WS3 Chemical Bonding

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


CLASS : XI Ref.: SCI 11/CHE/ PS3/23-24 NAME : SUBJECT: Chemistry TOPIC :

Chemical Bonding DATE: 20/07/23

1. The type of hybridization in ClF3 is:

(a) sp2 (b) sp3 (c) sp3d (d) sp3d2.

2. According to VSEPR theory, which shape will the molecules of the type AX2E2 (E = lone pairs of
electrons) acquire:
(a) Linear (b) Angular (c) Square planar (d) See saw

3. Which of the following has a square planar structure?

(a) XeF2 (b) XeF4 (c) XeF6 (d) H2O

4. Which of the following is pyramidal in shape?

(a) NH3 (b) H2O (c) C2H4 (d) C2H2

5. Which of the following is the shape of PCl5?

(a) Trigonal bipyramidal (b) Trigonal planar (c) Linear (d) Tetrahedral 6. Two

lone pairs of electrons are present in the central atom of

(a) NH3 (b) H2O (c) SnCl2 (d) SO2

7.Which of the following is T-shaped?

(a) BF3 (b) SiF4 (c) ICl3 (d) IF5

8. The bond angle is minimum in

(a) H2O (b) H2S (c) H2Se (d) H2Te

9. The hybrid state of sulphur in SO2 is

(a) sp3 (b) sp2 (c) sp (d) sp3d

10. Hybridisation in SO42-is

(a) sp2 (b) sp3 (c) sp3d (d) dsp2

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11. Hybridisation in IF7 is

(a) sp3 (b) sp3d (c) sp3d3 (d) dsp2

12. The shape of XeF6 is

(a) distorted trigonal bipyramidal (b) square pyramidal (c) tetrahedral distorted (d)

distorted octahedral

13. CO2 is isostructural with

(a) SnCl2 (b) HgCl2 (c) SO2 (d) SCl2

14. The hybridisation of atomic orbitals of nitrogen in NO2 + , NO3- and NH4+ are

(a) sp, sp3 and sp2 respectively (b) sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively

(c) sp2, sp and sp3 respectively (d) sp2, sp3 and sp respectively.

15. Which of the following statements is correct about resonance?

(a) The resonating structures exist independently

(b) The lower the resonance energy, more is the stability of resonance hybrid

(c) Greater is the resonance energy, greater is the stability of the molecule (d)

A molecule showing resonance has different bond lengths.


_ 1. Which amongst the following is a paramagnetic species:

(a) Superoxide ion (b) Peroxide ion

(c) Dihydrogen (d) Carbon monoxide.

2. The bond order of NO molecule is –

(a) 1 b. 1.5 (c) 2 (d) 2.5

3. Bond lengths in the species O2, O2+ and O2- are in the order

(a) O2+ > O2 > O2- (b) O2+ > O2- > O2

(c) O2 > O2+ > O2- (d) O2- > O2 > O2+

4. Relative stabilities of O2, O2-, and O22- are in the order

(a) O2 > O2- > O22-(b) O2 > O22- > O2 -

(c) O2- > O2 > O22-(d) O22- > O2 - > O

5. In a molecule there are 12 electrons in bonding orbitals. If its bond order is 2, the number of
electrons in the antibonding molecular orbitals are:

(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4

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6. Which one does not have unpaired electrons?

(a) H2 +(b) O2 (c) N2 + (d) O22-

7. Which of the following species is paramagnetic?

(a) B2 (b) C2 (c) N2 (d) CN

8. The bond order of O2- is

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 2.5 (d) 1.5

9. Combination of two atomic orbitals lead to the formation of

(a) two molecular orbitals (b) one molecular orbital

(c) one atomic orbital (d) three molecular orbitals

10. Which of the following is paramagnetic: (a) O2-(b) O22-(c) BN (d)

(a) A only (b) A and B only (c) A and C only (d) A, B and C

1. Increasing order of strength of hydrogen bonding in X....H- X for X among O, S, F, Cl and N

is (a) N < Cl < O < F (b) Cl < S < O < N
(c) S < Cl < N < O (d) Cl < S < O < F
2. In which of the following is hydrogen bonding the maximum?
(a) HCl (b) HF (c) HI (d) HBr
3. Hydrogen bonding in ortho-nitrophenol is
(a) intramolecular hydrogen bond
(b) intermolecular hydrogen bond
(c) both intra and intermolecular hydrogen bond
(d) none of the above.
4. Alcohol is miscible in water due to
(a) van der Waals’ forces (b) H-bonding
(c) dipole-dipole interaction (d) ionic bonding.
5. Density of water is maximum at
(a) 3°C (b) 3.5°C (c) 4°C (d) 4.5°C
6. The strength of a hydrogen bond is
(a) 21 to 42 kJ mol-1 (b) 210 to 420 kJ mol-1
(c) 5 to 10 kJ mol-1 (d) 10 to 20 kJ mol-1
7. Arrange the following types of interactions in the order of increasing stability: covalent bond,
vander waals force, dipole attraction, hydrogen bonding
(a) van der Waals > dipole > hydrogen bonding > covalent
(b) van der Waals < dipole > hydrogen bonding ≈ covalent
(c) covalent > dipole > hydrogen bonding > van der Waals
(d) van der Waals < dipole < hydrogen bonding < covalent
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1 Define hydrogen bonding with example. What is the difference between intra and inter
molecular hydrogen bonding?

2 What is the total number of sigma and pi bonds in the following molecules?

(a) C2H2 (b) C2H4

3 The skeletal structure of CH3COOH as shown below is correct, but some of the

bonds are shown incorrectly. Write the correct Lewis structure for acetic acid.

4 The bond order in NO is 2.5 while that in NO+ is 3. Which of the following statements is
true for these two species?

(a) Bond length in NO+ is greater than in NO

(b) Bond length is unpredictable

(c) Bond length in NO+ is equal to that in NO

(d) Bond length in NO is greater than in NO+

5 What is difference between polar and non-polar molecule?

What is the dipole moment of BF3 and justify your answer.

6 Draw electron Lewis dot structure of SO42-.

7 Write the favorable factors for the formation of ionic bond.

8 How many overlaps possible between the orbital? Which is stronger? 9 What do

mean by hybridization? Explain the hybridization for C2H6 molecule. 10 What is

covalent radius? How is it differing from Vander wall radius? 11 Although both

CO2 and H2O are triatomic molecules, the shape of H2O

molecule is bent while that of CO2 is linear. Explain this on the basis of dipole


12 Predict the structure of NH3 and PCl5 according to VSPER theory.

3 Which one O2- and O22 − may exhibit Para magnetism? Explain why?

14 NH3 has higher boiling point than PH3. Give reason.

15 In H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te, the bond angle decreases though all have the same
bent shape. Why?

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16 State the hybrid orbital’s associated with B in BCl3 and C in C2H4

17 Indicate the geometry in the following compounds and give one example for

each. i) AB2 ii) AB3 iii) AB4 iv) AB5 v) AB6

18 The net dipole moment of NH3 is greater than that of NF3. Why?

19 Define the octet rule. Write its significance and limitations

20 Define bond order and give the relationship between bond order and bond length

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