Prof Ed 105 Midterm Exam

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Prof Ed 105 - Midterm Exam

Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education (Pangasinan State University)

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Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education Mid-Term

1.The best learning occurs when students are presented with a
problem themselves and must think through and act on like the
experts. Problems must be realistic and relevant to the situation.
(1 Point)
a. Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development
b. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
c. Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
d. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning Theory
2.What does UNESCO stands for?
(1 Point)
a. United Nations Essentials, Science, and Culture’s Organization
b. United Nations Education For All Organization
c. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
d. United Nations Electronic Systems and Culture’s Organization
3.The legal basis that states the rights of all citizens to quality
education is found in ________.
(1 Point)
a. The 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. The UNESCO Salamanca Statement (1994)
c. UN conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989)
d. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
4.It is the provision of equal treatment, access, and opportunity to
resources and opportunities. Essentially, everyone gets the same
thing, regardless of where they come from or what needs they might
(1 Point)
a. Equity
b. Equality
c. Effectiveness
d. Efficiency
5.This is the Protection of Indigenous Culture, Traditions and
(1 Point)

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a. RA 8371
b. RA 8731
c. RA 9442
d. RA 7277
6.What is/are the conception/s about Inclusive Education?

I. Children must be ready to be included

II. All children have the right to be with other children their own age.

III. Separate is better for Children with and without disabilities as well
as parents don’t support

IV. Whether children are separated based on race, ability, or any other
characteristic, a separate education is not an equal education.
(1 Point)
a. I and III
b. II and IV
c. I only
d. IV only
7.It means a deterioration in the functioning of a body part, organ, or
system that can be temporary or permanent and can result from injury
or disease.
(1 Point)
a. Disability
b. Impairment
c. Activity Limitation
d. Participation Restriction
8.A learner has difficulty with interpreting what the eye sees (different
from the visual impairment). What specific learning disability is this?
(1 Point)
a. Dyscalculia
b. Dysgraphia
c. Visual processing issues
d. Visual processing order
9.Which of the following statements best define Inclusive Education?

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(1 Point)
a. Inclusive Education and Special Education are the same.
b. Inclusive Education means different and diverse students learn in the same
c. Inclusive Education is the practice of educating Students in a way that addresses
their individual and special needs.
d. Inclusive Education are special classes for students with exceptionalities
10.In this stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development, hands on activities
should be facilitated at this time.
(1 Point)
a. Sensorimotor Stage
b. Preoperational Stage
c. Concrete Operational Stage
d. Formal Operational Stage
11.A learner cannot distinguish letters and numbers and thus having a
difficulty in his subjects. He is an example of a learner with
(1 Point)
a. Intellectual Disability
b. Global Developmental Delay
c. Learning Disability
d. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
12.The main objective of _________ is to contribute to peace and
security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations
through education, science, culture and communication in order to
enhance universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the
human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the
people of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or
religion, by the Charter of the UN.
(1 Point)
a. UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
b. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
c. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
d. UN conventions on the Rights of the Child
13.What does EAHCA stand for?
(1 Point)

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a. Education for All Handicapped Children Act

b. Educational Act of Handicapped Children for All
c. Education for Abilities of Handicapped Children’s Act
d. Educational Act for Handicapped Children Association
14.It is the cognitive process of fitting new information into existing
cognitive schemas, perceptions, and understanding.
(1 Point)
a. Adaptation through assimilation
b. Adaptation through accommodation
c. Schemas
d. Knowledge
15.An example of this theory is “Cooperative internships allow students
to be immersed in the workplace”.
(1 Point)
a. Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development
b. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
c. Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
d. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning Theory
16.A learner has difficulty in doing math problems, understanding time
and money, and remembering facts. What specific learning disability is
(1 Point)
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyspraxia
17.A learner has difficulty with hand-eye coordination, balance, and
fine motor skills. What specific learning disability is this?
(1 Point)
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyspraxia
18.School opening will not necessarily mean traditional face-to-face
learning in the classroom. The physical opening will depend on the risk

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severity grading or classification of a certain community pursuant to

guidelines from the Department of Health (DOH), the Inter-Agency
Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases
in the Philippines, and the Office of the President (OP). This is an
example of what Inclusive Program in our country?
(1 Point)
a. K to 12 Program
b. Multigrade Program
c. Alternative Learning Modalities
d. Alternative Learning System
19.Which of the following group is correct?
(1 Point)
a. Disability, Impairment, Participation restrictions
b. Impairment, Disability, Activity Limitation
c. Impairment, Activity limitation, Participation restrictions
d. Impairment, Auditory issues, Activity limitation
20.In the IDEA act, what does IEP stand for?
(1 Point)
a. Individualized Education Program
b. Individuals Education Program
c. Individualized Educational Program
d. Individuals Educational Program
21.The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV Section 1 states that
The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all. This section gives emphasis on ______.

I. The right of all citizens to quality education

II. The protection of all the citizens

III. The promotion of all the citizens

IV. The education should be accessible to all

(1 Point)
a. I and II
b. II and III

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c. I and IV
d. I only
22.A learner has difficulty with interpreting what the ear hears
(different from the hearing impairment). What specific learning
disability is this?
(1 Point)
a. Dyscalculia
b. Dysgraphia
c. Dyspraxia
d. Auditory processing order
23.What is the best idea of inclusive education?
(1 Point)
a. special education students can be in regular education schools and
b. special education students cannot be in regular education schools and
c. segregated special education students can be in regular education schools and
not segregated
d. all of the above
24.In Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, it involves real or
fictional characters displaying behaviors in books, films, television
programs, or online media.
(1 Point)
a. Live Model
b. Mental States
c. Verbal Instructional Model
d. Symbolic Model
25.Which of the following is the best explanation of Inclusive

I. It reinforces the practice of the idea that differences are accepted

and respected.

II. It happens when children with disabilities participate and learn

together in the same class.

III. It is an approach of the government to implement Special Education

for Children with special needs.

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IV. It is concerned with providing appropriate responses to the broad

spectrum of learning and needs in formal and non-formal educational
(1 Point)
a.I only
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I and IV
26.This law set the minimum age of criminal liability at 15 years old.
This means that those between 15 to 18 years old may be detained in
youth centers and go through rehabilitation programs.
(1 Point)
a. RA 8371
b. RA 9344
c. RA 7277
d. RA 9442
27.What does IDEA stand for?
(1 Point)
a. Internal Disability Education Act
b. International Disability Education Act
c. Intervention of Disabilities Education Act
d. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
28.It is the provision of personalized resources needed for all
individuals to reach common goals. In other words, the goals and
expectations are the same for all students, but the supports needed to
achieve those goals depends on the students’ needs.
(1 Point)
a. Equity
b. Equality
c. Effectiveness
d. Efficiency
29.A learner has difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, and speaking.
What specific learning disability is this?
(1 Point)
a. Dyslexia

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b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyspraxia
30.Both of these notable psychologists thought learning as what leads
to the development of higher order thinking.
(1 Point)
a. Piaget and Lave
b. Bandura and Lave
c. Bandura and Piaget
d. Piaget and Vygotsky
31.In this theory, students will learn more when they receive guidance
from someone.
(1 Point)
a. Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development
b. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
c. Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
d. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning Theory
32.What does FAPE stand for?
(1 Point)
a. Free and Appropriate Public Education
b. Free and Appropriate Private Education
c. Free and Approved Public Education
d. Free and Applied Public Education
33.Jess has difficulty in doing certain activities because of his hearing
(1 Point)
a. Disability
b. Impairment
c. Activity Limitation
d. Participation Restriction
34.Which of the following is the umbrella term covering impairments,
activity limitations, and participation restriction.
(1 Point)
a. Disability

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b. Impairment
c. Activity Limitation
d. Participation Restriction
35.This inclusive program is a parallel learning system in the
Philippines that provides opportunities for out-of-school youth and
adult learners to develop basic and functional literacy skills, and to
access equivalent pathways to complete basic education.
(1 Point)
a. K to 12 Program
b. Alternative Learning Modalities
c. Multigrade Program
d. Alternative Learning System
36.Which of the following statements is/are about special and inclusive

I. Special education and inclusive education are the same.

II. Special education means different and diverse students learning side
by side in the same classroom.

III. Inclusive education means different and diverse students learning

side by side in the same classroom.

IV. Special education is the practice of educating students in a way that

addresses their individual differences and needs.
(1 Point)
a. I only
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and IV
37.In this theory, the teacher should model positive behaviors on
himself or herself.
(1 Point)
a. Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development
b. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
c. Lev Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development Theory
d. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning Theory

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38.It is a physical or mental condition that limits a person movements,

senses, or activities.
(1 Point)
a. Impairment
b. Disability
c. Syndrome
d. Health Condition
39."The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make
such education accessible to all", this was stated in _____.
(1 Point)
a. Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines
b. Articles 356 and 259 of Commonwealth Act No. 3203
c. Presidential Decree No. 603
d. Batas Pambansa Bilang 344
40.What does EFA stand for?
(1 Point)
a. Education For All
b. Essential For All
c. Education For ASEAN
d. Enthusiasm For All
41.In this stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development, teachers should try
to teach broad concepts, rather than just facts.
(1 Point)
a. Sensorimotor Stage
b. Preoperational Stage
c. Concrete Operational Stage
d. Formal Operational Stage
42.The legal basis that sets out children’s rights in respect of freedom
from discrimination and in respect of the representation of their wishes
and views is found in _______.
(1 Point)
a. The 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. The UNESCO Salamanca Statement (1994)
c. UN conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989)

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d. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)

43.Which of the following is NOT a feature of scaffolding?
(1 Point)
a. The interaction between the learner and the expert also called MKO (More
Knowledgeable Other) takes place. The interaction should be collaborative for it to be
b. It should take place in the learner’s zone of proximal development (ZPD). The
expert should be aware of the learner’s current level of knowledge.
c. The support and guidance provided by the expert is gradually removed as the
learner becomes more proficient. As the ability of learner’s increased, the amount of
needed help is decreased.
d. It is based on sociocultural theory, a social process.
44.Which of the following is true about Inclusive Education?

I. Inclusive schools give emphasis on special education.

II. The school is restructured so that all abled students learn together.

III. Inclusive Education aims to enable both teachers and learners to

feel comfortable with diversity.

IV. Inclusive schools no longer distinguish between “general education”

and “special education” programs.
(1 Point)
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and IV
45.According to this convention, children are not just objects who
belong to their parents and for whom decisions are made, or adults in
training. Rather, they are human beings and individuals with their own
(1 Point)
a. The 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. The UNESCO Salamanca Statement (1994)
c. UN conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989)
d. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)

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46.A learner has difficulty with handwriting, spelling, and/or organizing

ideas. What specific learning disability is this?
(1 Point)
a. Dyslexia
b. Dyscalculia
c. Dysgraphia
d. Dyspraxia
47.Which is a PURPOSE of the IDEA-US?
(1 Point)
a. To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free
appropriate public education.
b. To ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children
are protected.
c. To assist States in the implementation of a statewide, comprehensive,
coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system of early intervention services for
infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
d. All of the above
48.Which of the following is NOT an influence of Psychology in the
Modern Education?
(1 Point)
a. Psychology deals with the total behaviour pattern of man.
b. Modern education is child-centric, that is why psychology studies the nature and
behaviour of the child in different facets.
c. Child centricism is the direct effect of psychology on education.
d. Psychology deals with a teacher-centered approach
49.Irene has a sound mind but finds it difficult to play because of her
muscular disease. It means that Irene has a/an___________.
(1 Point)
a. Disability
b. Impairment
c. Activity Limitation
d. Participation Restriction
50.An act designed to protect the rights of students with disability by
ensuring that everyone receives a free appropriate public education is
called __________.
(1 Point)
a. ADA

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d. Rehabilitation Act
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1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B

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