Preboard 4 Practical Problem 1

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PRACTICAL PROBLEM 12. Yoke and base are made of strong, dependable 24.

base are made of strong, dependable 24. It is a plastic rasin that can be heated and
1. A variation of pipe wrench with a swiveling iron. It has hardened ally steel jaws and reformed repeatedly with little or no degradation
serrated jaw and knurled control knob located convenient pipe rest and bender in physical characteristics.
between the frame forming the head and the a. Bench Strainer Wrench a. PB
handled of the wrench? b. Portable tristand Chain Vise b. Thermoplastic
a. Pipe Wrench c. Bench Yoke Vise c. PE
b. Stillson wrench d. Bench Chain Vise d. Thermosetting
c. Rap Wrench 13. Is a three dimensional drawing in the plumbing 25. CPVC Pipe and fitting are ___ colored
d. End Pipe Wrench system thermoplastic materials specially formulated to
2. A unique type of pipe wrench in which turning a. Exterior Elevation drawing withstand higher temperatures than other plastic.
force applied is multiplied. The principle of lever b. Schematic Piping Lay-out a. White
action in a simple machine had been applied in c. Isometric Drawing b. Black
this type of patented plumbing tools d. Plot Plan c. Blue
a. End Pipe Wrench 14. Is an adjustable cast iron box that is flash with d. Cream
b. Pipe wrench finished grade and its capped with removable iron 26. Is a person who has completed apprenticeship
c. Compound leverage Wrench cover training in a trade and skilled in a particular field.
d. Stillson Wrench a. Stop cock a. Apprentice
3. It is individual or company responsible for the b. Stop box b. Journeymen
performance of the construction work c. Corporation cock c. Superintendent
a. Superintendent d. None of the above d. Estimator
b. Contractor 15. Is a fitting or device that, when properly vented, 27. ANSI stands for
c. Apprentice provides a liquid seal to prevent the emission of a. American National Standard Institute
d. Journeymen sewer gasses. b. American National Standard Institute
4. CISP stand for a. Fixture traps c. Association for national Standard Institute
a. Cast Iron and Steel Institute b. Cleanout d. None of the Above
b. I don’t Know c. Stack 28. NAMPAP stands for
c. None of the Choices d. Chase a. National Master Plumbing Association of the
d. Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 16. Is the drainage pipe that extends from the trap of Philippines
5. It is a scaled view that shows the shape and size a fixture to the junction to the junction of the b. National Master Plumbers Association of the
of the exterior walls and the roof of the building next drainage pipe. Philippines
a. Section Drawing a. Fixture drain c. New Master Plumbing Association of the
b. Detail Drawing b. Horizontal branch Philippines
c. Plot Plan c. Building drain branch d. None of the Above
d. Exterior Elevation Drawing d. Sanitary sewer 29. Is a civil drawing that shaped and size of the
6. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet 17. To boost the water pressure of hot water, use building lot and the location on the building lot
for shower stall a. Elevated water tank a. Plot plan
a. ¾ b. Hydroelectric water tank b. Exterior Elevation Drawing
b. ½ c. Gravity tank c. Schematic Piping Layout
c. 1 d. Circulating tank d. Isometric Drawing
d. ¼ 18. Stainless steel plumbing fixture are manufactured 30. Is a valve installed on water service to turn on or
7. The effective thread length of a 3” diameter based on standard set by the organization off the flow of potable water in the building
screwed steel pipe is a. F.S. a. Stop box
a. 1 3/8” b. U.L. b. Curb Cock
b. 1 ½” c. PDI c. Corporation Cock
c. 1 ¾” d. CS and PS d. Stop Cock
d. 1 5/8” 19. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes used for drain 31. Is a pipe that conveys the discharge of water
8. The recommended hot water supply to a hotel waste vent (DWV) are manufactured based on closet other similar fixtures containing local
lavatory (private) standard set by this organization matter with or without the discharge of other
a. 4 a. AWWA fixtures.
b. 2 b. ANSI a. Waste Pipe
c. 6 c. ASTM b. Soil Pipe
d. 5 20. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet c. Sanitary Pipe
9. A type of wrench having a heavy sprocket chain for urinal stall d. Water Pipe
that is slipped around a pipe and then attached to a. ¾” 32. Is a pipe that ventilates the drainage system of
the wrench handled. It is used on piping work b. ½” the building
especially large size pipe metal pipes and in areas c. 1” a. Soil Pipes
that is not easily accessible. d. ¼” b. Vent Pipes
a. Chain wrench 21. Is a pipe that conveys rainwater from the roof to c. Waste Pipe
b. Compound Leverage wrench the storm drain d. All of the Above
c. Offset pipe Wrench a. Combination 33. Is an eye and face protection device that covers
d. Adjustable Spud Wrench b. Rainwater leader the entire face with a plastic shield
10. A wrench with hexagonal jaw which is multisided, c. Sanitary pipe a. Face Shield
used to provide secure grip on all hexagonal nuts, d. Waste pipe b. Goggles
square nuts, unions and valve packing nuts. The 22. It is a type of ladder that stands independently of c. Shield
extra-wide opening offset is ideal for securing support d. Mask
drain nut on sticks and tubs. a. Extension ladder 34. Is a temporary wiring used to supply power to
a. Internal wrench b. Stepladder portable electric tools and equipment
b. Compound leverage wrench c. Scaffolds a. AC/DC regulator
c. Offset pipe wrench d. Fixed ladder b. Extension Cord
d. Hex wrench 23. Class ____ fire extinguishers are identified by the c. Wiring Line
11. A tool used to tighten the nut that secure the color green inside a triangle d. All of the Above
basket to the sink a. Class K 35. Is securing equipment or materials preparation
a. Basket Strainer wrench b. Class A for lifting by means of rope, chain or web sling
b. Closet Wrench c. Class B a. Rigging
c. Valve seat tool d. Class C b. Locking
d. Closet Wrench c. Securing
d. All of the Above

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