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Executive Summary………………………………………….………………….. 1
Problem and Solution Statement…………………………….…………………. 1
Market Analysis……………………………………………….………………….. 2


Product Name………………………………………………….…………………. 2
Product Logo…………………………………………….………………………… 3
Product Features………………………………………….…..……………………3
Key Differences………………………………………………...…………………. 4
Product Demonstration…………………………………….…………..…………. 5
Product in Actions…………………………………………….…..……………….. 6


Target Audience……………………………………………………………………. 6
Marketing Strategies………………………………………………………………. 6
Financial projection………………………………………………………………… 6
Risk assessment…………………………………………………………………… 7
Development Timeline………………………………………………………………7

D. Shareholder of the Bread roll Business


Executive Summary
Bread roll in today’s industry continues to be a popular choice among consumers due to
their convenience, versatility, and wide range of flavors and varieties. With it’s nutritional
value and versatility. It contribute positively to our health, provides energy, essential
nutrients, boost self esteem, and dietary fiber, supports our overall well-being and promoting
a balance diet. We have made the decision to improvise the product that shares similarities
with the original version but incorporates different flavors, intensity, and ingredients.
Moreover, we have taken steps to improvise the production process, results of the product
that is entirely unique with it’s flavor and health benefits compared to the ordinary version.
Presuppose, this enhanced product is designed to captivate and engage customers,
ensuring their interest in taste and satisfaction.

Problem and Solution Statement

Problem Solution

Bread roll price in other In our solution, We modified

competitors is so high, so the bread roll in a unique
some other people can only way, sustainable and
afford it nowadays. Besides affordable one, and to make
on the high pricing we can't it with a clean and neat
assure the cleanliness of place . The filling is
their working area and what vegetables which gives
the process they do when healthy benefits on our
they are making the bread body.
roll. But we don’t degrade
those people because like
us they also want to have an
income. And we are an
entrepreneur students who
have an ability to modified a
product to make it more

Market analysis or SWOT analysis


Product Name
Bread roll is a beloved staple not only delicious and versatile but also offers several
contribution to our health. Our snack has vegetables and more on cheese that can fulfill our
hungry tummy, aside from it is also a popular choice for snacks accompaniments with the
perfect combination of sauce.

Product Logo

Product Features


Key Differences

The original bread roll are the following:

Crispy Cheese Dog Bread Crunchy Ham and Cheese

Rolls Bread Rolls

1. 4 pieces hotdogs 12 slices

2. 4 pieces sliced Bounces melting cheese
cheese (Eden or Velveeta), cut into
¼ - inch × 3 – inch strips
3. 8 pieces sliced/loaf 2 eggs
4. 2 eggs ¼ cup milk
5. Condensed milk for 1 ½ cups bread crumbs
6. Breadcrumbs for 1 teaspoon Italian
coating seasoning

While our product has the filling of healthy vegetables and it’s more on cheese.

Bread Roll

1. 19 slice of bread
2. Cheese (Eden)
3. Vegetables
(Cabbage, Carrots
and Chayote )
4. Breadcrumbs
5. 2 Eggs
6. 1 Onion
7. 1 pc Pepper
8. 1 Magic Sarap
9. 10 pesos Cooking

Product Demonstration

Equipment Use:

° Frying Pan

° Plate
° Bowl
° Forks
° Chopping board

° Paper (if strainer or tissue isn't available to remove the excessive oil)


° Make sure that the equipment’s and ingredients are clean before using it
° Prepare the chopping board together with the knife
° Cut the onion into a small pieces
° Put the frying pan to the stove and heat it together with the oil
° Saute the onion first after several seconds add the veggies ( the veggies are instantly
sliced when we buy it to the market)
° Add the all seasoning (Magic Sarap and Pepper)
° Wait until its cooked
° Prepare the slice and the mug
° Flat the slice through the mug
° Cut the cheese into exact size
° Put the veggies together with the cheese into the slice and roll it
° Dip the bread roll into the egg
° Put it into the bread crumbs
° After that you may fried it now
° Make sure that the bread roll can't get burn
° When it's cooked prepare the plate and put it there
° Enjoy the taste of our bread roll that can fulfill your hungriness!
Product in action

C. Marketing Strategies and Tactics

Target Audience
Bread roll can be conveniently found in the school food court, crowded areas like plaza,
park and bay walk, ensuring that students, teachers, principals, and other employees can
easily satisfy their hungry food for our delicious bread roll snack.

Marketing strategies
To effectively market Bread roll within our school community, we can utilize engaging
social media campaigns, collaborate with school clubs, offer in-school sampling, and
leverage partnerships with teachers and principals. Additionally, creating special promotions,
advertising the product , and collaborating with parent-teacher associations will help
maximize awareness and sales among students, teachers, principals and other employees.
Our pricing strategy is based on dividing all our expenses by the quantity of products we
have produced, ensuring a fair allocation of costs. This approach allows us to maintain
transparency and offer our customers competitive prices that accurately reflect the value and
quality of our products. Our bread roll price is range to 10 to 15 pesos.

Financial Projections
Total cost = cost of slice bread + cost of egg + cheese + onion + magic sarap + pepper +
vegetables + cooking oil Price = total cost / quantity of products produced

Risk Assessment
The risk assessment for a product like Bread roll includes:
 Potential risk related to food safety and quality contamination and allergens that
measures allergic reactions and potential legal issues..
 Risk included on changing consumers preferences and demands through flavors,
quality and other value - added features.
 Risk accordingly to service issues promptly to maintain a positive product reputation
and address any negative feedback.

Development Timeline

Phase Time

Planning 4 days

Integration 7 days

Development of the personalized features 5 days

Testing 2 days

TOTAL 18 days

D. Shareholders of the Bread roll Business

Other Shareholder:
1. Joshua Bernate
2. Joshua Eclipse
3. Rodel Godio

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