Nervous Brickdown (USA) (En, FR, De, Es, It)

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USING YOUR NINTENDO ® HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME CARD OR Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these
ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain:
SAFETY INFORMATION. • Avoid excessive play. It is recommended that parents monitor their children for appropriate play.
• Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING • When using the stylus, you do not need to grip it tightly or press it hard against the screen. Doing so
may cause fatigue or discomfort.
WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES. • If your hands, wrists, arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, stop and rest them for several
hours before playing again.
• If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, arms or eyes during or after play, stop playing and see a doctor.
WARNING - Seizures
• Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns,
such as while watching TV or playing video games, even if they have never had a seizure before. WARNING - Battery Leakage
• Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition
should consult a doctor before playing a video game. The Nintendo DS contains a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack. Leakage of ingredients contained within the
• Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctor if you or battery pack, or the combustion products of the ingredients, can cause personal injury as well as damage to your
your child have any of the following symptoms: Nintendo DS.
Convulsions Eye or muscle twitching Loss of awareness If battery leakage occurs, avoid contact with skin. If contact occurs, immediately wash thoroughly with soap and
Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation water. If liquid leaking from a battery pack comes into contact with your eyes, immediately flush thoroughly with
• To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games: water and see a doctor.
1. Sit or stand as far from the screen as possible. To avoid battery leakage:
2. Play video games on the smallest available television screen. • Do not expose battery to excessive physical shock, vibration, or liquids.
3. Do not play if you are tired or need sleep. • Do not disassemble, attempt to repair or deform the battery.
4. Play in a well-lit room. • Do not dispose of battery pack in a fire.
5. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour. • Do not touch the terminals of the battery, or cause a short between the terminals with a metal object.
• Do not peel or damage the battery label.

WARNING - Radio Frequency Interference

The Nintendo DS can emit radio waves that can affect the operation of nearby electronics, including
cardiac pacemakers. REV–E
• Do not operate the Nintendo DS within 9 inches of a pacemaker while using the wireless feature. Important Legal Information
• If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use the wireless feature of the
Nintendo DS without first consulting your doctor or the manufacturer of your medical device. This Nintendo game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such device
• Observe and follow all regulations and rules regarding use of wireless devices in locations such as will invalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Copying of any Nintendo game is illegal and is strictly
hospitals, airports, and on board aircraft. Operation in those locations may interfere with or cause prohibited by domestic and international intellectual property laws. “Back-up” or “archival” copies are
malfunctions of equipment, with resulting injuries to persons or damage to property. not authorized and are not necessary to protect your software. Violators will be prosecuted.
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The official seal is your assurance VIDEO GAME SYSTEM. CONTENTS
that this product is licensed or
manufactured by Nintendo. Always Wireless DS
look for this seal when buying 1-2 Download Play


accessories, games
and related
products. DROP EVERYTHING! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Nintendo does not license the sale or use of products GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
without the Official Nintendo Seal.
CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
MAIN MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
SAVING GAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
SELECTING A GAME WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PLAYING THE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
GAME SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9



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Drop Everything! Con trols

Can you keep your head while everything is collapsing around you? Nervous
Brickdown ™ is a superb Arcade-style action game, played across the two DS screens
(in 2D and 3D), spanning 10 jazzy worlds, through many levels including lots
of bonus features!
Be prepared to hone your stylus skills. Use the stylus to do lots of things: color
a picture, draw a paddle, and hit glancing blows with controlled power.
Keep on top of the moves and get through amazing levels to gather those big Brickdown
rewards. Nervous? You will be, by the time you get to the end of this game!

Getting Started
1. Turn OFF the Nintendo DS system by pressing the Power Button. Never insert
or remove a Game Card when the power is ON. The Nervous Brickdown ™ controls are very simple: Pick up your Nintendo DS stylus —
and that’s all you need!
2. Insert the Nervous Brickdown ™ Game Card into the Game Card slot on the back
of the Nintendo DS and push until it clicks into place. The label should face toward e You can use the stylus on the Touch Screen. Not only do you select all Menu
options with it, you can also use it in incredibly different, creative (and fun) ways
the bottom of the DS.
on every level.
3. Turn ON the Nintendo DS system by pressing the Power Button. The Health and Safety
Screen will appear. Touch the Touch Screen to continue. e If you want to pause the action at any point (and chances are you will), just
press START.
4. Touch the Nervous Brickdown ™ panel on the Touch Screen.
The Title Screen will appear.

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M ain Menu
e Bonus
This option shows the bonuses you’ve gained and features you’ve unlocked
When the game begins you will see the Main Menu. This is the starting-off point, where you by collecting Medals in the 10 different game worlds.
must choose from a list of options:
e Options
e Shuf f le Options gives you a chance to select a game language, erase your autosaved data
A quick blast of Nervous Brickdown ™ action. No waiting. Five levels randomly (knock it all down and start again from scratch), and view the game credits
chosen from those you’ve already played. Get your stylus ready and put your brain (the people who made this game possible).
in top gear. Shuffle is initially locked and unavailable. You can unlock this mode
by defeating your fourth Boss in the game.

e Arcade
Saving G ames
The full game featuring 10 game worlds and many different levels on each world,
plus bonuses and features you can unlock as you play. Touch the left/right arrows
on the Touch Screen to select a Game World from those available (unlocked). Nervous Brickdown ™ autosaves your progress at appropriate checkpoints throughout

e Multi the game worlds. When this happens, the Save Symbol appears briefly on screen. Do not
remove the Nervous Brickdown ™ Game Card or press any buttons during the autosave.
play with a friend co-operatively in a special game world, even if your friend doesn’t
have a Nervous Brickdown ™ Game Card. Your joint aim is to get the highest to erase all autosaved data (and start again with a clean sheet), go to the Options Menu
score possible. from the Main Menu.
the player with the Nervous Brickdown ™ Game Card (that’s you, the Host)
creates the game. Select Multi and follow all on-screen instructions. The game
will look for the second player wirelessly, and then you will be able to set up
the game. The Client player joins the game from the Nintendo DS menu by selecting
DS Download Play , and then selecting Nervous Brickdown to begin
the download.
Each player can only hit the ball when it changes into the player's paddle color.
So keep your eye on the ball and get the highest score! Special power-ups and
combos are awarded in Multi mode.
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Selecting a G ame World Playing the G ame

Top Scre en Each game world requires different skills

and has different ways to win Medals, so make
Current Game World sure you know what to do before you launch
into the frenetic mayhem. There’s no time
(Red) Extra Heart Bonus Unlocked to waste — you’ll be faced with wave
(Blue) Blow Bonus Unlocked after wave of tough challenges.
(Green) Checkpoint Reached
e Control the paddle with your stylus.
(In some games you can move around
Current Score/Target Score for Bonus the Touch Screen. In others you might
be locked to the bottom of the screen.)
Game World Touch Screen Position the paddle and wait a few seconds
for the ball to be served.

Checkpoints Next Game
You begin each game with five Lives (Hearts), or more if you have been awarded extra
Medals Awarded Lives. Each time you lose (the ball gets past your defenses), you lose a Life and
Previous Game return to the Game Summary Screen. Get ready to fire up again for more drop-down
Boss Level intense action (and another chance to do better).

Return to Main Menu
To take a break, press START to pause the game.
Start Play
e After you lose all your Lives, you will have the option to retry from the last
save point, read play tips, or return to the Main Menu.
Each game world has a number of levels, shown in the middle of the Touch Screen. Select
any unlocked level by touching its graphic on the Touch Screen with the stylus. This will
e Your progress in the game world will be autosaved. if you passed a checkpoint,
it will appear as a flag on the game world graphic .
change the Top Screen level information. if you win a Medal in a level, it will be shown
on the graphic. e At the end of a completed game world, you will go on to the Boss Level. Boss Level
games are extremely tough, so getting through them earns you extra rewards!
e Touch OK to get started, or touch the Back symbol to return to the Main Menu.
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G ame Summ ary Credi ts

Top Scre en
Design Aurélien would like to thank
Aurélien Regard People who supported our project,
Code from journalists to the friendly
Mini Map anonyms who took time to write us
Eric Gâchons
(Shows Your Location in the Game World) “For Stéphane” some cute e-mails.
Boulette Krew
Mojo Fabien & Maiko
Camille Guermonprez Florent Gorges
Coop Mode Eric Chahi
Maïwenn Rapine Geneviève
Yubaba, Smith & Fortune
Julie & Morganne
Touch Screen Audio (credits) You, who are reading right now.
Dma-Sc Hope you had fun,
Audio (boot) thanks for playing!
Lives Remaining (Hearts) Mahaut, Marie and Capucine See you on the next one!
Brick Counter
(Shows Graphic Localization
Around the Word
of Bricks Destroyed)
Current Score (Target)
Medals Won

Before you jump back into the action, you will see a Game Summary Screen. This shows
your performance in this level, including your score, rewards gained, Lives lost
and progress made.

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Eidos, Inc., warrants to you, the original purchaser of For warranty support please contact our Customer
CEO & President, Creative Director Assistant Producer
this Game Card, that for a period of ninety (90) days Support department at (650) 421-7670 or email us
Eidos North America Karl Stewart Kari Hattner
from the date of your purchase, this Game Card shall at [email protected] or visit our
Bill Gardner
Junior Graphic Designer Product Specialist Supervisor be free from defects in materials and workmanship. website at: Our
Executive Vice President Connie Cheung Jeff Lowe If, at any time during the applicable ninety (90) day staff are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.
of Sales & Marketing warranty period you determine that this limited to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
Web Producer Product Specialists
Robert Lindsey warranty has been breached, Eidos, Inc., agrees, in its Time. You are responsible for all toll charges.
Roderick van Gelder Katie Bieringer
Vice President, Stephen Cavoretto sole option, to repair or replace, free of charge, any Customer Support Representatives will not provide
Legal & Business Affairs Web Designer such Game Card, provided the Game Card is returned game hints, strategies or codes.
James O’Riordan John Lerma US Mastering postage-paid to the Eidos, Inc., Factory Service Center
& Submissions Supervisor and a proof of date of purchase is included. This
Vice President of Finance Web Developer PRODUCT RETURN PROCEDURE
Jordan Romaidis limited warranty is not applicable to normal wear
Malcolm Dunne Danny Jiang In the event our support agents determine that your
Mastering and tear and shall be void with respect to any defects
Vice President National Sales Manager game Game Disc is defective, you will need to forward
& Submissions Assistant that arise from Game Card abuse, unreasonable use,
of Human Resources Joe Morici material directly to us. Please include a brief letter
Patrick Goodspeed mistreatment or neglect. This Game Card is sold
Edie Dykstra Sales & Marketing Analyst explaining what is enclosed and why you are sending
Events Manager “as is” without any warranties of any kind, express
Ilana Budanitsky it to us. The agent you speak with will give you an
Director of Marketing Annie Meltzer or implied, including implied warranties of merchant-
authorization number that must be included and you
Matt Gorman Sales Representative ability or fitness for a particular purpose, other than
Legal & Business Affairs will need to include a daytime phone number so that
Paul Katich the limited warranty expressly stated above.
Marketing Manager Clint Waasted we can contact you if necessary. Any materials not
David Bamberger No other claims arising out of your purchase and use containing this authorization number will be returned
Channel Marketing Coordinators
Senior Business of this Game Card shall be binding on or obligate to you unprocessed and unopened.
Director of Public Relations Rafal Dudziec Development Manager Eidos, Inc., in any manner. Eidos, Inc., will not be
Michelle Seebach Curran David Bushee Tom Marx Send your postage-paid package to the following
liable to you for any losses or damages incurred for
Operations Manager address:
Public Relations Manager Customer Service Supervisor any reason as a result of your use of this Game Card,
Gregory Wu including, but not limited to, any special, incidental, Eidos, Inc. Customer Services
Stanley Phan Sean McCloskey
or consequential damages resulting from your RMA# (state your authorization number here)
Media Manager Director of North American Special Thanks 1300 Seaport Boulevard
Developer Relations possession, use or malfunction of this Game Card.
Micheal Tran Christie Kim Redwood City, CA 94063
Nick Goldsworthy This limited warranty states the entire obligation
Hanshaw Ink & Image You are responsible for postage of your game to our
of Eidos, Inc., with respect to the purchase of your
Game Card. If any part of this limited warranty is service center.
determined to be void or illegal, the remainder shall
remain in full force and effect.

Nervous Brickdown © Arkedo SARL 2007. Developed by Arkedo SARL. Published by Eidos, Inc. 2007. Secret Stash,
and the Secret Stash Logo, and Eidos and the Eidos logo are trademarks of the Eidos Interactive Ltd. Nervous
Brickdown, Arkedo and the Arkedo logo are trademarks of Arkedo SARL. All rights reserved. The rating icon is
a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

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