Stories Round 2 - Grade 1 - The Arrogant Rose

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Once upon a time in

a land far far away,

there was a small but
dense forest. The
trees whispered to
one another and the
flowers pollinated
each other and all
the plants enjoyed being together as a forest. One day, one of the beautiful
days of spring between a cactus and a sunflower, a glowing seed started to
grow. This growing flower was a gorgeous rose with crimson petals.

Rosy: Hello, my name is Rosy.

Cactus: I’m Cactus. Nice to meet you.

The tree: Your petals are so beautiful, Rosy. I wish I had petals like yours.

Rosy: Thanks, but not everyone can be smart and beautiful and fragrant,
right? Hahhaahah

Rosy’s haughty response surprised everyone. She was such an arrogant

flower even though she had just bloomed.

Rosy: I am obviously the most beautiful flower here. Look at my shiny


Sunflower: There are lots of beautiful plants here, Rosy. You are just one of

Rosy: What? How dare you compare me with the prickly cactus. I am more
beautiful than him.

Cactus was very upset about what he heard and he could not say anything.
The tree: It’s not nice, what you said to the cactus, Rosy. And you have
thorns too.

Rosy: Actually, it’s not nice to compare a cactus with a beautiful rose like
me… ha.. What would you know about beauty? You don’t even bloom.

Neither the cactus, nor the sunflower or the trees could get used to Rosy’s
attitude because she was a flower that constantly praised herself. Days
passed and summer finally came. The sunflower was so happy with her
bright yellow face. She followed the sun’s rays all day long. Cactus, on the
other hand, drank the water he had stored throughout the winter and kept
himself vigorous and healthy all summer long. Even some tiny birds visited
the cactus to drink water. Other plants were not able to store water like
Cactus for this hot weather. And Rosy even began to wilt because of thirst.

Rosy: Will it ever rain here?

The tree: Winter has to come for it to rain, Rosy.

Rosy: But I am about to wither from this thirst. All my beauty is gone.

The tree: You can ask Cactus for help if you want.

Rosy saw the Cactus was happy to help other flowers, but she was too proud
to speak up because she always said bad words to him. However, when
another petal withered and fell from her head, she put her pride aside and
was willing to be embarrassed. She asked the Cactus for help.

Rosy: Hey Cactus, I’m sorry for the cruel words I sail to you and Pine Tree.
You are both beautiful and very useful plants for this forest. Can you help me

Cactus saw that Rosy was choosing to be humble and had put her arrogance
aside so he shared his water with her. She could feel life spring up inside her
once again and her bright petals spread out into the rays of the sun.
From that day on, Rosy learned not to judge her friends by their looks
because no matter how different we look from each other, each one of us is
designed with beauty and helpfulness.

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