Particle Filter Tutorial

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A Tutorial on Simple Particle Filters

Michael A. Goodrich October 2, 2006


Bayes rule is a very powerful tool for doing inference under conditions of uncertainty. In robotics, perhaps the most frequent use of Bayes rule is to translate sensor readings into a map of the environment. Since the sensor readings are noisy, it is desirable to use Bayes rule to accumulate enough noisy measurements to localize obstacles in the world. In this tutorial, Ill try to prepare you to use Bayes rule in the class lab to localize the corners of obstacles.

The Bayes Filter

For a robot, it is undesirable to wait until it has gathered a bunch of sensor readings before it applies Bayes rule to give it a clue about the environment. Since robots are usually made to move, it is a good idea to use the information as it comes in to incrementally improve our understanding of the environment. In this section, well discuss the general form of doing this.


A Simple Example of Sequential Estimation

Sequential estimation is the process of incrementally improving our understanding as data is gathered. The Bayes lter is a powerful tool for performing sequential estimation. Before we discuss the details of the Bayes lter, it might be helpful to see an easy-to-understand example of sequential estimation. Suppose that we know that some physical process is described by a random variable, but that we arent sure what this random variable looks like. The rst piece of information that we want is the mean of this random variable. If we had the pdf for this random variable, pX (x) we could directly compute the mean as = xpX (x)dx.

If we dont have the pdf, we can estimate the mean by collecting samples of the process. Suppose that we have n samples represented by the set

{x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }. The sample mean is given by m= 1 n


xi .

The problem with this is that we have to wait until all n samples are collected before we can use the information. The trick is to come up with a dierence equation that allows us to incrementally improve the estimate as data becomes available. Naturally, if we only have one sample, then this is our best guess of the mean. So, m1 = x1 . We can write mk as any partial sum mk = 1 k

xi .

Our goal is to write this as some function of xk and mk1 . We can do this as follows: mk = 1 k

i=1 k1

1 1 xk + k k

i=1 k1

1 1k1 xk + k kk1

i=1 k1

= =

1 k1 1 xk + k k k1 1 k1 xk + mk1 . k k


This is the sequential estimate of the mean of a random variable. Problem 1: Generate a MATLAB script that plots the sequential estimate for a series of samples generated from a gaussian distribution and compare it to the (non-sequential) sample mean: x = randn(100,1) m=zeros(100,1); m(1,1) = x(1,1); for (i=2:100) m(i,1) = 1/i*x(i,1) + (i-1)/i*m(i-1,1); end; plot(m); set(line([1,100],[mean(x),mean(x)]),color,m);


State Space

Another form of sequential estimation is to sequentially estimate posterior distributions as actions are taken and as observations are made. If we let xk denote the state at time k, ak denote the action taken at time k, and zk denote the observation made at time k, then we can use models for how actions produce consequences and how states are observed to improve our estimates. 2.2.1 State Update Without Noise

For example, consider Newtons laws of motion in a line. Let x denote the position and velocity of an object moving along this line, x= p p

where p denotes position and where p = dp denotes velocity. Consider Newtons dt laws of motion under constant acceleration. p(T ) p(T )

1 = p(0) + T p(0) + p(0)T 2 2 = p(0) + T p(0)

p where p = d 2 denotes acceleration. Assume that force is the control that we dt get to apply to this system, and that we hold force constant for T seconds at a time. Then, force = mass acceleration implies that p = F/m, and we can write a state update equation or motion model as


1 T 0 1

xk1 +

T2 2m T m


= Axk1 + BFk , where A is the corresponding 2 2 matrix and B is the corresponding 2 2 matrix. To get to the form of equation with ak being the input at time k, we note that the action ak is force so ak = Fk . (Be careful to not confuse a for action with acceleration; Ive used the second time derivative of position to denote acceleration.) Thus, xk = Axk1 + Bak ,

Problem 2. In MATLAB, set F = sin(2*pi/30 * [1:100]). For 100 steps, compute xk given A and B above assuming that T = 0.1 and m = 5. Plot p versus p (which equal the rst and second rows of x, respectively). You should see a circle. Why? t=[1:1000]; a = 5*sin(2*pi*t/500); x=zeros(2,length(t)); x0 = [0;-8]; 3

T=0.1;m=5; A = [1 T;0 1]; B = [T*T/(2*m); T/m]; for (i=1:length(t)) if (i==1) x(:,i) = A*x0 + B*a(1,i); else x(:,i) = A*x(:,i-1) + B*a(1,i); end; end; plot(x(1,:),x(2,:));


State Update With Noise

Suppose that we modify the state update equation to include noise. xk = Axk1 + Bak + k , (1)

where k N (0, x ), meaning that is distributed according to a normal distribution with zero mean and co-variance matrix equal to x . Even though we began with a xed initial state, when we added noise, we found that xk can move all over the place. Our goal is to determine what will happen to the distribution of xk over time. Well consider four cases, beginning at the most simple and proceeding to the most complex. Case 1. In case 1, suppose that we know the initial x0 exactly and x = 0, meaning that there is no noise. As the state evolves according to Equation (1), what does the distribution of pX (xk ) look like? Since we know the exact initial state and since there is no noise, we know xk exactly which implies that we also know the distribution of xk exactly. Case 2. In case 2, we dont know x0 exactly. Rather, we just know that x0 pX (xk ). Suppose again that x = 0, meaning that there is no noise. As the state evolves according to Equation (1), what does the distribution of pX (xk ) look like? Since the variance in Equation (1) is zero, the shape of pX (xk ) is the same as the shape of pX (x0 ); the only dierence is that the mean of this distribution changes. Case 3. As in case 1, suppose that we know the initial x0 exactly, but unlike case 1 suppose that x = 0. What does the distribution of pX (xk ) look like? The mean of this distribution is always centered at xk , but the variance grows to innity. Why? Because noise keeps getting added in, and this noise accumulates until we really have no idea what the actual value of xk is. Case 4. As in case 2, suppose that we only know the initial distribution of x0 , and as in case 3 suppose that x = 0. What does the distribution of pX (xk ) look like? The mean of this distribution is always centered at some point which is a function of the mean of p(x0 ), but the variance grows to innity. Problem 3. In the code segment from problem 2, change x(:,i) = A*x(:,i-1) + B*a(1,i) to x(:,i) = A*x(:,i-1) + B*a(1,i) + .1*randn(2,1). 4

How is .1*randn(2,1) related to x ? Run the above code above several times (including noise) and describe what happens. Why does it happen? 2.2.3 Adding Observations

In general, we do not get to directly observe the state x. Instead, we get some partial and corrupted version of the state. For example, suppose that our goal is to estimate the position and velocity of a robot. Then x is a vector of this position and velocity. Suppose that the only sensor on the robot is a GPS unit. This unit will give a noisy estimate of the position and no information at all about velocity. We can model such a situation as follows: zk 1 0 xk + k 0 0 = Cxk + k =

where k N (0, z ). The matrix C is our observation matrix. Weve given it for the specic case of the GPS sensor, but it is easy to generalize it to more complicated sets of sensors. If we know xk exactly, how is zk distributed? It is distributed N (Cxk , z ) the mean is simply the transformed value of x. In a later lecture, well present an algorithm that uses Bayes rule to combine noisy observations and noisy state updates to allow us to determine how xk is distributed given that we know the initial distribution of x0 and that and are gaussian. The remainder of this tutorial is to present an algorithm that allows us to estimate this distribution using a digitized version of the probability density functions. Well begin by showing how we can apply Bayes rule to the problem.


Bayes Filter

Recall that Bayes rule gives us a way of estimating the posterior estimate of a state given a likelihood and a prior estimate. In general form, Bayes rule is given as p(zk |xk ) prior (2) p(xk |zk ) = p(zk ) It quickly gets to be a pain to track the fraction on the right of the equation. Since we can always normalize after our computations to make p(xk |zk ) into a pdf, we will drop this normalizer and write p(xk |zk ) = p(zk |xk ) prior where is the normalizer constant. The equation states that the posterior estimate of our state vector xk after we have observe zk is equal to the likelihood that a particular state generated the observation times the prior.

Recall that a sequential estimation problem is one where we begin with an initial guess of x0 and track it through a series of transitions xk xk+1 and a series of observations zk . Where do we get the prior estimate in a sequential estimation problem? The term prior in this context means our best guess of the distribution of xk before we get the observation zk . Our best guess should use all previous observations and our knowledge of what control actions we previously chose. Thus, our prior is given by prior = p(xk |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ). Note how this equation takes all previous observations (up to time k 1 and all applied actions to generate a guess what xk is without including the latest observation zk . We now introduce some new terminology which we borrow from [1]. Let bel(xk ) denote the prior distribution of the state. That is, bel(xk ) = p(xk |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ). Let bel(xk ) denote the posterior estimate of our state. Given this terminology, we can rewrite Bayes rule in Equation (2) as bel(xk ) = p(zk |xk )bel(xk ). If we can obtain a good formula for bel(xk ), then we can solve the above equation. This equation is known as the Measurement update equation it represents how observing zk changes our posterior into our prior. We will obtain this formula using as an intermediate step the joint distribution of xk and xk1 conditioned on all previous observations and previous controls. Recall that the marginal distribution can be obtained from the joint distribution by integrating out unneeded variables. Thus, bel(xk ) = p(xk |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ) = p(xk , xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 )dxk1 .

Well now factor this using the observation that p(A, B|C) = p(A|B, C)p(B|C) to get bel(xk ) = = p(xk , xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 )dxk1 p(xk |xk1 , zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ) p(xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 )dxk1 . Fortunately, we can simply this hideous equation. Consider the rst term on the right hand side. It is the conditional distribution of the current state xk given the previous state xk1 , all previous observations, and all controls. If we knew the previous state, than all previous observations are irrelevant (see Equation (1)); 6

the conditional distribution of the current state is conditionally independent of previous observations given the previous state. Additionally, knowing the previous state makes all but the current control ak irrelevant. (Recall that the current state depends on ak see Equation (1).) Thus, we can simplify p(xk |xk1 , zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ) = p(xk |xk1 , ak ). Similarly, p(xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ) does not depend on ak1 which means that p(xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak , ak1 , . . . , a0 ) = p(xk1 |zk1 , zk2 , . . . , z1 , ak1 , . . . , a0 ). But this ugly term on the right is simply bel(xk1 . Thus, bel(xk ) = p(xk |xk1 , ak )bel(xk1 )dxk1 .

We call this equation the Prediction update; it represents what we think the current state will be given our estimate of the previous state and what action we apply. To summarize, the Bayes lter combines the Prediction update with the Measurement update bel(xk ) bel(xk ) = p(xk |xk1 , ak )bel(xk1 )dxk1 (3) (4)

= p(zk |xk )bel(xk ).

Particle Filters

If the relationship between state updates and observations is linear (i.e., uses the matrices A, B, and C), and if the noises are gaussian, then Equations (3)-(4) can be solved in closed form. Well derive some of this later in the semester. Before we do so, we want to solve a harder problem using an approximate technique. The harder problem assumes that the noise is not gaussian and that the state update and observation are not linear. Thus, the problem we are trying to solve is xk zk = f (xk1 , ak1 ) + k = g(xk ) + k ,

where neither nor are gaussian. Ive run out or time. Ill nish this tutorial later. To compensate, Ill distribute section 4.3 from [1] in class. Ill also distribute a MATLAB example of using the particle lter.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Representation Prediction Measurement Resampling

[1] S. Thrun, W. Burgard, and D. Fox. Probabilistic Robotics. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2005.

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