Reflection in Guidance and Counseling

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Samar Colleges, Inc.


City of Catbalogan

Name : Marilyn C. Badlong

Course : MAED – Educational Management
Subject/Course Code : MA025 – EM209
Term : 2nd SEMESTER (A.Y. 2023-2024)
Professor : Mrs Michelle M. Diaz

Counseling can be very important in many schools it can help provide important
information and perspective to students who might not be able to get it otherwise.
Students can go to professional counselors to seek advice. The goal of every
session with the school counselor is to help student’s thrive and recognize their
strengths, as well as improve their interpersonal relationships.
One of the major components of a counselor’s role is accountability. Why are school
counselors important? Professional school counselors are often responsible for
analyzing data on their own effectiveness and adjusting their techniques to maximize
their value to students. As a result, the role of the counselor can be ever-changing
and depends on a variety of factors at work within the school.
One of the most important recent changes to the school counselor’s role is dealing
with new forms of bullying, especially cyberbullying that often has an effect on
mental health conditions. Students of younger and younger ages are using
technology for communication and socializing, and by doing so, may be putting
themselves at risk for a type of bullying that is difficult to deal with for both student
and mental health counselor. So why is counseling important? A school counselor,
or any licensed professional counselor, must always work to be aware of new social
issues that are constantly arising between students and provide a counseling
session or therapy when a mental health issue surfaces.
In recent years, the scope of school counseling services have grown to emphasize
social-emotional support. This shift reflects a deeper understanding that students’
emotional and social well-being is as crucial as their academic performance. School
guidance counselors teach good social skills, and provide clinical mental health
counseling and behavioral interventions. They ensure that their school setting is a
safe space for all learners.
School counselors matter when it comes to academic success particularly in
marginalized communities. Research shows that comprehensive counseling
programs are connected to student achievement, especially in schools serving high-
poverty areas. Professional school counseling isn’t only about giving career
guidance and emotional support, but also helping students overcome personal and
systemic barriers that hinder their academic achievement.
A modern guidance counselor adopts a data-driven approach to advocacy. The
school psychologist analyzes factors affecting student success, such as
socioeconomic conditions, family dynamics, and learning differences. By leveraging
this data, counselors can develop targeted strategies and interventions that can
make a meaningful impact on students’ academic and personal lives.

Counseling in schools should also be readily available to offer guidance to students

at crucial turning points in their lives. Whether these professional counselors have a
masters or a doctorate in school psychology, work in elementary, middle, or high
schools, they should strive to be there for students who are going through a difficult
time, struggling with mental illness, or just need advice and support. A few words
from a helpful counselor can profoundly impact a student’s life by improving their
outlook on school, family, and the future, and this, along with the responsibilities
outlined above, form the key tenets of a modern school counselor’s role.

Despite the recognized importance of counseling in schools, many institutions face

significant barriers in providing comprehensive school counseling services. These
challenges often stem from limited funding, staffing shortages, and infrastructural
constraints. This disparity in resources means that not all students have equal
access to the support they need. Putting strong emphasis on the importance of
counseling in schools can drive policy changes and resource allocation to bridge this

One of the biggest benefits of guidance and counseling in schools from a well-
trained and effective school counselor is in the way they may be able to help prepare
students for academic, career, and social challenges through relating their academic
success with the potential success of their future lives.

Student achievement significantly affects professional development and so they

should strive to:

Surpass a mental health problem, help motivate students to learn and explore the
world around them to help figure out what they want to do with their lives
Encourage their students to have these types of conversations with their parents and
peers, as well as being a sympathetic ear for the same students to come to
Have the ability to facilitate more intimate or group counselling sessions as well.
School counselors may also:

Provide support to teachers by serving an important part of the complete team that
addresses the educational goals and needs of their students.
Help plan classroom and group activities that meet the students’ needs.
Counselors gather and share resources with teachers to help the staff develop their
skills in classroom management and teaching effectiveness. They also may be able
to help observe students in the classroom or playground and provide teachers
assistance with their roles as guides.

Other than mental health and counseling services for student support, professional
school counselors can be an integral part of school administration. They initiate
counseling programs. They ensure that the comprehensive school counseling
program and academic mission are in line and promote student success. Counselors
also quite often develop a system to manage the program and help the
administration use counselors effectively to augment student development and
learning. Additionally, they provide useful data from the comprehensive school
counseling program for funding and grant application purposes.3

A good school counselor can and will help the school run smoothly and effectively,
but with the light and distanced touch that can often lead others to wonder what
effect they have even had on their education, if any. And, like in many professions,
while the accolade of one’s work may, sadly, not be there, it does not mean that
there was no effect.

In this semester, I have been exposed to the subject of Introduction to Guidance and
Counselling which is a new field of study for me. After I have received this lesson, I
can relate my experiences with what I have learned. Not only that, I also have
different perspective towards after I learned this subject. The aspects that I can
relate my experiences and thoughts with are the differences between advice,
guidance and counselling as well as the goals of counselling.
Before this, I thought advice, guidance and counselling are generally the same, but I
found that there is a huge difference between those terms. Advice is giving opinions or
recommendation to individuals and it is based on the helper’s ability, potential,
understanding, experiences and knowledge.
The individuals may or may not be able to follow the specific advice due to different
potentials in oneself. Moreover, anyone can give advice at anytime and anywhere. It is
like a situation where someone is giving opinion to me on how to gain weight by taking
supplements, but her recommendation maybe not suitable for me to follow because I
might suffer some side-effects. Moreover, guidance is giving information to someone
so that he or she can make their own choices.
Counseling & Helping Relationships Serving students with different backgrounds,
personalities, or beliefs may not be the easiest thing to do, as their thought process
may differ. Therefore, it is essential for school counselors to find healthy ways to build
on a school counselor-student relationship. There are several characteristics or
behaviors that I feel school counselors should have, that helps them maintain a
relationship with their students. Students can be more willing to open-up their thoughts
or accept suggestions when the school counselor is a good listener. A lot of the times,
we can think that we have to do all the talking, but is necessary to step back and listen
at the students first. Also, school counselors must be friendly and easy to approach

School counselors should be able to distinguish the differences between individual

and group dissimilarities and strive to value all students and groups equally. They
should advocate for the equitable treatment of all students in their school and in their
community. If a school counselor wants to be successful in ensuring an equity-based
program, they should consider
The role of culture, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual
orientation, and other factors (Curry & Milson, 2013). Any student regardless of
background can face developmental and emotional issues that can be detrimental to
their success. Some students slip through the cracks because they feel that there
are no adults available whom they can trust.

Proper counselling will help incorporate valuable lessons into their daily life. Some
sessions should involve career guidance, where the students are advised on the
selection of courses and different career paths. It’s important to prepare them for life
after school and what to expect in the different fields they might opt for.
Samar Colleges, Inc.


City of Catbalogan

Name : Marilyn C. Badlong

Course : MAED – Educational Management

Subject/Course Code : MA025 – EM209

Term : 2nd SEMESTER (A.Y. 2023-2024)

Professor. : Mrs Michelle M. Diaz



Reflection/ Insight

Happiness is a human nature. Therefore, being happy is the desire of every human being. Whoever it
is, whatever the age, whatever the gender and status of the person, happiness is something To be
achieved and an important thing in life. Everyone in the life span is very pleasant (Carr, 2004).
According to Aristotle (in Rakhmat, 2004), a happy life is perfect, happiness must be achieved by
Humans for life, happiness is a good life. This means that happiness is the last wish, other happiness
is Pursued for the sake of achieving happiness. This is in line with what Arif (2018) stated that the
Ultimate goal of all activities, efforts, struggles, and struggles in life is happiness. Thus everyone
Wants to achieve happiness and will make certain efforts in order to achieve happiness in his life
From this explanation it can be said that happiness is the universal desire of all human beings
Throughout history and perhaps forever. Although the meaning of each individual, group or culture
About happiness is different and can change over time. According to Arif (2018), the universal desire
For happiness is a concept from Eastern traditions. While in the Western tradition, there is another
Thing that is no less important than happiness, namely meaning. Meaning is seen as an integral part
of Happiness, but it can also be seen as a different thing. Unlike happiness which is a universal and
Eternal idea, meaning is always personal and temporary.

In the development of positive psychology, happiness is the main issue that is widely Discussed.
There are many studies that have been conducted to examine the factors that have a role in
Happiness (Seligman, 2002; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Furthermore, positive psychology
Exists to find, recognize and develop factors that are thought to exist in individuals and communities
(society) to live a life that grows better and stronger (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). When it
Comes to happiness, recent research shows some important findings. For example, Diener and
Seligman (2002) found that people who are very happy are people who have very satisfying
Relationships such as with friends, partners and family. So that happy people have more enjoyable
Daily lives and social relationships Seligman (2002) explains that happiness is the result of an
assessment of oneself and the life That is lived and contains positive emotions such as comfort and
overflowing joy. Happiness as an Appreciation of one’s life as a whole which consists of cognitive and
emotional evaluations, happiness Is a basic element in a life (Veenhoven, 2010). This is also
expressed by Schimmel (2009), happiness Is an individual’s assessment of the overall quality of his
life. According to Hurlock in Kartadinata (2012), happiness is one of the dimensions of a healthy
personality. A healthy personality is Characterized by the ability to recognize potential and maximize
that potential,

In this case, teenagers, learners are in a period of transitional development between children and
adults, Which includes biological, cognitive, and social changes (Santrock, 2003). According to Piaget
(in Hurlock, 2002), psychologically, adolescence is when individuals integrate with society.
Adolescence usually begins When the child is sexually mature and ends until he is legally mature.
Research on changes in behaviour, Attitudes, and values during adolescence shows that early
adolescence’s behaviour, attitudes, and values are Different from those in late adolescence. The
concept of happiness is a positive psychological approach that Aims to change the focus of
psychology, from being only focused on improving negative things to focusing On maximizing the
positive qualities of individuals (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Happiness is Important for
teenagers, in this case, students, as indicated by surveys in various countries, including in Indonesia
(Diener & Oishi, 2002; Diener, 2000). Interventions for developing student happiness in schools Are
carried out by involving teachers through guidance and counselling services n general, this study
aims to analyze the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services in Developing students’
happiness. In particular, the purpose of this study is to produce an overview of the Following: 1) To
analyze the various guidance and counselling services that have been implemented in Developing
student happiness; 2) Analyzing the comparison of each guidance and counselling service in
Developing the happiness of students, and 3) Analyzing the effectiveness of each guidance and
counselling Service in developing students’ happiness.

Guidance and counseling services help in student Development, Physically, mentally, intellectually,
Emotionally, morally, socially. This means the provision of gluidance and counseling services in
Universities enhances student development. Involvement guidance and counseling are aimed At
preventing the student from becoming a Problem. The counselor must build the student’s
Confidence. Trusting her to give him the right Information needs to help his client. (Students)

Guidance and Counseling services are Available at the university level. Guidance services are a
significant predictor of students’ development Guidance services have a positive impact On
students’ academic development and There was a significant difference Between students’ guidance
services and Academic development .Guidance services have a positive impact on Students’ moral
development and there was a significant difference between students’ guidance services and moral
development. Guidance services have a positive impact on students' social development and there
was a significant difference between students’ guidance services and social development. Counseling
services are a significant predictor of students' Development. Counseling services have a positive
impact on student's academic development and there was a significant difference between students
counseling services and academic development Counseling services have a positive impact on
students moral development and there was a significant difference between students’ counseling
services and moral development. Counseling services have a positive impact on students’ social
development and there was a significant difference between students’ counseling services and social
development practical Implications Based on a systematic literature review study, conclusions can
be formulated that there are various guidance and counselling service interventions in the 21
analyzed literature and can be categorized into eight major intervention themes, namely, group
guidance and counselling interventions, gratitude, wellbeing/wellness. Coaching, emotional therapy,
religious, counselling programs, and guidance programs. Guidance and counselling service
interventions in the analyzed literature have varied interventions from one study to another. Each
intervention has advantages and disadvantages. Each intervention is adjusted based on the
characteristics of the students who are given the service or treatment. Guidance and counselling
service interventions in the literature analyzed had a significant effect on the happiness of students.
This shows that the counselling guidance service intervention is effective in developing the
happiness of students There are differences in research results which show that not all guidance and
counseling Interventions in these studies can have an effect on developing students’ happiness,
possibly because There are several factors that can affect happiness, such as culture, social life,
religiosity, marriage, Money, age, gender. Gender, health (Seligman, 2002). These factors also affect
the subject so that it is Possible that there is no influence in the intervention of guidance and
counseling services on Happiness in these studies because the variables that affect happiness are too
complex. And also the Meaning of happiness for teenagers, in this case students, is not clear, so it is
very possible that the Understanding of happiness is still in the process of understanding The
procedure for implementing the intervention in these studies has been carried out in Accordance
with the research method that has been determined. Broadly speaking, starting from the
Formulation of the problem, determining the research variables, developing or adapting instruments
to Reveal the variables, determining/selecting the research sample, carrying out initial tests,
developing Models, implementing interventions or treatments on the sample, carrying out final
tests. As described In the results section, these procedures were carried out in the studies carried
out. It can be concluded that based on the results of these studies, in general, guidance and
Counseling services can help develop students’ happiness In the 21 studies reviewed, there are
various guidance and counseling service interventions in Developing student happiness. However,
students are individuals who experience a transition period from childhood to However, students
are individuals who experience a transition period from childhood to adolescence and early
adulthood with many changes in developmental tasks and responsibilities to be faced. Adolescence
is a period of development that a person undergoes from the end of childhood to the arrival of early
adulthood (Hurlock, 2002). Adolescence can also be prone to experiencing unhappiness, because at
this time there are negative attitudes and traits that have not been seen in childhood, individuals
feel confused, anxious, afraid and restless. Therefore, intervention is needed to develop student
happiness. If problems related to happiness are left unattended without proper handling, it will have
a negative impact on everyday life. To help facilitate students in increasing their happiness, the
happiness approach can be applied in schools. According to Seligman et al. (2000), one of the
reasons why happiness needs to be taught in schools is because it can result in an increase in
learning as a traditional goal that has an impact on one's well-being. In its implementation in
schools, guidance and counseling services can provide a role. Because guidance and counseling
services are an integral part of educational programs that help students to complete their
developmental tasks optimally, find various alternative solutions to problems that are felt by
students both related to personal, social, learning, and career In addition, because the purpose of
guidance and counseling is to provide assistance to students in order to achieve a meaningful and
happy life both personally and socially (Yusuf, 2009). The role of guidance and counseling in
facilitating individuals to be happy is also reinforced by the opinion of Rotter (2000) regarding the
principles of guidance and counseling, namely: “The counseling profession is based on the principles
of development and prevention. Although counseling services have evolved and are needed in the
wider community, we cannot abandon what is our uniqueness. We need to constantly remind
ourselves to concentrate on the good and help individuals find meaning and happiness in their
lives.” This encourages authors to analyze the variety of guidance and counseling services that can
help develop student happiness.In general, the purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of
effective guidance and counseling services in developing students' happiness. In particular, the
purpose of this research is to produce an overview of the following: 1) The variety of guidance and
counseling services that can develop the happiness of students. 2) The process of guidance and
counseling services that can develop the happiness of students. 3) The effectiveness of guidance and
counseling services in developing the happiness of students.
Samar Colleges, Inc.


City of Catbalogan

Name : Marilyn C. Badlong

Course : MAED – Educational Management

Subject/Course Code : MA025 – EM209

Term : 2nd SEMESTER (A.Y. 2023-2024)

Professor. : Mrs Michelle M. Diaz

Topic. : Lack of guidance counselors hampers prevention of student suicides

In the landscape of Philippine education, the mental health of students has emerged as a critical
concern, marked by an alarming surge in student suicides. As the Department of Education (DepEd)
grapples with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for robust mental health support
mechanisms within schools has become increasingly evident. Recent data presented by DepEd
Assistant Secretary Dexter Galban disclosed a distressing reality — in 2021 alone, 404 students
succumbed to suicide, and an additional 2,147 attempted it, marking the first comprehensive
national release of such figures during the pandemic (Felipe, 2023). This devastating trend
underscores the urgent need for effective mental health programs and interventions in Educational
institution.The global standard for the counselor-to-student ratio is 1:250, a benchmark that is
starkly contrasted by the Current Philippine reality of approximately one guidance counselor for
every 14,000 students (Ingala, 2023). This Disproportionality presents a profound challenge,
hindering the effective implementation of mental health programs In schools. To compound matters,
the Philippines faces a shortage of licensed and registered guidance counselors, With only 19% of
the authorized positions filled, leaving a vast gap in essential mental health support (Chi, 2023).This
research seeks to shed light on the multifaceted implications of the dearth of guidance counselors in
Philippine Schools. The shortage is not only a quantitative disparity but is deeply entwined with
issues of low pay, high entry Barriers, and a dearth of qualified professionals. The misalignment
between the demanding degree requirements And the comparatively meager compensation has
resulted in numerous vacant positions for years on end (Braňka, 2016).To address this pressing issue,
the Department of Education is contemplating a policy change, advocating for a pay Hike for
guidance counselors to attract more professionals to the field. It is essential to recognize that the
shortage Of guidance counselors is not an isolated problem but a component of a larger crisis
affecting the mental well-being Of Filipino students. The findings of this research aim to inform
policymakers, educators, and stakeholders Fostering a comprehensive understanding of the gravity
of the issue and propelling a collective effort toward Tangible and sustainable solutions. In doing so,
we aspire to contribute to the creation of an educational Environment where the mental health of
students is prioritized, safeguarding their holistic development and wellbeing The scarcity of
guidance counselors in Philippine schools has become a pressing issue, posing severe consequences
For student mental health. This section reviews existing literature to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the Problem, highlighting its origins, implications, and potential solutions .Global
benchmarks emphasize the critical role of guidance counselors in ensuring the mental well-being of
Students. The recommended ratio of counselors to students globally is 1:250 (Nicola, 2023). This
standard reflects An international acknowledgment of the importance of individualized support for
students navigating the Complexities of their academic and personal lives.

This comprehensive study has delved into the critical challenges surrounding the shortage of
guidance counselors In Philippine schools and its profound implications for student mental health.
The findings underscore the urgent Need for strategic interventions to address the identified issues
and foster a supportive educational environment Conducive to holistic student development The
alarming discrepancy in counselor-to-student ratios, with the Philippines grappling with a ratio of 1
counselor For every 14,000 students compared to the international standard of 1:250, brings to light
a substantial inadequacy In the availability of guidance counselors. This stark reality raises concerns
about the system’s capacity to meet the Diverse mental health needs of the student population. To
rectify this imbalance, immediate attention and targeted Interventions are imperative to ensure that
students receive the necessary support and guidance The study also highlights the multifaceted
impact of the shift to online learning on student mental health. Beyond The challenges of adapting
to new educational formats, students face increased exposure to online Stressors. Contributing to
emotional contagion and mental health problems. This emphasizes the necessity for tailored
Strategies to navigate the digital learning environment effectively and safeguard the well-being of
students in this Evolving educational landscape. Moreover, the systemic issues of low compensation
and high entry barriers for guidance counselors further Exacerbate the shortage. The study
advocates for policy changes, including salary adjustments, to attract and Retain qualified individuals
in the counseling profession. The recognition of the integral role played by counselors in Fostering
student well-being should be reflected not only in compensation but also in streamlining entry
pathways To make the profession more accessible As an alternative measure, the introduction of
guidance associates, while providing interim support, raises Questions about its long-term
effectiveness in addressing the complex mental health needs of students. This Underscores the need
for a nuanced evaluation of the roles and responsibilities assigned to guidance associates Alongside
comprehensive and sustainable strategies to tackle the root causes of the counselor shortage The
study encourages collaborative efforts among educational authorities, policymakers, and
stakeholders to Implement evidence-based interventions, policy reforms, and long-term initiatives
that prioritize the mental health And well-being of students. By addressing the shortage of guidance
counselors through a multifaceted approach, We can aspire to create a nurturing educational
environment that not only supports academic growth but also Fosters the holistic development of
students in the Philippines.

The current study investigated the Filipino school counselor’s knowledge, attitudes, And
competencies in suicide intervention as well as their experiences and practices in Suicide
intervention. The study also aimed to develop and standardize the guidelines In delivering the
appropriate interventions for suicidal clients.The study is composed of two (2) phases. Phase 1 has
quantitative and qualitative Studies that utilized a descriptive method of research. 100 counselors
that are twentyfive (25) were selected from the National Capital Region, Luzon, Visayas, and
Mindanao who participated in the quantitative study of Phase 1. The counselors were Asked to
answer three (3) standardized instruments to measure their level of Knowledge, attitude, and
competencies regarding suicide. Phase 1 of the study revealed that counselors did not report high
levels of knowledge On suicidal behaviors, the results suggested that some counselors still hold
Stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal behavior and that there are counselors who need To acquire
better intervention skills. The trainings received by counselors may not be Sufficient enough and it
may influence their attitudes towards suicide risk assessment And management. The lack of training
and experience among some counselors may Also affect how they deal with suicidal clients because
they may lack intervention Skills to be able to provide the necessary support among clients with
suicide risk.

Summary, knowledge, attitudes, and training related to suicide may influence Suicide intervention
skills and therefore aid or hamper suicide prevention and that Enhance suicide intervention skills
could make a difference between the life and death Of a client. Counselors in this study have
stressed that risk assessment is an important Part of suicide intervention and that counselors should
be competent in this area. Involvement of parents in the treatment and referral to mental health
services is being Practiced by counselors when working with students who have suicidal risk.
Counselors felt more competent when they utilized professional support resources, Such as
supervision, consultation, or peer support groups. Schools lack written and Structured protocol in
handling suicidal crisis.
Samar Colleges, Inc.


City of Catbalogan

Name : Marilyn C. Badlong

Course : MAED – Educational Management

Subject/Course Code : MA025 – EM209

Term : 2nd SEMESTER (A.Y. 2023-2024)

Professor. : Mrs Michelle M. Diaz

Topic. :

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