Cesys 2017 8321325
Cesys 2017 8321325
Cesys 2017 8321325
ABSTRACT- As the number of vehicles increasing day by This paper introduce an alarming and response system
day, accidents are also increasing rapidly. These accidents can for moving vehicle using ultrasonic ranging device (URD)
be due to false estimation of nearby vehicle, disturbance in which is a combination of a transmitter, a receiver and a
mind of driver or any reasons due to which driver can’t keep single processing device and a microcontroller. The system
focus on driving. So, not only the distance estimation of other calculates the minimum safety distance and alarm the driver
surrounding vehicle is required but also to take quick actions if distance is low. And if driver doesn’t slow down the
is necessary to avoid any kind of accidents. vehicle then the system will itself apply the brakes and slow
the vehicle.
This project is specifically based on the accident. This
system can measure the distance between the driving car and II. METHODOLOGY
front object and can calculate the safety distance of the driving
car based on current speed. If the driver doesn’t keep the The proposed method of Collision Detection and
minimum safety distance with front object, it will warn driver Avoidance System is mainly composed of distance
to slow down the speed of car to avoid collision. And if driver measurement of front object, calculating safety distance,
doesn’t slow down vehicle this system will automatically slow alarming driver and respond to driver’s action.
down and stop the car before collision could occur.
a) Distance Measurement using URD-
Keywords: Accidents; Measure distance; Safety distance; The distance between the sensor and the front object is
Warn; Avoid collision; automatically.
calculated by
Invention of automobiles was one of the greatest Where s is the distance, c is the velocity of sound and t
commercial achievements of mankind in the past century is the time of flight.
and has contributed in many ways to the growth of a nation.
However, we cannot ignore the fact that thousands of b) Safety Distance Calculation-
people lose their life or suffer life changing accidents due to The calculation of safety distance Ds is made by
vehicular collisions every year. Nearly 70% of highway following calculation:
traffic accidents are caused by not keeping braking safety
distance between moving cars [3]. According to the Center = + (1)
for Disease Control and Prevention, the cost caused by
automobile crash injuries was over 99 billion dollars. The
driver’s incorrect judgment for braking safety distance is Where
the main reason to cause traffic accident in highway traffic Ds: Minimum safety distance
system. g: gravity
v: vehicle’s current speed
Road accidents are now globally recognized as a serious μ: friction factor
public health problem. The problem is much more serious tp-r: perception-reaction time
in our country where close to 5,00,000 road accidents
caused nearly 1,46,000 deaths and left more than thrice that c) Alarming the Driver-
number injured.
When the distance between front object and driving
Studies have shown that if the driver is alerted half a vehicle is less than the minimum safety distance, then a
second before a potential accident, this warning can reduce buzzer will alarm the driver indicating the possible
rear end accidents by 30%, road-related accidents by 50% collision.
and head-on crashes by 60% [2]. To ensure the driving
safety, every country had been studied on automobile anti- d) Response to Driver’s Action-
collision technology in recent years. The passive safety If driver slow down the vehicle and increase the distance
system played a main role in the past and the active systems between front object and driving vehicle then it is okay. But
so-called advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) will if driver doesn’t take any action within t1 time (1.5 sec)
become more and more important as a major part in after the alarm is indicated, then the system will
innovations for vehicles [3]. The distance detection and automatically slow down the vehicle until the distance
braking safety distance calculation are the most important between these two is over the minimum safety distance and
technologies we need in ADAS [3]. if not then will completely stop the vehicle.
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[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braking_distance