Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Paper 3 Social Inequality and Opportunity October/November 2018
3 hours
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* 1 5 6 7 2 2 1 5 8 5 *
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Section A: Education
1 (a) Explain how labelling may influence which pupils succeed in school. [9]
(b) ‘The education system favours middle class students more than working class students.’
Assess this view. [16]
2 (a) Explain how male pupils may be disadvantaged by processes within schools. [9]
(b) ‘What is taught in schools reflects the interests of the powerful.’ Assess this view. [16]
3 (a) Explain the difficulties in measuring the extent of poverty in developing societies. [9]
(b) ‘The impact of globalisation on developing societies has been exaggerated.’ Assess this view.
4 (a) Explain the cultural factors that may be used in defining development. [9]
(b) ‘Free market competition is the only way to achieve economic growth in developing societies.’
Assess this view. [16]
Section C: Media
(b) ‘Watching violent media causes violent behaviour.’ Assess this view. [16]
(b) ‘The new media limit the power of governments to control individuals.’ Assess this view. [16]
Section D: Religion
7 (a) Explain the evidence that religion has lost its social significance. [9]
(b) ‘Disenchantment with established religious organisations has led to the growth of new
religious movements in modern industrial societies.’ Assess this view. [16]
8 (a) Explain why religious participation is higher among women than men in many societies. [9]
(b) ‘The main role of religion is to promote social solidarity.’ Assess this view. [16]
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