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Energy 216 (2021) 119306

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Off-design performance analysis of a new 300 MW supercritical CO2

coal-fired boiler
Yongjing Tong, Liqiang Duan*, Liping Pang
School of Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering, National Thermal Power Engineering & Technology Research Center, Key Laboratory of Power Station
Energy Transfer Conversion and System (North China Electric Power University), Ministry of Education, North China Electric Power University, Beijing,
102206, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In order to solve existing problems of large working fluid pressure drop and lower reheated working fluid
Received 17 January 2020 temperature under part load conditions, a new 300 MW SeCO2 coal-fired boiler heating surface
Received in revised form arrangement is proposed and its off-design performances are studied. The new SeCO2 boiler adopts the
10 September 2020
single furnace double-tangential circle arrangement without the center wall and increases the propor-
Accepted 9 November 2020
Available online 12 November 2020
tion of reheat radiant heat exchange surfaces. The performance analysis model is built. The variations of
the reheated working fluid temperature, working fluid pressure drop and the off-design performances of
the boiler with the changes of coal type, excess air coefficient and operating load are investigated. The
results show under the design load, the total pressure drop of working medium in the furnace is reduced
Coal-fired power plant by 0.48 MPa, under 30% of the design load, the reheated working medium temperature is increased by
Thermodynamic cycle 7.62  C, and the lower heating value and components of coal greatly influence the boiler efficiency. When
Boiler efficiency the excess air coefficient is 1.2e1.4, the best efficiency zone is reached. The load range with the optimal
efficiency zone is about 70%e100% of the design load. Achievement of this paper will provide valuable
references for the design of the SeCO2 coal-fired boiler.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Author contribution promising energy conversion systems [3]. According to the litera-
ture data [4], when the turbine inlet temperature is higher than
Yongjing Tong: Methodology, Investigation, Soft, Data calcula- 550  C, the cycle efficiency of the SeCO2 Brayton cycle is higher
tion, Original draft preparation, Liqiang DUAN Conceptualization, than that of the Rankine cycle with water as the working medium.
Supervision, Liping Pang. Reviewing and Editing. In addition, CO2 has lower critical parameters (the critical tem-
perature Tc is 31.08  C, the critical pressure Pc is 7.38 MPa)
1. Introduction compared to water, making the power system easier to operate in
supercritical condition. More importantly, the outlet pressure of the
Nowadays, most of thermal power plants use water as the CO2 Brayton cycle turbine is slightly higher than the critical pres-
working fluid. The power generation efficiency of the most sure. The high pressure operation can ensure that the entire cycle
advanced ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plant has reached up operates in a supercritical state, reducing both the volume of the
to 47%e48% [1]. Due to the temperature limitation of metal mate- entire unit and the investment cost [5].
rials, it is difficult to further improve the power generation effi- Coal still plays a key role in energy power system, so the use of
ciency by only increasing the main steam temperature (for SeCO2 cycle in coal-fired power plants has a great energy saving
example, around 700  C)in the near future [2]. The SeCO2 Brayton potential. Bai et al. [6] proposed a new coupling method of CO2 and
cycle power generation system has the advantages of high energy coal-fired power stations. After the optimization, the overall system
conversion efficiency, huge water conservation and remarkable thermal efficiency can reach up to 52.33%, and further increasing
economic performance, and is considered to be one of the most the cycle efficiency by 1% needs a recuperator to reduce the 5  C
pinch temperature difference or 0.07 MPa pressure loss. Li et al. [7]
designed a 5 MW supercritical recompression and reheat CO2
* Corresponding author. Brayton cycle with the main working fluid parameters 600  C/
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Duan).

0360-5442/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

20 MPa. Preliminary design of the experimental equipment pro- design conditions, the Excel sheet is used to calculate the structural
vided the experimental data for the design of the next generation parameters of boiler and off-design conditions. In this paper, the
large capacity unit equipment. Wang et al. [8] proposed three kinds thermal cycle efficiency mentioned is calculated based on the lower
of CO2 Brayton cycles and nine working states. The results showed heating value of the coal. The REFPROP database is applied to
that it was feasible to apply the industrial-scale supercritical CO2 simulate SeCO2 thermodynamic properties from the National
cycle on the basis of the existing boiler. Zhang et al. [9] designed a Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
300 MW single reheat coal-fired boiler, and proposed the idea of
arranging the reheated cooling wall in the furnace. In order to in- 2. 300 MW SeCO2 cycle and boiler
crease the exergy efficiency of boiler, Zhou et al. [10] used ASPEN
software to optimize the heating surface layout on the basis of a 2.1. Description of the SeCO2 Brayton cycle
conventional coal-fired boiler. In the optimization scheme, the area
of the reheated heating surface was increased. Due to the rapid thermodynamic property change of CO2 near
Although the SeCO2 cycle coal-fired power generation system the critical point, the specific heat capacity of the low-temperature
has high power generation efficiency, it still has some problems to recuperator (LTR) at the high pressure side is greater than that of
be solved [11]. Under the same temperature and pressure condi- the low pressure side. The best way is to reduce the working me-
tions, compared with water, CO2 has smaller specific heat capacity dium mass flow rate at the cold side of the auxiliary compressor
and higher density. So, the working medium mass flow rate of (AC) to reach the heat balance [13]. So the recompression cycle is
SeCO2 Brayton cycle is about nine times greater than that of the more efficient than the simple cycle. The working fluid of the cold
steam Rankine cycle [12], which results in that the design of the side outlet of the LTR enters into the heating surface of the boiler
SeCO2 boiler faces the challenge of large working fluid flow rate tail flue gas to absorb the heat, which improves the energy utili-
and large pressure drop. Xu et al. [13] designed a coal-fired boiler zation rate of boiler flue gas waste heat. Both the flowchart of the
for the 1000 MW double reheat SeCO2 Brayton cycle. In order to typical 300 MW SeCO2 Brayton cycle and T-s diagram of the cycle
reduce the pressure drop of the working fluid, split-flow mode was are shown in Fig. 1. And under the design condition, the main pa-
proposed. Hu et al. [12] discussed the specific layout of the furnace rameters of the cycle are shown in Table 1.
cooling wall in the split-flow mode, and analyzed the characteris- The thermal cycle is called as a recompression and single reheat
tics and advantages of the split-flow mode. Li et al. [14]proposed SeCO2 Brayton cycle. After leaving the low-pressure turbine (LPT),
the configuration of circulating fluidized bed boiler, in which the the high temperature working fluid is cooled in the high-
height of furnace heating surface decreased by about 20% and the temperature recuperator (HTR) (1e2) and the low-temperature
depth increased by about 5%. Because of the large heat recovery in recuperator (LTR) (2e3). Before entering into the precooler, the
the SeCO2 power generation system, the working fluid tempera- working fluid is split into two streams. One part is directly
ture of the furnace inlet is greater than 500  C. And the average recompressed to the high pressure state (30 -6); the other part is
working fluid temperature in the furnace is high, which makes it cooled to the main compressor (MC) inlet temperature (3e4) and
difficult to use the waste heat of the tail flue gas. Bai et al. [15] compressed to a high pressure state within the MC (4e5) and then
designed the SeCO2 boiler based on the concept of 300 MW SeCO2 it is preheated to the AC outlet temperature (5e6). Then the
single reheat and recompression cycle power generation system, working fluid is merged with another part of the working fluid.
and used the split heater (equivalent to ECO) to improve the energy Then part of fluid flows into HTR (6e7), and the other part flows
utilization rate of tail flue gas waste heat. Sun et al. [16] proposed to into the boiler tail flue and is preheated to the boiler inlet tem-
add an additional bottom cycle to absorb heat from moderate perature (60 -7). The primary heat absorption process of the cycle
temperature flue gas and six possible bottom cycles were takes place in the boiler (7e8). The working fluid with the highest
compared. In addition, compared with the steam Rankine cycle cycle temperature enters into the HPT and expands to generate the
boiler, the reheat process of the SeCO2 boiler has a large proportion shaft work which is then converted into electricity in the generator
of heat absorption, and the reheated working fluid temperature is (8e9). Then the working fluid is reheated in the boiler to the
rather lower than the design value under part load conditions [15]. highest cycle temperature (9e10). The reheated working fluid goes
In summary, there are significant differences in the arrangement of into the LPT to continually generate the electricity(10e1).The whole
the heating surfaces between the SeCO2 coal-fired boiler and the cycle operates above the critical pressure. The main design pa-
existing power station boiler. rameters of this cycle are 28.5MPa/602  C/622  C [9], the high-
In order to solve the key issues of the SeCO2 coal-fired boiler, a pressure turbine (HPT) efficiency is 93.5%, the LPT efficiency is
new SeCO2 coal-fired boiler heating surface layout scheme is 94.5% [13], the MC efficiency is 90%, and the AC efficiency is 91% [5],
proposed and its off-design performances are studied. The new the generator efficiency is 99%, the AC split ratio is 33.8% [9]. As for
SeCO2 coal-fired boiler is based on a typical 300 MW split flow the choice of the AC split ratio, when the compression ratio is
recompression and single reheat SeCO2 Brayton cycle. In order to constant, the inlet temperature of the compressor drops and the
solve the existing problem of a large pressure drop of SeCO2 coal- power consumption decreases, so the smaller split ratio is better.
fired boiler, the new SeCO2 boiler adopts the single furnace double- But with the decrease of the split ratio, the working fluid temper-
tangential circle arrangement without the center wall. In order to ature drops. When the split ratio drops to a certain value, the
solve the existing problem that reheated working fluid temperature temperature of working fluid at the boiler inlet will be less than the
is rather lower than the design value under part load conditions, design value, and the coal consumption will increase. Therefore,
the new SeCO2 boiler increases the proportion of reheat radiant under the condition that the temperature of working fluid at the
heat exchange surfaces compared with the conventional SeCO2 boiler inlet is the design value, the split ratio is as small as possible.
coal-fired boiler. The performance analysis model is built. The
variations of the reheated working fluid temperature, working fluid 2.2. Novel SeCO2 utility boiler
pressure drop and the off-design performances of the boiler with
the changes of coal type, excess air coefficient and operating load In this paper, the lean coal [17] is selected as the design coal.
are deeply investigated. EBSILON Professional is used as the simu- Proximate parameters of the design coal are shown in Table 2, the
lation software. In order to predict more accurately the changes at property parameters are in a wet base. Based on the Boiler Thermal
radiation and convection heat transfer inside the boiler during off- Calculation Standard 98 [18], the heating surface layout of the
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Fig. 1. Flowchart of 300 MW SeCO2 Brayton cycle.

Table 1 heat transfer is not considered in the heating surface of boiler tail
Main parameters of 300 MW SeCO2 Brayton cycle. flue.
Point Pressure/MPa Temperature/ C Mass flow rate/kg/s Enthalpy/kJ/kg Both the arrangement of heating surfaces in the conventional
SeCO2 coal-fired boiler and working fluid parameters are shown in
1 7.78 516.31 2209.00 1004.49
2 7.72 220.19 2209.00 663.47 Fig. 2, the main structure parameters of the boiler are shown in
3 7.66 86.87 2209.00 504.77 Table 3. The heating surfaces of the conventional SeCO2 coal-fired
30 7.66 86.87 746.79 504.77 boiler at the flue gas side are arranged in the following conse-
4 7.60 32.00 1462.21 315.09
quences as SCW, FS, FR, PS, PR,ECO, SCR and AP.
5 29.46 79.85 1462.21 351.06
6 29.40 219.27 746.79 600.25 Both the arrangement of heating surfaces in the new SeCO2
60 29.40 215.00 242.99 594.00 boiler proposed in this paper and working fluid parameters are
7 29.30 508.90 2209.00 977.21 shown in Fig. 3, the main structure parameters of the new boiler are
8 28.50 602.00 2209.00 1095.53 shown in Table 4. In Figs. 2 and 3, the black line, the red line, the
9 17.87 539.09 2209.00 1023.20
purple line and the blue line represent the superheated process, the
10 17.30 622.00 2209.00 1126.39
reheated process, the denitration process and the air preheated
process, respectively. The heating surfaces of the new SeCO2 boiler
at the flue gas side are arranged in the following consequences as
Table 2
Coal ultimate analysis in a wet base.
SCW, RCW, FR, FS, PS, PR,ECO, SCR and AP. In order to solve the
existing problem that the reheated working fluid temperature is
Item Symbol Unit Value
rather lower than the design value under part load conditions, the
Carbon Car % 61.9 proportion of reheat radiant heat exchange surfaces in the new
Hydrogen Har % 2.4 SeCO2 boiler is increased compared with that of the conventional
Oxygen Oar % 1.6
Nitrogen Nar % 1
coal-fired boiler. In the new boiler, RCW is added in the furnace.
Sulfur Sar % 3.8 And the original arrangement order of heating surfaces from FS to
Ash Aar % 22.8 FR in the conventional coal-fired boiler is changed into the new
Moisture Mar % 6.5 order from FR to FS in the new SeCO2 boiler along the flow direc-
Air dry basis moisture Mad % 0.7
tion of the flue gas.
Dry ash-free basis volatile Vdaf % 13.3
Deforming temperature DT 
C 1220 The large working fluid mass flow of the SeCO2 boiler directly
Softening temperature ST 
C 1300 affects the power generation efficiency of the cycle, which is the

Flowing temperature FT C 1390 key problem to be solved for the SeCO2 coal-fired boiler. For the
Lower heating value Qnet,ar kJ/kg 20910 convective heating surface, the mass velocity in the tube can be
reduced by increasing the number of tubes. However, the number
of cooling wall tubes cannot be increased indefinitely because of
SeCO2 coal-fired boiler is optimized on the basis of the conven- the limitation of the furnace boundary. The conventional SeCO2
tional coal-fired power station boiler [10]. Since the coal combus- coal-fired boiler adopts the single-tangential circle arrangement, as
tion in the furnace is almost the same as that of the conventional shown in Fig. 4.
boiler, this paper uses the Gurwich method proposed by the former In order to solve the problem of a large pressure drop of working
Soviet Union [19] to calculate the heating surfaces thermal char- fluid in furnace, Xu [13] proposed the split-flow mode, as shown in
acteristics of the SeCO2 boiler furnace. And the boiler geometry Fig. 5. However, there will be a big temperature difference between
design parameters are calculated based on cycle parameters. The the working fluid temperatures at the outlets of these two heating
boiler calculation model in this paper adopts the following hy- surfaces under part load conditions in the split-flow mode,
potheses: (1) the pressure drop of the flue gas side is ignored; (2) resulting in a great exergy loss. Different from the split-flow mode,
the exhaust gas temperature of boilers is 130  C; (3) the radiation the method of reducing the height of furnace and increasing the

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Fig. 2. Overall layout and the arrangement of heating surfaces in the conventional SeCO2 coal-fired boiler.

Table 3
Main structure parameters of the conventional boiler.

Item Number of tubes Pitch/m Tube outer diameter and thickness/mm Heating area/m2

Lateral Longitudinal

SCW 350 0.082 55  8 1566.11

FS 620 0.300 0.053 50  8 255.44
FR 540 0.270 0.035 57  8 3179.52
PS 660 0.112 0.102 55  8 569.91
PR 500 0.112 0.102 55  5 2590.50
ECO 320 0.112 0.102 60  9 10429.82

number of cooling wall tubes is proposed in this paper in order to 3. Performance calculation model
reduce the pressure drop of the working fluid. Based on the con-
ventional SeCO2 furnace, the new furnace keeps the width of the 3.1. Pressure drop calculation
furnace unchanged, increases the depth of the furnace and reduces
the height of the furnace. After the optimization, the flue gas The working fluid pressure drop of each heating surface is
temperature at the furnace outlet is kept unchanged, and the calculated as follows [13]:
calculation flowchart is shown in Fig. 6. In this paper, the furnace is
arranged with the double-tangential circle, as shown in Fig. 7.
Because the height of the furnace is obviously reduced, the vertical X
Dl ri u2i
tube is more suitable for the double-tangential circle furnace. DPf ¼ fi   (1)
di 2

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Fig. 3. Overall layout and the arrangement of heating surfaces in the new SeCO2 boiler.

Table 4
Main structure parameters of the new boiler.

Item Number of tubes Pitch/m Tube outer diameter and thickness/mm Heating area/m2

Lateral Longitudinal

SCW 897 0.039 55  8 1387.45

RCW 897 0.039 55  7 1004.71
FR 440 0.270 0.035 57  8 1327.74
FS 870 0.420 0.052 50  8 2484.72
PS 420 0.112 0.102 55  8 1450.68
PR 440 0.112 0.102 55  5 1519.76
ECO 340 0.112 0.102 60  9 8199.17

3.3. Heat absorption calculation

DPg ¼ ri  g  Dl  sin q (2) The main heat transfer process in the furnace is the radiation
heat transfer, while that in the heating surfaces of boiler tail flue is
the convection heat transfer. Both the convection and radiation
Where, Dl ¼ l=N, l is the length of the calculated pressure drop
heat are calculated as follows:
tube, m.

Qc ¼ QFR;c þ QFS;c þ QPS þ QPR þ QECO (4)

3.2. Convection heat transfer calculation
Qr ¼ QSCW þ QRCW þ QFR;r þ QFS;r (5)
CO2 forced convection heat transfer correlation inside the tubes
is as follows [20]: And the effective heat absorption is calculated as follows:

Nu ¼ 0:023Re0:8 Pr 0:4 (3) Qe ¼ H8  H60  H7 þ H10  H9 (6)

The proportions of superheated and reheated heat absorption
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of single-tangential circle arrangement. Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of split-flow mode.

are calculated as follows: 3.6. Flue gas properties

H8  H60  H7 The flue gas properties are calculated according to the coal
aS ¼  100 (7)
H8  H60  H7 þ H10  H9 component parameters. The calculation formulas are as follows:
Theoretical air volume:
H10  H9
aR ¼  100 (8)
H8  H60  H7 þ H10  H9
V 0 ¼ 0:0889ðCar þ 0:375Sar Þ þ 0:265Har  0:0333Oar (9)
Theoretical nitrogen volume:

3.4. Compressor outlet pressure calculation under off-design Nar

conditions VN02 ¼ 0:8 þ 0:79V 0 (10)

Under the design condition, the inlet and outlet pressures of the RO2 volume:
compressor are determined by the design parameters; under the
off-design condition, According to the compressor characteristic Car Sar
curve [21], the compressor outlet pressure is decided by regulating VRO2 ¼ 1:866 þ 0:7 (11)
100 100
the working fluid flow rate and opening degree of the compressor
Theoretical dry flue gas volume:
inlet guide vane. And the off-design performances of both turbines
are shown in Fig. 8.
Vgy ¼ VN02 þ VRO2 (12)
3.5. Different coal’s properties Theoretical vapor volume:

Distributions of different coal’s composition and lower heating

Har Mar
value [17] are shown in Fig. 9. And the properties of the lean coal as VH02 0 ¼ 11:1 þ 1:24 þ 1:6dk V 0 (13)
the design coal are shown in Table 1. When burning different coals, 100 100
the structure parameters of the boiler are fixed. Dry flue gas volume:
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Fig. 8. Off-design performances of both turbines.

Fig. 6. Furnace calculation flowchart.

Fig. 9. Distributions of different coal’s composition and lower heating value.

VH2 O ¼ VH02 O þ 0:0161 apj  1 V 0 (15)

Total volume of flue gas:

Vy ¼ Vgy þ VH2 O (16)

Flue gas mass flow:

my ¼ 1  þ 1:306apj V 0 (17)
When burning the design coal in the new boiler, the calculation
results of flue gas properties are shown in Table 5.

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of double-tangential circle arrangement.

3.7. Boiler area calculation

3.7.1. Calculation of furnace area

  The basic equations for the furnace heat transfer are the heat
Vgy ¼ Vgy þ apj  1 V 0 (14)
balance equations, i.e. (18) and the radiant heat transfer equation
Vapor volume: governed by the furnace emissivity, i.e. (19):
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Table 5
Flue gas characteristic calculation results.


Dry flue gas volume/Nm3/kg 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.54
Vapor volume/Nm3/kg 0.46 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.68
Total volume of flue gas/Nm3/kg 7.75 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 8.22
Flue gas mass flow/kg/kg 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 9.86 10.18

WLTP ¼ hLTP ðH10  H1 Þ

Q ¼ fBVCp ðTa  T Þ (18) (23)

H5  H4
Q ¼ s0 ac jF1 Thy
(19) WMC ¼ (24)
According to the first law of thermodynamics, fBj VCp ðTa  T Þ ¼
s0 ac jF1 Thy
4 . From this equation, the area of the furnace can be H6  H30
WAC ¼ (25)

H8  H60  H7 þ H10  H9
B¼ (26)
3.7.2. Calculation of heating surfaces area hgl Qnet;ar

1) Under the condition of the known flue gas inlet temperature and These simulation calculations apply the following restriction
working fluid inlet temperature (or outlet temperature), the conditions: (1) under the design condition, the values of P8, T8, P10,
outlet temperature of the heating surface is assumed and then, and T10 of both the conventional SeCO2 boiler and the new SeCO2
the heating surface outlet gas enthalpy can be obtained. boiler are the same; (2) under the off-design condition, values of P1,
2) According to the heating surface outlet gas enthalpy, the con- T8 and T4 remain constant.
vection heat transfer of the heating surface can be obtained.
3) According to the first law of thermodynamics, the released heat 4. Results and discussions
at the flue gas side is equal to the absorbed heat at the working
fluid side. Therefore, both the working fluid outlet enthalpy and According to the new SeCO2 coal-fired boiler proposed in this
temperature can be obtained. paper, the variations of the reheated working fluid temperatures
4) Calculate the convection heat transfer coefficient of the flue gas are analyzed compared with that of the conventional coal-fired
side. boiler, the variations of the working fluid pressure drop are
5) Calculate the convection heat transfer coefficient of the working analyzed compared with that of the single-tangential furnace. And
fluid side. the influences of coal type, excess air coefficient and operating load
6) Then calculate the heat transfer coefficient. on the boiler system performance are analyzed.
7) Calculate the heat transfer temperature difference.
8) Calculate the area of convective heating surfaces. 4.1. Model validation

3.8. Boiler efficiency calculation The simulation model is used to calculate the case in the liter-
ature [10] to validate its reliability. In the case, the main input pa-
The inverse balance method is used to calculate the boiler effi- rameters of the single-reheat SeCO2 cycle are shown in Table 6.
ciency as follows: Table 7 shows comparisons of the data in literature and the
calculated results with the method in this work. The relative errors
hgl ¼ 100  ðq2 þ q3 þ q4 þ q5 þ q6 Þ (20) of the key parameters such as the furnace outlet flue gas temper-
ature are not more than 2%. So the simulation model of the SeCO2
Where, the heat losses can be obtained according to the calculation cycle is reliable.
method in reference [17].
4.2. Optimization results analysis

3.9. Power generation efficiency calculation 4.2.1. Reheated working fluid temperature analysis
Under off-design conditions, the output power of LTP is
The purpose of the boiler configuration optimization is to increased when T10 is increased. And under the condition of con-
improve the power generation efficiency of the overall system. The stant HTR heat exchange area, the working medium temperature of
objective function is as follows [22]: the boiler inlet T7 is increased when T10 is increased, so as to reduce
the coal consumption of the boiler B and improve the power gen-
Wt  Wc W þ WLTP  ðWMC þ WAC Þ
h¼  100 ¼ HTP  100 eration efficiency. Fig. 10 shows the reheated working fluid tem-
BQnet;ar BQnet;ar
perature changes of both the conventional SeCO2 boiler and the
(21) new SeCO2 boiler under part load conditions. As shown in Fig. 10,
with the decrease of the load, the reheated temperatures decrease
Where, and deviate from the design value under the condition of keeping
the superheated temperature unchanged. The reheated tempera-
WHTP ¼ hHTP ðH8  H9 Þ (22)
ture decrease speed of the conventional SeCO2 boiler is clearly
more quicker than that of the new boiler, which shows that under
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Table 6
Main input parameters.

Item Parameter Value Unit

HPT Inlet flow pressure/temperature 27.4/605 MPa/ C

LPT Inlet flow pressure/temperature 19.7/603 MPa/ C
MC Inlet flow pressure/temperature 7.8/32 MPa/ C
AC Split ratio 28 %
Components of SeCO2 cycle Pressure drop 0.1 MPa
Heat exchangers in boiler Pressure drop 1 MPa
Compressor Efficiency 89 %
Turbine Efficiency 93 %

ECO Inlet flow temperature 78 C

Table 7
Comparison between literature values and simulation results.

Item Unit Literature values [10] Simulation values Error/%

Superheated heat absorption MW 1857.50 1840.31 0.93

Reheated heat absorption MW 386.00 384.38 0.42

Flue gas temperature of furnace outlet C 1225.90 1250.78 1.99

Exhaust gas temperature C 134.70 132.86 1.38
Power generation efficiency % 44.80 44.95 0.33

reduction, the heat absorption per unit mass flow of working fluid
in the convective heat exchanger is reduced, and the working fluid
outlet temperature is decreased. The characteristics of the radiant
heat exchanger are exactly the opposite. When the boiler load is
reduced, the heat absorption per unit mass flow of the working
fluid in the radiant heat exchanger increases, and the working fluid
outlet temperature is increased.

4.2.2. Pressure drop analysis

As shown in equations (13) and (14), under the condition of
constant P8 and the working fluid pressure drop of HTR and LPT,
both P5 and P6 are decreased when the working fluid pressure drop
of furnace is reduced, thereby reducing the compressor power
consumption and improving the power generation efficiency.
Fig. 11 shows the working fluid pressure drop changes of both the
single-tangential circle furnace and the double-tangential circle
furnace under part load conditions. As shown in Fig. 11 the pressure
drop of working fluid in the double-tangential circle furnace

Fig. 10. Reheated working fluid temperatures of both the conventional boiler and the
new SeCO2 boiler.

part load conditions, the performance of the new SeCO2 boiler is

better than that of the conventional SeCO2 coal-fired boiler in
maintaining the higher reheated working fluid temperature. This is
because the reheated cooling wall has been added in the new
SeCO2 boiler, which not only increases the area of the reheated
heating surface, but also increases the proportion of reheated
radiant heating surface and decreases the proportion of the
reheated convection heating surface. When the boiler load is
reduced, the fuel consumption is substantially reduced, the flue gas
velocity in the convective heat exchanger is reduced as well, and
the heat transfer coefficient of the convective heat transfer surfaces
at the flue gas side is decreased; and the reduction in the coal
consumption also causes the decrease of the flue gas temperature.
The decrease of the flue gas temperature reduces the heat transfer
temperature difference of the convection heat exchanger, so that
the relative value of the absorbed heat reduction of the convective
heat exchanger is greater than the relative value of the load Fig. 11. Pressure drop of both the single-tangential furnace and the double-tangential

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

decreases obviously. This is due to the double-tangential circle

design of the furnace. On the one hand, the decrease of the height of
the furnace will shorten the length of the cooling wall tubes; on the
other hand, the increase of the number of cooling wall tubes will
reduce the mass flow rate of the working medium in the tube.

4.3. Effect of coal type

When the excess air coefficient is 1.2 and burning different coal
types such as anthracite, bitumite, lean coal and lignite, the SeCO2
boiler efficiencies under the design condition are presented in
Fig. 12. As shown in Fig. 12, the efficiency of the boiler with the
anthracite is significantly higher than that with the lean coal. Ac-
cording to Fig. 9, the sulfur content of the lean coal is higher and the
desulfurization loss is large, so that the exhaust gas heat loss, me-
chanical incomplete combustion heat loss and physical heat loss of
ash increase. As shown in Fig. 12, the efficiency of the boiler with
the bitumite is higher than that with the anthracite. As shown in
Fig. 9, the ash content of the anthracite is higher. The amount of the
unburned carbon carried by a large number of high-temperature Fig. 13. Curve of heat absorption proportions of working fluid variations with coal
ash is large and the heat loss is large. The advantage of the type.
anthracite with the low sulfur content is gradually offset, which
makes that the efficiency of the boiler with the anthracite is higher
than that with the bitumite. In Fig. 12, the efficiency of the boiler radiative heat transfer in the furnace is, so that the radiative heat
transfer proportion of bitumite is the largest and the radiative heat
with the lignite is significantly lower than that with other three coal
types. As shown in Fig. 9, the moisture content of the lignite is the transfer proportion of lignite is the smallest. Because the radiation
heat transfer proportion of lignite is small, in order to ensure that
highest and the lower heating value (LHV) of the lignite is the
lowest. It shows that boiler efficiency is not only related to the ash the superheated heat absorption remains unchanged under the
condition that the working fluid parameters of the boiler inlet are
content, but also related to the moisture content and the lower
heating value. Firstly, after being heated from the environment constant, it is necessary to increase the coal consumption. A large
amount of heat flows into the tail flue gas of the boiler, which in-
temperature to the exhaust gas temperature in furnace and tail flue,
creases the reheated heat absorption, so as to maximize the
the moisture in coal will be removed, taking away part of the heat
effective heat absorption of SeCO2 in the boiler.
and increasing the exhaust gas heat loss. Secondly, for the coal with
smaller lower heating value, the utilization rate of the heat is
reduced in the furnace. And a large amount of heat flows into the
4.4. Effect of the excess air coefficient
tail flue gas, resulting in a significant increase of the exhaust gas
Fig. 14 shows the boiler efficiency variations with the excess air
When burning different coal types, Fig. 13 shows the effective
coefficient when burning different coal types under 100% power
heat absorption variations of SeCO2 in the boiler, including the
generation load. The superheated working fluid pressure drop of
proportions of both the radiant heat transfer and the convective
the boiler is around 0.8 MPa, while the reheated working fluid
heat transfer of the boiler. The higher the lower heating value is, the
pressure drop of the boiler is 0.53 MPa. As shown in Fig. 14, the
higher the temperature level in the furnace is, and the greater the

Fig. 12. Effects of coal type on the boiler LHV efficiency. Fig. 14. Curve of boiler efficiency variations with the excess air coefficient.

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

efficiencies of boiler with different coal types increase with the

increase of the excess air coefficient, and decrease after reaching up
to the highest point. On the one hand, when the excess air coeffi-
cient is relatively small, increasing the excess air coefficient can
promote the adequate contact between the coal particles in the
furnace and the oxygen in the hot air, which is conducive to the
burnout of the coal particles and increases the boiler efficiency.
However, when the excess air coefficient is large enough, the total
air volume flowing into the furnace continues to increase, which
will be likely to cause the flue gas velocity to be too large, and the
residence time of coal particles in the furnace will be shorten,
which is not conducive to the burning of coal particles, and the
boiler efficiency decreases. In addition, the increase of the excess air
coefficient of the furnace will also increase the amount of the hot
air exhausted from the tail flue gas and increase the exhaust gas
heat loss. As shown in Fig. 14, there exists the optimal excess air
coefficient for these four coal types. The optimal excess air co-
efficients of lignite, lean coal, bitumite and anthracite are about
1.34, 1.32, 1.24, and 1.22, respectively. Therefore, the optimal excess
air coefficient range of SeCO2 coal-fired boiler is around 1.2e1.4.
Table 8 lists the power generation efficiencies of the overall system Fig. 15. Curve of heat absorption proportions of working fluid variations with the
with different excess air coefficients when burning different coal excess air coefficient.
The excess air coefficient of the boiler varies from 1.05 to 1.55
temperature of the HTR cold side outlet rises with the decrease of
when burning the lean coal under the design load operation as
the load. The load decreases by 10%, the working fluid temperature
shown in Fig. 15. With the increase of the excess air coefficient, the
of the HTR cold side outlet rises by 3.62  C. However, the working
temperature in the furnace will be reduced and the radiation heat
fluid temperature of the ECO outlet decreases with the decrease of
transfer will be weakened. Moreover, with the increase of the flue
the load. The load decreases by 10%, the working fluid temperature
gas velocity, the heat transfer coefficient of the convection heat
of the ECO outlet decreases by 1.95  C. Part of the working fluid
transfer surface will increase and the convection heat transfer will
enters into the ECO, which not only effectively utilizes the low
be enhanced. Fig. 15 shows that when the excess air coefficient is
temperature flue gas heat, but also reduces the working fluid mass
1.45, the effective heat absorption of the SeCO2 is the largest. At
flow rate of the cold side of the HTR. However, this strategy will also
this time, the SeCO2 can completely absorb the heat of the flue gas
cause the corresponding exergy loss due to the temperature dif-
in different heating surfaces.
ference when the wording fluids of both the ECO outlet and the HTR
cold side outlet are mixed during the off-design condition. The
4.5. Effect of the operating load results of corresponding exergy loss are shown in Fig. 16.
The temperature changes at the flue gas side under part load
In the calculation of part load operation performance, the conditions are shown in Fig. 17. In order to prevent from the slag-
method of keeping the superheated temperature constant is ging production in both the cooling wall in the furnace and the
adopted. Unlike the conventional coal-fired power station boiler, heating surface at the furnace outlet, the flue gas temperature at
only part of the working fluid in SeCO2 coal-fired boiler flows into the furnace outlet must be lower than the softening temperature of
the economizer (ECO). In order to ensure that the pinch point the coal. Since there are many factors affecting the furnace outlet
temperature difference of LTR is within an appropriate range, it is temperature during the boiler operation, in order to assure a
necessary to increase the ECO split ratio (xe ) that is defined as the certain safety margin. Generally, when the difference between the
ratio of the mass flow of the working fluid entering into the ECO to softening temperature (ST) and the deforming temperature (DT) of
the total mass flow of the working fluid during the part load the coal is less than 100  C, the furnace outlet flue gas temperature
operation, as shown in Table 9. 00
q1 should be equal or less than the value of ST minus 100  C [17].In
The working fluid temperatures of both ECO outlet and HTR cold
this paper, the coal DT is 1220  C and ST is 1300  C, so the flue gas
side outlet under part load conditions are shown in Fig. 16. The
temperature at the furnace outlet should not be more than 1200  C.
results show that under part load conditions, the working fluid
Fig. 17 shows that the furnace outlet flue gas temperature can meet
the safety margin due to the addition of the reheat cooling wall in
Table 8 the furnace. Fig. 3 shows that the flue gas temperature at the ECO
The power generation efficiency of the overall system (%). outlet is equal to the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reactor inlet
Excess air coefficient Anthracite Bitumite Lean coal Lignite temperature. As shown in Fig. 17, under part load operations, the
flue gas temperature of the SCR reactor inlet decreases as the load
1.05 48.44 48.61 47.93 47.61
1.1 48.50 48.67 47.98 47.68
decreases. At 60% power generation load, the flue gas temperature
1.15 48.55 48.73 48.03 47.74 of the SCR reactor inlet drops to 309.6  C. If the load continues to
1.2 48.61 48.78 48.09 47.84 decrease, the flue gas temperature of the SCR reactor inlet maybe
1.25 48.59 48.78 48.15 47.92 be lower than the effective operating temperature of SCR reactor
1.3 48.56 48.76 48.22 48.02
[23]. In order to ensure the denitration efficiency, part of the high-
1.35 48.53 48.74 48.22 48.04
1.4 48.50 48.72 48.19 48.02 temperature flue gas can be extracted from the front of ECO or the
1.45 48.47 48.69 48.15 48.00 primary superheater (PS) or the primary reheater (PR), and mixed
1.5 48.43 48.66 48.12 47.98 with the ECO outlet flue gas, as shown in Fig. 18. This technology
1.55 48.40 48.64 48.09 47.96 can be used not only in the new SeCO2 boiler, but also in the

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Table 9
ECO Split ratio variations with the operating load.

Power generation output/MW 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90

xe /% 11.00 11.00 11.74 13.05 13.77 14.30 14.71 14.91

Fig. 16. The working fluid temperatures of both ECO outlet and HTR cold side outlet
under part load conditions and the corresponding exergy loss.

Fig. 18. Scheme of extracting the high temperature flue gas.

5. Conclusions
Fig. 17. Flue gas temperature under part load conditions.
According to a typical 300 MW split flow recompression and
single reheat supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle, a new
conventional SeCO2 coal-fired boiler. The temperature of the boiler
supercritical carbon dioxide coal-fired boiler heating surface layout
exhaust flue gas decreases with the decrease of load.
scheme is proposed and its off-design performances are studied.
The efficiencies of the utility boiler with different coal types
The new supercritical carbon dioxide boilers adopts the single
under part load conditions are shown in Fig. 19. The boiler effi-
furnace double-tangential circle arrangement without the center
ciency increases with the decrease of the load, and decreases after
wall and increases the proportion of reheat radiant heat exchange
reaching the highest efficiency point. The variation rule of the
surfaces. The main conclusions are as follows:
SeCO2 boiler efficiency is the same as that of the conventional
steam boiler [24]. The boiler efficiency reaches the highest value
1) The performance of the new supercritical carbon dioxide boiler
under 90% design load. This is because with the decrease of load,
is better than that of the conventional supercritical carbon di-
the temperature of the exhaust flue gas decreases and the exhaust
oxide coal-fired boiler in maintaining the higher reheated
gas heat loss decreases, so the boiler efficiency increases. However,
working fluid temperature under part load conditions.
as the load continues to decrease and other losses increase, the
Compared with the single-tangential circle furnace, the working
advantage of the exhaust gas heat loss is gradually offset, thus the
fluid pressure drop of the double-tangential circle furnace is
boiler efficiency decreases after 90% design load.
obviously reduced.
2) Lower heating value, ash content, moisture content and sulfur
content of coal greatly influence the boiler efficiency. Burning

Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

Program of China (No. 2017YFB0602101), the National Nature Sci-

ence Foundation of China (No.52076078), the Science Fund for
Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (No.51821004), and National Science and Technology
Major Project (2017-I-0002-0002).


Aar ash content, %

AC auxiliary compressor
AP air preheater
B coal consumption, kg/s
Car carbon content, %
dk absolute humidity
di inside tube diameter, m
DT deforming temperature,  C
ECO economizer
fi frictional coefficient
F1 furnace area, m2
FR final reheater
Fig. 19. Curve of boiler efficiency variations with the operating load. FS final superheater
Har hydrogen content, %
HPT high-pressure turbine
the coal with high lower heating value and low moisture con- H enthalpy, kJ/kg
tent is conductive to improve the boiler efficiency. HTR high-temperature recuperator
3) When the excess air coefficient increases from 1.05 to 1.55, on LPT low-pressure turbine
the one hand, the mechanical incomplete combustion heat loss LTR low-temperature recuperator
increases at first then decreases, and the heat loss of exhaust MC main compressor
flue gas gradually increases. On the other hand, both the effec- my flue gas mass flow, kg/kg coal
tive heat absorption of working fluid and the boiler efficiency N total number of tubes
increase at first then decrease. When the excess air coefficient is Nar nitrogen content, %
1.2e1.4, the best efficiency zone of the boiler is reached. Nu Nusselt number
4) Under part load conditions, the working fluid temperature of Oar oxygen content, %
the high-temperature recuperator cold side outlet rises with the P pressure, MPa
decrease of the load. The load decreases by 10%, the working PR primary reheater
fluid temperature of the high-temperature recuperator cold side PS primary superheater
outlet rises by 3.62  C. However, the working fluid temperature q2 exhaust gas heat loss, %
of the economizer outlet decreases with the decrease of the q3 chemical incomplete combustion heat loss, %
load. The load decreases by 10%, the working fluid temperature q4 mechanical incomplete combustion heat loss, %
of the economizer outlet decreases by 1.95  C. The load range of q5 dissipation loss, %
the optimal efficiency zone is about 70%e100% of the design q6 physical heat loss of ash, %
load. Q heat transfer in the furnace, kW
5) The furnace outlet flue gas temperature can meet the safety Qc convention heat
margin due to the addition of reheat cooling wall in the furnace. Qc convention heat
The selective catalytic reduction reactor can work under 60%e Qe effective heat absorption
100% design load. At lower load, in order to ensure the deni- QECO heat exchange of economizer
tration efficiency, the high-temperature flue gas can be extrac- Qnet,ar lower heating value, kJ/kg
ted from the front of economizer or primary Qr radiation heat
superheater(primary reheater), and mixed with the economizer QFR,c convention heat exchange of final reheater
outlet flue gas. QFR,r radiation heat exchange of final reheater
QFS,c convention heat exchange of final superheater
The research results can provide valuable references for the QFS,r radiation heat exchange of final superheater
heating surfaces design and optimization of supercritical carbon QPR heat exchange of primary reheater
dioxide boiler and promote the application of supercritical carbon QPS heat exchange of primary superheater
dioxide Brayton cycle in coal-fired power plant. QRCW heat exchange of reheated cooling wall
QSCW heat exchange of superheated cooling wall
Declaration of competing interest Re Reynolds number
RCW reheated cooling wall
The authors declare that they have no known competing Sar sulfur content, %
financial interests or personal relationships that could have SCR selective catalytic reduction
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. SCW superheated cooling wall
ST softening temperature,  C
Acknowledgments Se CO2 supercritical carbon dioxide
T temperature,  C
This study has been supported by the National Key R&D T00 flue gas temperature at the furnace outlet, K
Y. Tong, L. Duan and L. Pang Energy 216 (2021) 119306

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