Single Phase Transformer

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OBJECTIVES 1. To determine the transformer turns ratio 2. To perform the no-load and short circuit tests 3. To calculate the transformers equivalent circuit

INFORMATION A single-phase transformer will be investigated in this lab. It is a step-up transformer 110/220V with the rated power of 1000VA and rated frequency of 60 Hz. 1. Ideal Transformer A transformer is a device used to change voltages and currents of AC electric power. In the simplest version it consists of two windings wrapped around a magnetic core; windings are not electrically connected, but they are coupled by the magnetic field, as it shown in Figure 4.1. When one winding is connected to the AC electric power, the electric current is generated. This winding is called the primary winding. The primary current produces the magnetic field and the magnetic flux links the second winding, called the secondary winding. The AC flux through the secondary winding produces an AC voltage, so that if some impedance is connected to the terminals, an AC electric current is supplied.

i p (t) + Vp (t) _ * Np Ns *

i s (t) + Vs (t) _

Figure 4.1. Sketch of an ideal transformer. Figure 4.2 shows the schematic symbols of a transformer. 4-1

i p (t)
+ Vp (t) _

Np *

Ns *

i s (t)
+ Vs (t) _

i p (t)
+ Vp (t) _

Np *

Ns *

i s (t)
+ Vs (t) _

Figure 4.2. Schematic symbols of a transformer. The simplest model of the transformer is called the ideal transformer and it neglects any power losses and leakage magnetic fluxes. Assuming that the primary winding has Np turns of wire, and the secondary winding has Ns turns, the relationship between the primary voltage and the secondary voltage is V p (t ) N p = =a Equation (4.1) Vs (t ) N s where a is the turns ratio in the primary and secondary windings a= Np Ns Equation (4.2)

Similarly, for the primary and secondary currents i p (t ) i s (t ) = 1 a Equation (4.3)

For AC power the same can be also expressed in the phasor notation Vp Vs =a and Ip Is = 1 a Equation (4.4)

2. Real Transformer The ideal model of the transformer is sufficient for approximate analysis of the electric circuits only. For full analysis a more complete model is needed and it should include: core losses, winding losses, magnetising current and all leakage magnetic fluxes. It can be shown that the equivalent circuit in Figure 4.3 fully represents all these effects.
Ip + Vp _
Ideal transformer

Is + Vs _



Figure 4.3. The model of a real transformer. 4-2

The resistance Rp represents the ohmic resistance of the primary winding and Rs of the secondary winding. The reactance Xp and Xs model the leakage flux of the primary and secondary windings, respectively. The resistance Rc is responsible for the core losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents, and XM for the generation of the main flux (magnetising reactance). All impedances on the secondary side of the transformer can be recalculated for the primary side. This is also know as the referring to the primary side and results in the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4.4.
Ip + Vp _ Is
s a


a2 R

ja2 X

+ aVs _


Figure 4.4. The transformer model referred to the primary voltage level 3. Determining Equivalent Circuit Experimental determination of all elements in the transformer equivalent circuit involves three tests: measurement of the primary resistance open-circuit test short circuit teat 3.1 Measurement of the Primary Resistance A DC ohmmeter should be connected across the primary terminals and Rp should be recorded. 3.2 Open-Circuit Test The transformers secondary should be open-circuited and primary winding supplied with a full rated voltage (Figure 4.5). The input voltage (Voc), primary current (Ioc) and power (Poc) are measured.


i p(t)



Vp (t)


Figure 4.5. Connection for transformer opencircuit test. 4-3

This test is sufficient to calculate the core resistance and magnetising reactance, using Equations (4.5) to (4.12). The conductance of the core-loss resistor is given by: 1 GC = Equation (4.5) RC 1 BM = Equation (4.6) XM Since these two elements are in parallel, their admittances add and the total excitation admittance is 1 1 YE = GC jBM = j Equation (4.7) RC XM The magnitude of the excitation admittance can be determined by the Equation (4.8) I Equation (4.8) YE = OC VOC The angle of the admittance can be found from knowledge of a circuit power factor. The open circuit power factor (PF) is given by: POC Equation (4.9) PF = cos = VOC I OC and the power factor angle is given by Equation (4.10) P = cos 1 OC Equation (4.10) VOC I OC The power factor is always lagging for a real transformer, so the angle of the current always lags the angle of the voltage by degrees. Therefore, the admittance YE is I I 1 1 Equation (4.11) YE = OC = OC cos 1 PF = + VOC VOC RC jX M 3.3 Short-Circuit Test

The transformers secondary terminals are short-circuited and the primary voltage is supplied with the voltage, much reduced comparing with the rated value (Figure 4.6). In practical situation, this voltage is adjusted so that the primary current is approximately rated, and the primary voltage (Vsc), primary current (Isc) and power (Psc) are measured.


i p(t)

i s(t)



Vp (t)


Figure 4.6. Connection for transformer shortcircuit test. 4-4

The following Equations (4.12) to (4.16) can be used to calculate elements in the primary and secondary branches. The magnitude of the series impedances referred to the primary side of the transformer is

Equation (4.12)

The short circuit power factor (PF) is given by:

PF = cos = PSC VSC I SC

Equation (4.13)

and the power factor angle

is given by Equation (4.14) P = cos 1 SC VSC I SC

Z SC = V SC 0 I SC

Equation (4.14)


Equation (4.15) Equation (4.16)

The series impedance ZSC is equal to

Z SC = R eq + jX eq


1. Single-phase transformer 2. Variable AC source 3. Two Digital multimeters 4. AC wattmeter

1. Variable AC source The labs variable AC source shown in Figure 4.7 is a complex device, which is designed to provide safety conditions of your experiments. It consists of single-phase transformer, variac and lamp bulb connected in series with the output.

Figure 4.7. Variable AC source


2. AC Wattmeter

Electric power is measured by means of a wattmeter. This instrument is of the electrodynamic type. It consists of a pair of fixed coils, known as current coils, and a movable coil known as the potential coil. A simplified electrodynamics wattmeter circuit is shown in Figure 4.8.

* *



Figure 4.8. A simplified electrodynamic wattmeter circuit.

The current coil (stationary coil) of the wattmeter is connected in series with the circuit (load), and the potential coil (movable coil) is connected in parallel with the load. When line current flows through the current coil of a wattmeter, a field is set up around the coil. The strength of this field is proportional to the line current and in phase with it. The actuating force of a wattmeter comes from the field of its current coil and the field of its potential coil. The force acting on the movable coil at any instant (tending to turn it) is proportional to the instantaneous values of line current and voltage. Thats why it is very important to perform a proper connection of the beginnings and the ends of each coil. The beginnings of the both current and voltage coils of the lab wattmeter have red connectors marked with * signs as it is shown in Figure 4.9

Figure 4.9. Lab AC wattmeter


Read the information section of the lab manual and lab instruments description. Be ready to answer questions related to the transformers theory and practical measurements. 4-6


1. Rated Quantities

From the transformer nameplate, note the rated values of S1, V1, and V2. Calculate the rated maximum currents for the ammeters on the primary and secondary sides-do not exceed these values.
2. Resistance Measurements

Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance of the transformer primary (R1) and secondary (R2) windings.
3. Turns Ratio

The turns ratio of a transformer is equal to the ratio of primary and secondary voltages at no-load V N Equation (4.15) a = P = P0 N S VS 0 where: VP0 primary voltage VS0 secondary voltage In order to determine the turns ratio, connect the circuit as shown in Figure 4.10. The transformer is supplied with a variable voltage and both primary and secondary voltages are measured and recorded. Do not turn the power on before your circuit has been checked by your TA! When the layout has been completed, have your TA to check your circuit connections and get his/her signature in your log book.

120 V AC





Figure 4.10. Transformer ratio measurements

Starting from VP0 =20V turn the variac knob and slowly increase the input voltage. 4-7

Measurements and calculations of the turns ratio should be done for VP0 = 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 V. Complete all the data in Table 4.1.
VP0 (V) VS0 (V) Turns Ratio

20 40 60 80 100 120 Average Turns Ratio Table 4.1. Transformer turns ratio measurements and calculations

4. Open Circuit Test

4.1. Connect the apparatus as shown in Figure 4.11. Apply the rated input voltage to the primary winding and measure input voltage, current, power, and output voltage.
Do not turn the power on before your circuit has been checked by your TA! When the layout has been completed, have your TA to check your circuit connections and get his/her signature in your log book.

Aoc 120 V AC


W oc




Figure 4.11. Transformer open circuit test measurements

4.2. Starting from Voc =20V turn the variac knob and slowly increase the input voltage. Complete all the data in Table 4.2. 4.3. Determine the parameters of the magnetising branch using Equations (4.5) to (4.11).


Voc (V)

Ioc (A)

Poc (W)

V20 (V)





20 40 60 80 100 120
Table 4.2. Transformer open circuit test measurements and calculations.

5. Short-Circuit Test

5.1. Short-circuit the secondary winding through an ammeter as shown in Figure 4.12. Do not turn the power on before your circuit has been checked by your TA! When the layout has been completed, have your TA to check your circuit connections and get his/her signature in your logbook. 5.2. Slowly and gradually increase the applied voltage and carefully watch the primary and secondary currents. Measurements and calculations ratio should be done for short circuit current values specified in Table 4.3. 5.3. Calculate the short circuit impedance as measured from the primary using Equations (4.12) to (4.16). Show your calculations in your lab report. Complete all the measurements and calculations in Table 4.3.




W sc

120 V AC




Figure 4.12. Transformer short circuit test measurements


Isc (A)

Vsc (V)


I20 (A)





0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Table 4.3. Transformer short circuit test measurements and calculations. REPORT

Record in a lab book circuit diagrams and results for all experiments Calculate average turns ratio Calculate parameters of the equivalent circuit Your Lab report is due one week later. Please submit it to your TA in the beginning of your next lab session.

Note: You must copy/print the Signature and Marking Sheet from your manual before
coming to the lab session.



To be completed by TA during your lab session

Student Name:____________________ Student # : _____________________

Check boxes Task

TA Name:___________________

Max. Marks

Granted Marks

TA Signature

Pre-lab completed Turns Ratio test completed Open Circuit Test completed Short-Circuit Test completed Overall Report Preparation TOTAL MARKS

0 6 7 7 80 100


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