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Preface page xi

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Overview of the Book 4

2 Fundamental Equations 6
2.1 Overview 6
2.2 Conservation of Mass 7
2.3 Conservation of Momentum 8
2.4 Conservation of Energy 9
2.5 Second Law of Thermodynamics 10
2.6 Maxwell’s Equations 12
2.7 Schrödinger’s Equation 14
2.8 Liouville’s Equation and Theorem 17
Problems 23

3 Statistical Mechanics and Continuum Physics 28

3.1 Overview 28
3.2 An Equilibrium Probability Density Function 28
3.3 Bogoliubov–Born–Green–Kirkwood–Yvon Equations 32
3.4 Boltzmann Equation 37
3.5 Collision Cross-Sections 47
3.6 Boltzmann’s H-Theorem 48
3.7 Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution 50
3.8 Boltzmann’s Equations for a Gas Mixture 52
3.9 Equations of Continuum Gas Dynamics 55
3.10 Chapman–Enskog Method 60
Problems 64

4 Dynamics and Kinetics of Charged Particles 67

4.1 Introduction 67
4.2 Debye Length 67
4.3 Sheath 69
viii Contents

4.4 Isolated Ions 71

4.5 Collision Frequency 73
4.6 Mean Free Path 76
4.7 Elastic Collisions 76
4.8 Ionic Drift Velocity and Mobility in DC Electric Field 77
4.9 Current and Conductivity in DC Electric Field 78
4.10 Diffusion 79
4.11 Ambipolar Diffusion 81
4.12 Thermochemical Reactions 82
Problems 83

5 DC Discharge 86
5.1 Introduction 86
5.2 Townsend Regime 88
5.3 Corona Regime 98
5.4 Glow Discharge 101
5.5 Streamer Discharge 115
5.6 Spark Discharge 119
5.7 Arc Discharge 121
Problems 129

6 Microwave Discharge 133

6.1 Introduction 133
6.2 Microwave Theory 134
6.3 Microwave Waveguides 157
6.4 Microwave Discharge in Free Space 165
6.5 Microwave Breakdown 170
6.6 Simulations of Microwave Discharge 182
6.7 Thermochemistry of Microwave Discharge 194
Problems 194

7 Laser Discharge 199

7.1 Introduction 199
7.2 Laser Theory 201
7.3 Laser Discharge 203
7.4 Post-Discharge Flow Structure 214
7.5 Conditions for Breakdown in Air 220
7.6 Models for Breakdown 225
7.7 Fraction of Laser Energy Deposited in Air 226
7.8 Simulation of Laser Discharge in Air 229
7.9 Continuous Laser Discharge 239
Problems 239

8 Modeling Energy Deposition as an Ideal Gas 243

Contents ix

8.1 Introduction 243

8.2 Governing Equations 245
8.3 Dimensionless Parameters 248
8.4 One-Dimensional Steady Energy Deposition 250
8.5 Linearized Analysis for Steady Flow 254
8.6 Belokon et al. (1977) 257
8.7 Krasnobaev and Syunyaev (1983) 260
8.8 Krasnobaev (1984) 263
8.9 Artem’ev et al. (1988) 264
8.10 Vlasov et al. (1995) 265
8.11 Georgievsky et al. (2010) 267
8.12 Additional References 268
Problems 268

9 Flow Control in Aerodynamics 273

9.1 Introduction 273
9.2 Artem’ev et al. (1989) 273
9.3 Myrabo and Raizer (1994) 275
9.4 Tretyakov et al. (1996) 279
9.5 Bracken et al. (2001a,b,c) 280
9.6 Girgis et al. (2002) 282
9.7 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (2003–2013) 284
9.8 Lashkov et al. (2004) 286
9.9 Kandala and Candler (2004) 290
9.10 Adelgren et al. (2005) 292
9.11 Kremeyer et al. (2006) 297
9.12 Zheltovodov et al. (2007) 299
9.13 Gnemmi et al. (2008) 304
9.14 Yan and Gaitonde (2008) 305
9.15 Caruana et al. (2009) and Hardy et al. (2010) 306
9.16 Georgievsky and Levin (2009) 307
9.17 Knight et al. (2009) 309
9.18 Kim et al. (2009) 312
9.19 Narayanaswamy et al. (2010) 313
9.20 Schülein et al. (2010) 316
9.21 Anderson and Knight (2011) 319
9.22 Azarova et al. (2011) 320
9.23 Anderson and Knight (2012) 323
9.24 Leonov et al. (2012) 326
9.25 Golbabaei Asl et al. (2013) 327
9.26 Golbabaei Asl and Knight (2014) 329
9.27 Reedy et al. (2013) 334
9.28 Webb and Samimy (2017) 335
9.29 Pham et al. (2017) 335
x Contents

9.30 Additional References 336

Appendix A Vector Analysis 337

Appendix B Physical Constants 339

Appendix C Microwave Frequency Bands 341

Appendix D Microwave Waveguides and Components 342

Appendix E Bessel’s Equation 369

Notes 372
References 422
Author Index 445
Subject Index 449

The focus of this book is the emerging research area of energy deposition for flow
control. The objective is to present the requisite material in an organized and
understandable manner with a focus on analysis and understanding. The specific
topics covered are energy deposition by DC, laser, and microwave discharge.
The book omits any discussion of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), magnetogas-
dynamics (MGD), and dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The reader is referred
to the extensive literature on these subjects.
I would like to express my appreciation to Prof. Wolfgang Schröder, Chair
of Fluid Mechanics and Head of the Institute of Aerodynamics, RWTH Aachen
University, for his kindness and hospitality during my sabbatical at the Institute
of Aerodynamics in Fall 2013, where a significant part of this book was written. I
also express my appreciation to my editors Peter Gordon and Steven Elliott, and
Jade Taylor-Salazar, content manager (STM), at Cambridge University Press
for their guidance and patience. A special thanks to Nadia Kianvashrad for her
assistance with the figures, Dinesh Singh Negi at Cambridge TEX support, and
to Mahnaz Shokrpour for her encouragement and support.
Following Druyvesteyn and Penning (1940), the term “molecules” is used
throughout the book to indicate monatomic as well as polyatomic particles.

New Brunswick, NJ
1 Introduction

If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you use the airplane
the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.

General Charles “Chuck” Yeager (1923–)

First pilot to exceed Mach 1 in level flight
on October 14, 1947 in Bell X-1 aircraft

1.1 Background

The flow past an aerodynamic vehicle at high speed is characterized by com-

plex phenomena. The vehicle shape produces multiple shock waves, as shown in
Fig. 1.1 for a supersonic aircraft. The boundary layer formed at the solid sur-
face can transition from laminar to turbulent, as seen in Fig. 1.2 from Schneider
(2004). Intersections of shock waves with boundary layers form adverse pressure
gradients and can cause boundary layer separation, as shown in Fig. 1.3. The
nature and details of these flow phenomena depend on a variety of factors in-
cluding the vehicle shape, Mach number, orientation (e.g., angle of attack), and
Control of the mean and fluctuating aerothermodynamic loading (i.e., surface
heat transfer and pressure) may be important to avoid material failure. An ex-
ample is Flight 2-53-97 of the X-15 hypersonic research aircraft on October 3,
1967 piloted by William J. (“Pete”) Knight (Thompson 1992). A dummy ramjet
engine was attached to a pylon beneath the aircraft fuselage (Fig. 1.4). During
the flight at Mach 6.7 the shock waves generated by the dummy ramjet model
and main wing leading edge intersected to form a shock–shock interaction re-
sulting in the formation of a high-speed jet impinging on the dummy ramjet
engine pylon and a significant increase in surface heating. Within less than three
minutes the high heat transfer caused complete disintegration of a portion of the
pylon structure (Fig. 1.5) composed of Inconel, whose melting temperature is
approximately 1800 K. The flowfield structure generated by shock–shock inter-
actions was subsequently investigated by Edney (1968a) and Edney (1968b) and
2 Introduction

Figure 1.1 Multiple shocks generated by aircraft at supersonic speed. The variations in
surface shape generate a sequence of shock waves and expansions (courtesy NASA).

Figure 1.2 Boundary layer transition. A laminar boundary layer on a sharp cone at
Mach 4.31 transitions to turbulent. (Schneider 2004, original figure from Dr. Daniel

a family of shock–shock interactions resulting in high surface heat transfer bear

his name. The Edney IV interaction (Fig. 1.6) which caused the disintegration
of a portion of the pylon produces peak heating up to an order of magnitude or
more above stagnation point heating at the same freestream conditions.
Control of the flight of a high-speed vehicle is also important. Fig. 1.7 shows an
artist’s rendering of the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) developed by
the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as an unmanned
experimental hypersonic rocket-powered glide vehicle. The plan for the first flight
1.1 Background 3

(a) Double cone (b) Enlargement of corner region

Figure 1.3 Shock wave laminar boundary layer interaction on a double cone at
Mach 12.82. The aft cone generates a shock wave that causes an adverse pressure
gradient on the surface and separation of the boundary layer. The flow reattaches on
the aft cone. The flow is from left to right (Kianvashrad and Knight 2018).

Figure 1.5 Damage to pylon (courtesy

Figure 1.4 X-15 pylon (courtesy NASA).

of the HTV-2 (Fig. 1.8) called for the vehicle to be launched from Vandenburg
Air Force Base, California, on a Minotaur IV rocket, then separate from the
launcher, achieve level flight, and glide above the Pacific Ocean at Mach 20 before
purposely crashing into the ocean after 30 minutes of flight. Telecommunications
contact with the vehicle ceased after nine minutes of the flight. The vehicle
autopilot “commanded flight termination” after the vehicle began to roll violently
due to loss of flight control. According to ABC News, US Air Force Major Chris
Schulz, HTV-2 Program Manager for DARPA, stated “Here’s what we know. We
know how to boost the aircraft to near space. We know how to insert the aircraft
into atmospheric hypersonic flight. We do not yet know how to achieve the desired
control during the aerodynamic phase of flight. It’s vexing; I’m confident there
is a solution. We have to find it.”
4 Introduction

.... ......
.. ...
blunt body shock
....... ..
.. ... ..........
... .. .......
.. .
.. ...
.. ... ...
.. ... ..
.. ... ........
M >1
M <1 ... ......
.. ...
. .
... ... ..
.... ... ... .... ..
... ... ..... ..
... ... . .....
...... ... ...
.......................... . . . . . . . . . . ......... ... ...
. ......... ........ . ...
. ..
. .................... ........... ......... ...
.... .........
. . . ..
. ...... ......
.. ........ ... ... ............ ....................................................
. . .
. .........
.. .............................................................................................. . .
.. .. . ..... .. ..... ...............
.. .
........... ..
... . ..... . . .
....... ... ....................... ... . . . ..
. ...
........... .
. .. . . .. ... ... ....... ............ ......
..... ......... ..... ...... . ......... ... .... ............. ............. .. . ......... .. .........
. ......... ......... .................................. .......... ... .......................... ......
.... ......... . .
.................. ............. . ........................ .
. .
. ..
. incident shock ....
. ....
. .. . . . . .
.............................................................. ...... ... .
.. ......
. . .
.. ...
..... ... ....
high-speed jet
..... ...
M >1 ...
M <1

Figure 1.6 Edney IV interaction. The intersection of the external shock and blunt
body shock creates a supersonic jet which impinges the body surface and causes high
heating rates.

Figure 1.7 HTV-2 Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (courtesy of DARPA).

These two examples indicate the importance of flow control of high-speed

vehicles. Recent reviews of flow control methods are presented, for example, by
Gad-El-Hak (2007) and Cattafesta and Sheplak (2011).

1.2 Overview of the Book

The purpose of this book is to describe in detail a relatively new methodology

for flow control – energy deposition by DC, laser, and microwave discharge. In
1.2 Overview of the Book 5

Figure 1.8 HTV-2 flight profile (courtesy of DARPA).

this context, flow control indicates modification of the flowfield in the vicinity
of an aerospace vehicle by energy deposition. The book is organized as follows.
Chapter 2 presents the fundamental equations governing energy deposition in a
gas. Chapter 3 provides a background in statistical mechanics, and the develop-
ment of the equations of continuum gas dynamics therefrom. Chapter 4 describes
the dynamics and kinetics of charged particles. Chapters 5 through 7 provide a
background for DC, microwave, and laser discharge. Chapter 8 presents models
of energy deposition in an ideal gas. Chapter 9 describes applications of energy
deposition for flow control.
2 Fundamental Equations

Every department of deductive science must necessarily be founded on certain

postulates which are regarded as fundamental. Frequently these fundamental
postulates are so closely related to experiment that their acceptance follows
directly upon the acceptance of the experiments upon which they are based, as,
for example, the inverse-square law of electrical attraction. In other cases the
primary postulates are not so directly obvious from experiment, but owe their
acceptance to the fact that conclusions drawn from them, often by long chains
of reasoning, agree with experiment in all of the tests which have been made.
The second law of thermodynamics is representative of this type.

Pauling and Wilson (1935)

2.1 Overview

Energy deposition for flow control encompasses a wide range of physical phe-
nomena extending from quantum mechanics to continuum fluid dynamics and
electromagnetics. The sheer complexity of the problem has led to the develop-
ment and application of a wide variety of simplified models for various elements.
It is not sufficient, however, to utilize such simplified models without understand-
ing the basic assumptions that have led to their development.
Simplified models of energy deposition for flow control are achieved by two
methods – mathematical deduction and heuristic reasoning. Mathematical de-
duction is the process of developing a simpler model from a more complex one by
a series of logical mathematical operations. It begins with a fundamental model
which is taken to be a postulate – a mathematical statement taken without proof.
Heuristic reasoning1 is the inclusion of an idea within a simplified model which
is not derived by logical mathematical operations from a fundamental model.
From the standpoint of fundamental postulates (and the simplified models
derived by logical mathematical reasoning from them), energy deposition for
flow control is based upon the following foundations:
2.2 Conservation of Mass 7

• conservation of mass;
• conservation of momentum;
• conservation of energy (the First Law of Thermodynamics);
• the Second Law of Thermodynamics;
• Maxwell’s equations to describe the electromagnetic waves;
• Schrödinger’s equation to describe quantum mechanics;
• Liouville’s equation to describe the statistics of dilute gases.

Therefore, in order to understand simplified models of energy deposition for flow

control, we must first describe the foundations upon which all such models rest.

2.2 Conservation of Mass

The exact origin of the law of conservation of mass2 is obscure. The pre-Socratic
philosopher Empedocles (Fig. 2.1; c. 490–430 BC) wrote (Kirk et al. 1983):

For it is impossible for anything to come to be from what is not,

and it cannot be brought about or heard of that what is should
be utterly destroyed.

A similar concept was expressed by the Persian Muslim scholar Nası̄r al-Dı̄n Tūsı̄
(Fig. 2.2; 5 Esfand 579–11 Tir 653)3 (Alakbarli 2001):

A body of matter cannot disappear completely. It only changes

its form, condition, composition, color and other properties and
turns into a different complex or elementary matter.

Figure 2.1 Empedocles (photo by Stock

Figure 2.2 Nası̄r al-Dı̄n Tūsı̄.
Montage/Getty Images).

The Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (Fig. 2.3; 1711–1765)

performed experiments to examine the effect of heat on the mass of metals:
8 Fundamental Equations

Today I made an experiment in hermetic glass vessels in order to

determine whether the mass of metals increases from the action
of pure heat. The experiments – of which I append the record
in 13 pages – demonstrated that the famous Robert Boyle was
deluded, for without access of air from outside the mass of the
burnt metal remains the same.

The French amateur chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (Fig. 2.4; 1743–1794)

confirmed quantitatively the conservation of mass “Rien ne se perd, rien ne se
crée, tout se transforme”4 (Lavoisier 1789).

Figure 2.3 Mikhail Lomonosov (photo by Figure 2.4 Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier

Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty (photo by Michael Nicholson/Corbis via
Images). Getty Images).

2.3 Conservation of Momentum

The Persian polymath Pūr Sı̄nā5 (Fig. 2.5;

1 Shahrivar 359–31 Khordad 416)6 proposed
that the motion of a projectile was the con-
sequence of an impulse imparted to the pro-
jectile by the thrower, and that such motion
would not cease in a vacuum, but would be
dissipated by external forces such as air re-
sistance (Sı̄nā 1027).
The French priest Jean Buridan (c. 1295 –
c. 1358) postulated that the motion of an ob-
ject is maintained by a property of the object Figure 2.5 Pūr Sı̄nā (photo by
which it receives when it is set into motion. DeAgostini/Getty Images).
He denoted this property impetus, which is
similar to the concept of momentum. He further proposed that the impetus was
a monotonic function of the speed of the object and its quantity of matter.
2.4 Conservation of Energy 9

The English mathematician John Wallis (Fig. 2.6; 1616–1703) also conceived
the notion of conservation of motion of an object in the absence of external
forces. In Mechanica sive De Motu, Tractatus Geometricus he wrote “The initial
state of the body, either of rest or of motion, will persist.”
Sir Isaac Newton (Fig. 2.7; 1642–1727) proposed three fundamental laws of
mechanics in Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Prin-
ciples of Natural Philosophy) (Newton 1687). Newton’s First Law (the Law of
Inertia) states that, in the absence of a net external force, an object at rest
remains at rest and an object in uniform motion remains in uniform motion as
observed in an inertial frame of reference. Newton’s Second Law (the Conser-
vation of Momentum) states that the time rate of change of momentum of an
object (defined as the product of its mass and velocity as viewed in an inertial
frame of reference) is equal to the net external force on the object. Newton’s
Third Law (the Law of Reactions) states that the force of object A on object B
is equal and opposite to the force of object B on object A.

Figure 2.7 Isaac Newton (photo by

Figure 2.6 John Wallis (photo by Hulton
Archive/Getty Images).

2.4 Conservation of Energy

The German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

(Fig. 2.8; 1646–1716) proposed the concept of conservation of mechanical en-
ergy. Given a system of n individual masses mi each with speed ci , a quantity
Pi=n 2
denoted V vis viva (living force) was conserved V = i=1 mi ci . This is now
recognized as twice the mechanical energy of the system. The English physicist
James Prescott Joule (Fig. 2.9; 1818–1889) proposed the mechanical equivalent
of heat in a series of experiments (Joule 1843). The English physical scientist Sir
William Robert Grove (Fig. 2.10; 1811–1896) anticipated the general concept
of conservation of energy (Grove 1846). The German physicist Hermann von
Helmholtz (Fig. 2.11; 1821–1894) postulated a unified concept of conservation
10 Fundamental Equations

of energy in the framework of mechanics, heat, light, electricity, and magnetism

(von Helmholtz 1847). The principle of the conservation of energy is often de-
noted the First Law of Thermodynamics.

Figure 2.8 Gottfried von Leibniz (photo Figure 2.9 James Joule (photo by
by Culture Club/Getty Images). Rischgitz/Getty Images).

Figure 2.10 William Grove (photo by Figure 2.11 Hermann von Helmholtz
Kean Collection/Getty Images). (photo by c CORBIS/Corbis via Getty

2.5 Second Law of Thermodynamics

The origins of the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be traced to the French
military engineer and physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (Fig. 2.12; 1796–
1832). He presented the theory of the maximum efficiency of heat engines later
known as the Carnot cycle.7 The German physicist and mathematician Rudolf
Clausius (Fig. 2.13; 1822–1888) first postulated the basic concept of the Second
Law of Thermodynamics in 1850. In 1854 he summarized the concept by stating
“Heat can never pass from a colder to a warmer body without some other change,
connected therewith, occurring at the same time” (Clausius 1854).
2.5 Second Law of Thermodynamics 11

Figure 2.12 Sadi Carnot (photo by

Figure 2.13 Rudolf Clausius (photo by
Universal History Archive/UIG via
Bettman/Getty Images).
Getty Images).

Figure 2.14 Lord Kelvin (photo by Figure 2.15 Max Planck (photo by
Apic/Getty Images). Imagno/Getty Images).

Lord Kelvin (William Thompson, 1824–1907; Fig. 2.14) postulated an equiv-

alent statement: “It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to
derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the
temperature of the coldest of the surrounding objects” (Thompson 1851). In
1862 Clausius postulated the inequality δQ for a cyclic system.8 It states
T ≤ 0
that the cyclic integral of the heat δQ added to the system at temperature T
is never positive, and furthermore is zero only if the process is internally re-
versible. Clausius defined the entropy of a system as a state variable9 according
to dS = dQ T where the change in entropy of the system dS is equal to the
int rev
quantity dQ/T for an internally reversible process. Max Planck (Fig. 2.15; 1858–
1947) offered an equivalent statement of the Second Law as “It is impossible to
construct an engine which will work in a complete cycle, and produce no effect
except the raising of a weight and cooling of a heat reservoir” (Planck 1926).
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Title: The Red Vineyard

Author: B. J. Murdoch

Release date: May 13, 2022 [eBook #68063]

Language: English

Original publication: United States: The Torch Press, 1923

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Rev. B. J. Murdoch


Copyright 1923 by
Flora Warren Seymour

To the memory of all those men
With whom I walked up and down
The ways of The Red Vineyard;
But especially to the memory of those
Who stopped in the journey, and now
Rest softly in their little green bivouacs
In the shadow of the small white crosses,
This book is affectionately dedicated by their
Friend and Comrade

The Author
Chapter I—A Little Speculation 11
Chapter II—The Bishop Writes 13
Chapter III—A Little Adjusting 16
Chapter IV—The Portable Altar 19
Chapter V—In Training Camp 21
Chapter VI—Mass out of doors 24
Chapter VII—A Little Indignation 26
Chapter VIII—We Break Camp 28
Chapter IX—The Panel of Silk 32
Chapter X—Movement Orders 33
Chapter XI—The High Seas 35
Chapter XII—By Ireland 37
Chapter XIII—England 38
Chapter XIV—In Camp 39
Chapter XV—The Cenacle 41
Chapter XVI—The Battalion is Broken Up 44
Chapter XVII—The Little Spaniard 46
Chapter XVIII—The Garrison Church Hut 48
Chapter XIX—The New Sacrifice 50
Chapter XX—Through English Lanes 54
Chapter XXI—At Parkminster 56
Chapter XXII—Orders for France 60
Chapter XXIII—At No. 2 Canadian Infantry Base Depot 62
Chapter XXIV—The New Zealanders 65
Chapter XXV—The Workers 67
Chapter XXVI—Orders Again 69
Chapter XXVII—Hospitals and Trains 70
Chapter XXVIII—D I’s and S I’s 75
Chapter XXIX—Down The Hospital Aisle 77
Chapter XXX—The Two Brothers 80
Chapter XXXI—An Unexpected Turning 82
Chapter XXXII—Private Belair 86
Chapter XXXIII—A Little Nonsense 89
Chapter XXXIV—Transfusion 93
Chapter XXXV—The Ministering Angels 95
Chapter XXXVI—More Orders 97
Chapter XXXVII—Held for Orders 100
Chapter XXXVIII—The Front at Last 103
Chapter XXXIX—A Strafe and a Quartet 106
Chapter XL—The Valley of the Dead 110
Chapter XLI—New Friends 115
Chapter XLII—A Little Burlap Room 118
Chapter XLIII—Christmas at the Front 120
Chapter XLIV—Back to Rest 123
Chapter XLV—Bruay 129
Chapter XLVI—Fosse-Dix 132
Chapter XLVII—The Little Curé of Fosse-Dix 136
Chapter XLVIII—Into the Line 139
Chapter XLIX—Called Up 142
Chapter L—Bully Les Mines 144
Chapter LI—The One That Was Lost 146
Chapter LII—A Vague Unrest 151
Chapter LIII—The Great Offensive 153
Chapter LIV—Agnez-lez-Duisans 158
Chapter LV—The Refugees 162
Chapter LVI—Arras 164
Chapter LVII—Easter Sunday 166
Chapter LVIII—The Ronville Caves 168
Chapter LIX—The Banquet Hall 171
Chapter LX—The Sheehans 178
Chapter LXI—Ecoivres 181
Chapter LXII—Ecurie Wood 188
Chapter LXIII—The Different Dispensers 192
Chapter LXIV—Incapacitated 195
Chapter LXV—Anzin and Monchy Breton 197
Chapter LXVI—A New Sheep 200
Chapter LXVII—Notre Dame D’Ardennes 203
Chapter LXVIII—The Procession 207
Chapter LXIX—On Leave 211
Chapter LXX—St. Michael’s Club 212
Chapter LXXI—Parkminster Again 215
Chapter LXXII—Another Surprise 217
Chapter LXXIII—Back to the Battalion 219
Chapter LXXIV—No Man’s Land Again 222
Chapter LXXV—No Man’s Land 227
Chapter LXXVI—Cambligneul 229
Chapter LXXVII—A New Front 232
Chapter LXXVIII—Boves 237
Chapter LXXIX—The Battle of Amiens 242
Chapter LXXX—At the Wayside 244
Chapter LXXXI—In an Apple Orchard 246
Chapter LXXXII—A Strange Interruption 249
Chapter LXXXIII—Boves Again 252
Chapter LXXXIV—The Battle of Arras 258
Chapter LXXXV—Berneville Again 263
Chapter LXXXVI—Letters of Sympathy 266
Chapter LXXXVII—A Little Bit of Shamrock 269
Chapter LXXXVIII—Left Behind 277
Chapter LXXXIX—With the Fourteenth 280
Chapter XC—Telegraph Hill 282
Chapter XCI—Canal du Nord 283
Chapter XCII—The Most Terrible Day 287
Chapter XCIII—In Reserve 293
Chapter XCIV—Frequent Moves 295
Chapter XCV—Somaine 297
Chapter XCVI—The End Draws Near 300
Chapter XCVII—November Eleventh 303
Chapter XCVIII—Through Belgium 305
Chapter XCIX—Through the Rhineland 309
Chapter C—L’Envoi 312
Chapter I
A Little Speculation

“I’ll give you just three nights in the front line trench before your hair
will turn grey,” said a brown haired priest, looking at me with a
slightly aggressive air.
I remained quiet.
“You’ll not be very long in the army till you’ll wish yourself out of it
again,” was the not very encouraging assertion of a tall, thin priest
who suffered intermittently from dyspeptic troubles.
Still I did not speak.
Another priest, whose work was oftener among old tomes than
among men, said slowly and, as was his wont, somewhat seriously,
that it surprised him very much to note my eagerness to go to war.
He did not consider it in keeping with the dignity of the priest to be so
belligerently inclined. Did I not recall that I was an ambassador of the
meek and lowly Christ—the Prince of Peace?
Had I obeyed the first impulse, I think my reply would have been
colored with a little asperity; but as I was weighing my words, a
gentle white-haired old priest, stout and with red cheeks, said to me
as he smiled kindly; “Ah, Father, you are to be envied. Think of all
the good you will be able to do for our poor boys! Think of the souls
you will usher up to the gates of heaven!”
He shook his head slowly from side to side two or three times, and
the smile on his kind old face gave place to a look of longing as he
continued, somewhat regretfully: “Ah, if I were a younger man I’d be
with you, Father. All we older men can do now is to pray, and you
may rest assured I shall remember you often—you and your men.”
I looked at the old priest gratefully. “Thank you, Father,” I said, and I
thought of Moses of old, with arms outstretched.
None of the other priests spoke for a while, and I gazed into the fire
of dry hardwood that murmured and purred so comfortably in the
large open fire-place, built of small field stones. I was thinking
earnestly and when the conversation was again resumed I took no
part in it. In fact, I did not follow it at all, for I was wondering, among
other things, if my hair would really turn grey after a few nights in the
front line trenches. However, I did not worry; for I concluded it would
be wiser to wait until I should arrive at the trenches, where I might
have the evidence of my senses.
I gave but a passing thought to the words of the good priest who was
a little dyspeptic. He had never been in the Army, and where was his
reason for assuming that I should not like the life? Of course, I did
not mind what the old priest, whose work was so often among old
books, had said about my being an ambassador of the Prince of
Peace. I felt that this priest had got his ideas a little mixed. Not very
long before I had heard him vent his outraged feelings when the
French government had called the priests of France to fight for the
Colors. He had been horrified. So I surmised that he imagined I had
voluntarily offered my services as a combatant. I had not.
The conversation continued, but I heeded it not. I was busy
meditating on the words of the saintly old priest with the red cheeks.
How well he understood, I thought. And the flames of the fire shot in
and out among the wood, purring pleasantly the while.
Chapter II
The Bishop Writes

Up to this time I did not have the Bishop’s consent. In fact, I cannot
remember having mentioned in his presence my desire to go to the
front with the soldiers as chaplain; but I had talked it over frequently
with priests, and it never occurred to me that the Bishop had not
heard of my wish, nor that he would not be in accord with it. But one
morning I received a letter from the Bishop telling me plainly and
firmly that he wished me to keep quiet, and not to talk so much about
going to the front until I should know whether or not I would be
permitted to go. He mentioned a recruiting meeting of a few nights
previous, at which I had offered my services as chaplain to the
battalion that was then being recruited in the diocese.
Perhaps I had been a little too outspoken at the meeting, but I had
considered myself quite justified in breaking silence, since it had
already come to pass that three ministers of different Protestant
denominations had offered themselves as chaplains to the battalion
which, though still in rather an embryonic state, gave promise of
being complete in a few months. I foresaw that it would be more than
half Catholic, as the population of the district from which it was being
recruited was three-fourths Catholic. So I offered myself generously,
not wishing to be outdone by the ministers, and then had sat down
feeling that I had done well.
The following morning, however, I was not quite so sure, for when I
read my words printed in the daily paper I felt just a little perturbed.
What would the Bishop think? I wondered. I had not long to wait
before I knew exactly what His Lordship thought. His letter told me
quite plainly.
I kept quiet. Keeping quiet, however, did not prevent me from
following with interest the activities of others. Almost every evening
recruiting meetings were held in different places throughout the
diocese, at which old men spoke and orchestras played, and
sometimes a young boy would step dance. But, most important of all,
many young men enlisted. They came in great numbers, the
Catholics far in the majority. Then, one morning early in the spring,
the paper announced that the battalion had been recruited to full
strength. The different companies would stay in the town till the
following June, when the battalion would go into camp to train as a
That evening a letter came from the officer in command, saying that
as eighty per cent of his men were Catholics he had decided to take
a Roman Catholic chaplain, and that he intended going to see the
Bishop that evening.
A few days later another letter came from the Bishop saying that he
had been asked for a Catholic chaplain, and as he remembered that
I had seemed very eager to go with the men, he was glad to say that
he was giving me permission to go. He had decided this, he added,
on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of Our Lady.
“The Seven Dolors,” I said to myself quietly, two or three times. Then
I fell to wishing that the Bishop had made his decision on some other
feast of Our Lady. I remember now, as I stood in the quiet little room
with the letter in my hand, recalling the words of the priest—that he
would not give me three nights in the front line trenches before my
hair would turn grey. But this thought did not bother me very long, for
I began to think of something else, and as I did the letter trembled a
little with the hand that held it. “Perhaps I am not coming back,” I
said to myself. Then I repeated: “The Feast of the Seven Dolors! The
Feast of the Seven Dolors!”
Chapter III
A Little Adjusting

During the next seven or eight days from all sides I heard one
question asked by young and old: “When are you going to put on the
uniform, Father?” Little children to whom I had taught catechism
rushed around corners or panted up narrow streets of the little town
where I was stationed and smilingly asked me. Their fathers and
mothers, after saying good-morning, remarked pleasantly, as an
afterthought: “I suppose we’ll soon be seeing you in the khaki,
Father?” They seemed to anticipate real pleasure in seeing me
decked in full regimentals. But the more I had evidence of this
seemingly pleasant anticipation, the less inclined I felt to appear
publicly in my chaplain’s uniform. When the time came for a last
fitting at the tailor’s, I found other duties to claim my attention, until a
polite little note from the proprietor of the establishment informed me
that my presence was requested for a last fitting of my uniform.
Then one morning, when the spring birds that had returned were
singing merrily among the trees with not the slightest thought as to
their raiment, and when bursting buds were making the trees
beautiful in their eagerness to drape them with bright green robes, I
appeared on the public streets of the quiet little town clad in full
I had chosen an early hour for my public appearance, thinking that
my ordeal would not be so trying.
Since that morning I have had many exciting experiences, up and
down the ways of war; I have witnessed many impressive scenes,
beautiful, terrible, and horrible, but these events have by no means
obliterated from the tablets of my memory the events of that
morning. Nothing particular happened until I had descended the hill
and turned the first corner to the right in the direction of the town

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