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Chapter 3 · The Public Company Board
I. Why a Board?
Stephen M. Bainbridge, Why a Board? Group
Decisionmaking in Corporate Governance
II. The Roles of the Board in the Public Corporation
Elizabeth A. Nowicki, Director Inattention and
Director Protection under Delaware General
Corporation Law Section 102(b)(7): A Proposal for
Legislative Reform
Report of the Task Force of the ABA Section of
Business Law Corporate Governance Committee on
Delineation of Governance Roles and Responsibilities
J. Robert Brown, Jr., The Demythification of the Board
of Directors
III. Independent Directors
Jeffrey N. Gordon, The Rise of Independent Directors
in the United States, 1950–2005: Of Shareholder Value
and Stock Market Prices
Hampshire Group, Ltd. v. Kuttner
IV. Board Size, Structure, and Leadership
Proxy Disclosure Enhancements
V. Board Committees
VI. Selection of Directors
Michael E. Murphy, The Nominating Process for
Corporate Boards of Directors: A Decision-Making
VII. Directors' Compensation
VIII. Diversity on the Board
Renée B. Adams & Daniel Ferreira, Women in the
Boardroom and Their Impact on Governance and
Lisa M. Fairfax, Board Diversity Revisited: New
Rationale, Same Old Story?
IX. Directors' Tenure
Chapter 4 · Duties of Corporate Fiduciaries
I. The Duty of Care and the Business Judgment Rule
Joy v. North
II. Process Care and the Business Judgment Rule
Smith v. Van Gorkom
III. After Smith v. Van Gorkom
Malpiede v. Townson
J. Robert Brown, Jr. & Sandeep Gopalan, Opting Only
In: Contractarians, Waiver of Liability Provisions, and
the Race to the Bottom
IV. Directors' Oversight and the Duty to Monitor
In re Caremark Int'l Inc. Deriv. Litig.
Stone v. Ritter
Rich v. Chong
V. Caremark Claims and Risk Management
In re Citigroup Inc. Shareholder Deriv. Litig.
VI. The Duty of Disclosure
Malone v. Brincat
Chapter 5 · The Duty of Loyalty
I. Self-Dealing Transactions
Harold Marsh, Jr., Are Directors Trustees? Conflict of
Interest and Corporate Morality
Fliegler v. Lawrence
Benihana of Tokyo, Inc. v. Benihana, Inc.
Pfeffer v. Redstone
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Disloyalty Without Limits:
“Independent” Directors and the Elimination of the
Duty of Loyalty
CDX Liquidating Trust v. Venrock Assoc.
II. Usurping Corporate Opportunities
Broz v. Cellular Information Systems Inc.
AngioScore, Inc. v. Trireme Medical, Inc.
Orman v. Cullman
III. Competing with the Corporation
Riggs Inv. Mgmt. Corp. v. Columbia Partners, L.L.C.
Chapter 6 · Executive Compensation
I. Is The Problem of Executive Compensation a New One?
A. Some History
Harwell Wells, “No Man Can Be Worth $1,000,000 a
Year”: The Fight over Executive Compensation in
1930s America
B. Compensation and the Market: A Debate
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P.
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P.
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P.
C. More on the Structural Issues
Richard A. Posner, Essay: Are American CEOs
Overpaid, and, if so, What if Anything Should Be Done
About It?
II. Fiduciary Duties and the Standard of Review
A. Entire Fairness
Julian v. Eastern States Construction Service, Inc.
CALMA v. Templeton
B. The Duty of Care
Brehm v. Eisner
In re the Walt Disney Co. Derivative Litigation
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Returning Fairness to Executive
C. The Safety Valve of Waste
Brehm v. Eisner
In re InfoUSA
III. Compensation and the SEC
A. Compensation and Disclosure
Executive Compensation and Related Person Disclosure
In the Matter of Musclepharm Corporation
Jennifer S. Martin, The House of Mouse and Beyond:
Assessing the SEC's Efforts to Regulate Executive
B. Disclosure and Substantive Changes in Behavior
Executive Compensation and Related Person Disclosure
Pay Ratio Disclosure
C. Substantive Regulation of Compensation
SEC v. Jenkins
D. Fixing the Process
Listing Standards for Compensation Committees
E. Compensation Practices and Remedies
SEC v. Bank of America
IV. “Say on Pay” and Strengthening the Role of Shareholders in the
Compensation Process
Shareholder Approval of Executive Compensation and
Golden Parachute Compensation
NECA-IBEW Pension Fund v. Cox
V. The Future Direction of Executive Compensation
Chapter 7 · The Role of Shareholders in the Governance Process
I. Separation of Ownership and Control
A. The Rise of Institutional Investors
Iman Anabtawi & Lynn Stout, Fiduciary Duties for
Activist Shareholders
B. The Types of Institutional Investors
K. A. D. Camara, Classifying Institutional Investors
In re INTECH Investment Management LLC
Jennifer S. Taub, Able but Not Willing: The Failure of
Mutual Fund Advisers to Advocate for Shareholders'
George W. Dent, Jr., The Essential Unity of
Shareholders and the Myth of Investor Short-Termism
C. The Role of Proxy Advisory Firms
Concept Release on the U.S. Proxy System
II. Majority vs. Plurality Voting
City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System v.
Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
William K. Sjostrom, Jr. & Young Sang Kim, Majority
Voting for the Election of Directors
III. Shareholder Proposals
A. The Ordinary Business Exclusion and the Public Interest
Adoption of Amendments Relating to Proposals by
Security Holders
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.
Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals
Trinity Wall Street v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
IV. The Mechanics of Voting
A. The Problem of Beneficial Ownership
Crown EMAK Partners, LLC v. Kurz
Concept Release on the U.S. Proxy System
B. The Problem of Overvoting
Seidman and Associates, L.L.C v. G.A. Financial, Inc.
C. The Problem of Uninstructed Shares
Exchange Act Release No. 60215
D. The Problem of Empty Voting
V. Shareholder Rights and Fiduciary Duties of the Board
A. Tampering with the Franchise
Blasius Industries, Inc. v. Atlas Corp.
Mercier v. Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc.
B. Vote Buying
Schreiber v. Carney
Hewlett v. Hewlett-Packard Co.
Hewlett v. Hewlett-Packard Co.
Chapter 8 · The Market for Corporate Control: Hostile Tender Offers and
Proxy Contests
I. Hostile Tender Offers
A. Federal Regulation of Tender Offers
Steven M. Davidoff, The SEC and the Failure of
Federal Takeover Regulation
B. Section 13(d) and Creeping Tender Offers
Rondeau v. Mosinee Paper Corp.
C. Substantive Regulation of Tender Offers
Allergan, Inc. v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals
International, Inc.
II. State Law and the Regulation of Defensive Tactics
A. Anti-Takeover Statutes
CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America
B. The Role of the Target Board in Hostile Takeovers
Frank H. Easterbrook & Daniel R. Fischel, The Proper
Role of a Target's Management in Responding to a
Tender Offer
Martin Lipton, Takeover Bids in the Target's Boardroom
Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co.
Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc.
C. The Potency of the Poison Pill
Julian Velasco, Just Do It: An Antidote to the Poison
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. v. Airgas, Inc.
Joseph A. Grundfest, Just Vote No: A Minimalist
Strategy for Dealing with Barbarians Inside the Gates
III. Proxy Contests
A. Proxy Contests and Shareholder Activism
John C. Coffee, Jr. & Darius Palia, The Wolf at the
Door: The Impact of Hedge Fund Activism on
Corporate Governance
A Debate: Long Term vs. Short Term Effect of Activist
Lucian A. Bebchuk, Alon Brav & Wei Jiang, The Long-
Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism
John C. Coffee, Jr. & Darius Palia, The Wolf at the
Door: The Impact of Hedge Fund Activism on
Corporate Governance
B. Proxy Contests and State Law
Lucian Arye Bebchuk, John C. Coates IV & Guhan
Subramanian, The Powerful Antitakeover Force of
Staggered Boards: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
Portnoy v. Cryo-Cell International
C. Proxy Contests and Interim Voting Results
Red Oak Fund, L.P. v. Digirad Corporation
D. Proxy Contests and Poison Pills
Unitrin Inc. v. American General Corp.
Yucaipa American Alliance Fund II, LP v. Riggio
Selectica, Inc. v. Versata Enterprises, Inc.
Third Point LLC v. Ruprecht
E. Solving the Problem of the Costs of a Proxy Contest
CA, Inc. v. AFSCME Employees Pension Plan
Facilitating Shareholder Director Nominations
Business Roundtable v. SEC
Chapter 9 · The Role of Disclosure in the Governance Process
I. The State Regime: Inspection Rights
A. Process
Central Laborers Pension Fund v. News Corporation
B. Proper Purpose
City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System v.
Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
C. Credible Basis
Seinfeld v. Verizon Communications, Inc.
Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement
System v. The Hershey Co.
D. Costs
Norman v. US Mobilcomm, Inc.
II. The Federal Disclosure Regime
Disclosure and Governance
A. Board Committees
Item 407(c)(2) of Regulation S-K: Corporate
Standards Relating to Listed Company Audit
In the Matter of Kiang
B. Board Diversity
Item 407 of Regulation S-K: Corporate Governance
Proxy Disclosure Enhancements
C. Disclosure and Substantive Behavior
In re Hewlett-Packard Co.
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Corporate Governance, the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Limits of
III. Disclosure and Management Integrity
TSC Industries, Inc. v. Northway, Inc.
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v. Siracusano
In re Franchard Corp.
Greenhouse v. MCG Capital
Joan MacLeod Heminway, Personal Facts about
Executive Officers: A Proposal for Tailored
Disclosures to Encourage Reasonable Investor
IV. Disclosure and Corporate Social Responsibility
A. Climate Change
Commission Guidance Regarding Disclosure Related to
Climate Change
B. Disclosure of Political Contributions and Lobbying Expenses
Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n
Lucian A. Bebchuk & Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Shining
Light on Corporate Political Spending
C. Disclosure, Conflict Minerals, and the First Amendment
National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC
National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC
Celia R. Taylor, Drowning in Disclosure: The
Overburdening of the Securities & Exchange
V. Equal Access to Information
In re Office Depot
Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(A) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Netflix, Inc. and Reed
Chapter 10 · Shareholders' Derivative Litigation
I. Preliminary Consideration — Direct or Derivative Claims
Tooley v. Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.
II. Derivative Litigation
A. Standing
Schoon v. Smith
B. The Demand Requirement
Aronson v. Lewis
C. Special Litigation Committees
1. Selection, Composition, and Duties
2. Judicial Review of SLC Decisions
Zapata Corp. v. Maldonado
3. When Are Directors “Independent”?
Beam ex rel. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. v. Stewart
Delaware County Employees' Retirement Fund v. A.R. Sanchez, Jr.
London v. Tyrrell
D. Resolving Shareholders' Lawsuits
1. Empirical Evidence
2. Judicial Review of Settlements
3. Litigation Challenging Corporate Mergers and
4. Attorneys' Fees
5. Indemnification and Insurance
Cohen v. Viray
III. Debating Derivative Litigation
Reinier Kraakman, Hyun Park, & Steven Shavell, When
Are Shareholder Suits in Shareholder Interests?
IV. Reforming Shareholders' Litigation
ATP Tour, Inc. v. Deutscher Tennis Bund
Chapter 11 · Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Stakeholder Rights
I. The Purpose of the Corporate Form
William W. Bratton & Michael L. Wachter, Shareholder
Primacy's Corporatist Origins: Adolf Berle and The
Modern Corporation
II. Corporate Philanthropy
Theodora Holding Corp. v. Henderson
Kahn v. Sullivan
M. Todd Henderson & Anup Malani, Essay: Corporate
Philanthropy and the Market for Altruism
III. Stakeholders
Larry E. Ribstein, Accountability and Responsibility in
Corporate Governance
Kent Greenfield & D. Gordon Smith, Debate: Saving
the World with Corporate Law?
Antony Page, Review: Has Corporate Law Failed?
Addressing Proposals for Reform
George W. Dent, Jr., Stakeholder Theory and the
Relationships between Host Communities and
Corporations: Stakeholder Governance: A Bad Idea
Getting Worse
Committee on Corporate Laws, Report on Other
Constituencies Statutes: Potential for Confusion
Baron v. Strawbridge & Clothier
Joseph Karl Grant, When Making Money and Making a
Sustainable and Societal Difference Collide: Will
Benefit Corporations Succeed or Fail?
IV. Corporate Social Responsibility
A. Corporate Social Responsibility and Private Ordering
Joshua A. Newberg, Corporate Codes of Ethics,
Mandatory Disclosure, and the Market for Ethical
Elizabeth F. Brown, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished:
Is There a Need for a Safe Harbor for Aspirational
Corporate Codes of Conduct?
Surya Deva, Global Compact: A Critique of the U.N.'s
“Public-Private” Partnership for Promoting
Corporate Citizenship
B. Corporate Social Responsibility and Private Enforcement of
Human Rights
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.
Doe v. Nestle USA, Inc.
In re Chiquita Brands International
C. Corporate Social Responsibility and Private Enforcement
under the Federal Securities Laws
Miriam A. Cherry, The Law and Economics of
Corporate Social Responsibility and Greenwashing
In re Ford Motor Co. Secur. Litigation
Chapter 12 · Comparative Corporate Governance
I. Corporate Governance Hegemony
Henry Hansmann & Reinier Kraakman, The End of
History for Corporate Law
II. Monitoring Management
A. Capital Markets and Monitoring
Franklin Allen & Jun “QJ” Qian, China's Financial
System and the Law
Iris H-Y Chiu, Reviving Shareholder Stewardship:
Critically Examining the Impact of Corporate
Transparency Reforms in the UK
Yuliya Gusevaa, Cross-Listings and the New World of
International Capital: Another Look at the Efficiency
and Extraterritoriality of Securities Law
B. Controlling Shareholders and Monitoring
Erica Gorga, Changing the Paradigm of Stock
Ownership from Concentrated towards Dispersed
Ownership? Evidence from Brazil and Consequences
for Emerging Countries
C. Banks and Monitoring
Dan W. Puchniak, The Efficiency of Friendliness:
Japanese Corporate Governance Succeeds Again
without Hostile Takeovers
Bruce E. Aronson, The Olympus Scandal and
Corporate Governance Reform: Can Japan Find a
Middle Ground between the Board Monitoring Model
and Management Model?
III. Civil Code vs. Common Law Jurisdictions
A. The Common Law Model and Its Variations
Christopher M. Bruner, Power and Purpose in the
“Anglo-American” Corporation
B. Civil Code Jurisdictions
1. Background
Mark J. Roe, Legal Origins, Politics, and Modern Stock Markets
2. Comply or Explain
Klaus J. Hopt, Comparative Corporate Governance: The State of
the Art and International Regulation
3. Dual Board Structure
Brian R. Cheffins & Bernard S. Black, Outside Director Liability
Across Countries
Seybold v. Groenink
Tracinda Corp. v. Daimlerchrysler AG
4. The Role of Stakeholders
Paul L. Davies & Klaus J. Hopt, Corporate Boards in Europe —
Accountability and Convergence
Aditi Bagchi, Varieties of Employee Ownership: Some Unintended
Consequences of Corporate Law and Labor Law
C. Case Study: Italy
Carlo Drago, Francesco Millo, Roberto Ricciuti, Paolo
Santella, Corporate Governance Reforms, Interlocking
Directorship and Company Performance in Italy
Lorenzo Segato, A Comparative Analysis of
Shareholder Protections in Italy and the United States:
Parmalat as a Case Study
Marco Ventoruzzo, Experiments in Comparative
Corporate Law: The Recent Italian Reform and the
Dubious Virtues of a Market for Rules in the Absence
of Effective Regulatory Competition
In re Parmalat Securities Litigation
David A. Skeel, Jr. et al., Inside-Out Corporate
Luca Enriques, Corporate Governance Reforms in
Italy: What Has Been Done and What Is Left to Do
IV. What Role for the European Union?
Arthur R. Pinto, The European Union's Shareholder
Voting Rights Directive from an American Perspective:
Some Comparisons and Observations
Luca Enriques, EC Company Law Directives and
Regulations: How Trivial Are They?
Shuangge Wen, Less Is More — A Critical View of
Further EU Action towards a Harmonized Corporate
Governance Framework in the Wake of the Crisis
V. Corporate Governance and Developing Countries
A. Does the Law Matter?
Ali Adnan Ibrahim, Developing Governance and
Regulation for Emerging Capital and Securities
B. The Problem of Enforcement in Emerging Markets
Bernard Black & Reinier Kraakman, A Self-Enforcing
Model of Corporate Law
J. Robert Brown, Jr. & Kostyantyn Shkurupiy,
Corporate Governance in the Former Soviet Union:
The Failure of the Self-Enforcing Model
VI. Corporate Governance and Culture
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Culture, Chaos and Capitalism:
Privatization in Kazakhstan
Yu-Hsin Lin, Do Social Ties Matter in Corporate
Governance? The Missing Factor in Chinese
Corporate Governance Reform
Ali Adnan Ibrahim, The Rise of Customary Businesses
in International Financial Markets: an Introduction to
Islamic Finance and the Challenges of International
Wafik Grais & Matteo Pellegrini, Corporate
Governance and Shariah Compliance in Institutions
Offering Islamic Financial Services
VII. Corporate Governance Hegemony (Redux)
Douglas M. Branson, The Very Uncertain Prospect of
“Global” Convergence in Corporate Governance
Chapter 13 · How Does Corporate Governance Matter?
I. Does Good Governance Enhance Firm Performance?
Sanjai Bhagat, Brian Bolton & Roberta Romano, The
Promise and Peril of Corporate Governance Indices
David F. Larcker, Gaizka Ormazabal & Daniel J. Taylor,
The Market Reaction to Corporate Governance
II. The Quack Corporate Governance Debate
Roberta Romano, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the
Making of Quack Corporate Governance
Harry N. Butler & Larry E. Ribstein, The Sarbanes-
Oxley Debacle: What We've Learned; How to Fix It
J. Robert Brown, Jr., Essay: Criticizing the Critics:
Sarbanes-Oxley and Quack Corporate Governance
Stephen M. Bainbridge, Dodd-Frank: Quack Federal
Corporate Governance Round II
III. Independent Directors and Corporate Governance
Jeffrey N. Gordon, The Rise of Independent Directors
in the United States, 1950–2005: Of Shareholder Value
and Stock Market Prices
Chris Cernich et al., Effectiveness of Hybrid Boards
Lucian A. Bebchuk & Michael S. Weisbach, The State
of Corporate Governance Research
Olubunmi Faleye, Rani Hoitash & Udi Hoitash, The
Costs of Intense Board Monitoring
Sanjai Baghat & Brian Bolton, Director Ownership,
Governance and Performance
Table of Cases

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. v. Airgas, Inc., 561

Allergan, Inc. v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,
Inc., 532
AngioScore, Inc. v. Trireme Medical, Inc., 316
Aronson v. Lewis, 750
ATP Tour, Inc. v. Deutscher Tennis Bund, 823
Baron v. Strawbridge & Clothier, 860
Beam ex rel. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. v.
Stewart, 767
Benihana of Tokyo, Inc. v. Benihana, Inc., 278
Blasius Industries, Inc. v. Atlas Corp., 502
Brehm v. Eisner, 376, 388
Broz v. Cellular Information Systems Inc., 307
Business Roundtable v. SEC, 625
CA, Inc. v. AFSCME Employees Pension Plan, 615
California Public Employees' Retirement System v. New
York Stock Exchange, Inc., 94
CALMA v. Templeton, 369
CDX Liquidating Trust v. Venrock Assoc., 297
Central Laborers Pension Fund v. News Corporation,
Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n, 705
City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System v.
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (2009 Del. Ch. LEXIS
173 (Sept. 28, 2009), aff 'd, 1 A.3d 281 (2010)), 457
City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System v.
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (1 A.3d 281 (2010)), 639
Cohen v. Viray, 806
Crown EMAK Partners, LLC v. Kurz, 485
CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America, 540
Delaware County Employees' Retirement Fund v. A.R.
Sanchez, Jr., 776
Doe v. Nestle USA, Inc., 885
Fliegler v. Lawrence, 275
Fog Cutter Capital Group Inc. v. Securities and
Exchange Commission, 88
Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board, 112
Greenhouse v. MCG Capital, 691
Hampshire Group, Ltd. v. Kuttner, 145
Hewlett v. Hewlett-Packard Co. (2002 Del. Ch. LEXIS
44 (Apr. 8, 2002)), 515
Hewlett v. Hewlett-Packard Co. (2002 Del. Ch. LEXIS
35 (Apr. 30, 2002)), 519
In re BP P.L.C. Derivative Litigation, 34
In re Caremark Int'l Inc. Deriv. Litig., 225
In re Chiquita Brands International, 895
In re Citigroup Inc. Shareholder Deriv. Litig., 253
In re Facebook, Inc. IPO Securities and Derivative
Litigation, 105
In re Ford Motor Co. Secur. Litigation, 902
In re Franchard Corp., 687
In re Hewlett-Packard Co., 671
In re InfoUSA, 390
In re INTECH Investment Management LLC, 441
In re Office Depot, 725
In re Parmalat Securities Litigation, 957
In re the Walt Disney Co. Derivative Litigation, 382
In re W. R. Grace & Co., 74
In the Matter of Kiang, 666
In the Matter of Musclepharm Corporation, 397
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P. (527 F.3d 627 (2008),
rev'd, 559 U.S. 335 (2010)), 353
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P. (537 F.3d 728 (2008)),
Jones v. Harris Associates, L.P. (130 S. Ct. 1418
(2010)), 358
Joy v. North, 190
Julian v. Eastern States Construction Service, Inc., 364
Kahn v. Sullivan, 838
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 880
London v. Tyrrell, 781
Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement
System v. The Hershey Co., 649
Malone v. Brincat, 264
Malpiede v. Townson, 211
Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. v. Siracusano, 680
Mercier v. Inter-Tel (Delaware), Inc., 507
National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC (748 F.3d
359 (2014)), 708
National Association of Manufacturers v. SEC (800 F.3d
518 (2015)), 712
NECA-IBEW Pension Fund v. Cox, 429
Norman v. US Mobilcomm, Inc., 656
Orman v. Cullman, 329
Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc., 553
Pfeffer v. Redstone, 283
Portnoy v. Cryo-Cell International, 580
Red Oak Fund, L.P. v. Digirad Corporation, 587
Rich v. Chong, 240
Riggs Inv. Mgmt. Corp. v. Columbia Partners, L.L.C.,
Rondeau v. Mosinee Paper Corp., 527
Schoon v. Smith, 743
Schreiber v. Carney, 514
SEC v. Bank of America, 420
SEC v. Blinder, Robinson & Co., 59
SEC v. Jenkins, 411
Seidman and Associates, L.L.C v. G.A. Financial, Inc.,
Seinfeld v. Verizon Communications, Inc., 646
Selectica, Inc. v. Versata Enterprises, Inc., 601
Seybold v. Groenink, 938
Smith v. Van Gorkom, 195
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, 878
Stone v. Ritter, 232
The Business Roundtable v. Securities and Exchange
Commission, 68
Theodora Holding Corp. v. Henderson, 835
Third Point LLC v. Ruprecht, 607
Tooley v. Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., 739
Tracinda Corp. v. Daimlerchrysler AG, 942
Trinity Wall Street v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 473
TSC Industries, Inc. v. Northway, Inc., 679
Unitrin Inc. v. American General Corp., 595
Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co., 550
VantagePoint Venture Partners v. Examen, Inc., 44
Weissman v. National Association of Securities Dealers,
Inc., 100
Wilson v. Louisiana-Pacific Resources, Inc., 39
Yucaipa American Alliance Fund II, LP v. Riggio, 598
Zapata Corp. v. Maldonado, 760
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John Knowles Paine

John Knowles Paine (1839–1906), was the first professor of music

at Harvard. In 1862, he gave his services without pay for a course of
lectures on music, but they were not appreciated. When President
Eliot became head of the University, music was made part of the
college curriculum with Professor Paine at the head of the
department. In 1896, Walter R. Spalding was made assistant and
since Professor Paine’s death has been full professor.
Professor Paine was the first American who wrote an oratorio. St.
Peter was performed in 1873 in Portland, Maine, his birthplace.
Next, he wrote two symphonies, one of which was often played by
Theodore Thomas. Paine’s Centennial Hymn opened the
Philadelphia Exhibition, with more success than the Wagner March,
it is said.
Professor Paine was a pioneer in many fields of American
composition and taught American composers to follow in the lines of
sincerity and honesty which he carved out for himself.
Dudley Buck

Dudley Buck (1839–1909), was a noted organist, composer and

teacher. He did not remain in New England (Hartford, Connecticut)
where he was born, but held church positions in Chicago, Cincinnati,
Brooklyn, and New York, and was active in the musical life of these
different cities. His principal works were anthems and hymns, still in
use, music for the organ and valuable text-books, also many popular
George Chadwick

George Chadwick, one of our most important composers, was born

in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1854. He studied in Germany with
Reinecke, Jadassohn and Rheinberger, three celebrated teachers
who had more to do with forming the taste of the American
composers than any American teacher.
Chadwick comes of a musical family. His musical life began as alto
singer in a Lawrence church choir, where later he blew the bellows of
the organ, but soon was promoted from blowing to playing it. He
began composing while in High School. He was a student at the New
England Conservatory, founded in 1867, but was not allowed to study
with the idea of becoming a professional. When he saw that he would
receive no further help from his father toward music-training, the
young musician of twenty-two went to Michigan for a year. He taught
music, conducted a chorus, gave organ recitals, saving enough to
study in Leipsic. Jadassohn told Louis Elson that Chadwick was the
most brilliant student in his class.
In 1880, Chadwick returned to Boston where he has lived ever
since. From 1880 he was first, teacher, then musical director of the
New England Conservatory. Some of his pupils have become leaders
in American music,—Horatio Parker, Arthur Whiting, J. Wallace
Goodrich (organist), Henry K. Hadley and others.
Chadwick has composed more orchestral works than any other
American. A list of them includes three symphonies, a sinfonietta, six
overtures, three symphonic sketches for orchestra, a lyric sacred
opera, Judith, music to the morality play Everywoman, much
chamber music, many choral works and about fifty songs, of which
the best known is perhaps Allah.
Arthur Foote

Arthur Foote (1853) is one of the few prominent composers whose

training bears the label “made in America,” for he never studied
abroad. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and worked with
Stephen Emery, a prominent theory teacher. Foote was graduated
from Harvard in 1874, where he studied music in Professor Paine’s
department. After organ study with B. J. Lang, Foote became
organist of the First Unitarian Church founded in 1630, which post
he filled from 1878 to 1910. This is doubtless the longest record of an
organist in one church in America. Foote has been one of America’s
finest teachers, and has influenced many, not only by his teaching,
but by his broad-minded criticism. His harmony text-book, written
with Walter R. Spalding, is among the most valuable and reliable in
the musical world.
Foote has written scholarly and beautiful chamber and orchestral
music which has placed him in the foremost ranks of American
composers, but he has won the hearts of the entire English-speaking
world by two little songs, Irish Folk Song and I’m Wearing Awa’.
Horatio Parker

Horatio Parker (1863–1919) inherited his talent from his mother

who played the organ in Newton, Massachusetts, but she had a hard
time interesting her son in music, for he disliked it very much. But at
fourteen he had a change of heart going to the other extreme of
having literally to be dragged away from the instrument. He studied
with Emery and Chadwick, and then went to Germany to work with
Rheinberger. He was organist in several churches and in 1894 was
made professor of music at Yale University where he remained until
his death.
In 1894, his best known work was performed in Trinity Church,
New York. It is an oratorio, Hora Novissima (The Last Hour), on the
old Latin poem by Bernard de Morlaix, with English translation by
Parker’s mother also the author of the librettos for two other of his
oratorios. Hora Novissima, one of America’s most important works,
has been performed many times, not only in America, but it was the
first American work given at the English Worcester Festival. It was
so successful that Dr. Parker received the commission to write for
another English festival at Hereford, and he composed A Wanderer’s
Psalm. This was followed by The Legend of St. Christopher which
contains some of Parker’s most scholarly contrapuntal writing for
chorus. As another result of England’s recognition of his music,
Cambridge University conferred upon the American composer the
honorary degree of Doctor of Music.
Parker became famous for winning the prize of $10,000 offered by
the Metropolitan Opera Company in 1911 for the best opera by an
American. This was Mona, a story of the Druids in Britain, for which
Brian Hooker, the American poet, wrote the libretto. In spite of the
work having won the prize, it had no success with the public, and did
not outlive its first season.
In 1915 Parker and Hooker won another $10,000 prize offered by
the National Federation of Music Clubs, with an opera called
Fairyland. It has not seen the light of day since its performances in
Los Angeles.
Frederick Converse

Frederick Converse (1871), like many other Boston musicians, was

graduated from Harvard (1893), when his Opus I, a violin sonata,
was publicly performed. After study with Chadwick, he went to
Germany to Rheinberger, returning in 1898, with his first symphony
under his arm. He is now living in Boston. Converse has written
many orchestral and chamber music works, and has often set Keats,
the English poet, or used his writings as inspiration for his music,—
Festival of Pan and Endymion’s Narrative, two symphonic poems,
and La Belle Dame sans Merci, a ballad for baritone voice and
Converse was the first of the present day Americans to have had an
opera The Pipe of Desire produced by the Metropolitan Opera
Company (1910).
Two College Professors

David Stanley Smith, a native of Toledo, Ohio (1877), belongs to

this New England group, for he was graduated from Yale University
and since 1903 has been, first, instructor in the music department
and later full professor. He has composed some excellent chamber
music, and several of his string quartets were played by the famous
Kneisel Quartet (1886–1917) which organization has had a generous
share in improving musical taste in this country.
Edward Burlingame Hill, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts
(1872), is one of the professors of music at Harvard University. He
has composed piano pieces, songs, and orchestral works, and has
written many articles on music.
Mrs. H. H. A. Beach Prepares the Path for American

One of the most important composers of the New England group,

is Mrs. H. H. A. Beach (1867). She was Amy Marcy Cheney, an
astonishing little child who before her second year sang forty tunes.
Louis Elson tells that at the age of two she was taken to a
photographer, and just as he was about to take the picture, she sang
at the top of her voice, See, the Conquering Hero Comes! She could
improvise like the old classic masters, and could transpose Bach
fugues from one key to another, at fourteen. When sixteen, she made
her début as a pianist, and at seventeen she played piano concertos
with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, also with Theodore Thomas’
Mrs. Beach received her training in America. Her first work in
large form was a mass sung in 1892 by the Handel and Haydn
Society. She next composed a scena and aria for contralto and
orchestra, sung with the New York Symphony Society. It was the first
work by a woman and an American to be given at these concerts,
which Walter Damrosch conducted.
The next year, Mrs. Beach was invited to write a work for the
opening of the woman’s building at the Chicago Columbian World’s
Exposition. She has two piano concertos and a symphony (The
Gaelic) to her credit, also a violin sonata, a quintet for flute and
strings, many piano pieces and splendid songs among which must be
mentioned The Year’s at the Spring, June, and Ah, Love, but a Day.
Mrs. Beach prepared the way for other American women, not only
by showing that women could write seriously in big forms, but also
by her sympathetic encouragement of talent and sincerity wherever
she finds it.
Margaret Ruthven Lang (1867), daughter of B. J. Lang, is also a
Boston composer. Irish Mother’s Lullaby is the best known of her
many art songs, in addition to which she has written an orchestral
Dramatic Overture which Arthur Nikisch played, when he was
conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Among our best song writers are many women:—Harriet Ware,
Gena Branscombe, Alice Barnett, Fay Foster, Eleanor Freer, Mana
Zucca (who has written also a piano concerto, and piano pieces),
Rhea Silberta, Ethel Glenn Hier (piano pieces and songs), Fannie
Dillon (piano pieces and violin compositions), Mabel Wood Hill
(songs, chamber music and an arrangement of two preludes and
fugues of Bach for string orchestra), Lilly Strickland, Mabel Daniels,
Katherine Ruth Heyman (songs, many of them in old Greek modes,
and a book, Relation of Ultramodern Music to the Archaic), Rosalie
Housman (songs, piano pieces and a complete Hebrew Temple
Service), Gertrude Ross, Mary Turner Salter, Florence Parr Gere and
Pearl Curran, writer of several popular successes. And although she
is not a composer of art songs, we must not forget Carrie Jacobs
Bond, whose End of a Perfect Day has sold in the millions, and her
songs for little children have brought joy to many.
One of Our Most Scholarly Musicians

Another Boston musician and composer, teacher of piano and

composition is Arthur Whiting (1861), nephew of the organist and
composer George Whiting. He has made a specialty of harpsichord
music, and plays charmingly on the little old instrument. Since 1895,
he has lived in New York City.
Charles Martin Loeffler—First Impressionist in

Charles Martin Loeffler is a composer belonging to a different class

from any of the Boston group just mentioned. Loeffler is French by
birth, as he was born in Alsace in 1861, French in his musical training
and in his musical sympathies. For forty-two years he has lived in
Boston, twenty of them at the second desk (next to the
concertmaster) of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He was the first
composer to write in this country, the kind of music that existed at
the end of the 19th century in France,—the music of Fauré, Dukas,
Chausson and Debussy. The seed he planted did not fall on fertile
soil, for all his fellow musicians as well as the orchestral conductors,
from whose hands the public received its music, were Germans and
German trained. They knew their “three B’s,” their Wagner and even
the French Berlioz, but Loeffler brought something different,
something disturbing, and was not easy to place. His music belonged
neither to the classical nor to the romantic school.
Not only in America did this new French music have a fight, but on
its own ground in France was it misunderstood! But you have seen
from Monteverde to Wagner that the path of true innovation never
ran smooth!
Loeffler’s work is original, the work of a musician completely
master of the modern orchestra and of modern harmony with its
colorful and expressive effects. Besides this there was a spirit that
never before had come into art. This was given the name of
Impressionism, the getting of effects from objects, painted, or
described in literature, without elaborate details. In music,
composers who try to suggest to the hearer an image existing in their
own minds are called Impressionists. This image may be a thought,
an emotion, a definite object, a poem, a picture, a beautiful tree, the
grandeur of Niagara, any one of a thousand things that await the
hand of the Alchemist-Musician to be transmuted into tone.
All Loeffler’s compositions reflect this impressionism, and he was
the first, but not the last of these poetic tone impressionists in
America. He is foremost a composer of symphonic poems: La Mort
de Tintagiles (The Death of Tintagiles) after the play by Maurice
Maeterlinck, A Pagan Poem after Virgil, La Bonne Chanson (The
Good Song) after Verlaine, La Vilanelle du Diable, The Mystic Hour
with male chorus, Psalm 137 with female chorus. He also wrote an
eight part mixed chorus, For One who Fell in Battle. Other orchestral
works include a suite in four movements for violin and orchestra
called Les Veillées de l’Ukraine (Evening Tales of the Ukraine),
concerto for ’cello and orchestra, first played by Alwyn Schroeder
with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Divertissement for violin and
orchestra, and Spanish Divertissement for saxophone and orchestra.
There are also important works for chamber music: two rhapsodies
for clarinet, viola and piano, an octet for strings and two clarinets, a
quintet and a quartet built on Gregorian modes; and he has written a
group of songs for medium voice and viola obligato with French texts
by Verlaine and Beaudelaire, two impressionist poets.
The Red Man Attracts Composers

The next composer, Henry F. Gilbert, born in Somerville,

Massachusetts (1868), brings us into an interesting field, the study of
Negro and Indian folk music. After working with Edward
MacDowell, Gilbert turned his attention to a thorough investigation
of Negro music, resulting in orchestral works based on Negro themes
such as, American Humoresque, Comedy Overture on Negro
Themes, American Dances, Negro Rhapsody, and The Dance in
Place Congo, a symphonic poem which was mounted as a ballet at
the Metropolitan Opera House (1918).
Gilbert tells that the Comedy Overture was rescued from a wreck
that was to have been a Negro Opera, based on Joel Chandler Harris’
Uncle Remus. What a pity he did not complete it!
The American Humoresque is based on old Negro minstrel tunes
like Zip Coon, Dixie, and Old Folks at Home.
Gilbert was one of the founders of the Wa-Wan Press, established
at Newton Center, Massachusetts, by Arthur Farwell. It was
organized (1901) by composers in the interest of American
compositions, and to study and encourage the use of Indian music.
He died in 1928.
Arthur Farwell was born in St. Paul, Minnesota (1872). He
attended college in Boston and studied music with Homer Norris
(1860–1920), a Boston organist and composer, whose cantata Flight
of the Eagle was based on a Walt Whitman poem. Farwell was also a
pupil of Humperdinck in Berlin and Guilmant in Paris. The Indian
music research, in which he is a pioneer, led him into the West to live
among the Redskins and to make phonograph records of hundreds of
tunes. He is also interested in community singing and music for the
people. Practically a new field is his music for Percy MacKaye’s
pageants Caliban and The Evergreen Tree.
Carlos Troyer, a very old Californian who died recently, spent his
life collecting Zuni and Mojave-Apache songs, having realized their
artistic value long before any one else. In his youth he was an
intimate friend of Liszt. He travelled, later, through South American
jungles, with his violin and music paper, writing down the tunes he
heard, and several times he would have been burned by the savages,
but saved himself by playing for them.
Harvey Worthington Loomis contributed a piano version of
Omaha Indian melodies to the Wa-Wan Press (1904) called Lyrics of
the Redman. In the preface Loomis shows that Indian themes should
be used impressionistically, for he says: “If we would picture the
music of the wigwam and the war-path we must aim by means of the
imagination to create an art work that will project, not by imitation
but by suggestion, the impression we have ourselves received in
listening to this weird savage symphony in its pastoral entourage
(surroundings) which, above all, makes the Indian’s music sweet to
Natalie Curtis’ valuable service to Indian and Negro music was cut
off by her tragic death in Paris (1921), from an automobile accident.
Fortunately she left several works in which she gave not only
information on the music of these primitive Americans and also the
Songs and Tales of the Dark Continent of Africa, but in them she set
down quite unconsciously the beauty of her character and the
sincerity of her purpose. There are four volumes of Negro Folk
Songs, and The Indians’ Book, besides the African book. Recently we
heard two Spanish-Indian melodies, a Crucifixion Hymn and Blood
of Christ, that Miss Curtis found in use in religious festivals near
Santa Fe, New Mexico. They are Spanish in character, and are almost
unaltered examples of the songs of the Middle Ages brought down to
us by the Indian. These were arranged by Percy Grainger according
to directions left by Miss Curtis.
Several American operas have been written on Indian legends and
it would be difficult to find more picturesque subjects.
Our Light Opera Genius

Victor Herbert’s Natoma, given by the Chicago Opera Company in

1911, is an Indian story and one of his two grand operas. Born in
Dublin, Ireland (1854), Herbert was the grandson of the novelist
Samuel Lover. He was educated in Germany, and was a fine ’cellist.
He came to the Metropolitan Opera orchestra as first ’cellist in 1886,
and since then until his death in 1924, he delighted every one with
his incomparable melodies in light operas.
After Patrick Gilmore’s death, Herbert in 1893, became
bandmaster of the 22nd Regiment band which had become famous
in 1869 and 1872 for two monster Peace Jubilees held in Boston. We
think the 20th century, the age of gigantic enterprises, but——! for
the first Jubilee, Gilmore had a chorus of 10,000 voices, and a band
of 1,000! Not satisfied with this volume, in the second Jubilee he
doubled the number! He also had cannons fired to increase the drum
From Gilmore’s Band, Herbert became conductor of the Pittsburgh
Symphony, also guest conductor of the New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, but he had made such a success as composer of light
operas, that he finally devoted all his time to the theater. Among
Herbert’s most popular successes are: The Serenade, The Idol’s Eye,
Babes in Toyland, Mlle. Modiste, Naughty Marietta, The Madcap
Duchess, etc.
Julian Edwards (1855–1910), like Victor Herbert was born a
British subject, in Manchester, England, and was a successful
composer of light opera. He also wrote many sacred cantatas.
Sousa, the March King

Our most famous bandmaster is America’s “March King,” John

Philip Sousa (1856), once leader of the United States Marine Band.
Who has not marched to Stars and Stripes Forever, Washington
Post, or Liberty Bell? Who does not love them, be he “high” or “low
brow”? With Sousa leading, the band has played around the world,
and no American composer is better known abroad. In fact, Sousa’s
music was considered as “typically American” twenty years ago as is
jazz today.
Another Indian Opera

Now for the Redskins again! Charles Wakefield Cadman’s Indian

opera Shanewis was given at the Metropolitan Opera House in 1918.
Cadman is well known for many songs which have become popular,
At Dawning and The Land of the Sky-blue Water, a lovely Indian
song. Born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania (1881), Cadman received
musical training in Pittsburgh. For some years he has been living in
Another Pennsylvanian, who spent several years among the
Indians, studying their music and using genuine themes for his opera
Poia is Arthur Nevin (1871), younger brother of Ethelbert Nevin. For
several years he was professor of music at the University of Kansas.
A professor at the same college is Charles Sanford Skilton (1868),
writer of many cantatas and orchestral Indian dances.
Thurlow Lieurance (1897), one of the latest recruits to Indian
music lore, is so well known for By the Waters of Minnetonka that
we almost forget other songs and a music drama in which he has
used Indian themes tellingly. One of these is a Navajo blanket song.
The blankets woven by the Navajo women are not only remarkable
examples of primitive art, but tell the stories of the tribe. No two
blankets are the same, and like the music we write, are expressions of
the weaver’s hopes, fears, joys and sorrows.
Homer Grunn (1880) who taught piano in Phoenix, Arizona,
profited by the opportunity to gather Indian tunes, which he has put
into songs, a music drama and orchestral works.
Ethelbert Nevin—Poet-Composer

Ethelbert Nevin (1862–1901) told his father that he would not

mind being poor all his life if he could just be a musician! And the
father, a music lover himself, allowed his sensitive, dream-loving,
poetic son to study in America and in Europe. Perhaps “Bert’s”
mother had something to do with the decision, for she, too, was
sensitive and fine, and so much of a musician that her grand piano
was the first to cross the Allegheny mountains into Edgeworth, the
town near Pittsburgh where the Nevins were born.
Ethelbert Nevin was a romanticist who found the medium of his
expression in short songs and piano pieces. He had a gift of melody
surpassed by few and he reached the heart as perhaps no other
American except Stephen Foster had done. Narcissus for piano and
The Rosary have swept through this country selling in the millions.
Mighty Lak’ a Rose, published after his early death, was a close
third. Several others of his songs may be ranked among the best that
America has produced. Nevin was what Walt Whitman would have
called a “Sweet Singer.”
Robin Hood and His Merrie Crew Come to Life in the
19th Century

Reginald de Koven (1859–1920) will ever be remembered for his

delightful light opera Robin Hood on which we were brought up. His
song, Oh, Promise Me, will probably be sung when he will have been
forgotten. De Koven’s last two works were operas, of which
Canterbury Tales after Chaucer was performed at the Metropolitan
Opera House and Rip Van Winkle from Washington Irving and Percy
Mackaye, by the Chicago Opera Company. One of his best songs is a
setting of Kipling’s Recessional.
“Pilgrim’s Progress”—An American Oratorio

One of the most respected American composers is Edgar Stillman

Kelley, born in Sparta, Wisconsin, in 1857, whose American
forefathers date back to 1650. After study in Stuttgart, Kelley went to
California, where he was composer, teacher, critic, lecturer, writer
and light opera conductor. Later he was professor at Yale, dean of
composition at the Cincinnati Conservatory, and since 1910, a
fellowship at the Western College at Oxford, Ohio, gives him the
leisure and economic freedom to compose. His orchestral works
include incidental music to Ben Hur, Aladdin, Chinese suite, a comic
opera, Puritania, Alice in Wonderland, two symphonies, Gulliver
and New England, incidental music to Prometheus Bound, and an
oratorio based on Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. If you do not know
Kelley’s delightful song, The Lady Picking Mulberries, allow us to
introduce the little Chinawoman to you. You will meet at the same
time an old acquaintance,—Mr. Pentatonic Scale.
Several of the older school of composers in America, faithful
pioneers whose works are rarely heard now were Silas G. Pratt
(1846–1916); Frederic Grant Gleason (1848–1903), who lived and
worked in Chicago from 1877 to the time of his death; William
Wallace Gilchrist (1846–1916), a writer of cantatas and psalms,
Episcopal church music, two symphonies, chamber music and songs,
who spent most of his life in Philadelphia; Homer N. Bartlett (1846–
1920), composer of piano pieces; William Neidlinger (1863–1924),
writer of many charming children’s songs.
Frank van der Stucken (1858) who was born in Texas, but lived in
Europe from 1866 until 1884, was the first conductor to give an
entire program of American orchestral works in America and also at
the Paris Exposition of 1889. For years he was conductor of the
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and he has composed many large
orchestral works. He died abroad in 1929.
Rosseter Gleason Cole (1866), composer of songs, piano pieces,
organ pieces, cantatas and works for orchestra and ’cello, takes his
themes from American and general sources. He is organist in
Chicago and has charge of the music courses of the summer session

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