Draft HMEF5063 - V2 Guide - Counseling

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Bachelor Of Education

Semester 1 / January 2018 (later u edit)








Title Page

1.0 Introduction 3-4

2.0 Gather information about the counselling and guidance services 5-7

provided by the school

3.0 Provide a brief background about the services provide 8-9

4.0 Explain the duties and responsibilities of the counsellor concerned 10 - 11

5.0 Analyze the challenges faced by the counselor 12

6.0 Suggest ways to overcome those challenges so that the counselor can 13
play a more effective role in the school

7.0 Questioner 14

8.0 Reference 15


Today’s students face increased challenges often with decreased support. Students live in
a very dynamic world that presents constant change and increased demands for them to be self
reliant in a world that is as expansive and exciting as it is overwhelming and uncertain. Student
feelings of anxiety and depression are intensified by peer pressure; bullying; unstable family
environments; drug, alcohol and tobacco use; and increased teen suicide rates, all of which create
barriers to learning. As well, the developmental diversity which exists within the student
population and the changes in service delivery provided by outside agencies means that school
counsellors and other support staff within the education system are faced with unique challenges.
Flexibility seems to be a key ingredient in providing an effective and efficient school counselling
service. More and more students vary in their capacity to cope with the academic, social and
emotional demands and require support within the school system to help them make successful
transitions through life. School counselling services are key to providing that support.
Counselling emerged a developed as an American Product. Some claim that the American
social environment, strongly influenced by the belief in the importance of the individual, was
especially congenial to its development. 19th century Industrial Revolution happened human
change, job profile changed consequences, job fields increased, many young people depressed,
not enough preparation in term of working skill early stages focus on working exercise and
surfaced guidance awareness towards "Overall Growth of Individual Awareness".
The primary goal of school counselling services is to enhance and promote student
learning. School counselling services are designed to provide supports and resources to students
at all grade levels, to their families, and to educators. These services are intended to facilitate the
educational, personal, social, emotional and career development of students in schools and in the
community. School counsellors provide a continuum of preventative, developmental, remedial,
and intervention services and facilitate referral to community resources. The school counsellor’s
role includes counselling; school-based consultation, planning and coordination; education and
assisting in the development of effective behavioural change.
Consultation is the collaboration of professional school counsellors with parents,
students, teachers, administrators and other helping professionals, both within and outside the
school setting. The goal of consultation is to empower those involved to assist students in the
areas of personal/social, academic and/or career development. The role of the Guidance

Counsellor is to engage in personal, educational, and vocational counselling with clients
throughout the lifespan, in the particular circumstances of their life.
Consultation, whether formal or informal, is a critical component in the work of school
counsellors. Counsellors provide valuable contributions to the consultation process, including
insights regarding students and their families, as well as facilitation and collaboration skills.
Consultation is a collaborative process. Consultation may provide information to the counsellor
about the student/family. At other times, individual participants will receive information from the
counsellor. This process increases the value and efficiency of the collaboration between different

Active counselling skills facilitate the consultation process. Regardless of whether the
professional school counsellor is the facilitator or functioning in another role, their responsibility
is to monitor the group process to ensure that participants continue to feel safe and the process
remains productive. The professional school counsellor can diffuse potential problems by paying
attention to body language and taking the time to check in with participants to see how they are
feeling about the meeting progress and the decisions that are being made. It is also important to
summarize frequently and obtain agreement from all parties on what has been said and decided.

Information, guidance and counselling services have the task to recommend to each
child/young person a school and career pathway which is most suitable for his or her level of
performance, learning and development. Transfers between different education systems are
possible, i.e. pupils can change from one type of secondary school to another if or when their
level of performance, learning and development permits or requires such a change, and they can
acquire entrance qualifications for secondary schools also through vocational training.

2.0 Gather information about the counselling and guidance services provided by the school

Guidance and Counseling Teachers play an important role in the success of the human
development agenda. Guidance Counselors and Counselors are counselors, parents trustees to
educate children and drive development of school progress. They should be seen as a noble
career. In order to produce a brilliant pupil in total, it will not be successful if it is not supported
with seriousness. Guidance Counselors and Counselors in primary and secondary schools carry
out assigned tasks. Guidance and counseling are important for children, and schools have a huge
role in bringing out the best in children. Good conduct is coveted, but sometimes young minds
need guidance to polish their personality. Through counseling, children are given advice on how
to manage and deal with emotional conflict and personal problems. Proper counseling will help
incorporate valuable lessons in their daily life. Some sessions should involve career guidance,
where the students are advised on the selection of courses and different career paths
Counselor Interview.

School counseling functions may include individual, group and class work to provide
both an intervention and prevention service. The intention of the counseling service is to respond
to emotional, social, intellectual, academic and career needs in a developmentally appropriate
manner to provide an environment which is conducive to self-exploration in order to develop an
awareness of personal uniqueness which is of primary concern in the counseling process • to
promote personal and social development appropriate to developmental stages • to help students,
through their families and the community, grow in areas such as self-esteem and individual
responsibility, and in skills such as decision making and social relationships to support a
student’s academic progress through a variety of interventions which may include individual
assessments, goal setting, assisting with the development of Individual Education Plans, study
habits and organizational skills.

School counsellors consult and plan collaboratively with students, other educators, the
school based student services team, parents, other community agencies and outside professionals
in planning goals and effective strategies to promote the emotional, intellectual, social, academic

and career development of students. Consultation may focus on students’ individual needs or on
school, district or community programs or services. School counsellors are active participants in
the planning process.

School counsellors spend much of their time developing and implementing plans and
programs which could be categorized as preventative services. Prevention services may be
described as follows: The Primary prevention level focuses on preventing a problem from
occurring. The emphasis is on enhancing positive school climate. One example may be a school
program to facilitate a safe school environment. The Secondary level of prevention focuses on
early indicators of problems. The goal is to shorten the duration or lessen the impact of a
problem. The Tertiary level focuses on minimizing the immediate consequences of an existing
severe problem. The emphasis is on regaining control over a situation so remediation and
prevention strategies can be developed, implemented and assessed. The whole area of prevention
and preventative planning responds to a range of complexity or severity. This requires
specialized skill sets which may include: Standards and Guidelines 8 It is important that staff
understand and support the purposes and objectives of school counselling services.

 Effective communication skills

 Conflict resolution

 Data collection

 Collaboration

 Mediation

 Helping others to solve their own problems and make informed decisions

 Specialized knowledge and skills for a consultation process.

School counsellors may provide direct instruction to students in areas such as peer
helping, conflict resolution, social skills, and life skills. As well, school counsellors provide
support to other educators in implementing career and personal planning, promoting positive
school climates and enhancing the emotional/social well-being of students. An ongoing issue in
the field of school counselling is a general lack of understanding about what school counsellors

do that impacts student outcomes. School counsellors need to be involved in public relations to
educate their school staff and the school community on the kinds of services they can provide
and to promote the benefits of their services. Their educational role may also include:

 Disseminating information to parents and other professionals

 Monitoring and assessment of the services they provide

 Acting as a resource for professional and curriculum development

 Speaking publicly at school and to community groups

 Participating in professional development

3.0 Provide a brief background about the services provided

I have been interviewing a secondary school counseling teacher for this assignment. I
have prepared an interview form for the teacher to fill it. (eg wholesale this in the attachment).
The results obtained from interviews are as follows. Counselor serves at secondary . The
secondary school is located in Taman Tun Aminah . The secondary school consists of 2180
students. The students in the school come from different backgrounds. In 2013, the secondary
School had 1255 male students and 925 female students, bringing the total number of students
to 1180. It has a total of 120 teachers.

He 40 years old and is a counseling teacher. He was born on February 7, 1974 in a

private hospital located in the city of Johor Bahru. He has four siblings and is the second child in
the family. He has a happy family. She likes to do the tasks systematically. Hence, he is doing
daily activities based on the daily schedule provided. It also helps her manage time wisely as she
always knows what to do at certain times. He lives in Taman Pelangi Indah, Ulu Tiram. Started
serving as a trained teacher in 1997. Obtained a certificate of teacher at Teachers College
Temenggong Ibrahim in 1997 in the eradication of Tamil subjects. Obtained a Bachelor of
Education in UPM in 2000 in the preparation of Guidance and Counseling. To date, Counselor
serves as a Trainee Counseling Teacher for 14 years.

During the 14 years following the Guidance and Counseling Education Program, he has
gained many advantages. Counselor has chosen the field of counseling as a career choice. This
is because counseling helps him to recognize and understand human beings more deeply based
on the counseling theories he learned. In addition, counseling is one of the best programs to help
shape superior self-discipline and form discipline while raising self-confidence to deal with
society in the work environment. Counseling is acting educate and partners to help each other
besides eroding selfish values in us.

Counseling also helps her to continue to love the psychology field further
understanding each of the criteria that must be possessed by a successful individual in any field
involved. In addition, counseling gives Advance Advantage to enhancing self-esteem in the face
of whatever challenges it will take, strengthening relationships with all the individuals most of

whom come from different backgrounds. In short, counseling is to become a useful human being
and to train myself to become a disciplined, dedicated and successful counselor.

Techniques of gathering information about student helping the guider to understand

student’s behaviour attitude and problem testing Technique IQ, attitude and achievement,
personality test MPCL 2, interest Test VPJ, non testing technique observation, survey, interview
and report.

4.0 Explain the duties and responsibilities of the counsellor concerned

Professional school counselors were teachers first. Thus, they have demonstrated
competence as instructors and understand the dynamics of the classroom and the school setting.
This initial experience provides the background for their understanding of school-related
situations and problems and an understanding of the opportunities available in the school
system. Through coursework leading them to school counselor certification and, typically, the
master’s degree, professional educators learn and apply, through practicum and research
experiences, knowledge and skills regarding the guidance program, pupils served, and
counseling and development services. Specifically, they study:
 History, legal and ethical issues
 Processes for implementing a developmental guidance program
 Normal growth and development of children and youth
 Cross-cultural foundations
 Motivation and learning in the exceptional child
 Counseling theory and methods
 Group procedures
 Consultation
 Student appraisal
 Career development
 Counseling special population
 Societal and environmental factors affecting learners
 Coordination of resources
Professional school counselors are committed to continuous professional growth and
development; therefore, they develop annual professional growth plans. School districts have a
responsibility to provide in-service training for school counselors and to support counselors’
participation in other professional development activities. When a fully certified school
counselor is employed, the administration, faculty, parents, and community should expect the
counselor to carry out eight basic responsibilities competently and in a professional and
accountable manner.

The seven areas of professional practice of the Guidance Counsellor are as follows:

The practice of
Education &
Ethical throughout the Labour
Principles & lifespan
Professional Education &
Practice Training

Equality &
Counselling Diversity

Managing of
Information Guidance
& Resource Service &
Management Programme

5.0 Analyze the challenges faced by the counselor

As counselor should care problems that might be dealt which prevent Bimbingan
implementation and Counseling in secondary school. Although believed teacher accountable for
as guidance teacher or counselor capable of performing duties well, cannot deny counselor will
facing various internal resistances perform his task. Identifying problems that would be faced
able help me as counselor facing obstacle easily so that all plans proposed able run smoothly.
Now counselor is are made up trained teachers infield counseling. It is commission post
paid allowances. However the full-time counselor post, could not be filled in all secondary
school. So counselor appointed on principal discretion. Sometimes there is teacher that not
interested with counselor post and consider it as a burden. This make guidance process and
counseling cannot like clockwork. Guidance teachers which helps counselor also comprise from
untrained teacher to play role as counseling. So they consider it is functional load to them, make
task that should be helpful not done.
Professional training which related like training in guidance and counseling,
communication or psychology is an important basis to choose guidance teacher. There is between
principal who believes that teachers that are interested may be appointed ago, then only given
training, but training must have (Mizan 1987). So guidance teacher or counselor assistant should
had training also. Counselor could only afford can giving internal course, this not enough to
assistant teachers to act giving counseling service.
Student consider counselor like other teachers. Student often consider teacher often
find offence or people who must be respected. So they do not wanted go counseling room or see
counselor. Counselor necessarily have attitude that is friendly with students and often take
opportunity to explain weekly assembly current student on service prepared by counselor.
Counselor sure plan so that himself and counseling room a place that friendly and easy for
student. Otherwise student still do not entertain services given.

6.0 Suggest ways to overcome those challenges so that the counselor can play a more
effective role in the school.

Principal is main key in decide to succeed or failed him guidance program and counseling
in school. Responsible leader give leadership that is effective providing staff, allocation, finance
and facility, support teachers create guidance program and encourage students use it, and give
information to society on this programmed through Parent and Teachers Association. Counselor
cooperation and principal more explaining to school citizen or guidance function society and
counseling in school.

Moving all energy in school. As counsellor in secondary school it have the role to move
all administrator energy, teacher, school staff and own student to make guidance activity and
counselling in school. Guidance activity and counselling able run smoothly if counsellor getting
good cooperation from all quarters said including community outside school and parents. If
parties above do not understand respective role is counsellor's responsibility to explain to them.
among parents . Hence, duty as parenting counselling is a task that is particularly challenging
because counsellor not only face student but parents and whole family member that is troubled

7.0 Questioner

1. What are school name and background?

2. Counselor profile details:




3. How long the Counselor working in school?

4. What are the guidance counselling services provided at your school.

5. Explain your services are provided.

6. Explain your duties and responsibilities as a counsellor.

6. What are the challenges are you faced?

7. How to overcome your challenges?

8.0 Reference

Baker, S. B. (1992). School counselling for the twenty-first century. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Co. Borders, L. D., & Drury, S. M. (1992).

Comprehensive school counselling programs: A review for policymakers and practitioners.

Journal of Counselling and Development, 70, 487- 498. Carson, G. W. (1971).

Accountability for school counsellors. The School Counsellor, 18(5), 321 - 326.


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