4.00 Practical Problems Series Two

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1. Which of the following is considered a plumbing d.

25 mm
a. Gate valve 10. Which of the following plastic or synthetic pipes is a
b. Faucet flexible type of pipe?
c. Water meter a. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)
d. Floor drain b. Polybutylene (PB)
c. Polypropylene (PP)
2. The following are ways of preventing backflow d. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
EXCEPT ______.
a. Backpressure 11. The abbreviation IPS stands for
b. Air gap a. internal pipe size
c. Backwater valve b. individual plumbing system
d. Check valve c. international piping system
d. iron pipe size
3. How many drinking fountain may be required in a
theatre having an occupant load of 600? 12. Calculate the velocity of wastewater flowing through
a. 2 a pipe having a cross sectional area of 2 cm 2 and a
b. 4 discharge rate of 8 cm 3/sec.
c. 6 a. 4 cm/sec
d. 8 b. 6 cm/sec
c. 8 cm/sec
4. Identify the type of pump shown below. This type of d. 16 cm/sec
pump contains an impeller mounted on a rotating
shaft. The rotating impeller increases the water’s 13. What characteristic best describes a plastic or
velocity while forcing the water into a casing, thus synthetic pipe?
converting the water’s velocity into higher pressure. a. Low resistance to fluid flow
a. Reciprocating pump b. Ease of assembly
b. Rotary pump c. Hot and cold water system application
c. Submersible pump d. All of these
d. Centrifugal pump
14. What do you call a type of wrench used in No-Hub
5. Which of the following fixture traps is classified as plumbing installation; it is used to ensure a tight, leak-
permissible trap? free joint?
a. Full S-trap a. Allen wrench
b. P-trap b. Valve seal tool
c. Bell trap c. Strap wrench
d. Mechanically sealed trap d. Torque wrench

6. Which of the following situations/locations do not 15. Which tool is recommended for removing and
require a cleanout? assembling lavatory fittings?
a. At the upper end of every horizontal soil and waste a. Monkey wrench
branch b. Basin wrench
b. At every branch interval along the stack c. Crescent wrench
c. Any horizontal soil pipe less than 15 meters d. Spud wrench
d. At the base of every soil stack
16. A tool used to make watertight joints between flexible
7. A fixture having a drainage fixture unit (dfu) value of 6 copper tubing and fitting or valve. Identify the said
fu has a discharge rate of ______. plumbing tool given the drawing below.
a. 2 cu ft/ min a. Flaring tool
b. 4 cu ft/ min b. Pipe vise
c. 6 cu ft/ min c. Yoke vise
d. 8 cu ft/ min d. Pipe extractor

8. Identify the plumbing fitting shown below. This water 17. A term used to describe the installation of fixtures or
supply fitting type is used to change direction and both parts of the plumbing system which can be completed
ends are internally threaded. prior to the installation of fixtures or finishing.
a. Coupling a. Pipelaying
b. Union b. Plumbing assembly
c. Elbow c. Roughing-in
d. Straight tee d. Hock-up installtion
9. What is the minimum fixture supply pipe size of a
lavatory? 18. The following are examples of sanitary wares
a. 10 mm EXCEPT _______.
b. 13 mm a. Kitchen sink
c. 19 mm b. Bathtub
c. Urinal 27. What is the recommended slope percentage of
d. Water closet horizontal drainage pipe as provided in the code?
a. 1 %
19. What is the other word for plumber’s friend? b. 2 %
a. Plumbing apprentice c. 3 %
b. Force cup d. 4 %
c. Journeyman
d. Pipefitter 28. An upright wye combination is a kind of _______?
a. fixture
20. Which among the plumbing practices is prohibited b. tool
under the code? c. pipe
a. Double trapping a fixture d. fitting
b. Providing a vent pipe to a fixture
c. Using fittings to connect pipes instead of bending 29. Identify the illustration bellow.
d. Providing an air gap or air break between the outlet a. Coupling
and the flood level rim of a fixture b. Nipple
c. Union patente
21. Which plumbing principle is contrary to established d. socket
principles as stipulated in the National Plumbing
Code? 30. In a trap, what do you call the vertical distance
a. Water closet shall be located in a properly lighted between the top dip and crown weir?
and ventilated room a. Overflow
b. Plumbing system shall be maintained in a sanitary b. Invert
and serviceable condition c. Crown
c. Vent terminal shall not extend above the roof d. Trap seal
d. Fixture directly connected to the plumbing system
shall be equipped with a water-sealed trap 31. What testing method is most recommended for
sanitary piping system?
22. A bidet is a plumbing fixture used for washing a. Air pressure test
_______. b. Smoke test
a. the body c. Water pressure test
b. the face d. Hydrostatic test
c. external genitalia
d. the feet 32. What is the minimum fixture drain size of a wash
23. How many cubic inches are there in a cubic foot? a. 25 mm
a. 144 cu in b. 32 mm
b. 1235 cu in c. 38 mm
c. 1500 cu in d. 50 mm
d. 1728 cu in
33. Storm water refers to _______.
24. What do you call that portion of the drainage system a. rainwater, surface run-off
which cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer? b. liquid-plus-human waste
It requires the use of a sump pump installed in a sump c. waste from laundry, sink, etc.
pit where wastewater is collected and drained into the d. domestic sewage
sewer line using the sump pump.
a. Building sewer 34. Which of the following items is used to achieve
b. Building subdrain change in direction?
c. Building drain a. Pipe
d. Subsoil drain b. Fitting
c. Fixture
25. All plumbing fixtures listed below are included under d. Appurtenance
the definition of a plumbing unit EXCEPT _______.
a. water meter 35. Which fitting or fitting combination is best used at the
b. lavatory base of a soil or waste stack?
c. water closet a. Short sweep, ¼ bend
d. urinal b. ¼ bend
c. 2-1/8 bend
26. Which in the list is considered the most efficient type d. Wye branch and 1/8 bend
of venting system?
a. Combination waste and vent 36. Which of the following items does not directly affect
b. Wet vent the size of a sanitary drainage pipe?
c. Individual vent a. Type and number of fixtures
d. Group vent b. Fixture unit value of fixtures
c. Brand name of piping material
d. Slope of drain a. Thermoplastic plastic
b. Thermoset plastic
37. Every exposed trap must _______. c. Rubber-based plastic
a. be self-cleaning d. None of the above
b. have inadequate trap seal in order to cause trap
seal loss 47. The flow of water in a pipe is affected by the following
c. not provided with a removable cleanout plug condition/s ____________.
d. not able to retain large amount of waste water a. Size of pipe
b. Number of turns or changes in direction of pipes
38. Which of the following is NOT a sanitary drainage c. Internal surface condition of pipes
fitting? d. All of these
a. Wye branch
b. Nipple 48. A cubic foot of water has a weight equivalent to
c. Tapped tee ______.
d. Upright wye a. 62.4 lbs
b. 100 lbs
39. Which of the following materials is NOT c. 150 lbs
recommended for water supply system application? d. none of these
a. Concrete pipe
b. Brass pipe 49. Identify the plumbing tool shown below. This is used
c. Plastic pipe to extract pipes 1 through 2 inches nipples.
d. Galvanized steel pipe a. Spud wrench
b. Internal wrench
40. Identify the kind of trap shown below. This type of trap c. Monkey wrench
is considered objectionable. d. Stillson wrench
a. Anti-siphon trap
b. Drum trap 50. Identify the type of plumbing valve shown below.
c. Bell trap a. Ball valve
d. Funnel trap b. Globe valve
c. Butterfly valve
41. The following are the types of copper pipe EXCEPT d. Gate valve
a. Type K 51. The following are ways in which water seal in a trap
b. Type L may be lost EXCEPT ________.
c. Type M a. Tuberculation
d. Type N b. Siphonage
c. Backpressure
42. What do you call the supply pipe between the fixture d. Capillary action
supply pipe and the water distributing pipe?
a. Fixture branch 52. Choose from the list the best type of sewage disposal
b. Fixture supply system.
c. Water service pipe a. Seepage pit
d. Building supply pipe b. Privy
c. Septic tank
43. Identify the type of ventilation system used in the d. Cesspool
illustration below.
a. Unit vent 53. What is the minimum required flow pressure for a
b. Individual vent water closet equipped with a flushometer valve?
c. Circuit vent a. 8 psi
d. Yoke vent b. 10 psi
c. 15 psi
44. An insanity type of water closet. What is it? d. 25 psi
a. Hooper type
b. Plunger type 54. Calculate the volume of a cylindrical tank having a
c. Pan type diameter of 1 meter and a length of 2 meters.
d. All of these a. 1.57 cu m
b. 1.75 cu m
45. Which of the following is NOT a type of flushing c. 2.15 cu m
design action of a water closet? d. 3.51 cu m
a. Siphon jet
b. Siphon vortex 55. The abbreviation DWV stands for __________.
c. Reverse trap a. Drain, waste and vent
d. Blowoff b. Drain, water and vent
c. Drainage waste velocity
46. Plastic pipes are manufactured from________. d. Drainpipe waste volume
56. Which of the following is NOT a part of a typical trap? a. Water closet
a. Dip b. Washing machine
b. Trap seal c. Swimming pool
c. Bottom dip d. Floor drain
d. Flood level rim
67. Which of the following joint types is commonly used
57. The following are types of filtration process for water on galvanized steel pipe?
EXCEPT _________. a. Screwed joint
a. Slow sand b. Flange joint
b. Pressure sand c. Welded joint
c. Distillation d. Solvent cement welded joint
d. Diatomaceous earth
68. What material property characterizes cast iron pipe?
58. An objectionable type of trap. a. Ductility
a. Full S trap b. Malleability
b. Bag trap c. Brittleness
c. Metal partition trap d. Flexibility
d. All of these
69. What do you call a type of backflow preventing device
59. What is the other word for toilet? is used on water supply system?
a. Water closet a. Gate valve
b. Urinal b. Backwater valve
c. Lavatory c. Check valve
d. Kitchen sink d. Float valve

60. Identify the plumbing tool. 70. As defined, a floor drain is considered a/an _______.
a. Torque wrench a. Fitting
b. Stillson wrench b. Fixture
c. Pipe wrench c. Tool
d. Monkey wrench d. Appurtenance

61. A ¼ bend is a fitting having an angle equivalent to 71. What is the volume of swimming pool with the
_____. following dimensions: depth = 5 ft., width = 50 ft. and
a. 30 degrees length = 100ft?
b. 45 degrees a. 187, 000 gals
c. 60 degrees b. 120, 000 gals
d. 90 degrees c. 105, 000 gals
d. 169, 000 gals
62. Where do you install a flushometer valve?
a. Urinal 72. Which of the following galvanized iron pipes is the
b. Lavatory heaviest?
c. Bath tub a. Schedule 10
d. Kitchen sink b. Schedule 40
c. Schedule 60
63. A pop-up waste can be found in a _________. d. Schedule 80
a. Water closet
b. Bathtub 73. Which of the following fixture group qualifies the
c. Lavatory definition of battery of fixtures?
d. Both b and c a. 2 lavatories, 2 urinals and 1 water closet
b. 3 lavatories and 2 water closets
64. DFU is an abbreviation used in sizing what part of the c. 5 water closets
plumbing system? d. 3 water closets, 1 lavatory and 1 floor drain
a. Water supply pipes
b. Sanitary drainage pipes 74. What is the unit weight of water?
c. Ventilation pipes a. 1000 kgs per cu meter
d. Storm drainage pipes b. 1500 kgs per cu meter
c. 2000 kgs per cu meter
65. The size of storm drainage system is dependent on d. 3000 kgs per cu meter
the following items or parameters EXCEPT ________.
a. rate of rainfall 75. What is the other word for vent stack?
b. slope of roof a. Stack vent
c. number of storm drainage pipes b. Main vent
d. brand of pipe c. Yoke vent
d. Sovent system
66. Which of the following is a plumbing appliance?
76. Identify this type of plumbing tool. It is used to a. Close-coupled
remove external and internal burrs resulting from b. High tank
cutting of pipes. c. Low profile
a. Pipe bender d. Medium tank
b. Torque wrench
c. Universal wrench 86. What tool is aptly used to remove or tighten the head
d. Combination reamer of a plug?
a. Basin wrench
77. Wastewater flushed out of water closet or urinal is b. Pipe wrench
known as _________. c. Crescent wrench
a. Grey water d. Tap
b. White water
c. Black water 87. This tool is used to cut external threads of a pipe.
d. Storm water What is it?
a. Pipe threader
78. The other name for hub. b. Tap
a. Bell c. Reamer
b. Spigot d. Hacksaw
c. Body
d. Sleeve 88. What is the correct order of valves or devices in a
water service and building supply system?
79. A horizontal pipe is a pipe that makes an angle of a. Check valve, gate valve, water meter
________. b. Water meter, check valve, gate valve
a. less than 45 degrees or less with the vertical c. Gate valve, check valve, water meter
b. 45 degrees with the vertical d. Gate valve, water meter, check valve
c. 45 degrees
d. less than 45 degrees with the horizontal 89. Which of the following materials is NOT used in
80. A kind of well dug with earth augers, are usually less a. Runner
than 30 meters (100 feet) deep. They are used when b. Oakum
the earth to be bored is boulder free and will not cave c. Lead
in. The diameter ranges from 2 to 30 inches. The well d. Flange
is lined with metal, vitrified tile or concrete. What is it?
a. Dug well 90. Galvanized steel pipes are generally measured by its
b. Bored well ___________.
c. Drilled well a. inside diameter
d. Well hole b. outside diameter
c. developed length
81. A typical compression type tap is generally made of d. number of threads
what kind of valve?
a. Gate valve 91. What type of vent system is used on a single fixture?
b. Check valve a. Revent
c. Globe valve b. Circuit vent
d. Stop and waste valve c. Yoke vent
d. Unit vent
82. The term stack applies to what type of pipe?
a. Soil 92. Which of the following is NOT a commercial size of a
b. Waste galvanized steel pipe?
c. Vent a. 2 ins
d. All of these b. 2 ¾ ins
c. 1 ½ ins
83. Identify the type of valve shown below. This is used d. 1 in
to prevent backflow in water supply system.
a. Check valve 93. What is the standard length of plastic or synthetic
b. Backwater valve pipe?
c. Gate valve a. 2000 mm
d. Butterfly valve b. 3000 mm
c. 4000 mm
84. What type of copper tube is the heaviest? d. 5000 mm
a. Type K
b. Type L 94. Using the equation, Q = AV, calculate the discharge
c. Type M rate of fluid inside a pipe having an inside diameter of
d. Type DWV 250 mm and a velocity of 5 m/s.
a. 0.565 m 3/ s
85. Which of the ff. is the earliest model of water closet? b. 0.825 m 3/ s
c. 0.1249 m 3/ s
d. 0.245 m 3/ s

95. Where do you connect a downspout?

a. septic tank
b. storm drain
c. cesspool
d. privy

96. Where do you use a crowfoot?

a. vent piping system
b. sanitary piping system
c. storm drainage system
d. water supply system

97. This type of venting system is connected at the drain

side of a trap. What is it?
a. Fixture vent
b. Yoke vent
c. Vapor vent
d. Wet vent

98. What type of PVC pipe is used on sanitary drainage

a. Series 1000
b. Series 2000
c. Series 3000
d. Series 4000

99. What type of vent is used in conjunction with loop

a. Individual vent
b. Circuit vent
c. Unit vent
d. Looped vent

100. A word synonymous with P-trap. What is it?

a. Full S trap
b. Gooseneck
c. Bell trap
d. Drum trap

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