Job - RFA - 04

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Request for Applications (RFA) for “Dialogues among key stakeholders to set

agenda for ‘local and district level government responsiveness’ on disaster

mitigation, flood programing and peacebuilding in North Sindh and South Punjab.”
Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives

Request for Application (RFA) No: HumAhang/Y1Q3/RFA-04

Issuance Date: 10 May 2024
Queries/Question: Question and queries regarding RFA requirements should be submitted through
email to [email protected], to HumAhang grant team, no later than close of business of 19th
May 2024. Responses to all questions/queries will be replied on 20th May 2024. Questions beyond the
deadline and any telephonic enquiries will not be entertained.

Submission Closing Date and Time: 5:00 pm, 27 May 2024

Period of Performance: Four Months
Language of Applications: Application packages must be submitted in English.


Applications shall be submitted in English following the template provided as Annex A with this RFA.


Annex A – Grant Application Template

Annex B - Budget and Budget Notes.
Annex C – Milestone schedule with cost.

Interested organization are advised to submit their application in hard copy along with the soft version
in a USB in a sealed envelope through courier, at address mentioned below.
HumAhang Grant Unit,
House No. 55, Street 690
Sector G-13/3, Islamabad

In addition to the grant application, applicants must submit copy of below mentioned documents:
1. Cover letter on letter head.
2. Organization documents: i) Registration certificate ii) Audit reports of last two years.
3. Organization profile (maximum 10 pages) including:
• Organization objectives / program themes
• List of the similar / current projects / activities
• Governance structure with hierarchy
• Organization’s resource (e.g., human resources/IT/vehicles)
• Detail of community engagement work.
4. Resume(s) of key staff / lead positions-1 pager
5. Key organization’s policies (if available, only in soft)
6. Organization’s progress report
7. Two reference letters from previous donor/partner INGO.

• Applications (Technical proposal and Budget proposals with supporting documentation) must
be submitted no later than 5:00 pm local time, 27 May 2024.
• Issuance of this RFA and assistance with application do not constitute an award or commitment
on the part of HumAhang, nor does it commit to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and
submission of a grant application. Further, HumAhang reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all applications received in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons thereof.

B. About CPDI
The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, Pakistan (CPDI) is an independent, non-partisan and
a not-for-profit civil society organization working on issues of peace and development in Pakistan. It was
established in September 2003. CPDI is a first initiative of its kind in Pakistan that seeks to inform and
influence public policies and civil society initiatives through research-based advocacy and capacity building
to promote citizenship, build peace and achieve inclusive and sustainable development. Areas of special
sectoral focus include promoting peace and tolerance, police reforms, right to information, strong local
governments, climate change and mitigation, transparency in governance, democratic values, rule of law
and accountable governance in the country. At present CPDI is executing a five-year, USAID-funded
program locally titled ‘HumAhang (In Harmony).’
C. About HumAhang
Citizen Engagement Program - HumAhang (In Harmony) directly responds to USAID’s objectives of
strengthening the effectiveness of citizen-led interventions and improving government responsiveness to
citizens’ concerns to advance peace and social cohesion. Based on CPDI analysis of social change, political
economy considerations, adverse impacts of natural calamities like floods and conflict dynamics in South
Punjab and North Sindh, the program pathways and interventions are focused on:
a) Promotion of informed debates, dialogues, and discussions about disaster management and to
counter narratives that cause intolerance in society, especially involving journalists, media houses
and young men/ women from diverse urban/ rural communities.
b) Enhancing quality of research, including about social trends, impact of recent floods on inter-
communal relations, and conflicts, to inform policies and civil society engagement.
c) Engaging legislatures and relevant executive bodies for effective policies, laws, and oversight for
effective disaster management and to advance peace and social cohesion,
d) Facilitating civil society/citizens’ engagement with journalists, legislatures, and government
institutions to discuss challenges, and collectively find ways to address perception of alienation,
discrimination, or exclusion.
e) Extension of technical support for strengthening government policies and legislative procedures
for sharing information, engaging citizens, receiving feedback and complaints, and to become more
responsive to disasters and address issues those causes intolerance in society.
f) Leveraging and building upon the existing resources within communities (e.g. local knowledge;
individuals respected across communities) that could help in improving inter- community
relations by managing/ resolving differences;
g) Developing and promoting ideas and disseminating facts that help in more effective disaster
management, strengthening counter narratives and mobilizing public support for peace and social
h) Enabling young leaders to effectively engage authorities for promoting transparency and
effectiveness of relief/ rehabilitation work in flood affected areas, especially for women and
marginalized communities, and mitigating risks of alienation and social conflicts.

Interested organizations are required to develop grant application (Using the template provided as Annex
-A) as complete proposal, for completing the scope of work, as given below.
Scope 4: Dialogues among key stakeholders

Activity Title: Dialogues among key stakeholders to set agenda for ‘local and district level government
responsiveness’ on disaster mitigation, flood programing and peacebuilding.

Rationale: HumAhang conducted a rapid assessment in program target districts, and one key learning
was that for effective promotion of peacebuilding and disaster response and management, community,
and citizen groups such as community leaders, youth, women, religious leaders, and civil society
organizations must engage with government institutions. However, there is a gap that needs to be filled
with meaningful dialogue amongst these stakeholders that articulates and addresses the needs of local
communities for social cohesion in South Punjab, while addressing the needs and vulnerabilities of
communities in North Sindh regarding floods and climate change.

Consequently, HumAhang plans to develop a common agenda for peacebuilding and disaster response,
mitigation, and management, by holding a series of dialogues amongst stakeholders at the community,
district, and regional levels. This common agenda, after discussions at the grassroots level, will be shared
with provincial governments at a later stage.

This intervention will take place in the districts of Multan, and Muzaffargarh in South Punjab, and Sukkur,
Shikarpur, and Khairpur districts in Northern Sindh.

Activities/Deliverables: The recipient of the grant under this scope (the sub-grantee) is required to
complete the following deliverables and has to design the full proposal using the provided template.

South Punjab:

1. Development of selection criteria for dialogue participants, including but not limited to
community leaders and influentials, religious leaders, youth, women, persons with disabilities, civil
society organizations.
2. Select and invite the participants as per criteria in consultation with HumAhang.
3. Two Dialogues amongst selected participants from diverse communities, aimed at developing
mutual understanding on the causes of extremism, radicalism, its effect on society, and preventive
measures (100 individuals total, 50 individuals per activity – one dialogue per district)
4. One Dialogue amongst selected participants, to develop a common PVE agenda for engagement
with local government institutions in South Punjab (50 individuals for this activity)
5. One dialogue conducted, engaging local government representatives and selected community
participants (LG, District/Division Level), to share a common agenda for prevention of radicalism
and extremism. (50 individuals for this activity)
6. Documentation and analyses of generated outcomes from four events in a qualitative report with
a draft agenda (to be presented to the provincial government) set to improve government

North Sindh:
1. Development of selection criteria of dialogue participants, including but not limited to community
leaders and influentials, religious leaders, youth, women, persons with disabilities, civil society
2. Select and invite the participants as per criteria in consultation with HumAhang.
3. One Dialogue conducted amongst selected participants to develop disaster mitigation agenda for
engagement with government institutions. (50 individuals for this activity)
4. One Dialogue amongst selected participants to share the developed agenda along with issues and
challenges of DRR, with the authorities of local, district or divisional-level departments. (50
individuals for this activity)
5. Documentation of all the preceding two dialogues and analyze the generated information as a
qualitative report with a list of issues, challenges, and demands of the DRR sector in North Sindh,
to be shared with the provincial government for effective government response.

Intermediate Results:

 Four dialogues conducted in South Punjab that improved mutual understanding on PVE and
developed the common agenda.
 List of issues and demands from the community shared through a developed PVE common
agenda with Southern Punjab local government.
 Two dialogues conducted in North Sindh resulted improved mutual understanding on DRR and
developed a common agenda for government responsiveness.
 List of issues and demands from the community shared through a developed DRR common
agenda with Northern Sindh local government.

Target Districts:
• Muzaffargarh, Multan in South Punjab
• Sukkur, Shikarpur, Khairpur in North Sindh.

Target Groups:
• 200 local community / social leaders / government officials, in South Punjab, and relevant local
government officials.
• 100 local community / social leaders / government officials, in North Sindh, and relevant local
government officials.
• At least 35% of all participants need to be female.
• At least 5% of all participants need to be persons with disabilities.
The implementing partner will endeavor to ensure representation of all sects and religions within
the activity.

Duration: Four months

Budget ceiling: PKR 4,050,000.


Applications will be evaluated by the HumAhang Grant Review Committee (GRC), based on the
following criteria.

Evaluation Criteria Points Weightage

1- Technical Aspect 30
55 % Approx
2- Financial Aspect 20
3-Organization Capacity/Similar work experience 40 45 % Approx


The CSOs / NGOs, meeting following criteria are eligible to apply for the HumAhang grant.
• Organization registered under relevant law and working as CSO.
• In operation for at least two years.
• Must have presence in HumAhang program’s target districts.
• Accounts with audit reports for last two years.
• Existence and implementation of basic policies like HR, Procurement, financial management
• Organizations working with gender equality and inclusive approach for vulnerable groups.
• Women-led organizations are encouraged to apply (not mandatory).

Note 1: On a case-by-case bases, HumAhang will assess the organizational capacity prior to grant
award, through due diligence / pre-award assessment.

Note 2: Prior to receiving a grant, successful applicants/organizations will sign the following
certifications, as part of the grant award document.
1. Certification regarding debarment and suspension
2. Certificate regarding lobbying
3. Certification regarding terrorist financing
4. Certification on narcotics offenses and drug trafficking
5. Certification of compliance with Laws and The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
6. Certification of compliance with CPDI’s statement on protection from sexual exploitation and
abuse (PSEA).


• Gender and social inclusion: Grants will factor in social inclusion of different segments of the
societies; comprising PWDs, ethnic minorities, transgender persons; ensuring one third
participation of women in all grant activities and promoting principles of secure work
environment for all genders and socially excluded groups.

• Exclusive cost/activities: The below activities, will not be entertained or approved if proposed
by applicants:
o To co-fund an activity / intervention, already supported through another fund.
o Support to government offices / public institutions for the goods and services.
o Capital expenditures include construction activities or buying property.
o Activities related to lobbying on behalf of a particular political party.
o Purchase of vehicles for project use.
o Abroad trips and/or international air travel.
o Major construction of infrastructure
o Staff fringe benefits and management fees.
• Organizational Learning/Capacity Building Outcome: Organizations must include a
Learning/Capacity Building outcome(s) in the grant application, that focuses on their own
performance improvement priorities. This outcome indicator will be measured as a key
component of any award, and HumAhang may provide support (where relevant) for the
organization to achieve this outcome.

• Authority / governing regulations: HumAhang grants to non-U.S. organizations adhere to

guidance provided under USAID’s Advanced Directive System (ADS), Chapter 303, “Grants and
Cooperative Agreements to Non-Governmental Organizations,” and within the terms of the
USAID Standard Provisions applicable to Non-U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations. These
provisions can also be accessed through the USAID external website at

• Please note that USAID may, at its sole discretion, supersede any decision, act or omission taken
by HumAhang, with respect to any grant. Under the HumAhang program, USAID retains the
right at all times to (i) dictate a different decision with respect to the award or administration of
any grant; (ii) rectify an omission by HumAhang with respect to the award or administration of
any grant; (iii) take over the administration of any grant awarded hereunder; and/or (iv) terminate,
in whole or in part, HumAhang grant-making authorities.
• All grants will be negotiated, denominated, and funded in Pakistani rupees. Payments will be made
on a reimbursement basis in tranches corresponding to achievement of milestones approved in
the grant award. In exceptional cases, payment could be on a periodic liquidation basis, subject
to decision by HumAhang based on applicant’s organizational capability to manage grant funds.

• All costs funded by the grant must be allowable, allocable, and reasonable in accordance with the
terms of the grant, defined as follows:
o Allowable: Shall mean those costs that conform to any limitations in the Grant.
o Allocable: Shall mean those costs that are incurred specifically for achieving programmatic
Grant Milestones.
o Reasonable: Shall mean those costs which are generally recognized as ordinary and necessary
and would be incurred by the Grantee in the conduct of normal business.

• Only short-listed organizations whose grant application(s) will pass through the GRC review
stage, will be contacted for a due diligence process for capacity assessment by the HumAhang.
Based on the capacity needs of potential grantees, HumAhang will conduct relevant training and
provide support to selected grantees.


o CPDI is announcing multiple calls, in parallel during this grant cycle. CSOs/NGOs/interested
organizations are allowed to apply for more than on call, with one grant application for each call.
However, one organization will be considered for one grant award, only.
o To develop the grant proposal, use the provided template and follow the word limit. The grant
narrative application on given format shall not be more than fifteen pages and shall be annexed
with the (i) item-wise budget, with notes (ii) milestone schedule, and (iii) work plan. Applications
that are not submitted according to the formats requested and in accordance with the instruction
in this RFA will be considered as non-responsive and will be disqualified.
o HumAhang is following USAID’s FAA (Fixed Amount Award) modality, so applicant organizations
are required to submit the milestone schedule with cost of each milestone. To develop this matrix
club/merge two-three activities to make one deliverable/milestone. The total cost of the
milestone(s) schedule shall be equal to the total cost of the item-wise budget.
o CSOs/NGOs Organizations cannot sub-contract with other entities and cannot sublet any part
of grant activities.

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