Unit 5 Unit Test V1

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Unit Test Unit 5

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[Track 06]

Listen to a conversa on about climate change. For ques ons 1-5 choose the correct op on.

1. The woman gives an example of extreme weather which occured in

A. Britain.
B. Canada.
C. the southern USA.
D. Mexico.

2. The speaker doesn't give an example of record-breaking

A. wet weather.
B. hot weather.
C. dry weather.
D. cold weather.

3. The speaker says climate change will lead to

A. more extreme weather all over the world.

B. increases in temperatures everywhere.
C. changes in the type of weather different places get.
D. richer countries becoming poorer.

4. One possible effect of global warming and changes to the Gulf Stream is that

A. Britain will become much warmer.

B. Britain will become much drier.
C. Britain's weather won't change.
D. Britain will become much we er.

5. The aim of the radio show is to

A. decide whether extreme weather events are more common nowadays.

B. cri cise people who do not believe that climate change is caused by humans.
C. discuss ways that governments can fight climate change.
D. listen to someone who has experienced extreme weather.


Complete the sentences with the missing phrasal verbs. Use the defini ons in brackets to help you.

Our group is made up (consists) of a number of experts who are passionate about the environment.

1. If temperatures con nue to rise, many types of plants will (disappear) in the near future.
2. Storms usually (disturb) the ocean water so much that a lot of rubbish washes onto the beaches.
3. If you (meet) with a dangerous in the wild, you should not approach or frighten it.
4. I'm amazed that you are able to (not wake up) such a violent storm. It was extremely loud!
5. I'm afraid a lot of our food will (become ro en) if we don't use it soon.


Translate the phrases in brackets. The first le ers have been given.

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We landed our boat on a (odległej wyspie) remote island and decided to camp there for a few days.

1. The (trąba) t is a very important organ for elephants. It's a combina on of the nose and the upper lip.

2. We've rented a small house for the weekend. It's in the middle of nowhere but it's got an Internet connec on
and (bieżącą wodę) r w .

3. A (panel słoneczny) s p on the roof is broken. I need to phone the company and ask them to replace it.

4. Scien sts are finding that the results of (zmiany klimatu) c c are quite difficult to predict.

5. It was so relaxing to float in my kayak on the (spokojne morze) c s .

GRAMMAR __ / 5

Complete the sentences with a, an, the or –.

Like most boys, I wanted to be a firefighter when I was a child.

1. Va can City is smallest country in the world – it's just 0.44 square kilometres.
2. Everyone hopes that the company will present innova ve gadget at its annual conference.
3. Scien sts predict that there will be even more natural disasters in 21st century.
4. I think that people living near the coast know how to protect their houses from the waves.
5. Liam wants to discuss an urgent issue with me, but he hasn't told me what issue is.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order of the words in brackets. Use no more than six

When I opened the drawer, I (come / old / book) came across an old book with beau ful pictures of exo c birds.

1. Having (small / breakfast / morning) , even if it is a bowl of cereal with milk, is

be er than going to school on an empty stomach.
2. I saw this bird species for the first me in Copenhagen, (I / work) as a zoo
3. For some experts, banning cars in city centers is the (best / solu on / to focus) .
4. His theory that aliens are already on earth is not an (idea / I / agree) .
5. Jonathan Sleek, (publish / five / guidebook) , is the new editor of the travel

WRITING __ / 10

Do the exam task.

Coraz częściej ludzie decydują się na wyjazd do egzotycznych miejsc, aby obserwować dzikie zwierzęta w ich naturalnym środowisku.
Napisz rozprawkę na ten temat, przedstawiając zalety i wady takiej formy wypoczynku.
Wypowiedź powinna liczyć od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi dotyczące formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

How many endangered species can be found in the Polish mountains? DANGER

1. The scien st found a perfect to study the behaviour of wild animals. LOCATE
2. When the tsunami warning sounded, the people began an immediate of the coastal town. EVACUATE
3. Unfortunately, most people ignore the no ces which say 'Do not the animals at the zoo.' FOOD
4. There is a serious of water in this area. SHORT
5. The islands of Hawaii were formed due to thousands of years of ac vity. VOLCANO

GRAMMAR __ / 5

Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

We were all surprised when John, who had never been interested in the environment, suddenly decided to become a Greenpeace ac vist.

1. The price of kale, is a vegetable similar to wild cabbage, has doubled over the last couple of years.
2. I've just watched a documentary about the Amazon by Zack Firth, was a good friend of mine at secondary school.
3. You can get to the island by ferry in about 10 minutes, is very convenient both for tourists and for the local popula on.
4. My neighbour, great-grandfather was a tribal chief, is keen to learn more about Na ve Americans.
5. A na onal newspaper has just chosen Solihull, I grew up, as the best place to live.

READING __ / 5

Read the text. Complete gaps 1-5 with missing sentences A-F. There is one extra sentence.

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Pollu on in many of the world's ci es is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air
quality was dangerously low on 58 days last year. The winter months are especially bad. (1) A / B / C / D / E / F There is also less wind to
blow the smog away. At this me of year, pollu on levels are some mes 20 mes higher than the WHO (World Health Organiza on)
considers safe. This causes illnesses and on the worst days old people and children are advised to stay indoors. Visibility is some mes so
bad that motorways have to close because of the danger of accidents.
In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing
watched the sunrise. (2) A / B / C / D / E / F The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While the smog and the
masks the people were wearing were real, the films of the sunrise were nothing unusual. The screens show adverts all the me. (3) A / B /
C / D / E / F The same advert is shown quite o en, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the
image would look and waited un l he got the photo he wanted.Although the news repor ng was inaccurate, it might have done something
to raise awareness of how bad the problem has become. Poli cians,too,havefinally decided that something must be done to reduce pollu on
The first idea is to reduce the amount of coal that people use. Factories will also be moved to areas further away from ci es. (4) A / B / C /
D / E / F In their place, greener and cleaner forms of transport will be encouraged.
Will these changes help? The Chinese know from experience that it is possible to improve air quality very quickly if necessary. Before the
2008 Olympic Games, pollu on in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to
reduce pollu on were used. (5) A / B / C / D / E / F To help with this, scien sts were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then,
things have got worse rather than be er but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. For the
people of Beijing and other large ci es this will make a huge difference to their lives.

A. These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air.
B. The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company.
C. These ideas should help to reduce pollu on in the future, which will improve health standards in major ci es.
D. This is the me of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes.
E. Another target is older, more pollu ng cars. The worst offenders will be banned.
F. However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens.

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