DSM-5 Personality Disorders PDF

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DSM-5 Personality Disorders

Nishan Rehab Pakistan

This chart arranges personality disorder symptoms according to the new DSM-5 (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th
Edition, American Psychiatric Association, 2013). See also List of Mental Disorders.

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Personality Disorder: Five Main Psychopathology Domains (corresponding to the Big Five Personality Traits)

Negative Emotionality Detachment Psychoticism Aggressiveness Disinhibition

Borderline Emotional Lability Hostility Impulsivity

Emotions that are easily Anger or irritability in Acting on a momentary
aroused, intense, response to minor basis without a plan or
and/or out of slights and insults. consideration of
proportion outcomes

Anxiousness Risk taking

Intense feelings of Engagement in
nervousness or panic dangerous, risky, and
potentially self-
Separation insecurity damaging activities
Fears of rejection by,
and/or separation from,
significant others

Frequent feelings of
being down, miserable,
and/or hopeless

Obsessive-Compulsive Perseveration Rigid perfectionism

Persistence at tasks Rigid insistence on
long after the behavior everything being
has ceased to be flawless, perfect,
effective without errors or faults

Avoidant Anxiousness Withdrawal

Intense feelings of Avoidance of social
nervousness or panic contacts and activity

Intimacy avoidance
Avoidance of close or
romantic relationships

Lack of enjoyment from
life's experiences

Schizotypal Restricted affectivity Eccentricity

Little reaction to Odd, unusual, or bizarre
emotionally arousing behavior or appearance
Withdrawal dysregulation
Avoidance of social Vague, circumstantial,
contacts and activity or over-elaborate
Doubts about loyalty Unusual beliefs and
and fidelity of others experiences
Unusual experiences of

Antisocial Manipulativeness Irresponsibility

Use of seduction or Lack of respect for
charm to achieve one's agreements and
ends. promises.

Deceitfulness Impulsivity
Dishonesty and Acting on a momentary
fraudulence basis without a plan or
consideration of
Callousness outcomes
Lack of concern for
feelings or problems of Risk taking
others Engagement in
dangerous, risky, and
Hostility potentially self-
Anger or irritability in damaging activities
response to minor
slights and insults

Narcissistic Grandiosity
Feelings of entitlement;
belief that one is better
than others

Attention seeking
Excessive attempts to
attract and be the focus
of the attention of

Personality Disorder
Trait Specified Any trait or combination of traits at a pathological level that does not fall into one of the above categories.

Note: Paranoid, Schizoid, Histrionic,

and Dependent personality disorders, all of which were categorized separately in the DSM-IV,
now fall under 'Personality Disorder Trait Specified' in the DSM-5.

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Evidence-based addiction treatment and attitudinal healing in Pakistan

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