given five test tubes containing E. coli bacteria that were infected
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 235

with T2 bacteriophage that have been labeled with either 32P or 35S. Unfortunately,
you forgot to mark the tubes and are now uncertain which were labeled with 32P and
which with 35S. You place the contents of the each tube in a blender and turn it on
for a few seconds to shear off the protein coats. You then centrifuge the contents to
separate the protein coats and the cells. You check for the presence of radioactivity
and obtain the following results. Which tubes contained E. coli infected with 32P-
labeled phage? Explain your answer.

Tube number Presence of radioactivity in

1 cells
2 protein coats
3 protein coats
4 cells
5 cells

Tubes 1, 4, and 5. The DNA of the bacteriophage contains phosphorous and the
protein contains sulfur. When the bacteriophages infect the cell, they inject their
DNA into the cell, but the protein coats stay on the surface of the cell. The protein
coats are sheared off in the blender, while the cells with the DNA pellet at the
bottom of the tube. Thus, cells infected with 35S -labeled bacteriophage will have
radioactivity associated with the protein coats, whereas those cells infected with 32P-
labeled bacteriophage will have radioactivity associated with the cells.

25. Figure 10.8 illustrates Fraenkel-Conrat and Singer’s experiment on the genetic
material of TMV. What results would you expect in this experiment if protein
carried the genetic information of TMV instead of RNA?

When type A RNA was combined with type B protein (left side of Figure 10.8), the
resulting progeny viruses would have type B RNA and protein. When type B RNA
was combined with type A protein (right side of Figure 10.8), the resulting progeny
viruses would have type A RNA and protein.

Section 10.3

*26. DNA molecules of different sizes are often separated with the use of a technique
called electrophoresis (see Chapter 19). With this technique, DNA molecules are
placed in a gel, an electrical current is applied to the gel, and the DNA molecules
migrate toward the positive (+) pole of the current. What aspect of its structure
causes a DNA molecule to migrate toward to the positive pole?

The phosphate backbone of DNA molecules typically carries a negative charge, thus
making the DNA molecules attractive to the positive pole of the current.
236 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

*27. Each nucleotide pair of a DNA double helix weighs about 1 × 10–21 g. The human
body contains approximately 0.5 g of DNA. How many nucleotide pairs of DNA are
in the human body? If you assume that all the DNA in human cells is in the B-DNA
form, how far would the DNA reach if stretched end to end?

If each nucleotide pair of a DNA double helix weighs approximately 1 × 10–21 g and
the human body contains 0.5 grams of DNA, then the number of nucleotide pairs can
be estimated as: (0.5 g DNA / human)/(1 × 10–21 g / nucleotide) = 5 × 1020
nucleotides pairs/human.
DNA that is in B form has an average distance of 0.34 nm between each nucleotide
pair. If a human possesses 5 × 1020 nucleotide pairs, then that DNA stretched end to
end would reach: (5 × 1020 nucleotides / human) × (0.34 nm/nucleotide pair) = 1.7 ×
1020 nm, or 1.7 × 108 km.

28. One nucleotide strand of DNA molecule has the base sequence illustrated below.


Give the base sequence and label the 5′ and 3′ends of the complementary DNA
nucleotide strand.

Answer: 3′—TAACGATGCC—5′

*29. Erwin Chargaff collected data on the proportions of nucleotide bases from the DNA
of a variety of different organisms and tissues (E. Chargaff, in The Nucleic Acids:
Chemistry and Biology, vol. 1, E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson, Eds. New York:
Academic Press, 1955). The following data are from the DNA of several organisms
analyzed by Chargaff.
Organism and tissue A G C T
Sheep thymus 29.3 21.4 21.0 28.3
Pig liver 29.4 20.5 20.5 29.7
Human thymus 30.9 19.9 19.8 29.4
Rat bone marrow 28.6 21.4 20.4 28.4
Hen erythrocytes 28.8 20.5 21.5 29.2
Yeast 31.7 18.3 17.4 32.6
E. coli 26.0 24.9 25.2 23.9
Human sperm 30.9 19.1 18.4 31.6
Salmon sperm 29.7 20.8 20.4 29.1
Herring sperm 27.8 22.1 20.7 27.5

a. For each organism, compute the ratio of (A + G)/(T + C) and the ratio of
(A + T)/(C + G).
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 237

Organism (A + G)/(C + T) (A + T)/(C + G)
Sheep Thymus 1.03 1.36
Pig liver 0.99 1.44
Human thymus 1.03 1.52
Rat bone marrow 1.02 1.36
Hen erythrocytes 0.97 1.38
Yeast 1.00 1.80
E. coli 1.04 1.00
Human sperm 1.00 1.67
Salmon sperm 1.02 1.43
Herring sperm 1.04 1.29

b. Are these ratios constant or do they vary among the organisms? Explain why.

The ratios for the (A + G)/(T + C) are constant at approximately 1.0 for the
different organisms. Each of these organisms contains a double-stranded
genome. The percentages of guanine and cytosine are almost equal to each other
and the percentages of adenine and thymine are almost equal to each other as
well. In other words, the percentage of purines should be equal to the percentage
of pyrimidines for double-stranded DNA. This means that (A + G) = (C + T).
The (A + T)/(C + G) ratios are not constant. The relative numbers of AT base
pairs and GC base pairs are unique to each organism and can vary between the
different species.

c. Is the (A + G)/(T + C) ratio different for the sperm samples? Would you expect
it to be? Why or why not?

The ratios for the two sperm samples are essentially the same. The equal ratio
should be expected. As stated in the answer to part b. of this question, the
percentage of purines should equal the percentage of pyrimindines.

30. Boris Magasanik collected data on the amounts of the bases of RNA isolated from a
number of sources, expressed relative to a value of 10 for adenine (B. Magasanik, in
The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, vol. 1, E Chargaff and J. N. Davidson,
Eds. New York: Academic Press, 1955).

Organism and tissue A G C U
Rat liver nuclei 10 14.8 14.3 12.9
Rabbit liver nuclei 10 13.6 13.1 14.0
Cat brain 10 14.7 12.0 9.5
Carp muscle 10 21.0 19.0 11.0
Yeast 10 12.0 8.0 9.8
238 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

a. For each organism, compute the ratio of (A + G)/(U + C).

Organism and tissue (A + G)/ (U + C)
Rat liver nuclei 0.91
Rabbit liver nuclei 0.87
Cat brain 1.15
Carp muscle 1.03
Yeast 1.24

b. How do these ratios compare with the (A + G)/(T + C) ratio found in DNA
(see Problem 29)? Explain.

The ratios are not as similar to each other or as close to the value of 1.0 as
found for the (A + G)/(T + C) ratio in DNA. Many RNA molecules are
single-stranded and do not have large regions of complementary sequences as
we would expect to find in DNA.

31. Which of the following relations or ratios would be true for a double-stranded DNA

a. A + T = G + C


b. A + T = T + C


c. A + C = G + T


A +T
= 1.0
d. C + G


A +G
e. = 1.0
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 239


f. =




h. =


A double-stranded DNA molecule will contain equal percentages of A and T

nucleotides and equal percentages of G and C nucleotides. The combined
percentage of A and T bases added to the combined percentage of the G and C
bases should equal 100.

*32. If a double-stranded DNA molecule is 15% thymine, what are the percentages of all
the other bases?

The percentage of thymine (15%) should be approximately equal to the percentage
of adenine (15%). The remaining percentage of DNA bases will consist of cytosine
and guanine bases (100% – 15% – 15% = 70%); these should be in equal amounts
(70%/2 = 35%). Therefore, the percentages of each of the other bases if the thymine
content is 15% are adenine = 15%; guanine = 35%; and cytosine = 35%.

33. Suppose that each of the bases in DNA were capable of pairing with any other base.
What effect would this capability have on DNA’s capacity to serve as the source of
genetic information?

DNA’s ability to be replicated faithfully and to encode phenotypes would be
destroyed. If each base could pair with any other base, the result during replication
would be changes in the DNA sequences of the newly replicated strands. The two
new molecules of DNA would not be identical to the original molecule or to each
other because different bases would be inserted in each newly synthesized strand. If
240 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

the DNA base sequence was constantly changing due to the random pairing of
bases, then no consistent “code” could be maintained. This lack of a code would
inhibit the ability of a DNA molecule to faithfully code for any particular protein.

34. Heinz Shuster collected the following data on the base composition of ribgrass virus
(H. Shuster, in The Nucleic Acids: Chemistry and Biology, vol. 3, E. Chargaff and J.
N. Davidson, Eds. New York: Academic Press, 1955). On the basis of this
information, is the hereditary information of the ribgrass virus RNA or DNA? Is it
likely to be single stranded or double stranded?

Ribgrass virus 29.3 25.8 18.0 0.0 27.0

Most likely, the ribgrass viral genome is a single-stranded RNA. The presence of
uracil indicates that the viral genome is RNA. For the molecule to be double-
stranded RNA, we would predict equal percentages of adenine and uracil bases and
equal percentages of guanine and cytosine bases. Neither the percentages of adenine
and uracil bases nor the percentages of guanine and cytosine bases are equal,
indicating that the viral genome is likely single stranded.

*35. The relative amounts of each nucleotide base are tabulated here for four different
viruses. For each virus listed in the following table, indicate whether its genetic
material is DNA or RNA and whether it is single stranded or double stranded.
Explain your reasoning.

Virus T C U G A
I 0 12 9 12 9
II 23 16 0 16 23
III 34 42 0 18 39
IV 0 24 35 27 17

Virus I is a double-stranded RNA virus. Uracil is present indicating an RNA
genome and we see equal percentages of adenine and uracil and equal percentages
of guanine and cytosine, which we would expect if it is a double-stranded genome.

Virus II is a double-stranded DNA virus. The presence of thymine indicates that the
viral genome is DNA. As expected for a double-stranded DNA molecule, we see
equal percentages of adenine and thymine bases and equal percentages of guanine
and cytosine bases.

Virus III is a single-stranded DNA virus. Thymine is present suggesting a DNA

genome. However, we see unequal percentages of thymine and adenine and unequal
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 241

percentages of guanine and cytosine, which suggest a single-stranded DNA


Virus IV is a single-stranded RNA virus. Uracil is present indicating an RNA

genome. However, the percentage of adenine does not equal the percentage of
uracil, and the percentage of guanine does not equal the percentage of cytosine.
These unequal amounts suggest a single-stranded genome.

*36. A B-DNA molecule has 1 million nucleotide pairs. How many complete turns are
there in this molecule?

B-form DNA contains approximately 10 nucleotides per turn of the helix. A
B-DNA molecule of 1 million nucleotide pairs will have about the following
number of complete turns: (1,000,000 nucleotides) / 10 nucleotides/turn) = 100,000
complete turns.

*37. For entertainment on a Friday night, a genetics professor proposed that his children
diagram a polynucleotide strand of DNA. Having learned about DNA in preschool,
his 5-year-old daughter was able to draw a polynucleotide strand, but she made a
few mistakes. The daughter’s diagram (represented here) contained at least 10

O— P—O–

OH— CH C base


O— P —O
OH— CH C base


a. Make a list of all the mistakes in the structure of this DNA polynucleotide

(1) The 5′ carbon for each of the two sugars is directly linked to phosphorous.
(2) Neither 5′ carbon of the two sugars should have an OH group attached.
242 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene

(3) Neither sugar molecule has oxygen in its ring structure between the 1′ and
4′ carbons.
(4) In one sugar, the 2′ carbon has an –OH group attached, which does not
occur in deoxyribonucleotides.
(5) At the 3′ position in both sugars, only hydrogen is attached, as opposed to
an –OH group.
(6) The 1′ carbon for each of the two sugars has an –OH group, as opposed to
just a hydrogen attached.
(7) The two nucleotides are connected at the 2′ to 5′ position instead of the 3′
to 5′.
(8) The two nucleotides are not connected by a phosphodiester bond.
(9) Neither of the two phosphates are double-bonded to an oxygen. There
should be one oxygen-phosphate double bond in each phosphate.
(10) The phosphate connecting the two sugars shows two negative charges
instead of only one negative charge, which would be present if the
phosphorous double-bond to oxygen was present.

b. Draw the correct structure for the polynucleotide strand.

O H2
C O Base

38. Chapter 1 considered the theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics and
noted that this theory is no longer accepted. Is the central dogma consistent with the
theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics? Why or why not?

The central dogma of molecular biology is not consistent with the theory of
inheritance of acquired characteristics. The flow of information predicted by the
central dogma is:
DNA RNA Protein
One exception to the central dogma is reverse transcription, whereby RNA codes
for DNA. However, biologists currently do not know of a process that will allow
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 243

for the flow of information from proteins back to DNA. The theory of inheritance
of acquired characteristics necessitates such a flow of information from proteins
back to the DNA.

Section 10.4

*39. Write a sequence of bases in an RNA molecule that will produce a hairpin structure.

For a hairpin structure to form in an RNA molecule, an inverted complementary
RNA sequence separated by a region of noncomplementary sequence is necessary.
The inverted complements form the stem structure, and the loop of the hairpin is
formed by the noncomplementary sequences.

5′ —UGCAU—3′ …unpaired nucleotides…5′ —AUGCA—3′

5′ ----------U A---------3′

40. Write a sequence of nucleotides on a strand of DNA that will form a hairpin structure.

For a hairpin structure to form in a strand of DNA, the DNA strand must contain
inverted complementary DNA sequences separated by a region of
noncomplementary sequence. The inverted complements form the stem structure,
and the loop of the hairpin is formed by the noncomplementary sequences:


or C T
5' T A 3'
244 Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene


Section 10.1

*41. Suppose that an automated, unmanned probe is sent into deep space to search for
extraterrestrial life. After wandering for many light-years among the far reaches of
the universe, this probe arrives on a distance planet and detects life. The chemical
composition of life on this planet is completely different from that of life on Earth,
and its genetic material is not composed of nucleic acids. What predictions can you
make about the chemical properties of the genetic material on this planet?

Although the chemical composition of the genetic material may be different DNA, it
more than likely will have similar properties to DNA. As discussed earlier in the
chapter, the genetic material must possess three general characteristics:
(1) It must contain complex information.
(2) It must replicate or be replicated faithfully.
(3) It must encode the phenotype.
(4) It must have the ability to vary.
Even if the material is not DNA, it must meet these criteria. For instance, if the
material could not be replicated or duplicated faithfully, then life on that planet could
not continue because ultimately no offspring could be produced. A lack of fidelity
would result in the loss of information. Genetic material from any lifeform has to
store the information necessary for the survival of that organism. Also, the genetic
material will need to be stable. Unstable molecules will not allow for long-term
storage of information, resulting in the loss of information and change in phenotype.
In addition, this material must be able to vary or mutate, and the mutant form must
be as stable as the original form, or else species will not be able to evolve.

Section 10.2

42. How might 32P and 35S be used to demonstrate that the transforming principle is
DNA? Briefly outline an experiment that would show that DNA rather than protein
is the transforming principle.

The first step would be to label the DNA and proteins of the donor bacteria cells with
S and 32P. The DNA could be labeled by growing a culture of bacteria in the
presence of 32P. The cells as they replicate ultimately will incorporate radioactive
phosphorous into their DNA. A second culture of bacteria should be grown in the
presence of 35S, which ultimately will be incorporated into proteins.
Material from each culture should be used to transform bacteria cells that previously
had not been exposed to the radioactive isotopes. Transformed cells (or colonies)
that would be identified by the acquisition of a new phenotype should contain low
levels of the radioactive material due to the uptake of the labeled molecules. If the
Chapter Ten: DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene 245

transforming material were protein, then cells transformed by the material from the
S exposed bacterial cultures would also contain 35S. If the transforming material
were DNA, then the cells transformed by the material from the 32P exposed bacterial
cultures would also contain 32P.

Section 10.3

43. Researchers have proposed that early life on Earth used RNA as its source of genetic
information and that DNA eventually replaced RNA as the source of genetic information.
What aspects of DNA structure might make it better suited than RNA to be the genetic

Due to the lack of an attached oxygen molecule at the 2' carbon position of the sugar
molecule in deoxynucleotides, DNA molecules are more stable and less reactive than
RNA molecules. The double-helical nature of the DNA molecule provides a greater
opportunity for DNA repair and fidelity during replication. If mistakes occur in one
strand, the complementary strand can serve as a template for corrections.

44. Scientists have reportedly isolated short fragments of DNA from fossilized dinosaur
bones hundreds of millions of years old. The technique used to isolate this DNA is
the polymerase chain reaction, which is capable of amplifying very small amounts of
DNA a million fold (see Chapter 19). Critics have claimed that the DNA isolated
from dinosaur bones is not purely of ancient origin but instead has been
contaminated by DNA from present-day organisms such as bacteria, mold, or
humans. What precautions, analyses, and control experiments could be carried out to
ensure that DNA recovered from fossils is truly of ancient origin?

An initial precaution would be to handle all the material in the most sterile manner
possible. People handling the samples should wear gloves and masks to help keep
the area as devoid of extraneous DNA as possible. Instruments used in the sampling
should be sterilized to eliminate any contamination by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and so
on. They should also be treated to remove trace DNAs. In addition, the source
material surrounding the bones should be treated to remove contaminating DNAs.
Controls also need to be conducted. The DNA from people involved in the procedure
should be tested to see if amplification occurs. Material at various locations around
the site and isolated bugs and microorganisms from the area should be sampled to
see if similar amplification patterns emerge. The design of the primers used for
amplification should be considered carefully and should be executed considering the
sequences of potential dinosaur descendants, such as birds or reptiles, in an attempt
to limit random amplifications. Furthermore, every experiment should be
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Jedus! De gal might be well by now anyhow.”
But he was firm. “Listen to me, Hannah! You got to go home wid me
to-night! Now! In a hurry! Make haste, too!”
“It’s a mighty black night since de moon is gone down.”
“Bein’ black don’ matter. I know de way. You come on, Hannah.”
“I declare to Gawd, my cripple knee is so painful I don’ know ef I
could git in a boat.”
“Den I’ll tote you, but you sho’ got to come.”
“I’m mighty ’f’aid o’ boats an’ water in de daytime much less at night.”
She leaned down to fix the sticks on the fire, but he caught her
roughly by the arm.
“Don’ you tarry, Hannah. You come on right now!”
“What kind o’ boat you got?”
“De boat’s narrow an’ de river’s high, but you got strong heart, enty?
You’ll be as safe wid me in dat boat as ef you was settin’ right here
by de fire in your rockin’ chair. I promised my li’l’ gal to fetch you an’
you’ birthin’ beads ef e would hold out till I git back. You better come
on! Gramma’ll hant you sho’ as you fail me to-night!”
Maum Hannah sighed deep. “I know I got to go, scared as I is. A
boat on a floodin’ river is a turrible t’ing, but I sho’ don’ want
Gramma’s sperit to git no grudge against me. Catchin’ chillen is
Jedus’ business anyhow, an’ de river belongs to Jedus, same as me
an’ you, I reckon. You wait till I git de beads out de trunk. Sometimes
I wish Gramma didn’ leave me dem beads. It’s de truth!”
She groped her way to the shed-room and fumbled in a trunk, then
called out that she needed a light. He broke a splinter off from a stick
of fat lightwood on the hearth and, lighting it, took it to her. The small
flame blazed up, sputtering and hissing, and spat black drops of tar
on the clean floor, on the quilt covered bed, on the wide white apron
she was tying around her waist. The shaking hand that held it was to
“How come you’ hand is a-tremblin’ so, Breeze?” she asked gently.
“You is pure shakin’ like a leaf. Trust in Gawd, son. You’ gal b’longs
to Him, not to you. Jedus ain’ gwine fail em now when e have need.”
The light wavered wildly as he raised an arm to draw his shirt-sleeve
across his eyes. Big teardrops rolled down his cheeks, and his face
twitched dumbly.
“You mus’ scuse me, Hannah. I’m so weakened down wid frettin’
until de water dreans out my eyes. My mind keeps a runnin’ back to
de time dis same li’l’ gal’s own mammy was taken dis same way.
When de tide turned, e went out wid em. Dat’s how come I’m hurryin’
you so fas’. We mus’ git back whilst de tide is risin’.”
He stood, straight and tall, and strong for his years, but the troubled
look in his eyes made the old midwife wonder.
Her weight tilted the narrow boat so far to one side that some of the
black river water slid over its edge and ran down cold on her feet.
“Jedus hab mussy!” she groaned. “If dis boat do go down, I’ll sho’ git
drowned to-night! I can’ swim, not a lick.”
“You set still, Hannah. Dis boat knows better’n to turn over to-night. I
got em trained. E’s got sense like people. E knows e’s got to take me
an’ you safe.”
“I’m mighty glad to hear dat, son, mighty glad.”
The boat was already gliding swiftly past the black willows on the
Blue Brook’s bank and around the bend where the thick trees made
shadows and long tresses of gray moss waved overhead. Soon
they’d reach the river. When a dark bird flew across the stream
Maum Hannah shivered and whispered, “Do, Jedus, hab mussy,” but
Breeze muttered, “Dat ain’ nuttin’ but a summer duck.”
The whole world lay still, wrapped by the night, quiet, save for the
swish of the water against the sides of the boat as the noiseless dips
of the steady-plying paddle thrust it on.
As they neared Sandy Island the shrill cry of an owl in the distance
caused the boat to falter in its forward going.
“Wha’ dat, Breeze?”
“Dat’s one o’ dem blue-dartin’ owls. Dat ain’ no sign o’ death.”
Ripples from the boat broke into glittering sparkles of light laid by the
stars on the water. The river murmured. Trees along the bank were
full of strange shadowy shapes. Whenever the lightest rustle of wind
drifted through the black branches, low smothered sobs fell from
A tall sycamore with its white outstretched arms high up toward
heaven, reached toward the river waving, beckoning.
The night air was cool, but Maum Hannah took up the edge of her
apron and wiped off big drops of sweat that broke out cold as ice on
her forehead. “Do, Jedus, hab mussy!” she prayed.
The new moon had gone to bed. Now was the time evil spirits walk
and take people’s souls out of their bodies. Pines on the island made
soft moans. The darkness quivered with whispers. Only the firelight
shining out from the cabin on the hill made a clear red star to guide
The narrow boat swerved and turned in-shore. A cypress knee,
hidden by the water, bumped hard against it, but didn’t stop its leap
toward the bank. Old Breeze eased himself past Maum Hannah, and
hopping out on the wet sand drew the boat up a little higher on the
“Git up, Hannah. Le’ me hold all two o’ you’ hands. Step slow. Hist
you’ foot. Don’ miss an’ trip. Now you’s on dry land.”
“T’ank Gawd! Praise Jedus’ name!”
“You got de beads, enty?”
“Sho’ I got ’em. Dem beads is all de luck I got in dis world. If dey was
to git lost, I’d be ruint fo’ true. Pure ruint!”
The steep climb cut her breath and stopped her flow of talk, but
Granny who had heard them coming, croaked out:
“Yunnuh better make haste. De chile is done come, but de gal won’
wake up an’ finish de job. Yunnuh come on.”
Maum Hannah lifted the long dark string of beads from around her
neck and handed them to old Breeze. “Run wid ’em, son. Put ’em
round de gal’s neck. Right on e naked skin. If I try to walk fast I might
fall down an’ broke my leg.”
Breath scarcely came and went through the girl’s parted lips, and her
teeth showed white. Were they clenched? Old Breeze pressed on
the round chin to see. Thank God the mouth could open!
Maum Hannah got inside the room at last. The charm words that
went with the beads would set things right. Death might as well go
on home! Let the girl rest. She was tired. Things could wait while she
had her nap out.
The big hickory armchair, drawn close to the fire, held a feather
pillow on its cowhide seat, and lying in the nest it made was a small
black human being. Granny laughed as she picked it up and put it
into Maum Hannah’s hands, saying:
“A boy-chile! An’ born wid a caul on e face!”
“Great Gawd, what is dis! You hear dis news, Breeze? Dis chile was
born wid a caul on e face!”
The man turned his troubled eyes away from the bed. “Wha’ you say,
Laughing with pleasure Maum Hannah and Granny both told him
again. His grandson had been blessed with second-sight. He had
been born on the small of the moon and with a caul over his face. He
would have second sight. He’d always be able to see things that stay
hidden from other people. Hants and spirits and plat-eyes and
ghosts. Things to come and things long gone would all walk clear
before him. They couldn’t hide from this child’s eyes.
“Hotten another pot o’ water, Granny. Lemme warm em good, an’
make em cry.” Maum Hannah cradled the child tenderly in her
hands, then held him low so the firelight could shine in his face. With
a quick laugh she caught him by one foot and holding him upside
down smacked him sharply with three brisk slaps.
“Cry, suh!” she scolded. “Ketch air an’ holler! I hate to lick you so
hard soon as you git here, but I got to make you fret out loud.” A
poor weak bleating sounded and she handed the child to Granny.
“You fix em, whilst I finish up wid de mammy.”

“Wake up, gal!” she plead, shaking the girl’s limp arm. “Wake up!”
The rigid eyelids fluttered open and a faint smile played over the
girl’s face. She was too weary to draw her breath. The pain had
sapped all her strength, every bit.
Maum Hannah stooped and looked under the bed.
“Great Gawd,” she grunted. “Who dat put a’ ax under dis bed? No
wonder de pains quit altogedder. You ought to had chunked dese
irons out de door!” She did it forthwith herself.
“Now! All two is gone! Open you’ eyes, gal! Ketch a long breat. Dat’s
de way. Hol’ you’ two hands togedder. So. Blow in ’em! Hard. Hard
as you kin! Make a stiff win’ wid you’ mouth! Blow you’ fingers off.
Dat’s de way!”
Then something else went wrong. Where was a spider’s web?
Granny ought to have had one ready. Every good midwife should
find one as soon as she takes a case. Maum Hannah’s eyes were
too dim to see a web on the dark rafters overhead. Somebody must
find one and fetch it quickly. Life can leak out fast. Spider webs can
dam it up better than anything else. But, lord, they are hard to find at
night! Where was Breeze?
One was found at last. Then it took careful handling to get it well
covered with clean soot from the back of the chimney. Thank God for
those beads. The girl would have lost heart and given up except for
them and the charm words which Maum Hannah kept saying over
and over. With those beads working, things had to come right. Had
to. And they could not help working. Couldn’t, thank God.
The next morning’s sunshine showed plenty of gossamer webs spun
with shining wheels. Long threads of frail silk were strung across the
yard from bush to bush, traps set by the spiders for gnats and
mosquitoes, strong enough to hold a fly once in a while. But it takes
a house spider’s stout close-woven web to hold soot and do good.
For a house spider to make its home under your roof is good luck,
for sooner or later the cloth it weaves and spins will save
somebody’s life.
Old Breeze got up early and cooked the breakfast, fixed himself a bit
to eat and a swallow or two of sweetened water to drink and went to
the field to work, but the two old women sat by the fire and nodded
until the sun waxed warm and its yellow light glowed into the room
through the wide-open door. Then their tired old bodies livened and
their heads raised up and leaned together while whispered talk crept
back and forth between them. Granny held that Breeze was a good
kind man to take the girl’s trouble as he did. Many a man would have
put her out-of-doors. Girls are mighty wild and careless these days.
But their parents are to blame for it too. Half the children born on
Sandy Island were unfathered. It wasn’t right. Yet how can you stop
them? Maum Hannah sighed and shook her head. It was a pity. And
yet, after all, every child comes into the world by the same old road.
A thousand husbands couldn’t make that journey one whit easier.
The preachers say God made the birthing pain tough when He got
vexed with Eve in the Garden of Eden. He wanted all women to
know how heavy His hand can be. Yet Eve had a lawful husband,
and did that help her any?
Granny blinked at the fire and studied a while, then with a sly look at
the bed she whispered that this same little boy-child was got right
yonder at Blue Brook during the protracted meeting last summer. Her
wizened face showed she knew more than she cared to tell. Not that
it was anything to her whose child it was.
She fidgeted with her tin cup and spoon and peeped at Maum
Hannah out of the corner of her eye, then asked with pretended
“What’s de name o’ de gentleman what’s de foreman at Blue Brook
“E’s name April.”
“Enty?” Granny affected surprise. “Is e got a fambly?” she presently
ventured in spite of Maum Hannah’s shut-mouthed manner.
“Sho’, e’s got a fambly. E’s got a fine wife an’ a house full o’ chillen
“Well, I declare!” Granny mirated pleasantly. “Was any o’ dem born
wid a caul?”
“No, dey wasn’t. I never did hear o’ but one or two people bein’ born
wid a caul. Ol’ Uncle Isaac, yonder to Blue Brook is one, and e’s de
best conjure doctor I ever seen.”
“Who was de other one?” Granny inquired so mildly that Maum
Hannah stole a look at her hard, dried furrowed face. There was no
use to beat about the bush with Granny, so she answered:
“April, de foreman at Blue Brook, was de other one. Dese same ol’
hands o’ mine caught April when e come into dis world, just like deys
caught all o’ April’s chillen.”
“You mean, April’s yard chillen, enty?” Granny looked her straight in
the eyes like a hawk, but Maum Hannah met the look calmly, without
any sign of annoyance.
“I dunno what you’s aimin’ at, Granny. April’s a fine man. Blue Brook
never did have no better foreman. An’ his mammy, Katy, was one o’
de best women ever lived. April was she onliest child. April was born
dis same month. Dat’s how come Katy named him April. April’s a
lucky month an’ a lucky name, too. Wha’ you gwine name you li’l’
boy-chile, daughter?”
Granny looked toward the bed and listened for the answer.
“I dunno, ma’am,” the girl answered weakly, and Granny sweetened
her coffee with a few drops more of molasses. She stirred and stirred
until Maum Hannah suggested:
“April’s a fine name. Whyn’t you name em dat? When I git back to
Blue Brook, I’ll tell de foreman I named a li’l’ boy-chile at him. Dat
would please em too. E might would send em a present. April’s a
mighty free-handed man, an’ e sho’ thinks de world o’ me too.”
Granny waited to taste the sweetened coffee until she heard what
the girl said. The girl didn’t make any answer at first, but presently
she said with a sorrowful sigh, she’d have to think about the baby’s
name. She couldn’t decide in a hurry. Sometimes a wrong name will
even kill a baby. She must go slow and choose a name that was
certain to bring her baby health and luck.
She talked it over with her father and named the baby Breeze, for
him. No foreman in the world was a finer man, or a kinder, stronger,
wiser one. The breeze for which he was named could have been no
pleasanter, no sweeter, than the breeze that blew in from the river
that very morning.
The old man beamed with pleasure. He was glad to have the child
named for him. But since the month was April, why not name him
April Breeze? Then he’d have two good-luck names, and two would
be better than one.
“We could call em li’l’ Breeze, enty?” she asked with a catch in her
“Sho’, honey! Sho’! If dat’s de name you choose to call dis chile, den
e’s li’l’ Breeze f’om now on. But April is a mighty nice name for a boy-
“It’s de Gawd’s truth,” Maum Hannah declared, and Granny grunted
and reached for a coal to light her pipe.
Li’l’ Breeze grew and throve and his grandfather prized him above
everything, everybody else. He was a boy-child, and, besides, he
was born with a caul on his face. Men born so make their mark in
this world. Rule their fellows. Plenty of people have no fathers, and
many of them are better off. A child that has never looked on his
daddy’s face can cure sickness better than any medicine. Just with a
touch of the hand, too. It was a good thing for Sandy Island to have
such a child.
Before Breeze was weaned people began coming to have him stroke
the pain out of their knees and backs and shoulders. He could cure
thrash in babies’ mouths, and even cool fevers.
His mother’s disgrace was completely forgotten, when she married a
fine-looking, stylish young town man who came to Sandy Island to
preach and form a Bury League. He could read both reading and
writing and talk as well as the preacher who read over them out of a
Breeze stayed on with his grandfather, helping him farm in the
summer and set nets for shad in the spring. When the white people
who owned Sandy Island came from somewhere up-North in the
winter and crossed over the river on a ferry-flat from Blue Brook with
their dogs and horses to hunt the deer that swarm so thick on the
island that they have beaten paths the same as pigs and rabbits,
Breeze went along to help hold the horses and watch the dogs.
People said he was Old Breeze’s heart-string, and Old Breeze’s
eyeball. He was, although the mother had other boy-children now,
fine ones too.
And instead of the grandfather’s getting feeble and tottering with
age, he grew younger, and worked harder, so that he and Breeze
might have plenty. Every extra cent saved was buried at the foot of a
tall pine tree growing on the bank of the river not far from the cabin’s
front door. When hard times came, they’d have no lack. The money
would be there, secretly waiting to be spent.
One spring when the shad fishing was done, Old Breeze got leave
from the white folks to cut down some dead pines the beetles had
killed. He dragged these to the river with his two old oxen, and made
them into a raft which he floated down to the town in the river’s
mouth, and sold to a big saw-mill there. Breeze stayed with his
mother until his grandfather came back home, pleased as could be,
with presents for everybody, and a pocket full of money besides. But
although he brought the mother a Bible besides many other fine
things that made her smile, she shook her head and said, “Dead
trees are best left alone. Trees have spirits the same as men. God
made them to stand up after they die. Better let them be.”
But the grandfather was not afraid of tree spirits, and he cut and cut
until no dead tree was left standing and the ground all around the big
pine tree was full of hidden money. Then there was nothing to do but
fish and hunt, and to hunt in the spring is against the white men’s
laws. Old Breeze got restless. He gazed in the fire night after night,
thinking and thinking.
One morning he got up early and skimmed all the cream and put the
clabber in a jug, then he took the brace-and-bit down off the joist
where it stayed and walked off to the woods alone. Every morning he
did it. There was no more clabber for the pigs or the chickens, but
the pine trees began dying so fast that before long enough were
ready to cut for a raft to be floated down the river.
The tall pine close to the bank was the biggest tree on Sandy Island.
It stretched far above the oaks before it put on even one limb. If that
tree ever died, it would make a good part of a raft by itself.
One cold dark dawn, Breeze was roused by the cabin’s door
creaking on its hinges as it closed behind somebody’s muffled steps.
Where was Old Breeze going? Easing a window open, he peered
out and saw the old man going toward the big pine with the jug and
the brace-and-bit.
“Wait on me! I’m a-gwine wid you!” he called.
Old Breeze stopped and stood stiffly erect.
“Who dat call me?”
“Dis me! Breeze!”
The old man broke into a laugh. “Lawd, son, I thought sho’ a sperit
was a-talkin’ to me. How come you’s ’wake so soon? Git back in de
bed an’ sleep!”
But Breeze dressed in a hurry. He wanted to see what would be
done with clabber and the brace-and-bit.
Outside in the half-light it was silent except for the rustle of the big
tree’s needles in the wind. Breeze watched while holes were bored
deep in the solid roots and the clabber all poured down them. He
promised never to tell a soul. Not a soul. That was a stubborn tree. It
swallowed down many a jug of buttermilk and clabber without getting
sick at all, but at last the tips of its needles looked pale. The green of
them faded into yellow, then brown, and its whole top withered. The
old tree gave up. Poor thing.
Its heaviest limbs faced the south, away from the water. That was
good. When it fell, the big butt cut, the heaviest one, would be easy
to roll into the river, and the next two cuts would not have to be
pushed very far. That tree would bring money with its stout, fat heart.
A pocket full of money.
Sunday night came, and Old Breeze wouldn’t go to meeting, but
went to bed for a long night’s sleep. He must get up a high head of
strength before sunrise to cut the big tree down.
Day was just breaking through the cracks of the cabin’s log sides
when Breeze heard it fall. It gave a great cry, and its crash jarred the
cabin. The weight of a big tree’s falling always leaves a deep
stillness behind it, but after the big pine fell the stillness stayed on.
Breeze lay quiet and listened. The tree must have dropped wrong,
and gone across a clump of bamboo vines. Old Breeze would have
to clear them away before his ax could begin to talk.
He’d hear it soon. Lord! Nobody could make an ax speak faster or
louder or truer. Nobody. This was Monday morning and he must get
the clothes up for the mother to wash. Every Monday he carried
them to her and helped her do the washing.
Kingfishers splashed into the river. Once an eagle cried. The day
moved on, smooth and bright and yellow, as the sun walked up the
sky past the tree-tops, higher and higher until noon stood overhead.
But the grandfather’s ax had said nothing yet. Not yet. But wait! It
would make up for lost time when it started to ring!
Sis, the stepfather’s young sister, lived with Breeze’s mother and
helped her mind the children. Every Monday morning they washed
the clothes out in the yard, where the washtubs always sat on a
bench in a sunshiny place. The other children, Breeze’s half brothers
and sisters, roasted sweet potatoes in the ashes under the big black
washpot, and kept the fire going.
On that Monday morning, the fire burned blue and kept popping, and
every now and then the mother cast her eyes, full of dark thoughts,
at the sun. Old Breeze always came for dinner with her on Monday.
Something must have happened. The big tree must have fallen
wrong to keep him so long. But Sis could talk of nothing but the new
dress and the ribbon he had promised to buy her with some of the
money the big pine brought.
The mother lifted the lids of the little pots that sat all around the big
washpot cooking the family’s dinner. With a big iron spoon she
stirred and tasted, added salt and a pod of red pepper. Pepper is
good to help men be strong and warm-hearted. It makes hens lay,
too. She filled the bucket with victuals and told Breeze to run, fast as
he could, to the big tree, so the dinner would be hot when he got
there. Hopping John, peas and rice cooked together, is so much
better fresh out of the pot and breathing out steam. When rice cools
it gets gummy. The fish stew was made out of eels, and they get raw
again as soon as the fire’s heat leaves them. Breeze must take his
foot in his hand and fly.
Breeze did run, but he soon came running back, for Old Breeze
wasn’t there. His ax lay almost in the water, with its handle wet, and
his throwing-wedge beside it.
The two old oxen were chewing their cuds, but the ground around
the tree was all dug up and broken, as if hogs had rooted it up to find
Breeze had called, and called, but nobody answered! When the
mother heard that, a shiver went clear through her body. Her hands
shook so when she lifted them out of the washtub that all the soap-
suds on them trembled.
She said she’d go and call. She knew how to send her voice far
away. She could make him hear and answer. Maybe a deer or a fox
or a wildcat had come and tricked him away from his work, but her
words quivered in her mouth as she said them.
All the children went trailing after her; Sis went hurrying with baby
Sonny in her arms; and they all stood still and listened while the
mother’s throat sent long thin whoopees away up into the sky. Her
breast heaved with hoisting them so far above the trees into the far-
away distance. She’d wait for an answer until all the echoes had
whooped back, then she’d take a deep breath and cry out again.
An old crow laughed as he passed overhead, an owl who-whooed
far in the distance. The wind began moaning and crying in the tops
of all the other trees around the fallen pine.
The mother dropped on her knees and laid her forehead down on
the earth. Her thin body shook, and her fingers twisted in and out as
her hands wrung each other almost to breaking. She prayed and
moaned and begged Jesus to call Granddad to come back. To come
on in a hurry. She couldn’t stand for him not to answer when she
called so hard and so long.
All the children began crying with her. Even Sis, who never cried no
matter what happened, put Sonny down on the naked ground and
with tears running out of her eyes all over her face, reached out and
took the mother’s shoulders in both arms. She tried to keep them
from shaking, but she soon shook with them, for the mother said
over and over she had known all the time that something bad was
going to happen. She knew it last night when she came home from
meeting. Her fine glass lamp-shade, the one Granddad brought her
from town, with flowers on it, broke right in two in her hand. She
hadn’t dropped it, or knocked it against anything, but it broke in two
in her hand. Her moaning talk changed to a kind of singing as her
body rocked from side to side. Her face turned up to the sky, her
eyes gazed straight at the sun, and over and over she wailed the
same words until the littlest children all cried out and screamed them
“Las night I been know
Somebody gwine dead!
Yes, Lawd! Somebody gwine dead!
A sign sesso!
Yes, Lawd, a sign sesso!
De hoot-owl ain’ talk!
De wind ain’ whine!
I ain’ see a ground-crack needer!
But I had a sign,
Jedus gi’ me a sign!
Da lamp-shade!
F’om de town-sto!
E come een two
Een my hand!
Yes, Lawd!
E come een two een my hand!
I ain’ drap em. No!
I ain’ knock em against nuttin,
But e come een two
Een my hand!
De lamp-shade know,
E try fo’ talk,
E broke fo’ gi’ me a sign.
My Pa is dead!
I know, fo’ sho’!
Da lamp-shade broke
Een my hand!”
Her breath caught in her throat with gasps and her grieving got
hoarse and husky, the steady sing-song braced by the children’s
shrill mourning reached the neighbors who came hurrying to see
what was wrong.
At first they tried to cheer up the mother’s heart with big-sounding,
bantering talk. Granddad could outswim an otter. The river could
drown him no more than a duck. He had followed a wild turkey, or a
hog going to make her bed. It was wrong to trouble trouble before
trouble troubles you. Hogs had rooted up the earth around the pine.
Nobody had done that. Granny hobbled up, muttering to herself
between her toothless jaws. The sun shone right into her eyes and
marked how they shifted sly looks from the fallen tree to the earth.
Her withered fingers plucked at the dirty greasy charm thread around
her wrist. One bony finger pointed at the broken ground.
“Whe’ is e, Granny?” the mother asked, and the silence was that of a
grave. Granny’s palsied head shook harder than ever, and the
mother rent the air with her cries. Sis and the children joined in with
wails, and the dogs all howled and barked. Granny said Old Breeze
was done for! The same as the felled tree. Who was to blame? How
could she tell? Had he eaten any strange victuals lately? Had he
drunk water out of any strange well? No? Then he must have been
tricked by somebody under his roof. Somebody who wished him ill
had put an evil eye on him. No strong well man would melt away
unless he had been bewitched. Granny peeped sidewise at Breeze.
Where was his stepfather? Where? Nobody answered the old
woman, but feet shuffled uneasily as she said that the whole of
Sandy Island showed signs of bewitchment. When had it rained?
The fowls’ eggs hatched poorly. The cows lost their cuds. The fish
didn’t bite. Shooting stars kept the sky bright every night. Black
works were the cause! Then everybody chimed in; it must be as
Granny said. And the old woman looked straight at Breeze. He was
born with second-sight. The young moon was here. This was the
time when all those who are cheated out of life come back and walk
on this earth whenever a young moon shines. If Old Breeze had met
with foul death, he’d come back that night and walk around that very
pine as soon as the first dark came. Young Breeze must watch for
him and talk with him and find out what had happened to him.
Nobody else on Sandy Island could talk to spirits like that boy. He
had been born with a caul over his face, and that strange thing that
had veiled his eyes when he came into the world gave them the
power to see things other people could never witness. Spirits and
hants and ghosts and plat-eyes.
Granny’s talk made Breeze’s flesh creep cold on his bones. His
blood stopped running. Fear tried to put wings on his feet, but he
clung to his mother’s skirt and wept, for even the shadows began an
uncertain flickering and wavering as if they’d reach out and grab him.
“Hogs ain’ rooted up de ground. Not no hogs what walks on fo’ legs.
No. Sperits might ’a’ done it—but whe’s you’ husban’, gal? Whe’ e
Nobody knew. Nobody ever knew. And Breeze was too coward-
hearted to watch for his grandfather’s spirit. No matter how Granny
scolded him, he couldn’t do it.
Days afterward, April, the foreman on Blue Brook Plantation, came
to Sandy Island, bringing a pair of blue overalls holding pieces of a
man. He had fished them up out of the Blue Brook itself where they
had drifted instead of going on down to the river’s mouth.
Old Breeze had worn blue overalls that Monday morning. Maybe it
was he. More than likely it was he. Granny was certain of it.
The stepfather had disappeared with the money buried at the foot of
the old dead pine, but April stayed to help dig a grave and bury the
poor thing he had found. The mother shrieked and wailed, but
Granny grunted and shook her head. She said Old Breeze’s body
floated to Blue Brook on purpose so April could find it, for April was
Old Breeze’s son, and, more than that, April was li’l’ Breeze’s daddy!

Breeze had heard about Blue Brook Plantation all his life, but he
had never heard about his mother’s Cousin Big Sue until one hot
October afternoon when he was minding the cow by the spring
branch and helping his mother break in the precious nubbins of corn
and put them in the log barn. Sis called them to come on home in a
hurry! The stepfather had gone to town hunting work. Maybe he had
come home. Sis’s voice was high and shrill and scared, and Breeze
knew something had happened. These hot days the mother always
worked in the field until first dark because that was the coolest part
of the day, and Sis, who stayed at home and sewed and patched
and cooked, never called anybody until after the sun went down.
Breeze forgot that the cow was in reach of the low-ground corn and
hurried across the stubby furrows as fast as his skinny legs could
carry him, but he stopped short when he saw a big fat black woman
with a good-natured smile on her face, standing beside Sis in the
cabin’s back door. Who was she? Why had she come? Why did Sis
look so grieved?
The other children were in the yard, giggling, trying to hide behind
one another, but the woman’s eyes stayed on Breeze.
“I kin see de likeness!” she laughed. “Lawd, yes! Dat boy is de pure
spit o’ April! De same tar-black skin. De same owl eyes. A mouth
blue as blackberry stain.”
Breeze had run so fast he was out of breath and his heart beat
against his ribs as he watched his mother kiss the stranger and go
inside the cabin with her. Presently Sis called him to come in too.
The mother put an arm around him and drew him up close to her
side. Her sleeve was wet with sweat, her body hot and steamy, but
her hand was cold and shaking like a leaf. How weak and frail she
looked beside the fat outsider, who held out a thick hot hand to
shake Breeze’s. The gold rings on it matched the gold hoop earrings
glittering in her small ears, and they felt hard as they pressed against
his fingers.
In the silence that followed Breeze looked at the big woman’s sleek
smooth face. It was round and tight like her fleshy body but with
dimples in its cheeks like baby Sonny’s. She took a pair of gold-
rimmed spectacles out of her pocket and put them on, then leaned
back in her chair and laughed a queer gurgling laugh that widened
her flat nostrils and stretched her full lips.
“Lawd, ain’t it funny how dat boy favors his pa! Dat’s a pity too. A
boy-chile ought to favor his ma to be lucky. I hope e ain’ gwine be de
devil April ever was. April was born wid a caul de same way. Lawd,
e’s a case too!”
Without giving his mother time to answer she talked on; her son Lijah
was like her and her girl, Joy, the image of Silas, her husband.
Thank God, Joy didn’t have ways like Silas. He was good-looking
enough, but God never made a more trifling creature than Silas. He
ran off and left her seven years ago and she had raised those two
children all by herself. Lijah was in Fluridy now. Or maybe it was
Kintucky, she wasn’t certain which; but he was the worst man in the
town where he lived. Everybody was scared to meddle with Lijah.
She laughed and rubbed her fat hands together. Nobody would ever
run over her Lijah. He took after her that way. Now Joy was different.
Joy was weak and easy. But she was a nice girl. She was in town,
going to college, getting educated. Joy wouldn’t rest until she got a
depluma. When she got it, she’d teach school or marry some fine
stylish town man. Joy was a stylish girl herself. Maybe too slim, now,
but she’d thicken out. When she was Joy’s age, Silas could span her
waist with his two hands. Joy would fatten up too when she reached
a settled age.
Cousin Big Sue rolled out her talk without stopping to catch one
breath, and all the time her small sparkleberry eyes roved from
Breeze’s face to his mother’s, then back to Breeze again.
The mother sat huddled low in her chair, her forehead wrinkled, her
shoulders drooped. She reached out and took baby Sonny from Sis,
and with fingers that shook she unbuttoned her dirty sweaty dress to
feed him. For the first time in his life Breeze noticed her poor ragged
underclothes and her bony feet and legs. They looked so lean and
skinny beside Cousin Big Sue’s tight-filled stockings and wide laced-
up shoes.
Two bright tears fell swiftly in baby Sonny’s fuzzy wool and shone
there, two clear drops. Breeze was about to cry himself for his
mother’s stooped body looked so pitiful. The corners of her mouth
were pinched in and the back of her dress, all darkened with sweat
from the hard work she had been doing, was humped out in two
places by the bones of her thin shoulder-blades. But baby Sonny
bobbed his head in such a funny way as he seized the long thin
breast that came flopping out. He crowed and kicked his little feet
with joy just as if that ugly flesh was the finest thing in the world.
Breeze forgot himself and laughed out loud.
Cousin Big Sue’s fat hands stroked each other gently, and the laugh
that oozed out of her mouth squeezed her eyes almost shut.
“Dat boy Breeze is got nice teeth, enty? But Lawd, his gums sho’ is
blue! April’s got ’em too. An’ April’s wife, Leah, is got ’em. Dat’s dog
eat dog, enty? I wish dis boy didn’ had ’em, but I know e won’t never
bite me. Will you, son?”
Breeze felt so shamefaced he shut his mouth tight and hung his
head, and his mother began telling Big Sue about the terrible dry-
drought. How it had worked a lot of deviltry since June. The crops
had promised to make a fair yield, and she kept stirring the earth to
encourage them to hold on to their leaves and blossoms, even if they
couldn’t grow. But the hot sun wouldn’t let a drop of rain fall, no
matter how the clouds sailed overhead full of thunder and lightning.
The leaves all got limp and dry. Sis said they were hanging their
heads to pray, but they stayed limp, then they parched brown and
dried up and fell off. The peas-patch didn’t make enough hay to stuff
a mattress. The corn planted on the hill looked like dried onions. The
patch of corn in the rich low-ground, close by the spring branch, had
done little better. Mid-summer found every blade with its hands shut
up tight, trying to hold on to what little sap the sun left. The grass quit
trying to be green and the cow had nothing to eat but the coarse
bitter weeds growing alongside the spring branch. She was nearly
gone dry. What little milk she gave was skimpy and rank, and turned
to clabber soon as it cooled. The cream was ropy, and the curds
tough. When the butter was churned it wouldn’t gather, but laid down
flat like melted lard.
The hens had quit laying and spent the summer panting air in and
out of wide-open mouths, with their wings away off from their bodies,
trying to get cool. The old sow had quit rooting and stayed in the
mud-hole wallowing, until the mud baked into squares like an
alligator’s hide. She had no milk for her pigs, and those that didn’t
starve turned into runts.
Winter was coming. Not a leaf of collards was growing, the few
nubbins of corn left wouldn’t make bread to last until Christmas. God
only knew how she’d feed the children.
When she leaned down to wipe her eyes on her skirt, baby Sonny
raised up his hard little head and jerked it down on her breast with a
hungry butt, and Breeze forgot again and snickered out. Not that he
would ever make sport of Sonny. Never in the world. He loved every
crinkly tuft of wool on the baby’s head, every tiny finger and toe.
Even if he didn’t grow a bit, his lightness made him easy to hold.
Breeze loved him better than all the other children put together
because he was small and weak.
Big Sue broke into a bright smile. “Son, I’m sho’ glad you love to
laugh. I love to laugh my own self.” Her narrow eyes sparkled
through her gold-rimmed spectacles, and her wide loose lips spread
across her face. “De people on Blue Brook is almost quit laughin’
since de boll-evils come. But boll-evils don’ fret me. I cooks at de Big
House. An’ no matter if de buckra is at Blue Brook or up-North whe’
dey stays most o’ de time, I has all de victuals an’ money I wants. I
has more’n I kin use. It’s de Gawd’s truth. You’ll sho’ have sin, if you
don’ give me dat boy to raise. Po’ as you is, much mouths as you got
to fill, you ought to be glad to git shet o’ one. You better listen good

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