OPHTHA - Review Quiz
OPHTHA - Review Quiz
OPHTHA - Review Quiz
Dr. Torres
January 30, 2021
1. A patient is suffering from a blind painful eye because ● farsighted
of increased intraocular pressure. To alleviate the ● The focus is behind the retina when looking at a
symptoms, you must destroy this structure of the eye distant object
to decrease aqueous production. ○ so when you move an object nearer, the
Ciliary body focus moves further back
● There is excessive accommodative demands for
2. A 49-year-old has difficulty seeing near objects but the hyperopes to see clearly.
can clearly see objects at a distance. This may be due ● Refractively weak- uses Convex or plus lens - pulls
to? it forward
Presbyopia ● Eye strains after prolonged near work
14. What examination should be employed to detect the 21. A patient underwent cataract extraction, however the
surface topography of the cornea? IOL used was under… become?
15. Characteristics of indirect ophthalmoscopy 22. Visual phenomenon that occurs when there is traction
VISUALIZATION UP TO ORA SERRATA of vitreous on the retina
* ORA SERRATA - the anterior most border of the retina
23. This condition requires prompt referral to an
LAYERS OF THE TEAR FILM 29. What constitutes the outer blood retinal barrier?
● Located at the top most to prevent evaporation 30. Which of the following does not contribute to corneal
● Secreted by the meibomian glands and the nutrition?
glands of Zeis O2 FROM ATMOSPHERE
40. The Jaeger chart is used to test for 49. Reduces aqueous humor secretion by destroying a
Distance vision portion of ciliary body
Intermediate vision Trabeculoplasty
Near vision Gonioplasty
Peripheral vision Trabeculectomy
52. The presence of an intumescent cataractous lens 65. in nasolacrimal duct obstruction, which part of the
causing secondary angle closure glaucoma lacrimal system is most commonly included?
Phacolytic glaucoma canaliculus sac junction
Phacoanaphylaxis sac-duct junction
Phacomorphic glaucoma valve of hasner
Exfoliation syndrome ampulla
53. A unilateral inflammatory open angle glaucoma 66. which eyelid tumor is least likely to metastasize?
characterized by a lighter iris color At the affected eye due BCCA
to loss of iris pigments
Phacoanaphylaxis 67. what structure serves as the skeleton of the eyelid?
Ghost cell glaucoma tarsus
Fuchs heterochromic Iridocyclitis
Posnner-Schlossman syndrome 68,The most common intraocular malignancy in childhood
54. Infection involving the contents of the eyeball
Endophthalmitis 69. Band Keratopathy is commonly seen in
Phthisis bulbi Hypercalcemia
Panuveitis Herpes simplex keratitis
Panophthalmitis Congenital cataract
55. Clumps of macrophages on the iris surface away from
the pupil Band keratopathy- Calcium deposition in Bowman’s
Glaucomflecken capsule
Bussaca nodule *doc skipped this question
Koeppe nodules
Keratitic precipitates 70 A full term 6 month old boy presents with bilateral
leukocoria, consideration is:
56. Chlamydial conjunctivitis is characterized by the Congenital cataract
following PHPV, ROP
Basophilic inclusion bodies with epithelial cells Toxocara endophtalmitis
Causes lymphogranuloma venereum Retinoblastoma, Coat’s, congenital cataract, ROP
Causes trachoma *doc skipped this question
Gram negative diplococcus
71. Intraocular calcification on CT is highly diagnostic of:
57. This is not a characteristic of acanthamoeba keratitis *doc skipped this question
due to protozoa found in soil and fresh water
lesion with irregular feathery margins 72. A 10 year old boy comes in for blurred vision and a
associated with contact lens wear “white pupil” on the involved right eye. The family owns a
proctrated, progressive course pet shop and has a history of pica. Consider:
Toxocara endophthalmitis
58. This is not true of traumatic hypema *doc skipped this question
may give aspirin containing products
can cause secondary glaucoma 73. Congenital cataract, deafness, congenital heart
corneal blood staining is a major concern in rebleeds disease are features of:
patient should be on moderate restriction of physical Steroid induced
activity Galactosemia
Lactose free food only
59. This is not a treatment options for chronic dry eye Rubella syndrome
topical antivirals *doc skipped this question
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d. Contains the rhodopsin
74.Ring scotoma, nyctalopia: Is supplied by the central retinal vessels
Marfan’s syndrome
Temporal arteritis
91. Which of the following conditions need systemic
Retinitis pigmentosa antibiotics as a mode of treatment?
a. Chalazion
75. Uveitis, Cataract, band keratopathy triad b. Allergic conjunctivitis
Juvenile RA c. Gonococcal conjunctivitis
d. Fungal Keratitis
76. “oil droplet” cataract seen in: Chlamydia and gonococcal conjunctivitis are the only two
which need systemic antibiotics.
77. The most common cause of proptosis in adults:
Grave’s Disease 92. Trachoma is related to which organism?
a. Streptococcus
78.”salt and pepper” diffuse chorioretinitis is commonly b. Neisseria
seen in c. Chlamydia
Syphilis d. Staphylococcus
79. True regarding CRVO
a) Box car appearance of retinal arteries 93. What is the immediate mode of defense against
b) Cherry red spot chemical burn to the eye
c) Associated with amaurosis fugax a. Antibiotic drops
d) Ischemic type related to development of b. Steroid drops
neovascular glaucoma c. Copious irrigation
d. Debridement
80. 55y old diabetic for 15 years comes in for sudden
painless visual deterioration of right eye. Consider: Base injury is worse than acid because chemical injury
a) Vitreous hemorrhage due to acid precipitates proteins, these precipitated
b) Macular edema, Cataracts proteins prevent further penetration of acid. Base doesn't
c) Cataract block.
d) EOR, Cataract, diabetic macular edema
94. A patient developed blurring of vision with injury to
81. True regarding diabetics
vessels of peripheral iris or anterior ciliary body after being
Good glycemic index is the modifiable risk factor
hit by the shuttle cock while playing badminton.
82. Chloroquine use in malaria is associated with Examination showed blood in the anterior chamber. Most
Bulls eye maculopathy likely diagnosis is:
a. Hypopyon
83. Pupillary sparing ophthalmoplegia is associated with b. Hyphema
Diabetes c. Band Keratopathy
d. Cataract
84. Common among albinos
Macular hyperplasia
95. Major concern in patients with blood in the anterior
85. The patient comes in with herpes zoster ophthalmicus chamber after blunt traumatic injury is?
Best managed with topical steroids a. Inflammation
b. Infection
86. Fundoscopy reveals "bone spicule" pigmentary retinal c. Rebleeding
Retinitis pigmentosa - flat ERG confirms diagnosis d. Pain
Hyphema is an accumulation of blood in the anterior
87. Fundoscopic exam reveals "sunny side up" macular chamber of the eye. The vessels that bled to produce the
lesion hyphema remain fragile, and rebleeding is a significant
Advise EOG exam concern.