18026-Article Text-63670-1-10-20231012
18026-Article Text-63670-1-10-20231012
18026-Article Text-63670-1-10-20231012
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Keywords: The aim of this research is to determine the impact that occurs on conveyor damage
Conveyor; during coal transshipment activities and to find out what efforts are being made and
Transhipment; to overcome the impact of damage at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur. This study used
Coal descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected through interviews, observation,
literature study and documentation. The results of the research show the impact that
occurred on conveyor damage during coal transshipment activities at PT. Pelindo
Teluk Bayur, namely all loading activities at the jetty stopped, then the
transshipment activity process at Teluk Bayur was hampered, and demurrage was
given by the buyer to PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur. Efforts to reduce the impact of
damage to the conveyor at the TCM jetty on coal transhipment activities in Muara
Berau anchorage at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur is by speeding up conveyor repairs at the
TCM jetty, diverting several barges that have arrived at the TCM jetty area to other
jetty areas, changing vessel schedules so that there is no accumulation of vessels at
Teluk Bayur and speeding up the loading of coal into vessels with the aim of not
prolonging demurrage given.
Conveyor as a horizontal, inclined, or vertical device for moving or transporting bulk materials,
packages, objects, or passengers on a path predetermined by the design of the device. Andrejiova, et al (2021)
explain that conveyors are a means of transportation that is often used in mining, coal, ports, power plants to
transport goods with large capacities on an ongoing basis. Erwin (2017) states that the conveyor machine is
one of the most widely used raw material transportation tools. Apart from the very long distances, this tool
also has quite a large transport capacity, such as in fertilizer, coal and cement factories. This tool can transport
material. bulk from small lumps to medium lumps such as coal. In general, a conveyor is a mechanical system
that has the function of moving loads from one place to the desired place. Conveyors have main components,
namely belts which act as traction (pulling), emittance (transmitting power) and motion, as well as supporting
material loads. Conveyor belts represent an important component in the practical transportation of materials,
it is necessary to monitor and understand the operating periods that may cause damage (Grincova, et al,
2019). Belt conveyor is one of the conveyor systems used in transporting coal and has efficient speed, long
transportation distance, low energy consumption, safe operation and simple maintenance. This conveyor belt
is mainly used to carry coal from the extraction location to the location of consumption as well as further
Received 13 Mach 2023; Received in revised form 15 March 2023 year; Accepted 16 March 2023
Available online 17 April 2023 / © 2023 The Authors. Published by Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
Jutin : Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi, 2023, 6(1), Pages 365-368
processing or storage. The life of a conveyor belt depends on the type of material being transported, the
specifics of the transport point and the length and age of the conveyor. This tool works continuously,
transporting material from the tail pulley to the head pulley. During belt conveyor operation, the belt passes
over two pulleys to change its running direction. Between the pulleys, along its entire length, the belt is
supported by a set of idlers. Above the conveyor belt, there is a foot chute, the arrangement and shape of
which guarantees the correct arrangement of the material discharged on the conveyor belt and prevents it
from spilling out of the belt area. The belt is the most important element in installing a conveyor belt and is
the most expensive component of the conveyor. It is estimated that the cost is around 60% of the total cost of
the conveyor. Important material properties and technological parameters of conveyor belts are contact force
and dynamic resistance. It plays a very important role in construction and operation. Therefore, the conveyor
belt must be selected very carefully. Thus, diagnosing the impact of conveyor belt damage is the most
important thing because conveyor belt damage results in costs not only related to repairs, but also related to
forced downtime in coal transshipment activities. Irwandy (2014) states that coal is a dark brown, easy-to-burn
rock that is obtained when land and water plants accumulate and become embedded throughout geographic
ages, which are transmitted by heat and pressure. According to Grinova, et al (2019), conveyor belt damage
generally occurs as a result of a number of factors. The most basic damage results from insufficient puncture
resistance of the conveyor belt which does not match the belt structure, the wrong support system is selected,
the wrong channel structure, and especially from a fall height that is too high so that it is unable to absorb the
impact energy. The main factors that cause conveyor damage according to Fedorko , et al (2013), are: 1)
Improper conveyor construction. 2) Inappropriate support system. 3) Poor solution of launch and carriage. 4)
Ignoring the special properties of the materials being transported. 5) Inadequate maintenance. 6) Monitoring
device failure Transshipment is the activity of moving goods or cargo carried out in the middle of the sea from
ship to ship (ship to ship). Tiworo, et al (2021) explain that transshipment is a coal loading and unloading
process that is carried out or carried out offshore using an intermediary in the loading. And also transshipment
can also be interpreted as cargo that will be continued from another region to another region, as for
supporting activities. Transshipment: With the cargo (Cargo); Loading port; Tugboats and barges; Floating
cranes; Movement (ShiftingPermit); MV (Mother Vessel). The aim of this research is to determine the impact
that occurs on conveyor damage during coal transshipment activities and to find out what efforts are being
made and to overcome the impact of damage at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative (Sugiyono, 2018). The research was carried
out in order to search for and collect data in order to get a picture of the impact of conveyor damage on coal
transshipment activities at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur. Therefore, researchers use a qualitative descriptive
method that describes the object under study. The research was carried out at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur,
Padang City, West Sumatera for approximately 12 months. Data collection was carried out by direct
observation at the TCM jetty and the object of research was conveyor damage. This is intended to obtain as
much data as possible regarding conveyor damage. Then hold discussions or interviews with Fleet
Management, Cargo Handling, Shipper Representative to obtain data on conveyor damage and data on the
implementation of standard operational procedures (SOP). Data was also obtained from various literature,
including instruction manuals, SOPs for running conveyors and related articles. By collecting valid data, it will
easily help in the data processing process so that problem solving results will be obtained exactly as expected.
The analytical approach taken is a qualitative descriptive of conveyor damage based on processing of data
obtained from observations and information from various sources as well as from various literature, scientific
articles as a comparison and analytical conclusions are obtained. The ongoing problems are described,
explained and the triggers identified, then the solution to the problem is analyzed.
supported by research by Suwarto, Rohadi, and Asnadi (2020) which states the problems and obstacles that
occur in conveyor machines belonging to PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur, as with the conveyor belt, the conveyor
frame and conveyor do not move straight and smoothly when carrying loads or materials and wear and tear
occurs on the upper and lower conveyor belts which will disrupt the performance of the conveyor itself if
damage occurs which results in the conveyor not work optimally.
This conveyor damage has an impact on operations at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur, especially for
transshipment activities that will take place or activities that have been planned, so that in the future this
transshipment activity will experience a setback, the operational partner as the manager of the TCM jetty
must be able to take responsibility for this incident. The damage that occurred had an impact on production
delays in sending cargo to the barge, where the barge being towed by the tug boat would sail carrying the
cargo, the estimated sailing time would be longer and take 3 x 24 hours or more depending on the condition of
the channel. This means that vessels that are already on standby in Teluk Bayur will also be delayed in loading.
This is in line with research by Rosliawaty, Jumriani and Muh. Wirawan Perdana (2019) which shows that the
slow process of anchoring barges to the hull of large ships or to floating cranes and floating conveyors causes
slow coal loading times to vessels. Damage to the loading and unloading equipment made the process of
loading coal from barges to large ships delayed.
According to the results of shipment monitoring taken at the end of June 2021, there were 7 ships that
had arrived in Muara Berau and were estimated to be loaded in June 2021, but had to wait for cargo due to
damage to the conveyor at the TCM jetty which resulted in delays in delivering coal to Muara Berau. This has
an impact on delays in transshipment activities and requires rescheduling by parties such as buyers, FLF,
surveyors and agents so that they can be prepared according to the load of the barge that is ready to be
loaded. The following are details of the coal cargo from several shippers that will be loaded on the 7 delayed
Vessels that are delayed with the total load of several coal shippers. Judging from the loading load,
TCM and BEK have more load, where the load is assisted by the TCM barge conveyor loading jetty to load onto
the barge. This causes the vessel to be delayed because it has to wait for cargo from TCM or BEK Based on the
description above, the impact that occurred on conveyor damage during coal transshipment activities at PT.
Pelindo Teluk Bayur, namely:
1. Cessation of dijetty loading activities which resulted in tugboats and barges those that have been
chartered have stopped operating for a while, which makes Bunyut mooring at that time was full of tug
boats and barges on standby
2. PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur when carrying out transshipment activities is assisted by a floating loading facility
(FLF). FLF that is ready to load vessels also delayed.
3. The company gets the demurrage given by the buyer to PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur USD 15,000/day and
requires to pay the demurrage according to the number of days of delay
a. The impact that occurred on conveyor damage during coal transshipment activities at PT. Pelindo Teluk Bayur,
namely: 1) Loading activities at the jetty have all stopped. 2) The process of transshipment activities at Teluk Bayur
anchorage was hampered. 3) The buyer provides a demurrage fee to the shipper and must pay USD 15,000/day
according to the total days of delay.
b. Efforts made to overcome the impact of conveyor damage on coal transshipment activities are 1) Accelerating
conveyor repairs at the TCM jetty and diverting several barges that have arrived at the TCM jetty area to another
jetty area. 2) Change the vessel schedule so that there is no accumulation of vessels at the Teluk Bayur anchorage. 3)
Speed up the loading of coal into vessels with the aim of not extending the demurrage provided
c. Suggestions that can be given are as follows which is the operational implementer at Jetty TCM, should carry out
regular daily, monthly and annual inspections and maintenance on the conveyor.
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