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Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience

broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The
author and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be
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Adams and Victor’s

Allan H. Ropper, MD
Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Raymond D. Adams Master Clinician
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

Martin A. Samuels, MD, DSc (Hon),

Miriam Sydney Joseph Distinguished Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Founding Chair Emeritus
Department of Neurology
Member, Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

Joshua P. Klein, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Neurology and Radiology
Harvard Medical School
Vice Chair, Clinical Affairs, Department of Neurology
Chief, Division of Hospital Neurology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

Sashank Prasad, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Director, BWH-MGH Harvard Neurology Residency Program
Chief, Division of Neuro-Ophthalmology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts

New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto

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ISBN: 978-0-07-184262-4
MHID: 0-07-184262-4

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Preface, vii 21 
Neurologic Disorders Caused by Lesions in Specific
Parts of the Cerebrum, 474
22 Disorders of Speech and Language, 505
Approach to the Patient With SECTION 6
Disorders of Energy, Mood, and
Neurologic Disease, 3 Autonomic and Endocrine Functions, 525
Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease, 13 23 Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depression, 526
The Limbic Lobes and the Neurology of
Emotion, 536
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System,
SECTION 1 Disorders of Motility, 55 Respiration, and Swallowing, 547
3 Paralysis and Weakness, 56 26 
The Hypothalamus and Neuroendocrine
Disorders of Movement and Posture, 76 Disorders, 582
5 Ataxia and Disorders of Cerebellar Function, 115 PART 3: GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
6 Disorders of Stance and Gait, 127 OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE
Pain and Disorders of Somatic NEUROLOGY OF AGING, 597
Sensation, 139 27 
Normal Development and Deviations in
Development of the Nervous System, 599
7  Pain, 140
28 The Neurology of Aging, 626
8 Disorders of Non-Painful Somatic Sensation, 162
9 Headache and Other Craniofacial Pains, 181 PART 4: MAJOR CATEGORIES OF
10 Pain in the Back, Neck, and Extremities, 212 NEUROLOGIC DISEASE, 635
Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Including
Disorders of the Special Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and
Senses, 239 Low-Pressure Syndromes, 637
11 Disorders of Smell and Taste, 240 30 
Intracranial Neoplasms and Paraneoplastic
12 Disturbances of Vision, 249 Disorders, 661
Disorders of Ocular Movement and Pupillary 31 
Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, and Parasitic
Function, 273 Infections of the Nervous System, 719
Deafness, Dizziness, and Disorders of 32 
Viral Infections of the Nervous System and
Equilibrium, 303 Prion Diseases, 763
33 Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 798
Epilepsy and Disorders of
Consciousness, 331 34 
Craniocerebral Trauma, 906
Multiple Sclerosis and Other Inflammatory
15 Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders, 332
Demyelinating Diseases, 936
16 Coma and Related Disorders of Consciousness, 374
Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous
Faintness and Syncope, 401 System, 967
18 Sleep and Its Abnormalities, 413 37 
Developmental Diseases of the
Nervous System, 1024
Derangements of Intellect,
Behavior, and Language Caused by 38 
Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, 1082
Diffuse and Focal Cerebral Disease, 437 39 
The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the
Nervous System, 1156
19 Delirium and Other Acute Confusional States, 439
Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by
Dementia, the Amnesic Syndrome, and the
Nutritional Deficiency, 1184
Neurology of Intelligence and Memory, 452

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vi Contents

Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by PART 6: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, 1505
Alcohol, Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents, 1209
Anxiety Disorders, Hysteria, and Personality
PERIPHERAL NERVE, AND MUSCLE, 1255 48 Depression and Bipolar Disease, 1527
42 Diseases of the Spinal Cord, 1257 49 
Schizophrenia, Delusional, and
Paranoid States, 1541
43 Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves, 1309
44 Diseases of the Cranial Nerves, 1389 Index, 1559
45 Diseases of Muscle, 1405
Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction,
Myotonias, and Persistent Muscle
Fiber Activity, 1469

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We are very pleased to bring you the 11th edition of Adams syndrome, the neuromyelitis optica spectrum, and toxic-
and Victor’s Principles of Neurology. To provide the context ity of treatments such as adaptive cell therapy have all
for the continued importance and relevance of a textbook been expanded. The novel treatments now being applied
that aspires to such breadth and depth, it may be compel- to cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular
ling to review a patient’s story; an event that took place dystrophy, amyloidosis, and inborn enzyme deficiencies
between the last edition of this book and this one. Neu- are among a list of triumphs of science that can only be
rologists have always been particularly attracted to the case applied by careful clinicians. In the present edition there is
history as a method to imprint the fine points as well as the hardly a category of disease that has not begun to yield to
broad principles that can be gleaned in a clinical encoun- the molecular biology and genetics.
ter. The originators of this book, Raymond D. Adams and Outside the laboratory, clinical trials have continued
Maurice Victor, insisted that the basis of the practice of to build the background of information that applies to large
neurology necessarily differs from that of neuroscience in groups of patients with neurological disease. Clinicians are
that neurology is a medical discipline and must always be very aware, however, that the results of a trial have less cer-
related back to the patient. Here is the story: tain meaning for an individual patient. It is the skillful use
A 19-year-old college sophomore began to show para- of this information that this book aims to inform. Will the
noid traits. She became convinced that her roommate was single patient be helped or harmed? Because medicine deals
listening in on her phone conversations and planning to with the realities and complexities of illness, the clinician
alter her essays. She became reclusive and spent most of makes a best approximation of the correct course. The wise
her time locked in her room. After much difficulty, her application of science, evidence from trials, and the tradi-
teachers convinced her to be seen by the student health tional virtues of the neurological history and examination—
service. It was believed she was beginning to show signs essentially the craft of neurology—are the main purpose of
of schizophrenia and she was admitted to a psychiatric this edition of Principles of Neurology.
hospital, where she was started on antipsychotic medica- As has been our tradition, the book is written in a con-
tions. While in the hospital, she had a generalized seizure versational style and we do not eschew stating our personal
which prompted her transfer to our service. Her spinal fluid preferences when they are based on experience. We con-
analysis showed 10 lymphocytes per mL3. She was found tinue to find that readers value the uniformity of voice and
to have an anti-NMDA receptor antibody, which prompted approach of a few individual authors, rather than a discur-
an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. The left ovary was sive list of topics and writers. We thank Drs. Edward Stim,
thought to show a benign cyst. Because of the neurological Mehrnaz Fallah, and Tim Lachman for invaluable assis-
syndrome, the ovarian cyst was resected and revealed a tance in proofreading the text.
microscopic ovarian teratoma. The neuropsychiatric syn- For this edition we introduce as a coauthor
drome resolved. She has since graduated and obtained an Dr. Sashank Prasad, a seasoned general neurologist with
advanced degree. special training in neuro-ophthalmology and a director of
This class of disease, autoimmune encephalitis, our neurology training program. We hope that reading the
appeared briefly in the last edition of this book, and not book will feel akin to attending our ward rounds, clinics, or
at all in the previous one, but has become a major field of morning report, thus giving the reader an intimate window
modern neurology, now expanded to include antibodies to into demands of practice, without being prescriptive. We
many other antigens, occurring de novo or in association hope this edition allows the physician to use the material as
with an array of tumors. What of the patients whose stories a basis for continued professional growth and enjoyment.
approximate this one but do not have one or two essential Welcome to our world.
components? One wonders how many other patients har-
bor curious autoimmune disorders, which will be uncov- Allan H. Ropper, MD
ered in future editions of Principles of Neurology. Martin A. Samuels, MD
The clinical features of conditions such as cerebral Joshua P. Klein, MD, PhD
amyloid angiopathy, posterior reversible encephalopathy Sashank Prasad, MD


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Approach to the Patient With
Neurologic Disease


Neurology is the practice and study of diseases of the In most cases, the clinical method consists of an orderly
nervous system. It is among the most complex and exact- series of steps:
ing medical specialties and yet it is perhaps the most
1. T he symptoms and signs are secured with as much
rewarding, encompassing as it does all aspects of human
confidence as possible by history and physical
behavior, cognition, memory, movement, pain, sensory
experience, and the homeostatic functions of the body that
2. The symptoms and physical signs considered relevant
are under nervous control. Among the provocative aspects
to the problem at hand are interpreted in terms of
of neurology is the manner in which diseases disrupt the
physiology and anatomy—i.e., one identifies the dis-
functions of the mind, but the field also encompasses
order of function and the anatomic structures that are
study of the diseases of nerves, muscles, spinal cord, and
cerebral hemispheres.
3. These analyses permit the physician to localize the
The neurologist occupies a special role by using exten-
disease process, i.e., to name the parts of the nervous
sive synthetic and analytical skill to explain neurological
system affected. This is the anatomic, or topographic
symptoms and findings. Neurology is distinctive in allow-
diagnosis, which often allows the recognition of a
ing a type of detailed interpretation of signs and symptoms
characteristic clustering of symptoms and signs, con-
that, as a result of the fixed structure of the nervous system,
stituting a syndrome.
provides certainty in diagnosis that is not possible in other
4. From the anatomic diagnosis and other specific medi-
fields. This is the method of localization that is almost
cal data—particularly the mode of onset and speed of
unique to neurology.
evolution of the illness, the involvement of nonneu-
Part of the excitement of modern neurology is the
rologic organ systems, the relevant past and family
incorporation of advances in imaging, and in the neuro-
medical histories, and the imaging and laboratory
sciences including neurogenetics, neurochemistry, neu-
findings—one deduces the etiologic diagnosis and its
roepidemiology, and neuropathology, which now offer
deep insights into the fundamental nature of disease.
5. Finally, the physician should assess the degree of
The close connections among neurology and the fields of
disability and determine whether it is temporary or
internal medicine, psychiatry, neuropathology, develop-
permanent (functional diagnosis); this is important in
mental medicine and pediatrics, critical care, neuroreha-
managing the patient’s illness and judging the poten-
bilitation, and neurosurgery extend the purview of clinical
tial for restoration of function (prognosis).
neurology. As has occurred in other branches of medi-
cine, increased understanding of disease and therapeutic The likely causes of a neurologic disease are judged in
options has led to the emergence of numerous subspecial- the context of a patient’s personal and demographic char-
ties of neurology (Table 1-1). acteristics, including their age, sex, race, ethnicity, and
Neurological symptoms, of course, do not present geographic circumstances. Knowledge of the incidence
themselves as immediately referable to a part of the and prevalence of diseases among populations defined by
nervous system and the neurologist must therefore be these factors (base rates) is a valuable component of the
knowledgeable in all aspects of nervous system function diagnostic process. These change over time as for example,
and disease. The authors believe that a successful applica- during epidemics, and may differ even within neighbor-
tion of medical knowledge is attained by adhering to the hoods or regions of one country.
principles of the clinical method, which has been retained In recent decades, some of these steps have been
to a greater degree in neurology than in other fields of eclipsed by imaging methods that allow precise localiza-
medicine. Even the experienced neurologist faced with a tion of a lesion and, furthermore, often characterize the
complex clinical problem uses this basic approach. category of disease. Parts of the elaborate examination that

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Table 1-1 Table 1-2

Stroke and cerebrovascular disease 33 Traumatic
Neurological intensive care 29, 33, 34 Degenerative
Cognitive, behavioral neurology, and 19-22 Vascular
neuropsychiatry Toxic
Epilepsy 15 Metabolic
Cancer neurology 30 Inherited
Neuro-ophthalmology 12–13 Acquired
Neuromuscular 43–46 Neoplastic
Movement disorders 4, 6, 38
Headache 9
Multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology 35
Autonomic neurology 25
Neuroimaging 2
Hospital neurology 15,19, 20, 30–35
Interventional neurology 33 Some signs themselves are almost specific for a particular
Oto- and vestibular neurology 14 disease. Nonetheless, one is cautious in calling any single
Pediatric and developmental neurology 36, 37 sign pathognomonic as exceptions are found regularly.
Neurological infections 31, 32
Sleep 18
Ascertaining the cause of a clinical syndrome (etio-
Pain 7–10 logic diagnosis) requires knowledge of an entirely differ-
Neuroendocrinology 26 ent order. Here one must be conversant with the clinical
details, including the speed of onset, course, laboratory
and imaging characteristics, and natural history of a mul-
tiplicity of diseases. When confronted with a constellation
were intended to localize lesions are no longer necessary of clinical features that do not lend themselves to a simple
in every patient. Nonetheless, insufficient appreciation of or sequential analysis, one resorts to considering the broad
the history and examination and the resulting overdepen- division of diseases in all branches of medicine, as sum-
dence on imaging leads to diagnostic errors and has other marized in Table 1-2.
detrimental consequences. A clinical approach is usually Irrespective of the intellectual process that one utilizes
more efficient and far more economical than is resorting in solving a particular clinical problem, the fundamental
to imaging. Images are also replete with spurious or unre- steps in diagnosis always involve the accurate elicitation
lated findings, which elicit unnecessary further testing and of symptoms and signs and their correct interpretation in
needless worry on the part of the patient. terms of disordered function of the nervous system. Most
All of these steps are undertaken in the service of often when there is uncertainty or disagreement as to
effective treatment, an ever-increasing aspect in neurol- diagnosis, it is found later that the symptoms or signs were
ogy. As is emphasized repeatedly in later chapters, there incorrectly interpreted in the first place. Repeated exami-
is always a premium in the diagnostic process on the dis- nations may be necessary to establish the fundamental
covery of treatable diseases. Even when specific treatment clinical findings beyond doubt. Hence the aphorism: In a
is not available, accurate diagnosis may in its own right difficult neurologic case, a second examination is the most
function as a therapy, as uncertainty about the cause of a helpful diagnostic test.
neurologic illness may be as troubling to the patient than It is advantageous to focus the clinical analysis on the
the disease itself. principal symptom and signs and avoid being distracted
Of course, the solution to a clinical problem need not by minor signs and uncertain clinical data. Of course, as
always be schematized in this way. The clinical method mentioned, if the main sign has been misinterpreted—if a
offers several alternatives in the order and manner by tremor has been taken for ataxia or fatigue for weakness—
which information is collected and interpreted. In fact, in the clinical method is derailed from the start.
some cases, adherence to a formal scheme is not neces- Expert diagnosticians make successively more accu-
sary at all. In relation to syndromic diagnosis, the clini- rate estimates of the likely diagnosis, utilizing pieces of the
cal picture of Parkinson disease, for example, is usually history and findings on the examination to either affirm or
so characteristic that the nature of the illness is at once exclude specific diseases. It is perhaps not surprising that
apparent. In other cases, it is not necessary to carry the the method of successive estimations works well; evidence
clinical analysis beyond the stage of the anatomic diag- from neuroscience reveals that this is the mechanism
nosis, which, in itself, may virtually indicate the cause of that the nervous system uses to process information. As
a disease. For example, when vertigo, cerebellar ataxia, the lessons of cognitive psychology have been applied to
unilateral Horner syndrome, paralysis of a vocal cord, medical diagnosis, several heuristics (cognitive shortcuts)
and analgesia of the face occur with acute onset, the have been identified as both necessary to the diagnostic
cause is an occlusion of the vertebral artery, because all process and as pitfalls for the unwary clinician (see Tver-
the involved structures lie in the lateral medulla, within sky and Kahneman). Awareness of these heuristics offers
the territory of this artery. Thus, the anatomic diag- the opportunity to incorporate corrective strategies. We
nosis determines and limits the etiologic possibilities. openly discuss these heuristics and their pitfalls with our

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Chapter 1 Approach to the Patient With Neurologic Disease 5

colleagues and trainees in order to make them part of 1%

clinical reasoning. Investigators such as Redelmeier have 3% 1% 1%
identified the following categories of cognitive mistakes Hemorrhagic stroke
that are common in arriving at a diagnosis: 5% Ischemic stroke

1. T he framing effect reflects excessive weighting of spe- Meningitis

cific initial data in the presentation of the problem. Migraine
2. Anchoring heuristic, in which an initial impression 29%
8% Other neurological
cannot be subsequently adjusted to incorporate new
data. Epilepsy
3. Availability heuristic, in which experience with recent 11% Dementia
cases has an undue impact on the diagnosis of the Encephalitis
case at hand.
14% 18% Parkinson
4. Representative heuristic refers to the lack of appre-
ciation of the frequency of disease in the popula- Tension headache
tion under consideration, a restatement of the Bayes MS
Figure 1-1. Contribution of neurologic conditions to the global bur-
5. Blind obedience, in which there is undue deference to
den of neurologic disease. The analysis, from WHO, includes com-
authority or to the results of a laboratory test. municable and noncommunicable diseases, but does not include
With our colleague Vickery, we have reviewed the traumatic brain injury or spine disease. (Modified from Chin and
workings of these heuristics in neurological diagnosis. Any
of these shortcuts produce a tendency to come to early
closure in diagnosis. Often this is the result of premature
fixation on some item in the history or examination, clos- Lancet and updated in 2010 are summarized in Fig. 1-1. The
ing the mind to alternative diagnostic considerations. The main analysis was of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs),
first diagnostic formulation should be regarded as only which represent the years or life lost from premature death
a testable hypothesis, subject to modification when new summed with the years of life lived with disability. Neu-
items of information are secured. rologic disease accounts for 8.6 percent of the total global
When several of the main features of a disease in its DALY (including infections such as meningitis and enceph-
typical form are lacking, an alternative diagnosis should alitis, and noncommunicable diseases such as stroke, epi-
always be entertained. In general, however, one is more lepsy, dementia, and headache, but excluding traumatic
likely to encounter rare manifestations of common dis- brain injury). In summary, hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic
eases than the typical manifestations of rare diseases stroke, and meningitis together account for approximately
(another paraphrasing of the Bayes theorem). Should the two-thirds of the total global burden caused by neurologic
disease be in a stage of transition, time will allow the full conditions. In relative terms, conditions such as Parkinson
picture to emerge and the diagnosis to be clarified. disease and multiple sclerosis were smaller contributors
As pointed out by Chimowitz, students tend to err in to the total global burden. Of course, these statistics differ
failing to recognize a disease they have not seen, and expe- markedly between developing and developed areas of the
rienced clinicians may fail to appreciate a rare variant of a world. In addition, many neurologic conditions encoun-
common disease. There is no doubt that some clinicians tered in daily practice are not accounted for in these surveys
are more adept than others at solving difficult clinical and these frequencies of disease throughout the world were
problems. Their talent is not intuitive, as sometimes is pre- ascertained by various methods and must be considered
sumed, but is attributable to having paid close attention approximations.
to the details of their experience with many diseases and Donaghy and colleagues have provided a more
having catalogued them for future reference. The unusual detailed listing of the incidence of various neurologic
case is recorded in memory and can be resurrected when diseases that are likely to be seen in the outpatient setting
another one like it is encountered. To achieve expert per- by a physician practicing in the United Kingdom. They
formance in all areas, cognitive, musical, and athletic, a note stroke as far and away the most commonly encoun-
prolonged period of focused attention to the subject and tered condition. More focused surveys, such as the one
to personal experience is required. conducted by Hirtz and colleagues, give similar rates of
prevalence, with migraine, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis
being the most common neurologic disease in the general
PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE OF population (121, 7.1, and 0.9 per 1,000 persons in a year);
stroke, traumatic brain injury, and spinal injury occurring
in 183, 101, and 4.5 per 100,000 per year; and Alzheimer
disease, Parkinson disease, and amyotrophic lateral scle-
To offer the physician the broadest perspective on the rosis (ALS) among older individuals at rates of 67, 9.5, and
relative frequency of neurologic diseases, estimates of 1.6 per 100,000 yearly. Data such as these assist in allocat-
their approximate impact in the world, taken from the ing societal resources, and they may be helpful in lead-
Global Burden of Disease Study, commissioned by the ing the physician to the correct diagnosis insofar as they
World Health Organization and World Bank, published in emphasize the oft-stated dictum that “common conditions

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means by a particular term such as dizziness, imbal-

Table 1-3
ance, or vertigo. Otherwise there is disposition on the
PREVALENCE OF THE MAJOR NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS IN part of the patient to emphasize aspects of the history
THE UNITED STATES that support a superficially plausible diagnosis. This
INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED problem is now amplified by the wide array of medi-
Degenerative diseases cal information available to patients through various
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5 × 104 sources such as the Internet. The patient who is given
Huntington disease 5 × 104 to highly circumstantial and rambling accounts can
Parkinson disease 5 × 106
be kept on the subject of his illness by directive ques-
Alzheimer disease 5 × 106
Macular degeneration 5 × 107 tions that draw out essential points. One should avoid
Autoimmune neurologic diseases suggesting terms to the patient, particularly those
Multiple sclerosis 4 × 105 that prematurely confirm the physician’s preconceived
Stroke, all types 5 × 106 diagnoses (“leading the witness”).
Central nervous system trauma
Head 2 × 106 2. The setting in which the illness occurred, its mode
Spinal cord 2.5 × 105 of onset and evolution, and its course are of major
Metabolic importance. One must attempt to learn precisely how
Diabetic retinopathy 2 × 106 each symptom began and progressed. Often the nature
Headache 3 × 107
Epilepsy 3 × 106 of the disease process can be decided from these data
Back pain 5 × 107 alone, such as the typical sudden onset of stroke. If
Peripheral neuropathy such information cannot be supplied by the patient or
Total 2.5 × 107 his family, it may be necessary to judge the course of
Inherited 1 × 104
Diabetic neuropathy 2 × 106
the illness by what the patient was able to do at differ-
Mental retardation ent times (e.g., how far he could walk, when he could
Severe 1 × 106 no longer negotiate stairs or carry on his usual work)
Moderate 1 × 107 or by changes in the clinical findings between succes-
Schizophrenia 3 × 106 sive examinations.
Manic depressive illness 3 × 106
3. In general, one tends to be careless in estimating the
mental capacities of patients. Attempts are sometimes
made to take histories from patients who are cogni-
occur commonly” and therefore should be considered a tively impaired or so confused that they have no idea
priori to be more likely diagnoses (Table 1-3). why they are in a doctor’s office or a hospital. Young
physicians and students have a natural tendency to
“normalize” the patient’s cognitive performance, often
TAKING THE HISTORY collaborating with a hopeful family in the mispercep-
tion that no real problem exists. This attempt at sym-
In neurology, the physician is highly dependent on the pathy does not serve the patient and may delay the
cooperation of the patient for a reliable history, especially diagnosis of a potentially treatable disease. A common
for a description of those symptoms that are unaccompa- error is to pass lightly over inconsistencies in history
nied by observable signs of disease. If the symptoms are in and inaccuracies about dates and symptoms, only to
the sensory sphere, only the patient can tell what he sees, discover later that these flaws in memory were the
hears, or feels. The first step in the clinical encounter is to essential features of the illness.
enlist the patient’s trust and cooperation and make him 4. Asking the patient to give his own interpretation of the
realize the importance of the history and examination possible meaning of symptoms sometimes exposes
procedure. Of course, no matter how reliable the history concern, depression, anxiety, suspiciousness, or even
appears to be, verification of the patient’s account by a delusional thinking. This also may allow the patient to
knowledgeable and objective informant is always desir- articulate fears about certain diseases such as brain
able. When the patient’s cooperation is not possible, as tumor, dementia, motor neuron disease, or multiple
for example in a comatose or confused individual or in a sclerosis. Exposing these fears allows the physician to
young child, an attempt should be made to acquire the allay these concerns forthrightly.
necessary information from other sources.
The following points about taking the neurologic his-
tory deserve further comment: THE NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
1. S
 pecial care must be taken to avoid suggesting to the
patient the symptoms that one seeks. The patient The neurologic examination begins with observations in
should be discouraged from framing his symptom(s) the waiting room, and continues as the patient proceeds
in terms of a diagnosis that he may have heard; rather, to the examination room and while the history is being
he should be urged to give a simple description— obtained. The manner in which the patient tells the story
being asked, for example, to choose a word that best of his illness may betray confusion or incoherence in
describes his pain and to report precisely what he thinking, impairment of memory or judgment, or difficulty

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Chapter 1 Approach to the Patient With Neurologic Disease 7

in comprehending or expressing ideas. A more exten- of them here. Many tests are of doubtful value or are rep-
sive examination of attention, memory, cognitive ability, etitions of simpler ones and to perform all of them on one
and language is undertaken if the history or the manner patient would be unproductive. The danger with all clinical
in which it is given indicates the problem lies in those tests is to regard them as indicators of a particular disease
spheres. Otherwise, asking the date and place, repeating rather than as ways of uncovering disordered function-
and recalling words, and simple arithmetic are adequate ing of the nervous system. The following approaches are
screening procedures. One then proceeds from an exami- relatively simple and provide the most useful information.
nation of the cranial nerves to the testing of motor, reflex, Numerous guides to the examination of the nervous
and sensory functions of the upper and lower limbs. This system are available (see the references at the end of this
is followed by an assessment of gait and station (stand- chapter). For a full account of these methods, the reader
ing position) are observed before or after the rest of the is referred to monographs on the subject, including those
examination. of Biller and colleagues (DeMyer’s), Spillane (Bickerstaff’s)
The thoroughness and focus of the neurologic exami- Campbell (DeJong’s The Neurological Examination), and
nation must be governed by the type of clinical problem of the staff members of the Mayo Clinic, each of which
presented by the patient. To spend a half hour or more approaches the subject from a different point of view.
testing cerebral, cerebellar, cranial nerve, and sensorimotor
function in a patient seeking treatment for a simple com- Testing of Higher Cortical Functions
pression palsy of an ulnar nerve is pointless and uneco-
nomical. Conversely, if the main problem relates to hand Broadly speaking, the mental status examination has two
function, a detailed examination of the motor, sensory and main components, although the separation is somewhat
higher order functions of the hand are undertaken. The artificial: the psychiatric aspects, which incorporate affect,
examination must also be modified according to the con- mood, and normality of thought processes and content;
dition of the patient. Obviously, many parts of the exami- and the cognitive aspects, which include the level of
nation cannot be carried out in a comatose patient; also, consciousness, awareness (attention), language, memory,
infants and small children, as well as patients with psychi- visuospatial, and other executive abilities. These functions
atric disease, must be examined in special ways. Similarly, are tested in detail if the patient’s history or behavior has
the examination in acute situations that require urgent provided a reason to suspect some defect.
resolution must be necessarily compressed to address to Questions are first directed toward determining the
essential minimum that allows intelligent initial steps. patient’s orientation in time and place and insight into his
When an abnormal finding is detected, whether cog- current medical problem. Attention, speed of response,
nitive, motor, or sensory, it becomes necessary to analyze ability to give relevant answers to simple questions, and
the problem in a more elaborate fashion. Details of these the capacity for sustained and coherent mental effort
sensitive examinations are addressed in appropriate chap- all lend themselves to straightforward observation. The
ters of the book and, cursorily, below. patient’s account of his recent illness, dates of hospital-
The neurologic examination is ideally performed ization, and day-to-day recollection of recent incidents
and recorded in a relatively uniform manner in order to are excellent tests of memory; the narration of the illness
avoid omissions and facilitate the subsequent analysis of and the patient’s choice of words (vocabulary) and syntax
records. Some variation in the order of examination from provide information about language ability and coherence
physician to physician is understandable, but each exam- of thinking. There are many useful bedside tests of atten-
iner over time establishes a consistent pattern. If certain tion, concentration, memory and cognition, for example,
portions are intentionally not performed, these omissions repetition of a series of digits in forward and reverse order,
should be stated so that those reading the description at a serial subtraction of 3s or 7s from 100, and recall of three
later time are not left wondering whether an abnormality items of information or a short story after an interval of
was not previously detected. 3 min. More detailed examination procedures appear in
Portions of the general physical examination that may Chaps. 19–21.
be particularly informative in the patient with neurologic If there is any suggestion of a speech or language
disease should be included. For example, examination of disorder, the nature of the patient’s spontaneous speech
the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as carotid and should be noted. In addition, the accuracy of reading, writ-
cardiac auscultation, may be essential in a patient with ing, and spelling, executing spoken commands, repeat-
stroke. Likewise, the skin and eyes can reveal a number ing words and phrases spoken by the examiner, naming
of conditions that pertain to congenital, metabolic, and objects, and parts of objects should be assessed.
infectious causes of neurologic disease. Aspects of general The ability to carry out commanded tasks (praxis) is
appearance, such as obesity or cachexia, may offer guid- pertinent to the evaluation of several aspects of cortical
ance to the likelihood of certain systemic illnesses. function. For example, commonly used tests are carry-
ing out commanded and imitated gestures such as ham-
The Detailed Examination of Patients With mering a nail, blowing out a candle, throwing dice and
copying sequential hand positions. Visuospatial abilities
Neurologic Symptoms
may be tested by asking the patient to bisect a line, draw
An inordinately large number of tests of neurologic func- the numbers and hands of a clock face or the floor plan of
tion have been devised, and it is not proposed to review all one’s home or a map of one’s country, and copying figures.

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Recognition (gnosis) is tested by naming of objects or pic- (reflexes) of the mouth and lips (such as sucking, snouting,
tures and describing their use. rooting) reflect the reemergence of developmental reflexes
and usually indicate disease of the frontal lobes. Failure
Testing of Cranial Nerves to inhibit blinking in response to repetitive tapping of the
brow (glabella) may indicate extrapyramidal or frontal
The function of the cranial nerves is tested as a compo- disorders.
nent of most examinations, in part because defects in their The abnormal quality of speech and articulation,
function are so easily recognizable and because certain dysarthria, may give indications of weakness or other
abnormalities allow precise localization of a lesion. If one disorders of the lips, tongue, larynx, and pharynx. Cer-
suspects a lesion in the anterior cranial fossa, the sense tain patterns also conform to disorders of the cerebellum
of smell should be tested and it should be determined and parts of the brainstem and cerebrum. The abnor-
whether odors can be discriminated. Visual fields can be mal speech patterns of spastic, ataxic, extrapyramidal,
outlined by having the patient indicate when the exam- and neuromuscular disorders are elaborated mainly in
iner’s finger moves or by counting fingers at the periphery Chap. 22.
of vision (confrontation testing), ideally by testing each
eye separately. If an abnormality is suspected, perimetry Testing of Motor Function
provides a more sensitive method of confirming and map-
ping the defect. Pupil size and reactivity to light, direct, In the assessment of motor function, the most informative
consensual, and during convergence, the position of the aspects are observations of the speed, power, muscle bulk,
eyelids, and the range of ocular movements should next tone, and coordination. The maintenance of the supinated
be observed. Details of these tests and their interpretations arms against gravity is a useful test; the weak arm, tiring
are given in Chaps. 11–13. first, soon begins to sag, or, in the case of a corticospinal
Sensation over the face is tested with a pin and wisp lesion, to resume the more natural pronated position
of cotton. Also, the presence or absence of the corneal (“pronator drift”). An additional sign of subtle weakness
reflexes, direct and consensually, may be determined. of one side is the asymmetric “orbiting” of one forearm
Care must be taken to avoid eliciting blinking by a visual around the other when the patient is asked to rotate the
stimulus. fists or index fingers around the other. The strength of the
Facial movements should be observed in repose and legs can be tested with the patient prone and the knees
as the patient speaks and smiles, for a slight weakness may flexed and observing downward drift of the weakened leg.
be more evident in these circumstances than on move- In the supine position at rest, weakness due to an upper
ments to command. Direct testing of facial power can be motor neuron lesion causes external rotation of the hip. In
accomplished by asking the patent to forcefully close the testing the power of the legs, it should be kept in mind that
eyes, purse the lips and raise the brow. the hip flexors and quadriceps of most adults are stronger
The auditory meatus and tympanic membranes than the arm of the examiner.
should be inspected with an otoscope if there is a problem It is useful to have the limbs exposed and to inspect
with hearing. A high-frequency (512 Hz) tuning fork held them for atrophy and fasciculations. Abnormalities of
next to the ear and compared to applying it to the mas- movement and posture as well as tremors may be revealed
toid discloses hearing loss and distinguishes middle-ear by observing the limbs at rest and in motion (see Chaps. 4
(conductive) from neural deafness. An additional test of to 5). This is accomplished by watching the patient main-
impaired bone or air conduction is performed by placing tain the arms and move them from the prone to the supine
a high-frequency tuning fork in the center of the fore- positions; perform simple tasks, such as alternately touch-
head and having the patient report any asymmetry in the ing his nose and the examiner’s finger; make rapid alter-
sound. Audiograms and other special tests of auditory and nating movements that necessitate sudden acceleration
vestibular function are needed if there is any suspicion of and deceleration and changes in direction, such as tapping
disease of the vestibulocochlear nerve or of the cochlea or one hand on the other while alternating pronation and
labyrinths (see Chap. 14). supination of the forearm; rapidly touch the thumb to each
The vocal cords may be inspected with special instru- fingertip; and accomplish simple tasks such as buttoning
ments in cases of suspected medullary or vagus nerve clothes, opening a safety pin, or handling common tools.
disease, especially when there is hoarseness. Voluntary Estimates of the strength of leg muscles with the patient
pharyngeal elevation and elicited reflexes are meaning- in bed may be unreliable; there may seem to be little or
ful if there is an asymmetrical response; bilateral absence no weakness even though the patient cannot arise from a
of the gag reflex is seldom significant. Inspection of the chair or from a kneeling position without help. Running
tongue, both protruded and at rest, is helpful; atrophy and the heel down the front of the shin, alternately touching
fasciculations may be seen and weakness detected. Slight the examiner’s finger with the toe and the opposite knee
deviation of the protruded tongue as a solitary finding can with the heel, and rhythmically tapping the heel on the
usually be disregarded, but a major deviation represents shin are the only tests of coordination that need be carried
under action of the hypoglossal nerve and muscle on that out in bed.
side. The pronunciation of words should be noted. The The limbs are observed to determine if during natural
jaw jerk (masseter tendon reflex) should be evaluated in activities, there is excessive or reduced quantity, speed or
order to localize the source of dysphagia, dysarthria, or excursion of movement, tremor, and if normal postural
dysphonia. In adults, abnormal reactions to tactile contact adjustments. The resistance of muscles during passive

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Chapter 1 Approach to the Patient With Neurologic Disease 9

movement by the examiner (tone) gives information about The ability to perceive vibration may be tested by
spasticity and extrapyramidal rigidity. comparing the thresholds at which the patient and exam-
iner lose perception at comparable bony prominences.
Testing of Reflexes We suggest recording the number of seconds for which
the examiner appreciates vibration at the malleolus, toe,
Testing of the tendon reflexes at the biceps, triceps, supi- or finger after the patient reports that the fork has stopped
nator-brachioradialis, patellar, and Achilles tendon are an buzzing. Joint position and the perception of movement of
adequate sampling of reflex activity. Underactive or barely a digit can be tested by holding the body part at the sides
elicitable reflexes can be facilitated by voluntary contrac- and making small excursion at the adjacent joint.
tion of other muscles, such as pulling the grasped hands Variations in sensory findings from one examination
against each other (Jendrassik maneuver). to another reflect differences in technique of examination
The plantar reflexes, particularly the elicitation of the as well as inconsistencies in the responses of the patient.
Babinski sign by stroking the lateral sole of the foot from Sensory testing is considered in greater detail in Chaps. 7
heel to toe, are an essential part of most examinations. The and 8.
sign is a dependable marker of damage to the corticospinal
system as described in Chap. 3. The main features of the
Babinski sign are dorsiflexion of the large toe and fanning
Testing of Gait and Stance
of the other toes. Interpretation of the plantar response The examination is completed by observing the patient
poses some difficulty because reactions besides the Babin- arise from a chair, stand and walk. An abnormality of
ski sign can be evoked. These include a quick withdrawal stance or gait may be the most prominent or only neuro-
response of the foot and leg that does not signify disease; logic abnormality, as in certain cerebellar or frontal lobe
and a pathologic slower, spinal flexor reflex (flexion of knee syndromes; and an impairment of posture and highly
and hip and dorsiflexion of toes and foot, “triple flexion”) automatic adaptive movements in walking may provide
that has similar significance to the Babinski sign. Avoid- diagnostic clues in the early stages of diseases such as
ance and withdrawal responses interfere with the interpre- Parkinson disease. Having the patient walk in tandem on
tation of the Babinski sign and can sometimes be overcome a straight line may bring out a lack of balance and walking
by utilizing alternative stimuli (e.g., squeezing the calf or on the sides of the soles may elicit dystonic postures in the
Achilles tendon, flicking the fourth toe, downward scrap- hands and trunk. Hopping or standing on one foot may
ing of the shin, lifting the straight leg, and others) or by also betray a lack of balance or weakness. Standing with
having the patient scrape his own sole. feet together and eyes closed will bring out disequilibrium
Absence of the superficial cutaneous reflexes of the due to sensory loss (Romberg test) that is usually attribut-
abdominal, cremasteric, and other muscles are useful able to a disorder of the large diameter sensory fibers in
ancillary tests for detecting corticospinal lesions, particu- the nerves and posterior columns of the spinal cord. Dis-
larly when unilateral. orders of gait are discussed in Chap. 6.

Testing of Sensory Function The Screening Neurological Examination

Because this part of the examination is attainable only In the situation of a patient without neurologic symptoms,
through the subjective responses of the patient, it requires brevity is desirable but any test that is undertaken should
considerable cooperation. At the same time, it is subject be done carefully and recorded. Accurate recording of neg-
to overinterpretation and suggestibility. Usually, sensory ative data may be useful in relation to some future illness
testing is reserved for the end of the examination and, if the that requires examination. As indicated in Table 1-4, the
findings are to be reliable, should not be prolonged. Each patient’s orientation, insight, judgment, and the integrity
test should be explained briefly; too much discussion with a
meticulous, introspective patient encourages the reporting
of meaningless minor variations of stimulus intensity.
Table 1-4
It is not necessary to examine all areas of the skin sur-
face. A quick survey of the face, neck, arms, trunk, and legs BRIEF NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION IN THE GENERAL
with a pin takes only a few seconds. Usually one is seeking MEDICAL OR SURGICAL PATIENT
differences between the two sides of the body (it is better 1. Orientation, insight into illness, language assessed during tak-
to ask whether stimuli on opposite sides of the body feel ing of the history
the same than to ask if they feel different), a level below 2. Size of pupils, reaction to light, visual and auditory acuity
3. Movement of eyes, face, tongue
which sensation is lost, or a zone of relative or absolute 4. Examination of the outstretched hands for atrophy, pro-
analgesia (loss of pain sensibility) or anesthesia (loss of nating or downward drift, tremor, power of grip, and wrist
touch sensibility). Regions of sensory deficit can then be dorsiflexion
tested more carefully and mapped. Moving the stimulus 5. Biceps, supinator, and triceps tendon reflexes
6. Inspection of the legs during active flexion and extension of
from an area of diminished sensation into a normal area the hips, knees, and feet
is recommended because it enhances the perception of a 7. Patellar, Achilles, and plantar reflexes
difference. The finding of a zone of heightened sensation 8. Vibration sensibility in the fingers and toes
(“hyperesthesia”) also calls attention to a disturbance of 9. Finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin testing of coordination
superficial sensation. 10. Gait

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of language function are readily assessed in the course of By the manner in which the patient expresses ideas
taking the history. With respect to the cranial nerves, the and responds to spoken or written requests, it is possible
size of the pupils and their reaction to light, ocular move- to determine whether there are hallucinations or delu-
ments, visual and auditory acuity, and movements of the sions, defective memory, or other recognizable symptoms
face, palate, and tongue should be tested. Observing the of brain disease merely by watching and listening to the
bare outstretched arms for atrophy, weakness (prona- patient. On occasion, mute and resistive patients judged
tor drift), tremor, or abnormal movements; checking the to be psychotic prove to have some widespread cerebral
strength of the extended and outstretched fingers; inquir- disease.
ing about sensory disturbances; and eliciting the biceps,
brachioradialis, and triceps reflexes are usually sufficient
for the upper limbs. Inspection of the legs while the feet, INFANTS AND SMALL CHILDREN
toes, knees, and hips are actively flexed and extended;
elicitation of the patellar, Achilles, and plantar reflexes;
The reader is referred to the special methods of examina-
testing of vibration and position sense in the fingers and
tion described by Volpe and the staff members of the Mayo
toes; and assessment of coordination by having the patient
Clinic, which are listed in the references and described in
alternately touch his nose and the examiner’s finger and
Chap. 27. Many of these tests address the developmental
run his heel up and down the front of the opposite leg, and
aspects of the child’s nervous system, and although some
observation of walking complete the essential parts of the
signs may be difficult to obtain because of the age of the
neurologic examination.
patient, they still stand as the best reflections of the child’s
This entire procedure adds only a few minutes to the
neurologic state.
physical examination but the routine performance of these
simple tests provides clues to the presence of disease of
which the patient is not aware. For example, the finding of THE GENERAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION
absent Achilles reflexes and diminished vibratory sense in
the feet and legs alerts the physician to the possibility of
diabetic or nutritional neuropathy, even when the patient The general medical examination often reveals evidence
does not report symptoms. of an underlying systemic disease that has secondarily
affected the nervous system. In fact, many of the most
serious neurologic problems are of this type. Two com-
THE COMATOSE PATIENT mon examples will suffice: adenopathy or a lung infiltrate
implicates neoplasia or sarcoidosis as the cause of multiple
Although subject to obvious limitations, careful examina- cranial nerve palsies, and the presence of low-grade fever,
tion of the stuporous or comatose patient yields consider- anemia, a heart murmur, and splenomegaly in a patient
able information concerning the function of the nervous with unexplained stroke points to a diagnosis of bacterial
system. It is remarkable that, with the exception of cog- endocarditis with embolic occlusion of cerebral arteries.
nitive function, almost all parts of the nervous system, The examination of a patient with stroke is includes a
including the cranial nerves, can be evaluated in the determination of blood pressure, auscultation for carotid
comatose patient. The demonstration of signs of focal bruits, heart murmurs, and palpation of the pulse for heart
cerebral or brainstem disease or of meningeal irritation is rhythm.
useful in the differential diagnosis of diseases that cause
stupor and coma. The adaptation of the neurologic exami-
nation to the comatose patient is described in Chap. 16. INTEGRATION OF NEUROANATOMY,
One is compelled in the examination of psychiatric patients
to be unusually critical of their statements and reports or Once the technique of obtaining reliable clinical data
symptoms. Many people, even those without psychiatric is attained, knowledge of the basic sciences of neurol-
conditions, are highly suggestible and may display changes ogy is necessary to determine the cause of disease and
in sensory and motor function. The depressed patient, for its treatment. For this reason, each of the later chapters
example, may perceive impaired memory or weakness dealing with the motor system, sensation, special senses,
when actually there is neither amnesia nor reduced power, consciousness, memory, and language is introduced
or the sociopath or hysteric may feign paralysis. The oppo- by a review of the anatomic and physiologic facts that
site is as often true: psychotic patients may make accurate are necessary for understanding the associated clinical
observations of their symptoms, only to have them ignored disorders.
because of their mental state. It is well to keep in mind that Physicians wishing to master neurology should be
patients with even the most extreme psychiatric disease are familiar with the anatomy of the corticospinal tract; motor
subject to all of the neurologic conditions typical of others unit (anterior horn cell, nerve, and muscle); basal gan-
of their age. glionic and cerebellar motor connections; main sensory

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Chapter 1 Approach to the Patient With Neurologic Disease 11

pathways; cranial nerves; hypothalamus and pituitary; underlying metabolic causes is profitable in certain popu-
reticular formation of brainstem and thalamus; limbic sys- lations as a way of preventing stroke. Genetic information
tem; areas of cerebral cortex and their major connections; enables the neurologist to arrive at the diagnosis of certain
visual, auditory, and autonomic systems; and cerebrospi- illnesses and to identify patients and relatives at risk of
nal fluid pathways. A working knowledge of neurophysiol- developing certain diseases.
ogy should include an understanding of neural excitability The laboratory methods that are available for neuro-
and nerve impulse propagation, neuromuscular trans- logic diagnosis are discussed in the next chapter and in
mission, and contractile process of muscle; spinal reflex Chap. 2, on clinical electrophysiology. The relevant prin-
activity; central neurotransmission; processes of neuronal ciples of genetic and laboratory screening methods for the
excitation, inhibition, and release; and cortical activa- prediction of disease are presented in the discussion of the
tion and seizure production. The genetics and molecular disease to which they are applicable.
biology of neurologic disease have assumed increasing
importance in the past few decades. The practitioner
should be familiar with the terminology of mendelian and
mitochondrial genetics and the main aberrations in the
genetic code that give rise to neurologic disease.
The physician must be familiar with the imaging char- There are a growing number of neurologic diseases for
acteristics of the multitude of clinical diseases encountered which specific therapy is available. Through advances
in practice, and the risk and pitfalls of each technique, in neuroscience, their number is steadily increasing.
including computed tomography (CT), magnetic reso- Among the most sweeping changes, now that many infec-
nance imaging (MRI), radiographs, including those incor- tious diseases of the nervous system are being addressed,
porating contrast agents, and ultrasound as discussed in have been entirely novel medications for stroke, mul-
Chap. 2. tiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, migraine, neuropathy,
We believe the neurologist is greatly aided by knowl- brain tumor, and epilepsy as summarized in a review of
edge of the neuropathologic changes that are produced by 200 years of neurology by Ropper. These therapies and
processes such as infarction, hemorrhage, demyelination, the dosages, timing, and manner of administration of
physical trauma, inflammation, neoplasm, and infec- particular drugs are considered in later chapters in rela-
tion, to name the more common ones. Experience with tion to the description of individual diseases and detailed
the gross and microscopic appearances of these disease in Samuels’s Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics, cited in
processes greatly enhances one’s ability to explain their the references. The neurologist should also be familiar
clinical effects. The ability to visualize the abnormalities with the proper application of surgical treatment when it
of disease in nerve and muscle, brain and spinal cord, is an integral part of the amelioration or cure of disease,
meninges, and blood vessels gives one a strong sense of as it is for brain tumor, degenerative and neoplastic dis-
which clinical features to expect of a particular process eases of the spine, cerebral aneurysm, extracranial arterial
and which features are untenable or inconsistent with a stenosis, and some congenital disease of the brain and
particular diagnosis. An additional advantage of being spinal cord. There are, in addition, many diseases in which
exposed to neuropathology is, of course, that the clinician neurologic function can be restored to a varying degree by
is able to intelligently evaluate pathologic changes and appropriate rehabilitation measures or by the judicious
reports of material obtained by biopsy. For many condi- use of therapeutic agents.
tions there is a parallel representation of neuropathology Randomized controlled trials play an ever-increasing
through various imaging techniques. This allows the clini- role in therapeutic decisions. Claims for the effectiveness
cian to deduce the pathology from the imaging appearance of a particular therapy based on statistical analysis of large-
and vice versa. scale clinical studies must be treated circumspectly. Was
From the foregoing description of the clinical method, the study well conceived as reflected in a clearly stated
it is evident that the use of laboratory aids, including imag- hypothesis and outcome criteria; was there adherence to
ing in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, is the plans for randomization and admission of cases into
ideally preceded by rigorous clinical examination. As in all the study; were the statistical methods appropriate; and
of medicine, laboratory study can be planned intelligently were the controls truly comparable? It has been our expe-
only on the basis of clinical information. To reverse this rience that the original results must be accepted with cau-
process is wasteful of medical resources and prone to the tion and it is prudent to wait until further studies confirm
discovery of irrelevant information, and in some cases the benefits that have been claimed.
exposes a patient to unnecessary risk. There are, of course, many instances in which evi-
In the prevention of neurologic disease, however, one dence is not available or is not applicable to difficult indi-
resorts to two other approaches, namely, the use of genetic vidual therapeutic decisions. This is in part true because
information and laboratory screening tests. Biochemical small albeit statistically significant effects in large groups
screening tests are applicable to an entire population and may be of little consequence when applied to an individual
permit the identification of neurologic diseases in indi- patient. It goes without saying that data derived from trials
viduals, mainly infants and children, who have yet to show must be used in the context of a patient’s overall physical
their first symptom; in some diseases, treatment can be and mental condition and age. Furthermore, for many
instituted before the nervous system has suffered damage. neurologic conditions there is, at the moment, inadequate
Similarly in adults, screening for atherosclerosis and its evidence on which to base treatment. Here, the physician

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makes judgments based on partial or insufficient data. such as brain and spinal cord trauma, stroke, epilepsy,
Even deciding purposefully to wait before committing to developmental delay, psychiatric diseases, and dementia
an intervention displays wisdom. are ubiquitous, but that these are highly disabling and
Even when no effective treatment is possible, neuro- often chronic in nature, altering in a fundamental way the
logic diagnosis is more than an intellectual pastime. The lives of affected individuals. Furthermore, the promise of
first step in the scientific study of any disease process is its cure or amelioration by new techniques such as molecular
identification in the living patient. biology, genetic therapy, and brain–computer interfaces
In closing this introductory chapter, a comment has excited vast interest, for which reason aspects of the
regarding the extraordinary burden of diseases of the ner- current scientific insights are included in appropriate
vous system is appropriate. It is not just that conditions sections of the book.

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“common” neurologic disorders? Neurology 68:326, 2007. Volpe JJ: Neurology of the Newborn, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders,
Holmes G: Introduction to Clinical Neurology, 3rd ed. Revised by 2008.
Bryan Matthews. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1968.
Mayo Clinic Examinations in Neurology, 7th ed. St. Louis, Mosby-
Year Book, 1998.

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Diagnostic Testing in
Neurologic Disease

Neurologic diagnosis is frequently determined solely on that alter intracranial pressure. Patterns of findings, or
the basis of careful history and examination. In that case, “formulas,” in the CSF generally denote particular classes
ancillary testing is unnecessary or simply corroborates the of disease; these are summarized in Table 2-1. The fluid is
clinical impression. It also happens that the diagnoses can most often obtained by lumbar puncture, the technique
be reduced to a few possibilities but that testing is neces- and indications for which are described below.
sary to arrive at the correct one. The aim of the neurologist
is to arrive at a diagnosis by artful integration of clinical
data with laboratory procedures. Commonly the clinician Lumbar Puncture
already has at his disposal some laboratory information The lumbar puncture (LP) is performed to obtain pressure
when the patient presents for a consultation. This may ori- measurements and procure a sample of the CSF for cel-
ent or distract from the correct course of action. lular, cytologic, chemical, bacteriologic, and other exami-
Only a few decades ago, the only laboratory tests nation. It is also utilized in special circumstances to aid in
available to the neurologist were examination of a sample therapy by the instillation of anesthetics, antibiotics, anti-
of cerebrospinal fluid, radiography of the skull and spinal tumor agents, or for drainage in order to reduce CSF pres-
column, contrast myelography, pneumoencephalography, sure. Another diagnostic use is the injection of radiopaque
and electrophysiologic tests. The physician’s armamentar- substances, as in myelography, or radioactive agents, as in
ium has been expanded to include a multitude of neuro- radionuclide cisternography.
imaging modalities, biochemical and immunologic assays, It is advisable to determine that the patient’s coagula-
and genetic analyses. Some of these new methods give the tion function is adequate for safe LP. In general, it is safe
impression of such accuracy that there is a temptation to to perform LP on patients without history or overt signs of
substitute them for a detailed history and physical exami- coagulopathy and those who are not taking anticoagulant
nation. Moreover, it is common in practice for laboratory medications. An international normalized ratio (INR) less
testing to reveal abnormalities that are of no significance to than or equal to 1.4 and platelet count greater than 50,000/
the problem at hand. Consequently, the physician should mm3 are generally acceptable, as is the use of aspirin in
always judge the relevance and significance of laboratory conventional doses. Individuals with impaired platelet
data only in the context of clinical findings. Hence, the function from diseases such as alcoholism or uremia
neurologist must be familiar with all laboratory proce- may have bleeding complications. For patients receiving
dures relevant to neurologic disease, their reliability, and heparin by continuous intravenous infusion, the LP is best
their hazards. performed after the infusion has been discontinued for a
What follows is a description of laboratory tests that period of time, and if possible, the partial thromboplastin
have application to a diversity of neurologic diseases. time has been determined to be in a safe range. There are
Certain procedures that are pertinent to a particular cat- circumstances, however, where these provisions are not
egory of disease—e.g., audiography to study deafness; practical.
electronystagmography (ENG) in cases of vertigo; as well LP carries some risks if the CSF pressure is very high
as nerve and muscle biopsy, where there is neuromuscular (evidenced mainly by headache and papilledema), for it
disease—are presented in the chapters devoted to these increases the possibility of a fatal cerebellar or transtento-
disorders. rial herniation. The risk is considerable when there is an
intracranial mass that distorts and displaces brain tissue,
particularly asymmetric mass lesions near the tentorium
EXAMINATION OF CEREBROSPINAL FLUID or foramen magnum. The risk is much lower in patients
with subarachnoid hemorrhage, in hydrocephalus with
The information yielded by examination of the cerebro- communication among all the ventricles, or with pseu-
spinal fluid (CSF) is crucial in the diagnosis of certain dotumor cerebri. Indeed, these are conditions in which
neurologic diseases, particularly infectious and inflamma- repeated LPs may be employed as a therapeutic measure.
tory conditions, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and processes In patients with purulent meningitis, there is also a small


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Table 2-1  
Bacterial infection WBC >50/mm , often 100–250 mg% 20–50 mg%; usually lower Gram stain shows organisms; pressure
greatly increased than half of blood glu- increased
cose level
Viral, fungal, spiro- WBC 10–100/mm3 50–200 mg% Normal or slightly Special culture techniques required;
chetal infection reduced pressure normal or slightly increased
Tuberculous WBC >25/mm3 100–1,000 mg% <50, often markedly Special culture techniques and PCR may
infection reduced be needed to detect organisms
Subarachnoid RBC >500/mm3; 60–150 mg% Normal; slightly reduced Must be distinguished from traumatic
hemorrhage slight increase in later lumbar puncture by presence of xan-
WBC thochromia of spun sample; greatly
increased pressure
Cerebral hemor- RBC 50–200/mm3; 50–150 mg% Normal Pressure may be elevated
rhage, trauma higher if ventricular
rupture of blood
Ischemic stroke Normal or few WBC Normal Normal Normal pressure unless brain swelling
Multiple sclerosis Normal or few WBC Normal or slightly Normal Increased IgG fraction and oligoclonal
increased bands
Meningeal cancer WBC 10–100/mm3 Usually elevated Normal or depressed Neoplastic cells in CSF; elevation
of certain protein markers (e.g.,
IgG, immunoglobulin G; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RBC, red blood cells; WBC, white blood cells.

risk of herniation, but this is outweighed by the need for done under locally sterile conditions. The patient is placed
a definitive diagnosis and the institution of appropriate in the lateral decubitus position, preferably on the left side
treatment at the earliest moment. With this last exception, for right-handed physicians, with hips and knees flexed,
LP should generally be preceded by computed tomogra- and the head as close to the knees as comfort permits. The
phy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) whenever patient’s hips should be vertical, the back aligned near the
an elevation of intracranial pressure is suspected. edge of the bed. The puncture is usually easiest to perform
If imaging procedures disclose a mass lesion that at the L3-L4 interspace, which corresponds in many indi-
poses a risk of herniation, yet it is considered essen- viduals to the axial plane of the iliac crests, or at the inter-
tial to have the information yielded by CSF examina- space above or below. In infants and young children, in
tion, the LP may be performed—with certain precautions. whom the spinal cord may extend to the level of the L3-L4
If the pressure proves to be very high, one should obtain interspace, lower levels should be used.
the smallest necessary sample of fluid, adequate for the Xylocaine is typically injected in and beneath the skin
diagnosis of the suspected disease, administer mannitol to reduce local discomfort. Warming of the analgesic by
or another hyperosmolar agent, and ideally observe a rolling the vial between the palms seems to diminish the
fall in pressure on the manometer. Dexamethasone or an burning sensation that accompanies cutaneous infiltra-
equivalent corticosteroid may also be given in an initial tion. The bevel of the LP needle should be oriented in the
intravenous dose of 10 mg, followed by doses of 4 to 6 longitudinal plane of the dural fibers (see below regarding
mg every 6 h in order to produce a sustained reduction atraumatic needles). It is usually possible to appreciate
in intracranial pressure. Corticosteroids are particularly a palpable “give” as the needle approaches the dura, fol-
useful in situations in which the increased intracranial lowed by a subtle “pop.” At this point, the trocar should
pressure is caused by vasogenic cerebral edema (e.g., be removed slowly from the needle to avoid sucking a
tumor-associated edema). nerve rootlet into the lumen and causing radicular pain.
Cisternal (foramen magnum) puncture and lateral cer- Sciatic pain during the insertion of the needle indicates
vical subarachnoid puncture are infrequently performed, that it is placed too far laterally. If the flow of CSF slows,
but are safe in the hands of an expert. LP is preferred except the head of the bed can be elevated slowly. Rarely, one
in obvious instances of spinal block requiring a sample resorts to gentle aspiration with a small-bore syringe to
of cisternal fluid or for myelography above the lesion. In overcome the resistance of proteinaceous and viscous CSF.
critical care practice, CSF is often obtained from external Failure to enter the lumbar subarachnoid space after two
ventricular drain, and care is taken to maintain a closed or three trials usually can be overcome by performing the
drainage system and antiseptic technique. puncture with the patient in the sitting position and then
helping him to lie on one side for pressure measurements
and fluid removal. The “dry tap” is more often the result
Technique and Complications of LP
of an improperly placed needle than of obliteration of the
Experience teaches the importance of meticulous tech- subarachnoid space by a compressive lesion of the cauda
nique and proper positioning of the patient. LP should be equina or by adhesive arachnoiditis. In an obese patient,

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 15

in whom palpable spinal landmarks cannot be appreci- increased intracranial pressure. In an adult, a pressure of
ated, or after several unsuccessful attempts in any patient, 50 mm H2O or below indicates intracranial hypotension,
fluoroscopy can be employed to position the needle. generally caused by leakage of spinal fluid or systemic
LP has few serious complications. The most common dehydration (see Avery and colleagues). When measured
is headache, estimated to occur in one-third of patients, with the needle in the lumbar sac and the patient in a
but in severe form in far fewer. A history of migraine head- sitting position, the fluid in the manometer rises to the
aches may increase the incidence of prolonged or severe level of the cisterna magna (pressure is approximately
post-LP headache. The headache becomes apparent when double that obtained in the recumbent position). It fails
the patient assumes the upright posture and is presumably to reach the level of the ventricles because the latter are
the result of a reduction of CSF pressure from leakage of in a closed system under slight negative pressure, whereas
fluid at the puncture site and tugging on cerebral and dural the fluid in the manometer is influenced by atmospheric
vessels. Prolonged recumbency immediately after the pro- pressure. Normally, with the needle properly placed in the
cedure has not been shown to prevent headache, but is subarachnoid space, the fluid in the manometer oscillates
often implemented nonetheless. Strupp and colleagues through a few millimeters in response to the pulse and res-
have found that the use of an atraumatic needle almost piration and rises promptly with coughing, straining, and
halved the incidence of headache. Curiously, headaches with jugular vein or abdominal compression. An apparent
are twice as frequent after diagnostic LP as they are after low pressure can also be the result of a needle aperture
spinal anesthesia. Severe headache can be associated with that is not fully within the subarachnoid space; this is
vomiting and mild neck stiffness. Unilateral or bilateral evidenced by the lack of expected fluctuations in pressure
sixth nerve palsy occur rarely after LP, even at times with- with these maneuvers.
out headache, and rare cases of hearing loss, facial numb- The presence of a spinal subarachnoid block was
ness, or facial palsy have been reported. The syndrome of in the past confirmed by jugular venous compression
low CSF pressure, its treatment by “blood patch,” and other (Queckenstedt test, which tests for a rapid rise in CSF
complications of LP are considered further in Chap. 29. pressure after application of the pressure on the vein). The
Bleeding into the spinal meningeal or epidural spaces maneuver risks worsening of a spinal block or of raised
after LP can occur in patients with abnormal coagulation, intracranial pressure and is of historical interest.
as discussed earlier. Treatment of bleeding complications
is by reversal of the coagulopathy and, in rare cases, surgi- Gross Appearance and Pigments
cal evacuation of the clot. Purulent meningitis and disc
space infections rarely complicate LP. Normally, the CSF is clear and colorless. Minor degrees
of color change are best detected by comparing test tubes
of CSF and water against a white background (by daylight
Examination Procedures for CSF rather than by fluorescent illumination) or by looking
down into the tubes from above. The presence of red
Once the subarachnoid space has been entered, the pres-
blood cells imparts a hazy or ground-glass appearance;
sure and fluctuations with respiration of the CSF are
at least 200 red blood cells (RBCs) per cubic millimeter
observed, and samples of fluid are obtained. The gross
(mm3) must be present to detect this change. The pres-
appearance of the fluid is noted, after which the CSF, in
ence of 1,000 to 6,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter imparts a
separate tubes, can be examined for a number of features.
hazy pink to red color, depending on the amount of blood;
The standard determinations are of the number and type
centrifugation of the fluid or allowing it to stand causes
of cells, protein and glucose content, and microscopy and
sedimentation of the RBCs. Several hundred or more white
bacterial culture. In addition, the following can be studied:
blood cells (WBCs) in the fluid (pleocytosis) may cause a
(1) tumor cells (cytology and flow cytometry); (2) presence
slight opaque haziness.
of oligoclonal bands or content of gamma globulin; (3)
A traumatic tap, in which blood from the epidural
serologic (immunological) tests; (4) substances elaborated
venous plexus has been introduced into the spinal fluid,
by some tumors (e.g., β2 microglobulin); and (5) markers
may seriously confuse the diagnosis if it is incorrectly
pertaining to certain infections such as fungi, cryptococcal
interpreted as indicating a preexistent subarachnoid hem-
and other antigen and India ink preparations, mycobacte-
orrhage. To distinguish between these two types of “bloody
ria, DNA of herpesvirus, cytomegalovirus and other organ-
taps,” two or three serial samples of fluid may be collected.
isms (by polymerase chain reaction), markers of certain
With a traumatic tap, there is usually a decreasing number
infections (e.g., 14-3-3 protein), and viral isolation.
of RBCs in the subsequent tubes. Also with a traumatic tap,
the CSF pressure is usually normal, and if a large amount of
Pressure blood is mixed with the fluid, it will clot or form fibrinous
With the patient in the lateral decubitus position, the CSF webs. These changes are not seen with preexistent hemor-
pressure is measured by a manometer attached to the rhage because the blood has been greatly diluted with CSF
needle in the subarachnoid space. In the normal adult, and defibrinated by enzymes in the CSF. In subarachnoid
the opening pressure varies from 100 to 180 mm H2O, or hemorrhage, the RBCs begin to hemolyze within a few
8 to 14 mm Hg. In children, the pressure is in the range hours, imparting a pink-red discoloration (erythrochro-
of 30 to 60 mm H2O. A pressure above 200 mm H2O with mia) to the supernatant fluid; if the spinal fluid is sampled
the patient relaxed and legs straightened generally reflects more than a day following the hemorrhage, the fluid

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will have become yellow-brown (xanthochromia). Prompt an ordinary counting chamber, but their identification
centrifugation of bloody fluid from a traumatic tap will requires centrifugation of the fluid, preferably with a
yield a colorless supernatant; only with large amounts of Wright stain of the sediment. Identification of malignant
venous blood (RBC >100,000/mm3) will the supernatant cells by the cytology laboratory is usually done by cytocen-
fluid be faintly xanthochromic due to contamination with trifugation or other semiautomated liquid-based method,
serum bilirubin and lipochromes. followed by cell fixation and staining (Bigner and Den
The fluid from a traumatic tap should contain approxi- Hartog-Jage). One can recognize and differentially count
mately one or two WBCs per 1,000 RBCs assuming that neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocytes (the latter being
the hematocrit and white blood cell count are normal, prominent in some parasitic infections, neurosyphilis, and
but in reality this ratio varies. With subarachnoid hemor- cholesterol emboli), lymphocytes, plasma cells, mononu-
rhage, the proportion of WBCs rises as RBCs hemolyze, clear cells, macrophages, and tumor cells (see Bigner and
sometimes reaching a level of several hundred per cubic also Den Hartog-Jaeger). Bacteria and fungi can be seen in
millimeter; but the vagaries of this reaction are such that routinely stained preparations. An India ink preparation
it, too, cannot be relied upon to distinguish traumatic from helps to distinguish between lymphocytes and Cryptococ-
preexistent bleeding. The same can be said for crenation cus organisms. Acid-fast bacilli will be found in appropri-
of RBCs, which occurs in both types of bleeding. Why red ately stained samples. The monograph by Ali and Cibas is
corpuscles undergo rapid hemolysis in the CSF is not clear. an excellent reference on CSF cytology. Flow cytometry
It is surely not because of osmotic differences, as the osmo- permits the distinction between polyclonal and monoclo-
larity of plasma and CSF is essentially the same. Fishman nal proliferations, thus aiding in the detection of leukemia
suggested that the low protein content of CSF disequili- and lymphoma, and immunostaining techniques help
brates the red cell membrane in some way. identify metastatic solid tumors. These and other methods
The pigments that discolor the CSF following sub- for the examination of cells in the CSF are discussed in the
arachnoid hemorrhage are oxyhemoglobin, bilirubin, and appropriate chapters.
methemoglobin as described by Barrows and colleagues.
In pure form, these pigments are colored red (orange to
orange-yellow with dilution), canary yellow, and brown,
respectively. Oxyhemoglobin appears within several hours In contrast to the high-protein content of blood (5,500 to
of hemorrhage, becomes maximal in approximately 36 h, 8,000 mg/dL), that of the lumbar spinal fluid is 45 to 50 mg/
and diminishes over a 7- to 9-day period. Bilirubin begins dL or less in the adult. The protein content of CSF from the
to appear in 2 to 3 days and increases in amount as the basal cisterns is 10 to 25 mg/dL and that from the ventricles
oxyhemoglobin decreases. Methemoglobin appears when is 5 to 15 mg/dL. Based on work by Fishman and col-
blood is loculated or encysted and isolated from the flow leagues, this gradient may reflect the fact that CSF proteins
of CSF. Spectrophotometric techniques can be used to dis- leak to a greater degree at the lumbar roots than at higher
tinguish the various hemoglobin breakdown products and levels of the neuraxis. An alternative explanation derives
thus determine the approximate time of bleeding. from the manner in which the spinal fluid is an ultrafiltrate
Not all xanthochromia of the CSF is caused by hemo- of blood made by the choroid plexus in the lateral and the
lysis of RBCs. With severe jaundice, both conjugated and fourth ventricles, analogous to the formation of urine by
unconjugated bilirubin diffuses into the CSF. The quantity the glomerulus. The amount of protein in the CSF would
of bilirubin in the CSF ranges from one-tenth to one-hun- then be proportional to the length of time the fluid is in
dredth that in the serum. Elevation of CSF protein from any contact with the blood–CSF barrier. Thus shortly after it is
cause results in a faint opacity and xanthochromia. Only at formed in the ventricles, the protein is low. More caudally
protein levels greater than 150 mg/100 mL does the color- in the basal cisterns, the protein is higher and in the lum-
ation become visible to the naked eye. Hypercarotenemia bar subarachnoid space it is highest of all. In children, the
and hemoglobinemia (through hemoglobin breakdown protein concentration is somewhat lower at each level (<20
products, particularly oxyhemoglobin) also impart a yel- mg/dL in the lumbar subarachnoid space). Levels higher
low tint to the CSF, as do blood clots in the subdural or epi- than normal indicate a pathologic process in or near the
dural space of the cranium or spinal column. Myoglobin ependyma or meninges—in either the brain, spinal cord,
does not appear in the CSF because a low renal threshold or nerve roots—although the cause of modest elevations
for this pigment permits rapid clearing from the blood. of the CSF protein, in the range of 75 mg/dL, frequently
remains obscure.
As one would expect, bleeding into the ventricles or
Cellularity subarachnoid space results in spillage not only of RBCs
During the first month of life, the CSF contains a larger but of serum proteins. If the serum protein concentrations
number of mononuclear cells than in adults. Beyond this are normal, the CSF protein should increase by about
period, the CSF is normally nearly acellular (i.e., fewer 1 mg/1,000 RBCs. The same holds for a traumatic punc-
than 5 lymphocytes or other mononuclear cells per cubic ture that allows seepage of venous blood into the CSF at
millimeter). An elevation of WBCs in the CSF always signi- the puncture site. However, in the case of subarachnoid
fies a reactive process, either to infectious agents, blood, hemorrhage, caused by the irritating effect of hemolyzed
chemical substances, an immunologic inflammation, a RBC upon the leptomeninges, the CSF protein may be
neoplasm, or vasculitis. The WBCs can be counted in increased by many times this ratio.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 17

The protein content of the CSF in bacterial meningitis

Table 2-2  
may reach 500 mg/dL or more. Viral infections induce
a less intense and mainly lymphocytic reaction and a AVERAGE VALUES OF CONSTITUENTS OF NORMAL CSF AND
lesser elevation of protein—usually 50 to 100 mg/dL but SERUM
sometimes up to 200 mg/dL; in some instances of viral CEREBROSPINAL
meningitis and encephalitis the protein content is nor- FLUID SERUM
mal. Brain tumors, by opening the blood–CSF barrier, can Osmolarity 295 mOsm/L 295 mOsm/L
raise the total protein. Protein values as high as 500 mg/ Sodium 138.0 mEq/L 138.0 mEq/L
dL are found in exceptional cases of the Guillain-Barré Potassium 2.8 mEq/L 4.1 mEq/L
Calcium 2.1 mEq/L 4.8 mEq/L
syndrome and in chronic inflammatory demyelinating Magnesium 2.3 mEq/L 1.9 mEq/L
polyneuropathy. Values in the lumbar CSF of 1,000 mg/ Chloride 119 mEq/L 101.0 mEq/L
dL or more usually indicate a block to CSF flow, typically Bicarbonate 23.0 mEq/L 23.0 mEq/L
in the spinal canal; the fluid is then deeply yellow and Carbon dioxide tension 48 mm Hg 38 mm Hg
clots readily because of the presence of fibrinogen, a phe- pH 7.31–7.33 7.41 (arterial)
nomenon called Froin syndrome. Partial CSF blocks by Nonprotein nitrogen 19.0 mg/dL 27.0 mg/dL
ruptured discs or tumor may elevate the protein to 100 to Ammonia 30.0 g/dL 70.0 g/dL
200 mg/dL. Low CSF protein values are sometimes found Uric acid 0.24 mg/dL 5.5 mg/dL
Urea 4.7 mmol/L 5.4 mmol/L
in meningismus (a febrile illness in children with signs of Creatinine 1.1 mg/dL 1.8 mg/dL
meningeal irritation but normal CSF), in hyperthyroidism, Phosphorus 1.6 mg/dL 4.0 mg/dL
or in conditions that produce low CSF pressure (e.g., after Total lipid 1.5 mg/dL 750.0 mg/dL
a recent LP as indicated in Chap. 29). Total cholesterol 0.4 mg/dL 180.0 mg/dL
Cholesterol esters 0.3 mg/dL 126.0 mg/dL
The quantitative partition of CSF proteins by electro- Glucose 60 mg/dL 90.0 mg/dL
phoretic and immunochemical methods demonstrates the Lactate 1.6 mEq/L 1.0 mEq/L
presence of most of the serum proteins with a molecular Total protein 15–50 mg/dL 6.5–8.4 g/dL
weight of less than 150 to 200 kDa. The protein fractions Prealbumin 1–7% Trace
Albumin 49–73% 56%
that have been identified electrophoretically are prealbu- Alpha1 globulin 3–7% 4%
min and albumin as well as alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, and Alpha2 globulin 6–13% 10%
gamma globulin fraction, the last of these being accounted Beta globulin 9–19% 12%
for mainly by immunoglobulins (the major immunoglobu- (beta1 plus tau)
Gamma globulin 3–12% 14%
lin in normal CSF is IgG). The gamma globulin fraction in
CSF is approximately 70 percent of that in serum. Table Source: Reproduced by permission from Fishman.
2-2 gives the quantitative values of the different fractions.
Immunoelectrophoretic methods have also demonstrated
the presence of glycoproteins, ceruloplasmin, hemo- occurs in cirrhosis, sarcoidosis, myxedema, and multiple
pexin, beta-amyloid, and tau proteins. Large molecules— myeloma—will be accompanied by a rise in the CSF globu-
such as fibrinogen, IgM, and lipoproteins—are mostly lin. Therefore, in patients with an elevated CSF gamma
excluded from the CSF unless generated there by disease globulin, it is necessary to determine the electrophoretic
states. pattern of the serum proteins as well. Certain qualitative
There are other notable differences between the pro- changes in the CSF immunoglobulin pattern, particularly
tein fractions of CSF and plasma. The CSF always contains the demonstration of several discrete (oligoclonal) elec-
a prealbumin fraction and the plasma does not. Although trophoretic “bands,” each representing a specific immune
derived from plasma, this fraction, for an unknown rea- globulin, and the ratio of IgG to total protein, are of special
son, concentrates in the CSF, and its level is greater in diagnostic importance in multiple sclerosis, as discussed
ventricular than in lumbar CSF, perhaps because of its in Chap. 36.
concentration by choroidal cells. Also, tau (also identified The albumin fraction of the CSF increases in a wide
as beta2-transferrin) is detected only in the CSF and not in variety of central nervous system (CNS) and craniospinal
other fluids; its concentration is higher in the ventricular nerve root diseases that increase the permeability of the
than in the spinal fluid. The concentration of tau protein blood–CSF barrier, but no specific clinical correlations
and in particular the ratio of tau to beta-amyloid, has can be drawn. Certain enzymes that originate in the brain,
found use in the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease, as dis- especially the brain-derived fraction of creatine kinase
cussed in Chap. 38. At present only a few of these proteins (CK-BB) but also enolase and neopterin, are found in the
are known to be associated with specific diseases of the CSF after stroke, global ischemic hypoxia, or trauma, and
nervous system. The most important is IgG, which may have been used as markers of brain damage in experimen-
exceed 12 percent of the total CSF protein in diseases such tal work. Other special markers such as elevation of the
as multiple sclerosis, neurosyphilis, subacute sclerosing 14-3-3 protein, which has some diagnostic significance
panencephalitis and other chronic viral meningoencepha- in prion disease, β2-microglobulin in meningeal lympho-
litides. The serum IgG is not correspondingly increased, matosis, neuron-specific enolase in traumatic and other
which means that this immune globulin originates in (or severe brain injuries, and alpha fetoprotein in embryo-
perhaps is preferentially transported into) the nervous sys- nal tumors of the brain, may be useful in specialized
tem. However, an elevation of serum gamma globulin—as circumstances.

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Glucose the determination of false-positive RPR and VDRL reac-

tions. The value of CSF examinations in the diagnosis
The CSF glucose concentration is normally in the range
and treatment of neurosyphilis is discussed in Chap. 31,
of 45 to 80 mg/dL, that is, about two-thirds of that in the
but testing of CSF for treponemal antibodies is no longer
blood (0.6 to 0.7 of serum concentrations). Higher levels
routine. Serologic tests for the Lyme spirochete are useful
parallel the blood glucose in this proportion; but with
in circumstances of suspected infection of the CNS with
marked hyperglycemia, the ratio of CSF to blood glucose
this agent.
is reduced (0.5 to 0.6). With extremely low serum glucose,
The utility of serum serologic tests for viruses is limited
the ratio becomes higher, approximating 0.85. In general,
by the time required to obtain results, but they are useful
CSF glucose values below 35 mg/dL are abnormal. After
in determining retrospectively the source of meningitis
the intravenous injection of glucose, 2 to 4 h is required to
or encephalitis. More rapid tests that use the polymerase
reach equilibrium with the CSF; a similar delay follows the
chain reaction (PCR) in CSF, which amplifies viral DNA
lowering of blood glucose. For these reasons, samples of
fragments, are now widely available for diagnosis, par-
CSF and blood for glucose determinations should ideally
ticularly for herpesviruses, cytomegalovirus, and JC virus.
be drawn simultaneously in the fasting state or the serum
These tests are most useful in the first week of infection,
should be obtained a few hours before the puncture but
when the virus is being reproduced and its genomic mate-
(this is often not practical). Low values of CSF glucose
rial is most prevalent; after this time, serologic techniques
(hypoglycorrhachia) in the presence of pleocytosis usu-
for viral infection are more sensitive. Amplification of
ally indicate bacterial, tuberculous, or fungal meningitis,
DNA by PCR is particularly useful in the rapid detection
although similar reductions are observed in some patients
of tubercle bacilli in the CSF, the conventional culture
with widespread neoplastic infiltration of the meninges
of which takes several weeks at best. Tests for the detec-
and occasionally with sarcoidosis, subarachnoid hemor-
tion of 14-3-3 protein that reflects the presence of prion
rhage (usually in the first week) and in chemically induced
agents in the spinal fluid are available and may aid in the
diagnosis of the spongiform encephalopathies, but the
For a long time it was assumed that in meningitis the
results have been erratic (Chap. 32). Testing for anti-Hu
bacteria lowered the CSF glucose by their active metabo-
and anti-NMDA and other antibodies has become practical
lism, but the fact that the glucose remains at a subnormal
for paraneoplastic and non-paraneoplastic encephalitides
level for 1 to 2 wk after effective treatment of the men-
(Chap. 30).
ingitis suggests that another mechanism is operative.
Theoretically at least, an inhibition of the entry of glucose
into the CSF, because of an impairment of the membrane Changes in Solutes and Other Components
transfer system, can be implicated. As a rule, viral infec- The average osmolality of the CSF (295 mOsm/L) is iden-
tions of the meninges and brain do not lower the CSF tical to that of plasma. As the osmolality of the plasma
glucose, although low glucose values have been reported is increased by the intravenous injection of hypertonic
in a small number of patients with mumps meningoen- solutions such as mannitol or urea, there is a delay of up
cephalitis, and rarely in patients with herpes simplex and to several hours in the rise of osmolality of the CSF. It is
zoster infections. The almost invariable rise of CSF lactate during this period that the hyperosmolality of the blood
in purulent meningitis probably suggests that some of the maximally dehydrates the brain and decreases the volume
glucose is undergoing anaerobic glycolysis by polymor- of CSF. Table 2-2 lists the CSF and serum levels of sodium,
phonuclear leukocytes and by cells of the meninges and potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Neurologic disease
adjacent brain tissue. does not alter the CSF concentrations of these constituents
in any characteristic way. The low CSF concentration of
chloride that occurs in bacterial meningitis is not specific
Serologic and Virologic Tests but a reflection of hypochloremia and, to a slight degree,
CSF testing for cryptococcal surface antigen has become of a greatly elevated CSF protein. Acid–base balance in
widely available as a rapid method if this infection is sus- the CSF is of interest in relation to metabolic acidosis and
pected. On occasion, a false-positive reaction is obtained alkalosis but pH is not routinely measured. Normally, the
in the presence of high titers of rheumatoid factor or pH of the CSF is approximately 7.33—that is, somewhat
antitreponemal antibodies, but otherwise the test is diag- lower than that of arterial blood, which is 7.41. The PCO2
nostically more dependable than the formerly used India in the CSF is in the range of 45 to 49 mm Hg—that is, higher
ink preparation. The nontreponemal antibody tests of the than in arterial blood (about 40 mm Hg). The bicarbonate
blood—Venereal Disease Research Laboratories (VDRL) levels of the two fluids are about the same, 23 mEq/L. The
slide flocculation test and rapid plasma reagin (RPR) pH of the CSF is precisely regulated, and it tends to remain
agglutination test—can also be performed on the CSF. relatively unchanged even in the face of severe systemic
When positive, these tests are usually diagnostic of neu- acidosis and alkalosis. Acid–base changes in the lumbar
rosyphilis, but false-positive reactions may occur with CSF do not necessarily reflect the presence of similar
collagen diseases, malaria, and yaws, or with contamina- changes in the brain, nor are the CSF data as accurate an
tion of the CSF by seropositive blood. Tests that depend index of the systemic changes as direct measurements of
on the use of treponemal antigens, including the Trepo- arterial blood gases.
nema pallidum immobilization test and the fluorescent The ammonia content of the CSF is one-third to
treponemal antibody test, are more specific and assist in one-half that of the arterial blood; it is increased in

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 19

hepatic encephalopathy, the inherited hyperammone- important advances in neuroradiology have come about
mias, and the Reye syndrome; the concentration corre- with the development of CT and MRI.
sponds roughly with the severity of the encephalopathy.
The uric acid content of CSF is approximately 5 percent
of that in serum and varies with changes in the serum Computed Tomography
level (high in gout, uremia, and meningitis, and low in
Wilson disease). The urea concentration in the CSF is In this procedure, x-radiation is attenuated as it passes suc-
slightly lower than that in the serum; in uremia, it rises in cessively through the scalp, skull, CSF, cerebral gray and
parallel with that in the blood. An intravenous injection of white matter, and blood vessels. The intensity of the exiting
urea raises the blood level immediately and the CSF level radiation relative to the incident radiation is measured,
more slowly, exerting an osmotic dehydrating effect on the the data are integrated, and two-dimensional images are
central nervous tissues and CSF. All 24 amino acids have reconstructed by computer. This major achievement in
been isolated from the CSF. The concentration of amino methodology, attributed to Hounsfield and others, per-
acids in the CSF is approximately one-third that in plasma. mitted the technologic advance from plain radiographs
Elevations of glutamine are found in all the portosystemic of the skull to reconstructed images of the cranium and
encephalopathies, including hepatic coma and the Reye its contents in any plane. The differing densities of bone,
syndrome. Concentrations of phenylalanine, histidine, CSF, blood, and gray and white matter are distinguishable
valine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, and homocystine are in the resulting picture with great clarity. One can see and
increased in the corresponding aminoacidurias. measure the sizes of hemorrhage, infarction, contusion,
Many of the enzymes found in serum are known to edematous brain, abscess, tumor, and also determine the
rise in CSF under conditions of disease, usually in relation shape and position of the ventricles and midline struc-
to a rise in the CSF protein. None of the enzyme changes tures. The radiation exposure is only modestly greater than
has proved to be a specific indicator of neurologic dis- that from plain skull films. The machinery can be manipu-
ease with the possible exception of lactic dehydrogenase, lated to reduce radiation exposure where this limitation is
especially isoenzymes 4 and 5, which are derived from desirable, for example, in children.
granulocytes and are elevated in bacterial meningitis but As illustrated in Fig. 2-1, in transverse (axial) section
not in aseptic or viral meningitis. Lactic dehydrogenase is of the brain, one sees the cortex and underlying subcorti-
also elevated in cases of meningeal tumor infiltration, par- cal white matter, the caudate and lenticular nuclei and
ticularly lymphoma, as is carcinoembryonic antigen; the the internal capsules and thalami. The position and width
latter, however, is not elevated in bacterial, viral, or fungal of all the major sulci and fissures can be measured, and
meningitis. As to lipids, the quantities in CSF are small and the optic nerves and medial and lateral rectus muscles
their measurement is difficult. stand out clearly in the posterior parts of the orbit. The
The catabolites of the catecholamines can be mea- brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord are easily visible
sured in the CSF. Homovanillic acid (HVA), the major in the scan at appropriate levels. The scans are also use-
catabolite of dopamine, and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid ful in imaging parts of the body that surround periph-
(5-HIAA), the major catabolite of serotonin, are normally eral nerves and plexuses, thereby demonstrating tumors,
present in the spinal fluid; both are five or six times higher inflammatory lesions, and hematomas that involve these
in the ventricular than the lumbar CSF. The levels of both nerves. Intravenous administration of radiopaque material
catabolites are reduced in patients with idiopathic and (contrast) can be used with CT to visualize regions where
drug-induced parkinsonism. the blood–brain barrier has been disrupted from tumors,
demyelination, and infection.
In imaging of the head, CT has a number of advan-
tages over MRI, the most important being safety when
IMAGING TECHNIQUES metal may be present in the body, shorter examination
time, and the clarity of blood from the moment of bleed-
A century ago, Harvey Cushing introduced the use of plain ing. Other appealing aspects are its broader availability,
x-ray films of the cranium as part of the study of the neu- lower cost, larger aperture of the machine that reduces
rologic patient. Plain skull films demonstrate fractures, patient claustrophobia, and equivalent or superior visual-
changes in contour of the skull, bony erosions and hyper- ization of calcium, fat, and bone, particularly of the skull
ostoses, infection in paranasal sinuses and mastoids, and base and vertebrae (see Fig. 2-1D). If constant monitor-
changes in the basal foramina. Calcified structures such as ing and use of life support equipment is required during
the pineal gland were time-honored landmarks of midline the imaging procedure, it is accomplished more read-
structures, allowing measurements of the displacement of ily by CT than by MRI. Advances in CT technology have
intracranial contents. Plain films of the spine are able to greatly increased the speed of the scanning procedure
demonstrate destructive lesions resulting from degenera- and have also made possible the visualization, with great
tive processes as well neoplastic, dysplastic, and infectious clarity, of the cerebral vasculature (CT angiography; see
diseases. It also detects fracture dislocations, spondylo- further on).
listheses, and spinal instability, utilizing images acquired CT also demonstrates the bony structures of the verte-
during flexion and extension maneuvers. However, refine- bral column in greater detail than is available with conven-
ments of imaging techniques have greatly increased the tional x-ray. Herniated lumbar and cervical discs, cervical
yield of valuable information. Without question the most spondylotic bars and bony spurs encroaching on the spinal

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Figure 2-1. Normal CT in the axial plane of the brain, orbits, and skull base. A. Image through the cerebral hemispheres at the level of the corona
radiata. The dense bone of the calvarium is white, and fat-containing subcutaneous tissue is dark. Gray matter appears denser than white mat-
ter due to its lower lipid content. B. Image at the level of the lenticular nuclei. The caudate and lenticular nuclei are denser than the adjacent
internal capsule. CSF within the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles as well as surrounding the slightly calcified pineal body appears dark. C.
Image through the mid-orbits. The sclera appears as a dense band surrounding the globe. The optic nerves are surrounded by dark orbital fat.
The medial and lateral rectus muscles lie along the orbital walls and have a fusiform shape. Air within the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses
appears dark. D. Image at the base of the skull, digitally adjusted to visualize bone (“bone window”), showing the basal occipital and temporal
bones, clivus, the bony structures of the posterior nasopharynx, aerated mastoid air cells, internal auditory canals and inner ear structures, as
well as the sutures in the occipital bone.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 21

cord or roots, and spinal cord tumors can be visualized Magnetic Resonance Imaging
with clarity. MRI provides even sharper visualization of the
spinal canal and its contents as well as the vertebrae and Many engineers, mathematicians, and physicists made
intervertebral discs as discussed further on. contributions to the technology of nuclear MRI, and a
Nobel Prize was awarded to Lauterbur and Mansfield for
its development. MRI provides images in any plane, and
Contrast Myelography it has the advantage over CT in using nonionizing energy
and providing higher resolution views, and improved
Myelography utilizes intrathecal contrast material to dem- contrast between different structures within the nervous
onstrate the contours of the spinal cord and spinal roots. It system. For visualization of many neurologic lesions, MRI
can be accomplished either by conventional fluoroscopy is the preferred procedure.
or by CT. By injecting water-soluble radiopaque contrast Nuclear magnetic resonance can be detected from
through an LP needle and then placing the patient in the several isotopes, but current technology uses mainly sig-
Trendelenberg position, the entire spinal subarachnoid nals derived from hydrogen atoms because hydrogen is the
space can be visualized (Fig. 2-2A–C). The procedure is most abundant element in tissue and yields the strongest
almost as harmless as the LP except for cases of complete magnetic signal as discussed by Horowitz. The image is
spinal block, in which high concentrations of contrast essentially a map of the hydrogen content of tissue, there-
near the block can cause pain and regional myoclonus. fore reflecting largely the water concentration, but influ-
Iophendylate (Pantopaque), a formerly used fat-soluble enced also by the physical and chemical environment of
dye, is still approved by the FDA but is now employed the hydrogen atoms. MRI is accomplished by placing the
only in special circumstances (visualizing the upper level patient within a powerful magnetic field, causing certain
of a spinal canal lesion that completely obstructs the flow endogenous isotopes to be aligned in the longitudinal
of water soluble dye). If iophendylate is left in the sub- orientation of the magnetic field. Application of a brief
arachnoid space, particularly in the presence of blood (few milliseconds) radiofrequency (RF) pulse into the field
or inflammatory exudate, it may incite arachnoiditis of changes the axis of alignment of the atoms. When the RF
the spinal cord and brain. MRI, because of its ability pulse ceases, the atoms return to their original alignment
to clearly demonstrate intrathecal structures has largely and the RF energy that was absorbed is then emitted by
supplanted contrast myelography as discussed in a later the isotopes, producing an electric signal that is detected
section. by receiver coils. To create contrasting tissue images from
these signals, the RF pulse must be repeated many times
(a pulse sequence), the signals being measured after the
Risks of CT
application of each pulse. The scanner stores the signals
The primary risk of CT is radiation exposure, and over- as a matrix of data, which is subjected to computer analysis
exposure can have clinical consequences ranging from that allows reconstruction of two-dimensional images.
relatively benign alopecia to leukomalacia and neoplasia. The terms T1- and T2-weighting refer to the time con-
The interested reader should refer to FDA guidelines on stants for proton relaxation; these may be altered to high-
the subject (http://www.fda.gov/Radiation-emittingProd- light certain features of tissue structure. In T1-weighted
ucts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/Medi- images, CSF appears dark and gray matter is hypointense
calImaging/MedicalX-Rays/ucm115317.htm). Given the to white matter. In T2-weighted images, CSF appears
need for repeated CT examinations in certain patients, bright, and gray matter is hyperintense to white matter.
tracking of total radiation exposure may be advisable and Lesions within the white matter, such as the demyelination
may find greater use in the future. CT is usually deferred of multiple sclerosis, are more easily seen on T2-weighted
during pregnancy unless the mother’s health is at immi- images, appearing hyperintense against normal white
nent risk (i.e., following trauma). The potential harm to a matter (Table 2-3).
fetus from radiation depends on gestational age and total A high degree of contrast is seen between white and
absorbed dose. It is noteworthy that the fetal radiation gray matter on both T1- and T2-weighted images, allowing
dose from maternal cranial CT is lower than from maternal the identification of many discrete structures (Fig. 2-3).
pelvic CT. Lesions near the skull base and within the posterior fossa,
The risks of contrast infusion include allergic reac- in particular, are seen with greater clarity on MRI com-
tions and nephropathy, which is most often transient pared to CT, unmarred by signals from adjacent skeletal
and reversible, but can be more severe in patients with structures. The products of disintegrated RBCs—oxyhe-
underlying renal dysfunction. Intravenous contrast in gen- moglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and hemo-
erally withheld if the glomerular filtration rate (calculated siderin—can be recognized, enabling one to approximate
GFR) is less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2; if GFR is 30 to 60, the age of hemorrhages and to follow their resolution, as
hydration and, discontinuation of potentially nephrotoxic discussed in Chaps. 33 and 34. Gradient-echo (GRE), or
medications should precede the administration of con- susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), is especially sen-
trast, particularly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sitive to blood and its breakdown products that appear
cisplatin-containing chemotherapy and aminoglycoside hypointense.
antibiotics. Repeated infusions of contrast should be done As mentioned earlier, MRI of the spine provides clear
cautiously. images of the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, spinal

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Figure 2-2. CT myelogram and MRI of the lumbosacral spine. Sagittal (A) and axial (B–C) CT
images of the lumbosacral spine obtained after the intrathecal administration of radiopaque
contrast material. The vertebral bodies are separated by intervertebral discs and the spinous
processes are seen posteriorly. Contrast contained within the thecal sac appears white. The
conus medullaris terminates at the L2 vertebral level (A–B) and the nerve roots of the cauda
equina are clearly seen within the posterior thecal sac (A–C). Sagittal (D) and axial (E–F)
T2-weighted MRI of the lumbosacral spine shows hyperintense CSF surrounding the conus
medullaris, which terminates at the L1 vertebral level (A–B). The nerve roots of the cauda
D equina are seen within the posterior thecal sac (A–C). In C and F, traversing nerve roots within
the lateral recess of the spinal canal are seen.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 23

movement of water within a tissue becomes increasingly

Table 2-3 
isotropic, as with vasogenic edema. Therefore, the inter-
CT AND MRI IMAGING CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS pretation of DWI signal hyperintensity must be gauged in
TISSUES the context of the ADC signal in the same region.
CT GRAY The administration of gadolinium, a paramagnetic
TISSUE SCALE MRI T1 SIGNAL MRI T2 SIGNAL agent that accelerates the process of proton relaxation
Brain Gray Gray Gray during the T1 sequence of MRI, permits even sharper defi-
Air Black Black Black nition and highlights regions surrounding many types of
CSF Black Black White lesions where the blood–brain barrier has been disrupted
Fat Black White Less white
Calcium White Black Black in the brain, spinal cord, or nerve roots.
Bone Very white Black Black
Extravasated White White Black
Inflammation Contrast Gray, gado- White Limitations and Safety of MRI
enhancing linium The degree of cooperation in holding still that is required
Edema Dark gray Gray White to perform MRI limits its use in young children and in
Tumor Gray or white Gray or White the cognitively impaired. Some form of sedation may be
and contrast white and required in these individuals and most hospitals have
enhancing gadolinium services to safely accomplish conscious sedation for this
purpose. Studying a patient who requires a ventilator is
also difficult but manageable by using either manual ven-
tilation or nonferromagnetic ventilators.
The main dangers in the use of MRI are torque, dis-
cord, and cauda equina (Fig. 2-2D–F). Abnormalities such lodgement or heating of metal clips on blood vessels, of
as syringomyelia, herniated discs, tumors, epidural or sub- dental devices and other ferromagnetic objects, and of
dural hemorrhages, areas of demyelination, and abscesses small metal fragments in the orbit, the last of these often
are well delineated (see Modic). acquired unnoticed by operators of machine tools. For this
Additional radiofrequency pulses can be applied to reason it is wise, in appropriate patients, to obtain plain
T1- and T2-weighted images in order to selectively sup- radiographs of the orbits so as to detect metal in these
press signal from fluid or fat. The FLAIR (fluid-attenuated regions. Corneal metal fragments can be removed by an
inversion recovery) sequence is a T2-weighted sequence in ophthalmic surgeon if an MRI is necessary. The presence
which the bright signal of fluid that is not contained within of a cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, or implanted stimu-
tissues is suppressed. This is a particularly useful sequence lator in the brain or spinal cord is an absolute contrain-
for visualizing lesions located near CSF compartments. Fat dication to the use of MRI as the magnetic field induces
suppression, which can be applied to T1 or T2 sequences, unwanted currents in the device and the wires exiting
can be used to improve the demonstration of inflamma- from it. However, many new implantable medical devices
tion of the optic nerve, visualize pathologic inflammation have been developed that are unaffected by and do not
within the vertebral bodies, and show thrombus within the distort the magnetic field. Most of the newer, weakly fer-
false lumen of a cervical dissection. romagnetic prosthetic heart valves, joint prostheses, some
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a technique that cochleae implants, intravascular access ports, aneurysm
measures the free diffusion of water molecules within tis- clips, and ventricular shunts and adjustable valves do not
sue. Preferential movement of water molecules along a represent an untoward risk for magnetic imaging although
particular direction, for example, parallel to white matter shunt valves may require resetting after MRI. An extensive
tracts, is referred to as anisotropy (i.e., nonisotropic move- list of devices that have been tested for their ferromagnetic
ment). Many abnormal processes can produce anisotropy susceptibility and their safety in the MRI machine can be
as well. In acute ischemic stroke, failure of the sodium- found at www.mrisafety.com. MRI entails some risk in
potassium ATPase pump leads to cellular swelling and these situations unless there is direct knowledge of the
reduced intercellular space, thus limiting the free move- type of material contained in the device. It should be noted
ment of water and producing hyperintensity on DWI. This that devices or materials that are deemed safe for 1.0 or 1.5
imaging technique reveals the abnormalities of ischemic Tesla scanners may not be compatible with higher mag-
stroke earlier than standard T1- or T2-weighted MRI, or netic field strength scanners.
CT. Pus-filled abscesses and hypercellular tumors can also Because of the development of cataracts in the fetuses
show DWI hyperintensity, reflecting the limitation of free of animals exposed to MRI, there has been hesitation in
diffusion of water in these lesions. performing MRI in pregnant patients, especially in the first
True restricted diffusion, appearing hyperintense on trimester. However, current data indicate that imaging may
the DWI sequence in acute infarction, is hypointense on be performed provided that the study is medically indi-
a related sequence termed apparent diffusion coefficient cated. In a study of 1,000 pregnant MRI technicians who
(ADC). If the hyperintense DWI signal is also hyperin- entered the magnetic field frequently (the magnet remains
tense on ADC, then diffusion is termed facilitated rather on between procedures), no adverse effects on the fetus
than restricted. This phenomenon is seen when the free could be discerned (Kanal et al).

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Figure 2-3. Normal brain MRI. A. Axial T2-weighted MRI at the level of the lenticular nuclei. Gray matter appears brighter than white matter.
CSF within the ventricles and cortical sulci is very bright. The caudate nuclei, putamen, and thalamus appear brighter than the internal capsule.
B. Axial T2-weighted MRI at the level of the pons. Subcutaneous fat and calvarial marrow appear relatively bright. CSF within the fourth ventricle
and prepontine cistern, endolymph within the cochlea and semicircular canals, and ocular vitreous fluid appears very bright. Signal is absent
(i.e., a “flow void”) within the basilar artery. C. Midline sagittal T1-weighted MRI of the brain. Note that white matter appears brighter than gray
matter and the corpus callosum is well defined. The pons, medulla, and cervicomedullary junction are well delineated, and the pituitary gland
is demonstrated with a normal posterior pituitary bright spot. The cerebral aqueduct is seen between the ventral midbrain and the tectum. The
clivus and upper cervical vertebrae are noted as well. D. Axial T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI of the brain at the
same level as in A. Note that the hyperintense fluid signal from CSF is now suppressed, and the differentiation between brighter gray matter and
darker white matter is accentuated.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 25

An additional risk of the administration of gadolin- contrast opacification. The use of these and other meth-
ium is nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, a severe cutaneous ods for the investigation of carotid artery disease is dis-
sclerosing disease. Most instances occur in patients with cussed further below and in Chap. 35, on cerebral vascular
preexisting renal failure, for which reason it has become disease.
common to obtain BUN and creatinine measurements
before administering gadolinium. The problem had not
been appreciated initially in part because of its rarity (the Catheter Angiography
frequency has not been well established) and because of a
This technique is a valuable method for the diagnosis and
delay in the appearance of sclerosis in the kidney and skin,
treatment of aneurysms, vascular malformations, nar-
of several days to months.
rowed or occluded arteries and veins, arterial dissections,
Many types of MRI image artifacts are known, most
and angiitis. To a large extent, CT and MRI angiographic
having to do with technical aspects of the electronic
techniques have supplanted the diagnostic role of catheter
characteristics of the magnetic field or of the mechanics
angiography, but the latter remains necessary for a variety
involved in the imaging procedure (for details, see Morelli
of conditions, particularly small vascular malformations. It
et al). Among the most common and problematic are CSF
is also possible to introduce thrombolytic substances and
flow artifacts in the thoracic spinal cord, giving the impres-
mechanical devices through catheters for the treatment of
sion of an intradural mass; distortions of the appearance of
cerebrovascular disease.
structures at the base of the brain from ferromagnetic den-
A needle is placed in the femoral or brachial artery;
tal appliances; and lines across the entire image induced
a cannula is then threaded through the needle and along
by vascular pulsations and patient movement.
the aorta and the arterial branches to be visualized. In this
The increasing use of MRI and the sensitivity of cur-
way, a contrast agent is injected to visualize the arch of the
rent machines have had the unintended effect of revealing
aorta, the origins of the carotid and vertebral systems, and
a large number of unimportant findings that create undue
the extensions of these systems through the neck and into
worry and often trigger neurologic consultation. Moreover,
the cranial cavity and the vasculature in and surrounding
many lesions are not referable to the clinical problem at
the spinal cord. This allows the visualization of the cerebral
hand. A surprising number of incidental brain lesions are
and spinal cord vessels to less than 1 mm in lumen diame-
exposed by indiscriminate use of imaging. For example, a
ter. With refinements in technique it is possible to produce
large survey of asymptomatic adults who were being fol-
images of the major cervical and intracranial arteries with
lowed in the “Rotterdam Study” is in accord with several
relatively limited amounts of contrast medium introduced
prior studies in which cerebral aneurysms were found
through small catheters.
in approximately 2 percent, meningiomas in 1 percent,
Angiography is not altogether without risk. Overall
and a smaller but not insignificant number of vestibular
morbidity from the procedure is approximately 2.5 percent,
schwannomas and pituitary tumors; the meningiomas,
mainly in the form of worsening of a preexistent vascular
but not the aneurysms, increased in frequency with age.
lesion or from complications at the site of artery puncture.
One percent had the Chiari type I malformation, and a
Occasionally, cerebral or systemic ischemic lesions are
similar number had arachnoid cysts. In addition, 7 percent
produced, the result of either particulate atheromatous
of adults older than age 45 years had occult strokes, mostly
material dislodged by the catheter, thrombus formation at
lacunar. Because this survey was performed without gado-
or near the catheter tip, vasospasm, or more often by dis-
linium infusion, it might be expected that even more small
section of the artery by the catheter. A cervical myelopathy
asymptomatic lesions could be revealed (Vernooij et al).
is a rare but disastrous complication of vertebral artery
contrast injection; the problem is heralded by pain in the
back of the neck immediately after injection. Progressive
Magnetic Resonance and Computed cord ischemia from an ill-defined vascular process ensues
Tomographic Angiography over the following hours. For these reasons, the procedure
These are noninvasive techniques for visualizing the intra- should not be undertaken unless it is deemed necessary to
cranial and cervical arteries. They can reliably detect obtain a clear diagnosis or in anticipation of surgery that
intracranial vascular lesions and extracranial arterial ste- requires a definition of the location of the vessels.
nosis and are supplanting conventional angiography. They
approach the radiographic resolution of catheter-based
angiography, but do not engender the risk of selective arte- Special Imaging Techniques
rial catheterization (Fig. 2-4). Visualization of the cerebral
veins is also possible by CT (Fig. 2-4D) and MRI. Perfusion Imaging
CT angiography requires contrast administration. In This imaging modality is a contrast-based technique
comparison, MR angiography can be performed with- that can be performed with both CT and MRI. Images
out contrast, using the “time-of-flight” technique. This are rapidly and serially acquired as the contrast transits
data can be reconstructed into an image that reflects through the vasculature and parenchyma. A time-intensity
flow-related enhancement. The signal obtained from curve is produced, from which measurements of cerebral
time-of-flight MRA represents flow through the lumen blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and transit time can
of a vessel, rather than the configuration as obtained by be derived. Perfusion imaging has provided a means of

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Figure 2-4. Intracranial and cervical angiography. A. Oblique CT angiogram of the neck showing the carotid bifurcation and the cervical seg-
ments of the internal and external carotid arteries. Note the slightly dilated carotid bulb at the initial segment of the internal carotid artery. A
small focus of calcified atherosclerosis is noted near the origin of the external carotid artery. Note that the external carotid artery has multiple
branches within the neck. B. Coronal MR angiogram of the neck showing the aortic arch, the origins and cervical courses of the carotid and
vertebral arteries, and the vertebrobasilar junction. The sigmoid sinuses and internal jugular veins are faintly visible. C–D. Sagittal dynamic CT
angiography of the head. Bony and soft tissue structures as well as brain parenchyma have been digitally subtracted. The image C was acquired
during the arterial phase; the carotid and basilar termini and the anterior cerebral arteries are enhanced. Venous phase imaging (D) shows
enhancement of the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses, straight sinus, vein of Galen, internal cerebral veins, basal veins of Rosenthal, and the
transverse and sigmoid sinuses.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 27

detecting regions of ischemic tissue, and to monitor the

elevated blood volume in certain brain tumors.

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

The tissue concentrations of a variety of cellular metabo-
lites can be determined with the technique of magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Among these substances,
N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) is a marker of neuronal integrity
and is decreased in both destructive lesions and in cir-
cumstances in which there is a reduction in the density of
neurons (e.g., edema or glioma that increases the distance
between neurons). Choline (Cho), a marker of membrane
turnover, is elevated in some rapidly dividing tumors.
Therefore, compared to normal white matter, the spectro-
gram of a glioma characteristically shows decreased NAA
and increased Cho. It is possible to measure a number of
other metabolites such as myoinositol, creatine, and lac-
tate that find occasional clinical utility.

Diffusion Tractography
Figure 2-5. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI.
A technique based on DWI, termed diffusion tensor imag- The image shown is from a subject performing repetitive motor func-
ing (DTI), integrates measurements of the amount of tions (tapping a button) with his right finger. Superimposed upon the
anisotropy with its directionality to model axonal tracts in grayscale structural MRI image are areas of altered BOLD signal, in
the brain. This modality detects damage to, or displace- color, associated with the task. The most prominent signal (yellow)
ment of white matter tracts because of trauma, vascular is in the left lateral cerebral cortex, corresponding to the right hand
area of the precentral and postcentral gyri. Other sites of lesser signal
injury, or tumor. Tractography is also occasionally used in (red, orange) include the supplementary motor area, which is near
surgical planning to localize critical white matter tracts in the midline anteriorly. (Image courtesy of Dr. Michael D. Fox. From
order to avoid their transection during operations. Fox MD, Snyder AZ, Zacks JM, Raichle ME: Coherent spontaneous
activity accounts for trial-to-trial variability in human evoked brain
Functional Imaging responses. Nat Neurosci 9:23, 2006. Reproduced with permission.)
In the last decades, several techniques of functional imag-
ing have been introduced to study the activation of regions technique has been applied to specially labeled ligands
of cerebral cortex during mental and physical actions or of beta-amyloid, producing images of the deposition of
experiences. The MRI-based functional imaging tech- this protein in Alzheimer disease. This approach may
nique (functional MRI, or fMRI) shows changes in local become increasingly important in the study of degenera-
cerebral blood oxygenation, a surrogate for local neuronal tive diseases and their response to treatment. The ability
metabolic activity. These changes are quantified as the of the technique to quantitate neurotransmitters and their
blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal, and evolve receptors also promises to be of importance in the study
over the 10 to 15 s following a change in neuronal activity of Parkinson disease and other degenerative conditions.
(Fig. 2-5). In addition to its research application in cogni- However, this technology is costly and does not always add
tive neuroscience, this technique also has clinical utility, to the certainty of diagnosis. A representative PET of the
including presurgical planning in tumor and epilepsy brain is shown in Fig. 2-6.
surgery. Single-photon emission computed tomography
Positron emission tomography (PET) produces (SPECT), a similar technique, uses isotopes that do not
images that reflect the regional concentration of sys- require a cyclotron for their production. Radioligands
temically administered radioactive compounds. Positron- (usually containing iodine) are incorporated into biologi-
emitting isotopes (mainly 11C, 18F, and 15O) are produced cally active compounds, which, as they decay, emit a single
in a cyclotron or linear accelerator, injected into the photon. This procedure allows the study of regional cere-
patient, and incorporated into biologically active com- bral blood flow under conditions of cerebral ischemia and
pounds in the body. The concentration of these tracers in degenerative diseases of the cortex, or during increased
in various parts of the brain is determined by an array tissue metabolism (e.g., seizures and actively growing
of radiation detectors and tomographic images are con- tumors). Once injected, the isotope localizes rapidly in the
structed by techniques similar to those used in CT and brain, with regional absorption proportional to blood flow,
MRI. and is then stable for an hour or more. It is thus possible,
Local patterns of cerebral blood flow, oxygen uptake, for example, to inject the isotope at the time of a seizure,
and glucose utilization can also be measured by PET, while the patient is undergoing video and electroencepha-
and the procedure has proved to be of value in both lographic monitoring, and to scan the patient soon after.
detecting and grading brain tumors, distinguishing tumor The limited anatomic resolution provided by SPECT limits
tissue from radiation necrosis, localizing epileptic foci, its clinical usefulness, but it is more easily available than
and, in differentiating types of degenerative diseases. The other functional imaging techniques. PET and SPECT

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neonate of choroid plexus, ventricles, and central nuclear

masses. Usually several coronal and parasagittal views are
obtained by placing the transducer over open fontanelles
or the child’s thin calvarium. Intracerebral and subdural
hemorrhages, mass lesions, and congenital defects can
readily be visualized.
Similar instruments are used to insonate the basal
vessels of the circle of Willis in adults (“transcranial Dop-
pler”). The transcranial Doppler uses a 2-MHz pulsed
signal that is able to pass through the calvarial bone and
then receives a frequency-shifted signal from the blood
flowing in the lumen of the basal vessels. This allows the
detection of vascular stenoses and the greatly increased
blood flow velocity caused by vasospasm from subarach-
noid hemorrhage.
Ultrasound has several advantages, notably that it is
noninvasive, harmless (hence can be used repeatedly but
caution is required in applying it to the globe), convenient
because of the portability of the instrument, and inex-
pensive. More specific applications of this technique are
discussed in Chap. 37, on developmental diseases of the
nervous system, and in Chap. 33, on stroke. The related
technique of echocardiography has also assumed a central
role in the evaluation of stroke, as indicated in Chap. 33.

Figure 2-6. Axial 18FDG-PET of a normal brain. The PET data is color- ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY
ized and overlaid on a CT image. Brain areas with higher metabolic
activity such as cortex and deep gray nuclei appear bright, and areas
with lower metabolic activity such as white matter appear purple. The electroencephalographic examination, for many years
a standard laboratory procedure in the study of all forms of
cerebral disease, has been supplanted by CT and MRI for
techniques that use I123 labeled dopamine, have been the purposes of localization of structural lesions. It con-
introduced and offer the possibility of imaging striatal tinues to be an essential part of the assessment of patients
dopamine and assisting in the diagnosis of parkinsonian with seizures and those suspected of having seizures, as
disorders (see Chap. 38). well as in brain death, and for the study of sleep (polysom-
nography) as described in the American Electroencepha-
Ultrasonography lographic Society Guideliness. It is also used in evaluating
the encephalopathy of many systemic metabolic diseases
An ultrasound technique may be used to insonate the cer- and in the operating room to monitor cerebral activ-
vical carotid and vertebral arteries, and the temporal arter- ity in anesthetized patients. For a few diseases, such as
ies for the study of cerebrovascular disease. Their greatest Creutzfeldt-Jakob (prion) disease, it is a useful confirma-
use is in detecting and estimating the degree of stenosis tory laboratory test. The technique is described here in
of the origin of the internal carotid artery. In addition to some detail, as its general use in neurology cannot suitably
providing an acoustic image of the vascular structures, be assigned to any other single chapter.
the Doppler frequency shift caused by flowing red blood The electroencephalograph records spontaneous elec-
cells creates a display of velocities at each site in a vessel. trical activity generated in the cerebral cortex. This activity
The two techniques combined have been called “carotid reflects the electrical currents that flow in the extracellular
duplex”; they allow an accurate localization of the locus of spaces of the brain that are the summated effects of innu-
maximal stenosis as reflected by the highest rates of flow merable excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials upon
and turbulence. The display scale for the Doppler shift is cortical neurons. This spontaneous activity of cortical neu-
color coded so as to make the insonated image and flow rons is highly influenced and synchronized by subcortical
map easier to view and interpret. structures, particularly the thalamus and high brainstem
This ultrasound technique using different sound fre- reticular formation. Efferent impulses from these deep
quencies and intensities, has also become a principal structures are probably responsible for entraining cortical
methodology for clinical study of the fetal and neonatal neurons to produce characteristic rhythmic brain-wave
brain. Different tissues have specific acoustic impedances patterns, such as alpha rhythm and sleep spindles (see
and send echoes back to the transducer, which displays further on).
them as waves of variable height or as points of light of Electrodes, which are typically silver or silver-silver
varying intensity. In this way, one can obtain images in the chloride discs 0.5 cm in diameter, are placed on the

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 29

scalp using a conductive medium. The electroencepha- information on the use of EEG to analyze disorders of sleep
lograph has 8 to 32 or more amplifying units capable (polysomnography).
of recording from many areas of the scalp at the same Certain preparations are necessary if electroencepha-
time. The amplified brain rhythms are seen as waveforms lography is to be most useful. The patient should not be
of brain activity in the frequency range of 0.5 to 30 Hz sedated (except as noted above) and should not have been
(cycles per second) on a standard display that runs at 3 without food for a long time, for both sedative drugs and
cm/s. In the past, the amplified signals were recorded on relative hypoglycemia may modify the normal EEG pat-
paper by a bank of pens but now, a digital format of the tern and caffeine should be avoided if a sleep EEG study
rhythms can be displayed on a computer screen and stored is planned. When dealing with patients who are suspected
electronically. of having epilepsy and are already being treated for it,
The favored configuration of electrode pairs, or mon- most physicians prefer to record the EEG while the patient
tage, is the “International 10-20” system, which uses 10 continues to receive antiepileptic medications. During
electrodes on each side of the cranium and emphasizes inpatient monitoring, these drugs are often withdrawn for
contiguous regions of the brain for ease of visual inspec- a day or two in order to increase the likelihood of record-
tion of the record (Fig. 2-7A). ing a seizure discharge but this requires careful clinical
The resulting electroencephalogram (EEG), essen- monitoring.
tially a voltage-versus-time graph, consists of a number The interpretation of EEGs involves the recognition
of simultaneous parallel wavy lines, or “channels” (Fig. of several characteristic normal and abnormal patterns
2-7B). Each channel represents the difference in electrical and background rhythms (in accordance with the age of
potential between two electrodes (a common or ground the patient), the detection of asymmetries and periodic
electrode may be used as one recording site, but the chan- changes in rhythm, and, importantly, the differentiation of
nel still represents a bipolar recording). A positive voltage artifacts from genuine abnormalities (see Goldenshohn ES
potential deflects the signal downward, and a negative and Hughes JR).
one, upward by convention. The channels are arranged
for viewing into standard montages that generally allow
Normal EEG Patterns
comparison of the activity from one region of the cerebral
cortex to others, and particularly to the corresponding The normal record in adults shows slightly asymmetrical
region of the opposite side. 8- to 12-per-second 50-mV sinusoidal alpha waves in both
Patients are usually examined with their eyes closed occipital and posterior parietal regions. These waves wax
and while relaxed. Consequently, the ordinary EEG rep- and wane in amplitude spontaneously and are attenuated
resents the electrocerebral activity that is recorded under or suppressed completely with eye opening or mental
restricted circumstances, usually during the waking or activity (see Fig. 2-7B). In contrast, the frequency of the
sleeping state, from several parts of the cerebral convexi- alpha rhythm is almost invariant for an individual patient,
ties during an almost infinitesimal segment of the person’s although the rate slows with aging. Waves faster than 12 Hz
life. and of lower amplitude (10 to 20 mV), called beta waves,
In addition to the resting record, a number of activat- are normally recorded from the frontal regions symmetri-
ing procedures are usually employed. First, the patient cally. If benzodiazepines or other sedating drugs have
is asked to breathe deeply 20 times a minute for 3 min. been administered, an increase in the fast frequencies is
Hyperventilation, through a mechanism yet to be deter- typically observed. When the normal subject falls asleep,
mined, may activate characteristic seizure patterns or the alpha rhythm slows symmetrically and characteristic
other abnormalities. Second, a powerful strobe light is waveforms consisting of vertex sharp waves and sleep
placed about 15 inches from the patient’s eyes and flashed spindles appear (see Fig. 18-1). A small amount of theta
at frequencies of 1 to 20 per second with the patient’s eyes (4- to 7-Hz) activity may normally be present over the tem-
open and closed. In a healthy subject, the occipital EEG poral regions, somewhat more so in persons older than 60
leads show waves corresponding to each flash of light years of age. Delta (1- to 3-Hz) activity is not present in the
(photic driving, Fig. 2-7C). normal waking adult.
The EEG is recorded while the patient is drowsy and The presence of a photic driving response indicates that
after the patient is allowed to fall asleep naturally or fol- some of the visual pathways are preserved. Spread of the
lowing the administration of sedative drugs. The drowsy occipital response induced by photic stimulation, with the
state and the transition to and from deeper stages of sleep production of abnormal sharp or paroxysmal waves, pro-
can reveal abnormalities. vides evidence of abnormal cortical excitability (Fig. 2-7D).
Many abnormalities associated with sleep are more Seizure patterns may be produced during this type of EEG
evident with long-term, continuous EEG monitoring testing, accompanied by gross myoclonic jerks of the face,
(hours to days) as described in Chap. 18. EEG activity can neck, and limbs (photomyoclonic response), by electro-
be synchronized with videographically recorded seizure graphic seizure activity that outlasts the photic stimulation
activity in order to characterize the nature of a seizure. (photoparoxysmal response), or by a convulsion (photocon-
EEGs recorded by small digital devices or telemetry from vulsive response). Such effects occur often during periods of
freely moving ambulatory patients may be similarly use- withdrawal from alcohol and other sedative drugs.
ful in cases of suspected seizure disorders. Chapter 15 Children and adolescents are more sensitive than
discusses these techniques in detail. Chapter 18 contains adults to all the activating procedures previously mentioned

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Fp1 Fp2

F7 F3 F4 F8


T3 C3 Cz C4 T4


T3 Pz P4
T5 T6

O1 O2


A Inion

Figure 2-7 A. “10-20” is a measurement system designed to reliably reproduce electrode positions on different patients, regardless of head size.
Electrodes are placed at intervals of either 10 or 20 percent of the hemi-circumference of the head. (Courtesy of Dr. Jay S. Pathmanathan.) B. Each
channel represents the amplified recording of voltage changes over time between two electrodes. Normal alpha (8 to 12 per second) activity is
present posteriorly (bottom channel). The top channel contains a large blink artifact. Note the striking reduction of the alpha rhythm with eye
opening (arrow). C. Photic driving. During stroboscopic stimulation of a normal subject, a visually evoked response is seen posteriorly after each
flash of light (signaled on the bottom channel). (continued)

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 31

D 50 µV
1 sec

E 50 µV
1 sec

Figure 2-7 (Continued) D. Stroboscopic stimulation at 14 flashes per second (bottom channel) has produced a photoparoxysmal response in this
epileptic patient, evidenced by the abnormal spike and slow-wave activity toward the end of the period of stimulation. E. Large, slow, irregular
delta waves are seen in the right frontal region (channels 1 and 2). In this case a glioblastoma was found in the right cerebral hemisphere, but the
EEG does not differ basically from that produced by a stroke, abscess, or contusion. F. An EEG showing focal spike-and-wave discharges over the
right frontal region (channels 1 to 3). The box isolates a single spike–wave transient. (continued)

(see Blume and colleagues). It is customary for children to rhythms; an alpha rhythm appears by age 6 years and the
develop delta waves (3 to 4 Hz) during the middle and lat- adult frequency is reached by the age of 10 to 12 years (see
ter parts of a period of hyperventilation. This EEG activity, Chap. 27 for further discussion of maturation of the brain
referred to as “breakdown,” or “buildup,” disappears soon as expressed in the EEG). The interpretation of records
after hyperventilation has stopped. The frequency of the of infants and children require considerable experience
dominant rhythms in infants is normally about 3 Hz, and because of the wide range of normal patterns at each age
they are very irregular. With maturation, there is a gradual period (see Hahn and Tharp, Scher and Painter, and also
increase in frequency and regularity of these occipital Ebersole et al). Nevertheless, grossly asymmetrical records

Ropper_Ch02_p013-p052.indd 31 2/21/19 4:55 PM


Fp1 Fp1

F7 F7

T3 T3 A2

T5 T5

O1 O1

Fp1-F7 Fp1-A2





G T5-O1 H O1-A2

Figure 2-7 (Continued) G. Phase reversal is shown between electrode pairs, F7-T3 and T3-T5, implying that the site of the spike generator is
under the T3 electrode. (Courtesy of Dr. Jay S. Pathmanathan.) H. Localization of a spike in a montage that utilizes the right ear (A2) as a reference
electrode. The amplitude of the transient at T3 is greater than at other locations, implying that the source of the spike is closest to the T3 electrode.
(Courtesy of Dr. Jay S. Pathmanathan.) I. Absence seizures, showing generalized 3-per-second spike-and-wave discharge. The abnormal activity
ends abruptly and normal background activity appears. (continued)

or seizure patterns are clearly abnormal in children of Types of Abnormal Recordings

any age. Normal patterns in the fetus, from the seventh
month onward, have been established. Certain changes Localized regions of greatly diminished or absent brain
in these patterns, as described by Stockard-Pope et al and waves are seen overlying large area of cerebral infarction,
by deWeerd, are indicative of a developmental disorder or traumatic necrosis, tumor, or extensive clot. These find-
disease. ings allow gross localization of the abnormality—but, of

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 33

50 µV

J 1 sec

K 50 µV
1 sec

50 µV
1 sec

Figure 2-7 (Continued) J. Deep coma following cardiac arrest, showing electrocerebral silence. With the highest amplification, electrocardio-
gram (ECG) and other artifacts may be seen, so that the record is not truly “flat” or isoelectric. However, no cerebral rhythms are visible. Note
the ECG (lower channel). K. Grossly disorganized background activity interrupted by repetitive “pseudoperiodic” discharges consisting of large,
sharp waves from all leads about once per second. This pattern is characteristic of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. L. Advanced hepatic coma. Slow
(about 2 per second) waves have replaced the normal activity in all leads. This record demonstrates the triphasic waves often seen in this disorder.

course, the nature of the lesion is not disclosed. Two types 70 ms; a sharp waves is a similarly configured transient
of abnormal waves, already mentioned, are of lower fre- with a duration of 70 to 200 ms (Fig. 2-7F). Spikes or sharp
quency and higher amplitude than normal. Waves below waves that occur interictally are referred to as epileptiform
4 Hz with amplitudes from 50 to 350 mV are called delta discharges. At times, it is possible to infer localization
waves (Fig. 2-7E); those with a frequency of 4 to 7 Hz are from the reversal of the polarity of a sharp transient or
called theta waves. Fast (beta) activity tends to be promi- spike in the EEG record. This “phase reversal” between
nent frontally and usually reflects the effects of sedative two channels implies that the electrical activity originates
drugs or, if focal, an immediately underlying skull defect near the site of the position of the common electrode
called a “breach rhythm” (bone normally filters the abun- (Fig. 2-7G, H).
dant fast activity of the cortex). The paroxysmal interruption of normal background
Spikes are transient high-voltage waveforms that have EEG activity by a run of fast or slow waves is suggestive
a pointed peak at recording speeds and duration of 20 to of seizures. When this paroxysmal discharge is composed

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of spikes and sharp waves, it signifies a seizure with Focal Brain Lesions (Brain Tumor, Abscess, Subdural
greater certainty. The electrical discharges associated with Hematoma, Stroke, and Encephalitis)
absence seizures have a more stereotyped pattern of 3-per-
In a high proportion of patients, intracranial mass lesions
second spike-and-wave complexes that characteristically
are associated with focal or localized slow-wave activity
appear abruptly in all leads of the EEG simultaneously
(usually delta, as in Fig. 2-7E) or, occasionally, seizure
and disappear almost as suddenly at the end of the seizure
activity. EEG is of considerable value in the diagnosis of
(Fig. 2-7I).
herpes simplex encephalitis in which periodic high-volt-
The absence of EEG activity, or “electrocerebral
age sharp waves and slow-wave complexes at intervals of 1
silence,” is a component of brain death but may be simu-
to 3 per second in the temporal regions are characteristic.
lated by deep sedation with drugs or by profound hypo-
The other encephalitides are also often associated with
thermia (Fig. 2-7J). Artifacts of various types should be
sharp or spike activity, particularly if there have been sei-
apparent as the amplifier gains are increased; if not, there
zures. The EEG is particularly helpful in the diagnosis of
is a risk that the leads are not properly connected to the
prion disease as also noted below. Figure 2-7K shows the
machine or of another technical fault. In the absence
characteristic pattern of almost periodic sharp waves seen
of nervous system depressants or extreme degrees of
in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
hypothermia, a record that is isoelectric (<2 uV except
The EEG is now little used in the differential diagnosis
for artifacts) over all parts of the head is almost always a
of stroke, except to distinguish a transient ischemic attack
result of profound cerebral hypoxia, ischemia, massive
from a seizure. In the past, one practical value was in the
cerebral hemorrhage or of trauma and raised intracranial
ability to differentiate an acute ischemic lesion in the dis-
pressure. Such a patient—without EEG activity, brainstem
tribution of the middle cerebral artery, which produces
reflexes, and spontaneous respiratory or muscular activ-
a large area of slowing, from lacunar infarction deep in
ity of any kind—is said to be brain dead as discussed in
the cerebrum or brainstem, in which the surface EEG is
Chap. 16.
usually normal despite prominent clinical abnormalities.
After 3 to 6 months, in roughly 50 percent of patients with
infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery, the
Neurologic Conditions Causing Abnormal focal EEG slowing becomes normal. Perhaps half of these
Electroencephalograms patients will have had normal EEGs even in the week or
two following the stroke. A persistent abnormality is gener-
Epilepsy ally associated with a poor prognosis for further recovery.
Epileptic seizures (see Chap. 15) are almost by definition Large lesions of the diencephalon or midbrain produce
associated with some abnormality in the EEG provided bilaterally synchronous slow waves, but those of the pons
that it is being recorded at the time of the seizure. Rare and medulla (i.e., below the mesencephalon) are usually
exceptions are seizure states that originate in deep tem- associated with a normal or near-normal EEG pattern
poral, medial, or orbital frontal foci, from which the dis- despite catastrophic clinical changes.
charge fails to reach the scalp in sufficient amplitude to be A brief episode of cerebral concussion in animals
seen against the normal background activity of the EEG. produces focal EEG slowing similar to those described
Most often, a completely normal EEG during a convulsion for cerebral infarction. Sharp waves or spikes sometimes
indicates a “pseudoseizure” (a psychogenic nonepileptic emerge as the focal slow-wave abnormality resolves and
seizure, or “nonepileptic behavioral event”). these seizure-like changes may precede posttraumatic
Some of the different types of seizure patterns are epilepsy; serial EEGs may be of value in this regard. During
shown in Fig. 2-7F and I are associated with particular syncope, the EEG is slowed and of reduced amplitude even
clinical syndromes in Chap. 16. The absence, myoclonic, to the point of becoming “flat.” Upon recovery, a number
and grand mal EEG patterns correlate closely with the of patterns have been described as discussed further in
clinical seizure type and may be present in milder form Chap. 17.
in the EEG during periods between clinically evident
seizures (interictally). Seizures appear as generalized dis- Diseases That Cause Coma and States of Impaired
charges throughout the cerebrum, or as localized to one Consciousness
region. The EEG is abnormal in almost all conditions in which
Between seizures, a single EEG recording will show a there is impairment of the level of consciousness. There
normal pattern in as many as 30 percent of patients with is, for example, a fairly close correspondence between
absence seizures and 50 percent of those with generalized the severity of acute anoxic damage from cardiac arrest
tonic-clonic (grand mal) epilepsy (this percentage is less and the degree of EEG slowing. The mildest forms are
with repeated recordings). Antepileptic therapy may mask associated with generalized theta activity, intermediate
interictal EEG abnormalities but the extent to which this forms with widespread delta waves and the loss of nor-
occurs is not known. The records of 30 to 40 percent of mal background activity, and the most severe forms with
those with epilepsy, although abnormal between seizures, “burst suppression,” in which brief isoelectric periods are
are nonspecifically so; consequently, the diagnosis of followed by high-voltage sharp and irregular delta activity.
epilepsy can be made only by the correct interpretation of The latter pattern usually progresses to the electrocerebral
clinical data in relation to the EEG abnormality. silence of brain death, a condition discussed earlier.

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Chapter 2 Diagnostic Testing in Neurologic Disease 35

The term alpha coma refers to a unique EEG pattern in diseases are examples, although as many as 50 percent
which an apparent alpha activity in the 8- to 12-Hz range of patients with advanced disease will have an abnormal
is distributed widely over the hemispheres rather than in record of nonspecific type (mild focal or diffuse slow-
its normal location posteriorly. When analyzed carefully, ing). Delirium tremens and Wernicke-Korsakoff disease,
this background activity, unlike the normal monorhyth- despite the dramatic nature of the clinical picture, cause
mic alpha, is found to vary slightly in frequency. This little or no change in the EEG. Interestingly, the psychoses
is usually a transitional pattern after global anoxia; less (bipolar disorders or schizophrenia), intoxication with
often, alpha coma occurs with large acute pontine lesions. hallucinogenic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide
With severe hypothyroidism, the brain waves are normal (LSD), and the majority of cases of mental retardation
in configuration but usually of decreased amplitude and are associated either with no modification of the nor-
frequency. mal record or with only minor nonspecific abnormalities
In altered states of alertness, the more profound the unless seizures are present.
depression of consciousness, in general, the more abnor-
mal and slower the EEG rhythms. In states of deep stupor Clinical Significance of Minor
or coma, the slow (delta) waves are bilateral and of high Electroencephalogram Abnormalities
amplitude and tend to be more conspicuous over the fron-
tal regions (Fig. 2-7L). This pertains in such differing con- The gross EEG abnormalities discussed above are by
ditions as acute meningitis or encephalitis and disorders themselves clearly abnormal, and any formulation of the
that severely alter blood gases, glucose, electrolytes, and patient’s clinical state should attempt to account for
water balance; uremia; diabetic coma; and impairment them. Lesser degrees of abnormality form a continuum
of consciousness accompanying the large cerebral lesions between the undoubtedly abnormal and the completely
discussed above. In hepatic coma, the degree of abnormal- normal and are of correspondingly less significance. Find-
ity in the EEG corresponds roughly to the degree of confu- ings such as 14- and 6-per-second positive spikes or
sion, stupor, or coma. Characteristics of hepatic coma are small sharp waves during sleep, scattered 5- or 6-per-
paroxysms of bilaterally synchronous large, sharp “tripha- second slowing, minor voltage asymmetries, and persis-
sic waves” (Fig. 2-7L), although such waveforms may also tence of “breakdown” for a few minutes after hyperven-
be seen with less regularity in encephalopathies related to tilation are interpreted as normal variants or borderline
renal or pulmonary failure and with acute hydrocephalus abnormalities. Whereas borderline deviations in an other-
(intermittent biphasic frontal slowing is more typical of wise entirely normal person have no clinical significance,
hydrocephalus). the same minimal EEG findings associated with particular
An EEG may also be of help in the diagnosis of coma clinical signs and symptoms become important. The sig-
that is due to ongoing seizures (“nonconvulsive status epi- nificance of a normal or “negative” EEG in certain patients
lepticus”) or, when the pertinent history is not available suspected of having a cerebral lesion was discussed above.
and there was an unobserved convulsion. It may also point As a general clinical principle, the results of the EEG,
to an otherwise unexpected cause of coma, such as hepatic like those of the EMG and electrocardiogram, are mean-
encephalopathy, intoxication with barbiturates or other ingful only in relation to the illnesses under consideration
sedative-hypnotic drugs, the effects of diffuse anoxia– and to the clinical state of the patient at the time the
ischemia, catatonia, or hysteria (in which the EEG is recordings were made.

Diffuse Degenerative Diseases EVOKED POTENTIALS

Alzheimer disease and other degenerative diseases that
cause serious impairment of cerebrocortical function are The stimulation of sense organs or peripheral nerves
accompanied by relatively slight degrees of diffuse slow- evokes an electrical response in the corresponding corti-
wave abnormality in the theta (4- to 7-Hz) range; many cal receptive areas and in a number of subcortical relay
recordings are normal in the early and midstages of illness. stations. However, one cannot place a recording electrode
More rapidly progressive disorders—such as subacute scle- near the nuclear relay stations, nor can one detect tiny
rosing panencephalitis (SSPE), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, potentials of only a few microvolts among the much larger
and to a lesser extent the cerebral lipidoses—often have, in background activity in the EEG. The use of computerized
addition, very characteristic and almost pathognomonic averaging methods, introduced by Dawson in 1954, has
EEG changes consisting of periodic bursts of high-ampli- provided a means of overcoming these problems. Initially,
tude sharp waves, usually bisynchronous and symmetrical emphasis was on the study of late waves (over 100 ms
(Fig. 2-7K). In a negative sense, a normal EEG in a patient after the stimulus) because they are of high amplitude
who is profoundly apathetic is a point in favor of the diag- and easy to record. However, there is more clinical utility
nosis of hysteria, catatonia, or schizophrenia. in recording the much smaller, short-latency waveforms,
which are received at each nuclear relay within the main
Other Diseases of the Cerebrum sensory systems. These waveforms are maximized by the
Many disorders of the brain cause little or no alteration computer to a point where their latency and voltage can
in the EEG. Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating easily be measured. One of the remarkable properties of

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a viewed checkerboard pattern. These responses, pro-

Table 2-4 
duced by rapidly reversing the pattern of black and white
MAIN SENSORY EVOKED POTENTIAL LATENCIES FROM squares, are easier to detect and to measure than are flash
STIMULUS (MILLISECONDS)a responses and are more consistent in waveform from one
UPPER LIMIT individual to another. The pattern shift stimulus, applied
TYPE OF EVOKED POTENTIAL MEAN (MEAN + 3 SD) first to one eye and then to the other, can demonstrate con-
PSVER (70-min check size) duction delays in the visual pathways of patients who have
P100 absolute latency 104 118 had disease of the optic nerve—even when there are no
Intereye difference 2 8 residual signs of reduced visual acuity, visual field abnor-
BAER (60 dBSL, 10/s monaural
stimuli) malities, alterations of the optic nerve head, or changes in
Interwave latency pupillary reflexes. Furthermore, the presence of a normal
  I–III 2.1 2.6 visual evoked response suggests that blindness is not due
  III–V 1.9 2.4 to a lesion in the anterior visual pathways and their pro-
  I–V 4.0 4.7
 Interside difference for most 0.1 0.4 jections to the occipital cortex, for example, in hysterical
latencies blindness. Figure 2-8 illustrates the normal pattern shift
SEP—median nerve (wrist visual evoked response (PSVER) and two types of delayed
stimulation) responses. Reductions in the amplitude and duration of
Absolute latency
  Erb’s point 9.7 12.0 PSVER usually accompany prolonged latencies but are dif-
   P/N 13 (cervicomedullary) 13.5 16.3 ficult to quantify. By presenting the pattern-shift stimulus
   N 19/P 21 (cortical) 19.0 22.1 to one hemifield, it is possible to isolate a lesion to an optic
Interwave latency tract or radiation, or one occipital lobe, but with much
  Erb’s-P/N 13 3.8 5.2
   P/N 13–N 19 5.5 6.8 less precision than that provided by the usual monocular
Interside difference testing.
   P/N 13–N 19 0.3 1.1 The expected latency for the positive wave, by con-
SEP—tibial nerve (ankle stimulation; Fz-Cz recording; 165-cm vention a downward deflection, is near 100 ms (thus the
height; absolute latencies are shorter for stimulation at the knee)
Absolute latency
term P100 has also been used to designate the waveform);
  Lumbar point (cauda 20 25 an absolute latency from the stimulus longer than 118 ms
   N/P 37 (cortex) 36 42.5
Interwave latency
  Lumbar–N/P 37 16.4 21.6
Interside difference
  Lumbar–N/P 37 0.7 1.9 R
BAER, brainstem auditory evoked response; PSVER, pattern shift visual
evoked response; SSEP, somatosensory evoked response. L
Norms must be verified in each laboratory; in most instances they are sen- O
sitive to the technique and stimulus used and height of the patient in the
cases of limb stimulation.

evoked potentials is their resistance to anesthesia, seda-

tive drugs, and in states of reduced consciousness such as
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. This permits their use
for monitoring the integrity of cerebral pathways in situa-
tions that limit the value of the EEG.
The interpretation of evoked potentials (visual, audi- L
tory, and somatosensory) is based on the prolongation of the
latencies of the waveforms after the stimulus, the interwave
latencies, and asymmetries in timing. Norms for latencies
have been established, but it is advisable to confirm these in R
each laboratory. Typically 2.5 or 3 standard deviations above
the mean latency for any measurement is taken as the defini-
tion of abnormality (Table 2-4). The amplitudes of the waves L
are less informative for clinical work.

Visual Evoked Potentials Figure 2-8. Pattern-shift visual evoked responses (PSVERs). Latency
measured to first major positive peak (termed P100 because of its
For many years it had been known that a light stimulus latency from the stimulus of approximate 100 ms) and marked by “o.”
flashing on the retina evokes a discernible waveform over Upper two tracings: These, from the right and left eyes, are normal.
Middle tracings: PSVER from the right eye is normal but the latency
the occipital lobes. In the EEG, such responses to fast of the response from the left eye is prolonged and its duration is
rates of stimulation are referred to as the occipital driving increased. Lower tracings: PSVER from both eyes show abnormally
response (Fig. 2-7C). It is also appreciated that a visual prolonged latencies, somewhat greater on the left than on the right.
evoked response is produced by the sudden change of Calibration: 50 ms, 2.5 mV.

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Title: Saint Paul

Author: Emile Baumann

Release date: July 23, 2022 [eBook #68595]

Language: French

Original publication: Bernard Grasset, 1925

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Les Grandes Formes de la Musique (Albin Michel, éditeur).

L’Immolé (Grasset).
La Fosse aux lions (Grasset).
Trois villes saintes (Grasset).
Le Baptême de Pauline Ardel (Grasset).
L’Abbé Chevoleau, caporal au 90e d’infanterie (Perrin).
La Paix du septième jour (Perrin).
Le Fer sur l’enclume (Perrin).
Job le prédestiné (Grasset).
L’Anneau d’or des grands mystiques (Grasset).


Heures d’été au Mont Saint-Michel, avec des gravures sur bois

de René Pottier.

Le Signe sur les mains, roman.




Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d’adaptation réservés pour tous pays.

Copyright by Bernard Grasset, 1925.

(Cathédrale de Reims)


E. B.

Louvain, le 25 janvier 1925.


Une des plus grandes voix que la terre ait écoutées, c’est la
La figure dominatrice des temps apostoliques, c’est lui.
Si nous ne cherchions en son histoire que la destinée d’un
homme, elle semblerait déjà prodigieuse : ce jeune Pharisien, animé
par le zèle de la Loi à l’extermination d’une secte impie, et qui se fait
brusquement l’apôtre irréductible de la doctrine exécrée, ce Juif,
devenu, contre son gré, anti-juif, imposerait à notre surprise le cas
inouï d’une âme retournée, comme d’un seul coup, dans le sens où
elle s’irritait de voir tomber les autres. Supposez que Saint-Just, en
signant des listes de suspects, ait pris, d’une manière subite, parti
pour les suspects ; telle fut, mais bien plus étrange, la conversion de
Saul le persécuteur.
Et sa vie, après son changement, s’obstina trente années en une
sublime et terrible aventure.
Avec deux ou trois compagnons, ou une faible escorte, seul
parfois, il s’en va, sur des routes dont les brigands sont maîtres, vers
des régions païennes ou barbares, gagnant son pain dans les villes
comme tisserand, semblable aux ouvriers que j’ai vus à Tarse tisser
des poils de chèvre pour les tentes des nomades.
Partout il annonce un Dieu nouveau, le Messie prophétisé, fils de
Dieu, Rédempteur, Seigneur, Juge des vivants et des morts ; mais
ce Dieu n’est autre qu’un vagabond nazaréen, le blasphémateur et
le séditieux qu’on a cloué sur une potence à Jérusalem et que ses
disciples disent ressuscité. Paul croit en lui, avant tout, parce qu’il l’a
vu, entendu parler ; et cette vision l’a renversé dans la poussière, a
brûlé ses prunelles au point de le rendre trois jours aveugle ; il s’en
souvient comme si la gloire du Christ fulgurait contre ses yeux,
comme si sa voix foudroyait encore ses oreilles.
Il le prêche dans les synagogues aux Juifs, ses frères ; quelques-
uns ont foi en sa révélation ; la plupart se méfient, poussent des
clameurs, ameutent la populace, conspirent pour l’assassiner. Il
secoue sur eux ses sandales et se tourne vers les païens qui
veulent croire.
D’Antioche de Syrie à Chypre, de Chypre à Antioche de Pisidie, à
Iconium, à Lystres, à Derbé ; puis, de la Cilicie en Troade, en
Macédoine, en Thessalie, en Attique, en Achaïe ; puis de Corinthe à
Éphèse, il établit des églises, il sème l’évangile de la promesse.
Comme un orage promène l’éclair de l’Orient à l’Occident, sa parole
court au-dessus des peuples, s’éloigne et revient.
« Mon champ d’action, proclame-t-il, non sans hyperbole, dans
son épître aux Romains [1] , va depuis Jérusalem, en tous sens,
jusqu’à l’Illyrie… A présent, je n’ai plus en ces contrées de place (où
m’étendre) [2] . Mais j’ai, depuis de longues années, le désir d’aller
jusqu’à vous ; si je me rends en Espagne, j’espère, en passant, vous
voir ; et c’est vous qui me mettrez sur le chemin de ce pays, quand
je me serai d’abord, en quelque mesure, rassasié de vous ».
[1] XV , 19-24.
[2] Il entend : J’ai fondé toutes les églises qu’il
m’appartenait de fonder.

Si je me rends en Espagne ! L’ampleur de ses ambitions s’arrête

avec peine aux limites du monde romain. Sa hâte est immense
d’avoir, en tous lieux, fait adorer le Christ hier sans nom ; il veut que
son Seigneur soit connu jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre. Ainsi,
toutes les nations sachant que le Sauveur est venu, la plénitude des
temps sera prompte à s’accomplir ; le Juge, à l’heure que nul ne
peut prévoir, descendra sur les nuées, et le Christ régnera dans les
siècles des siècles.
De quel prix Paul paya ces conquêtes surhumaines, nous
l’évaluons d’après les récits des Actes, d’après son témoignage
immédiat :
« Des Juifs, cinq fois, j’ai reçu les quarante coups de lanière,
moins un ; trois fois, j’ai été battu de verges ; une fois lapidé ; trois
fois j’ai fait naufrage ; j’ai passé une nuit et un jour en plein abîme. Et
mes voyages multiples : périls des fleuves, périls des brigands ;
périls venant des gens de ma race ; périls venant des Gentils ; périls
dans les villes, périls dans le désert, périls sur mer, périls au milieu
des faux frères ; dans la peine, la lassitude ; dans les veilles
souvent ; dans la faim et la soif ; dans le froid et la nudité ; et, sans
parler des choses extérieures, l’agitation, pour moi, quotidienne, le
tourment de toutes les églises [3] … »
[3] II Cor. XI , 24-29.

De presque toutes les villes on l’expulse ; il y reparaît, intrépide.

La contradiction exaltait sa force. Après le tumulte d’Éphèse pourtant
et les conjonctures mal connues qui suivirent, il s’avouait « accablé,
à ne plus savoir comment vivre [4] ».
[4] Cor. I , 8.

En 56, pendant son dernier voyage à Jérusalem, il est entraîné

hors du temple ; sans les Romains, la foule l’écharpait. Il reste deux
ans dans les chaînes à Césarée ; ensuite, pour ne pas tomber entre
les mains des Juifs, il en appelle à César ; on l’embarque pour
Rome. Une horrible tempête de quatorze jours le jette sain et sauf
sur la grève de Malte. Il atteint Rome ; deux années encore sa
captivité s’y prolonge, une captivité fructueuse où il enseigne, où il
Après, il entre dans la nuit ; certaines phrases des épîtres à
Timothée laissent entendre que, libéré, il retourna en Asie, revint à
Rome, fut, de nouveau, incarcéré. Une ferme tradition fixe là son
martyre, en outre attesté par cinq textes dont le plus ancien, l’épître
de Clément romain, — écrite entre 92 et 101, — lui rend ce grave
hommage :
« Chargé sept fois de chaînes, banni, lapidé, devenu héraut de la
foi en Orient et en Occident, il a reçu pour sa foi une noble gloire.
Après avoir enseigné la justice au monde entier, atteint les bornes
de l’Occident, accompli son martyre devant ceux qui gouvernent, il a
quitté le monde et s’en est allé au saint lieu, illustre modèle de
patience [5] . »
[5] Ed. Hemmer, ch. V .

* *

Regardée du dehors, et crayonnée à gros traits, la carrière de

saint Paul révèle des puissances de foi et de persuasion qui font de
lui l’Apôtre type.
Si aucun homme n’est strictement nécessaire, certains sont
uniques. Leur tâche, personne ne l’eût remplie comme eux ni aussi
bien. La bataille d’Austerlitz se concevrait mal gagnée par un autre
que Napoléon.
Entre les disciples de Jésus, ce n’est pas à nous de trancher quel
fut le plus grand. Pierre eut le privilège d’une bonté simple et
incomparable. Jamais Paul ne prononcera des mots comme ceux-
ci :
« Vous le savez, Seigneur, que je vous aime [6] . »
[6] Jean XXI , 16.

Ou, au boiteux du Temple avant de le guérir :

« De l’argent et de l’or, je n’en ai pas ; mais, ce que j’ai, je te le
donne [7] . »
[7] Actes III , 6.
Cet ignorant, devenu capable de commander, de dogmatiser, ce
timide qui, devant les princes des prêtres, soutient une magnifique
fierté, nous arrête comme un miracle plus étonnant que ceux qu’il a
La physionomie de Céphas, malgré tout, se réduit à des lignes
élémentaires. Ses discours, ses deux épîtres instruisent de sa
doctrine, des conflits qu’il domina. Sur lui-même nous savons trop
Jean demeure, en quelque façon, voilé dans la hauteur d’une
flamme divine. Il est l’orgue des Séraphins qu’on écoute sans voir
celui qui joue.
Étienne fut le précurseur de Paul ; silhouette de voyant, « face
d’ange » sur qui pleuvait la splendeur d’en haut. Le premier après
Jésus il osa troubler l’illusion d’Israël croyant à la pérennité du
Temple. Mais il devait disparaître pour que Saul, son assassin, reprît
ses audaces et portât l’effort à son terme. Barnabé se laisse
entrevoir comme un puissant compagnon. M. Loisy voudrait le
grandir au détriment de Paul, ainsi que Michelet enlevait à Condé,
pour en investir Sirot, la gloire de Rocroi. Ce sont là fictions de
mauvais romantiques acharnés contre les statues traditionnelles. Si
Barnabé fit d’admirables choses, son œuvre s’est fondue dans le
travail commun ; et, s’il écrivit, rien n’en subsiste [8] .
[8] A moins que l’épître aux Hébreux n’ait été rédigée
par lui.

Paul, au rebours, nous est précieusement familier. Certains

points de son existence ont beau rester sous la nuée obscure, nous
l’approchons, comme si nous avions pu vivre avec lui, et, plus on le
fréquente, plus on sent la beauté de son âme, la vigueur de son
Car il faut restituer sa valeur divine à ce mot trop humainement
profané. Tous les apôtres reçurent le Saint-Esprit ; mais, selon
l’axiome thomiste, les dons fructifient ad modum recipientis, d’après
les capacités de celui qui les reçoit.
Paul ne fut pas appelé sans motif un vase d’élection. Il tenait de
Dieu, en vue de sa mission, des facultés merveilleuses que la grâce
épura, sublimisa.
Son naturel unissait, à un étrange degré, ces deux éléments :
une énergie nerveuse, bondissante, toujours prête aux décisions
extrêmes ; et l’intelligence la plus hardie, la plus flexible, traversant
les hommes d’un coup d’œil, s’assimilant ce qui lui était le plus
étranger, circulant parmi les idées comme celle d’un grec subtil.
Mais, bien qu’il fût né à Tarse, dans une ville hellénisée, qu’il
parlât le grec aussi aisément que l’araméen, que des principes
païens se fussent amalgamés à sa formation juive, le sang juif
prévalait en lui. Sa fierté, c’était de se dire Juif. Sa dialectique
accuse la discipline des rabbins [9] ; sa morale retiendra l’empreinte
des conceptions juives. Son fanatisme de persécuteur est
spécifiquement juif ; de même, sa tournure d’esprit, organisatrice et
réaliste. La passion religieuse, dès sa jeunesse, gouvernait toute
son activité. Il vivait, nous dit-il [10] , pour la Loi, les yeux attachés sur
le Temple, dans l’espérance messianique d’un triomphe d’Israël,
revanche des abaissements, promise par les Écritures.
[9] Sur cette évidence, aujourd’hui contestée, v. plus
loin, p. 56 et suiv.
[10] Gal. I , 14.

La Loi lui suffisait, il ne souffrait point de l’étroitesse pharisienne ;

ce qu’il savait du Christ, c’était pour l’abhorrer. Soupçonnait-il l’appel
secret d’une Force novatrice ?
Le prodige est qu’il se soit précipité dans la foi qui renversait la
sienne, sans regarder en arrière, semblable aux mystérieux
animaux, aperçus par le prophète, qui allaient devant eux, étendant
leurs ailes, et ne se retournant jamais.
Seule, la rudesse adroite de son élan pouvait abattre, là où
devait s’y insérer le bloc d’angle, la muraille de la vieille Loi, ouvrir
toutes larges aux nations les portes du Lieu saint.
Cependant sa rupture avec la Loi le bouleversa, le déchira. Sa
douleur, ensuite, fut incessante de voir Israël raidir son cou contre
l’aiguillon du salut.
En quoi Paul resta-t-il un Juif ? En quoi cessa-t-il de l’être ?
Historiquement, le problème mérite un long examen. La tragédie
intime de sa transformation suffirait à remplir ce livre.
Mais, j’ai hâte de le déclarer, une curiosité de psychologue ne
m’en inspira point l’entreprise.

* *

J’avais connu d’abord saint Paul par fragments, grâce aux

simples épîtres de la liturgie. Le contact devint profond vers l’âge de
vingt-six ans, alors que j’établissais les assises de mon œuvre.
Pourrais-je dire tout ce que je lui dus, tout ce que je lui dois
d’essentiel ? Il n’est point de mystère où l’on ne pénètre à sa suite
« de clarté en clarté, réfléchissant comme en un miroir la gloire du
Seigneur [11] ». La prédestination, les contraires suscitant les
contraires ; l’abîme de la chute impliquant les magnificences de la
Rédemption ; la Communion des Saints, toutes ces immensités,
Paul les explore aussi loin qu’il est permis à une pensée d’homme
illuminée par le Verbe. La pondération de ses vues en égale la
[11] II Cor. III , 18.

Peu importent les bonds d’idées, les transitions obscures, les

raccourcis violents. Au sortir d’une haie d’objections, voici la netteté
suprême, la foudroyante véhémence, l’ampleur limpide, l’onction, la
Il écrivait aux Corinthiens : « Comme à des petits enfants dans le
Christ, je vous ai donné du lait à boire [12] . »
[12] I Cor. III , 2.
Bue dans ses versets, la doctrine de vie prend en effet comme la
saveur d’un lait bourru, mêlé à l’acide parfum de l’herbe qui pousse.
Ce christianisme de plein air semble ventilé par les brises des
grands ports où débarqua l’Apôtre ; il nous apporte en sa fraîcheur
originelle l’ingénuité de la foi, le don d’espérer et d’aimer. Ineffable
don quand l’espérance et l’amour vont à des fins qui ne mentent
pas. Si nous l’avons, Paul nous a valu, pour une haute part, cette
largesse ; et ce n’est pas une métaphore. J’ai plus d’une fois songé
que les premiers missionnaires de la Gaule, dans la vallée du Rhône
et à Lyon, venaient d’Éphèse et de la Phrygie, des pays où Paul et
ses disciples avaient travaillé ; et le mysticisme lyonnais, celui de ma
ville natale, se souvient de la vieille Asie chrétienne, ascétique et
Nous, fils des Gentils, serions-nous chrétiens si Paul n’avait eu la
vocation d’ôter à l’Église adolescente le joug mosaïque ? Le monde
païen n’aurait jamais, en masse, consenti, même sans la
circoncision, à se faire juif. Paul, parmi les Apôtres, ne fut pas le seul
qui le comprît ; mais, plus impérieusement que personne, il fit passer
dans l’acte cette nécessité.
Entre tous les témoins du Christ il s’impose comme le plus
difficile à confondre, parce qu’il a été son témoin malgré lui. Or, le
christianisme n’est pas une chimère issue de la théodicée juive et
des mystères grecs. Il repose sur des faits hors desquels il ne serait
plus rien, ou plutôt, Paul l’a bien vu, toute foi en sa vérité dépend de
ce fait unique : le Christ est-il, oui ou non, ressuscité ?
La résurrection, la vie permanente de Jésus, sa présence
efficace dans le corps mystique de son Église, en chacun de ses
fidèles par les dons qu’elle leur dispense, Paul n’a cessé de les
affirmer vraies, d’une vérité totale, éternelle. Il a souffert et il a donné
son sang pour soutenir que c’était vrai. Impossible de surprendre en
ses épîtres une page, une ligne où il enseigne autre chose.
Je le rappelle ici dans une pensée d’exégète, non d’apologiste.
Mais à quoi bon sous-entendre que je trouve en saint Paul la
substance d’une foi qui est la mienne ?
Quand on aborde les origines du christianisme, on a toujours,
d’avance, pris position. L’exégèse allemande est, dans son
ensemble, partie d’une volonté nette d’avoir le dernier mot contre les
Évangiles et l’orthodoxie. Renan, sous les démarches cauteleuses
ou la froide ironie de sa critique, trahit l’impatience de blesser à mort
le Dieu qu’il a renié. Ce n’est pas l’historien, mais l’idéaliste
amoureux du néant qui, sur les visions de saint Paul, profère cette
négation :
« Il n’a pas vu le Christ ; le Christ qui lui fait des révélations
personnelles est son propre fantôme ; c’est lui-même qu’il écoute en
croyant entendre Jésus [13] . »
[13] Saint Paul, p. 563.

Chez un Guignebert, un Loisy, le savant est sans cesse troublé

par le fanatique. J’ai lu deux fois le commentaire de M. Loisy sur les
Actes. Son effort m’évoqua ce que j’éprouvais, enfant, dans un
presbytère de campagne où j’entendais, la nuit, des rats infatigables
grignoter les bonnes poutres d’un grenier. M. Loisy est un grignoteur
de textes, j’entends de textes sacrés ; s’il croit en arracher quelque
brin, il est content. Sa critique s’agrippe aux difficultés ; celles qui
existent ne lui suffisent pas. L’hypothèse d’une source honnête et
sûre, altérée par un rédacteur, tantôt inepte, tantôt d’une incroyable
astuce, ce nœud de subterfuges, de maladresses et de mensonges
a l’air inventé par l’auteur d’un roman policier. Est-ce d’un historien ?
L’ingénuité profonde et le sérieux des Livres saints, qu’en fait-il ?
M. Loisy, comme ses maîtres allemands, vit avec un spectre qui
l’obsède : l’interpolation. Dès qu’un récit ressemble de très loin à un
autre, il crie au doublet. Comme si le réel le plus réel n’était pas, à
toutes les minutes, un recommencement !
Je n’en conclus point que le travail de l’exégèse négative soit
demeuré stérile. En visant à ruiner l’autorité du Nouveau Testament,
elle a enrichi la notion des milieux, nuancé l’apport des influences,
élucidé les analogies des doctrines. Elle a travaillé, contre son
attente, au profit de l’exégèse orthodoxe. Sans elle nous n’aurions
pas eu des monuments comme la Théologie de saint Paul du P. Prat
ou le Messianisme chez les Juifs du P. Lagrange ni ses
commentaires sur l’épître aux Romains et l’épître aux Galates.
Mais cette critique, si fière d’elle-même, souffre d’une débilité
dont elle ne veut pas guérir : elle dissocie, elle dissèque, elle ne
construit pas. Entre ses mains, la forte unité du caractère de Paul se
désagrège [14] . Il n’est plus qu’un syncrétiste, un assembleur,
inconscient ou habile, d’éléments mystiques pris aux stoïciens, aux
mystères, au culte de Mithra, à toutes les théosophies, aux gnoses
qu’il traversa. Son christianisme devient un champignon fortuit
poussé sur le sol décadent des religions antiques.
[14] Voir en particulier Norden, Agnôstos Theos ;
Ramsay, The Cities of saint Paul ; Toussaint,
l’Hellénisme et l’apôtre Paul.

Il est trop facile, en comparant les mystiques païennes à celle de

saint Paul, de suggérer, avec des ressemblances de mots ou de
rites, une confusion ; et, dans cette équivoque, les oppositions
radicales s’évanouissent.
Au surplus, on oublie deux choses : un homme n’est point
conduit, d’abord, par des idées ; il faut, pour l’expliquer, saisir le point
vital de sa volonté, ne jamais perdre de vue sa race, son
tempérament, les mœurs qui lui furent transmises. Quand on fait
l’histoire d’un Juif, l’observation de ces traits s’impose plus stricte
encore. Juster a montré [15] combien les Juifs dispersés à travers le
monde romain, les Juifs de la Diaspora, se maintenaient
jalousement séparatistes, s’isolant dans leurs ghettos, fidèles aux
communes traditions.
[15] Voir son livre capital : les Juifs dans l’Empire

Philon [16] reconnaissait les Israélites entêtés « à se faire tuer

plutôt que de laisser toucher à aucun usage des anciens,
convaincus qu’il en arriverait comme de ces édifices auxquels on
arrache une pierre, et qui, tout en paraissant rester fermes,
s’affaissent peu à peu et tombent en ruines ».
[16] Leg. 16.

Ils entretenaient, outre les synagogues, leurs écoles à eux, leurs

bibliothèques, leurs tribunaux, leurs cimetières. S’ils portaient le
costume romain, les Romains leur concédaient en privilège la
perpétuité de leurs lois et coutumes. Un Juif, comme Josèphe, rallié
aux vainqueurs, confondu d’admiration devant eux, s’adaptait, mais
ne changeait pas [17] .
[17] Voir sa vie racontée par lui-même, et ce qu’il dit
de son éducation.

De plus, pour helléniser Paul à tout prix, on récuse les

témoignages des Actes, on récuse le sien. On prête à cet esprit loyal
et perspicace d’indignes artifices ou des illusions puériles. S’il parle
d’une révélation directe, c’est pourtant qu’il en avait l’évidence
irréfutable. Sur la vie du Christ et ses enseignements il tint des
Apôtres, il propagea intact ce qui lui fut transmis. A Damas, à
Antioche, à Rome il trouva des chrétientés formées par d’autres, et
où son langage théologique fut accepté, compris. Une tradition liait
déjà ces églises primitives ; d’où venait-elle, sinon de l’Église
palestinienne, d’un milieu nativement juif ?
En somme, quoi qu’on fasse, les textes des Épîtres, le récit des
Actes, garderont plus de poids que les systèmes éphémères des
philologues ; et les historiens s’appuieront toujours sur ces
documents dont la structure se maintient inébranlée.
Jusqu’à la fin des temps, le conflit persistera entre ceux qui,
racontant des faits où le surnaturel joue son jeu nécessaire,
l’introduiront dans la trame de leur exégèse, et les autres qui auront
assujetti l’interprétation d’événements surnaturels à ce postulat : le
surnaturel n’existe pas.
Mais l’avantage des premiers, pour ne les considérer qu’en
historien, c’est qu’ils s’établissent dans l’axe des croyances où
vécurent leurs personnages ; tandis que les sceptiques sont en
contradiction perpétuelle avec les âmes de héros croyants. On
pénètre mal, Renan l’avouait, ce qu’on n’aime point, ce qu’on
réprouve comme faux.
Renan, historien de saint Paul, n’a pas échappé à cette
incompréhension. « Le vilain petit Juif » l’étonne et le rebute ; il lui en
veut d’avoir imposé au monde le mensonge chrétien ; il le juge raide,
cassant. Étrange façon de méconnaître la souplesse pratique d’un
homme qui déclarait tout au contraire :
« Je me suis fait Juif avec les Juifs pour gagner les Juifs ; infirme
avec les infirmes pour gagner les infirmes… Je me suis fait tout à
tous pour les sauver tous [18] . »
[18] I Cor. IX , 20-22.

Il a peine à lui pardonner son mépris des faux sages, et le

méprise à son tour, sous prétexte qu’il a nié la science, qu’étant un
homme d’action il est « un faible artiste ».
Pour saint Paul, évidemment, ni la science ni l’art ne sont au plan
suprême. Il savait beaucoup, et la raillerie de Festus : « Tu as trop lu,
Paul ; cela te rend fou [19] », suffirait à prouver que l’étendue de ses
connaissances éblouissait même des Romains cultivés. Mais
l’unique science dont il faisait cas, c’était de connaître Jésus mis en
croix. Comme tous les Juifs, il se méfiait des statues et des
peintures, instruments d’idolâtrie. Mais il demeurait sensible à la
beauté du corps humain ; il magnifiait l’harmonie de la tête et des
membres, image du Christ, animateur et chef de l’universelle
Communion. Il aimait les fortes bâtisses ; nulle figure ne lui plaisait
autant que celle d’une maison, d’un temple bien construits ; et il se
comparait à un bon architecte « assurant des fondations [20] ». Il
avait le goût de la musique sacrée, l’encourageait [21] . Qu’il soit un
poète admirable, personne, après l’avoir lu, n’oserait le contester.
Norden a même relevé dans les Épîtres des suites rythmées comme
des morceaux de poèmes. Certaines doxologies s’amplifient

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