HSE-PR-01 Accident and Incident Reporting

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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 1 of 6

1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................

2.0 SCOPE.....................................................................................................................................

3.0 ABBREVIATION.......................................................................................................................

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................

5.0 PROCESS.............................................................................................................................

6.0 RECORDS................................................................................................................................


Record of Prepared By
Revision Date Approved By
Mr. Shijas P.S Mr. Vishnu V Mr. Zhao Hui
(HSE Officer) (Operation Manager) (Chief Executive Officer)
Initial Issue
00 01-07-2022

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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 2 of 6

 To identify the root causes of an incident so that action can be taken to prevent its recurrence.
 To establish facts related to the incident to establish direct and indirect costs.
 To satisfy employees' ‘right to know ‘and to dispel any mystery associated with the incident.
 For using the data gathered to defend potential insurance claims or litigation.
 To meet the relevant statutory requirements for injury and incident reporting.
This procedure applies to HSE-related incidents arising from activities performed by KCW or its subcontractors.

 KCW – Koyee Container Workshop
 HSE – Health, Safety & Environment (ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018)
 PR – Procedure
 FR – Form
4.1 HSE Officer
 Ensure all incidents are reported,
 Ensure all incidents are investigated, and
 Ensure all incidents are taken care of by identifying corrective action.
 Full implementation of all requirements included in this procedure in all sites
 Guarantee that all steps within the KCW are executed and followed.
 Monitor performance and compliance with this procedure through site audits and inspections
 Report all incidents and investigations to the top management.
 Active involvement/participation during the incident investigation process
5.1 Terms and Definitions

Accident An Unexpected or unplanned event causing injury to the person, property
damage, or loss of reputation (in this document, the term is generally referred
only to Road Traffic Accidents).
Consequence/ Actual Classification of the actual severity of Injury, loss, damage, impact, or effect.
Severity Rating:
Fires and Explosions All fires that necessitate using a fire extinguisher or other means, including
fires with no visible flames and all flammable or overpressure explosions,
irrespective of the extent of escalation or spread.
First Aid Case (FAC) Any one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts,
burns, etc., which do not usually require medical care by a physician. Such
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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 3 of 6

treatment is considered first aid, even if provided by a physician or registered

medical personnel.
The injured person is usually treated by a site male nurse or trained first aid
and returns to the job the same day.
Fatality Death resulting from work injury or occupational illness, regardless of the time
intervening between injury/illness and death.
Incident An unplanned event or chain of events that has or could have caused injury,
illness, and damage ( loss) to people, assets, environment, or reputation.
Injury Cuts, burns, fractures, sprains, amputations, etc., result from a single
instantaneous exposure.
Lost Time Injury (LTI) An injury (other than fatal) that renders the injured person unable to perform
his duties/attend his duties either fully or partially on any day after the day on
which the injury was received. (Note: If in a single incident, three people
sustain Lost Time Injuries, then it is accounted for corporate reporting
purposes as 3 LTI’s)
Lost Workdays (person-days) The number of calendar days the injured person could not work due to a lost
time injury (LTI). In the case of a fatality, no lost workdays are recorded.
Medical Treatment Case An injury that involves neither Lost Workdays nor Restricted Workdays but in
(MTC )
which the injured person requires medical treatment / is under medical
attention for some time by a qualified medical professional and returns to his
regular duties on the same day or the next day.
Near Miss An event that had the potentiality to cause illness, injury, or damage to
assets, environment, or company reputation but did not. Its actual severity
rating is ‘0’ but can have any potential severity rating except ‘0.’
Non- Accident Death Any case of death of a person either: -
 Where there is no identifiable incident or trauma involved or
 Which is the result of an apparent suicide.

Occupational Illness Any work-related abnormal condition or disorder (other than one resulting
from an injury) caused by or mainly caused by exposure to environmental
factors associated with the employment includes acute and chronic illness or
diseases, which may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion, or direct
contact. A single exposure causes injuries. Cases resulting from anything
other than a single exposure are considered Occupational Illnesses.
Restricted Work Case (RWC) An injury that renders the person unable to perform his regular duties and
results in a work assignment any day after the incident does not include all
the typical responsibilities of the person’s regular job.
Property Damage The loss or damage of any company asset, such as plant, tools, and
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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 4 of 6

equipment (excluding employees), is considered to have significant value; this

includes third-party losses.
Environmental Damage Any environmental change, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially
resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects.
Service Strike or Service Any accidental damage caused to a permanent or temporary service arising
from or in connection with work activities. Damage to the service may be
caused by direct or indirect contact and may affect services below ground,
buried or above ground, and exposed. Examples include any electrical,
water, gas, sewer, petrochemical, or fluid (other) pipelines, data, and
telecommunication services that lead to disruption, damage, injury, or even

5.2 Types of Incidents

The following types of incidents may happen considering the nature of work carried out by the Company;
 Fall from height
 Electric shock,
 Fire,
 Near miss,
 Physical injury,
 Road accident
 Disabling and non-disabling injuries
 Fatalities
 Fires and explosions
 Accidental release of flammables/ toxics
 Property damage above a base value
 Complaints from external sources
 Transportation accidents
5.3 Reporting of Incidents
 As soon as any of the above incidents happen, the HSE Officer immediately informs the same. Directly
report all work-related injuries/illnesses or vehicle collisions to your Operation Manager, no matter how
 The HSE Officer / Operation Manager informs Top Management of fatal and major accidents and other
relevant incidents.
 Any road traffic accident incidents will be reported immediately by the driver or passenger to the police,
HR, and the HSE Department.
 All employees are instructed to immediately report all fires, spills, and releases to your site in
charge/factory manager, no matter how small.
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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
Page 5 of 6

5.4 Reporting the incidents to Customer / Consultant

If required, an HSE officer shall report incidents to the Consultant or Client.
5.4.1 Notification of Incidents
When notifying the Client or Top Management of KCW of an incident, precise, factual, and timely reporting is
necessary. Verbal reports are to be followed up by written notification within 24 hours.
5.4.2 First Aid Case (Onsite Treatment)
These include incidents of a minor nature, which are part of onsite treatment by First Aiders, resulting in the
injured party immediately returning to his regular work routine. All incidents of this nature will be recorded on
the First Aid Report and returned to the Head Office at the end of each month. Please note any accidents that
require a second opinion or off-site treatment, regardless of the injured party returning to his regular work
routine on that same day, are to be recorded as a Medical Treatment case, and an Incident Investigation Form
and First Aid log are to be used.
5.4.3 Reporting Near Miss / Dangerous Occurrence
Any Near-miss incident or dangerous occurrence that does not result in injury, damage, or loss must be
immediately reported to the HSE Officer for information and a decision as to whether a full investigation is
required to prevent a reoccurrence. The Safety Officer must include all such events using the Near Miss Report
5.4.4 Reporting of the incident to the Regulatory Authority (as per the country KCW operates)
All reportable incidents may also require immediate notification to other relevant authorities (e.g., Police, labor
department, Environmental agency, etc.). KCW, the HSE team, in coordination with the Top Management or
Client, will act if necessary.
5.5 Incident investigation
 It is essential to the business that significant accidents and incidents are investigated to identify causes
and establish controls to prevent reoccurrence in future works.
 Incident is investigated for the following;
 Narration (To Cover Action / Condition / How Happened),
 Determine underlying OH&S deficiencies and other factors that might be causing or contributing
to the occurrence of incidents,
 Identify the need for corrective action,
 Identify opportunities for preventive action,
 Identify opportunities for continual improvement,
 Communicate the results of such investigations to all employees within the Organization.
 The HSE Officer records all such things and forwards them to the Top Management for information.
 The findings of the accident/incident investigation shall be detailed in the report "Accident/Incident
Investigation Report.”
 Guidance on accident/incident investigation is detailed in Appendix 1 of this procedure.
5.6 Incident Correction

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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
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 Corrections are taken to the incident immediately upon its occurrence.

 In case of injury to the human, the same is immediately taken care of by sending him to the Hospital for
further treatment.
 The HSE Officer maintains records of all such injuries, etc.
 Every incident is investigated expeditionary, and the causes thereof are analyzed critically.
 A remedy for avoiding recurrence is selected and applied at the site.
 Incident statistics are updated and circulated.
 An incident, no matter how small, minor, or big, is investigated. The main aim of such investigation is to
find causes and advise ways and means to prevent recurrence.
 All incidents are investigated, and records are maintained in the Incident Investigation Report.
 The HR department must deal with road accidents and other accidents beyond the site.
 Any incident falling in the category, which may be required to be reported to the laws, is to be dealt with in
consultation with the concerned HSE Officer and with permission of Top Management.
5.7 Corrective Action Implementation
 Identified corrective actions are circulated to all sites for its implementation.
 The concerned HSE Officer implements the actions and sends the effectiveness report to the Top
5.8 Authorization
 Only authorized persons such as HSE Officer / Project Manager or Operation Manager / HR in charge,
etc., are allowed for the incident investigation and reporting.
 Review of incidents by Management
 The time elapsed between the accident and the on-site investigation of middle or senior
management should be minimal.
 Prompt review will help prevent similar events from occurring.
 Lessons learned should be communicated to management and all project staff as appropriate.
5.9 Dissemination Of Incidents and Learning Points
 When the incident analysis reveals a significant learning potential, the learning points shall be
communicated across the company.
 The learning points and incident details shall be circulated from the HSE team to the HSE Officer for
6.1 Near Miss Report KCW-HSE-FR-01
6.2 Incident Investigation Report KCW-HSE-FR-02
6.3 First Aid Log KCW-HSE-FR-03

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Doc Code: KCW-HSE-PR-01

Issue Date: 01-JULY-2022

Issue No: 01

Revision No: 00
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